How to open a money channel. How to open a money channel. First of all, you need to set up a money channel for the return

To put an end to money problems and a series of failures is within the power of everyone. Learn how to open a money channel and get good luck.

It happens that financial troubles creep up suddenly, one failure follows another, and in the meantime, debts grow. However, you can change the program of life and attract money, if you correct the situation at the energy level. Even a beginner can master this technique, but in order to achieve the desired result, you will need to change your thinking and gain faith in yourself.

What is a money channel

Everything that exists is involved in a constant energy exchange, and money is no exception. Finance is a resource that helps a person to interact with the outside world. Bioenergetics argue that at the energy level, money exists in the form of a financial egregore, which personifies everything that is somehow connected with money: thoughts, questions, feelings, actions, goals, desires.

The egregor of money and wealth exists independently of a person and does not have any influence on him, no matter how much he tries to get rich. It is very difficult to bring what you want into life without special synchronization with subtle energies. But with the right approach, you can connect to the money egregore, forming an energy flow between it and yourself, which is called the money channel.

Reasons for closing the money channel

  • Bad financial karma- when there were no rich and wealthy people in the family.
  • Psychology of poverty- the wrong attitude to money leaves its mark, blocking the money channel. We are talking about stereotypical thinking, which is fueled by negative attitudes such as “There was no money and there won’t be”, “I can’t afford it”, “Happiness is not in money”. These and other stable expressions that are firmly planted in the head largely determine the success in everyone's life.
  • Damage to money- intentional negative influence on the part of ill-wishers, which breaks through energy protection and deprives of good luck.

Whatever the root cause of the closing of the money channel, there is only one way out - to open it. The site editors offer you several universal methods, thanks to which you can get rid of money problems by eradicating the cause at the energy level.

How to open a money channel

You can’t connect to the egregor of money without paving the way for good luck and money. Connection to the cash flow occurs through the chakras - psycho-energetic centers in the subtle human body. You can open the chakras yourself. To attract money, you need to pay attention to 3 chakras: Manipura, Muladhara and Ajna.

Manipura. Activates the will, purposefulness and determination. Chakra can be stimulated through meditation. Mental work on the chakra must be supported by real actions. Try to go beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone: try yourself in something new, experiment, expand your horizons, communicate with new people.

Muladhara. Stimulates patience, rationalism, enterprise, allows you to get involved in the process and not deviate from your goals. It is favorably influenced by sports, movement, red color.

Ajna. Affects the intellect, intuition. Breathing exercises, yoga, introspection help to open the chakra. The activating color is purple.

In addition to working with chakras, you must follow a few more rules. This will allow you to get the desired result much faster, because it is known that the opening of a money channel can last a month, 3 months, six months, a year or more - it all depends on your worldview and desire to change your life.

  1. Notice the signs of the universe. The hints come at the mental level, your task is to realize that the Universe is abundant, and its gifts are limitless, and listen to your instincts.
  2. Be grateful. The world, the universe, people, everything and everyone. Say thank you not only for something good, but also for something bad. The ability to focus on the positive will give you the opportunity to attract luck, money and the right people into your life.
  3. Look for additional sources of income. Try to see opportunities for earning in something other than your main activity.
  4. Do charity work. So that the money not only comes to you, but also stays, give a small part of the funds to charity. All possible help to those in need will have a positive effect on karma.
  5. Learn the psychology of a rich person. If you decide to open a money channel and connect to an egregore, then you will need to abandon the psychology of poverty, stereotypes and negative attitudes. You need to think like a rich person, feel rich. Focus on what you want and remember that thoughts are material.

Following these recommendations, you can independently open a money channel and attract good luck. We hope that this will allow you to increase your income and solve many life issues. Awareness and the power of intention will give everything and radically change life. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

It is difficult to find such a person who would not want to become at least a little richer and more successful. But if capricious Fortune is ready to shower millions of some people, then for others she does not have such gifts. Is it possible to change fate and attract finance into your life? Magicians think so. To do this, it is enough just to know how to open a money channel.

Advice! Try to change the way you think. If you are looking at an expensive and desirable thing, then instead of setting “I can’t afford it,” start thinking in the vein of “what can I do to get it?”, “How can I achieve this?”.

Reasons for blocking cash flow

For a rich and successful person, the money channel works “like clockwork”. Such an individual usually has everything in order on the personal front, so the question will not interest him at all.

People who are chronically short of funds, even for household needs, usually suffer from blocked financial flow. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Negative thinking*
  • Impaired communication with people
  • Induced damage to poverty

*Negative thinking does not allow you to open a money channel and makes it almost impossible to successfully implement large-scale plans. So stop dwelling on your failures. Anyone who sees only problems everywhere misses a lot of opportunities to change their life for the better, to discover something new for themselves.

