Oleg Mikheev went to the State Duma. Oleg Mikheev is again in the ring of criminal fronts. Anton quinin, especially for "polit.rus"

The former deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation, the head of the Volgograd branch of A Just Russia, Oleg Mikheev, was put on the federal wanted list. He is suspected of attempted fraud on an especially large scale.

Oleg Mikheev (Photo: Evgeny Biyatov / RIA Novosti)

The authorities put Oleg Mikheev, ex-deputy of the State Duma, leader of the Just Russia branch in Volgograd, on the federal wanted list. This was reported to Kommersant by the head of the press service of the Volgograd Regional Court Alexander Chernov.

The Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) opened a criminal case against Mikheev back in 2013. At the same time, the State Duma agreed to the removal of his parliamentary immunity. In the final version of the charges, Mikheev was charged with charges under Article 30, Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of Russia (attempted fraud on an especially large scale).

The publication writes that the indictment in the criminal case of Mikheev was approved by Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Viktor Grin back in December 2016. However, the case did not reach the Sovetsky District Court of Volgograd. Chernov, in an interview with Kommersant, explained that the case could not be taken to court until Mikheev's indictment was signed and studied by him. “But he didn’t, that’s why he is on the federal wanted list,” the court representative explained.

The investigation believes that the former State Duma deputy attempted to steal 2.1 billion rubles. from Promsvyazbank, which in 2008 bought Volgoprombank, owned by Mikheev. According to investigators, he, being the chairman of the board of directors and the owner of shares in Volgoprombank, signed fictitious contracts under which he assumed obligations to repay the credit debt of enterprises controlled by him to a financial institution. The amount of debt amounted to more than 1.4 billion rubles.

In addition, the former deputy, according to investigators, issued surety agreements on behalf of the bank under contracts for the provision of services for a fee. The ICR believes that Mikheev instructed the president of Volgoprombank not to reflect the bank's obligations in accounting, thereby hiding this from Promsvyazbank.​

Mikheev Oleg Leonidovich

Russian politician, ran in the elections for the post of governor of the Volgograd region (2014), represented the Volgograd region in the State Duma until 2016. A criminal case was opened against Mikheev for fraud on an especially large scale..


Born November 1, 1967 in Volgograd. He studied at the secondary educational school No. 133 of the Kirovsky district of Volgograd, was the leader of the pioneer and Komsomol organizations.

He began his career in 1985 as a mechanic at Volgogradneftemash. From November 1985 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army in the artillery troops.

After the army in 1988, he worked as a boilermaker of the second category at the Petrov plant. Then he studied in Moscow at the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, majoring in "Materials and technological processes", where he received the specialty of a development engineer. According to some reports, he did not graduate from the institute.

In 1992, Oleg Mikheev opened his own business - a building materials store, which a few years later grew into a chain of stores that began the history of the Diamant group of companies.

In 1993, he completed an individual internship under the program of economic development and efficient production (USA, Portland, San Francisco). In 1995 he completed an internship in the USA under the CCI program. He was awarded an honorary award - the Birmingham Cup for survival in a difficult economic situation. Completed a course on the program "Corporation Management" (Japan).

In 1999 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Volgograd state university, trained as a lawyer. In 1999-2002 he studied at the International Institute of Management in the UK (The Open University). Received diplomas in the following programs: ВZК 655 (Financial management); BZK 656 (Practical Marketing); ВZК 654 (Effective manager); BZK 751 (Management of development and change); BZK 752 (Resource management in market conditions. Accounting according to international standards).

In 1999-2000, he was the General Director of Stroymarket-Diamant LLC (Volgograd), and in 2001 he became the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Melon LLC (Volgograd), and also in 2001-2003 he was the General Director of Kholkom LLC ( Volgograd).

In 2001, he graduated from the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics and was educated as an economist. He was awarded a gold medal and a diploma from the Russian Peace Fund for peacekeeping and charitable activities.

In 2002, Oleg Mikheev defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Large-scale growth of an enterprise as a form of manifestation of economic concentration in a transitional economy", and was awarded the title of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In 2003, he became the General Director of RaPort LLC, in 2003-2005 he was President of the Non-Profit Partnership of the Diamant Group of Companies, General Director of RUS-Yugstroy LLC (2005-2006) and CJSC IC Volgogradstroy (2006-2007), LLC "Diamant Development Group Invest" (2007) .

In December 2006, an adviser to President Vladimir Putin presented Mikheev with the Order of Peter the Great in the nomination "For outstanding personal contribution to the development of the economy and social sphere of Russian regions."

Participation in elections

In 1999, Oleg Mikheev took part in the elections to the Volgograd City Council, but the elections did not pass. In 2003, he tried to become a candidate for the Volgograd Regional Duma from the Union of Right Forces, and in 2005 he tried to get a mandate from the State Duma deputy from the Rostov Region, but again unsuccessfully.

