Academy of Liza Piterkina. Lisa Peterkina: who is this? Taoist secrets of love art

Lisa Pieterkina is the author of books and seminars on intimacy. She is also known to a huge number of Russian women as the creator of video lessons. What are the reviews about her programs? What did Lisa Pieterkina do before creating her unusual techniques?


The heroine of this article is a linguist. Her hometown is Nizhny Novgorod. After graduating from the Faculty of Philology at a local university, Lisa Piterkina continued her studies in Canada.

The problems that arise in the relationship between a man and a woman have been and remain relevant. This is the reason for the popularity of the author of publications on issues of intimate life. Lisa Pieterkina has written more than ten books on the subject. Among them is the bestseller Alpha Male. Piterkina, in addition, is a member of the Union of Writers. She writes not only guides for women on the topic "How to become happy", but also poetic works, which, however, according to some reviews, are overly outrageous.

Participation in television projects

Lisa Pieterkina has always preferred the topic of sexual relations. For several years she wrote articles for one of the Nizhny Novgorod magazines. Her writings were, as a rule, devoted to the topic of intimate relationships and their influence on the fate of a woman. The author of unusual techniques is also the creator of the television program "Intimate Details".

As for books, in addition to Alpha Male, Taoist Secrets of the Art of Love are quite popular. Lisa Piterkina, whose photo is presented in this article, took part in the School of Wives program. She is also known to the female audience for her work in the Internet project "I want to get married."

Energy Technicians

Lisa Pieterkina has knowledge in this area thanks to one of the Chinese healers, from whom she once studied. Based on the information received about energy techniques, she created several techniques. Peterkina also initiates her readers into the art of Taoist love.

The healer, in communication with whom she learned unique knowledge, is called Master Ji. Thanks to him, Pieterkina formed a correct understanding of the typology of men. This knowledge formed the basis of the curriculum.

What is the secret of choosing a life partner? The heroine of this article claims that every woman should be able to adequately assess her own energy resources. Because how to choose a man follows from the Chinese law on the correspondence of yin-yang. The Alpha Male book is based on the following tips:

  1. Pay attention to the world around you.
  2. Pay attention to the content, but not to the bright cover.
  3. Assess the spiritual component of the partner.

In the best-selling book, Pieterkina also gives advice to women on finding the proverbial "prince on a white horse." What to do if there is not enough energy to attract a millionaire, and the desire to become the wife of a successful businessman haunts? Piterkina advises her readers to learn to love themselves, take care of themselves. With changes in one's own spiritual world, the path to happiness begins. Because even the most unfortunate Cinderella, according to Piterkina, has the right to meet with the "prince".


The producer of the author of books and video tutorials for women of different ages is Yulia Pryakhina. In 2014, the name of Piterkina became a brand. The Academy of Intimate Art was created. In her webinars, Pieterkina answers various questions today. Her seminars are extremely popular. In order to get acquainted with the activities of Piterkina, it is not necessary to purchase manuals in paper or video format. Some lessons she posts online for free. In addition to creating books and manuals, Pieterkina writes articles and essays.

Liza Pieterkina is a philologist by education and a writer by profession.

The professional status is secured by membership in the Union of Professional Writers of Russia. Lisa made her first attempts at writing as a poet and prose writer as a child, publishing in children's magazines.

Later, when the lyrics acquired a pronounced spiritual orientation, Lisa Piterkina's poems began to be published in religious Orthodox publications. Spiritual searches led the author to Taoist philosophy, and from the age of 20, Lisa studied the science of Ancient China in depth.

Professional Status secured by membership in the Union of Professional Writers of Russia. Lisa made her first attempts at writing as a poet and prose writer as a child, publishing in children's magazines. Later, when the lyrics acquired a pronounced spiritual orientation, Liza Piterkina's poems began to be published in religious Orthodox publications. Spiritual searches led the author to Taoist philosophy, and from the age of 20, Liza studied the science of Ancient China in depth.

