Ksenia Pillars Personal life is married. Paranormal. The path to the success of the skaters of Ksenia Podlovoy and Fedor Klimov. But last year's "55 shades of gray" - about passion

Ksenia Pillars - Russian figure skater, multiple winner of national and international competitions, Olympic champion 2014. Speakers in the discipline "Pair Skating" with Fedor Klimov.


Ksenia was born on February 7, 1992 in St. Petersburg. Since childhood, she was an active and talented child - Girl's parents noticed Ksyusha's thrust to drawing and singing. However, at 2.5 years old, Pillars looked at the TV competition for figure skating and stated that he would certainly become an athlete.

"She fell ill with this sport. They could not do anything! ", - remembered the mother of the girl. Father and grandmother did not want Ksyusha to tie his life with figure skating, but the girl stood on her, and for the first time he came to the rink. Subsequently receive school knowledge and make a homework to the girl in the breaks between training.

Sports career

In the senior school, a girl who previously engaged in single skating, on his own initiative, passed into pair skating. Her partner was Arthur Minchuk. Three years later, the coach of Lyudmila Georgievna Velikov put Ksenia in a couple with Fedor Klimov, together with whom the girl subsequently made the main achievements in his career.

The path of young figure skater with Klimov can be called successful: the selection in the final of the Junior Grand Prix in the first joint season, the victory in the Russian championship among juniors, the bronze of the World Junior Championship in the Netherlands, 2nd place in the Junior Grand Prix of the 2010 season \\ 2011 Beijing. Soon the pair fell into the national team on the Junior World Cup in South Korea, where silver won.

In January 2012, Ksenia and Fyodor won bronze at the European Championship, which was held in the UK. To participate in such a large-scale adulthood of the competition, they were susceptible to the medical records of domestic figure skaters Yuko Kawaguti and Alexander Smirnov.

In 2013, Publisova and Klimov offered to move from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The coach recalls that Ksenia is an adventurer by nature - immediately agreed to relocate, while Fedor - more relaxed and homely - did not really want to go, but could not help help a partner.

In 2014, pillar and Klimov were able to carry out the main dream of each athlete-figure skateman - to take part in the winter Olympic Gamesah, which took place in Sochi. For his team, the couple earned 10 points, becoming the first in an arbitrary program, and the whole team of Russia deservedly received "gold". In the same month, Ksenia received the title of "Honored Master of Sports of Russia" and the Order of Friendship.

Ksenia Pilov and Fedor Klimov at the Olympics in Sochi

After the Olympics, the famous couple continued to conquer the sporty Olympus - they were waiting for the victory at both stages of the Grand Prix and the second victory at the Russian Championships in December. In 2015-2016, Xenia and Fedor were the first in the history of a couple, which managed to jump the cascade "3-3-2". At the final of the Grand Prix in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe dance of the skaters were estimated at 154.6 points, which was the second results for the history of the new referee system ISU - the guys gave way only to 0.06 points world record of Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankova.

After successful speeches, Fedor was injured, and the pair had to take a break for 4 months. Soon after a good, but not a victorious performance at the World Championships in Boston in the spring of 2016, Ksenia was also injured. Return to ice skaters were able only by the end of the year, but the return was triumphal: at the Russian Championships in Chelyabinsk a couple received a gold medal. Also, gold medals from the competition were taken by Evgeny Medvedev and Mikhail Kolyada (in single skating).

Then there was not too successful performance at the European Championship in Ostrava (January 2017), hitting the top five pairs at the World Championship in Helsinki (March-April 2017), bronze medals for Finland trophy, as well as silver on the series At (October 2017) at home and Japanese stages (November 2017).

Personal life Ksenia pillars

For a long time, the fans were sure that Fyodor and Ksenia - a couple not only on ice, but the skaters assured that their relationship is only workers and friendly.

During the preparation for the Olympics in Sochi, the pillars noticed with the skaters Dmitry Solovyov. According to rumors, Ksenia broke the family - Dmitry was married to the former figure skater Catherine Lobanova, who in 2010 gave birth to Solovyov son. However, soon the couple broke up - the figure fascinated by the Russian casing stressed that this thought appeared in athletes before the refusal of the IOC. The last competitive speech of Post and Klimov will be held at the World Championships in Milan, in March 2018.

Olympic champion in 2014 in the team competitions and a silver medalist in pair figure skating Fedor Klimov told Correspondents of the Agency "R-Sport" Anatoly Samokhvalov and Andrei Simonenko on how a brought up person to survive in hard sports, what works he should suffer "explosive" partner Ksenia The pillars, without which he does not represent his own success, as the coach was tormented with him, as in three approaches to master the picture "50 shades of gray" and a lot more "as". And in the final of the Klimov dialogue makes a conclusion: the era of mercy in figure skating will never come.

You thought, and Moser is already deciding

- Fedor, where did you get such an external representativeness? With needles always ...

I do not know, in the upbringing case or not, but I like the costumes. Rarely, however, it turns out to wear them. From hairstyles before shoes, I should look decent.

- Uncomfortable in a suit.

But beautiful. All parties, banquets, and just so I love to wear at least jeans and jacket.

