How to determine the type of skin on your face. How to tell if your face is dry or oily? Factors affecting the condition of the epidermis

Every girl wants the skin of her face to look perfect and not cause inconvenience, does not become covered with pimples and does not bother with excessive dryness and grease. To do this, you need to properly care for her, pay attention to her, and then you can forget about all the difficulties. But before you rush to look for the desired cosmetic product, you need to correctly determine the type of facial skin. This can be done in several ways that will not take much time.

Characteristics of facial skin types

Cosmetologists distinguish three types of skin. Each of them has its own unique features and characteristics.


  • Thin and delicate, vessels are visible through the surface.
  • The pores are very invisible, invisible.
  • Oily sheen is almost completely absent.
  • The complexion is even, matte.
  • Sometimes there is a feeling of tightness.
  • It is subject to rapid aging, fine wrinkles appear very early.


  • Rough, dense skin.
  • Visible, large pores all over the face.
  • There is a greasy shine all the time, it does not go away on its own.
  • There are various skin rashes - acne, inflammation, pimples.
  • Fine wrinkles are almost always absent.


  • Combines the signs of the above skin types. The most notable ones are:
  • There are dry and oily areas on the face.
  • Along the perimeter of the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), the pores are enlarged, there is an unpleasant greasy sheen.
  • On the cheeks, the skin is tight, thin, often cracks and flakes.
  • Acne, dirt, blackheads appear sometimes.
  • In adolescence, regular rashes are observed, but in adulthood, the epidermis is less prone to early wilting and retains its attractiveness for a long time.

What determines the type of facial skin

The appearance of the skin is influenced, first of all, by genetic and hereditary factors, but over time it can change for several reasons:

  • With hormonal changes and changes during puberty, pregnancy, menopause.
  • With a sharp change in climate, moving to a new place of residence in another country.
  • Under the influence of bad habits, malnutrition.
  • With stress, which affects not only the nerve cells, but the entire body as a whole.

How to determine the type of facial skin?

There are several ways to visually and relatively quickly find out which of the species your skin belongs to. All of them are simple, do not require any complications, the attraction of special funds.

Napkin test

It is done like this:

  • The skin is cleared of cosmetics and impurities. The person is given 3-4 hours of rest. At the same time, you should not go outside, you should not strain too much.
  • Three or four cosmetic napkins are taken (it is better to refuse paper napkins, but you can also use them if there are no others). The first is applied to the forehead, the other two to the cheeks, the third to the chin.
  • Withstand a little, press a little, but do not rub, which leads to damage to the integument. And they look at the result:
    • If grease is clearly visible on all napkins, it means that you have an oily skin type.
    • Dirt and prints are present only in the T-zone - combined.
    • There are no traces at all - dry.

Visual method

It is carried out within 2-3 days. You need to observe your face, carefully examine it in a magnifying mirror, noticing all the details. And along the way, compare with short descriptions:

  • Bold: acne, blackheads, unpleasant greasy shine, dull color of the integument, possibly the presence of comedones, other inflammations.
  • Dry: thin, almost transparent, there are peeling in some areas. The skin reacts sharply to cold air, hot sun. After washing, there is a feeling of tightness.
  • Combined: there are allergic reactions to irritants. On the nose, forehead and chin, a greasy sheen is noticeable, the cheeks, on the contrary, are dry.
  • Normal: is extremely rare, characterized by a pleasant, even tone, the absence of a greasy sheen and a variety of inflammations.

Of course, you can always determine your skin type in a beauty salon, where a specialist, using the necessary equipment, will conduct research and make an expert opinion. The advantage of visiting the wizard is and it is possible to receive valuable instructions on how to troubleshoot problems.

Here we list the most common and current solutions. But do not forget that it is impossible to get rid of all the difficulties and subtleties only with creams and various cosmetics. The health of the skin largely depends on the state of the organism itself. Therefore, it is advisable to combine proper care with a well-thought-out diet, moderate exercise and stress reduction.

How to care for dry skin

The main problem is the small amount of its own subcutaneous fat. The main task is to maintain lipid balance.

  • Do not use alcohol-containing products.
  • Instead of various foams and gels, a special milk is used for dry skin types.
  • Scrubs are chosen with soft, small abrasive particles.
  • Film masks, fruit acids are excluded from care to avoid excessive tightness.
  • Preference is given to cosmetics with ceramides, which can positively affect the lipid layer and normalize its work.
  • They completely refuse soap when washing, even mild ones.
  • It is important to include in your diet more vitamins A and E, you can even apply them to the skin in a mixture with neutral creams.

