How to write a resume for a job: a template, a sample, what to indicate, what not to. How to competently write a resume to get hired: instructions, structure and services with templates Competent resume

In this article, I will tell you how to write a resume in 2019 using specific examples. Resume templates can be downloaded in Word and easily edited.

Hello dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

As you already understood from the title, today we will talk about getting a job, namely well-written resume. There is a lot of literature on the Internet on this subject, but I did not find a clear and understandable instruction. Therefore, I offer my instructions, compiled according to an accessible and simple algorithm.

Be sure to read the article to the end - in the final you are waiting for download!

1. What is a resume and what is it for?

If you still do not quite understand what a resume is, I propose to give it a definition:

Summary- This brief self-presentation in writing of your professional skills, achievements and personal qualities that you plan to successfully implement in your future job in order to receive compensation for them (for example, in the form of money or other type of compensation)

I myself in the past had to write a resume when applying for a job. Indeed, without this, no employer will even know about you and your professional skills.

I remember when I sat down to write my resume for the first time, it took me a lot of time to competently compose it and arrange it according to all standards. And since I like to understand everything thoroughly, I also studied the issue of its correct spelling very deeply. To do this, I talked with professional HR specialists and studied a large number of articles on the topic.

Now I know how to write a resume correctly and I will gladly share it with you.

I share with you samples of my resumes, which I wrote personally for myself:

(you can download them for free)

Due to the fact that I could write professional resumes, I never experienced difficulties in applying for a job. So my knowledge is reinforced practical experience and are not dry academic theory.

So what is the secret to writing a good resume? Read about it below.

2. How to write a resume - 10 easy steps

Before moving on to the steps, I want you to remember 3 main rules for successful resume writing:

Rule number 1. Write the truth, but not the whole

Focus on your strengths and don't talk too much about your weaknesses. You will be asked about them at the interview, be prepared for this.

Rule number 2. Stick to a clear structure

The summary is written on 1-2 sheets, no more. Therefore, try to briefly and succinctly state in it all the necessary information, even if there is a lot of it.

Take care of the accurate formatting of the resume text, its structured presentation. Since no one is pleased to read abracadabra.

Rule number 3. Be optimistic and cheerful

Positive people attract success. In your case, a new job.

So, let's move on to the structure of the resume.

Step 1. Resume Title

Here you must write the word "Summary" itself and indicate to whom it is drawn up.

All this is written in one line.

For example: CV Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Then your potential employer will immediately understand who owns the resume. For example, you have previously called a company you are interested in in order to find out if they still have this vacancy open. You were given a positive response and offered to send a resume.

At the end of the first step, your resume will look like this:

Step 2. Purpose of the resume

It must be remembered that your resume must have a purpose. Correctly formulate it as follows (phrase):

The purpose of the resume is to apply for the position of an accountant

Since at this moment you are called that - an applicant, that is, a person looking for a job, potentially applying for it.

At the end of the second step, your resume will look like this:

Step 3. Applicant and his data

At this point, you must write the following:

  • date of birth;
  • the address;
  • contact number;
  • e-mail;
  • marital status.

At the end of the third step, your resume should look like this:

Step 4. Education

If you have several formations, then write them in order.

For example:

Moscow State University, 2005-2010,

Speciality: accountant (bachelor)

Moscow State University, 2007-2013,

Speciality: translator in the field of professional communication (bachelor)

At this stage, your resume should look like this:

Step 5. Experience

Please note that the “work experience” column is written in the resume starting from the most recent place of your work, if it is not the only one, and starting from the period spent in this position.

For example:

Position: chief accountant's assistant;

Position: accountant

So we have already written half of the resume, it should look like this:

Step 6. Job Responsibilities

This item in the resume is not always required if the vacancy you are applying for is quite common, and you held a similar position at a previous job.

Sometimes this item can be included in the previous one by writing your job responsibilities immediately after the position.

Step 7. Achievements in previous jobs

The item "Achievements" is one of the most important in the resume! It is much more important than education and even work experience.

Your potential employer wants to know what exactly he will pay you wages for. Therefore, it is very important to mention when writing a resume about all significant achievements in previous jobs. At the same time, please note that it is correct to write in words that are the so-called "markers" for personnel officers who are considering your resume.

For example, it is correct to write:

  • increased sales volumes by 30 percent in 6 months;
  • developed and introduced new technology into production;
  • shortened equipment maintenance costs by 40%.

Wrong to write:

  • worked to increase sales;
  • took part in a project to create a new technology;
  • reduced equipment costs.

As you can see, it is also important to write specific numbers, as they very clearly reflect the essence of your achievements.

Now your resume looks like this:

Step 8. Additional Information

Here you need to describe your strengths, professional knowledge and skills that will directly help you to better and better perform the tasks assigned to you at a new job.

Usually they write the following:

  1. Knowledge of computers and specialized software. This is true for office workers and employees whose direct work is connected with a PC. For example, for designers, accountants, programmers, office managers.
  2. Proficiency in foreign languages. If your future job involves reading, translating or communicating in a foreign language and you speak it to a certain extent, be sure to write about it. For example: English spoken.
  3. Having a car and driving skills. If your work involves business trips and you often have to drive a car, for example, working as a sales representative, then you should indicate the presence of your car, as well as the category of driver's license and experience.

Thus, in additional information, along with computer proficiency and a foreign language, write: there is a personal car, category B, 5 years of experience.

Step 9. Personal qualities

There is no need to describe too many qualities here, especially if they do not apply to your future work. You can be a kind and sympathetic person who loves children and respects your friends, but a potential employer will not be interested in reading about your "cordiality" and a rich inner world.

For example, if you are applying for the position of an accountant, then it would be good to write here: composure, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency, mathematical mindset, ability to analyze.

If you are applying for a more creative profession, say a designer or creator, then you should indicate here: developed creative imagination, sense of style, non-standard view of the problem, healthy perfectionism.

It will be great if you mention your full name at the end of your resume. and positions of your former managers, as well as indicate their contact numbers so that your potential employer or his representative can verify your professionalism by receiving feedback about you from your former direct supervisors.

Even if your potential employer does not call your former supervisors, the mere fact of having contacts for recommendations will significantly increase his confidence in you.

At the very end of the resume, you must indicate when you are ready to start working, here you can also indicate the desired level of remuneration.

The final look of your resume:

Congratulations! Your resume is 100% ready!

Finally, here are a few resume samples that you can slightly correct and immediately use to send to your potential employer.

3. 2019 resume samples for all occasions - 50 ready-made resumes!

Friends, I have a big present for you - 50 ready-made resumes for the most common professions! All resume samples are very competently and professionally compiled by me personally and you can download them in Word for free. This is very convenient, now you do not need to search for them on the Internet on different sites, since everything is in one place.

Use on health! :)

You can also use the Simpledoc online service to. This service allows you to immediately send a resume to an employer or print it on a printer.

Ready resume templates for download (.doc):

TOP 3 most downloaded resumes:

List of ready-made resumes for download:

  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 47 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 46 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)

Your resume is your individual presentation, leaving the first, but the most lasting impression. Therefore, before you write it, think about where you send it, who will receive it, how it will be read, and in what folder it will be placed. Remember, the job of an HR manager is not to select suitable resumes, but to reject inappropriate ones.