Communication skills are essential for anyone who wants to be successful. Gloomy and withdrawn people are not able not only to open an effective business, but even to find a job with decent pay. If you have serious communication problems, then consult a psychologist. Or at least read a couple of books on the psychology of communication.

To open a channel (financial flow), it is not at all necessary to seek help from a magician or a psychic. You can do it yourself by following the recommendations in this article.

Tidy up your workplace

Nothing repels Fortune like dirt and mess. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the workplace in perfect order. Do you work in an office? Dust your computer and desk regularly! Have you managed to open a small shop?

Carry out wet cleaning more often, carefully monitor the display of goods. A neat and well-groomed place will be loved by both buyers and Fortuna. Cleanliness helps keep the money channel always open.

To attract money, the traditional feng shui symbol is used - a toad with a coin in its mouth. It must be installed on the windowsill, with its back to the window. In order for the toad to “work” well, it should be washed periodically. Some people thank the frog when they receive a profit, and also tell it about their plans, which require money to implement.

Ritual "golden stream"

Want to learn how to open a money channel and attract good luck? In that case, you need to perform this ritual. The ceremony is performed on Sunday, the day should be clear and sunny. It will be ideal if Sunday falls on a waxing moon (the period from new moon to full moon).

Before you open a money channel, you must completely purify, ritually "relinquish" one's unsuccessful past. To do this, take a shower and change into new or at least clean clothes. For a while, forget about unpaid debts, salary delays, the need to pay for a communal / study, and other troubles.

Arrange seven candles in a row on the table and light them. It is recommended to use thin candles that burn out quickly. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms up, like in the picture on the right. Say the following three times:

“As the sun goes west across the sky, so from this hour I will always be lucky in everything. It will be as I want, what I want - I will get it! Amen."

Now close your eyes and imagine that money is raining down on you from above. It is best to represent not paper bills, but gold coins. Bathe in this rain for a few minutes. You can then return to your daily activities. Do not extinguish the candles, they must burn out completely.

How to pay off the "bad" share

Some people are haunted by the blocking of the money channel from birth. They say that they are chronic losers. They have to live paycheck to paycheck, and besides, they have to borrow all the time. often accompanied by health problems, which further exacerbates the situation.

To change fate, you need to know how to open your money channel. The easiest way to do this is with the help of a "payoff" - a small bundle that is left where people walk. Change 13 five-ruble coins and wrap them in a bundle of natural fabric. Add a twig from a broom with which you sweep the floor at home and a small personal item to this “pouch”. It can be a ring, a brooch, a personal fountain pen.

Take the ransom to a crowded place, where you accidentally drop it and leave quickly, without looking back, and without talking to anyone. You need to do this in such a way that the people around you do not pay attention to the fact that you have "something fallen out of your pocket or purse." If your parcel is suddenly returned to you, then you need to thank and leave. In this case, the ritual will have to be repeated.

Perhaps you have been corrupted?

If financial troubles suddenly hit you “like snow on your head”, then we can assume that the ill-wisher has spoiled you. Sometimes it is used for this purpose, which leads to a very destructive result. Usually a negative magical effect manifests itself as follows:

  • Disability, unexpected illness
  • Trouble with the law
  • Dismissal from work
  • Serious business problems
  • An accident, such as a car accident

How to recognize that you have become a victim of corruption and how to get rid of the curse? You will find all the information you need.

In order for money to stick to you, you need to open the money channel correctly. You will learn about all the secrets in the article.

Many esotericists believe that cash flow is the easiest form of energy. And it is very easy to open it, if you make such a decision yourself. Any of us can help ourselves in opening cash flows.

What's stopping you from making money?

Probably, there is no such person who would not want to have more money. It just so happened that delicious food, interesting travel, beautiful clothes require financial costs. Money helps us realize our desires and make dreams come true.

  • As a cell in the human body is involved in energy metabolism, so money circulates in the financial flow, facilitating human interaction with the world.
  • Every person should have money. And there are enough of them in the world, enough for everyone.
  • Every day there is a global financial flow: someone gives money, and someone receives it. But some people get rich while others go bankrupt. Why it happens?

Nothing in the world happens without a reason. If you cannot get out of poverty, then there is some problem in your life. And this problem needs to be identified in order to correct the situation.

The secret energy of money is due to two factors:

  • Internal psychological program and attitudes.
  • Effective interaction with finance.

The reasons that prevent you from attracting wealth into your life can be different:

  • Incorrect attitudes received in childhood (“you can’t earn big money honestly”, “where there is money, there are problems”, etc.).
  • Your passionate desire for money, which often blocks the money channel.
  • Engaging in an unloved thing, when you go through life in a way that is not your own.
  • Close people who, with careless remarks, knock down your inner energy mood.
  • Lack of respect for financial matters. Money requires respect.
  • A breakdown in communication with one's family or a failure in the family program when a person comes into the world with a weak money channel. Perhaps your ancestors were poor or broke people.
  • For a man, lack of money may be due to problems in relationships with women. The wife greatly influences the state of the husband's cash flow. The cash flow is blocked if she is not abundance for her spouse, but destruction. And she uses her energy power not to support her husband, but to prove his worthlessness and unsuitability.