How to care for oily skin

  • For care, use only specialized lotions, tonics and creams designed for this type of epidermis.
  • Change your pillowcase twice a week.
  • Do not touch your skin again with dirty hands.
  • Always wash off makeup thoroughly before bed.
  • Don't try to pop the pimples yourself. If there are many of them, then it is better to consult a beautician.
  • Try not to worry too much, drink sedatives if necessary.
  • Watch your diet - eat less salty, peppery, sweet, avoid alcohol, coffee and smoked meats.
  • Wash your face only with cold or cool water, not lukewarm.
  • Do not use soap, scrubs. Use soft brushes available from beauty supply stores.

How to care for combination skin

It requires a more careful and thorough approach, since it combines the problems of the other two varieties. If this is not taken into account, then the situation can only worsen.

  • You should only wash your face with cold water, using special lotions and tonics.
  • Cleansing from dirt is carried out both in the morning and in the evening.
  • Before going to bed, make-up is always removed to give the covers a rest.
  • Greater areas are cleaned with a soft cosmetic brush.
  • They buy products that do not contain alcohol, it can dry out some areas.
  • In winter, water-based creams are used. In the summer, they always protect the covers with sunscreens, protect them from excess sunburn.

Thus, it is not so difficult to determine the type of skin of your face, it is enough just to spend a little time on it, to take a closer look at yourself. And compare the results with the descriptions given in our article. Based on them, it will not be difficult to find the necessary care. But, if you can't decide on your own, you can always contact a beautician. The specialist will conduct the necessary research and help with the selection of cosmetics.

Proper skin care is based on determining the type of skin. Basic types: normal, oily, dry, sensitive.

How to determine your skin type, what they are, their characteristics, what is the care? All this is in the article.

Description, characteristic

Normal skin- an indicator of health and proper functioning of the body.

She is elastic, moisturized, smooth, elastic to the touch, does not require close attention to itself, the face looks good without makeup.

Under the influence of natural, weather and stress factors, the type can change.

Dry can become oily, normal - combined, with rashes, and with age, problems with wrinkles are added, a general decrease in tone.

Oily skin type gives a lot of trouble to teenagers.

Increased production of fat by the sebaceous glands leads to the fact that face starts to shine soon after washing, acne often appears on it, acne occurs.

In adults, the appearance of excess oily sheen, a change in skin type from normal to oily occurs as a result of hormonal changes.

Dry skin very beautiful in her youth, but wrinkles quickly appear on her.

After washing your face, you may soon feel a feeling of tightness., peeling.

Dryness and dehydration are not necessarily caused by the fact that you do not drink enough water, but also by internal factors, increased dryness in the room, prolonged stay in adverse weather conditions.

Effect of cosmetics

Ingredients of makeup and makeup can often worsen or even create facial problems.

For example, many cosmetic products for the treatment of acne contain alcohol and irritating ingredients: peppermint extract, menthol, citrus fruits essential oils, which dry out the epidermis, make the sebaceous ducts secrete more fat.

If you use creams that contain these ingredients, it can cause allergic reactions.

If you neglect thorough cleansing of the skin with scrubs or peels, then the face will look dull.

If you use scrubs too often, this will lead to dryness, the formation of early wrinkles.

In order to prevent dermatological problems, find out which ingredients in skin care and decorative cosmetics cause problems:

  • alcohol
  • menthol
  • essential oils
  • abrasive scrubbing components.

Try to choose cosmetics without these ingredients.

Factors affecting the condition of the epidermis:

  • water content in cells (affects elasticity and firmness);
  • the content of lipids that soften the epidermis;
  • the level of sensitivity to external factors (stress, nutrition, ecology).

In this video, a cosmetologist will tell you how to determine your skin type:

Definition test

You can go through it as follows. Wash your face with a mild cleanser, apply toner, wait a while.

After two hours, see how your epidermis manifests itself:

  • Some areas are dry, other areas of the face are shiny - signs of a combined type.
  • Dryness is felt, peeling appears, which disappear after applying moisturizer - typical of the dry type.
  • In a short period, redness or spots appeared, there is discomfort, tightness - sensitive skin usually manifests itself this way.
  • Thin lines appear around the mouth, eyes or cheeks - the first signs of aging determine the age type with wrinkles.
  • There are abscesses and acne that disappear and then reappear - signs of acne.
  • There are no signs of dryness or oily skin, the skin feels normal, no tightening, oily sheen, and has a healthy color - normal type.