- How many ties in the collection?

Little. Not multicolored - black and gray, narrow. Strict and classic. Maybe then something will change, and I will add paints, but at all I love them very much, these ties.

- Butterflies?

There is, but never put on.

- Fracture did not try?

Never. He will not go to me. Last century, cylinder. This can be put on the ice only. And in the life of the tuxedo is always relevant.


In Helsinki-2017, your calm mixed with a hysterical laugh after a failure short program. Emotions have changed a week?

Now all this is perceived in the past time.

- I heard you sighed.

I have already forgotten about that failure. Not everything, of course. What happened on the first day, no one did not understand.

- And the coaches did not say "What have you done!"?

No one died. We didn't talk to anyone on this day, and in the second we switched to an arbitrary, which everyone was satisfied. And my thoughts are already the next season.

- You returned after difficult injuries. Finnish world championship did not smell the impression of the year?

Short did not smear, she summed up this incomprehensible season with injuries, returns, good performances, bad. Everything was like a swing and a mixture.

- Do you have rigor and calm in sports?

Help. Develop patience, you are less nervous.

Probably there is logic in it, but I have no brothers or sisters. Mom I can tell a lot, but not all. Like friends. With Ksenia agreed that we should not be interested in who, how do their leisure, so as not to use it against each other. People we are absolutely different.

Well at least one in a pair balanced

- What is it in the nature of Ksenia, why could you get used to?

I could not. Full opposite of me. I am calm, she is an explosive. She is from those who "kills" the opponent. And the ally too (smiles). All. And I approach rivalry balanced. And it's good that at least one person in a pair of such.

- So different poles of the magnet - it is always good.

As you can see, there is a result. Max with Tanya (Trankov and Volosozhar) are also different: Tanya is calm, Max - explosive. We also with Ksenia also the interests of life various, so we do not appear outside the ice together. Where I go, Ksenia will not go there, and vice versa.

"I noticed that she was running away from you on the rolling."

We are waiting for performances in different angles. Everyone is configured in its own way. We have so much that we do not need mutual support in this matter.

- But everyone recognize in your duet the presence of "chemistry". Where is she then?

First, the program in our case does not affect life circumstances, secondly, our ideas on ice are not about love. Rather about rivalry.

- But last year's "55 shades of gray" - about passion!

- Anatoly, their 50 ...

- Pillars said that the film is nonsense, but the music is good. Have you walked to watch this movie?

No, but I tried. Already after the whole season we rode music from this film. I knew the plot, I knew what kind of relationship should be demonstrated. Then he decided to take a look at the picture itself. Three times. Three approaches. If I run on a movie laptop, then whatever it is, I will watch it. I will wipe off, but I look. The first time "50 shades ..." - the feature asked through "I CA", turned off. The second time is another quarter. Third - Well, I must! He forced himself, but watched ... the book began to read, but could not finish.

- At what moment broke?

On different. I became uninteresting and boring.

- Boring, but did you need to depict Sadomazochism on the ice?

The fact of the matter is that we did not strive for it. We decided that we would write our own history: sexual, blues. But only on ice. And without a Sado Mazo.

- How is sexuality without a relationship truthfully lay out on the ice?

Music appropriate, Ksenia in Ta-Akom dress ... Man and woman. It is clear that without a relationship, but we still have a slightly actor and have to play.

- Slightly replay, will give it to the eye?

On Ice you can replay.

- When did you understand with a pillars, that without a friend nowhere?

I have understood this for a long time. When the first results went, it came to the conclusion that I can achieve something serious with her, and apart - a big question.

- And moments on the topic "Everything, we dreamed!" never arises?

Yes regularly! But these episodes occur from emotions, from some insignificant swag.

- What are you still divided?

Just training, because of the other, we have no reason to quarrel. Before the championship of Russia, a small conflict has matured between us. Everything has accumulated that it is possible, because in a short period we needed to recover and morally, and physically, right before leaving Chelyabinsk launched all emotions! And normally performed.

All trite: I respect people

Fedor, you said that you are not for the classics, the socks are not covered. But Ksyusha wanted to make a classic program, and you agreed. Is this an example of a gentleman relationship to a woman?

Absolutely, this is one of the reasons. And the second ... I will quote Ksenia itself: "Roll the program for this music is my dream." I considered that if I could embody a man's dream, then in any case it turns out well, even if the classic does not suit me. I tried.

- did not run a feeling: "not mine, not winning"?

On the contrary, it was my challenge. I told myself: I can also classic, and blues, and cut in the "Family Adams", and "Spain" play. It was hard for me, but interesting. I knew that the negative moments, I would hide all this nonvortity and poorly, and at the expense of strong flashes.

A chic moment in the program, when you with a partner travel around the arc in different directions. This is where acting compatibility is obvious.

I doubted about this episode. We are very far from each other in it, we are divided. We tried to go to the usual, parallel, but everyone said that the first option is more interesting.

- Your gentlemanship. Where is it from? Books or just life?

