The most delicious pancake recipe ever. Dough for pancakes in milk. Thin pancakes with milk Different pancakes

In today's article I will tell you how to cook pancakes with milk, water and kefir. Everyone knows about this delicacy since childhood, but the history of the origin of the dish remains a huge secret for many. I will lift the veil of secrecy and consider the history of the creation of pancakes at the end of the material.

How to cook pancakes with milk

Pancakes are an easy dish to make. Traditionally kneaded with sour cream, adding buckwheat flour. Some recipes call for the use of yeast dough.

It is not difficult to buy buckwheat flour, but it is poorly kneaded and has to be mixed with wheat flour in equal proportions. It takes several hours to prepare yeast dough.

Sour cream in traditional recipes is included unreasonably, since ready-made delicacies are very satisfying. And when you consider the fact that people eat them with sweet sauces, they become heavy and fatty foods.


Servings: 10

  • egg 2 pcs
  • flour 200 g
  • milk 500 ml
  • vegetable oil 30 ml
  • salt 2 g
  • sugar 5 g

per serving

Calories: 147 kcal

Proteins: 5.5 g

Fats: 6.8 g

Carbohydrates: 16 g

9 min. Video recipe Print

    Mix eggs, sugar and salt in a bowl. Two eggs are enough. If you take more eggs, the dough will turn out rubbery. Pour milk into a bowl with eggs and beat thoroughly with a mixer after mixing.

    Add the sifted flour little by little. This technique will saturate the flour with oxygen, thanks to which the pancakes will turn out with a delicate and soft structure. In the end, you will get a dough, the consistency of which resembles liquid sour cream.

    Some cooks add baking powder or baking soda. According to them, these ingredients enhance the quality of the finished dish. In my recipe, they are not provided, because they do not bring much effect.

    Lastly, add the oil and mix everything. The oil keeps the pancakes from sticking to the pan during baking, making it easier to flip and cook.

    Heat up the pan. Pour a little salt into the pan, and after darkening, remove with a napkin and add a little oil.

    Using a ladle, pour some of the batter into the skillet. Immediately, tilting the pan slightly to the sides, distribute evenly over the work surface. Literally after 2 minutes, turn the pancake over with a wooden spatula.

    After another 2 minutes, transfer to a plate. Bake all pancakes in the same way. Spread recommend on a dish greased with oil. Cover with a lid on top.

Now you know how to cook pancakes with milk. If you have the secrets of cooking, I will be happy to get acquainted with them. Leave them in the comments.

It is better to serve hot pancakes with berry syrup or thick sour cream.

How to cook pancakes on the water

Pancakes are a favorite treat for many people. Mistresses bake them according to recipes on kefir, milk, yogurt and water. I will consider the last option, telling you how to cook pancakes on the water.

Pancakes cooked on water are a simple and economical dish. It is perfect for people suffering from food allergies and beauties who are watching their figure and are afraid.


  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 750 ml.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 0.25 cups.
  • Soda, sugar, salt.


  • Pour half a glass of water into an enameled or glass dish, and then add eggs, salt, sugar and mix everything. You should get a mixture of a homogeneous consistency.
  • Pour flour into a bowl, gradually, stirring all the time. Try to make the dough homogeneous and without flour lumps.
  • Pour in warm water and stir. Take enough water so that the dough resembles liquid sour cream. Add some vegetable oil and mix.
  • Prepare a frying pan. For frying, a low cast-iron product with a comfortable handle is suitable. On such dishes it is convenient to evenly distribute the dough and turn the pancakes over. Grease a frying pan with oil and heat.
  • Pour the batter into the center of the pan with a spatula and spread evenly. The T-shaped stick will facilitate the task. Do it as quickly as possible, because it seizes instantly on a hot surface.
  • When the pancake is browned on one side, carefully flip it over with a knife or a special spatula. Put the finished pancakes on a plate, greasing with butter.

Videos cooking

Now you know well how to cook pancakes on the water. Using the recipe, you can easily prepare a treat. It remains to put sour cream or jam on the table, call the household and serve dessert.

How to cook pancakes on kefir

Continuing the topic of conversation, consider how to cook kefir pancakes. They are perfect for breakfast or dinner. Russian cuisine has always been famous for lush pancakes and fragrant pancakes. Let's remember the wonderful spring holiday -. On this day, pancakes are baked and carefully stacked in large piles.

