When is Anton's name day according to the church calendar. Meaning of the name. Day Angel. Anton's name day When is Anton's day

Angel Day is a name day according to the church calendar, in our case, relating to Anton's name day. It is believed that on this day the spirit of the martyrs descends to earth and protects their namesakes.

Description and meaning of the name

The name Anton is rooted in ancient Rome - Antonius. An earlier origin cannot be traced, but some scientists refer to the Etruscan civilization. It is translated as "entering the battle", "competing". It is given by parents who want their child to grow strong and value commitment. In Orthodoxy, Anthony is considered the correct pronunciation.

Traits and fate

In childhood, this is an affectionate and gentle boy. At school, he may not have tremendous success, but further education and development will be easy. Mom and dad should try to instill a love for education at an early stage, and also help Anton realize the importance of knowledge.

Note! Birthdays are a great time for a family holiday. Remember what Igumen Nikon said: “Keep the strength of the family at any cost!”.

In adolescence, the young man is impulsive. May show aggression towards peers, which must be replaced by faith, sports and useful sciences. At the same time, Antons greatly appreciate friends. The strongest bonds often arise in quarrels, but then remain for life. Let's summarize the features for brevity:

  • Loyalty;
  • Strength of spirit;
  • Impulsiveness;
  • Independence;
  • The desire to act.

Birthday dates for 2018

Look at the dates of 2018 on which an Orthodox man, nicknamed Anton, should be honored:

  • 30.01 - Saint Anthony the Great
  • 23.06 - Saint Anthony, Metropolitan of Tobolsk
  • 23.07 - Memorial Day of St. Anthony of the Kiev Caves
  • 15.09 - Memorial Day of St. Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves
  • 11.10 - Cathedral of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves, in the Near Caves (St. Anthony) resting
  • 20.08, 24.10 - Reverend Anthony of Optina

In total, according to the calendar for 2018, you can please yourself with name days for 6 days. Please note that there are separate dates for men and women (Anton, Antonina).

Notable namesakes

Saints with the name Anton have been mentioned for a long time:

  • The most famous is St. Anthony the Great, who was born in the 3rd century AD, in Egypt. According to legend, he lived in the desert for 70 years and died at the age of 106, having previously taught a considerable number of people knowledge from Christ.
  • Anthony of the Caves: in the world bearing the name of Antip, he began the monastic path in Athos. Then he was waiting for a move to Kyiv and substantiation in the caves on Berestovaya Gora. People were attracted by the pious behavior shown by the saint, and soon his community reached 100 people. At the same place, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected. The person under discussion is also the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

  • Reverend Optinsky: together with his elder brother Moses of Optinsky, he erected a monastic skete, the head of which he later became appointed. The elder, who had the name Anton, suffered from a leg disease, but at the same time he worked at the temple for another 3 years while he was waiting for his dismissal. Even after leaving, he received and consoled the suffering. It is recommended to commemorate him at name days and at other times, as an example of a person who built a community from scratch.

  • Anthony the Roman of Novgorod: an Orthodox saint who became an orphan at the age of 18. In the same years, he distributes one part of the property to those in need, and invests the other in a barrel and sends it to the sea. Later, the martyr founds the Anthony Monastery.

The secular world also has its celebrities. Here are just a few of them:

Anton Pavlovich Losenko is a famous Russian artist who gave rise to a historical trend in painting;

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is an excellent writer, satirist, advertiser and doctor, whose works are still appreciated in literary and media circles.

Anton Kerner is an Austrian botanist who was the first to discover the phenomenon of parthenogenesis. One of the first people who studied phytocenosis.

Congratulations for Anton on his name day

Anton's name day is not a celebration that should be celebrated magnificently. These days, a person is guarded by a keeper. He needs to deal with faith and personal affairs, leaving fears and worries behind. At the same time, a person can and even needs to be congratulated - this strengthens friendly and family ties, as well as faith. You can write on a piece of paper, say it in person, or send it digitally.

Most often, for boys, parents try to choose a name that will symbolize masculinity and strength. It should be suitable for a real man whom everyone wants to be brought up. Indeed, you should carefully consider all the proposed options and carefully study the meaning of each name in order to endow your child with the desired character traits.

Today, the name Anton can be heard quite often in the territory of the former countries of the Soviet Union and in some European states. From time to time they forget about it, but after a while it becomes popular again. If you look into its history, you can see that the name appears in Ancient Rome, where it is used as a generic name - Antoniev. According to another version, this name also has ancient Greek roots and in translation it means "compete, engage in battle." In another version of the origin, this name means "sporty". In any case, it contains the qualities that a real man should have.

Little Anton.