Education. And the women brought up me: Mom, her sister and grandmother. Well, then life experience and yes, books, of course. Hence the love of classic costumes, to courtesy. Although many do not perceive it. Someone can say about me that I am too calm or soft. It is not true. Everything is trite: I respect people, just not so much in our life.

- Did you have a male education? Wheels "Zhiguli" did not change in childhood?

I grew up without dad, and grandfather died when I was eleven. We never had cars, I did not go fishing. The fishing rod first picked up when they went to fees in Sweden. I learned to drive when it became possible to buy a car. The wheel for the first time changed when I was impatient: I moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and in the middle of the way, I drove to the nearest service on the nearest service, there I put a wheel from another car, but something is added to the capital.

- sign that you should not leave Peter, did not consider this episode?

Definitely not. And these incomprehensible attempts not to let us return, I consider it a big stupidity. We were not to return with any sanctions, because we accepted our decision. I do not understand why it is in St. Petersburg there are such people who constantly do something. I have already ride in Moscow and began to understand how this functioning machine works. But I do not understand why. According to Nilova (- Ex-President of the Figure Skania Federation of St. Petersburg) We should not leave? While you won't see the difference, as everything is arranged in Moscow and as in St. Petersburg, you will not feel it. Maybe the problem is that in Moscow there are many rinks and all the groups one of the other separated, and in St. Petersburg all struggle for one single ice? There was a lot of talented athletes, then the failure arose, Petersburg - the capital of Russian figure skating - disappeared from all the radars, and only now he again goes into the arena. And in doubles, and alone.

- Felt themselves with a living material, which is torn in all directions?

When we trained in St. Petersburg, we had a lot of things, and how they gathered to leave, then we immediately heard: "You must ..." In Moscow, a completely different level, for us we created all the conditions, and then I felt a stunning contrast.

Moser group is the only place in Russia, where can a greenhouse take place? We are talking about real champion ambitions.

No, of course. I do not think so. In the group (Tamara) can take place. Yes, and in the group of the Great. A good athlete anywhere will achieve the result.

"Pravda my leg was sick or fired?"

- Education, intelligence and love for the group "Leningrad" How are you combined?

I thought so to ask. Firstly, if the mat is beautifully presented, then let it be on stage, and not in life. Secondly, it is satire to our life. Third, to stay calm, I need to spill emotions somewhere. I prefer to do this at the concerts of Leningrad.

Probably, the vulgarity of Leningrad is when the pants are called "delightful", because they really are ...

I agree. "Delightful" no one would listen. It makes sense in the other. The same story with "drink in St. Petersburg". If you can not twist these songs on the radio and television, well, do not twist. As in the "election day". "Elections, elections, candidates ...". "But this can be replaced?". "You have written everything for sake of her." I can even come to "Leningrad", and I will be fun.

- Cords - real?

I would love to meet him and I learned it. From the side I can only build assumptions. Many say that in fact he does not drink and Mat does not swear, and in all the interviews inserts obscene words, but for some reason it seems to me that by and large he is actually the same as in the image.

- From our skaters, probably, Maxim Kovtun could make you a company at the Leningrad concert. Although he is not St. Petersburg.

And "Leningrad" is not "Zenit". The cord in the summer in the Arena "Spartacus" will perform. This is a nationwide topic. True, in the repertoire, a number of songs about Peter, and about Moscow only the one in which it burned.

When in figure skating declared that some of the injury was injured, the public immediately tries to inform, and whether it was. What was felt when such conversations were going during your damage?

Ksenia still ask: "And what, however, did you have a foot sick, or did you fade half theses?". People really did not believe. For four months it continued, I approached, asked: "How so much time does not pass? It's very long!". Any fracture will heal already, the ligaments will grow off. But that she had injury, I did not doubt.

Era Mercy in figure skating will not come

Is there a feeling that behind Nina Mikhailovna you are securely covered with possible attacks? And the conditions will create, and protect, and the judges will not be offended.

I don't know about judges, now much has changed: a lot of couples appeared who ride well. I am from those who still believe that sports in the first place. Who is riding on, then he put him. Until I rarely had to doubt this. Maybe this is not true, maybe I live in pink glasses, but I will take the last to believe that first sport, and then political intrigues and scandals. And the fact that we are behind Moser, so it really is. This is one of Nina Mikhailovna's branded features: I always know that it will help. She will do everything so that the athlete is comfortable. This helps to make the result.

Last year, Moser said that you did not become disabled, until a long time set the reason for the pinched nerve.

I did not speak about the "disabled person". Maybe not to dramatize the situation. But I heard the version that because of a long pinching, the nerve could simply not recover. You know, I can not even call the injury.

Once I came to one doctor to show my back. The hand then worked fine, and I had a small problem. He picked me something there, and the next day the hand was "hung." I thought that he was to blame, but then I was told that it was not. It turned out that the nerve shifts, because of which some muscles hands and shoulders did not work. In the usual state, one shoulder was lower than the other. I myself did not notice this, but I was told that it was "hanging." I could lift my hand to the shoulder level, but I barely threw emissions, with difficulty grouped in a jump, because the hand was shaking in flight, and I could not press her to myself. And I could not do support and twist. It was terrible. Nobody understood anything, and it strained doubly.

