The awakening of the feminine. Meditation "awakening of the inner goddess." Meditation "Woman Awakening"

Natural female power - it flows naturally inside each of us. But, unfortunately, in the world of technological progress and haste, many have forgotten it. What will happen if we remember this feminine gift, start feeling and using it?

In our time, there has been a revolution in values. Female sexuality is perceived as an external package in the form of a minimum presence of clothing and maximum exposure of the body. Women began to compete with men in their careers, and in the personal - to look after them. Make compliments on appearance, supporting the narcissistic, and not the male part of the stronger sex.

Technological progress also plays a role. On the one hand, life has become much easier: dishes and linen are washed by machines, floors are cleaned by robotic vacuum cleaners, food is prepared by multicookers. However, there is also a reverse side of the coin. We have forgotten about our real life and our natural nature. In the foreground: the world of technology, virtual reality, the pursuit of status and career.

As a result, we became grumpy, tired and very independent. Forgot what a happy woman is a woman filled with love, peace, self-acceptance. It is then that that natural attraction and magnetism appears, when a man is ready to move mountains from just a woman's gaze.

That's it, it's enough to be sleeping beauties. The prince came, kissed, officially the end of the fairy tale - it's time to wake up and act. Let's remember and wake up our feminine power together, let's feel what it's like to feel like a real Woman.

6 Recipes for Awakening the Feminine

1. body care. The body loves attention to itself, otherwise it begins to yearn and wither away. Manicure, pedicure are even important psychologically: in what mood and what will you think about, giving a hand with peeling nail polish for a kiss to a man? Massages, spa treatments - this is what will bring incredible pleasure on a physical and spiritual level. After all, you take care of yourself, relax, change the situation.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to spend crazy money on treatments in the salon: a fragrant herbal scrub in the morning, a collagen face mask, coconut body oil are great homemade alternatives. Especially if in the process you pronounce something like the following affirmations: “I love my body. My body is getting younger every day. My skin is beautiful, it radiates light and health.”

2. Physical exercise and especially dancing help open the lower chakras, filling a woman naturally with softness, attractiveness and sexuality. It is physical activity that distracts from the endless internal dialogue. It helps to play sports and get rid of the negative on the physical level.

3. Pamper your inner girl. Listen to yourself: do you hear something so familiar, dear and childish, shouting “I want”? I want ice cream, I want that ring with a pebble, I want to rustle leaves, play snowballs, jump on a trampoline, swim with dolphins, blow soap bubbles ... Do you want to? Do it! And let the whole world wait. But you will be distracted from everyday life and, together with feelings of boundless happiness, lightness and carelessness, will plunge into the unforgettable world of childhood.

4. meditation. Ideally, spend at least an hour a day meditating. This is a great tool for calming, accepting yourself, filling with femininity and love. As an additional attribute of relaxation, your favorite aroma oils and incense are perfect.

5. Soul friend. If you are single, then this is a very important point. A man is a significant person in the life of every woman. If there is no man around, and independent living has become a habit, change it. Start asking men for help three to five times a day: open a mineral water, bring a bag, open a car door, give a hand. Slowly, you will begin to remember what care and attention are and how natural they are in your life.

Draw a detailed portrait of your soulmate. His qualities, appearance, your relationship, common interests, family. After all, if you yourself do not know what kind of man and relationship you want, then how will the Universe know about it !?

6. Enjoy the here and now moment. I will share my personal experience of returning myself to this state. Every morning, out of habit, a wave of thoughts comes up about the problems that need to be solved in a day. I immediately change the word “problem” to the word “task” – it’s already easier. Then I say affirmations: “Today is full of pleasant surprises, gifts for me. As well as my victories and accomplishments.

There are many situations during the day when people complain about life. There is also a lot of news about dead children, wars ... I remember Professor Preobrazhensky from the Heart of a Dog. "Don't read Soviet newspapers before dinner." - "So there are no others!" “So don’t read any.” Instead of empathizing, plunging into thoughts: how to live on with such news and fear for myself and my child - I begin to thank the Universe. Thank you for the fact that everything is so good with me: a healthy and joyful child, a roof over my head, a job, I am moving forward to the life I want.

It’s also very cool to look around when you go to work, for example. Notice yellowing leaves, tree shapes, clouds in the sky, people. It helps to pause the endless dialogues in your head. And remember about other, more important values ​​than the pursuit of the golden calf, career growth, public opinion and social status. The realization comes that there is me in this world. I am alive, I accept and carry love and warmth. There is an understanding whether I am living my life now and whether there is a point in this race.