Here's another test on how to understand what type of skin you have:

Here we propose to take a video test:

The normal type is different:

  • the absence of spots, acne, local inflammation and other imperfections;
  • no manifestations of allergies;
  • barely visible pores;
  • even tone, beautiful color.

Care Tips:

  • Apply cream as needed.
  • Exfoliate dead skin cells with a scrub twice a week.


The combined type is determined by:

  • dry and normal areas alternate with oily areas (more often in the central area of ​​the face);
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne, comedones;
  • oily sheen.


  • On some areas of the face: cheeks, chin - the skin is peeling, and on others: forehead, nose - there is a greasy shine, use a moisturizer on all areas. Pay attention to the sebum-regulating additives in the composition.
  • Use a professional mask once or twice a week to moisturize the epidermis and even out the tone.


The dry type is determined by:

  • almost invisible pores;
  • red spots often appear;
  • low elasticity;
  • early appearance of fine lines, wrinkles.


  • Wash your face no more than once a day.
  • Use detergents with a mild formula. Avoid washing with soap.
  • Use a moisturizer after washing. Apply it as many times throughout the day as needed.
  • Turn on the indoor humidifier often.
  • Wipe your skin with rose water before applying the cream. Spray rose water on your face, still wet after washing, fix with your favorite moisturizer. Your skin will immediately glow and look beautiful.
  • Use mild exfoliants for deep pore cleansing no more than once every two weeks.


The sensitive type is characterized by a negative reaction to many cosmetics, stress, and called:

  • genetic factors;
  • aging and hormonal changes;
  • weather conditions;
  • wrong care regimen.

Care Tips:

  • Use sunscreen during the day.
  • Choose mousses and foams designed specifically for the sensitive type for washing.
  • Look for powdered makeup because this type doesn't respond well to liquid foundations.


The bold type is different:

  • enlarged pores;
  • oily sheen that appears shortly after washing;
  • the presence of blackheads, acne, acne.

Care Tips:

    Moisturize... Many people use cosmetics with alcohol components in the hope of reducing excess sebum secretion.

    This has the opposite effect. Choose a non-greasy, high-quality moisturizing product in the form of a gel or lotion, without sulfates and parabens in the composition.

    Always have blotting tissues on hand.

    During the day, an oily shine appears on the face, which is easy to “wipe off” with the help of special paper towels or inserts designed for this purpose.

    They are impregnated with a special composition that not only removes fat from the surface, but also disinfects, refreshes, and helps fight rashes.


It differs with the signs of aging:

  • low tone, which is manifested in her lethargy and loss of elasticity;
  • wrinkles;
  • fuzzy oval of the face;
  • dehydration.

Care Tips:

  • Be sure to use anti-aging cosmetics, enhance your home care arsenal with targeted products: anti-aging serums, ampoule cosmetics.
  • Undergo procedures to restore facial elasticity by a beautician.
  • At home, do a deep moisturizing mask every four to six weeks.

Rules for choosing funds

Acne prone skin Light-textured products are better suited: lotions, gels, serums, essences, but not creams.

Dry- feels comfortable after applying cream, lotion or serum, but not gel. The gel texture tightens the face and feels unpleasant.

Facial skin type and care table:

Bold type products of a gel consistency, weightless lotions, essences will benefit.

Avoid heavy creams containing oils and alcohol, active serums, and serums.

They are distinguished by a high content of active ingredients aimed at combating dermatological problems, can cause an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands.

Normal skin any texture of cosmetics is suitable. A systematic approach allows you to get healthy skin that will remain young and elastic for a long time.

Choose cosmetics and products according to your needs and stay beautiful!

Finally, watch another video on how to care for different skin types:

How to look stunning at any age? That's right: be able to use good cosmetics. But how to choose them among the variety of lotions, creams and serums? To do this, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of your epidermis. Therefore, every woman caring for her appearance should know how to determine the type of facial skin at home. There are several proven methods.

Method 1. Visual signs

To determine your skin type, you need to observe it for 2-3 days. Each of them has a number of distinctive features that are easily and unmistakably recognizable. Look closely at the epidermis in a magnifying mirror and compare your observations with the descriptions below.