Working with thoughts

Each person has blockages and installations that either contribute to or prevent the occurrence of certain events. Our beliefs allow the subconscious mind to accept or reject information. Sometimes a person, due to incorrect children's attitudes, subconsciously avoids the possibility of obtaining large incomes.

  • Focus on your thoughts when you see fancy cars, expensively dressed people, listen to travel stories of acquaintances. What exactly are you thinking about at this moment? Do you feel regret, envy, or even anger that someone else got it and not you?
  • Know that through thought you communicate with the universe, expressing your intention to it. And your thoughts that “life has failed”, “why I have so little money”, “I am a loser” are embodied in the absence of current financial well-being.

If you are used to thinking about money in a negative way, you need to change the focus of your thoughts from the lack of money to its presence:

  • Try to be delighted by the sight of beautiful clothes, expensive cars, rich people. Don't envy them. Rejoice that all this is present in the world, and you have the opportunity to observe it. When you let thoughts about the presence of money in your life into your mind, you are guaranteed to let cash flow into it.
  • Don't focus on your failures. Negative thinking blocks or narrows the financial channel. Such thoughts do not allow good things to enter your life, giving way to negativity.
  • Develop your communication skills. Sullen and unsociable people rarely find well-paid jobs or open successful businesses. Therefore, if you have obvious problems with communication, you should contact psychologists for help.

Working with emotions

Human thought finds continuation in emotions. Negative thoughts make us depressed and stressed, while positive thoughts make us happy and light. Our own inner state attracts certain events into our lives. In other words, what we radiate into the world comes back to us from the world.

Pay attention to how paying your bills makes you feel. Anger, resentment, disappointment?

Emotions associated with money can interfere or, conversely, help a person earn more. Earning income or having to pay for purchases forces us to interact with finances. And only the positive emotions that we experience from this process launch and expand the cash flow.

Try to change your worldview and feel the joy of relationships with money:

  • Relax about your current financial condition, whatever it may be. When a person is relaxed, he is open to positive energies passing through him, including cash flow.
  • Trust the Universe. Continue to live the same life, but change the inner attitude. You will be surprised how quickly the situation in your life will change for the better.
  • Set your own rules for life. Choose for yourself what role to play - the deprived loser or the lucky one. Play, try on the image of a successful wealthy person. Feel rich right now. Come up with a new life scenario, new images. Feel the taste of the life that you portray.

These principles really work. It's not magic at all, it's a different way of thinking. Thinking from the standpoint of the creator of one's own destiny.

Opening a money channel by magical methods: is it possible?

There are several ways:

  • Following the laws of feng shui, which help to strengthen the attraction of financial wealth to life. Buy money talismans, find wealth zones in the apartment and find out how to increase their energy.
  • Chanting the appropriate mantras.
  • Reading prayers.
  • magical rituals.
  • Simoron technique, which is suitable for people with a sense of humor. Cheerful rituals remove excessive seriousness, which often impedes cash flow.
  • Diagnostics of cash flow energy using the principles of neurolinguistic programming, constellations, siddha yoga.

There are several energy techniques.

Chakra Opening Exercise:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Rub your palms together.
  • Relax.
  • Bend your left palm slightly, as if you want to scoop up water.
  • Place your palm on the solar plexus.
  • Now bend your right hand and cover your left hand with it.
  • Breathe deeply for three minutes with your eyes closed.
  • Without removing your hands from the solar plexus, inhale as deeply as possible.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Bending your head, swallow the air, directing it to the stomach.
  • Imagine during this process how the cash flow flows into the solar plexus area.
  • Exhale through your mouth, imagining that all negative attitudes, filters and complexes are coming out of your head.
  • Repeat three times.
  • Do the exercise for 27 days.

Visualization method:

  • Wake up before dawn.
  • Stand straight and free in front of the window, turning your face to the east.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply twelve times.
  • Imagine that an energy crystal is floating in front of you, shining and shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Feel that the light of the rising sun, reflected and refracted in the crystal, penetrates your body, and then covers you with an impenetrable dome.
  • This exercise is best performed on the growing moon.

Help to attract money and money talismans:

  • Orange fruits (oranges, apricots, persimmons). Let there always be a vase with these fruits on your table.
  • Coins buried in flower pots.
  • Red geranium and indoor violet. Plants must be carefully cared for so that they always look healthy.
  • Three dried roses tied with gold thread. This bouquet must be hung in the living room.
  • A mint leaf hidden under the lining of a wallet.
  • Rhodonite, jade and chrysolite stones. They not only attract money, but also protect from the evil eye.

You can also perform effective magical rituals to attract wealth:

  • Prepare three candles.
  • Take out a large banknote.
  • When midnight comes, light the prepared candles.
  • Say the words from the picture.
  • The money that you have spoken, be sure to spend it.