A logical question arises: how can you do everything if you can’t do almost anything in a day? There are two very sure ways to get out of your usual comfort zone: get up early and set goals for each month, week and day. I'll tell you my little trick, maybe it will be useful for you 🙂

It’s hard for me to get up in the morning, I’m too lazy, I don’t want to and I won’t, and setting goals is not my thing at all - it’s more familiar in chaos. Therefore, I agreed with a friend to call him every morning at exactly 6.30 in the morning, to tell him what had been done over the past day and a detailed plan for the day ahead. Once a week, we check the movement towards the goals set for the week and for the month. In order to have additional motivation to act, I gave the price of the word: if I don’t do it before January 1st (the points are listed below), then I cut my hair short and dye my hair green. On the one hand, it is fun, and on the other hand, it motivates you to act and not be lazy.

The emotions of a woman are spontaneous and unbridled, therefore they can equally be both a treasure and a curse. Contrary to popular belief, a woman simply cannot follow the path of humility. A woman needs to either cut off her connection with the Earth, become half-alive - then she is peaceful, or continue to fill this world with FREE energy. It is impossible to pacify a real woman - the fact that she sits quietly and “does not shine” does not mean that a whirlwind is not born inside her.

A woman is not called to be someone's shadow, she is a muse in her essence, inspiring not only a man, but the whole world.

The fact that a woman succumbs to blunt and brute force does not mean that she resigns herself. In her nature, the desire for movement, for dance, for creative spontaneous self-expression, but certainly not for humility. In the battle of the sexes, women are no weaker. It's just that their weapons are less obvious, or rather, even hidden).

I personally never cook food when I am in an emotional imbalance - just so as not to poison my family with an energetically “peppered” dinner. And when I get angry or lose my temper, go for a run or break off in a wild dance - both the body is in the black, and the destructive effect is extinguished in the bud.

But I know for sure that the path of humility is not for us - wild, alive and unbridled).

The female path is not the path of humility, but of trust. First of all, their own nature. Only in this way will she be able to trust a man, and the World as a whole. If a woman stops trusting her nature, she cannot trust anyone or anything. She loses her bearings and connection with the Source. It becomes not clear to her what is right, what is not right, what is true, what is false. When she switches to external landmarks, she inevitably loses her internal ones.

If a woman surrenders to her sensual, elemental nature, then she begins to love and hear her soul. If there is not enough courage, then the woman switches to the path of humility, becomes a “led”. There is even such a saying - "A woman comes to God when the Devil no longer needs anything from her")). The meaning here is not literal, but whoever needs it will understand.

Women with rosined brains pass in front of me in a file. “I have to… it’s necessary… it will be more correct… I live for my family… I have to learn to restrain my emotions…” Yes, yes, let’s. All collectively - on the altar of sacrifice! Stacking up and waiting for someone to notice and appreciate! But alas, no one ever.

Here is a picture for you to think about. What woman do you think life will be more exciting, brighter, richer and more interesting with? With a submissive, humble, obedient? Aha. Let's not be deceitful.

It has long been no secret that for a man the priority is SELF-REALIZATION. And where is it about development, when they always agree with you a priori in everything and always, everyone approves, they reverently look into your mouth (that’s how they teach “submissive good girls” at school?) But when you choose love for an awakened woman, it’s impossible to stay asleep succeed. You will constantly have to explore new, uncharted territory, you will constantly have to dive into the wildness of the Sacred Ocean of the Feminine.

Of course, it is quite comfortable to love a woman who has not yet discovered her inner natural forces, because she does not press on your painful points. But she won't change you. She will not pressure you to improve yourself. It will not wake up the forgotten and numb parts of your Spirit that call you to remember that there is something more in your Life. Do not expect Spiritual transformation and transfiguration with her.

I can honestly say (and my husband will confirm this!)) - loving an awakened woman is a serious choice with karmic consequences.

If you choose to enter the aura and body of a woman in which Spiritual fire is blazing, you accept that you need a certain level of danger and risk in order to develop yourself. Having fallen in love with a woman of this nature, you will have to take full responsibility for the changes in life that will soon occur.

Your life will no longer be sleepy and comfortable. Your life will not let you get stuck in the old rut and rotten routine. Your life will acquire a completely new flavor and taste. You will be ignited by the presence of the “Wild Feminine”, and electrical impulses of Spiritual Light will go through the entire chakra system of your body, tuning you into resonance with the Divine.