Let's look at the main points of the resume first, then the points that can be used as needed, and finally, in the conclusion you will find some general tips for writing a resume. Tip one - a resume must be drawn up on a computer, preferably in MS Word.

Five main resume points:

Surname, Name and Patronymic
The word "resume" is usually not written. It is better to write in large letters (18-20 font), in the center, on top of your last name, first name and patronymic. Such a title will help you quickly find your resume in a pile of hundreds of similar papers. It is better not to write the words "Surname", "Name", and "Patronymic" themselves.

Contact Information
Here it is necessary to provide the most complete and thorough information that will allow you to quickly and efficiently contact you if your candidacy is interested and they want to invite you for an interview. When specifying the phone(s), do not forget to make the appropriate notes, for example, "work", "home", "mobile", etc., also indicate the time when you can be called. Remember: the sooner an HR person contacts you, the more chances you have to beat your competitors in getting this or that job.

The employer, as a rule, recruits for several vacancies, so be sure to make the heading "Goal" the next heading. Here you should write what vacancy, job, or field of activity you are applying for. In the paragraph "goal" you can also indicate your wishes, requirements for the future place of work.

Create the heading "Education" and list the educational institution, schools, courses, institutes, etc. which you have already completed or in which you are still continuing to study:

· Use or reverse chronological order, ie. indicate the last place of study first, or the principle of significance, i.e. indicate first the place of study that is most significant for the job you are looking for.

· For each place of study, provide the following information: the period of study with the exact (month, year) indication of the start and end dates of study; place of study (if the name of the educational institution does not imply its location, indicate the city, country) and, finally, indicate the qualification that you received upon graduation, i.e. indicate the title (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc. in the specialty).

· List only those places of study that are important for this, the desired job.

This is the most important block of the resume, which describes the work experience (if any), including practice. Create a "Work Experience" heading and list your former jobs:

· Use or reverse chronological order, ie. List your last place of work first.

· For each job, provide the following information: company name; the scope of the company; period of employment with the exact (month, year) indication of the start and end dates of work; position; responsibilities (in three or four sentences, state the scope of your responsibilities); professional skills and achievements.

· List only those jobs that are important to the job you are looking for.

· Do not leave spaces in the dates of the busy period.

This ends the mandatory information, without which your resume is unlikely to be used for its intended purpose, and begins, although not mandatory, but no less important part. You are given the opportunity to provide additional information about yourself, but remember that you should only provide what is directly related to the "goal".

Additional Information
For example, you know how to work on a computer, you know foreign languages, you can type, you have a driver's license. If any of these skills will help you cope with your future responsibilities, then indicate them by creating appropriate headings, for example, "computer knowledge", "foreign languages", etc. Specialists, such as programmers, are advised to provide more detailed information (programming languages, operating systems, databases, Internet programming). In the "foreign languages" section, it is advisable to indicate not only the level of language proficiency, but also where and for how long you studied it. Depending on the "purpose", it may be appropriate to list "awards", "publications", "attendance at conferences", etc.

Personal data
Information such as "sex", "age", "health", "hobbies", "marital status", "citizenship", "religion", "attitude to military duty", etc. are strictly personal and your right to write them or not.

If you have an agreement with people who can provide you with letters of recommendation, then in the conclusion you can indicate these people, usually two, with an indication of how they can be contacted. Recommendations can be provided to you by the head of the department and employees of the Office for Targeted Training.

When writing a resume, remember the following principles:


All information in the summary should be presented in a certain sequence.


When considering your resume, first of all, determine its purpose, that is, decide what kind of job you want to get. Analyze your professional experience and choose from it only what exactly matches the goal. A selective approach will protect the resume from unnecessary information.


When describing your experience and skills, be realistic and objective. You must be prepared to justify everything that is stated in the resume.


The volume of the resume should not exceed one page, so the information must be stated briefly, focusing on the most important and significant points for the employer.


It is necessary to be extremely specific in the choice of wording.


Don't be verbose and avoid passive forms. Emphasize accomplishments using action verbs.


Prefer positive information over negative information.

Focus on your achievements.

Try not to use the pronoun "I".

What Not to Write on Your Resume

Title: "Summary", "CV", etc. (from the type of document you can already see what it is about);

Your physical and health description;

Your weaknesses;

Reasons why you left your job;

You don't have to attach your photo.

When the resume is already written

Make sure you use present tense verbs in your current job description and past tense verbs in your previous jobs.

Check that there are no too long phrases, complex and incomprehensible words.

Clearly highlight the necessary headings.

Make sure your resume is in the same style.

Choose a readable format: large margins, not small but not too large font, enough space between lines, etc.

    • Principle #1. Brevity
    • Principle number 2. concreteness
    • Principle number 3. Truthfulness
    • Principle number 4. Selectivity
    • Resume form - design
    • Resume content - structure
  • 5. Personal qualities in the resume
  • 8. Recommendations of resume writing experts
    • Resume Secrets
  • 9. Conclusion

When changing jobs, in search of your own employment, it is important to know how to write a resume correctly, because everyone understands that for one vacancy, there will always be many applicants with unique abilities and skills. Hoping in this case just for luck is very stupid, you need to try and act. Therefore, we decided to publish an article - "How to write a resume"

And one of the ways to tell about yourself and provide the most correct information that can interest a potential leader is correct and well-written resume. This will not only allow you to be predominantly ahead of everyone else, but also increase the real chances of ensuring the availability of the vacancy. in .doc format, you can follow the link.

From this article you will learn:

    • What is a resume?
  • How to write a resume and format it correctly?
  • Let's give an example, a sample, a template for compiling the right option

Let's consider these questions in more detail and describe the secrets and main nuances of writing a resume.

In one of the previous articles of the site we have described in detail about when applying for a job. Therefore, we recommend that you also read this material.

What is a resume for work - you can download ready-made examples, samples, templates further in the article

1. What is a resume? 4 drafting principles

If you do not quite understand what a resume is, then we propose to define this term:

In other words, summary is a document compiled by you that allows you to present your own skills and skills both professionally and personally. This is also an opportunity to talk about your achievements and uniqueness, which can be realized and even become the basis for employment in the position being applied for, in order to receive any moral or material reward for them. For the most part, the end result is considered to be an increase in the level of wages, receiving allowances, bonuses or other equivalent of financial stability. In fact, a resume is a business card of a job seeker.

Studying in detail the issues of the correctness of self-compilation and writing of this document, many specialists who have been working for a long time in personnel departments, employment agencies are advised to pay attention to 4 basic principles:

Principle #1. Brevity

It is not necessary to paint your own merits for a very long time and a lot, to delve into the history of acquiring skills, to talk about the stages of your own development. With its optimality, it is important to form the information so that it can fit on an A4 sheet. Don't be afraid to go unnoticed. On the contrary, it is possible to “overload” a person with information.

For example, among dozens of other resumes sent, reading them from beginning to end, the HR specialist will focus only on important information. And, if your document turns out to be 3-4 pages long, there is a real danger of simply not getting to its end. And the summary will be put aside.

Principle number 2. concreteness

When compiling, it is important to accurately and correctly remember all the necessary dates or names of organizations that matter. If there is no way to rely on memory in this matter, it is better to take information from the sources themselves. All information must be up to date.