In February 2007, he was admitted to the Just Russia party. The entire top of the party in the Volgograd region was opposed, but Mikheev stood up and supported his party leader Sergei Mironov. In August, Oleg Mikheev became chairman of the local branch of the Righteous Russians.

On May 20, 2007, Oleg Mikheev ran as a candidate in the extraordinary elections of the mayor of Volgograd. On April 28, 2007, the Central District Court of Volgograd issued a decision to remove Oleg Mikheev from the election race. The lawsuit was filed by two candidates for mayor - Andrey Babkin and Alexander Galda, who accused Mikheev of bribing voters.

On May 16, 2007, the Volgograd Regional Court refused to satisfy the complaint of Oleg Mikheev, a candidate for the post of head of Volgograd, and upheld the decision of the Central District Court of Volgograd to remove him from registration as a candidate for mayor.

In 2010-2012, Mikheev headed the apparatus of A Just Russia and headed the federal headquarters of the party in the elections to the State Duma, and from January 2012 he became deputy head of the party apparatus.

In 2012, several banks ( "Promsvyazbank", "Nomos-bank", "Kazkommertsbank") accused Oleg Mikheev of embezzlement. On November 20, 2012, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District opened a criminal case on the theft of a loan issued by Promsvyazbank, and the investigators, through Sergei Naryshkin, asked for Oleg Mikheev to appear for interrogation, but he, having parliamentary immunity, never came.

On February 19, 2013, the State Duma agreed to deprive Oleg Mikheev, a member of the Just Russia party, representing the Volgograd region, from immunity. According to the investigation, Mikheev was involved in the seizure of 14 real estate objects of the Volgograd Motor-Building Plant in the amount of over 500 million rubles, as well as the attempted embezzlement of 2.1 billion rubles from Promsvyazbank. Mikheev himself completely denied the charges against him. and considered himself innocent.

December 26, 2016 Prosecutor General's Office of Russia announced the direction cases to the Sovetsky District Court of Volgograd. In February 2017, it became known that the consideration of the case on the merits can't start until then until Mikheev gets acquainted with the case. Mikheev due to the fact that he did not sign the indictment, was put on the international wanted list.

On March 23, 2017, the court of the Sovetsky district of Volgograd chose Oleg Mikheev, who is accused of attempted fraud, a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave the place. At the same time, Mikheev himself was not in court.

April 17, 2017 after the third non-appearance of the accused Mikheev at the court hearing in his case, the representatives of the injured party filed a motion to change the measure of restraint to detention.

On April 25, the Sovetsky District Court of Volgograd decided to grant this petition of the victims, decided to put Mikheev on the wanted list and return the criminal case to the prosecutor of the Volgograd region.

Family status

Married, three children.


  1. Oleg Leonidovich Mikheev // Gazeta.ru.
  2. Oleg Mikheev chose "Russia" // Kommersant, 06.02.2007.
  3. "You won't get anything" // "Company" magazine, 04/08/2013.

As it became known to Kommersant, the TFR has completed the investigation of the criminal case against the former State Duma deputy from the Just Russia party, the head of the branch of this party in the Volgograd region, Oleg Mikheev. He is accused of attempted embezzlement of 2.1 billion rubles. Promsvyazbank, as well as the theft of 14 facilities of the Volgograd Motor-Building Plant in the amount of more than 500 million rubles. At the same time, the criminal prosecution of Mr. Mikheev for "obstructing the administration of justice" was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. In the near future, the investigation plans to send an indictment in this case for approval to the Prosecutor General's Office. Mr. Mikheev does not admit guilt in the alleged crimes, and his lawyers are appealing literally all investigative actions.

The Main Investigation Department of the TFR has completed all the main investigative actions against the former State Duma deputy Oleg Mikheev, who is a member of the central council of the Just Russia party and the leader of its regional branch. The materials of his criminal case fit into 66 volumes.

Criminal case against Mr. Mikheev under Part 3 of Art. 30, part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted fraud), under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale), as well as part 3 of Art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (obstruction of justice), the chairman of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin, personally initiated on March 4, 2013, after the State Duma agreed to remove immunity from the deputy.

According to investigators, in September 2007, Oleg Mikheev signed an investment agreement, according to which he undertook to invest 100 million rubles in the reconstruction of Volgograd Motor-Building Plant OJSC. At the same time, the investment agreement provided that upon completion of the reconstruction or in the event of default by the plant of obligations, the real estate of the plant passed into the ownership of Mr. Mikheev. However, in 2009, the ex-deputy conceded for 1 million rubles. the right to claim a debt from the plant to a certain Vitaly Popov (according to some sources, he is a relative of Oleg Mikheev). And in 2010, the court recognized his ownership of 14 plant facilities worth over 500 million rubles. According to investigators, in this way Mr. Mikheev illegally obtained control over the enterprise.