In 2008 Lisa Peterkina, on the advice of close friends, made a bold attempt attract the attention of the Internet community with outrageous love poems containing profanity - in the tradition of Barkov and the "forbidden" Pushkin. Since the professional level of the shocking inhabitants of the verse was very high, the readers forgave Liza for creative hooliganism and read with pleasure not only ironic poems, but also love lyrics written in classical traditions. And at Lisa's native university, where she specialized in modern poetry, her work is even mentioned in the context of following Akhmatov's traditions.

Lisa began to explore a new area of ​​​​creative activity in 2010. Nizhny Novgorod television company "Volga" invited Lisa to create a nightly program about intimate relationships.
So Lisa became not only the author of the original TV project, but also a TV presenter. Once mastered as a tool to attract attention, outrageous and easy presentation of the most controversial and controversial topics, in this case, Piterkina did a good job. The cycle of programs, consisting of 20 episodes, successfully survived 7 repetitions on the air - a record number, dictated by the audience's delight and off-scale viewing ratings.

In the process of preparing TV programs Lisa consulted a lot with psychotherapists, sexologists, sexologists, urologists, andrologists and other specialists related to the intimate sphere. As a result of consultations, which grew into a kind of private training, so much important information has accumulated that needs to be popularized that the owner of the Status women's club suggested that she create a series of seminars for high-status women of Nizhny Novgorod, business women and wives of large businessmen, about the most controversial aspects of the relationship between husbands and wives.

Thus was born Lisa Pieterkina's famous course on the art of fellatio, that is, oral caresses. This course combined the desire for deep spirituality, which found expression in religious poetry, and the love of play, mischief and bold experiments, which manifested itself in the creation of mischievous poetry and a television program. The spiritual and philosophical component of the course was enhanced by Lisa's return to the topic of Taoist philosophy.

When the course crystallized, and it became clear that this is a unique information product, which has no equal in the information services market, Liza met in the Internet space with a promising producer Yulia Pryakhina.
Thus began a new round of the creative biography of the speaker Lisa Piterkina.

In 2013, Lisa became a patient of the Chinese cultural and health center "U-Sin". The creator and ideological inspirer of the center, Grand Master of Tao Ji Xiaogang, drew attention to the deep knowledge of the Taoist philosophy of an unusual patient. For several months, the master watched Lisa, invited her to talks during the tea ceremony, and finally offered to become his student in order to broadcast Taoist sacred knowledge to the audience with which Lisa is connected as a writer, TV presenter and author of seminars and trainings for women.

In 2015, Lisa received confirmation of her new qualification in the form of a certificate, issued by two spiritual mentors - Dao Grand Master Ji Xiaogang and temple master Lu Guojuan, who conducted individual classes with Lisa at the request of Master Ji. After the initiation, Lisa was given the sacred name Li Phing.

Lisa Pieterkina is a famous writer who has dedicated herself to exploring one of the most important and interesting areas of human life.

From her school years, she showed a passion for the culture and philosophy of the East, wrote a lot, and published a wall newspaper herself. Then she graduated from the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod and the University of Victoria in Canada.

The recognition of her literary merits was the admission to the Union of Professional Writers. A famous writer, journalist, she made a significant contribution to the study of the relationship between a woman and a man with her work.

A series of TV shows on the Volga TV channel

Conducting numerous seminars, constantly communicating with people, Liza found out the problems that were of concern to them. By the time she became the host of mega-popular programs on the Volga TV channel, she already understood how to make them exciting and unforgettable. The television cycle "Intimate Details" broke all records, it was repeated in the recording about ten times.

Of course, this is connected not only with the erotic theme, because there is already a huge amount of available information. Behind the playful lightness was serious work to create 20 programs with the involvement of doctors, psychologists, urologists, sexologists.