Principle number 3. Truthfulness

You should not invent and invent new skills, ascribe to yourself any unfinished courses and talk about those achievements that did not exist in reality. It is worth being guided by one simple rule: "Everything secret will sooner or later become clear." Even if initially you manage to make a good impression during the initial selection, the result may turn out to be negative.

And, if the resume was sent to a recruitment agency that concludes selection agreements directly with employers, then its employee reserves the right to check any of the information you specified, and even make several confirmation calls.

Principle number 4. Selectivity

When compiling your resume aimed at “winning” a specific position, you should not indicate all your parallel achievements. For example, if you are interested in the vacancy of an economist, and in the past, by a lucky chance, you managed to complete culinary courses, or master nail extensions, then you do not need to focus on this.

Even if you had to write scientific articles, papers or works while studying at the institute or at the end of it, and the future vacancy requires the skills of a plumber, then such information will simply not be of interest to a potential employer.

2. How to compose (write) a resume - design and structure

During the day of work of a human resources specialist, dozens, and if the companies are large, hundreds of resumes of applicants, pass through his hands for open vacancies. And from this stream, your document has only a couple of minutes to convince and interest him in your candidacy. How to compose and write a resume for a job? A sample of filling out a resume and detailed instructions for writing is given below.

The evaluation of the document you create will be carried out in a standard way, according to 2 parameters:

  1. Content . This is the veracity of the given data.
  2. The form . Assumes the correct design and the correct structure.

Resume form - design

Let us consider in detail how to correctly format the specified information, and by what parameters, it will be considered correctly presented.

At the same time, there are some rules that you don’t really need to remember, you just need to write them out on a separate piece of paper and use them if necessary.

  • Word " Summary You don't need to write.
  • When working in Word, be sure to select a font Times New Roman. It is considered the most convenient and pleasant to perceive.
  • Choose font color black. This allows you not to be distracted by other colors and concentrate on the information itself.
  • Set the size to 12 pin. But, at the same time, at the very top of the sheet, we must indicate the full name, which we simply select and change the size to 14 pt. This makes it possible to focus on personal data and remember it, which is mainly important when working with other resumes.
  • The fields are arranged as follows: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, left - 1 cm. The convenience of marking the fields in this way is subsequently reflected in the formation of a personal file and the collection of documents in a folder.
  • Line spacing It's best to make it single. This will allow you to place more information on one sheet and will not violate the structure of the document itself.
  • If suddenly there is a need to highlight something in particular or to focus on this information, then it is best to highlight it. in bold, without resorting to the services of underlining or italics. With this method, the text will look organic and become easy to read.
  • According to the structure of the presentation of the material, the summary should be divided into paragraphs, visually determining the integrity of all information.
  • When forming your business card, you should not use frames and various symbols. This is a business document and should be taken seriously.
  • When presenting your information, you do not need to deviate from the plan, it is important to write in business language, touching on the main aspects.

With all this, visually looking through the resulting resume, it should be light in appearance and very clearly built. It must be remembered that in the end, not a novel or a story is created, where participial turns and complex sentences are appropriate, but a business document. It should be stated in simple and accessible sentences.

All specific terms and certain formulations that take place in the claimed specialty should not be indicated. You can easily show off your knowledge in this area at an interview, but it is simply not advisable to overload the document with them.

At the last stage, it is worth re-reading the resulting resume and checking it for grammatical and spelling errors. You should not lose sight of this, because you can initially disappoint your potential employer from the first lines of your document, without even reaching its essence.

All the necessary data that is important to convey, the future resume should be divided into 5 main blocks:

  1. Personal data.
  2. Purpose of the search.
  3. Acquired education.
  4. Having work experience.
  5. Additional information.

In order for this information to become more understandable and there is no possibility of making a mistake, it is worth considering each of the points in more detail.

1. Personal data

The purpose of this block is not only to keep your candidacy in memory, but also to indicate exactly your contacts, to determine the method for instant communication.

Example - how to write a resume

We write relevantly and specifically:

  • Surname, name, patronymic (in full);
  • Address of the place of residence. It is very important that it be factual. If there is only a temporary one, then it is important to indicate until which time, and where then you can be found. The organization to which you are sending your resume can simply, without clarifications and phone calls, use the postal service and send you a notice of an interview appointment, therefore, the address must be accurate;
  • Phone number. When specifying your own number, be sure to write which one is home and which is cellular, so that it is convenient for the specialist to navigate in time and decide which one is best to dial. At the same time, if there is a limitation in time space, for example, for you personally, it is more convenient to receive calls in the evening hours, report this correctly in your resume;
  • Your email address, which is active at any time. If there is another communication channel, it can be a fax or ICQ, be sure to indicate this;
  • Date of your birth.

When describing your personal data, you can tell about your age, your marital status, indicate your citizenship or state of health. But, such information is not mandatory and gives an advantage only when it is unique.

Making, thus, a favorable impression, take the trouble to find just such an accent that can hold attention to you.

And, it is worth clearly understanding that the more convenient and faster it will be possible to contact you, the more chances you leave for yourself and the less you give them to your own competitors in terms of employment.

2. Purpose of the search

In this block, it is important to correctly indicate not only the name of your desired position, but also to clarify the salary level.

Moreover, if you plan to participate in the search for several vacancies, then it is best to create a separate resume for each of them and send it to the personnel department.

But, it is impossible not to write the name of the posts at all. Any of the employees of the organization will never guess your plans and will prioritize the selection of exactly those candidates who definitely understand and indicate their goals.

In terms of the desired level of remuneration, everything is much simpler. In order to correctly determine it and not overestimate the figure, it is enough just to track similar vacancies on the Internet and choose your average value.

You need to understand that if your needs do not correspond to modern realities, and the head from the budget of his organization does not consider it reasonable to allocate the requested amount, then your resume will no longer make sense at all.

But, if you understand that you have vast experience and are able to be much more interesting than other candidates, perhaps you attended foreign internships or attended trainings and have leadership qualities, and the organization itself, where the vacancy is open, is large, then it is in your interests to exceed the average pay rate is about 30% . But this amount, in any case, must be justified.

3. Acquired education

This block contains data confirming your level and degree of education. Moreover, initially paint the main, including years of education, qualification or speciality and the educational institution in which it was received. And then they make a link to additional courses, trainings and seminars.

If there were several such educational places on your life path, then higher education is indicated first, then secondary specialized education, and then additional.

It is not necessary to indicate just abbreviations, hoping that the institution is well-known, everyone will guess anyway. On the contrary, it will work against you. No one will waste their time searching for PSTU or SGTA, information about this should be disclosed as much as possible and convenient for use.

If at one time, for example, you managed to complete computer courses, or foreign language courses, this information will not become superfluous. In our modern society, the ability to understand software even at the level of a simple user, or to know a foreign language, even with a dictionary, provides another bonus to your pluses. About such data, indicating the time and place of training, you can write in the section " additional information».

4. Work experience

This block talks about how your work activity went. Moreover, it is necessary to write it in chronological order, starting with today's or last place of work, as if rewinding history back.

Of course, it is desirable that there are no interrupted work experience and empty spaces in your work schedule. But, even if this happened, you don’t need to wind yourself up and assume that this gives you less chances of getting a job.