The technology of preparation based on kefir does not differ from the classical method. The ingredients are combined in the correct sequence, the dough is kneaded and pancakes are baked. Ready pancakes can be stuffed. Most often, mushrooms, minced meat and other products are used. If you like thick pancakes, pay attention to cooking on kefir.

Surely you have already tried openwork pancakes, which are characterized by a wonderful taste and excellent appearance. Many cooks try to recreate the dish in the kitchen, but the attempts end in failure. I will reveal the secret of making such pancakes. Using the recipe, you will please the family with a "perforated" delicacy.


  • Kefir - 500 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 250 ml.
  • Flour - 300 g.
  • Soda, sugar, oil for frying.


  1. Warm the kefir on a gas stove or in the microwave.
  2. Break eggs into a bowl with kefir, add sugar along with soda and mix. If you do everything right, the liquid will begin to foam.
  3. Introduce the sifted flour in small portions. After mixing, you will get a dough that resembles sour cream in density.
  4. Add boiled milk. Thanks to milk, the dough will become more liquid.
  5. Fry the pancakes on a preheated and oiled frying pan on all sides until golden brown. Each pancake will be covered with holes. This is the merit of soda and kefir.

The finished dish goes well with jams, jams and condensed milk.

Video recipe

History of pancakes

Pancakes were invented by the Eastern Slavs, so they are considered a dish of Russian cuisine. Other versions do not agree with this opinion and are ready to challenge it.

According to the Chinese, the birthplace of pancakes is China. In reality, Chinese pancakes resemble ordinary flat cakes, and the recipe includes onions as part of the dough. There is another controversial opinion, according to which ancient Egypt is the birthplace of pancakes. But, the Egyptians used a different technology and ingredients.

On the territory of modern Russia, even before the formation of the state, people cooked pancakes for the holidays. With their help, sacrifices were made and fortune-telling was performed. Slavic cooking technology practically does not differ from the current version. The only exception is the filling.

The pancakes were liked by the British, who experimented with the ingredients and achieved fantastic results.

Germans and French cook very thin pancakes. This is due to the desire to keep the figure. At the same time, they generously pour the dish with other alcoholic beverages.

Eastern European pancakes are large. Even one Czech, Slovak or Romanian pancake is enough to fill you up.

Pancakes made in South America are the thickest. They are served at the table along with sour and bitter sauce. The basis of the dough is cornmeal and heavy cream.

Each hostess has her own way of preparing pancakes, using secret recipes and favorite utensils. Novice cooks are sure that this Russian dish is easy to prepare. When it comes to cooking, nothing works. I dedicate the end of the article to the secrets of making delicious pancakes.

  • Before cooking, be sure to clear your thoughts, wash your hands, put on a beautiful apron, turn on the music and concentrate. Nothing should interfere with cooking. On a clean table, there should be those ingredients that will be needed to prepare a masterpiece.
  • Be sure to sift the flour several times. So it will be saturated with oxygen and air pancakes will turn out. Pour water, milk and other liquids into the flour. At the same time, vegetable oil must be added to the dough. Otherwise, the pancakes will stick to the pan.
  • A cast iron skillet is the best cookware for cooking. It must be warmed up and thoroughly lubricated with oil. Pork fat is also suitable for this purpose. Lubricate the pan as needed while frying.
  • The first pancake is an indicator of readiness and proper use of ingredients. Be sure to try it to find out what to add and how to improve the taste.
  • While cooking pancakes, do not depict a statue. The dish requires a creative approach. Carefully lift the pan and pour in the batter in a thin stream. Rotate the pan constantly to distribute the batter evenly.
  • The beauty of the finished dish directly depends on the distribution of the dough and turning the pancake. Experienced chefs turn the delicacy over, tossing it in a pan. If you want to master this technique, you have to practice. Over time, learn how to bake pancakes at the same time in several pans.
  • Last secret. Bake pancakes before a meal. Only when hot, unsurpassed taste and aromatic qualities are preserved.

An article has come to an end on how to cook pancakes with milk, kefir and water. With what to serve dessert, you decide. It all depends on mood and finances. Pancakes are ideally combined with jam, pate, sour cream, shrimp, butter, caviar and other products. See you!

Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

Despite the fact that pancakes are one of the easiest dishes to prepare, some housewives have certain difficulties, so in our article we will look at 5 ways to cook delicious pancakes. Achieving perfection in the preparation of pancakes is not difficult if you follow simple tips, follow all proportions in recipes and regularly hone your skills.