Normal type:

  • smoothness, elasticity;
  • matte complexion;
  • healthy, natural color (pink);
  • cleanliness, freshness;
  • velvety;
  • lack of oily sheen.

Bold type:

  • oily sheen;
  • wide pores;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • dull gray complexion;
  • an abundance of rashes in the form of acne, comedones;
  • the presence of post-acne in most cases;
  • does not age for a long time.

Dry type:

  • the epidermis is delicate, thin;
  • matte shade;
  • the complexion is pink, but yellowness is present;
  • narrowed pores;
  • after washing, there is a feeling of tightness;
  • appear in the cold season;
  • acne does not bother;
  • frequent irritation;
  • acute reaction to the sun and low temperatures;
  • rapid aging.

Combined (mixed) type:

  • zonal greasy shine: on the chin, nose, forehead;
  • dry cheeks;
  • susceptibility to allergic reactions;
  • acne and other rashes appear from time to time.

By these visual signs, you can easily determine your type of facial skin without resorting to any auxiliary techniques. It should be borne in mind that some distinguish mature, problematic and sensitive epidermis into special groups. However, these are just additional individual features of the skin. If you are confused about these signs, you can resort to another interesting technique for the reliability of the result.

On a note. Skin types can change over time. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out such checks approximately once every six months.

Method 2. Napkin

According to this technique, in order to determine the type of facial skin at home, you will need the most common cosmetic napkin. If you use paper, it can distort and give the wrong result. What needs to be done?

  1. Remove makeup residue and dirt from your face.
  2. Let your skin rest for at least 3-4 hours. During this period of time, you must not go outside.
  3. Take three separate napkins. Apply one to the forehead for a few seconds (5-6). The second is to the cheeks. The third is to the chin.
  4. Take a close look at the greasy marks that your epidermis has left on them.
  5. If there are noticeable, pronounced greasy spots on all three wipes, you have an oily skin type.
  6. If they are present only on those napkins that you applied to your forehead and chin, this is a combined type.
  7. Mild, but present light spots on all napkins indicate a normal epidermis.
  8. If there are no greasy marks on the napkins, you have a dry type.

This method will allow you to correctly determine the type of skin on your own by 90%. The remaining 10% remain under the influence of external factors (what you ate that day, what cosmetics you used, did you experience a hormonal surge a few hours before, etc.). If for some reason this technique does not suit you, you can always use a special test.

Helpful advice. Modern cosmetology has stepped forward, so today in stores you can buy not just cosmetic wipes, but special ones for determining the type of skin.

Method 3. Testing

Who doesn't love taking all kinds of online tests? One of them will help you understand what type of facial skin you have, in just 5 minutes. To do this, you will only need to answer a few questions and process the results. There are a large number of tests of this kind scattered on the net. For reliability, you can go through several at once. We offer one of the options to your attention. You need to mark the statements that are true about you.

Block No. 1

  1. The skin of the face is matte, there is no oily sheen.
  2. There is no feeling of tightness after washing.
  3. Acne and inflammation do not bother.
  4. There is no wind after the walk.

Block No. 2

  1. No acne.
  2. There is often an unpleasant feeling of tightness after washing.
  3. After consuming citrus fruits, they appear on the face.
  4. After a long time in the sun or in the wind, the face begins to peel off.

Block No. 3

  1. Acne and blackheads are constantly poured on the face.
  2. We have to deal with the oily sheen on the face.
  3. When viewed through a magnifying glass, enlarged pores are clearly visible.
  4. After the washing procedure, the skin begins to shine.

Block No. 4

  1. The skin on the cheeks, temples and around the eyes is prone to peeling.
  2. Several black dots can be seen on the forehead, nose and chin.
  3. Oily sheen is observed in the same areas.
  4. Pimples often appear on the nose and forehead.

If you honestly answered all the questions, it's time to process the results obtained in order to finally determine the type of skin on the face and select all the products in accordance with them.

  1. If most of the answers are in question block 1, you have normal skin type.
  2. If in No. 2 it is dry.
  3. No. 3 is bold.
  4. No. 4 - combined.

Testing is one of the easiest ways to reliably determine your skin type at home. It has something in common with the first technique, since it is based precisely on the visual signs of all these four types of facial skin.

Interesting fact. Are you glad that you have a dry type of epidermis on your face, because you do not know what acne and blackheads are? But the representatives of the oily skin type have another advantage: they will show wrinkles and other signs of aging at a later age.