Then the manual therapist Jorge Fernandez was restored by massage. In parallel, I pumped with special exercises. There was no other intervention. Jorge was absolutely accurately the last authority, because before him I tried everything that could be - and in Moscow where they did not examine me, and in Switzerland, at the time of the show, I applied to doctors. Drawing tips did not help.

- Blind Jorge, they say, the help immediately realizes the problem.

Yes, but he did not speak anything bad to me. The truth was only shared with Nina Mikhailovna. I asked him: "What about me?", And he left the answer. But after the first week of treatment, he said: "Let's do everything." Ten days later I could already raise my hand above the shoulder and then Jorge explained that the case in the muscles of the neck, which I pumped.

- Is the problem now solved?

Yes, no problems.

"The wonderful Lyudmila Georgievna Velikov said in 2014 that the cycle until 2018 was yours, Podkova / Klimov.

Of course, the main goal is the Olympiad. For the sake of her we ride. I do not even know what it would be either if all our national team in Pytenchhan will not be allowed. Many ahead of time concluded that the 2018 Olympiad is ours. A lot of events occurred over these four years. Our problems, new couples. If in the past cycle there were two or three pairs of high level, now three or four.

- Ditchor Dmitry Solovyov said that he was taking a rivalry with another Nikita Katsalapov. Do you have a fundamental enemy?

I'm trying to understand whether there is such a person. But it is probably not. I want to beat everyone. From junior age we compete with Sui Wanjin and Tsun Khan.

How many works of Moser cost to maintain common competition and warm relations between rivals of one coaching group?

Yes, no work. It is not necessary for anyone, we yourself are friends, no one creates the atmosphere besides us. By the way, we are changing in different places. Here in the "Jubilee" all the greenhouses were in the same locker room and all among themselves competed, fought, rushed with sneakers and covers. I do not know why this madhouse was. Maybe from idleness? But no one spoil the blades. Now even the possibilities for lovers "sharpen" skates about the battery. Although Robin (Shutkov) stole a bag. In my opinion, they did not find out who took.

- Before the era of mercy, we are still far away.

In figure skating, it will never come.

// Photo: Golovanov Andrey / photoxpress.ru

It became known that two skaters, Ksenia Pillar and Ivan Bukina, removed from participation in the upcoming Olympic Games, which should be held in the South Korean city of Pytenchhan. The International Olympic Committee did not explain the reasons why Russian athletes cannot compete in prestigious competitions. The federation of the figure skating of our country is outraged by a similar solution that has no good reason.

"This unfounded and absurd decision once again demonstrates the inconsistency of IOC applications for the denying external influence on the decisions taken by him, and also violates all fundamental norms set out in the Olympic Charter, in particular the rejection of discrimination, compliance with the principles of solidarity and honest game," such a statement Appeared on the official website of the Federation of figure skating of Russia.

We clarify that the 25-year-old Ksenia Stolbova appears in a pair with Fedor Klimov. At the European Championship, which was held literally a couple of days ago in Moscow, the athletes took second place and were aimed at improving the result on the upcoming games. The skaters became winners in team competitions at the Olympics in Sochi in 2014, and in the individual competition they received "silver", giving way to our compatriots Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov.

Ivan Bukin, in turn, trains paired with Alexandra Stepanova. At the recent European Championship, they took "bronze". Despite the fact that the athletes planned to take part in the Olympiad under a neutral flag, now they have lost their ability to show the whole world the result of hard work and many hours of workouts.

Nevertheless, the federation of figure skating is going to defend the right of Ksenia and Ivan to participate in the upcoming competitions.

"We intend to immediately begin the struggle for the restoration of a fair attitude towards Russian figure skaters and defend the honor and dignity of our athletes with all possible ways," the statement says.

Athletes and fans are outraged by a similar solution of the IOC. They expressed their indignation in social networks and call on the skaters not to fall in spirit.

"It's complete chaos already! Yes, forgive me for such words! And foreigners still say that sport is out of politics! IOC, WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency. - Ed.), everyone who accepted and accepts these decisions, - creatures, scam, breaking the life of the purest athletes, people who put life and soul for the sake of sports! Based the heart from the news! " - Alexey Yagudin wrote on emotions in microblog.

Special correspondent RIA Novosti Elena Waitzovskaya talks on the blog of the editorial board on how the IOC decision was deprived of one of the brightest and charismatic figure skaters, and comes to the sad conclusion that it is for the better.

January 23 - a day after the end of the European Figure Catania Championship, where the whole pedestal in pair skating was taken by Russian duets, it became known that the International Olympic Committee refused to invite the games in Pchenchkhan a fairly large group of athletes, including two skaters - Ivan Bukin and Ksenia Pillars. Both athletes expressed their intention to submit relevant claims to the court, but in Korea, the Russian coach Nina Moser said to journalists: no matter what decision will receive a sports arbitration court in relation to the column, the figure skater does not intend to go to Korea in general. Those humiliations were too painful, through which, in connection with the decision of the IOC, she had to go.

