Any person who comes into our life is necessary for us for something. Quotes pictures about love Why do different people appear in our life

So, why do we feel joy next to some people, annoyance with others, attraction with others, longing with others? What causes such different emotions?

Because each of those whom we meet on our way came for a reason. He came to help us. And each carries its own task and emotion for us.

The point is that we are one organism. Humanity. I wasn't the first to tell you about this. This is the basis of many philosophical worldviews.

And we attract to ourselves those “cells” of a single human organism that we need. Of course, a single human organism is controlled from above, you can call it God, but for the convenience of the theory about the organism, let's say - the Unified Brain.

The organism itself is not aware of this control. Just like our body is not aware of how it breathes and how it digests food. This is controlled by the brain. So in a single humanity, where each of us is a “cell”, we do not understand why and how events occur, but the Brain knows exactly what it is doing.

Sometimes these people "treat" the hurt. Sometimes with love. It all depends on the "disease". The most painful in treatment are stuck in illusions and pride. These two diagnoses call into our lives people who begin to destroy our attitudes, principles, outlook on life. It's very painful. The man begins to grumble: “What do I need all this for? What have I done? Why me?" But if you understand the whole process as a whole, pain can be avoided. If you treat with gratitude those who came to “treat” you, the “treatment” will be faster and more efficient.

So, if in your life appeared: aggressors, people with opposite views on life, and with an active life position, i.e. they will not be silent, people who interfere with your progress, humiliate you, educate you, etc. - you are ill with pride. Doctors have been sent to you. And you should not think that "doctors" are pleased with their "work". They do it unconsciously, sometimes genuinely wondering why you are so unpleasant to them.

Pride is cured by acceptance. By the way, as a person with a lot of experience with pride, I can say that acceptance is even better medicine than forgiveness. I recently released a course half of which is devoted to the practices of acceptance, and they work just amazing! Moreover, all you need to do is listen to meditations.

Don't forget that you, in turn, are other people's doctors too. These are our common lessons.

The second painful lesson, as I said, is illusion. We are accustomed to consider life as we imagine it to be. Those. in fact, we begin to break out of the general organism, to build around ourselves a special, fantastic world. That's how cancer cells behave, by the way. The One Brain will be forced to try and bring you back to reality. Initially, it was conceived as a state of freedom and love. But we stay in it only in infancy. Then we begin to actively invent non-existent worlds.

As soon as you have invented an illusion for yourself, people are sent to you who are able to destroy it. For example, you read novels and believed that people should be faithful to each other. Moreover, they believed so strongly that do not imagine a relationship where at least a shadow of betrayal could flash by. Everything. A "landing force" of traitors has already been sent to you. They will "teach" you until you understand. Everything happens in life. Life cannot be limited. Relationships are part of development. Everything can be forgiven. And so it is with any illusion if it becomes vital to you. If without it you cannot imagine happiness.

Of course, everyone would like to be joyful, rich and healthy. But if these qualities are too significant for you, “doctors” will come and destroy your illusions.

Because the world is unpredictable. It is based on freedom of choice and therefore changes constantly. Freedom of choice is not only yours. You must respect the freedom of choice of each individual. And this means not to experience negative emotions when the other person chooses to act this way and not otherwise. He has a right to it. And they will also send "doctors" to him.

And these endless treatments will continue for as long as it takes for you to understand - you are being looked after. You are helping to grow the one body of humanity. Grow and develop. You are a cell of a single organism in which everything is going right, despite the fact that you, the cell, think that you could arrange everything much better. Despite the fact that you, a cell that does not see the whole organism and does not suspect how it works, it seems that you could become different, better, bigger, stronger ... Until you realize that you are already perfection. That you are in the right place. That all you need to do is follow your heart, consider those around you, and love everything around you, because that's what reality is. When you learn this, then such a desired prosperity will come.

The people who are "sent" to us are of several kinds.

1. directly doctor. Ambulance. It is called in emergency cases when a person does not hear either intuition, or signals from the outside, or the heart, when he is immersed in his illusions so much that he can only be pulled out with a "hit on the head." In general, they call an ambulance. Most of the world's population prefers this method of treatment, alas.