If it is difficult to independently determine the type of facial skin, it is better, in order to avoid misunderstandings, to visit the beautician's office. A professional with the help of the latest equipment and innovative technologies will quickly, and most importantly, do it as correctly as possible.

This factor is very important for maintaining the epidermis, if not perfect, then at least in normal condition. You cannot actively use cosmetics intended, for example, for oily skin, if you have dry skin. Do not allow this: be always attractive and well-groomed.

There are four main types of skin: dry, normal, oily, and combination. Belonging to each of them depends on how actively sebum is secreted. Associated with this indicator appearance skin, the number and visibility of pores, the rate of aging and wrinkle formation.

To find out what type of skin you have, do a simple experiment. Cleanse your face with your usual cleanser (preferably a gentle gel or mild foam). Pat dry with a towel and don't apply any creams afterwards. After two hours, apply a thin paper towel to your skin and press lightly on your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin.

  • If there is no sebum on the tissue at all, you have dry skin.
  • If there are faint marks all over the napkin, you have normal skin.
  • If there are pronounced marks, you have oily skin.
  • If there are strong marks only on the forehead, nose, and chin, you have combination skin.

How to care for dry skin

Dry skin always looks matte, soft and thin. Pimples and inflammations rarely appear on it, but wrinkles can spoil the mood already in youth. Such skin reacts poorly to a sharp change in climate, unfavorable weather conditions ( strong wind or frost). Irritation and peeling can occur due to improperly selected cosmetics.

The skin becomes dry for various reasons: it can be caused by genetics or a lack of fats and vitamins A, C and P in the diet.

People with dry skin should be careful about the choice of cosmetics and especially take care of themselves in the cold season.


  • Wash with water at room temperature, if possible, do not use tap. Too hot or cold water, especially chlorinated or impure water, will worsen the skin condition.
  • Find the right cleanser: gentle, gentle, moisturizing gel or foam.
  • Don't wash your face too often. Your skin produces little sebum, and regular cleansing washes away what is, leaving your face vulnerable.
  • Remove carefully decorative cosmetics before bedtime. For this, it is better to use makeup remover milk.
  • Do not overuse peels and scrubs. If you feel like using them, go for the finest and finest textures.
  • After bathing, do not rub your skin with a hard towel. It is enough to get it slightly wet.


  • Be sure to use a moisturizer after every cleansing of the skin: it creates a protective barrier.
  • Make sure your cosmetics are free of alcohol. It dries out the skin.
  • In the cold season, choose a cream with a thick texture.
  • Remember to use moisturizing emulsions and lotions in summer.
  • Masks should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. Cleansing, pore-tightening, or anti-oily masks are not good for you.
  • When making homemade masks, give preference to moisturizing ingredients such as cottage cheese, cream, milk, or.

Homemade masks recipes for dry skin:

  • Honey mask. Mash 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of full-fat milk until white.
  • Berry mask. Grind 3-4 strawberries or raspberries with 1 teaspoon of sour cream.
  • Curd mask. Mix 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil until smooth.

Keep the mask on the skin for 10-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water or facial milk.

Decorative cosmetics

  • Opt for creamy foundations. Tone-powder will accentuate dryness and flaking.
  • For thin skin of the eyelids, cream shadows are good.
  • Apply a moisturizing makeup base or cream to match.
  • In sunny weather, use cosmetics with an SPF of at least 10.

How to care for normal skin

Normal skin is characterized by moderate work of the sebaceous glands. It looks fresh and clean, the pores do not stand out, inflammation and flaking appear rarely, mainly due to external factors. If you have normal skin, you are lucky! This is extremely rare.

For those with normal skin, there is only one advice: do not overdo it. Wash your face, moisturize your skin and do masks or peels 2-3 times a week. Use masks for dry or oily skin depending on the current condition of the face and climatic conditions. Remember: in the cold season, additional nutrition will be useful, and in the heat - a deeper cleansing. But do not overuse creams or alcohol-based lotions that are too greasy.

How to care for oily skin

In people with such skin, the sebaceous glands work too actively. Therefore, a few hours after washing, the face begins to shine. The pores, especially in the forehead, nose and chin, are enlarged. Pimples and blackheads are not uncommon.

However, oily skin has a huge advantage: it ages more slowly. The secreted sebum creates a good protective film that prevents moisture from evaporating and blocks the penetration of harmful substances from the outside.