The description is as follows:

  • Work period. This indicates the dates when you entered the planned vacancy, and when the activity in it was completed.
  • The name of the company in which it was possible to work or its representative office, branch;
  • Field of activity. It is worth briefly indicating the direction of the organization;
  • Position. Indicate how your position was correctly called, and an entry in the work book will serve as confirmation of your words;
  • Responsibilities. Tell us what powers you were given and what duties you performed. It is advisable to present information clearly and clearly so that the future leader understands that by performing a number of such functions, you have already gained experience in them and you will no longer need training;
  • Examples of your metrics achieved over a certain period. Let it be quantitative data, expressed in% or pieces, but specific and real.

A very gross mistake is made by many compilers of their own resume. They assume that in this block it is enough to simply rewrite the data from their work book.

But, thereby, they forget to reveal the uniqueness of their own skills and abilities. And, also, the presence of experience and certain properties will have to be considered by the personnel department “between the lines”. This reduces the level of attractiveness of your resume and makes it less active in front of other competitors.

5. Additional information

This is the final block, and it is, as it were, not the main one, but you should not forget about it. Here you can specify a lot of interesting information that will allow the manager to make a choice in your favor.

The block "Additional information" can be arranged according to the following structure:

  • Degree of computer proficiency. Write the names of the programs with which you had to work and the level of their development.
  • The degree of knowledge of foreign languages. We list the name of the language and its level of knowledge. You can write, for example, freely, or with a dictionary.
  • If there are any additional skills that are not mentioned in the previous blocks, but you think that they are able to complement the overall picture and tell about your uniqueness, be sure to write about them.
  • Other information. For example, a vacancy for a sales representative is open and you understand that one of the requirements is to have your own car, then in this section you can specify such data. It would also be nice to write about your attitude to business trips, possible delays at work and the use of free time, if it is real, in favor of the organization.

Of course, one of the benefits of creating resume content is being able to link to third-party testimonials that will validate your data. At the same time, the personal data of the recommender, the position he occupies and the name of the organization in which he works, with phone numbers and possible contact information, are indicated.

Not worth it for example, make a long list of such people. This is not advisable. Yes, and the practice of disseminating recommendations is not widespread. If the manager himself wants to confirm any data, he, when conducting an interview, will ask you to indicate these contacts in the proposed questionnaire and discuss this issue directly with you.

Final Sample Resume:

The end result of our resume for a job

3. Ready-made resume examples for download (in .doc format)

3 most popular and downloaded resumes

List of ready-made resumes for work for download (sample)

Professional key skills in the resume. The following are examples of skills and abilities that should be included in your resume.

4. Professional skills in the resume - 13 useful skills

Of course, it is clear that any leader, in search of his future employee, wants to see only a professional and the most suitable candidate. Therefore, how skillfully and correctly professional skills will be indicated in the resume being compiled depends on the level of his interest in your person.

If you find it difficult to form the right skills and abilities for your resume or you don’t know where to start, you can refer to general concepts, examples and select the most suitable ones in the following list:

  1. Business Communication Skills . This is the ability to conduct conversations and negotiations with potential clients or future partners, the ability to establish the right contacts with customers and build communication so that it is comfortable to re-apply to this organization and extend long-term cooperation. At the same time, it is important to know business etiquette and have a positive attitude.
  2. Foreign language skills . This skill has already been mentioned before. Of course, if he is professional, then completely different perspectives and opportunities open up. Skillfully speaking, maintaining a conversation, drawing up contracts and making instant transfers, you can easily count on foreign business trips, communication with foreign partners and trips for additional internships. Learn more about
  3. Client base skills . This is its creation, development, attraction of new contractors, the ability to navigate correctly and provide the necessary information. This is also work on systematization, improvement and its optimal management.
  4. Budgeting Skills . This is a very complex skill, which includes the need for periodic planning, ensuring communication and coordination of all departments, awareness of the necessary costs in the organization, creating its own assessment system and related control, the simultaneous implementation of all relevant laws and signed contracts.
  5. Business writing skill . This is not only knowledge of business etiquette, but also the correct, competent writing, maintaining the image of your organization, the ability to be correct and correctly display your thoughts without harming the conduct of business and the formation of loyalty from the other interlocutor.
  6. Proficiency in bookkeeping and taxation . This is knowledge of the balance sheet, all its main subtleties and the ability to carry out any operation for the receipt, movement, write-off of goods on time and on time. Ability to make all accruals and payments in a timely manner, generate payroll statements and submit reports to the relevant authorities for subsequent verification. This skill also involves cooperation with the tax authorities, providing the necessary indicators and reporting forms.
  7. Office life skills . This is an opportunity to search for the most favorable and comfortable conditions for the purchase of goods and services that determine the main need, the formation of the desired assortment, the creation of a special accounting system. This is also prompt and timely servicing of managers and ordinary employees of the organization with everything necessary, monitoring the situation with the work of official vehicles, monitoring the functioning of production facilities.
  8. Working with the Internet . This is an operational search for information, its storage and systematization, the ability to handle search engines, knowledge of search tools.
  9. Sales planning skills . This is the ability to assess the current position of the organization, its financial performance, major sales, and as a result, the profitability of the business itself. Moreover, it is necessary to know how the collection of analytics was carried out over the past years and make a projection for the future. At the same time, self-control and emotional stability are important, in order to form a general mood and the ability to switch from one direction to another or positionally, it is necessary to be able to focus on the needs of customers, know only the product and the industry in which it is used.
  10. Procurement skills . The ability to correctly assess the turnover, its availability and movement, generate appropriate schedules, understand the reasons that affect the purchase, search for the best suppliers and offers. This is also the development of an assortment matrix, pricing policy for all product groups, sales tracking, procurement planning.
  11. Inventory skills . This is the ability to quickly navigate in given positions, identify errors based on actual material, confidently monitor the safety of goods and materials, check the storage conditions of goods, the ability to identify slow-moving and stale goods, provide reliable data based on actual accounting, check the status of accounting and organize the movement of goods .
  12. Merchandising skills . This is work with showcases and shelves of shops and shopping centers, visual appearance support, control over the correct display of goods, inventory management.
  13. Sales analysis skills . This is work with the dynamics and structure of sales, trends in the sales process and, if necessary, analysis of the feasibility of lending to customers, determining the growth rate of revenue, and profitability.

5. Personal qualities in the resume

When compiling a resume and indicating your personal qualities, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Indicating personal qualities, you need to remember that there should be no more than 5 .
  2. It is important to indicate them in such a way that they directly correspond to the position for which the person is applying.
  3. Reduce the level of humor to zero and maintain a fairly restrained tone when describing.
  4. Determine your need and usefulness. This is very easy to do, just imagine yourself in the place of a potential employer and decide what qualities you would like to see when hiring such an employee.

Of the most common most common personal traits in a resume, the following can be listed:- accuracy, - activity, - politeness, - attentiveness, - high efficiency, - initiative, - benevolence, - diligence, - creativity, - reliability, - persistence, - optimism, - decency, - punctuality, - enterprise, - self-control, - justice, - industriousness, - , - teamwork skills, - honesty, - energy, - sense of humor.