"Money Rain":

  • Prepare thin candles, seven pieces in total.
  • Line them up on the table.
  • Light it up.
  • Extend your arms forward, palms up.
  • Say the words from the picture under the text.
  • Stand with your eyes closed, imagining how you are showered with gold coins or banknotes.
  • Feel this state for several minutes.
  • Candles do not need to be extinguished. Wait for them to burn themselves out.

A magical ritual to pay off the "bad" share:

  • Cut off a small flap from natural fabric.
  • Wrap 13 coins in it, a piece of a rod from a household broom and a small personal thing.
  • Take this "pouch" to a public place so that someone can pick it up.
  • Drop the bundle as if by accident.
  • Leave without looking back.

Magic ritual with rice (performed on the night of the new moon):

  • Fill a glass container two thirds of the volume with rice groats.
  • Place the container in the hallway.
  • Every day, when you come home, put your little change in this container.
  • Mix the rice with the money with your right hand and clockwise. At the same time, say affirmation phrases (for example, “I attract cash flow”, “I get a lot of money”).
  • Follow these steps for a month.
  • After the passage, remove all the coins from the container.
  • Distribute a tenth of the total amount to the poor.
  • With the remaining coins, buy something sweet and eat with pleasure.

When performing magical rituals to attract cash flow, remember that they can only help in clearing the negative energy money field. But if there are no internal key installations, rituals will be powerless. First of all, you need to work on yourself, on your attitudes.

How to attract cash flow?

To attract cash flow and make it function smoothly, you need to establish the right relationship with finance:

  • Notice the abundance in the outside world: dense forests, abundance of flowers, beautiful houses, wealthy people. Don't forget for a moment that the universe is abundant. There is plenty of everything in the world and there is enough for everyone.
  • Give thanks to the Universe for everything it has done for you or other people. When you experience gratitude, you focus on positive energies.
  • And they, in turn, attract positive things into your life. Give thanks not only for what you already have, but also for what you would like to receive. Our subconscious does not distinguish between the future and the present. It takes attitudes literally and then puts them into practice.
  • Money must be loved. However, do not make a cult out of them. Count your savings more often, rejoice when you have to interact with them. But try to let them go easily.
  • Handle money carefully, never carelessly crumple bills. Putting them in your wallet, carefully smooth and stack in ascending order of bills.
  • Do not belittle your abilities, do not consider yourself poor. For the universe, everyone is equal. Always ask for more and be sure that you deserve it.
  • Money energy needs constant movement. Share your wealth with other people. If a person is used to only receiving, then the cash flow may close. Be generous, but do not give money to idlers and drunkards. Value your savings.

  • Try to have several sources of income (dividends, interest, work on the Internet). Let some of them be small, auxiliary. But the money must come from different channels.
  • Love and pamper yourself. Money has to work. The law of money is that the more money you spend on yourself, the faster it will come back to you.
  • Don't forget that abundance isn't just about money. It is much broader and more multifaceted. There is still an abundance of opportunities when material goods come not through money, but through opportunities. Be careful and try not to miss them.

When attracting cash flow into your life, remember what Benjamin Franklin said: “Wealth does not belong to the one who owns it, but to the one who knows how to enjoy it.”

Video: How to open a money channel? Money Raising Exercise


Meditation to stabilize the financial flow

This is another way to open a money channel. It is necessary to wake up at sunrise, stand up straight, facing east. The body must be exposed to the sun. Twelve calm breaths and exhalations are made, maximum relaxation is achieved. It is necessary to imagine that a shining crystal appeared in front of the body.

It gradually envelops the entire body and gives protection from negativity with its sparkling energy. The exercise must be repeated day after day until clarity and distinctness of the object of visualization is achieved. The technique opens up new financial prospects, helps to successfully resolve accumulated problems, and pay off debts.

Water meditation will help you recharge it in public places.1. Visit some public place and try to feel its atmosphere - relax and record the sensations that arise when you are here. Remember your feelings - comfortable or not.

2. Now go to a public place where money is "found" - to a bank, to a large store, etc. Try to feel the money channel and tune it to a bottle of water that you will take with you. Imagine how money flows through your water. Try to keep your feelings comfortable.

3. Drink charged water - drink it in small sips, gradually adding it to your meals and drinks. When you drink water, mentally realize your financial goals, attract in your dreams the realization of financial goals. So you will open your money channel and start managing cash flow!

If you want to charge water, then it is best to take melted water - it does not contain any extraneous information. And you don’t have to collect snow on the street - prepare melted water from tap water yourself (just don’t forget to clean it with a filter so that you can drink it later).

What to do?