Here, my own artistic talents came in handy. Beautiful and brilliant, with a lightning-fast reaction and an unsurpassed sense of humor, Lisa Pieterkina could make any topic popular, because she has a special gift - to be always interesting, no matter what she talks about.

A grandiose project with Yulia Pryakhina - "Academy of Intimate Life for Women"

Since there were many questions from viewers, invitations to conduct seminars, together with producer Yulia Pryakhina, it was decided to establish an "Academy of Intimate Life" for women.

Many people are helped to find happiness in their personal lives by Lisa Peterkina. The secrets of the East, numerous tips, practices, recommendations that can be obtained at seminars, in audio and video materials, have returned harmony to thousands of families. Her sincerity and ability to share knowledge in one of the most important areas of human life make her the best coach in the country.

Step by step, she leads her listeners from the issues of establishing relationships in the family to comprehending the mysteries of the Universe.

Each seminar by Lisa Pieterkina is a lesson that opens a new path and gives inspiration. Many of them can be taken for free to make sure of their effectiveness and benefits:

  1. "First aid for the wounds of love."
  2. "How to seduce a man or your husband."
  3. "Oriental secrets 2: the magic of love for any age."

If you want to learn more about geishas, ​​watch the webinars "Oriental Secrets 3", "School of Elite Wives: What Men Are Silent About". You will be able to draw up an action plan to make your dreams come true, learn how to protect yourself from energy losses when communicating with people, how to recharge quickly. This is very important, since the feeling of suffering and hopelessness often arises due to a lack of energy.

As part of the activities of the Academy of Intimate Relations, a large number of lessons and courses have been released. To choose the most necessary, take a test drive.

Poetry by Lisa Peterkina

Having opened her poetic talents to the world, Liza Piterkina, whose poems gave her scandalous fame, became the successor of the traditions of the Russian poets Barkov and the forbidden Pushkin.

Of course, if the works were poorly written, then they would not even talk about them, but the ease of style, beautiful rhymes made them a phenomenon that is still being discussed. A cycle of outrageous hooligan poems, written in 2008, shocked the public with profanity.

Liza Pieterkina has a lot of amazing lyrics about love, about people, but they require concentration, are associated with the experience of deep spiritual feelings, and therefore they say less about them.

How to find happiness

All people dream of happiness, thinking of it as something difficult to achieve, associated with material well-being. And it is much closer and more accessible, sometimes depending on the number of sunny days in a year.

How many passions and dramas unfold behind family doors! It turns out that problems are not fatal, a lot can be changed, you can find harmony in love and family life, you just need to find out how.

Lisa Pieterkina, whose books consistently become bestsellers, has become a guide on the thorny path to happiness, moving from direct teaching of technical wisdom to the secret heritage of the Tao.

Teasing will make life more interesting

Every woman in love dreams of filling the entire consciousness of a man with thoughts about herself, displacing the images of her rivals, awakening in him unquenchable passion and love.

This is taught by the teasing technique, which Lisa Pieterkina talks about. How to get into the brain of a man unobtrusively, with the help of veiled seduction, to attract the attention of a spouse, and when should this not be done?

How to send secret signals to the gentleman, talking to him about politics, solving economic issues, making him less serious, inviting him to the game?

Teasing will help you show your artistic and directorial talents, teach you how to make energy messages and get rid of boredom.

If you want to receive gifts from men, discard mercantile interests and don't think about it, learn to follow the path of love.

Meeting with Ji Xiaogang, which gave a new direction in creativity and life

Before writing books that open the way to development, Lisa Piterkina herself went through a difficult life path associated with a test of strength. She was happily married until fate tragically separated her from her loved one. Grieving the loss, trying to find answers to philosophical questions and cope with her pain, she wrote a number of serious journalistic articles.

At a difficult moment in her life, fate gave her an amazing gift. Lisa met a Chinese philosopher and healer, who became her teacher and mentor - Ji Xiaogang.

Of course, this was not an accident, because from school she was fascinated by Chinese philosophy.