Choosing to have a sexual, romantic relationship with an awakened woman requires courage and the courage to go into the Unknown without fear. But you will reap the benefits of this beyond the comprehension of your mind.

It will take you to the unknown worlds of mystery and magic.

It will cut you open so that your hardened, passionate heart will make you half crazy with desire.

You will want to comprehend and penetrate it at every level, just as your Masculine Essence can comprehend the whole World, illuminating the Universe with devoted Love.

She will see you in a way no one has seen you before.

She will appreciate you.

She will appreciate your efforts to make her happy.

She will appreciate all the good things you do and all the good things you have.

She won't run away from your "dark side" because it doesn't scare her.

She will hug, kiss, caress and love you, bringing you back to Life. She will speak words that are clear to your soul. She won't punish you for your mistakes.

It is a colossal risk to love an awakened woman, because suddenly you have no place to hide. She sees everything, so she can love you with the depth and presence that your heart and body yearned for so long, so passionately... you wonder if you were alive the entire time she was away.

To love such a woman means to make a choice to live with a burning Soul.

Once you let her energy into your life, you will never be the same. And ... yes - you can just forget about a quiet life).

Five practices and ten ways from this article will help:

  • Let go of the clamps and tensions in the body, cleanse yourself of negativity, start the processes of internal rejuvenation, fill with feminine energies, as well as the energies of joy, happiness, positive and unconditional love.
  • Calm down, relax, restore balance in the soul.
  • Become more confident as a woman.
  • Raise your female self-esteem.
  • Form and fix in the subconscious image of a new self.
  • Become more seductive and sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  • Open and enhance your sensuality.
  • Harmonize male and female energies in the body.
  • Awaken your inner Goddess, meet and communicate with your Inner Woman;
  • make three most cherished wishes so that they come true in the fastest, most comfortable and safest way for you.

Meditation "Awakening the Inner Goddess"

Revealing your potential, and in particular your femininity, is an endless process. Any quality can be revealed or developed in oneself. It's just a matter of time and effort. This small and very easy meditation will help you get in touch with your true femininity, "feed" with female energies, get to know and unite with the inner Goddess. During the practice, you will be able to communicate with your Inner Woman and, if you wish, ask questions of interest regarding what steps should be taken now in order to develop the missing feminine qualities in yourself as quickly and effectively as possible? What exactly should these qualities be?

Even if you don’t get answers to these questions now, in the process of meditation, then later they will definitely come either from the outside world - in the form of specific situations, or you will be drawn to do something that didn’t even cross your mind before, or maybe it’s there will be someone's random remark, after which there will be an "insight", that "yes, this is exactly what I need now" or you will see the answer to your question in a dream. There are many options. The subconscious mind will definitely find a way to communicate all the necessary, at the moment, information.

It is generally not necessary to do this practice every day, but it is advisable to repeat it periodically for best results.

Exercise "Pearl" for the disclosure of femininity.

An exercise that helps to calm down, relax, restore balance in the soul, raise your self-esteem, reveal femininity and sexuality and, as a result, become more attractive to men. This exercise, in order to achieve a sustainable positive effect, it is advisable to do it regularly for a certain time from 21 to 40 days, and maybe longer, until the state of one's own worthiness, uniqueness, value and self-love becomes stable and familiar in everyday life. .

An excerpt from Lana Davis' speech at the Man and Woman 2014 conference

Meditation "Woman Awakening"

This practice will help to release the clamps and tensions in the body, cleanse oneself of negativity, start the processes of internal rejuvenation, fill with female energies, as well as the energies of joy, happiness, positive and unconditional love. And, most importantly, this practice will allow you to meet and unite with your Inner Woman and make three of your most cherished desires so that they come true in the fastest, most comfortable and safe way for you.

An excerpt from Victoria Volevach's speech.

Practice "Integration into a woman".

A practice that helps to open and accept your Inner Woman, your Goddess. This practice, in principle, is very similar to the previous two and aims at accepting oneself as a woman, uniting with one's feminine, raising one's mood, and increasing self-esteem. After completing this practice, you will become more attractive to men, additional production of female hormones will begin, which will positively affect not only your internal state, but also your appearance and health in general. The fact that this practice is strong enough in its impact and effect, you will be convinced almost instantly if you do it before leaving the house. For a good lasting effect, it is better to repeat it periodically.