2. castle man. A person suddenly appears beside you, whom you cannot guess. It is not clear to you, but it is interesting. He is not always cute, it happens that the man-castle is annoying. You are trying with all your might to find the key to him, to understand his motives, his thoughts. Such people are sent to us when the time has come for spiritual growth, new relationships, new achievements. It's time to step outside the boundaries of your own world.

3. key man. These are the people next to whom you open new horizons in yourself. You suddenly discover that, it turns out, you are not shy about singing loudly in the street. That you can think outside the box. That you have goals and dreams. That you, it turns out, know how to be brave (cowardly, aggressive, etc. - it doesn’t matter what exactly you discover, the main thing is that it’s new for you). Such people are sent to us when the time has come to know ourselves more deeply.

4. Alarm clock man. People of high spiritual level. Not necessarily gurus or saints. But these are high vibrating people. Next to them you feel out of place. You then get lost, as in front of a teacher at school. Either you feel good next to him, then he starts to annoy. And the longer you are near the "alarm clock", the more transformations are launched in your personality. Insights dawn on you. You suddenly understand something you thought you always knew—in a new way. You change your attitude to ordinary things. You start to see things differently. You wake up. And not always the “alarm clock” does something for this. He might just live next door. But more often "alarm clocks" are those.

I hope you find my thoughts helpful. Please share your impressions in the comments.

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Direct mirror:

Reverse mirror:

A loved one is not someone you can enjoy 100% of the time with. A loved one is the one for whom you are ready to overcome difficulties and change. The one you accept completely, without a trace!

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When a man appears in your life, know that he appeared for a reason.

This man was given to you by God.

If you understand the purpose of a person in life, it will become easier for you to learn to love him, because there will be an understanding that a person in my life is a teacher, and I am grateful to him for that.

No wonder this man came into your life! After all, our whole life is a big school, and the subject of study is one - love. Through men, the most important and sometimes the most difficult lessons come to us, and there is only one specialty - Love and self-acceptance.

We can give love to another person only when we ourselves possess it. We cannot give to others what we ourselves do not have. Your man is always your mirror, remember this! It only reflects what is in you. Recently I heard from one woman that I am ready to try only for a worthy man ... Do you hear yourself? What is a worthy man?

Any man who was attracted to you, attracted and will still be attracted, is a man worthy of you. The concept of "worthy" is very relative, because everyone is worthy of their own. You deserve exactly what attracts you. If only weak-willed mattresses or sissies are attracted to you, this is neither bad nor good, it's just a fact. A fact that shows what you are ready to accept in your life today and now. A man who comes into your life mirrors all your inner problems outward. And you can use this knowledge to look at yourself with new eyes, eyes from outside.

Let's look at the most common situations.

If a jealous man has come into your life, you should learn to redirect your sexual energy into creativity, since a jealous man will never appear in the life of a girl who has worked out the issue with her sexuality.

What lesson does a man who opens his arms bring with him?

If a tyrant came into your life, then it's time for you to learn to listen to yourself, because women who live with tyrants are women who have completely erased the understanding of what boundaries are, and this turned them into victims. They feel miserable, lonely and abandoned by everyone. “The husband is a tyrant, the weather is bad, and others have joy in life, but I was cheated, apparently, my fate is to endure and suffer.”

Accordingly, a man either puts a woman in her place with his behavior, or teaches this woman to respect herself, restores the structure of her personality, highlights the “victim” program, teaches her to defend boundaries and the ability to stand up for herself. Another man simply will not be able to teach such a girl to start listening to herself. The victim needs to experience severe pain so that she finally wants to change something in her life.

If an alcoholic man comes to you,, then he was not just attracted to your life. And you chose him for something. To pass some important lesson. What is this man teaching? Let's imagine how a woman behaves in such a pair: she either constantly “cuts” him and thereby kills all his masculinity in the bud, or is in a state of “poor thing”, who is the most unlucky in life, and everyone owes her.