  • For three days in a row, an akathist to I. Christ or the Holy Spirit is read. This first step already helps to open the money channel. Prayer from the heart works wonders.
  • The space in which a person lives is cleansed with incense.
  • One candle is lit.
  • The icons of the Kazan Mother of God, "The Lord Almighty" are placed.
  • Paper is spread on the floor, on which the wax will fall.
  • You should stand facing east and pick up three candles.
  • When the candles are lit, you can start the ritual: the prayers “Our Father”, “The Living in Help”, “The Song of the Virgin”, “To the Cross” are read three times.
  • Proofreading is accompanied by spiral movements of the hands, as if all the negativity is burned out by candles along the contour of the body.
  • Movements are made counterclockwise exactly seven times.
  • The candle is transferred to the other hand and the manipulations are repeated.
  • The ritual ends with the prayer "Symbol of Faith". Candles should burn themselves out. The course consists of nine sessions.

How to open a money channel yourself: a basic method

If problems have become a part of life, you can consider the presented method. It is very simple to understand how to open a money channel on your own using this method. It is necessary to equip a special corner at home. It will act as a magic magnet for money. To do this, a special place is allocated in the southwestern part of the room, on which several new coins are placed. The corner should be beautifully decorated and equipped. After a certain period, you can feel how things went up.

marry money

There is an expression: "He is married to luck." How to open a money channel and money began to come? You can increase your cash flow with this practice.

This is said just about this method - to marry money. In order to create this, you need to go to the place where there is always money, for example, to a bank, a store, etc.

“Here the money converges, It diverges into other people's hands. Here are copper and gold coins, All sorts of small and large ones. Damn my godfather and matchmaker, My brother of gold and silver. I was loved And they followed me everywhere. As a wife follows her husband, And a husband follows his wife, So let money follow me everywhere. The key. Castle. Language. Amen (3 times)"

Quick Fulfillment of Material Desire

If you need urgent help in solving any material or moral problem, do the following simple ritual. In silence, write your request on a piece of paper without errors and corrections, as if it had already been fulfilled, indicating as many details as possible.

For example: “I bought a new metallic Toyota Scorpio for (insert amount) by (insert date). Thank the universe. (Your name)".

Read "Our Father" and a prayer to the Mother of God. Hold the paper between your palms, looking at the flame of a lit candle and filling the paper with a strong desire to buy a car. After a few minutes, light the leaf from the candle flame by placing it on a plate. If the sheet has burned to the ground, your request has been heard by the Higher Karmic Council, wait for its execution.

It usually comes true within three months, more often in 21 days. If there is even a tiny unburned piece left, the request has not yet matured. It can be repeated after a few days.

Sit down, relax.

Say: “Cash flows rush to me.
Money energy is inexhaustible.
I am happy to receive money and I am happy to give money.

The more I give, the more comes to me.
Success leads me to success.
God, grant me the wisdom and welfare of Solomon.
The rich man is generous, so I am generous.
A generous God will grant me abundance, success and prosperity.”

We wish you high income and successful fundraising! Help your friends - show them these incredibly practical recommendations!

Affirmation to attract money energy

Sit down, relax.

Say: “Money flows to me. Money energy is inexhaustible. I gladly receive money and gladly give money.

The more I give, the more comes to me. Success leads me to success. God, grant me the wisdom and prosperity of Solomon.

Welfare Amulets

Ancient mysteries help you learn how to open a money channel. Magic allows you to create special talismans that increase wealth. In order for the financial flow to become inseparable, you should take three white woolen threads, tie them together with knots. The number of nodes must be equal to the number of years.

What's stopping you from making money?

Probably, there is no such person who would not want to have more money. It just so happened that delicious food, interesting travel, beautiful clothes require financial costs. Money helps us realize our desires and make dreams come true.

  • As a cell in the human body is involved in energy metabolism, so money circulates in the financial flow, facilitating human interaction with the world.
  • Every person should have money. And there are enough of them in the world, enough for everyone.
  • Every day there is a global financial flow: someone gives money, and someone receives it. But some people get rich while others go bankrupt. Why it happens?

Nothing in the world happens without a reason. If you cannot get out of poverty, then there is some problem in your life. And this problem needs to be identified in order to correct the situation.

The secret energy of money is due to two factors:

  • Internal psychological program and attitudes.
  • Effective interaction with finance.

The reasons that prevent you from attracting wealth into your life can be different:

  • Incorrect attitudes received in childhood (“you can’t earn big money honestly”, “where there is money, there are problems”, etc.).
  • Your passionate desire for money, which often blocks the money channel.
  • Engaging in an unloved thing, when you go through life in a way that is not your own.
  • Close people who, with careless remarks, knock down your inner energy mood.
  • Lack of respect for financial matters. Money requires respect.
  • A breakdown in communication with one's family or a failure in the family program when a person comes into the world with a weak money channel. Perhaps your ancestors were poor or broke people.
  • For a man, lack of money may be due to problems in relationships with women. The wife greatly influences the state of the husband's cash flow. The cash flow is blocked if she is not abundance for her spouse, but destruction. And she uses her energy power not to support her husband, but to prove his worthlessness and unsuitability.

