Julia Shchedrova: how to get married quickly and successfully. Club "I want to marry" Yulia Shchedrova. What's stopping me from getting married? Why am I not like that? We learn with the help of the Wheel of Marriage by Yulia Shchedrova Marry in 2 months read

Julia Shchedrova is an expert on how to get married and strengthen family relationships, a recognized master of bringing her readers to the doors of registry offices.

In the Internet club of Yulia Shchedrova "Want to get married" consists of more than 350 thousand women. With the help of her free online newsletter and courses, more than 20 women get married every day!

Why do so few women from the club get married - only some 2% per year of the total number of members? The answer is simple, according to Yulia Shchedrova, not everyone is unbearable to marry immediately. However, many women are interested in being ready at any moment to realize their intentions in this aspect of life.

If you set a goal, then becoming the wife of a worthy man is quite realistic in two months, Yulia Shchedrova is sure. At one time she did just that, now thousands of her students are getting married according to her method.

Yulia Shchedrova graduated from the faculties of journalism and psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Journalistic experience, outstanding creativity and a subtle sense of humor have made her club's website the best source of advice and support for women who want to get married, as well as married women who continue to engage in self-improvement.

Library of Yulia Shchedrova

Yulia Shchedrova playlist

Books, courses, trainings, seminars
Yulia Shchedrova

Free course: "Where and how to meet your betrothed"

The Internet club “I Want to Get Married” was created back in 2007 on the initiative of Yulia Shchedrova for serious women who want not only to successfully and quickly marry their loved one, but also to further strengthen and develop successful relationships with their man.

And, this project of Yulia Shchedrova turned out to be very successful and necessary for a huge number of women who wanted to quickly and successfully marry their beloved man.

According to the statistics of the last three years over twenty women from the online club "I want to get married" marry their beloved man every day thanks to the club's trainings.

Yulia Shchedrova's online school “Wheel of Marriage. How to get married in 2 months and be yourself

Two-month online School of Marriage by Yulia Shchedrova "Marry in 2 months"

In February 2018, Yulia Shchedrova, together with her husband, opened the Marry in 2 Months online school of marriage, which teaches how to quickly and successfully marry a loved one. To get acquainted with the School of Marriage, the first classes for seven days you can visit is free .

Attend the first seven classes of the School of Marriage for free!

Enrollment in the online school of Yulia Shchedrova “The Wheel of Marriage. How to get married in 2 months and be yourself

Duration of training is 2 months.

At the beginning of 2020, in the Internet club of Yulia Shchedrova "I want to get married" was registered about 600,000 women! And the number of women who have joined the club "I want to get married" is increasing daily.

In order to become a member of this popular women's club, you need to subscribe to a free course in the form of an email newsletter. "How to meet and marry successfully" , consisting at the time of this writing of 116! letters, in which you will be given short, but very effective recommendations, time-tested on the problems of concern to many women in relations with the opposite sex. At the very beginning of this free course, practical advice is given on where to look and how to properly meet worthy men for a serious relationship and lead them to marriage.

Join the Internet club "I want to get married" and find a beloved man

Free course in the form of mailing "How to get acquainted and successfully marry"

If you already have a man, but you want to make your relationship with him more refined and diverse, then join the "I want to get married" club and get a free course "How to Become a Goddess of Sex" .

Become a Sex Goddess!

Also, the club "I want to get married" offers very effective trainings in the form of video courses and audio books for women and girls who want to be the most charming and most attractive of the fair sex, regardless of age and appearance, who can, if necessary, solve the most difficult female problems in relationships with men. These training materials by Yulia Shchedrova will be discussed below on this page of this site.

Online course by Yulia Shchedrova "I am a bride, or 6 easy ways to get a marriage proposal"

About the president of the club "I want to get married" Yulia Shchedrova

Yulia Shchedrova graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov with a degree in journalism, and then the same university with a degree in psychology.

Yulia Shchedrova is known to millions of Russian-speaking women thanks to her popular women's Internet club “I Want to Get Married”, which effectively helps women and girls solve their concern: “How to get married quickly and successfully.”

Currently, Yulia is a well-known women's trainer in the field of interpersonal relations, the author of numerous trainings and courses that really helped many hundreds of thousands of women solve their problems.

The very first audio training by Yulia Shchedrova called "Married in two months" , released back in 2008, made a splash and became a bestseller. Thanks to this training, many thousands of women have found their soul mate and found happiness.

This simple training, which does not require much effort from women, actually turned out to be, as practice has shown, very effective (one might even say super effective), since it gives almost a hundred percent probability that, if the recommendations and methods are followed, any woman will quickly marry necessary and beloved person!

The original version of the "Get Married in Two Months" training has been updated to reflect the new trends of the times and seven years of research, as well as an analysis of the most successful relationships and the most effective paths to marriage. The updated training was released under the name and immediately sold out in huge circulation for video courses, becoming another bestseller by Yulia Shchedrova.