And the husband drinks, and there is little money, and the children are slobs. Sheer sadness. Accordingly, such a man teaches her in the first situation - femininity, "signals" her that - just as she killed her feminine nature or some important part of herself, so he kills himself with alcohol / drugs, and leaves reality; or, in the second situation, he teaches her self-love, respect, first of all, herself, growing up, the ability to take responsibility for her life and for the events taking place in it.

If in your life there is a sissy, a weak-willed, spineless gentleman, then you clearly belong to the category of girls who do not know how to give the reins of power into the hands of the stronger sex. You decide everything yourself, you know everything better than anyone, and you change everyone. You do not notice, but most often your scandals arise on the basis that you want to change a person, but never listen to him. And, yes, now you will deny it.

If a person came into your life who feeds you with promises, and he always hangs out with friends in the most party places of the city \ planet, who speaks beautifully, and you are in love with his style, his style, his way of life and revel in grief, “well, when will you calm down, and we will be together and live in peace." Answer: never. Such a person came into your life to tell you: “Start to appreciate yourself!

Why are you satisfied that we play by my rules, and you are ready to adapt all the time? I disappeared for two months, and you still accept me because I fed you beautiful words? You are not appreciated here. If you adjust to me now, then even when a worthy man comes into your life who loves you with all his heart, after a while he will stop appreciating you, because you have a habit of adapting in your head.

There are many more such relationship scenarios, but let's go back to the beginning of the article. What does it mean - "I will try only for a worthy man"? A priori, you should try not for someone and not for someone else, because your own development is at stake, you are trying in any relationship only for yourself.

If there is a man in life, honestly ask yourself, do I deserve another? And for what kind of qualities can I now present a prince on a white horse? You understand that the prince will also not be with a girl who has a lot of complexes, cockroaches and manias. All this needs to be worked out. People do not learn to drive a car behind the wheel of a Ferrari.

There is such a thing as “the shadow part of the personality” - these are those qualities that we do not realize in ourselves, do not see, do not accept, they are in us, but for our consciousness they are shrouded in shadow. Thus, mirrors are direct and reverse.

Direct mirror: the quality that irritates you in someone is in yourself. Only you don't see it, you don't want to notice it. For example: the husband is lazy, lies on the couch and does nothing. It just brings you to a boiling point, which means that this same laziness is in you. You are also lazy, and you really want to lie down and lie on the couch and look at the ceiling, but you just can’t afford it, because you were taught as a child to be strong and not to wallow just like that, or you never did it at all, live in terrible stress and an endless race - work, home, children, school, cleaning, etc. What does it say? This does not mean that you need to lie down with your husband and abandon all your affairs, just accept: “yes, somewhere deep down I’m still lazy and even worse than my husband,” and let this quality manifest itself at least sometimes: arrange yourself a rest, just lie down , go for a massage, consciously be lazy and relax.

Reverse mirror: we find the quality that annoys you in a man, and see if it is in you with the opposite sign? For example: a man is a weakling, which means you are strong, you have taken on a lot, and you need to learn how to be weak. The man is irresponsible, which means that you are hyper-responsible, control everything and cannot relax, trust; man liar - you are fixated on the truth, and you constantly need evidence and confirmation, there is no faith; a greedy man - you are too stingy, first of all, to yourself, stingy with love, emotions, time ... do you understand the principle?

When you realize all this in yourself, you, firstly, will accept these qualities, or at least begin to accept them, and secondly, you will simply become higher than this, realizing that you are something more. When we recognize these qualities in ourselves, then men change, or their behavior ceases to offend us.

In general, everything in the world is arranged according to the principle of a mirror. Our entire environment is our reflection. With the help of other people, you can easily see what is in you. If you are dissatisfied with your surroundings, with your work, you are dissatisfied first with yourself. Our attitude towards ourselves coincides with our attitude towards the people around us. And people, in turn, reflect our idea of ​​ourselves.

What is in me is also outside. Our inner world attracts the inner worlds of other people. Therefore, if everyone around you feels bad, everyone is sad, depressed, then the same thing happens inside you. And if you are surrounded by bright, kind, loving people, then you yourself are the same, everything is very simple! Work on yourself - both the world around you and people will change.