Working with thoughts

Each person has blockages and installations that either contribute to or prevent the occurrence of certain events. Our beliefs allow the subconscious mind to accept or reject information. Sometimes a person, due to incorrect children's attitudes, subconsciously avoids the possibility of obtaining large incomes.

  • Focus on your thoughts when you see fancy cars, expensively dressed people, listen to travel stories of acquaintances. What exactly are you thinking about at this moment? Do you feel regret, envy, or even anger that someone else got it and not you?
  • Know that through thought you communicate with the universe, expressing your intention to it. And your thoughts that “life has failed”, “why I have so little money”, “I am a loser” are embodied in the absence of current financial well-being.

If you are used to thinking about money in a negative way, you need to change the focus of your thoughts from the lack of money to its presence:

  • Try to be delighted by the sight of beautiful clothes, expensive cars, rich people. Don't envy them. Rejoice that all this is present in the world, and you have the opportunity to observe it. When you let thoughts about the presence of money in your life into your mind, you are guaranteed to let cash flow into it.
  • Don't focus on your failures. Negative thinking blocks or narrows the financial channel. Such thoughts do not allow good things to enter your life, giving way to negativity.
  • Develop your communication skills. Sullen and unsociable people rarely find well-paid jobs or open successful businesses. Therefore, if you have obvious problems with communication, you should contact psychologists for help.

Working with emotions

Human thought finds continuation in emotions. Negative thoughts make us depressed and stressed, while positive thoughts make us happy and light. Our own inner state attracts certain events into our lives. In other words, what we radiate into the world comes back to us from the world.

Pay attention to how paying your bills makes you feel. Anger, resentment, disappointment?

Emotions associated with money can interfere or, conversely, help a person earn more. Earning income or having to pay for purchases forces us to interact with finances. And only the positive emotions that we experience from this process launch and expand the cash flow.

Try to change your worldview and feel the joy of relationships with money:

  • Relax about your current financial condition, whatever it may be. When a person is relaxed, he is open to positive energies passing through him, including cash flow.
  • Trust the Universe. Continue to live the same life, but change the inner attitude. You will be surprised how quickly the situation in your life will change for the better.
  • Set your own rules for life. Choose for yourself what role to play - the deprived loser or the lucky one. Play, try on the image of a successful wealthy person. Feel rich right now. Come up with a new life scenario, new images. Feel the taste of the life that you portray.

These principles really work. It's not magic at all, it's a different way of thinking. Thinking from the standpoint of the creator of one's own destiny.

Opening a money channel by magical methods: is it possible?

There are several ways:

  • Following the laws of feng shui, which help to strengthen the attraction of financial wealth to life. Buy money talismans, find wealth zones in the apartment and find out how to increase their energy.
  • Chanting the appropriate mantras.
  • Reading prayers.
  • magical rituals.
  • Simoron technique, which is suitable for people with a sense of humor. Cheerful rituals remove excessive seriousness, which often impedes cash flow.
  • Diagnostics of cash flow energy using the principles of neurolinguistic programming, constellations, siddha yoga.

There are several energy techniques.

Chakra Opening Exercise:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Rub your palms together.
  • Relax.
  • Bend your left palm slightly, as if you want to scoop up water.
  • Place your palm on the solar plexus.
  • Now bend your right hand and cover your left hand with it.
  • Breathe deeply for three minutes with your eyes closed.
  • Without removing your hands from the solar plexus, inhale as deeply as possible.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Bending your head, swallow the air, directing it to the stomach.
  • Imagine during this process how the cash flow flows into the solar plexus area.
  • Exhale through your mouth, imagining that all negative attitudes, filters and complexes are coming out of your head.
  • Repeat three times.
  • Do the exercise for 27 days.

Visualization method:

  • Wake up before dawn.
  • Stand straight and free in front of the window, turning your face to the east.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply twelve times.
  • Imagine that an energy crystal is floating in front of you, shining and shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Feel that the light of the rising sun, reflected and refracted in the crystal, penetrates your body, and then covers you with an impenetrable dome.
  • This exercise is best performed on the growing moon.

Help to attract money and money talismans:

  • Orange fruits (oranges, apricots, persimmons). Let there always be a vase with these fruits on your table.
  • Coins buried in flower pots.
  • Red geranium and indoor violet. Plants must be carefully cared for so that they always look healthy.
  • Three dried roses tied with gold thread. This bouquet must be hung in the living room.
  • A mint leaf hidden under the lining of a wallet.
  • Rhodonite, jade and chrysolite stones. They not only attract money, but also protect from the evil eye.
  • Prepare three candles.
  • Take out a large banknote.
  • When midnight comes, light the prepared candles.
  • Say the words from the picture.
  • The money that you have spoken, be sure to spend it.