The second episode in the criminal case of Mr. Mikheev is connected with an attempted theft by fraud of 2.1 billion rubles. from Promsvyazbank, which in 2008 acquired Volgoprombank, owned by the ex-deputy. According to the investigation, being the chairman of the board of directors and the owner of the shares of Volgoprombank, Mr. Mikheev executed fictitious contracts for the provision of services. Under these agreements, Mr. Mikheev assumed obligations to repay the credit debt of enterprises controlled by him to Volgoprombank, which amounted to more than 1.4 billion rubles. And in order to steal money, the ex-deputy executed surety agreements on behalf of the bank under contracts for the provision of services for a fee. As previously stated in the ICR, Mr. Mikheev at the same time instructed the president of Volgoprombank (the financial institution was liquidated) not to reflect the bank's obligations in accounting, thereby hiding the credit institution's obligations to him personally from Promsvyazbank. Moreover, none of the terms of the contracts for the provision of services between Mr. Mikheev and the firms controlled by him were not fulfilled at all.

In February 2011, Mr. Mikheev, through the Sovetsky District Court of the city of Volgograd, tried to recover an additional 2.1 billion rubles from Promsvyazbank. However, as reported in the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Oleg Mikheev did not complete the crime, since the court refused to satisfy his claims.

True, during the consideration of the civil claim of Promsvyazbank in court, Mr. Mikheev, according to the investigation, sent an appeal to the chairman of the Volgograd Regional Court using his official position. In it, the then deputy Mikheev transparently hinted at the need to make a decision on the recovery of 2.1 billion rubles. in his favor. As a result, a third episode appeared in his criminal case - "obstruction of justice" (Article 294 of the Criminal Code). However, later, due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, the charge against Mr. Mikheev was dropped.

It should be noted that this is not the first time the Investigative Committee has completed the investigation of this criminal case. This is due to the fact that in the case of the ex-deputy, defenders constantly changed, insisting on getting additional time to get acquainted with the materials of the investigation. However, the Basmanny District Court, followed by the Moscow City Court, issued decisions in accordance with which the lawyers and Mr. Mikheev himself were limited in time for familiarization. One lawyer was not admitted to the case at all, because he tried to get access to his materials when the rest of the defense lawyers got acquainted with them. However, according to lawyer Kirill Skarabevsky, the procedure for appealing court decisions has not yet ended, and therefore one cannot count on the fact that the criminal case will go to court in the near future. Other lawyers declined to comment, and Mr. Mikheev himself was unavailable to them. At the same time, it should be noted that while the investigation was underway, Mr. Mikheev, who had previously been a successful businessman, was declared bankrupt by the arbitration court. His personal debt exceeds 9.5 billion rubles.

As a reminder, the rating is compiled monthly by FederalPress experts together with the Institute for Strategic Communications and social projects. The frequency of mentions in Runet is taken as the basis, which is tracked according to the Yandex. News” and systematized.

According to the results of July, the leader of the rating was predictably the head of the region, Andrey Bocharov, mentioned in all official news and readily quoted by the media, as they say, by virtue of his position. His name flashed in media resources a total of 722 times. The second place was taken by State Duma deputy Oleg Mikheev, who has 372 references. At the same time, only the third was the newly-minted head of Volgograd, Vitaly Likhachev, who, even in connection with the appointment, "scored" only 258 mentions.

It should be noted that many materials posted in the electronic media are found unchanged on other web resources. The situation is quite familiar, but it can significantly distort the objectivity of the study. Therefore, all such duplicate texts were not taken into account when forming the database for the rating.

Another high media rating of Oleg Mikheev is not something unexpected. Over the past ten years, Mikheev has confidently held this position. So it was during the governorship of Nikolai Maksyuta. This continued under the governors who headed the region over the past years.

Experts associate the high positions of State Duma deputy Oleg Mikheev in recent months, not least with his bright and unexpected election campaign for most regional and federal politicians. And the way he thoughtfully and deliberately broke into social networks. The local political elite was clearly not ready for such a thing. Moreover, he was completely at a loss before the pressure of Oleg Mikheev, and even more before the enthusiasm with which he was met by people throughout the region.

If we trace the dynamics of the results of this rating in recent years, we can see that it constantly holds high positions. Experts attribute Mikheev's popularity to his active parliamentary work. Over the past five years in the State Duma, he introduced 555 bills - a figure that is not so much beautiful as amazing. In the State Duma of the previous convocation, Oleg Mikheev introduced 176 laws. Moreover, some of the deputy's initiatives are becoming especially resonant and are being briskly discussed on the Web. So in this rating everything is natural and predictable. So, it is most likely not true to tie Mikheev's current high media rating exclusively to the election campaign. It is no less active and visible throughout the year.