All this is written not in order to feel like the heroes of the occasion, but to feel how a woman can change everything on her own if she wants to. And even betrayal - they are not pathology and gigolos, this is not a taboo. This is what will help a woman to reconsider herself and eventually do something if a woman wants it.

You have already understood that at the heart of all the lessons that men bring us is a return to our feminine nature. Because most women have such distortions (in fact, these are malicious virus programs transmitted to women from generation to generation): either we go into male energies, and any man next to such an “Iron Lady” lies down on the sofa, sits on his neck, inactive, becomes an inveterate drunkard or starts to walk. Or we are in the position of a victim and sigh about our hard lot, and a man acts as a domestic tyrant or commits vile deeds.

In fact, the Universe is trying to reason with you through it. Through all these (and other) types of men, the Universe says: “Become a woman! Learn to love yourself, begin to appreciate life, because you did not come here at all to suffer! You're a woman! Where is the fluidity of water and the acceptance of a man? Where is the flame of passion? Where is the warmth of the hearth? Where is the honor and respect for the man? Where is the wisdom and become? Where is the beauty, tenderness, lightness, joy? Where is Vera? Here, hold a man to match you - this is your “simulator for revealing femininity”, please learn.”

But we do not hear this, we break off relations, we meet a new man, and then the same thing happens again, it happens even worse, and so on in a vicious circle. I will always be for the fact that changes must begin with the Woman. Everything starts with her, because she is space. Before shifting responsibility to a man, look at yourself, he is only your reflection. The Internet is full of popular pages about how to manipulate a man and get gifts from him. I do not mean it. I'm talking about respect and self-love, about faith and acceptance of a man, about the joy and light of life!

Yes, it hurts, it hurts to change yourself, and even more painful to realize that “I” through my installations, virus programs only destroy my life ... But, oddly enough, we need “Pain”. I realized this when I started to grow and develop myself. And relationship pain is an essential companion of two adult partners building relationships and starting a family.

I know a lot of men and women who can't stand the pain, and as soon as the difficulties start in a relationship, they can't stand it and choose to end the relationship, and soon "jump" into a new relationship, thinking that everything will be different there and not will have to worry! But it was not there! At first, everything goes chocolate and fine (the stage of falling in love), and then invariably comes the stage of quarrels, grinding, criticism, abuse, and again comes the very pain that they ran away from in the last union. So does it make sense to run in circles?

Always ask yourself: What is this situation teaching me? Why did it happen? What do I need to bear for myself? Then you will not receive an outflow of energy, but will take away your resource.

So why do we run from pain or believe that it should not be? Very often, in order to continue life, including the life of a family, you need to go through fire, and water, and copper pipes, this will be hardening for relationships and your growth. You don't have to be afraid of it. Any relationship is difficult. And if you start a relationship with the thought that you can finally relax and enjoy, then disappointment will be inevitable. You need to be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult, but to meet these difficulties as a chance to get closer, to help each other, to become comrades-in-arms.

Every person who comes into our lives is a teacher. It seems that this is no longer news. But do we accept it? Because when relationships do not work out, we stubbornly refuse to look for an answer to this, in general, sacred question: why exactly did this man come into our life?

What will happen if we find the answer to this question, or at least accept with our hearts the fact that a person was given to us in life for a reason?

It will become easier for us to learn to feel love and gratitude for him. we will be able to see in him not at all an enemy or a bastard, or a person who does not fit at all.

In the karmic management of Geshe Michael Roach, a man is considered the postman of our mental seeds. It is he who brings us the “good news”: that what we once sowed has risen and grown. Receive and sign. And say thank you for the work of the postman.

Our whole life is a big school. Through men, the most important and most difficult lessons come to us, the main meaning of which is love and acceptance.

Any man who was attracted to us, attracted and will still be attracted, is a man worthy of us. We deserve exactly what is attracted to us.

Pay attention to what you are ready to accept in your life today and now. A man who comes into your life mirrors all your inner problems outward. And you can use this knowledge to look at yourself with new eyes, eyes from outside.

What lessons do men teach us?