"Money Rain":

  • Prepare thin candles, seven pieces in total.
  • Line them up on the table.
  • Light it up.
  • Extend your arms forward, palms up.
  • Say the words from the picture under the text.
  • Stand with your eyes closed, imagining how you are showered with gold coins or banknotes.
  • Feel this state for several minutes.
  • Candles do not need to be extinguished. Wait for them to burn themselves out.

A magical ritual to pay off the "bad" share:

  • Cut off a small flap from natural fabric.
  • Wrap 13 coins in it, a piece of a rod from a household broom and a small personal thing.
  • Take this "pouch" to a public place so that someone can pick it up.
  • Drop the bundle as if by accident.
  • Leave without looking back.

Magic ritual with rice (performed on the night of the new moon):

  • Fill a glass container two thirds of the volume with rice groats.
  • Place the container in the hallway.
  • Every day, when you come home, put your little change in this container.
  • Mix the rice with the money with your right hand and clockwise. At the same time, say affirmation phrases (for example, “I attract cash flow”, “I get a lot of money”).
  • Follow these steps for a month.
  • After the passage, remove all the coins from the container.
  • Distribute a tenth of the total amount to the poor.
  • With the remaining coins, buy something sweet and eat with pleasure.

When performing magical rituals to attract cash flow, remember that they can only help in clearing the negative energy money field. But if there are no internal key installations, rituals will be powerless. First of all, you need to work on yourself, on your attitudes.

How to attract cash flow?

To attract cash flow and make it function smoothly, you need to establish the right relationship with finance:

  • Notice the abundance in the outside world: dense forests, abundance of flowers, beautiful houses, wealthy people. Don't forget for a moment that the universe is abundant. There is plenty of everything in the world and there is enough for everyone.
  • Give thanks to the Universe for everything it has done for you or other people. When you experience gratitude, you focus on positive energies.
  • And they, in turn, attract positive things into your life. Give thanks not only for what you already have, but also for what you would like to receive. Our subconscious does not distinguish between the future and the present. It takes attitudes literally and then puts them into practice.
  • Money must be loved. However, do not make a cult out of them. Count your savings more often, rejoice when you have to interact with them. But try to let them go easily.
  • Handle money carefully, never carelessly crumple bills. Putting them in your wallet, carefully smooth and stack in ascending order of bills.
  • Do not belittle your abilities, do not consider yourself poor. For the universe, everyone is equal. Always ask for more and be sure that you deserve it.
  • Money energy needs constant movement. Share your wealth with other people. If a person is used to only receiving, then the cash flow may close. Be generous, but do not give money to idlers and drunkards. Value your savings.

  • Try to have several sources of income (dividends, interest, work on the Internet). Let some of them be small, auxiliary. But the money must come from different channels.
  • Love and pamper yourself. Money has to work. The law of money is that the more money you spend on yourself, the faster it will come back to you.
  • Don't forget that abundance isn't just about money. It is much broader and more multifaceted. There is still an abundance of opportunities when material goods come not through money, but through opportunities. Be careful and try not to miss them.

When attracting cash flow into your life, remember what Benjamin Franklin said: “Wealth does not belong to the one who owns it, but to the one who knows how to enjoy it.”

There are situations when you want to improve your life, afford more, pamper your children, finally relax like a human, get a decent reward for your work. But no matter how much and no matter what is done, no money is added, wealth and well-being do not increase.

There are many reasons for this and each specific life situation must be considered separately. But there is something in common in all these situations - if there are financial difficulties, then the monetary energy cannot flow to the right extent to the person - something interferes with it. Below I give rituals that will help restore the money channel and attract wealth to you in the event that your wrong actions and / or negativity from the outside became the cause of financial difficulties. By negative, I mean envy, anger, scandals, gossip, intrigues, intentional evil against you. All this presses on a person like dirt and weighs us down, taking away strength and energy. By removing this from yourself and your home, strengthening yourself and strengthening the money channel, you can improve your financial well-being.

I want to warn you right away that money will not flow like water and that you will have to work and make efforts. Simply, "by itself" a long-standing problem will be resolved, "accidentally" there will be opportunities for good earnings, "finally" they will give a promotion, etc.

Try, practice, do rituals repeatedly. If in your case the cause was something more serious and not even about you, but about your family, then in this case, from the performed rituals, you will feel better and the result will be. But in such cases, it would be good to find out the causes and eliminate them. I can help you with this, details at the end of the article.

The following rituals can be done for yourself, or you can do it for your whole family and home:

Ritual "Exile of all evils"

This ritual is needed in order to get rid of all the accumulated negativity that has appeared as a result of your wrong actions or negative influences from outside. It is better to make it a rule and conduct it at least once a month. But if you feel the need, you can do it more often. This ritual is done at dawn during the Full Moon, as well as on Saturday and Tuesday on the Waning Moon.
Light a red or yellow candle, mentally refer to the fire, saying:

After the fire is consecrated, take the candle in your hands, looking to the east, say the words:

God of the Sun, Great and Just. Almighty creator and destroyer, I (name) appeal to you. You destroy mountains, you destroy stones. Destroy my grief, failure, poverty, envy, illness, witchcraft, sorcery, hatred, deals against me, the evil eye, save me from a bad minute not for an hour, not for two, but forever. True.