  • Wash your face in the morning and evening. For a deeper cleansing of the pores, you can use a special brush or sponge.
  • Do not use super-strong face cleansers often: there is a risk of overdrying the skin. In response to aggressive effects, the sebaceous glands will begin to work even more actively.
  • Don't pop pimples. Inflammation can be targeted with alcohol, salicylic acid solution, or tea tree oil.
  • You can use exfoliators once or twice a week. It is best to apply scrubs or peels in the evening after washing.
  • At the end of washing your face, rinse your face with cool water. Under the influence of cold, the pores become smaller, become less visible, and the face shines less during the day.


  • Opt for light moisturizers, gels, or lotions instead of heavy creams.
  • Make masks no more than three times a week to cleanse the skin, tighten pores and relieve inflammation.
  • Do not forget about moisturizing: it is enough to apply softening masks once every one to two weeks.
  • Good components of a mask for oily skin will be weak acids (freshly squeezed lemon or berry juices) and antibacterial agents (honey, tea tree oil).

Recipes for homemade masks for oily skin:

  • Protein mask. Whisk the egg white into a stiff foam and mix with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Keep it on your face for 15-20 minutes. This will tighten the pores and remove the oily sheen.
  • Kefir mask. With a cotton swab, apply kefir or yogurt on your face, leave for 15–20 minutes. This will dry out oily skin.
  • Tea mask. Grind 5 tablespoons of leafy green tea into fine dust and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of kefir. Apply the mixture for 10–20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Decorative cosmetics

  • Choose powdery or lightweight liquid foundations. Do not make a “puff pie” on your face: this will not rid you of the oily sheen, but will only pollute and make the skin heavier.
  • Use matting wipes to remove oily sheen throughout the day. Or just lightly press a thin paper towel onto shiny areas, then renew the powder as needed.

How to care for combination skin

Combination skin is most common. In this case, usually the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) has all the signs of oily skin: pimples, enlarged, shine. And the skin around the eyes and on the cheeks is delicate, thin, prone to dryness.

Therefore, the methods of leaving will need to be combined. Choose mild cleansers: gels, hydrophilic oils, foams. They gently cleanse the shiny areas of the face and do not dry out the cheeks. Get some creams and foundations for your face. Apply tightening and cleansing masks only to the T-zone; for dry skin areas, choose nourishing masks.

There are several ways. Although, of course, it is easier to do this with the help of a professional beautician. But if for some reason the consultation of a specialist is impossible, then you should try to determine it personally.

Here we will look at such methods:

  • visual;
  • diagnosis with a cosmetic napkin;
  • determination test.

We will also find out how to conduct a rotational test to recognize the initial signals of skin aging and to determine its tone.

Before any procedure, of course, except for the test with questions, you need to wash off the makeup and let the skin rest for about 4 hours.

Method of visual determination of skin type

What does that require? Only clean skin and good daylight. The type is determined by close examination with a magnifying glass of each area of ​​the skin on the face. It is necessary to identify the presence of such problems as:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • wrinkles;
  • enlarged pores;
  • cracks;
  • greasy shine.

Having noted the condition of your face, you need to compare all the data obtained during the examination with a magnifying glass with the descriptions of skin types.

  1. ... This is a real treasure, which is now quite rare, due to external (ecology, etc.) and internal (genes, nutrition, etc.) factors. In appearance and to the touch, normal skin is silky, elastic, its tone is matte, without shine. This type of disadvantages, if they can be, they are associated only with age. Over the years, such skin still becomes dry, as it gradually loses moisture. And as a result, wrinkles and cracks are inevitable. Of course, proper care will definitely correct the situation and delay age-related manifestations.
  1. Oily skin type... This species is characterized by an unnatural shine due to excess sebum, acne, blackheads, enlarged pores, blackheads. Skin color often has gray tint... The only plus is the long-term preservation of a normal turgor, due to which the wrinkles on the face appear later than with other types. Such skin is problematic, requires a special approach and care, conscientious cleansing with the help of correctly selected cosmetics. When using a fatty cream, it enhances its negative qualities. To improve the condition of such skin, you need more than cosmetics. Comprehensive measures are needed here. And it will also be right to do the correction of your diet. It is better to remove all spices, spicy and fatty foods from the diet, or at least significantly limit them. But fiber and fermented milk products should be enough.
  1. Dry skin type... There are common features with normal skin - a lack of shine, silkiness, tenderness. But it is quite thin and transparent, and is very susceptible to the influence of external factors and weather conditions... And rain, and wind, and the sun necessarily affect it, and more often negatively. After washing with water, it becomes constricted and may peel off. Young girls with dry skin avoid the fate of walking with pimples on their faces. But, unfortunately, this type is more prone to aging, that is, the wilting process takes place at an accelerated rate. Especially with poor care.
  1. ... This is the most common type. It has oily areas that cover the nose, forehead, chin and dry skin on the cheeks. In this regard, this type requires special attention to itself both in the care and in the choice of means for it. Mixed skin with the wrong approach is prone to allergies, acne, irritation.