The traditional pancake dough consists of eggs, flour and milk, with slight additions and variations - for example, milk can be replaced with kefir or water. Pancakes can be made with or without yeast - in the first case, thick fluffy pancakes with a characteristic aftertaste await you, and in the second, thin pancakes. You can use different types of flour, and depending on the type of flour, you will end up with pancakes that taste completely different.

Thoroughly mixed dough of the right consistency is the key to successful pancakes. If the dough for pancakes came out liquid, you should add flour to it, otherwise the cooked pancakes will tear. If you have another problem - the dough is too thick - you need to dilute it with liquid, as the viscous dough will not spread well over the surface of the pan. A small amount of sugar gives the pancakes a golden color and crisp edges. The pan must be greased with oil once, after which the procedure can be repeated after baking four to five subsequent pancakes. Many housewives use half a potato strung on a fork for convenience. It is best to fry pancakes over medium heat - this speeds up the cooking time, avoiding burning.

When everything is ready, use a ladle to pour the batter into the pan, tilting it quickly so that the batter forms an even circle. Empirically calculate how much dough is needed to make one pancake. When the dough hits the pan, it should begin to hiss - this indicates that the pan has heated up to the desired temperature. If the pan isn't hot enough, your pancakes won't get crispy edges. When the sides of the pancake start to look dry and take on a light golden color, the pancake should be flipped - a thin spatula is best for this. Then you need to wait about the same amount of time or a little less, then turn the pancake on a large plate. To keep the pancakes warm, place them in a slightly preheated oven or cover with a kitchen towel.

Typical fillings used to prepare and serve pancakes are extremely diverse - they can be jam, jam, honey, cottage cheese, condensed milk, caviar, stewed apples with cinnamon, minced meat with onions, potatoes mixed with onions and sour cream, red fish with curd cheese and dill, etc. Non-hackneyed options such as fresh fruit, whipped cream or pâté are also suitable - pancakes are ideal for a wide variety of flavor combinations. The most banal, but at the same time no less tasty option is to serve a dish with sour cream and jam of your choice.

The most time-consuming part of making pancakes is, of course, the process of baking them. But it takes so little time and brings so much pleasure and joy when eating them that you should definitely include pancakes in your daily diet, and not cook them exclusively on holidays. So, if you are ready to get started, we suggest you start getting acquainted with the recipes.

Pancakes with milk

1 cup flour
2 large eggs
1 glass of milk
1/2 glass of water
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt

Mix flour, sugar and salt in a small bowl. Combine milk, water, vegetable oil and eggs with a mixer or blender. Add flour mixture to milk mixture and beat until smooth. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour - this will allow the air bubbles to settle, making the pancakes less likely to burst when you start frying them. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.
Heat a frying pan greased with oil and pour in about 40-50 ml of dough for one pancake. Cook for about 1 minute, then carefully lift the edge of the pancake to check how done it is. The pancake can be flipped when it is free from the pan and the underside is lightly browned. Fry the pancake for about 30 seconds more.

Openwork pancakes

3 cups flour
3 1/4 cups milk
4 eggs,
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon soda, slaked with vinegar,
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
2/3 cup boiling water

Whisk milk and eggs together, add salt and sugar and mix well. Pour the flour, add soda slaked with vinegar and vegetable oil, then pour boiling water, stirring vigorously, and leave the dough for 20 minutes. Using a ladle, pour the dough into a preheated pan, greased with oil. Carefully lift the edge of the pancake to make sure one side is done - it should be golden and have brown spots on the surface. Fry the flipped pancake for about 1 minute more.

Pancakes on kefir

2 cups of kefir,
2/3 cup flour
1 tablespoon sugar
a pinch of salt,
1/2 teaspoon soda
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Mix eggs with sugar, salt and soda. Add vegetable oil and mix well. Sift flour and mix well to avoid lumps. Pour in kefir and leave the dough for 30 minutes.
Grease the pan with oil, pour the required amount of dough into the center of the pan, rotating it so that the dough spreads over the entire surface, and bake pancakes.

Yeast pancakes with milk

4 cups flour
3 cups warm milk
20 g dry yeast
2 teaspoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup melted butter,
2 eggs.

In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in 1 cup warm milk. In a large bowl mix flour, sugar and salt. Gradually add yeast mixture and melted butter. Beat eggs and remaining milk, add to batter and mix. Leave the dough for half an hour in a warm place so that its volume doubles.
Pour batter into hot skillet. When bubbles begin to form on the surface of the pancake, turn the pancake over and fry until cooked through.