By the way, did you know that according to statistics, 94% of women cannot get married because they have an uneven marriage wheel. If you want to check your Wheel of Marriage and get, if it is uneven, instructions for correcting it, then check it according to the method developed by highly qualified specialists in the Women's Club "I Want to Get Married". It's free!

Check out your marriage wheel for free!

The first bestseller "How to get married in two months" was followed by other training courses of the "I want to get married" club, which also became bestsellers.

Following the training “Marry in two months”, a video training, a training book, an audio training, etc. are coming out.

From the very beginning, a lot of media outlets, including central television channels such as First, Ren TV, Culture, etc., spoke positively about the Internet club of Yulia Shchedrova “I want to get married” from the very beginning and told (and tell to this day).

The popularity of the club under the leadership of Yulia Shchedrova grew from year to year. In 2011, as part of the Internet club "I want to get married", paid and free so-called ledinars (webinars for ladies who want to develop femininity) begin to be held. The ladynars touch upon the broadest issues of women's lives from dating men and finding a husband to creating a prosperous family and successfully raising a child to questions about how to become a happy and successful woman.

If you want to quickly and effectively solve your problems, then the Women's Internet Club "I Want to Get Married" offers a wide range of trainings with Yulia Shchedrova on various issues that many women are looking for answers to. But, in the first place is the solution of the main question for an unmarried woman: how to quickly and successfully marry a loved one.

Below is a complete list of trainings released during the entire existence of the "I Want to Marry" club, which have proven their high efficiency in practice.

Watch and choose the training in accordance with your needs and wishes.

Remember that knowledge is power and the key to success in any endeavor, and even water does not flow under a lying stone.

Attention! If you find it difficult to choose the training that you need in the first place, even according to detailed descriptions on selling sites, and also to make sure that the trainings are of high quality, you can see an overview of part of the trainings from the entire cycle. for 2% of their total price!

Catalog of the best video and audio trainings released by Yulia Shchedrova's club "I want to get married" on DVDs

For speed, if you wish, you can buy electronic versions of these courses and trainings, which will cost less.

Video training of erotic massage.

Video training "Magic of love. Rituals for calling a loved one and rituals on Christmas days during Holy Week .

Video training "Tantric massage "Princess Shakti"" .

Video training “Tantric sex. How to bind a womanizer or inflame a passion for a botanist with simple energy practices.

Multimedia course: . A bestseller course on how to quickly and successfully marry your loved one.

Video training.

Video training.

Step by step instructions on 7 CDs.

multimedia training.

Step-by-step instruction .

sensational technique.

Program .

Audio training.

Video training.

Video training.

Tutorial in the form of audio training.

Video training on how to become a magnet for your soulmate.

Information business training course for women.

Video training.

"Queen of Orgasms"(can be purchased on the record).

Video training.

Video training.


Video training.


Attention! When ordering at least one course from the online club "I Want to Get Married", you will be offered several more courses on similar topics, but with significant discounts!

Exclusive offer from the club "I want to get married" - individual online training "Woman of wealth"

Individual training takes place via the Internet at a convenient time for the student. The place of residence does not matter. Training starts immediately after payment. Men who want to become a “Wealth Man” can also sign up for the training. For wealthy women, training from the first Internet Lady Yulia Shchedrova herself is possible.

And one more interesting offer from the club "I want to get married."

A set consisting of three books by Yulia Shchedrova and a training video called "March Cats"

In 2015, a chic set for female magic "Enchantress" went on sale, designed to change the life of any woman for the better. This set includes magical artifacts and an audio course on the Enchantress or the Beginning Course in Women's Love Magic DVD.

YOU are beautiful, but your strategy DOES NOT WORK!

You are a charming woman, regardless of your age and appearance. Like any of us, you want to love and be loved. But for some reason, you just can't get into a serious relationship with the opposite sex. It's just that your strategy of behavior with men DOES NOT WORK, and after breaking up with another candidate for a hand and heart, you torment yourself with questions:
Maybe there is something wrong with me?
Why did he leave without explanation?
Why is another woman better than me?
How am I going to live without him now?
Where can I find another cavalier?
How can I impress this gentleman?
How can I win his heart?
Can good sex make him propose to me?
Maybe I should learn how to cook?
Why is he eating my salads and not proposing?
Maybe we're not right for each other?

Not only young ladies who have experienced "unhappy love" for the first time, but also experienced women in love relationships, who, nevertheless, step on the same rake with every new man, plague themselves with such questions ...

Imagine for a moment that you have in your hands a rare book with unique techniques and practices (not only sexual!) and a well-honed harmonious program to attract a worthy man into your life. Now think about how much easier it would be for you to communicate with the opposite sex if you knew the unique method of conquering men's hearts, revealed in this book! Do you think you would feel shy when meeting young people? Would you be afraid to lose someone you like? Would you doubt your feminine attractiveness and irresistibility? Of course not! You would have experienced confidence in your feminine strength and endless drive!

"Marrying is not difficult,
It's hard to get married."
Folk wisdom.

If you have repeatedly been disappointed in the men with whom you were going to build a serious relationship, and came to the conclusion that you need to approach the search for a husband more thoroughly, this training book is for you.