Several more subtypes are distinguished in addition to the main ones listed. It:

  • mature skin;
  • sensitive dry;
  • problematic.

Mature skin type easy to identify, because it is characterized by such manifestations as a network of fine wrinkles, lethargy of the skin, especially in the area around the eyes and lips, plus sagging of the lower third of the face is possible. Its other name is the withering type. In addition to the listed signs, it is worth noting that mature aging skin is rough and dry, prone to the formation of age spots. But if you pay enough attention to such skin, draw up a proper care program, then you can achieve excellent results here too.

Sensitive dry skin in addition to the main signs of a dry type, it also has a special susceptibility, which leads to the fact that all negative manifestations only double, and in addition there is a tendency to allergies and irritability (meaning the skin, not nerves), the appearance of a vascular network. By the way, you can do a little test here.

Take an ordinary ballpoint pen and run it on your cheek with a blunt tip. If such an action leaves a mark, pink and swollen, then there is no reason to doubt that the skin is especially sensitive.

Another way to determine if the skin is of a sensitive type consists of several questions. You need to answer "yes" or "no".

Naturally, even if the answer to 2 out of four questions is yes, then the skin needs special gentle care, as it probably belongs to sensitive type.

Problem type- this is most often oily skin, which is difficult to correct, to correct defects. Requires treatment, because acne with this form is more likely to be purulent. But everything is fixable. Of course, it is better with the help of a very good cosmetologist, but you can also help such skin on your own through a thoughtful responsible approach and care.

People with this skin type fall into a special category allocated by doctors. Such problems with the skin indicate internal disturbances in the functioning of the body. And something urgently needs to be done with this! If you find and fix an internal problem, then, perhaps, the external defect will disappear on its own. Means here must already be selected, which are of a therapeutic nature.

Determination of skin type by napkin

Skin type can be identified by an ordinary cosmetic tissue. Plain paper should not be used here because it can give a fake result. By the way, in specialized stores there are napkins on sale designed for this procedure.

After the skin of the face is ready (this means that it is cleaned, and cosmetics have not been used for more than three hours), you need to blot your cheeks, forehead and chin with a cosmetic handkerchief.

Facial skin type test

A woman for proper care it is imperative to determine the type of facial skin. The definition test contains several questions, the answers to which will help to solve the main problem. There are only three possible answers to each question:

  1. "Yes", "often" or "a lot"
  2. "Average" or "occasionally"
  3. "No" or "little"

And now the questions. They are of the following content:

  1. After making a test with a cosmetic napkin, and evaluating the result, answer the question - How many greasy stains are printed on the scarf?
  2. Are you often prone to acne and blackheads?
  3. Are the pores on your face enlarged or not?
  4. Does it happen that by the end of the day, your face with makeup becomes a greasy mask?
  5. Are there comedones on your face?
  6. After washing your face, is there a pulling sensation? Is there peeling?

The test results are scored depending on which letter the majority of the selected answers belonged to:

  1. Oily skin. By the way, it retains its youth for many years, becoming normal over the years.
  2. Normal or mixed skin. It is likely that it will dry out with age.
  3. Dry skin... Needs serious care.

And now, with the help of another test, we will determine whether the skin of the face has begun to fade.

Rotational test to determine the first signs of impending aging

What do we have to do? Everything is very simple. You should rotate with your thumb, placing it in the middle of the cheek and pressing it down a little. The result can be assessed immediately:

  1. If the skin resists rotation, then there is nothing to worry about, the test is negative, and there are no primary symptoms of wilting.
  2. A net of wrinkles appears and disappears - this effect indicates that signs of aging have already appeared.
  3. If the skin is easily enough, without the slightest resistance, twists and the movement leaves a trail of wrinkles, then this indicates that the process of "fading" is underway, and in full swing.

How to find out the nature of the skin tone on the face

Skin tone is its general condition and appearance. This concept consists of several others, such as turgor, elasticity, and so on.