If a man burns with jealousy, tightly controls and does not allow you to step freely, or even scandalizes seriously, then something is wrong with your sexuality.
You should learn to redirect your sexual energy into creativity, since a jealous man will never appear in the life of a woman who has worked out the issue with her sexuality.

The tyrant who unfolds his arms

If a so-called abuser has come into your life, it is absolutely no coincidence! Tyrants seek out and are great at finding victims who have no idea of ​​personal boundaries. Who do not respect and do not value themselves. They know how to complain. And in fact, the victims only need to be listened to and pitied. Offer the victim to get out of the situation, and with your help, your offer will not be accepted. To endure and suffer is the norm of life for the victims.
Accordingly, a man either puts a woman in her place with his behavior, or teaches her to respect herself, defend boundaries, stand up for herself, and not give offense.

Another man cannot teach it. The victim needs to experience severe pain so that she finally wants to change something in her life.

Alcoholic or other addict?

And it was you who chose this man. And live with him for something.

Often a man becomes an alcoholic, already being in union with a woman. A powerful woman who kills his masculinity in the bud. Or, weak, that is, a victim. Alcoholics are quiet, and are aggressive. They drink and start chasing the family, beating everyone in a row and not understanding what and where. A woman with children endures. Lives in fear, but does not leave. Variant of life with a tyrant.
The husband drinks, and possibly beats, there is little money, the children are slobs. Accordingly, such a man teaches her in the first situation - femininity, signals to her that - just as she killed her feminine nature or some important part of herself, so he kills himself with alcohol, drugs, and leaves reality; or, in the second situation, he teaches her self-love, self-respect, the ability to take responsibility for her life and for the events taking place in it.


If your man is a sissy, a weak-willed, spineless person, then you clearly do not know how or do not want to see a representative of the stronger sex in a man. You are accustomed to decide for yourself, you know everything better than anyone, you decide and change everyone.

I expect you to deny it. Like, you really dream of a strong male shoulder. And the galloping horse is already tired of stopping. And they would like to change their lives in this place. Scandalize, demand, make claims. That is, he is to blame - a weakling and worthless person. And you are white and fluffy.

However, the harsh truth is that even at the dawn of your relationship, all the signs that you don’t like so much now in a man were on your face. And there was clear evidence. That is, things that clearly showed what kind of person is in front of you. But you either tried to ignore the evidence, or you decided that you would adjust the man for yourself in the process. Nothing like this will happen! Moreover, next time you will attract exactly the same person if you do not learn the lesson. And the lesson is this: Learn to love, appreciate and respect yourself. Fill yourself with feminine energy and from this state share love and energy with a man.


Why are you satisfied that you play by the rules of your man, that you are ready to adapt all the time? Do you believe in beautiful words, swing on the gentle waves of your illusions?

Even if a bad man is replaced by a worthy one, after a while he will stop appreciating you. What for? This program. These are scripts. Which need to be changed! And change your scripts. Change your behavior, beliefs, habits. Change not for HIM, but for YOURSELF.
Otherwise, you are not worthy of anyone else, except for the one who is now, or who was and swam away.

There is such a thing as the shadow part of the personality - these are the qualities that we do not realize in ourselves, do not see, do not accept, they are in us, but for our consciousness they are shrouded in shadow. Thus, mirrors are direct and reverse. Aliana Veraity

Direct mirror. The quality that annoys you in someone is certainly in yourself. You don't notice it or don't want to notice it. For example, the husband is lazy, does nothing. It annoys you and drives you to madness/despair. And this quality is in you too! You are also lazy, you want to be lazy, but you cannot afford it. That's what you were taught as a child. Therefore, you live in terrible stress and an endless race - work, home, children, school, cleaning, etc.

What to do?

Just accept the laziness that is present in you and the man. Allow yourself to show this quality - laziness. Lazy consciously. Relax, give yourself the joy of enjoying something - allow yourself to be lazy from time to time.

reverse mirror. The same quality, but with the opposite sign. For example, a man is a weakling, which means you are strong, you have taken on a lot, and you need to learn to be weak. The man is irresponsible, which means that you are hyper-responsible, control everything and cannot relax, trust; a man is a liar - you are fixated on the truth, and you constantly need evidence and confirmation, there is no faith; greedy man - you are too stingy, first of all, to yourself, stingy with love, emotions, time ...