6. Cover letter for resume

Throughout the modern world, writing a resume to your owl in order to increase your own chances of getting a vacant position and more fully tell about your own candidacy, a special cover letter is written to accompany the resume.

It allows you to present your unique abilities in a more free form, and provides a number of advantages.

How to write a cover letter and what to write there? Let's try to create one general plan, according to which it will be possible to navigate.

  1. In order for it to reach its destination, it is important to indicate a specific addressee. Sometimes, even in the job description itself, there is a specialist’s personal data, but if this is not there, then it’s enough to write “ HR department, HR manager” indicating the name of the company.
  2. Next, you need to report where you managed to find out about the vacancy, where this ad was found and refer to the source.
  3. Now we designate a position that is interesting and explain why it is and what skills are available that correspond to the parameters of this vacancy. Here you can quite relevantly and in an accessible form, explain what work experience, merits and achievements you have.
  4. Next, it is worth telling why exactly they chose this company and this position in it. If there are any bright facts about the history of its development, or stages of formation that are known to you and would be appropriate in the text of the letter, you should pay attention to this. The company's specialists always notice that the candidate shows interest and knows a lot about the organization, which undoubtedly cannot but bribe.
  5. At the end of your letter, be sure to leave information about your own contacts, which will allow you to freely contact you at any time. And, if you yourself decide to make a call, then you need to warn about this, indicating the most convenient time.

The average volume of such a letter, according to experts, should be approximately 2 paragraphs of 5 sentences.

To properly format a cover letter and avoid unpleasant situations, you should adhere to the following rules:

Rule number 1. The business style of writing is required here, moreover, all appeals to “You” and their derivatives must be written with a capital letter. As for the sense of humor, if you have it to perfection, and are sure that by using it not in practice, you won’t spoil your letter in any way, then you can dilute the main style a little.

Rule number 2. Again, do not write long texts and sentences describing the story from birth to the present moment. Everything is short and to the point.

Rule number 3. You should not address your potential manager with the words “You should”, it is best to use the subjunctive mood.

Rule number 4. One of the important points is that you should control yourself by talking about your former colleagues or management, especially using abusive forms. This will make you think negatively about your candidacy.

Rule number 5. Many experts advise you to be sure to talk about your individual abilities and refer to stress tolerance and performance. Concrete examples of such cover letters can be found very often on the Internet.

Rule number 6. And, here, it’s not worth writing about your own hobbies and home hobbies. This has nothing to do with the production process and will not affect the decision to hire you in any way.

Rule number 7. It would be nice to specifically indicate that in any convenient case you would easily agree to an interview and are ready, if necessary, to tell in more detail about yourself any information of interest within the framework of working moments.

Rule number 8. When composing such a letter, you need to pay special attention to all spelling and punctuation errors. Check the text for their absence and clarify the consistency of the sentences, the presence of meaning and the correctness of their compilation.

Rule number 9. If possible, offer to read it to some third-party person who can appreciate your work with a fresh look.

7. Resume Mistakes - Top 10 Resume Writing Mistakes

There are several basic mistakes that even experienced compilers make. And, this eventually leads to failures.

How to avoid this, and achieve the perfect resume?

  1. From the very beginning, as mentioned earlier, you need to eliminate errors, and then format the text itself. Never, any self-respecting specialist will read such a resume to the end, and it will simply go to the wastebasket. It is recommended to correctly select headings and subheadings, bring everything to the same format. As you know, people who work constantly, with a huge amount of information, are able to read diagonally and selectively view what they need. Unformatted text looks very implausible, in which the author claims to have excellent computer skills.
  2. Compiling a Template Resume . During the day, specialists working with an open vacancy go through a huge number of documents and almost any qualified worker can easily guess which copy was actually written and which one was simply downloaded from the site on the Internet. Often, regularly repeated resume clones cause a negative reaction and are not even interesting to read. Therefore, they are sent immediately to the pile, where candidates face rejection.
  3. Resume in the format PDF . Such documents are almost never taken seriously. The thing is that not all programs support this format and are easy to read. Most likely, any specialist will prefer the Word format, it is familiar and easy to use.
  4. Lies in writing . The veracity of the indicated information is very important both for the employee of the personnel department and for the managerial level specialist. Moreover, large organizations have their own security services, which, like in a banking structure, have the ability to easily check the information provided. And, if this applies specifically to your skills, which do not exist in reality, then at the first interview it will be necessary to pass a test and everything will become clear, only the situation will no longer be pleasant for everyone.
  5. Posting inappropriate photos . There are companies in which a mandatory condition for compiling and sending a resume for consideration is the presence of a photograph. You need to understand that this is an official document, where a photo in a bathing suit or against the backdrop of a home environment is simply not appropriate. This is a serious mistake. Moreover, sometimes applicants post a large photo, which at one time is also difficult. Such a resume, arriving by mail to the employer, significantly slows down the whole process, because the file opens for a very long time and creates inconvenience for the work of the entire office. It is best if the picture is not large and with a typical image, where there is a business suit and the background is very appropriate for this occasion.
  6. Nearly empty resume . Sometimes a situation happens in which the applicant does not have work experience yet, and I draw up my document, he leaves a lot of blank lines and puts dashes. This is a gross violation. In any case, even if the experience has not been gained, there is some kind of social activity that he was engaged in as a student or the works and works that were written, and the text can be formatted in such a way that it does not seem empty and flawed.
  7. Working with highly specialized words . This is the case when, trying to seem like a very advanced specialist, the resume writer writes it using either Americanisms or jargon or phrases known only to a narrow circle of people. You need to understand that the primary processing of your document will be done by the personnel manager, who, although familiar with approximate terminology, is only superficial, and as a result, can easily get confused in what is written.
  8. Request for a higher position . At the same time, the applicant indicates in his resume that he always performed the usual linear duties and was stable in the management structures in middle-level positions, and now he is asking to be given the opportunity to enter the management team, applying for the appropriate position. This fact, at the very least, looks unsightly and will certainly become an excuse for refusing to consider a resume.
  9. tactless questions . In this case, the applicant inserts special requirements under which he considers it right to receive a high level of payment, any increases, bonuses, benefits known only to him. In general, such requests are considered very tactless in the business world and are fundamentally not subject to consideration.
  10. Many additions to the created resume . You should not send along with the document also a cover letter and recommendation and a possible gallery of your photos and any previously created projects, unless the employer himself asked for it. Otherwise, there is an overload of information and the manager in the personnel department simply does not have enough time, and sometimes even the desire to consider the entire set. Accordingly, your information is put aside and gradually forgotten.

At its core, a resume is a document that is skimmed over quickly for the first time. You only have 2-3 minutes to interest the employer and explain why your candidacy should be the main one when considering employment.

There are several basic secrets for its design, which even experts insist on.

Resume Secrets

  • First of all , we use A4 paper and draw up a document so that it fits on one page.
  • Secondly , we work only with thick paper, choosing non-marking ink and preferably a laser printer. This is due to the fact that it may be necessary to send it by mail or fax, make a copy or pin it to a folder, and with all these manipulations, the text may be rubbed off, the paper will wrinkle and the paint will peel off.
  • Thirdly , you should not even think about creating a resume by writing out the text by hand. Not all handwriting is easy to read, and no one will understand what is written.
  • Fourth , you need to print on one side of the sheet, without using frames, drawings, massive characters and photos. It distracts from the main thing and makes it difficult to concentrate on the essence.
  • Fifth, be sure to compose it only in Russian. Even if a situation arises in which it will be necessary to find a job in a foreign company, it will initially end up on the table with Russian-speaking specialists and only then will it become available to foreigners. Your task is to conquer the management team first in your own language.