The test is very simple. You need to squeeze your face with your fingers on your cheek. Of course, the easier this test is given, the worse the tone, but still, here are some small explanations:

  • If the fold cannot be captured, then - this is a healthy tone.
  • A fold forms, but not for long, the skin quickly returns to its normal state - the tone is good, but the skin is a little sluggish.
  • The fold is very easy to form and hold without problems - the tone of a sufficiently low level with flabby flabby skin.

Features of determining the type of facial skin

In order not to be mistaken when diagnosing the type, it will be correct to focus on the more frequent condition of the skin on the face. Because for her it is natural that she can be like this today, tomorrow - different. It depends on many factors. Among them - the climate of the area of ​​residence, lifestyle (healthy or unhealthy), food, water. This, of course, is not all the circumstances.

In winter, oily skin can peel off from a lack of vitamins, and any beauty with a dry one can get acne in the summer. This happens because such a complex organ as the skin is in constant interaction with the surrounding world and can be subjected to its endless influences. Plus, he is also a mirror of our well-being. In this regard, you should check for possible changes once every two years, and if they do appear, then you need to urgently change the care program.

Care for different skin types

  1. It is very important to be able to identify what type of skin the skin belongs to, and plus to this be attentive to any changes that occur to it. If it is not possible to carry out the determination independently, either visually, or with the help of a napkin and a special questionnaire, you should still contact a beautician. Because knowing your type is the first step to healthy skin.
  2. You need to choose your cosmetics wisely, focusing on the features of your skin. And it is advisable not to skimp on beauty and health. In case of financial instability, and in any case, it is better to use natural natural care products than cheap ones, which, in a good scenario, will be ineffective, and in a bad scenario, they will harm.
  3. All funds and preparations must be used in accordance with the instructions developed by the manufacturers. Or without deviating from the unspoken terms of use.
  4. All cosmetic products are applied to the skin only after its complete cleansing. It is important. Of course, the condition does not apply to decorative cosmetics.

What is the right way to care? It is necessary to follow the recommendations, which have their own character for each type.

Normal skin

Attention and care for normal skin include
Foam cleansing twice a week - exfoliate, moisturize with lotion and use a cream with a high UV filter for protection. Also, in order to maintain it in such an ideal state for a long time, it is necessary to monitor the diet so that it is saturated with vitamins responsible for the youthfulness of the skin. And also do not forget to drink a lot. pure water- up to 10 glasses a day.

Dry skin

She needs special maintenance and care,
although initially it does not cause any trouble to the owner, because it is not predisposed to either the appearance of acne, or to oily sheen and other problems. But it starts to fade very early. So, if the problem is dryness, then it means that its solution is moisturizing, which is the first priority in caring for such skin.

Another main condition for caring for such skin (and any other) is a healthy lifestyle, normal nutrition. This type suffers from many external factors that do not have such a strong effect on other species. Here, caffeine, sauna, alcohol, and even frequent use of laxatives can be damaging. Therefore, you need to introduce some restrictions for yourself. You should drink a lot, use a humidifier at home, reduce the time spent in direct sunlight.

When it comes to beauty care, you also need to find a very good moisturizer. It is advisable to choose a night cream with fruit acids that gently remove flaking. You cannot wash your face with soap with this type.

Oily skin

Also needs a balanced diet and constant care.
By eliminating fatty foods, spices and hot sauces from your daily menu, you can already significantly improve her condition. Cleansing must be carried out at least 2 times a day. This will allow you not to accumulate dirt in the enlarged pores, and, therefore, prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes, which are not uncommon with a fatty problematic type.

Excess fat should be washed off with alcohol-free lotions. You should also purchase matting cosmetic wipes, which will eliminate oily sheen without disturbing the makeup.

Combination skin

The oily area, that is, the forehead, nose and chin, needs cleansing

and toning, and dry requires moisturizing (preferably with ANA acids). For such skin, since this is the most common type, universal remedies have long been invented to facilitate care. You can use them for morning and evening procedures. And you should wash yourself with decoctions of herbs.

Knowing the characteristics of the skin, determining its type, the ability to choose the right cosmetics and use it, providing daily protection and care for your face is a job. Endless, everyday, conscientious work. But the fulfillment of all these conditions will avoid premature aging and wilting and guarantee the preservation of youth and beauty of the skin for many years.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience, which will help other girls to remain attractive and keep youth for a long time.