Yeast pancakes on dough

500 g flour
2.5-3 cups of milk or water
1 egg
2 tablespoons melted butter,
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water, then stir it in with 1 cup of warm milk. Mix with 150 g of flour and leave in a warm place for 2 hours so that the dough increases in volume with the formation of bubbles.
After adding the remaining warmed milk to the dough, mix it with melted butter, egg, sugar and salt. Then stir in the remaining flour. Let the dough rise in a warm place. After that, the dough should be mixed so that it settles, and again wait for it to rise in a warm place, and then start baking pancakes.

Well, now you know 5 ways to cook delicious pancakes, so we advise you not to put it off and go to the kitchen as soon as possible to please your loved ones with delicious pancakes - these ruddy suns that can cheer you up even on the gloomiest day.

Novice housewives have difficulty making pancakes. After all the manipulations, they turn out to be dry or too thick. To cope with the task, you need to observe the proportions of the ingredients and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Pancakes with milk: a classic

  • granulated sugar - 55-60 gr.
  • milk (fat, from 3.2%) - 0.5 l.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 210 gr.
  • salt - 7 gr.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  1. Pancakes are made with ingredients at room temperature. Remove butter, eggs and milk from the refrigerator. Let the components lie down for 30-60 minutes.
  2. Send the eggs to the bowl, mix with salt and granulated sugar. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until a thick foam forms. Pour into the composition 150 ml. milk, stir again.
  3. You should not pour in all the milk at a time, since the dough of a thick consistency is easier to knead and turns out without lumps. Now sift the flour, add it to the eggs.
  4. Bring the dough to uniformity, exclude large clots. Pour in the rest of the milk, mix the contents again. Melt the butter in the microwave, add, stir.
  5. The dough should be very liquid, do not be afraid. Start frying. Pick up a pan with a non-stick coating, you can use a cast-iron fixture.
  6. Put the dishes on the stove, heat up. Dip the silicone brush into the vegetable oil, then grease the pan. The action is performed one (!) time.
  7. Scoop some dough into a ladle, hold it in one hand. The second raise the pan, at the same time pour the dough into the middle of the thermal appliance and roll the pancake over the entire surface with rotational actions.
  8. Reduce the power to a mark between medium and maximum. Fry the pancake until its edges turn brown. Then turn over with a spatula to the other side, bring to readiness.
  9. After about 2 minutes, the pancake will be fried. Put it on a flat plate, grease with butter. Proceed to prepare the next portion in the same way.

Pancakes with milk and yeast

  • milk with a fat content of 2.5% - 730 ml.
  • baker's yeast - 1 pack (22-24 gr.)
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 280 gr.
  • salt - 8 gr.
  • butter - 90 gr.
  • drinking water - 240 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 45 gr.
  1. Before the main manipulations, make a dough. Heat the water to a temperature of 50 degrees, add half the sugar. Wait for the grains to dissolve, then pour in the yeast.
  2. Stir the contents of the bowl for 2 minutes. After this period, add 250 gr. sifted flour, break up any lumps with a whisk. Cover the dish with the dough with a towel, keep warm for 45 minutes.
  3. Melt the butter in a water bath. Separate the yolks (whites will be needed later), rub them with the rest of the sugar and salt. Combine with oil, send the mass to the present dough.
  4. Remove the milk from the refrigerator, let it come to room temperature. Then start pouring in small portions to the bulk and stir at the same time.
  5. Sift the rest of the flour, add to the dough. Leave it warm to rise. Now salt the proteins, beat them with a mixer, add to the raised dough. Again insist for about an hour.
  6. Start frying pancakes. Choose a frying pan that is not very large in diameter (a "crepe maker" with low sides is optimal). Dip a baking silicone brush into vegetable oil, grease the pan.
  7. Melt a heat-resistant dish, then scoop up some of the dough and pour it into the middle. Immediately begin to rotate the pan in a circular motion so that the mass spreads.
  8. Bake at medium power until the edges are dark. Then turn the pancake over and continue cooking. After all the manipulations, put the product on a flat plate, brush with oil.