9. Conclusion

Now, based on the information you read earlier, it becomes clear how to write a resume for a job according to the model, what is worth writing, otherwise what is good to refuse.

In any case, when creating your business card, it is important to remember that its style should be business-like, it is still a document by which an opinion about you and your qualities will be formed. It should be so interesting that even at first glance there is a desire to be sure to invite you for an interview and a vacant open position.

How to write a resume

An important point when looking for a job is a resume or CV (curriculum vitae) - a short form of presentation of the main personal and professional data of the applicant. This type of self-presentation has long been firmly entrenched in the Russian labor market, but, unfortunately, a well-written resume is still a rarity.
The main purpose of the resume: to get an invitation to an interview.
Remember! A resume is your calling card and a chance to get into an interview.
A well-written, concise resume will set you apart from other applicants.

When compiling a resume, you must remember that how you present your professional experience in it largely depends on your success in finding a job. A resume is the document from which the employer receives the first information about the applicant for a vacancy and makes up his mind about him. Getting acquainted with the CV takes an average of 2-3 minutes, so the information contained in it must be submitted in such a way as to immediately attract attention.
Resumes in English (or any other) language are compiled only if you are applying for a vacancy in a foreign company. A resume in Russian should be sent to a Russian company or recruitment agency, because it can get to a person who does not speak a foreign language, and at best it will be put aside, and at worst it will fly straight into the wastebasket.

An exception may be resumes of specialists who are fluent in a foreign language, or for whom knowledge of the language is one of the selection criteria (believe me that a driver's resume in English looks at least funny). But in this case, it is better to duplicate the summary: one in Russian, one in English. Thus, you can simultaneously demonstrate both knowledge of the language and respect for the person to whom your resume will fall.

Fundamental rules

  1. The resume should be written for a specific field of activity (even better - for a specific position). Nobody needs a jack-of-all-trades resume (even if you really are). Do not apply for several significantly different positions in one resume at once. As a last resort, make several resumes and send only one to each firm (of course, the one that suits them best). The exception is Recruitment Agencies - sometimes you can send them both resumes, explaining the situation in a cover letter.
  2. Try to keep your resume to one, maximum two pages.
  3. The resume should be typed in a clear, legible font, preferably on a computer, but never handwritten. It is important to take into account that the employer can receive your resume by fax, and fax machines significantly degrade print quality, so the font must be at least 11.
  4. Make sure your resume contains enough contact information so that the employer can easily contact you.
  5. Place the dates on the left side of the resume, and the description of jobs and educational institutions on the right.
  6. Be the first to describe the qualities that are important for the job you are applying for.
  7. Do not include information in your resume that could negatively affect your attitude.
  8. Try to add as much information as possible to your resume that demonstrates that you are a good fit for the position.
  9. Labor activity is the part of your biography that is most interesting for potential employers. Therefore, it is worth devoting more time to this and providing the most complete information. It is important to clarify the profile of the company (you must agree, sometimes the name of the company can tell little about anything), as well as job responsibilities, where you can reflect what you directly had to do, which will significantly expand the range of your professional opportunities in the eyes of your future leaders. The employer is interested in real experience, on the basis of which it is possible to draw a conclusion about the degree of professionalism. This information must be indicated in chronological order (preferably from the last place of work), and it is necessary to clarify the periods of work in relation to the specific place of your work activity.
  10. Ask a friend to read your resume, this will help identify spelling and stylistic errors.
  11. Don't write your entire biography. It is unlikely that the employer will be interested in your school years.
  12. There should be no white spots in your work experience. If your seniority was interrupted for a long time, you need to figure out in advance how to explain such a break.
  13. Do not write banal things: "hardworking", "I work well in a team." It is better to reflect this in the description of your achievements.
  14. Be careful when describing your interests/hobbies. It is better not to write about them in the resume.
  15. Your CV must contain the date the resume was sent, so that the HR manager can find out when it was compiled, because. the data may be outdated, which means that a preliminary conversation is necessary to clarify a number of questions, and the most important of them: do you continue your job search?

Items to be included in a resume

  1. Personal data and contacts
  2. Profile
  3. Education
  4. experience
  5. Additional skills: Computer skills / Foreign languages ​​/ Interests (optional)

1. Personal data and contacts

Personal data - full name, age (preferably date of birth), marital status, address and telephone number.

2. Profile

If you are a qualified professional, you can write a short resume to highlight the areas in which you specialize, as well as your main skills and abilities.

3. Education

It consists of two sections: basic (secondary, secondary specialized, higher, 2nd higher) and additional (internship courses, trainings, seminars, etc.). In both cases, it is necessary to indicate the name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty according to the diploma (if we are talking about courses, then the specialization or name of the course is indicated).

4. Experience

It contains information about previous jobs. It is more convenient for an employer or an employee of a recruitment agency if they are arranged in descending order, i.e. starting from the last one. You indicate the month and year of employment and the month and year of dismissal, the name of the company, the scope of the organization and your position. Pay special attention to the indication of the field of activity of the company in which you worked. It is not enough to write "production" or "trade". Be sure to disclose what exactly the company traded and what exactly the company produced. Do not use such general concepts as "food" or "consumer goods", try to specify as accurately as possible the group of goods or services with which you worked, because. very often such a narrow specificity is of fundamental importance for the employer. Do not forget to briefly describe the job responsibilities at each job, because. Responsibilities vary from company to company for the same position.

5. Additional skills

Computer proficiency

Computer proficiency contains information about your PC skills (user, advanced user, operator, programmer), as well as programs, environments, languages, databases with which you worked.

Foreign languages

Foreign language skills. You indicate all foreign languages ​​and the degree to which you speak them. Adhere to the following wordings: "perfect" - knowledge of the language at the level of a native speaker, knowledge of simultaneous translation "fluently" - knowledge of consecutive translation, the ability to communicate freely in a foreign language within any subject. "good" - the ability to competently express one's thoughts in a foreign language, as well as to understand the interlocutor. "conversational" - communication at the household level, the ability to understand simple speech, to convey known information to the interlocutor. "basic" - knowledge of the elementary foundations of the language, communication at the level of "How are you?", "Today is good weather", the ability to understand a simple text.

Additional Information

Here you provide the information that you consider necessary to convey to the employer: the presence of a driver's license, a personal car, a passport, the possibility of business trips. Interests, hobbies and personal qualities can also be included here, it is also permissible to single them out in a separate paragraph.