In childhood, parents can be proud of their baby, he will be very well-mannered and cultured, in addition, everyone will notice the respect with which he treats his parents. Of course, the father will be simply an indisputable authority for the boy. He will be his first teacher and support. Do not think that there will be no place for his mother in his life. She is also important for the child, he will treat her very carefully and gently, demonstrating his love and affection. The child will be very economic, he will gladly help to cope with all household chores, and even as he grows up, his attitude towards his parents will not change. Attachment and love will be just as strong.

From a child named Anton, parents may not expect very high educational achievements. Even in kindergarten, it will be possible to notice that he is rather indifferent to all tasks. This situation will repeat itself at school. This will continue exactly until the boy chooses a specialty that will interest him very much. In this case, he will study everything related to the profession, he will be able to easily master subjects that may be useful in the future. Higher education may simply be fundamentally different from school education. The young man will be so interested that there is a high probability of receiving a red diploma.

The young man will be ready for the fact that it will be necessary to overcome some difficulties, they will not be able to stop him on the way to his goal. At school, parents will notice that if a son can relate rather coolly to textbooks, then he will treat fiction with love. Reading books can be your favorite pastime. This hobby will stay with him for the rest of his life.


Anton will strive all his life to find his ideal woman. From his youth, he will be inclined to fall in love very quickly and passionately. The end of another relationship will be a real tragedy for him, he is able to endure a breakup for a long and painful time, carefully analyzing the situation. The young man will constantly call, write messages and do everything so that the girl does not even have a chance to think about someone else. It is very important for him to show his feelings, but for some there will be too many of them and the relationship may end. Despite all his masculinity and strength, it is very scary for Anton to experience the breakup of a serious relationship. Such fear can lead to the fact that all novels will be easy and short-lived. The young man will look for every opportunity to avoid a serious relationship. It will be characterized by two states.

In the first case, love experiences can overwhelm him with his head and make him forget about everything in the world, and in the other case, he will completely abandon women, and will be alone for a long period. Even simple and non-committal intimacy in this state will be unacceptable to him. Anton can very carefully and for a long time hide his feelings behind the mask of complete alienation and even a mocking attitude towards the female sex.

Often men with this name find complete mental and sexual balance only after the age of forty. All life can pass in the spirit of the contradiction of sexual attraction to one and feelings to another. A man is really very lucky if he meets a woman who can suit him in every way.


Anton for his wife will be a very good, but jealous husband. In some cases, perhaps he will forgive adultery, but the relationship will be strained for a very long time. In a marriage union, he will be able to build relationships in such ways that his wife had her own personal space and separate activities, and he too. In solitude or his hobby, he will be able to find peace and tranquility. All important family issues and decisions in the family will be discussed and each party will be able to express their opinion. Anton will not reject the opinion of his wife and put his desires above the well-being of the family.
For children, a man will become a very good father. Quite often, it is with his daughters that he will be able to build harmonious and trusting relationships.


It will not be difficult for Anton to figure out a new job and quickly reorganize if circumstances require it. Most often, after some time, he becomes just an excellent specialist in this field. Often men with this name find their calling in science and indeed achieve significant success in this field. If nothing works out in the work, then there can be only one explanation - the man himself does not fully understand all his desires and aspirations. In this case, he simply will not be able to get any pleasure from work and, accordingly, there can be no talk of a good career or a high position.

Anton will be able to achieve professional heights and recognition from his colleagues only when he is completely sure that he is doing the right thing. Belief in himself should be the main driving force for him forward.

General characteristics of the name.

Since childhood, Anton has been growing up as a very kind and open child, often in school years he may have friends with whom he will go through life. Their interests will always be very important to him. A man will be able in some situations to act to the detriment of himself, but he will definitely help his friend. This character trait is very good, but some may just enjoy a good disposition. In some cases, this attitude towards friends may indicate that self-esteem is at a very low level.

Anton almost always trusts his inner feelings and does what his intuition tells him to do. If the desired result is not obtained from this, then he will not be upset. With regard to money, he can be called very reasonable, but in some cases this can adversely affect if he refuses a profitable deal.

The owners of this name should be attentive to their own health and try to eliminate bad habits in order to live life without problems.

The correct name for a man is only a small stone in shaping the character of a person. Those inclinations that can give a name are worth developing and constantly working on them in order to really become a worthy man.

When, according to the church calendar, Anton's name day:

August 22 - Anthony of Alexandria, martyr; January 30 - Anthony the Great, Egyptian, reverend, founder of hermitage; July 23 - Anthony of the Caves, founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in the Near (Antoniev) caves.

The meaning of the name Anton:"entering the battle", "opposing" (ancient Greek)

Since childhood, Anton has been a very handsome and charming boy. Everyone around him is drawn to him. And it stays forever. In relations with his parents, he is always very polite, respects and appreciates his parents, close people.

Anton is prone to hasty conclusions, always throws himself into the pool with his head in any business. He lacks patience, prudence and caution. Often abandons his affairs in the middle of the way.

In teams and companies, he prefers to stay on the sidelines, does not have any leadership qualities. On the contrary, he likes to listen to others. It will open only to a time-tested person who will communicate with him on an equal footing.