Born to win

Shortly before the Olympic Games in Sochi, the famous coach Valentin Nikolaev said: "Her jumps are 70 percent of character and only 30 - techniques." The same words could always be said about the pillars. After the ultimately unsuccessful for a pair of pre-pilfer summer 2013 with two fractures for two (despite the fact that the title of the second number of the country was firmly fixed for the faith of the Bazar and Yuri Larionov), Ksenia looked in a pair of those locomotive that could be sent from his way any barriers. And after all, they really managed to dream of: First, I won together with the partner the right to represent the country in the team tournament, then brilliantly spoke there, briefly and Creating your own result with the words: "When still, if not now?".

For character, in fact, I fell in love with it forever in Sochi. Perhaps simply subconsciously understood: this girl will always be difficult because she was born in order to be the first. The best and brightest. And the need to constantly prove the world that you are the best - the hardest burden.

After the games in Sochi, where Pilov and Klimov won an arbitrary program in the team tournament and won personal silver, no less spoke about them than about Champions - Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov. The reaction of the Olympic champion of Vancouver Evan Laysachek, with whom we communicated a lot throughout the tournament of skaters were shocked. Raising me on the podium of the press immediately after the sports couples completed performances in the final, the American demanded to immediately teach him to correctly pronounce the name "Xenia" correctly, saying the Russian figure skaters: "They are waiting for an amazing future. I have no doubt about it not a second! "

After a month later, the column and Klimov again became the second. It happened on the world championship in Saitama, the championship rank in the fifth and last time in his joint career won Alena Savchenko and Robin Silkov, so the result of Russians could be considered outstandless without any stretch. But the Olympic alignment of Sochi sat in the brain: on the games of Pilov and Klimov ahead of the German duet in an arbitrary program for seven more points.

In Saitam, the Two-time Olympic champion Arthur Dmitriev said to the strongest at that time of the Russian couple of words that were very worth listening to them.

Ksenia and Fedor gave out at the Olympic Games in Sochi much more than objectively were able - for me it is obvious, "he said. - If you disassemble them from the point of view of the potential, it does not yet solve the maximum tasks. The triple twist is performed on the verge of permissible, the second emission is although it is executed at the end of the program, but this is the release of slips, and not flip - that is, it has a lower base value. The cascade is also not sufficiently complicated - compared to the fact that the Germans are performed. When the athletes in the strike, as it was in Sochi, the program looks quite competitive, but against the background of even a little fatigue it becomes obvious that to win with such a program Ksenia and Fyodor is quite problematic. Therefore, in Saitam, to be honest, I did not wait for victory from them. If you intend to win, it should always go as if to ahead. Yes, there is no particular difficulty in the German program. But on their side there is a lot of others in addition to skiing. Including - titles. In order for the pursuit of such rivals to be successful, additional trumps are needed. You can not catch up with the same arsenal ...

Ksenia herself was noticeably upset by a silver medal. Disappointedly responded to congratulations: "If it were gold ...". But recognized: Objectively, he and Fedor were unlikely to win: the Olympiad took away too much strength, and immediately after the games the figure skaters were very sad. Therefore, it was necessary to swing for a continuation of work for a long time. At the same time, the column and klimov could not have influenced the process launched in the minds in the minds: after people become the first (and the second place Ksenia and Fedor in Sochi were equal to victory in Sochi), they begin to wait for outstanding results and outstanding productions. So it was always, and not only in figure skating, especially since after caring from the Scene Volosozhar / Trankova and Savchenko / Silk, vice-champions of games formally became the first pair of the world.

Unrealized strategy

Probably, we all just hurriedly then count the pillars and Klimov inadvertently - the magic of a couple turned out to be too large. I still remember my conversation with the CEO of FFKKR Alexander Kogan, who explained why he considers Pilisa and Klimov a unique duet. He spoke about the limitless potential of the pair, about their obvious opportunity to perform emissions of four turns and more complex jumps. Just all this happened after it became an explicitly alarming reality: a couple who managed to produce such a strong impression in Sochi, did not accomplish a single step forward over the next year. In December 2014, the figure skaters lost the Grand Prix Final Canadians Megan Duhamel / Erika Redford, then lost the European Championship of Yuko Kawaguti / Alexander Smirnov. And then at all decided to urgently complete the current season and begin preparations for the next autumn to appear in front of the audience.

Nina Moser, who reported to journalists about the plans of his first pair to skip the world championship, said that from April Xenia and Fyodor intend to start working out four emissions and new jumping cascades. Why from April, and not since February - once the season of figure skaters are actually over, it remains unclear, to the moreover, it was not possible to fully realize the declared intentions and after: everything that the pillars and Klimov managed to make the next season is to complicate the cascade And replace the double axel Triple Salkhov, raising the total cost of the program by 3.97. Just in order to confidently and powerfully take the place of leaders, it was worth puzzled immediately after the Olympic Games. And it came out that the progress of rivals in the postolympic season was much more noticeable, and the first Russian couple immediately began to look in their background not the best. Not to mention that after two offensive defeats in a row, the refusal of a trip to the world championship was extremely difficult not to regard, as a banal fear of the skaters to lose once again.