Sample resume


  1. You received a call in response to a resume. Appreciate the time of the interlocutor. Speak clearly and specifically. Optimal talk time: about 5 minutes. If during the conversation you are invited for an interview, ask where and at what time you need to drive up. Find out what documents to bring with you.
  2. No need to attach your photo to your resume, just have it with you when you are invited for an interview.
  3. Don't lie. This can lead to rejection if you are exposed. The employer can make inquiries about you at previous jobs and you will be in an uncomfortable position if you tell a lie.
  4. Remember! Not only you are chosen, but you also choose the place of work. Your task is to get as much information as possible about the vacancy and about the company at the interview. It may very well be that orders, limited smoke breaks or something else will absolutely not suit you.
    Here is an example list:
    - salary (if in USD, then find out the rate), regularity of payments, "black" or "white".
    - work schedule (overtime, business trips).
    - social package (medical insurance, sick leave, vacation, fitness, food, travel, mobile phone, car).
    - bonuses/penalties
  5. When feigning activity in an interview, don't overdo it. Remember: the best is the enemy of the good. Everything is useful in moderation.
  6. Never be upset if you are not accepted. From personal experience: when looking for a job, I was refused 2 times in companies where, as it turned out, I should not have worked.
  7. Try to remain calm, no matter how tricky the question you are asked at the interview. There is nothing personal here. A recruiter or employer asks you about things that at first glance have absolutely nothing to do with your future work, not out of idle curiosity and not to hurt your pride. They have a completely different task - to find the most suitable candidate that meets the requirements. Show that you understand this, show patience, answer all questions kindly, without irritation. This willingness to cooperate will certainly be appreciated and will help you get ahead of other job applicants.
    Questions that recruiters or employers will ask you can also be “uncomfortable”. Try to think over the answers to them in advance, and then your chances of getting a job will increase significantly.
  8. Be prepared to answer any additional questions about your resume.
    Remember! For each resume item, you may be asked, “Why…….?” and you should calmly, without hesitation, answer.
    For practice, you can go through interviews in companies that you are not interested in, in order to gain experience in interviewing. At the 4-5th interview, you will already be able to calmly and confidently answer all the questions and are more likely to pass the interview.
  9. When applying through Recruitment Agencies, remember: you must follow all the rules of the interview even better than in an interview with an employer. KA makes money by providing candidates to different companies. If you did not get into one company, but managed to show the CA consultant that you are a professional in your field, then you will definitely be invited for an interview in other companies.

Greetings, dear reader. This is Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and founder of the PAPA HELP project.

The topic of writing a resume is very familiar to me. Previously, I had to write it more than once when applying for a job, and later I myself became an employer and now I often come across this document in the status of a manager.

Based on my rich experience in this topic and after talking with experienced personnel officers, I wrote this article-instruction. By applying the steps described in it, you will create a professional sales resume.

At the end of the article you will find 45 ready-made resumes of popular professions for download.

A well-written resume is half the success in finding a job.

What is a resume and what is it for: definition with own examples

Summary- This short selling self-presentation in the form of a business autobiography, compiled according to certain rules.

Purpose of the resume- create about yourself positive impression and get to a face-to-face meeting (interview) with the employer or an employee of his personnel service.

Mission Summaryget your job dreams in minimal time.

Below I have given examples of 2 of my resumes. The first is composed in a classical form, the second is in a bold (minimalist) form.

classic resume of Alexander Berezhnov for the position of Internet marketer ()
Bold (minimalistic) summary of Alexander Berezhnov as a business partner ()

As you can see, there are many ways to approach resume writing.

If you are applying for a job in a reputable company with a serious corporate culture and a “strict” type of activity, for example, in a bank, I recommend writing a resume of the “classic” type.

If your future profession involves a “creative flight”, and the company has a free style in everything, your option is a creative resume.

In the "daring" version, you write the greatest achievement in the previous workplace, expressed in 1-2 sentences.

The implication is that having received such serious results, you are definitely an all-round professional in the job for which you apply. In this option, you also add a large photo to make the resume look brighter. Don't forget to write your phone number and email address here.

A cheeky resume can work very well, since no one sends one like that. However, here you need to understand how the representative of the employer will perceive your "impudence".

Resume for work - sample 2019

For those who do not want to study the article for a long time, I made an up-to-date resume sample for 2019 ().

Take, enter your data and in 5 minutes you are ready to send your resume to a future employer.

How to write a resume - an instruction of 10 consecutive blocks (steps) with illustrations and explanations

Below I briefly and with pictures showed how to write a proper resume. Like building a house, brick by brick, you will see it appear before your very eyes.

Block 1.

The resume should have a title anyway. It indicates your full name so that the future employer understands who it belongs to. The title is the main HEADING and is placed at the very top.

In the same block, the target is indicated.


Purpose of resume: applying for a sales manager position.

By specifying the goal, you immediately make it clear what result you expect after reviewing the resume. In our case, this is a device for the position of "sales manager".

This is where your resume starts

Block 2.

This block contains the contacts and personal data of the candidate:

  • Date of Birth;
  • residential address;
  • citizenship;
  • telephone;
  • marital status.

The employer immediately sees key information about you and contacts

Block 3. Education

Here, list the places of study in order, starting from top to bottom from the very first to the last. You can also indicate what kind of education you have (higher, secondary).

Indicate first the educational institution, then the years of study and then the specialty and the qualifications awarded (as in the document on education).

Here you can specify additional education or passing special courses.

Block 4. Work experience and job responsibilities

This block starts with the most recent - the last place of your work, indicating the period spent at it. The following is the name of the organization and your position.

If you have many places of work (5-7), indicate no more than 2-3 of the last

After each job, you can indicate your job responsibilities, but this is not necessary, since in most cases they are standard.

Block 5.

Pretty important point. A potential employer is interested in paying you money for specific value (benefit) that you bring to his company.

How to understand, you just sat out at your previous place of work or actively showed yourself and recouped the employer's investments?

You will tell about your achievements in this section.

If you are planning to get a job in a commercial company, then focus on two main points:

  1. Saving company funds (cost reduction).
  2. earnings firms (increase in income).

Describe any of your actions that led to a decrease in expenses or an increase in the income of the employer, and your resume will immediately gain more attention.

An example of accomplishments in a previous job:

  • increased the company's revenue by 10% per month by developing a new company website with a modern selling structure;
  • saved the company 500 000 rubles, offering an unobvious option to optimize taxation.

When applying for a job in municipal or state structures, your achievements may be:

  • the number and scale of implemented projects;
  • letters of thanks and awards from senior management;
  • fast career growth.

Indicate personal achievements that are relevant for future work, and not everything in a row (caught a fish 1.5 m long)

Block 6.

In modern terms, they are called "skills" (from the English skills - skills, abilities).

This is the value that you directly sell and receive money for. The more expensive and rare skills you have, the higher your income at work will be.

They are different for every profession.

Example of professional skills:

  1. For the sales manager. Identify customer needs, create sales presentations, achieve results in negotiations in favor of your company.
  2. For the leader. Select the right people for the team, competently delegate tasks and monitor their implementation, build a clear motivation for the staff, and achieve important key indicators.
  3. For a marketer. Analyze the market in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your company and competitors, properly distribute the marketing budget, work with analytics tools and statistics.

Skills are often confused with personal qualities. remember, that skills is a professional category, and quality- moral and ethical (human).

Remember that they are different from personal qualities!

Block 7.

Do not write them just for show. Indicate your real qualities (5-7), since at the interview you will most likely be asked to justify them.