As in all matters, in relations with women, Anton is hasty in conclusions, impulsive and emotional. You can always say too much and then regret it. But at the same time, he avoids serious conflicts due to his complaisance and kindness. He takes the choice of the chosen one and marriage with her seriously, usually choosing the only woman for life.

Diminutive forms of the name Anton: Antosha, Tosha, Tokha, Toshka, Toshik, Tosik.

I want to congratulate you, Anton,
And wish you great happiness
Always have a million in the bank
To make dreams come true!

I wish you health, like steel,
Mutual love and good friends!
Let sadness bypass you
So that the sun shines in your life!

Anton means "combatant",
So boldly fight with a whole bunch of worries.
And let not a single one remain,
And in life you, our Anton, will be lucky!

We wish to love, to be loved always.
Health and ardor mischievous to keep.
Let the crazy years rush like horses.
We wish you not to lose confidence!

Dear Anton, I congratulate you and sincerely wish you wonderful nature, a good world, good people on the way, true friends, loving loved ones, brave ideas, fun ideas, creative thinking and incredible happiness on this joyful and wonderful day.

Be, Anton, always healthy
And you don't know doctors.
And to deep old age
From illnesses you do not groan.

Bucks from the sky to fall,
The bosses didn't get angry.
So that friends are reliable
For girls to love!

What you forgot to wish
You can enter here yourself -
In this festive verse,
In our funny congratulations!

I wish you, Antosha,
So that you are always happy
The salary will be good
For years of honest work!

To you, my dear Anton,
I wish you joy and laughter
Good health wagon,
Victory, luck and success!

I wish you, Anton
Always be number one:
With an apartment and a car,
Know the price of goodness and honor.

May wishes come true
And luck leads forward
Click like seeds
All problems and tasks.

Anton, congratulations on your holiday,
Rejoice from the bottom of your heart today
May happiness moments be remembered
And wonderful impressions.

Never be sad for no reason
Stay a worthy man
To be respected by people around
Everyone dreamed of being just like you.

For you now, Anton,
A lot of congratulations
To make life like a dream
Full of happiness and delight.

For your angel to keep
And save me from failure
More courage and strength
Be more successful and richer!

Courageous, brave and handsome,
Joy to you, good
Anton, I congratulate you on your day today,
May trouble pass you by.

May there be peace in your home
And let prosperity be in him,
Let all the bad things go away
And all the problems will be nothing.

Anton, I wish you
In life, success in everything,
Let love overtake big
And happiness will fill your house!

Let luck be like a bird
Accompany you on the road
And the best will happen
What could you only dream of!

I wish to live happily
Money - a million
May you be infinitely lucky
Nice, smart our Anton.

Let you all succeed
There will be joy and love
A hormone of insane passion
Let the blood always excite.

Congratulations: 32 in verse, 8 in prose.

  • January 12, 21 and 30
  • February 2, 18, 23 and 25
  • 10th of March
  • April 27
  • May 1, 17 and 20
  • June 20
  • 6, 7, 19, 23 and 26 July
  • August 13, 16, 20 and 22
  • October 7, 11, 23 and 30
  • November 8 and 22
  • December 14 and 20

The meaning and characteristics of the name Anton

It is believed that the name Anton comes from the ancient Roman "Anthony", and is translated as "entering the battle", "opposing" or "competing in strength".

Being a sweet and handsome boy, Antoshka always wins people over. At the same time, the child is not only charming in appearance, but also behaves remarkably - he always communicates politely with elders, follows all the instructions of parents, educators and teachers.

But the older Anton becomes, the more clearly the imbalance of his nature manifests itself. The life of this person is filled with ups and downs - both in matters of work and career, and in relationships with the opposite sex.

When a man fails, he can withdraw into himself for a long time, which often causes dissatisfaction with his loved ones. Anyone who loves Anton will certainly have to reckon with this quality of a person.

A woman who can make a man named by this name happy should be a leader in the family.

However, you should not directly tell Anton what needs to be done, otherwise he may impulsively refuse any business. Cunning and imperceptible tricks should guide a person in the right direction, and then he will be able to reach certain heights in life.

Congratulations for Anton on his name day in verse

Anton's dream come true
His cherished love will find
Let there be less sadness in life
And happiness will come to him on the threshold!

Hey Anton, hurry to the door -
Open to your guests!
We congratulate you with a word -
Be, Anton, always healthy!

Accept congratulations today, Anton -
We want you to look like a million!
And so that you never regret your strength,
Trying to get everything you wanted!

SMS congratulations to Anton on his name day

Anton! You are a kind and reliable friend, responsible worker, caring son and father! Let everything in your life turn out the way you want it, and luck never turns its back on you!

Anton is a very faithful comrade,
He is a sensible and exemplary son,
And all the girls, as one,
Antoshka is crazy!