I propose an algorithm for finding a soul mate, which was invented and tested by me, my girlfriends, girlfriends of my girlfriends, and so on. The main advantage of my development is that it works 100% if two important conditions are met.

First, you must follow the sequence of the algorithm for attracting a partner into your life. In no case should you swap two-week tasks in places or ignore any of them. In secret: if you consider any task to be superfluous, it is precisely this task that you need most of all, therefore this is your problem. Secondly, you must trust what is written here, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Please note that tasks for every two weeks consist of several Actions. You can apply all the proposed options for Actions, but, as practice shows, three or four of them are enough to achieve the goal - your choice.

And one more thing: from the first day of the program, keep a diary, codenamed "Marry in 2 months." Write down there all your discoveries and insights, successes and doubts, questions and answers that will come to you during the two months of the program.

If you like to spend time at the computer, you can start an electronic diary, or a blog in LiveJournal. The main thing is not to miss a single day. Written reflections will help you better understand yourself, separate the "wheat from the chaff" and move far in the field of interpersonal relationships.

1st and 2nd week. DISCOVER YOURSELF
"A perfect man seeks everything in himself, an insignificant man in others."


As much as you would like to start looking for a potential husband this second, I advise you to wait a little longer.

I have been waiting for so many years - but two weeks is a lot? No, dear, you have to be patient! Trust me - the result obtained at the end of this program will exceed your expectations. But for this you need to try. Do you remember the saying “Without labor you can’t even take a fish out of the pond”? And without difficulty to force a man to take lifelong responsibility for you and your children (present and future) - all the more it will not work.

This week you are accumulating your efforts in the direction of self-knowledge. And this is the most important part of the program.
First of all, you must find... yourself. You must understand what kind of husband you need, for what purpose (many discoveries can be made here!), why right now and what you need to change in yourself in order to meet him. A special test will help you figure this out. Answer the following questions with the utmost honesty, because your happiness depends entirely on this. Write down your thoughts in your diary. So…

Julia Shchedrova was born March 15th. She is a well-known women's trainer in the field of interpersonal relations, the author of numerous trainings, courses and books that really help hundreds of thousands of women solve their problems.

Julia, even when she was little, most of all loved to play in the wedding. In kindergarten, she put a sweater on her head, imagining that it was a veil, her five-year-old friend Sasha proposed to her, and they slowly walked down the imaginary crown. The teacher told them: "Do not rush, you will still have time to get married, play other games." The girl changed her games, but thoughts about the prince did not let her sleep peacefully. Julia grew up and dreamed that as soon as she turned 18, she would go down the aisle with a handsome prince.

But even at the age of 18, the wedding did not happen. There were no princes on the way of the girl. Sometimes you came across a sissy, sometimes Don Juan, and even a married one. But no one was in a hurry to make an offer. Having entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, the girl worked hard on herself over the next five years. She wanted to figure out why she came into this world, what kind of person she could be happy with, how to push the right man to propose, and so on.

Julia applied not only the trial and error method, but also went to various psychological trainings. She visited more than 50 of them! And then she even entered to study as a psychologist, because she really wanted to help create a family not only for herself, but for all women, regardless of age. As a student, she also made bold experiments. For example, for several days I visited places of congestion of men in a T-shirt “I want to get married”, collected more than a hundred phone numbers, handed out my business cards, etc.

Julia got married at the age of 23 and, by the way, then she was far from a model appearance and not with slender forms. The girl realized that in order to be happy and successfully marry, you do not need to be the owner of a beautiful appearance, the main thing is a positive attitude and knowledge of a step-by-step methodology.

Today, Yulia Shchedrova is a happy wife and mother - more than 15 years of marriage. She founded the women's club "I Want to Marry", thanks to which she became known not only to Russian-speaking women, because the club already has more than 350,000 women from all over the world. From the very beginning, many media outlets, and even central television channels, spoke positively about this project from the very beginning: First, Ren-TV, Culture, etc.

In addition, Julia began to produce training courses for women. The very first, which was released in 2008 under the title, made a splash and became a bestseller. Thanks to him, many thousands of women have found their soul mate and found happiness. In 2015, the author updated the course to take into account time and seven years of research, as well as analysis of the most successful relationships and the most effective paths to marriage. The new course was released under the name "The Wheel of Marriage or Married in Two Months with a Triple Guarantee", it also immediately sold out in huge circulation.

It was followed by other training courses, which also became famous. For example, video trainings, etc.

The books by Yulia Shchedrova “He is yours. School of a successful bride”, “I am a bride”, “Find, seduce and keep. Look at yourself through male eyes”, “School of a successful wife”, “How to get your ex back and keep love forever” and many others. These simple, effortless materials for women are very effective. They give a probability, almost 100%, that, subject to the recommendations and methods, any woman will marry the person she needs.

As part of the "I want to get married" club, Yulia conducts paid and free ledinars (this is the author's term for webinars for ladies who want to develop femininity in themselves). The broadest issues of women's life are touched on at the ledinars, from dating men and finding a husband to creating a prosperous family to questions about how to become a happy and successful woman.