This meeting not only helped her regain her health, but also opened the way to innermost knowledge and creative inspiration. All those who read books and listen to Lisa Piterkina's webinars come into contact with the teacher's energy.

Taoist secrets of love art

In the books that Lisa Pieterkin wrote, Taoist Secrets of the Art of Love and Taoist Secrets of Female Sexuality, she used her knowledge from the famous Chinese teacher Ji Xiaogang. The book is written in an accessible language, interesting for every reader.

In order to always be attractive to your beloved man, it is not enough to keep an eye on your appearance and dress fashionably. Not everyone has heard that the main strength of a woman is her energy.

How to save it, how to work with it, every girl who wants to become the only one should know forever.

Is it true that you need to be beautiful to win the heart of a man

Men on a subconscious level perfectly feel the energy potential that a woman has, they will always prefer a chosen one with strong, clean and kind flows, even if she has an ordinary appearance and is older than her chosen one.

Yes, a stunning appearance helps to make a first impression and attract, but how often do we hear regrets that he chose not me, a beauty, but some gray mouse. The inner world of a woman is a real treasure.

Everyone will find something new in the books. The main thing is that this is not populist information, it carries intimate knowledge from the depths of centuries.

The look, thoughts and sounds of the voice are powerful tools for conquering the heart of a man

Discovering Taoist secrets, Lisa Pieterkina talks in detail about the magic of the look - how to make it clear and expressive. If the energies of a man and a woman coincide, then an affectionate look will help the development of a love relationship. After all, everyone knows how to throw angry looks, they know how much you can say with your eyes. It is time to take such a powerful energy action responsibly, direct it to receive personal benefit.

How to make a lasting impression with the help of a tea ceremony, create a special mood using aromatherapy, conquer a loved one with the sounds of your voice and use them to open the way to hitherto unknown sensations, she tells in her books.

Liza Pieterkina leaves no one indifferent! Reviews come to her very different, but she receives a huge amount of gratitude from those who managed to achieve good results, who took courses, listened to her lectures. When getting acquainted with the materials, many questions arise, which she tries to answer in correspondence or in speeches.

Lisa constantly broadcasts new knowledge received from teacher Ji Xiaogang. He speaks excellent Russian. Thanks to their work, thousands of people have a unique opportunity to receive explanations of Chinese practices.

We can get in touch with strong hitherto unknown sensations, expand the horizons of our consciousness. Lessons continue!

Liza herself is a beautiful woman, an interesting person and an extraordinary personality, constantly developing spiritually, generously opening the way to knowledge for her students. The main lesson of Liza Piterkina is a call to love this world, designed to make us happy.

Lisa Pieterkina is known to a huge number of women for her video lessons, practices, webinars and books on the art of building the right relationship between men and women, which lead to mutual understanding and a happy life. Undoubtedly, at present, her courses for women on sexual relations are the best in Runet, and she is one of the best coaches in Russia.

About the love of books and trainings by Lisa Piterkina, there are a huge number of grateful reviews that can be easily found on the Runet, left by women who, with the help of her audio and video lessons, managed to solve their problems and find happiness in their personal lives. Lisa's teaching materials are so good that it's probably very hard to find even one negative review of her training at the Academy of Intimate Art for Women.

This site will present both paid and free courses by Lisa Pieterkina.

Attention! Since mid-2019, Lisa Pieterkina has launched a new online project for teaching interpersonal relationships.

In order to learn about new, both paid and free online events of Lisa Piterkina, subscribe to her free newsletter. To do this, leave your email when downloading a gift in the form of a course or a master class for men.

Free video course by Lisa Pieterkina "Revival of love"

As a result of completing the course, you will:

1. Release the negative energy of past connections
2. Carefully work through the full ending of an obsolete relationship
3. Increase your female status and significance for a man
4. Build the Foundation of a New Love
5. Return attractiveness and magnetism

Brief biography of Lisa Pieterkina

Liza Piterkina graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod. Then she studied as a linguist at the Canadian University of Victoria.