Below is a list of common personal qualities that are indicated in most resumes:

  • organization;
  • performance;
  • teamwork skills;
  • purposefulness;
  • stress tolerance;
  • fast learner;
  • performance;
  • responsibility;
  • sociability;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • attentiveness.

Add your real personal qualities to the resume, preferably unique ones.

Block 8. Additional information

It indicates the presence of a driver's license (if necessary), knowledge of foreign languages. In this paragraph, also indicate the degree of language proficiency. The level of computer literacy and the ability to work in special programs is another item of additional information in the resume.

You can also provide other required information here for the position you are applying for.

For example, if you are a bodyguard, be sure to include information about having a gun license.

Write in additional information a little and to the point

Block 9.

In this block, write the real number. It is usually calculated at the level of income at the previous job, plus 20-30% .

If at your previous job your salary was 50 000 rubles, then in your resume indicate a number in the range from 55 000 before 65 000 rubles .

The amount is not so important here, but the ability to defend it in an interview. You will definitely be asked why you are applying for this level of income.

Prepare to justify the requested amount of salary at the interview

It's great if you contact the previous manager and agree with him on the possibility of recommending you to the new boss from the best side.

Indicate in this section of the resume the company, position and name of your former manager.

Perhaps the new boss won't even call your old bosses. But seeing that you have people who can vouch for you will definitely make your resume stand out from the rest.

This is a very important block, since its presence immediately gives you "points" in the eyes of the future boss

Block without a number "A note of humor" (creativity) with a call to action

This item is not mandatory, however, in some cases it is appropriate, especially if your future work involves a creative component: designer, marketer, photographer. This will become your "trump card in the sleeve."

At the very least, a good resume should not just end on a block of recommendations from a previous job. Write a couple more words - a note, and then it will take on a full form.

I'll give you a couple of examples

For the position of designer: “I don’t draw black squares, but still my design is remembered for centuries.”

If you are applying for a marketing position: “In marketing, I am talented like Ostap Bender, ambitious like Mavrodi, effective like Steve Jobs.”

Just practice a little, but the chance of getting this particular job will increase many times over.

Let me give you a real example from my life. It's off the subject of a resume, but it does a great job of illustrating a creative approach to selling through text. And a resume is just a “sale” of oneself through a text to a future employer.

Once I was selling my apartment and at the end I wrote: “For the buyer of an apartment - a tea party with a cake as a gift from the owner!”

Just a joke, but the man who bought this apartment from me said that he was fundamentally hooked on this moment with the cake in the ad. So he came to see the man who was selling this property.

After the transaction, I fulfilled my promise, spending as much as 300 rubles! Not a bad marketing ploy, agree?!

Congratulations, your resume is ready!
Ready resume for sales manager

It remains only to write a cover letter. What is it, why is it needed, and how to compose it correctly, read below.

How to write a cover letter for a resume

Cover letter for resume is explanatory text that aims to briefly describe in a businesslike and polite way how you heard about this job and why you want to apply for a position in this company.

In other words, this is a response to a vacancy. After submitting your resume, the employer should not have a blank screen in his email account with your document attached.

This is where the text of the cover letter should go.

Answers to frequently asked questions

I asked these questions myself and often heard from friends. That is why I answered them here.

Question 1. Do I need a photo in my resume?

Most resumes are written without a photo. Most often, a human resources officer or manager will make a decision based on your professional experience and skills.

The presence of a photo will not affect the decision to invite you to an interview.

However, if your future job involves active interaction with people, then presentable appearance and photography will play a role.

A photo will come in handy if you are applying for one of the following vacancies:

  • Sales Manager;
  • account Manager;
  • assistant manager;
  • model;
  • actor.

The least of all to worry about the presence of a photo in a resume is designers, storekeepers, doctors and those employees whose appearance does not directly affect career success. Such specialists are either not visible at all, or they “trade” not with their appearance, but with the products of their labor.

Question 2. How many pages (how long) should the resume be?

There are no standards for the volume and number of sheets. You have to fit as much information into a small amount. Usually it is 1-2 pages. There are exceptions when the employer requires a detailed resume on 3-5 sheets. But such cases are rare.

Most HR professionals believe that, ideally, a resume should fit on one sheet.

Question 3. How to write a resume online and save it for free

Here is a popular Internet service with which you can easily create a resume online and save it in different versions to your computer - Simpledoc.

Question 4. Who can write a resume for me and how much does it cost?

Specialists of various freelance exchanges and specialized personnel companies will help you with this.

Cost of resume writing service: from 500 rubles before 10 000 rubles .

Below I will give popular exchanges and services where you will get a good resume for a fee:

  • Freelance exchange KWORK. Here you can order a simple resume for 500 rubles.
  • IM Consulting company. The specialists of this company compose an individual professional resume in Russian and English. Price starts from 4 000 rubles .

Question 5. Is it necessary to write a cover letter for a resume?

Not necessary. However, a cover letter will instill more confidence in you and increase the chances of your resume being considered. I wrote above about how to write a cover letter. In addition, the very presence of a cover letter or text is a good form in business circles.

Question 6. Do I need to first contact a potential employer before sending them a resume?

Yes, you can contact a representative of the company you are applying for. This must be done in order to address in the cover letter by name (and patronymic) to the person with whom you spoke on the phone.

For example, you called the JOY company and asked who you could talk to about employment. You will be transferred to a dedicated employee. Usually this is the head of the human resources department, the personnel manager (HR) or the head of the company (if it is small).

Often, a contact person is already listed in the job posting. Then in the cover letter to the resume, you can refer to him, starting with the words: “Dear Ivan Petrovich ...”.

Question 7. How to properly describe personal qualities in a resume - give an example?

In addition to the "standard" personal qualities, such as responsibility, sociability, stress resistance, purposefulness, you can specify:

  • the ability to compromise;
  • bring the work started to the end;
  • listen and hear the interlocutor.

Get creative with this item and the chances of getting the desired position will increase many times over.

Question 8. How to write a resume if I have no experience?

Often young people or former students do not have work experience. In this case, write what your personal qualities will help you in the position you are applying for. Maybe you have experience as a volunteer, or by doing a certain hobby you have developed the necessary qualities and competencies for future work.

Also indicate what events you organized or participated in. The presence of prizes in specialized competitions, letters of thanks and recommendations will be your advantage.

Be sure to include in your resume the contacts of a person who will recommend you to a future employer as a great guy (girl) with great professional potential.

But at the same time, be honest with yourself: few people want to hire a person with no experience and teach him, spending time and money.

Work somewhere informally to get the first recommendations and professional skills before applying for a serious job.

Question 9. Does the resume form have a fixed form or can it be arbitrary?

The resume does not have a prescribed form. There are only rules that should be followed when compiling a resume and the main blocks necessary for a better perception of information.

You can prepare a resume in any form, even draw it in a graphic editor as a creative picture. This is allowed, for example, if you get a job as a designer.

Question 10. How to write a resume if I am studying at the institute and I am going to work part-time (in shifts)?

You write a regular resume, just make a note in a conspicuous place that you are only looking for shift work (with flexible hours).

You can also write about this in your cover letter.

45 Downloadable Resume Templates for Popular Occupations

Here is a rich collection of resumes in Microsoft Word (docx) format. You can download them in one click and edit for yourself.