But a year later, skeptics were posted: Pilov and Klimov won the first in his career and a completely magnificent big victory - the final of the Grand Prix won, showing exactly such a ride, which was waiting for almost two years.

In the report from those competitions, I then wrote: "If Nina Moser's wards were allowed to break at least in one of their elements, it would probably be able to serve as a skepticism. But the rental turned out to be immaculate. There was no importance that the Russian program was not so It is difficult, as the one that was demonstrated by Canadians: Pilov and Klimov More than ten points exceeded their Olympic result both in an arbitrary program, and in the overall standings. For thirteen, it was raised by the score of the best result of the season, which before this belonged to Canadian duet. And most importantly showed that they still keep the blow. And make it brilliantly. "


I never spoke with Ksenia about what happened to her and Fedor later, at the very end of December of that year. But still I can not get rid of an intuitive feeling that it is there that the explanation of the entire subsequent chain of failures is lied, the first link of which was the refusal of an outstanding couple from the speech at the Russian Championships 2015. Formally, due to partner's disease. However, in figurant circles, conversations were strangely activated that the decision to miss the championship was accepted by the coach and that it is extremely strategic. In that season, Volosozhar and Trankov returned to the ice and in front of the coach, for which the Olympic champions were its main and completely special pair, could well get a dilemma: how to be now? To start both duets with a high probability suggesting that the titled poles and Klimov "will tear" titled rivals, or bloodlessly divorce students in various tournaments, especially since the Olympic champions immediately made it clear that participation in the world championship in Boston is not included in the world championship their plans.

Whether there were real foundations under the conversations, I do not know. As I do not know how the reality corresponded, by chance, a Tatiana Tarasova phrase that Pilovoy was so strong in battle after the final of the Grand Prix finals and was so annoyed by the forced passing of an important start for himself, that on his own initiative (and it was absolutely In her character) began to force the complication of the program. But since the muscles of the skaters were not ready for this, everything ended in the injury of the partner, and from participation in the European Championship Ksenia and Fyodor were also forced to refuse.

Communicating during the European Championship with journalists, Kogan stressed that Klimov's injury is not too serious and does not require long-term treatment. This CEO of FFKKR himself not wanting only gave the impetus to the next serving of rumors. The fact that there was not really no injury, just skaters under a faithful pretext once again removed from the road Volosozhar and Trankov - to give the opportunity to complete his career winners.

In fact, it was fairly secondary, which of the versions corresponds to reality. Failure to participate in the second important competitions in a row in a row, skaters put themselves on a certain line, to balance on which - dubious pleasure for an athlete - especially since the experiences and titles of Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov were continued to gain might and main.

Well, then everything went on everything at all: before the leaders of the FFKKR, apparently, finally came that in the pair skating the country could lose quotas for the next season, in connection with which all three pairs of Nina Moser were obliged to fly to the World Cup. The result was deplorable: Pillars and Klimov remained fourth, Volosozhar and Trankov - six.

It seemed to me that the pillars internally donated exactly then - she even externally became another. From the girl who dreamed in Sochi to put the whole world to their legs, only a shell remained.

The statements to the athlete began to acquire several other tonality from that moment. She still did not fail in brightness and charismaticness, recognizing that the partners did not appear in the world, capable of focusing the attention of the hall to themselves (and this was indeed true), but at the same time they were constantly criticized. For peculiarities, egoism, severe nature, reluctance to be considered to be surrounding - that is, for all the qualities that are distinguished in the sport of almost all outstanding athletes. And what is customary to close the eyes as long as the person wins.

Ironically, the submission of the pillar from participation in the 2018 games (if you believe the information that leaked into the press) is not connected at all with the doping, but with a disciplinary violation: WADA officers who came to conduct an out-of-recommendation control, did not find figure skater in place and she I received a warning - not too critical in the "peaceful" life, but the wars announced in the current realities of Russia announced in the current realities.

Out of the game

The emotional response of the athlete and its decision is not to go to Korea, even if a miracle suddenly happens, and Cas will fall on her side, forcing the IOC to change its decision, it is quite possible to regard the current situation as a cold calculation: the only tournament in which Ksenia Pilova And Fyodor Klimov could really be competitive on games - these are team competitions. Silver awards conquered by figure skaters in January of this year at the European Championships in Moscow are unlikely to deceive someone: skaters are not so good enough to seriously associate some hope with their personal speaking in Phenchhan. But with regard to the team tournament, I still does not leave the feeling of desperate, irrelevant loss. I really want to believe in the fact that, not happening to this idiotic, nothing justified and unreasonable removal of an outstanding figure skater from games, in the team tournament, she would certainly take over the role that Evgeny Plushenko brilliantly performed in Sochi. In the prospect of his competitiveness on those games, no one believed in general - no matter what they spoke about this now. Even the most experienced Single Skating Specialist Viktor Kudryavtsev authoritatively declared the on the eve of the competition that if no unexpected surprises occur, Eugene would finish performances with the fourth or fifth result. And Plushenko brought a team of 19 points from twenty possible, winning an arbitrary program and becoming the second in short.