From childhood, Lisa showed a penchant for creativity. Still, while studying at school, she wrote poems that were published in children's magazines. Then there were defiant love poems.

Already at the age of 20, Pieterkina took up spiritual quests. She was very interested in the philosophy of Daonism and she plunged headlong into the study of the philosophy of ancient China.

Since 2010, Lisa Pieterkina has been working with various television companies, where she hosts programs dedicated to intimate relationships. Of particular success was a series of programs of 20 issues called "Intimate Details".

After a huge TV success, Lisa Pieterkina becomes a women's intimate relationship coach and creates an Internet project called the Academy of Intimate Art.

Since 2013, Pieterkina has been studying with the famous Chinese master Dao Ji Xiaogang. In 2015, she received a certificate allowing her to teach Taoist sacred practices to others.

Also, many women are well aware of Lisa Peterkina from her books.

Peterkina has written and published more than ten books on interpersonal relationships. Some of these books on the subject have become real bestsellers. We offer you the most currently read books by Lisa Piterkina.

Liza Pieterkina bestseller books download and read

The most honest book about money. Free as a gift!

Learn how to make money using your unique personality.

Book "Alpha male. Instructions for use» .

Book "Taoist secrets of love art" .

Book "Taoist secrets of female sexuality" .

Book Tao of Dreams: Spincasting Technology. How to find harmony in intimate relationships .

Peterkina's paperback books can be found in bookstores in your locality or purchased online. For example, books by Lisa Piterkina are sold in online stores such as,,, etc.

Also, you can download a free mini-book by Lisa Piterkina. This book tells how to fulfill the most cherished dreams in order to become happy.

Thanks to her talented books, Lisa is accepted into the prestigious Union of Professional Writers. In addition, Liza Piterkina writes good poetry, being a shocking poetess. Reviews about her work as a writer are the most positive.

At one time, Piterkina was published in the Nizhny Novgorod magazine "The Sexiest in Nizhny". He is a regular contributor to the magazine "Sobaka NN".

Piterkina founded and is the host of the TV show on the Volga channel about sexual relations "Intimate Details", which is a huge success with viewers.

Liza Pieterkina takes part in the School for Wives project, where she gives her seminars on sexual issues between women and men.

Lisa Piterkina is also known to many women for her two collaborations with Yulia Shchedrova, the founder and president of a very popular women's Internet club.

As a result of joint creativity with Yulia Shchedrova, two courses were released and which quickly became bestsellers.

Liza Piterkina was trained by a hereditary Chinese healer and master of wushu and qigong Dao Ji Xiaogang and, on the basis of the Chinese knowledge received, secret for many Europeans, created a system of energy techniques to bring her female aspirations to life - spincasting. Also in many of his trainings, Pieterkina reveals the Taoist secrets of the art of love.

Currently, the producer of Lisa Piterkina is known to many women for her training courses.

At the beginning of 2014, Yulia Pryakhina decided to create a brand associated with the coaching activities of Lisa Pieterkina as part of her business project. This successfully developing brand was named Lisa Pieterkina Academy of Intimate Art. This brand is growing very quickly and has already received a huge amount of great reviews.

Official website of the Academy of Intimate Art by Liza Pieterkina. On this site you can watch recordings of video lessons and webinars that can be downloaded for free.

Recordings of Lisa Piterkina webinars - free as a gift

Already today, Lisa has thousands of fans whose reviews can be read, in particular, on the official website of Lisa Piterkina. And, their number is constantly growing, because this woman is actually a very talented coach in her chosen field of intimate relationships.

If you want to become true connoisseurs of the art of love, then you will hardly find a better coach on this topic.

Along with paid seminars and trainings, Lisa Pieterkina has many free educational materials. Her most popular works, both paid and free, are described on this site.