The ICR completed the investigation of the case against the former State Duma deputy from the Just Russia party, the head of the branch of this party in the Volgograd region

He is accused of attempted embezzlement of 2.1 billion rubles. Promsvyazbank, as well as the theft of 14 facilities of the Volgograd Motor-Building Plant in the amount of more than 500 million rubles. At the same time, the criminal prosecution of Mr. Mikheev for "obstructing the administration of justice" was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. In the near future, the investigation plans to send an indictment in this case for approval to the Prosecutor General's Office. Mr. Mikheev does not admit guilt in the alleged crimes, and his lawyers are appealing literally all investigative actions.

The Main Investigation Department of the ICR has completed all the main investigative actions against the former State Duma deputy Oleg Mikheev, who is a member of the central council of the Just Russia party and the leader of its regional branch. The materials of his criminal case fit into 66 volumes.

Criminal case against Mr. Mikheev under Part 3 of Art. 30, part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted fraud), under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale), as well as part 3 of Art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (obstruction of justice), the chairman of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin, personally initiated on March 4, 2013, after the State Duma agreed to remove immunity from the deputy.

Oleg Mikheev
Photo: Yaroslav Malykh / Kommersant

According to investigators, in September 2007, Oleg Mikheev signed an investment agreement, according to which he undertook to invest 100 million rubles in the reconstruction of Volgograd Motor-Building Plant OJSC. At the same time, the investment agreement provided that upon completion of the reconstruction or in the event of default by the plant of obligations, the real estate of the plant passed into the ownership of Mr. Mikheev. However, in 2009, the ex-deputy conceded for 1 million rubles. the right to claim a debt from the plant to a certain Vitaly Popov (according to some sources, he is a relative of Oleg Mikheev). And in 2010, the court recognized his ownership of 14 plant facilities worth over 500 million rubles. According to investigators, in this way Mr. Mikheev illegally obtained control over the enterprise.

The second episode in the criminal case of Mr. Mikheev is connected with an attempted theft by fraud of 2.1 billion rubles. from Promsvyazbank, which in 2008 acquired Volgoprombank, owned by the ex-deputy. According to the investigation, being the chairman of the board of directors and the owner of the shares of Volgoprombank, Mr. Mikheev executed fictitious contracts for the provision of services. Under these agreements, Mr. Mikheev assumed obligations to repay the credit debt of enterprises controlled by him to Volgoprombank, which amounted to more than 1.4 billion rubles. And in order to steal money, the ex-deputy executed surety agreements on behalf of the bank under contracts for the provision of services for a fee. As previously stated in the ICR, Mr. Mikheev at the same time instructed the president of Volgoprombank (the financial institution was liquidated) not to reflect the bank's obligations in accounting, thereby hiding the credit institution's obligations to him personally from Promsvyazbank. Moreover, none of the terms of the contracts for the provision of services between Mr. Mikheev and the firms controlled by him were not fulfilled at all.

In February 2011, Mr. Mikheev, through the Sovetsky District Court of the city of Volgograd, tried to recover an additional 2.1 billion rubles from Promsvyazbank. However, as reported in the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Oleg Mikheev did not complete the crime, since the court refused to satisfy his claims.

The ICR completed the investigation of the criminal case against the former State Duma deputy from the Just Russia party, the head of the branch of this party in the Volgograd region Oleg Mikheev
Photo: Kommersant

True, during the consideration of the civil claim of Promsvyazbank in court, Mr. Mikheev, according to the investigation, sent an appeal to the chairman of the Volgograd Regional Court using his official position. In it, the then deputy Mikheev transparently hinted at the need to make a decision on the recovery of 2.1 billion rubles. in his favor. As a result, a third episode appeared in his criminal case - “obstruction of justice” (Article 294 of the Criminal Code). However, later, due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, the charge against Mr. Mikheev was dropped.

It should be noted that this is not the first time the Investigative Committee has completed the investigation of this criminal case. This is due to the fact that in the case of the ex-deputy, defenders constantly changed, insisting on getting additional time to get acquainted with the materials of the investigation. However, the Basmanny District Court, followed by the Moscow City Court, issued decisions in accordance with which the lawyers and Mr. Mikheev himself were limited in time for familiarization. One lawyer was not admitted to the case at all, because he tried to get access to his materials when the rest of the defense lawyers got acquainted with them. However, according to lawyer Kirill Skarabevsky, the procedure for appealing court decisions has not yet ended, and therefore one cannot count on the fact that the criminal case will go to court in the near future. Other lawyers declined to comment, and Mr. Mikheev himself was unavailable to them. At the same time, it should be noted that while the investigation was underway, Mr. Mikheev, who had previously been a successful businessman, was declared bankrupt by the arbitration court. His personal debt exceeds 9.5 billion rubles.

Yuri Syun