  • sunflower oil - 60 ml.
  • kefir (fat content - 3.2%) - 260 ml.
  • butter - optional
  • granulated sugar - 60 gr.
  • steep boiling water - 240 ml.
  • soda - 6 gr.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 8 gr.
  • flour - 245-250 gr.
  1. Sift flour, combine it with sugar and soda. Separately, cool the eggs, rub them with salt, beat with a mixer until foamy. Do not stop kneading, enter kefir and boiling water.
  2. Pour flour into the egg mass, introduce it in small portions. Break up lumps with a fork. Cover the bowl with the dough with a waffle towel, leave for a third of an hour.
  3. When the set time has elapsed, pour in the vegetable oil. Stir until smooth, if desired, add cream (about 30 gr.). Leave the kefir mass for 30 minutes.
  4. Choose the right frying pan. Heat it up, then brush it with vegetable/butter oil using a silicone brush. Set the burner to the middle setting.
  5. Scoop up the dough with a ladle, lift the pan above the stove. Pour the mass into the center of the dishes, immediately begin to perform circular movements with your hand. The mass should spread to the sides of the pan.
  6. Put the dishes on the fire, cook the pancake until the edges are browned. When this happens, pry the dough with a spatula, turn it over. Cook for 2-3 more minutes. Put on a plate, grease with butter.

Pancakes on the water

  • flour - 300 gr.
  • water - 380 ml.
  • salt - 6 gr.
  • apple cider vinegar - 25 ml.
  • sugar - 30 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 60-70 ml.
  • soda - 8 gr.
  1. Heat drinking water to a temperature of 40 degrees. Mix with apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Sift flour, combine it with soda, salt and sugar.
  2. Introduce loose components into water in small portions. Do not stop stirring, otherwise the composition will curl up in lumps. Break up the tubers with a fork or whisk.
  3. Take a frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil using a silicone baking brush. Heat heat-resistant dishes, start frying.
  4. Scoop up a homogeneous dough with a ladle, raise the pan, pour a thick mass into its center. Immediately roll to the sides, making circular movements with your hand.
  5. Bake the pancake at a power between high and medium until the edges are browned. Then flip with a spatula and continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. After the allotted time, put the dessert on a plate, brush with butter. Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired, or twist into an envelope with jam.

  • flour - 240 gr.
  • mineral water with gas - 240 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 35 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 60 gr.
  • steep boiling water - 240 ml.
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  1. Many housewives prefer to replace mineral water with Sprite gas, but the drink gives a peculiar aftertaste. If you want to cook classic pancakes, choose a regular mineral water.
  2. Sift the flour, add salt and granulated sugar to it. Pour in the soda in a thin stream and stir with a fork at the same time. When you eliminate all the lumps, cover the dish with the dough with a towel, wait half an hour.
  3. This period is allotted for insisting the masses. Boil water, mix boiling water in an amount of 240-250 ml. with vegetable oil. Pour into the raised dough, knead. After 15 minutes, start frying pancakes.
  4. Grease a suitable frying pan with oil using a baking brush (silicone). The procedure is carried out once. Heat the dishes for frying, scoop up a portion of the dough with a ladle. Pour into the center, stretch to the sides in a circular motion.
  5. When the mass spreads evenly over the entire surface, set the fire to medium. Fry the pancake for 2 minutes until the edges are browned. Turn over, bring to readiness. Remove pancake from heat, brush with butter, serve with honey or jam.

Pancakes with beer and milk

  • milk - 240 gr.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 3 gr.
  • flour - 250 gr.
  • wheat beer - 240 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 30 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml.
  • soda - 7 gr.
  1. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, sugar, baking soda and salt. Beat until smooth, it is important to get a thick foam. Bring the milk to room temperature, add to the eggs. Then pour in the beer.
  2. Don't stop stirring. Pass the flour through a sieve, in small portions add to the liquid composition. Achieve the uniformity of the dough, it should become thick.
  3. After the final whipping, let the mass stand for a quarter of an hour. After this period, mix the dough. Heat up a frying pan and brush with oil.
  4. Take a portion of the dough into the ladle, pour it into the center of the dish, immediately roll it out in a circle. Bake at the middle for 2 minutes, then flip to the other side. Fry until done for 1 more minute.

  • soda - 8 gr.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 360 gr.
  • ryazhenka - 400 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 60-70 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 90 ml.
  • salt - 1 gr.
  1. In a plastic deep bowl, combine granulated sugar, eggs and salt. Beat with a mixer or whisk until the grains completely melt. Pour in the fermented baked milk, again work the mass with a mixer. Pour in the soda.
  2. Beat the mixture, sift the flour, pour it in a tablespoon into the total mass. Stir the ingredients to remove lumps. Pour in the vegetable oil to finish cooking the dough.
  3. If the composition turned out to be thick due to the consistency of fermented baked milk, you can dilute the dough with water or milk. Pour in 100-120 ml, beat the mass well with a whisk.
  4. Grease the pan with oil once, then scoop the batter into a ladle and pour into the center of the pan. At the same time, roll out the composition to the sides to get a round pancake.
  5. Set the power to medium. Fry for 2 minutes until the edges darken. When the pancake becomes porous, turn it over and bake until cooked through for 1 more minute. Brush with oil when serving.