On the other hand, I'm absolutely not sure that I would like to see how in personal rivalry with most of the strongest pairs of Pillars with Klimov will be insolvent. Too much on the games in Sochi in the soul, a desperate twenty-two-year-old girl crashed, ready to break the world into pieces in order to become the first. When such athletes turn out to be out of the game - it does not matter, on their own or someone else's fault, it is impossible to look at it without compassion. And the pillars did not deserve it to spare her - for this she is too strong and a whole person.

So it is possible, everything for the better, no matter how cruel it sounds now.

Hello everyone!

I finally saw the Light long-awaited (me - long-awaited) regular issue of the magazine "The World of Figure Skating". I hope that you can already buy it on the arena Megasport that on the Khodynsky field.

Well, and, as promised, lay out an interview with Ksenia and Fedor. Immediately make a reservation, here the material is precisely in the example, in what I sent it to release. Were the edits - I do not know. Perhaps in the paper version of the magazine, our conversation will look a little different. I hope if she was changed, it is insignificant.

I really liked the conversation with skaters. The result, too, came out, it seems, entertaining. We communicated with smiles and pleasure. Although they were affected by difficult topics. I really hope that the text will be able to transfer the mood. And desperately I will wish the success of this duet in the season.

So, actually the text:

Ksenia Pillars with Fedor Klimov is one of the most, if not the most stylish and beautiful couple of modern figure skating. Athletes who have fallen at the Olympics earlier than the World Cup. And in the same place, in Sochi-2014, who had achieved the greatest career success, becoming silver winners in the personal championship after Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov, and taking gold together with the Russian national team for the first time in the program tournament program for the first time.

It would seem that for figure skaters, shortly before that came out of Junior age and instantly (after a pause, taken by Tatiana with Maxim), who became the first number in the country, the Sochi Olympiad could become a springboard to further successes and, possibly, dominance in the global carname. The chances of this were - talent, an article, Charisma of Pillars-Klimov always allocated.

But I did not go.

The couple was forced to miss the 2015 World Championship due to half-philantholic history with a fourth ejection, and others were released - Canadians Megan Duhamel with Eric Redford were held twice in a row, which is not empty; Returned to his practically the former level of Alena Savchenko with a new partner of Bruno Masso, and the pre-air championship in the capital of Finland in all its beauty revealed back after several injuries of the Chinese Sui Hanya.

It is really that "on full", after Sochi Stolbov-Klimov flashed only once - in the final of the Grand Prix 2015-2016, where, without even a four-third element, there was no chance of rivals and scored the amount at that time became the second in history - Following the Olympic scallers Volosozhar-Trankova. But the burst was pointing.

Two World Championships in a row Russians did not fall on the pedestal. Actually, our conversation began with memories of Helsinki, more precisely, the episode that occurred after the end of the competition in pairs. Ksenia approached the commentary position to express disagreement with the phrase that sounded on the air. After a short program, in which Pilov-Klimov took the 14th place, I allowed myself to call the skaters "losers", even if only a short program ...

TO: ... By the way, I didn't even know the first to know about it. I started calling with questions "And you heard that they were told about you?" I replied that I was constantly talking about me.

I was surprised, in fact, what follows this. It seemed to me that a professional athlete at the tournament should be a little detached from the outside world ...

TO: ... you are a commentator. And should be presented not only to ours, but also in general athletes in a positive way. And then it turned out that we ... Yes, the lousy rolled back, and plus it was still on you, kick before the start of arbitrary ...

- That is, watch what they say or write about you?

TO: No, absolutely. If I watched myself first, I would not even pay attention, most likely, but when people practically began to call me and write, it was unrealistic to stay aside.

F: Most often, you still revise the programs. I, at least once, be sure to watch the speeches. And there is not that I listen to everything, but a few words before the performance and immediately I spend to notice ... although it was not clear this rental (laughs). What is there to watch? The last tournament in the season, forgot even the order of the elements immediately, as I roll. And when there are still competences ahead, then you look, correct mistakes, and so on.

TO: Quietly. More often cling to negative expressions. And if they concern me, perceive calmly, and if you brighten up to Fed or my family, I can incur.

- Aware of your own power?

TO: Potential - yes.

- Why not force?

F: For these three years, it has changed how much. Now there is no obvious leader in pair skating, potentially strong pairs of five or six, if not more ... The same Canadians who were the world champions, in Helsinki became seventh. If they won the third time, it would be possible to talk about the presence of a leader. And so everything turned over. And it is potentially now everyone is very strong and approximately equal.

TO: Everyone has chances. Strong pairs are a lot.

- Do you easier in such a situation? Or is it easier to stretch behind the leader?

F: Hold leadership is always harder. When you are on top, harder. But we do not mean. Fight against themselves constantly.

When preparing for this conversation, I looked at a lot of materials about Ksenia with Fedor. Attracted this item. Completely interviews of the pillar and Klimov were given separately. What is so different, no similar personality friend, what is better revealed one by one? Or so "eaten" together with a joint society in training and starts that preferred in ordinary life as much as possible?

He put the goal - to talk to the skaters only together, let him not say anyone. In the process of the conversation, it was found that in Ksenia with Fedor, not so much in common, although the athletes themselves are not recognized in this. In any case, in general.