An excerpt from a webinar by Victoria Volevach.

Practice for the harmonization of masculine and feminine principles.

A small and effective practice that, when done regularly, will help balance the male and female energies in the body. About the masculine and feminine beginnings have been known for a long time and a lot is said. Our whole world is dual. The symbols of the feminine, Yin beginning are the moon, water, earth, and the masculine - fire, air, sun. For normal functioning, the full development of these energies is necessary so that they can interact harmoniously with each other. It is also better to perform this technique daily for a certain time. It is desirable from 21 to 40 days, and maybe more.

An excerpt from the speech of Elena and Yuri Svetlov at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

What else? 10 ways to develop femininity.

First. Very often we are afraid to express ourselves in a feminine way, because some negative or painful experience of the past is associated with this. It could have been a childhood trauma, a painful teenage love, a failed first marriage, or something else. Ask yourself and your subconscious about it. What can be scary or painful for you if you start to show yourself as a woman right now? How to work with the negative experience of the past is described in detail in the articles Emotional cleansing. The Expanded Forgiveness Formula . And How to let go of a negative past.

Second. The next obstacle may be ineffective or false attitudes about women and femininity. For example, in my family, my father was very dismissive of my mother. He always emphasized that he wanted a boy and the word "woman", in our house, was most often used in a pejorative context. Slip phrases like: "What can be expected from a woman?" or "What can be demanded of her? She is a woman and a woman in Africa." and so on in this spirit. Consider what it could be for you. Ask yourself: "What ineffective patterns and attitudes, false beliefs about women and femininity are now preventing you from expressing yourself in your life, in the world, in society in a feminine way?" Perhaps you will see situations in which you made ineffective conclusions about yourself as a woman. Write down any negative beliefs you might have made in these or similar situations. After that, make statements that are directly opposite in meaning and repeat, like affirmations, at any time convenient for you until you feel that they have become part of you, but not less than 40 days in a row. Or write them down on your phone and listen when you eat in transport or at night. If you don’t want to do this, you’re too lazy or you just forget, then there is internal resistance and in order to overcome it, put yourself a reminder on your phone every half hour. And every time you hear it, repeat positive affirmations. Examples of other affirmations aimed at the development of femininity can be found in the article. Affirmations for the development of femininity.

Third. Next comes the fun part.) A woman blossoms when she begins to love herself and take care of herself and her body. Manicure, pedicure, massage, hair, face and body masks. Only it is better to do this not from the position of "it is necessary", but out of love for yourself. Make a hair mask - praise or mentally say something nice to your hair. Doing a massage - relax, discard all unnecessary thoughts and completely immerse yourself in the sensations of the body. Get maximum physical pleasure from your body. After all, taking care of yourself and taking care of yourself and your body is very interesting and pleasant. Develop your sensuality through physical sensations. Even when you eat, or we can say even more so when you eat, try to fully concentrate on the taste of food and the sensations that you experience. As already mentioned in the article Eating disorder. abdominal brain . Our language is a special organ. It is he who participates in the two most important acts - the absorption of food and making love. Irritation of the tongue gives a person sexual pleasure. That's why it doesn't matter what foods you put in your mouth. The tastier and more aromatic the food, the more it irritates the nerve receptors of the tongue and the more pleasure it delivers. Therefore, train yourself not to be distracted by non-essential activities while eating, such as watching TV, reading, or sitting at the computer. Focus on the sensations and the process of eating will become even more enjoyable. In addition, it will help to throw off a couple of extra kilos, because saturation will begin to occur faster, unless, of course, this is relevant for you.

Fourth. Yoga and dance classes. Yoga, with a properly selected program, very well normalizes the hormonal background and balances the energies in the body. Dancing, especially Arabic, latin, classical and the very same strip dance, well develop flexibility, plasticity, grace, contribute to the production of endorphins, improve mood, give self-confidence. In addition, regular exercise is an elementary care for your health, which is also not unimportant.