What will happen when you realize this?

  1. You will accept these qualities or start to accept.
  2. These qualities in a man will stop annoying you so much. And soon they will stop altogether.
  3. The man will also change. And no longer by force, but on their own.

Much of the world is arranged according to the principle of a mirror. Our environment is our reflection. With the help of other people, we can see what is in us.

If you are dissatisfied with your environment, work - you are dissatisfied first with yourself. Our attitude towards ourselves coincides with our attitude towards the people around us. And people, in turn, reflect our idea of ​​ourselves.

“What is in me is also outside. Our inner world attracts the inner worlds of other people. Therefore, if everyone around you feels bad, everyone is sad, depressed, then the same thing happens inside you. And if you are surrounded by bright, kind, loving people, then you yourself are the same, everything is very simple! Work on yourself - both the world around and people will change. Aliana Veraity

We are the creators of our lives. It really is! Each of us can change our lives on our own with a great desire and active actions.

At the heart of the lessons that men bring us is a return to our feminine nature.

Unfortunately, we are at a disadvantage with this. We go into masculine energies, we use generic programs and scenarios that were inherited from our mother and grandmother. The men next to us lie down on the sofa, sit on their necks, do nothing, drink too much or start walking. Or we are in the position of the victim, and the man acts as a tyrant and commits vile acts.

The universe tells us: Become a woman! Learn to love yourself. Accept yourself whole. Start appreciating life. Share love from fullness, when inside you is an ocean of love, and not a dry puddle. You came here not to suffer, but to love, give and enjoy life! You're a woman! You are wisdom. You are Intuition. You accept others, you respect them. You honor the masculine. You are fluid, you are passionate, you are gentle, you are light and joyful. You are a believer. Here, keep the man to match - this is your simulator. Please study."

If you don't learn, there won't be another!

You can learn how to manipulate. We can assume that this is a quick and easy way to the result. But the time will come and this result will not only melt, but also lower you below the plinth.

Always ask yourself the questions: “What am I learning from this situation? Why did it happen? What do I need to understand? Then you will get not a minus, but a plus, not an outflow of energy, but a powerful resource.

About relationship pain

Pain is ubiquitous in our lives. Physical and mental (spiritual). And she always talks about the violation. Attention! Something went wrong. And the first task is not to drown out the pain with a “pill”, but to find the cause and a way to restore balance.
So why do we run from pain or believe that it should not be? It needs to be explored, not feared. We must be ready for difficulties, to work on ourselves.

A loved one is not someone you can enjoy with 100% of the time. A loved one is the one for whom you are ready to overcome difficulties and change. The one you accept completely, without a trace!

Are there any seemingly insurmountable difficulties? Sign up for free help and guidance. Also, visit the page. Perhaps my help is waiting for you there.

We can fall in love probably a thousand times in our lives, but only one person will be your true half. And feelings for this person will overshadow everything. You will forget about everyone who was before him, because it will be only you and him.

A. Blackwhite, The Julie Sparks Diaries

Everyone in life has such a person, after whom you change. And it didn’t matter at all whether it was boundless happiness or crazy pain. You just realize that you won't be the same as before.

So, for the first time I prepared "Napoleon", more precisely "chopped Napoleon". This is probably after the meeting with Kutuzov. Mom still has a cake recipe somewhere called "General with one egg" - this one probably also fought.

Try for once in your life to do what you want. Despite all sorts of "buts" and "what if". Without thinking about who will think and who will say what about you. This is your life, and you have the right to build it the way you want.

M: my aunt from the contract department comes up to me today and says: "Maria, good afternoon, how are you?"
M: I answer her: "yes, it seems to be good, we live"
M: and she told me: "not long left"
L: It's scary to think...
M: With a sinking heart, I ask: "What do you mean?"
M: And she answers me: "Vacation is coming soon"
L: :D
M: And the heart immediately let go
L: sinister woman)

It would be cool if life went in reverse. At the very beginning, several well-dressed people carry you in a box and you immediately find yourself at the feast. You live quietly as an old man in a house, you receive a pension, and you get younger. Then you start working, after working for 40 years you learn the delights of life, you drink more and more alcohol, you go to parties more and more often, you fuck more and more often. And then you go to school, less and less demands are placed on you, you have more and more time for games. You get smaller until you find yourself in... ahem, where you swim in the warmth of 9 months, listening to the soothing rhythm of your beating heart. Until one day, BAM, and your life ends with an orgasm.