Holding a candle in your hands, turn to the south and say the plot again. Then turn to the west and say the plot. Do the same by facing north. After you say the plot facing north, turn your face to the east, put the candle on the altar (or on the table, so that it "looks" to the east). Tell:

Thank you God of the Sun, Great and Just.

Let the candle burn out. This completes the ritual. If you have a good large candle, you can leave it burning for half an hour or an hour, and then put it out to use later for this ritual.

Ritual "Blessing of Heaven and Earth"

When you cleanse yourself of negativity by destroying it, you will need to fill yourself with life-affirming creative energy. This will “heal” the wounds of your Soul received from negativity and strengthen your spiritual forces. This state manifests itself as inspiration, the desire to act and achieve, the emergence of interesting ideas, the discovery of new opportunities.

Runtime - morning hours (dawn - perfect) on the Waxing Moon and on the Full Moon. You can do it at least every day. You can when you feel the need. But the more often you repeat, the more vividly you will feel the effectiveness of this ritual.

It is best to perform the ritual on the street, standing with bare feet on the ground. Look at the sun. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and evenly. Feel the warmth of the sun on you, feel the earth under your feet. Tune in to that original spark that burns in your heart. Feel the warmth that the Creator breathed into you. Now tune in to the same warmth that is in the Sun and in the Earth. You need to tune in not to a physical manifestation, but to those Forces that manifest themselves in the form of the Sun and the Earth. You need to tune in to Father Sun and Mother Progenitor. You will feel the connection with them that has always been and is now.

Mentally address them, say:

Great Father of All, Sun, please fill me with your strength, bless me on the Righteous Path, give me the strength to fulfill my destiny and live worthily in this World.

Feel how a stream of energy descends on you from the sky and fills you and your life.

Great Mother of All, Earth, please fill me with your strength, bless me on the Righteous Path, give me the strength to fulfill my destiny and live worthily in this World.

Feel how a stream of energy rises from the earth to you, filling you and your life. As soon as you feel full and full, say: "Thanks to" . This completes the ritual.

Ritual for cash gain

This ritual opens the way for money, as they like to say - it opens money channels. If you suddenly have thoughts that money is evil and it only gets worse with them, then apparently you don’t need to do such a ritual yet. It is better to first understand that the energy of money, like any other energy, is neither bad nor good. And it becomes painful and hard from the fact that she simply sanctifies what is already in a person. If you decide to do the ritual, first, come to terms with yourself, realizing that money is the equivalent of power in the world and an assistant in achieving goals and fulfilling desires.

It is better to prepare for the ritual on the Growing Moon. Choose three successful places where there are always a lot of buyers / clients and a good income. It can be, for example, shops, cafes, banks, etc. You need to buy something from them (not even essential), but in such a way that when you are paid, you would be given change. The equivalent of money is not important, the fact itself is important. And now you have money from three places where there is good cash flow and profit. It is this money that we will use in the ritual. You also need to sew a small green bag from any natural fabric with yellow strings in advance (the size is such that you can put money in it).

The time for the ritual is noon on the growing moon on Friday or Sunday, noon on the Full Moon is also suitable.

Materials: green candle, yellow flowers, money, green bag.

Light a green candle, mentally refer to the fire, saying:

God of Fire, please bless this fire with your Power.

After the fire is consecrated, mentally tune in to the fact that you need to turn to the Spirits of money. Imagine yourself in a golden or green stream that comes from space towards you. It consists of the energy of money, expensive things and jewelry. Imagine that there are also living beings in this stream - the Spirits of Money. Tell:

Pave the way to my house, to my life, to my wallet.
Be with me, come to me, teach me
Create and accumulate money and wealth.
Teach me to live in abundance and prosperity.
Let there be peace between us.

Imagine how money paths (channels) are formed from space moving towards you, your home and into your wallet. Put the money in the bag, place it in front of you, say, referring to the Spirits of Money:

Spirits of Money, Spirits of Wealth and Abundance.
Empower this money with your power.
May they attract new money, opportunities and wealth to me.
From morning to morning forever. Yes, it will be so.

Put the bag in the house, you can in the same place where you keep money and jewelry. And it is possible in the center of the house, so that energy accumulates throughout the house. You can initially divide the money into two parts. Before consecration, put one in a bag, and leave the second in a handful (pack) near the candle. After consecration, put this money in your wallet, but do not spend it, wear it like a magnet for money.

If you feel that the cause of your financial difficulties is deeper, write me, I'll see if this is so and tell you how to help in your situation.