Fifth. Creative activities. By creativity here you can understand anything - cooking, drawing, composing music, caring for houseplants, sewing, knitting, and so on. It should be something that brings joy from the process itself, regardless of the result. Result, as such? may not exist at all. You can, for example, connect something, then look at the result, understand that you did something wrong and dissolve it, then start over again. It does not matter. What matters is that you enjoyed the process itself.

sixth. Cloth. Skirts, dresses, shoes with heels - it's all feminine and very sexy. There is also such a thing as "female" colors in clothes. About what these colors are, as well as which skirt to choose to look seductive, but not vulgar, you can read in the article What skirt to choose? First date rules

Seventh. Lexicon. It is very important how and what we say. Many women have a habit of referring to themselves in masculine terms. There are also women who use obscenities in their speech. It shouldn't be. No one says that it is necessary to express only the ideal literary language. No, "jargon" can be inserted into speech. With them, she is perceived as more emotional and rich, but it is better to talk about herself in the feminine form "went, came." This "-la" at the end is so sonorous, playful and immediately clear what the WOMAN is saying. You can learn about how the words we pronounce affect our lives from the video "The Magic of Words. About the influence of speech on the events of our life." Also in this video there is a very useful and effective practice, if you repeat it at least periodically, "Step into a new self." With the help of this practice, you can feel at the level of the body what it is like to be the one who has already achieved her goals and lives an "ideal" life, from your point of view. In this exercise, you will be able to communicate with your "future" self and find out what steps you need to take now to achieve this. And you can, at the same time, ask what is stopping you (see points 1 and 2).

Word magic. About the influence of speech on the events of our lives.

An excerpt from the speech of Arina Polyakh at the conference "Revealing Secrets 2.0"

Eighth. Household chores, childcare, comfort in the house. No matter how trite it may seem, but all this also develops femininity and female energies in us. Fill the apartment with pleasant feminine scents. Such as jasmine, rose or ylang-ylang (by the way, the latter is a powerful aphrodisiac, so be careful with it). You can also read about the effect of odors in the article. Aphrodisiac oils and a test for female sexual energy.

Ninth. Nutrition. Nutrition should be healthy, balanced and of high quality. The natural smell of our clean body largely depends on this. In addition, products are also divided into yin and yang. You can learn more about this from the video. Chinese Diet. Secrets of harmony and longevity. It is advisable to remove meat from your diet. If there is absolutely no way without meat, then leave only poultry and fish in your diet. Meat slags the body. By the way, a strong craving for meat products indicates the presence of hidden, suppressed aggression in the subconscious. And this is a reason to think.

tenth. And another very joyful item for any woman is shopping and communication with other women. Shopping is very fun and interesting. Try on beautiful things, spin in them in front of the mirror and admire how beautiful you are. Even if you don’t have money right now, go for a walk and just try on whatever you like. Admire yourself, enjoy your reflection in the mirror, arrange a show from this show and a holiday for yourself. In addition, this way you can better understand what things suit you and which do not, find your style, if you have not already done so. After that, sit with a friend in a cafe, chat about all sorts of pleasant little things, drink aromatic coffee with something tasty (yes, yes, yes, in this case, a healthy lifestyle can wait a bit)).

Be windy, light, emotional, cheerful, positive, gentle, affectionate, caring, naive, passionate, be capricious and illogical at times, be a WOMAN, because it's so cool! As they say in the audio mood "affectionate Amazon" Alexander Sviyash.

  • I am happy that I was born a woman!
  • I came into this world to celebrate my femininity!

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Useful materials:

Eating disorder. Abdominal brain.

What skirt to choose? First date rules

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    Recognize your feminine value Many women try to please everyone, set themselves a high bar, which is impossible for a real person to jump to. They mistakenly believe that the amount of good deeds they do for others increases their value. Being “good” does not mean appreciating yourself. Ask yourself what you really want. Allow yourself to choose how you live and what you do. And that will be the first step towards recognizing your worth. Understanding what obstacles stand in the way of the liberation of your feminine essence will help you get closer to your true freedom. Read more about this in the article 6 steps for a woman to her true freedom. Your worth is determined not by how other people treat you, but by how much you yourself feel like a jewel of this world. To feel this from the inside, the meditation Recognition of the value of a woman will help you.
    Unleash the Goddess in You Becoming a goddess does not mean being superior to others and wanting to be worshipped. Awareness of oneself as a goddess is an internal state. How to get it? Svetlana Dobrovolskaya's podcast “Be a goddess!..” is about this - but HOW?.. Meditation “Temple of Forgiveness” will help you wake up the great goddess inside yourself. You will be filled with the energy of spring, the gentle rays of the sun. Feel the vibrations of tenderness, acceptance, forgiveness of yourself and other people and balance the polarity of male and female within yourself.
    Lovely women! Our team sincerely congratulates you on the coming of spring. We wish you to feel loved, desired, beautiful, filled with energy. Awakenings on all levels! Natalia Prokofieva