Imagine how wonderful life would be if it went backwards. At the very beginning, several well-dressed people carry you in a box and you immediately find yourself at the feast. You live quietly as an old man in a house, you receive a pension, and you get younger. Then you start working, After working for 40 years you learn the delights of life, you drink more and more alcohol, you go to parties more and more often, you fuck more and more often, And then you go to college. Then you go to school, less and less demanding, you have more and more time to play, Getting smaller and smaller until you find yourself in .... ahem, where you swim in your warmth for 9 months, listening to the soothing rhythm of your beating heart, Until one day -BOOM, and your life ends with an orgasm!

Boyan for 5 points))

I want my life to end with an orgasm

mmm... sorry, I'm not a killer..

The most creative spam that came via ICQ:

“Imagine how wonderful life would be if it went in the opposite direction. At the very beginning, several well-dressed people carry you in a box and you immediately find yourself at a feast. You live quietly as an old man in a house, receive a pension, and become younger. After working for 40 years, you learn the delights of life, you drink more and more alcohol, you go to parties more and more, you fuck more and more, And then you go to college. less until you find yourself in .... ahem, where you swim in your own warmth for 9 months, listening to the soothing rhythm of your beating heart, Until one day - BAM, and your life ends with an orgasm "

All life near each person there is a cycle of acquaintances and not so familiar.
we communicate with someone, we are friends with someone, we just ran into someone periodically in transport or on the street ..
people come into our lives and leave it - either gradually and imperceptibly, or abruptly, in one minute.
and from each departed in the soul there is some kind of trace. it may be a fleeting memory, or it may remain an open wound ...

they say that the whole world is a theater, and we are all actors in it ..
it is the same in life - every person, whether friend or foe - comes at the appointed time, plays his role, in the course of the play - teaches something - and leaves ..
someone comes back, someone watches from the side, and someone stays with you forever .. and all this is not accidental. people come into our lives for a reason, but to play some role in it.

You meet people on your way, some appear in life and disappear from it like ghosts, and when they leave, you understand that a part of them remains in you.
they say that all the people that appear in your life are just mirrors. they appear, reflecting you, and disappear in the same way, although you don’t even always notice their disappearance, because at that moment you are already looking into another mirror ...
funny, isn't it?

And everyone carries something of their own, something personal: sometimes even offensive and sad, but each of these someone is very important.
and all these pieces that they leave us bringing with them - are they able to change us, are they able to re-evaluate us?

Our life becomes like a sketchbook for other people who come in and out of our lives.
after all, over time, we leaf through this album, and we call all this a memory, look through each page, and find the pressed words, not written, but pressed, and already perceive them differently, and those actions, and think how it was possible to do otherwise. and so each person has his own album, his own people there, his own happiness and his own pain.

and every person we meet in our life is not accidental, he comes to fulfill his mission in relation to us, to teach something or to help.
and as soon as his mission is completed, he goes aside, as if he had exhausted the resource, and went to refuel in order to come back, but to other people, or to you, but already improved ...

And who are the people who are always with us? perhaps permanent missionaries in our lives...

every person is a teacher. someone teaches us to be stronger, someone - wiser, someone teaches us to forgive, someone - to enjoy every day.
and someone does not teach us at all - but simply breaks us, but from this we gain experience.
and if this person is yours, then he will appear again and again in your life.
after all, someone is given happiness, and someone is for experience ..
if someone suddenly left, let him go, he was for the experiment, and whoever needs it will be there ...
not everything is so simple - we teach someone, and someone us.

maybe people appear in our life because we call them? or just everything is pre-programmed.

*** All people appear in your life, and all events occur only because you attracted them there.
And what will you do with them next,
you choose. - Richard Davis Bach