Pancakes without eggs

  • butter - 70 gr.
  • salt - 8-10 gr.
  • flour - 600 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 55 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 80 gr.
  • milk (fat content from 3.2%) - 1 l.
  • soda - 6 gr.
  1. Before the main manipulations, it is necessary to first sift the flour, then mix it with soda, sugar, salt. After that, vegetable oil and half the volume of milk are poured.
  2. Boil the rest of the milk, gradually pour into the already kneaded dough in a thin stream. Send the butter to the pan, heat at maximum power.
  3. Then lower the burner to the middle setting. Pour a portion of the dough into the center of the pan, roll out to the sides of the dish. Bake for 2 minutes, then turn over and cook until done.
  4. It is important to ensure that when frying on the first side, there is no batter on the surface of the pancake. Otherwise, you will tear it before you turn it over.
  5. After cooking, grease the pancake with butter, place on a plate. Start frying the remaining portions, serve dessert with berries, condensed milk or jam.

  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.
  • milk - 360 gr.
  • flour - 120 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 100-110 gr.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • baking powder for dough - 13 gr.
  1. Place the butter in a bowl, melt in a water bath or use the microwave. In another bowl, combine the baking powder, cocoa powder, and double-sifted flour.
  2. Add granulated sugar and eggs to melted butter. Beat with a mixer for 2 minutes. Combine the two compositions, mix again until a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Completely eliminate all lumps, otherwise the pancakes will turn out to be heterogeneous. When the dough is ready, let it stand for a third of an hour. After this period, select a frying pan of a suitable size, heat it.
  4. Dip a confectionery silicone brush into vegetable oil, work the bottom of a heat-resistant dish. Scoop up part of the dough with a ladle, pour it into the center of the pan, immediately begin to roll to the brim.
  5. Bake for 2-3 minutes until the edges are darkened. Then flip over with a spatula to the other side, cook for another 2 minutes. Serve brushed with butter.

Pancakes with vanilla and cocoa

  • vanilla sugar - 20 gr.
  • flour - 245 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 60 gr.
  • milk - 470 ml.
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 50 gr.
  1. In a deep bowl, combine the egg, vanilla sugar, flour sifted several times. Add regular sugar, grind until smooth. Divide the dough into 2 equal sections.
  2. Pour cocoa into the first part, leave the second unchanged. Each mixture should be homogeneous, for convenience, use a blender or mixer.
  3. Now start frying the pancakes, they will turn out to be two-colored. Grease the pan with vegetable oil using a silicone brush.
  4. Dial half a serving of light dough into a ladle, pour it onto the right side of the dish. Now scoop up the composition with cocoa, place on the left side.
  5. Swirl the pan in a circular motion to spread the batter. Only then put heat-resistant dishes on the stove and heat. Fry 3 minutes, turn over. Serve with sour cream and berries.

  • hard cheese - 120 gr.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 15 gr.
  • fat milk - 525 ml.
  • baking powder for dough - 15 gr.
  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • flour - 245 gr.
  • dill - 45 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 25 gr.
  1. Break pre-chilled eggs into a bowl, add salt and granulated sugar. Beat with a whisk or mixer to get a thick foam. Pour in milk, stir again.
  2. Pass the flour through a sieve several times, mix with baking powder. Start slowly pouring the composition to the eggs and mix at the same time. Then pour in vegetable oil.
  3. When the dough is ready, leave it for half an hour. While the composition is infused, grate the cheese, wash and chop the dill. Mix the ingredients together, send to the test.
  4. Start cooking. Choose a medium-sized frying pan. Heat it up, send the butter inside, rub it along the bottom. Pour a portion of the dough into the center of the dish, roll out.
  5. Fry for 2-3 minutes. When the edges darken and the surface becomes sticky, flip the pancake over. Bring it to readiness, serve with sour cream.

Thin pancakes cooked with milk, water, fermented baked milk, beer, mineral water or kefir decorate the everyday table. The dessert is served with condensed milk, jam, maple syrup, which allows you to emphasize the taste of the delicacy. Consider adding cheese and herbs, cocoa powder, vanilla sugar.

Video: thin pancakes with milk