- Do you consider yourself public people?

TO: Me not.

F: I do not think myself, for some reason others periodically note. The coach can express that I am somewhere posting photos ... It always seemed to me that it was not interesting to anyone, but it turns out that I sometimes get a catching up for the fact that at 12 o'clock I laid out some photo ... in my The output day allegedly did not observe. It turns out a stick about two ends - I believe that I am absolutely non-public, but it turns out that someone claims that it somehow affects.

- Discount on the streets?

TO: (After a pause) ... so far yes.

F: After the Olympics in Sochi, they were recognized, then stopped. Then there were some competitions, I went, learned, wished good luck. Apparently when they constantly appear on the TV - find out. Do not appear - cease to learn.

- Do you want to know?

TO: Not.

F: I do not.

TO: We are not riding for this, right? Although the epidemic is now - all earn it.

F: If you put the task to be a media person, to start it, in which case I would like to know me, but there is no such task. I do not strive for this.

That is, we can say that it is easier for you to live, calmer when you are not overwhelming numerous fans, how, for example, in pop stars?

TO: Sure.

F: I do not care.

TO: In fact yes. Neither cold nor hot.

F: I will not tense if it is suitable for me, they will ask for a photograph or autograph. I always agree. And such that a crowd wondered me, interfering with me to do something, there was no such thing.

- Fedor, you are visiting with someone from football players ...

F: Is that with Sasha Kerzhakov ( former football player "Zenith" and the Russian national team - Prim A.G.). Congratulations to each other with the holidays, I congratulated him with the birth of a child. He thanked. If this can be considered friendship, then yes. In any case, we know each other. When meeting, we communicate.

- It happened that we go with Kerzhakov in the city, you will find out, and it is not?

F: Well no. How can Sasha Kerzhakov can not know? The only thing when he came to us on the show in Zurich, here we learned more than it (laugh).

Maybe less recognition is currently related to the fact that you have changed hairstyles compared to the Olympic season hairstyle - Fedor released the tail, and Ksenia made a haircut shorter?

TO: Maybe. My hairstyle got used to my hairstyle. Could accidentally go and not recognize. This year it lasted.

- Ksenia, do you like men with long hair?

TO: (Instantly) No!

- Fedor, and you - girls with short?

(both are broken by laugh.)

TO: Dangerous now ... very dangerous! Provocation, you understand ...

F: Alexander is responsible! ..

- Ksenia, why dangerous? Do conflicts happen between you?

TO: What do you mean by conflicts? For me, this is just small quarrels, household.

F: And who does not happen to them?

- How do you get out of them? Who first comes to put up?

F: We are already easier to do this. Such strong has not been for a long time ...

TO: ... I'm just tired of this, apparently. And what's the point of to lose at this time, spend power, nerves? ... no longer at that age.

- But before it happened?

TO: Passed, of course.

F: With some definite regularity. When it all sills, I will be copied, if no one will put out, then it poured ...

TO: And on my part, you usually understand. Fedya is very calm, balanced. I can't keep everything in myself, to burn ..., at some point you have to splash out. And who is always there? Fedor.

- That is your famous among the fans a look after some errors ...

TO: Not. This is probably an involuntary look. Some kind of greater anger, not in the direction of Fedor or coaches, judges, let's say ... No, there is no such thing. Well, once it was. I confess. In Stockholm. When Fedka fell, I wanted to roll under the ice ... But it was the only moment. And so - does not eat.

After the most faithful short program at the World Championships in Helsinki, the audience, on the contrary, they noted that they did not see you for such a friend for a long time ...

TO: Never. I think it was really visible. Not tight. Stretched smiles ... understood - well, w ...! Well what should I do now?

F: If we did again one offensive mistake, we would be upset. Ksenia would be angry, and I was upset. And then when we all got all the same, although they were absolutely ready, all the rentals were purely rolled before, and there suddenly something happened that we were "lay" the whole program, stumbled and in general we barely got ... even there was no strength get upset. We stopped and laughed. And then - yes, they supported each other and on arbitrary went with another mood.

- the opinion is widespread that in errors in the pair, two are guilty. This is true?

F: Sure. It does not happen to someone alone. Parallel jumping except. And then we can say that the partner did not go so ...

TO: Initially you, of course, dig in yourself. Trying to understand what you did not do. And then you start to discuss with a partner, find out, who is more convenient. It happens to us.

F: Two are always guilty to a greater or lesser. It does not happen ... more precisely, Nelsza blame one of the partners. Otherwise - deadlock.

- Ksenia, you mentioned that you are explosive, Fedor is calmer, and what are you like a partner?

TO: Probably, only urges.

F: Even this guy is manifested in different ways.

TO: We are not alike.

F: Yes, I also can't come up with. We have not been asked before.

- The pole physics is attracted. Is this your case?

F: Yes, this is not a human story, I think. All these opposites, attraction ...

TO: In general, I do not believe it honestly. Labuda generally.

F: You see, something has come in general (both laugh).

- Nevertheless, you for many years ride, and ride successfully. How can it be combined?

TO: There is a single goal. Which unites. In general, many goals. But there is one big one.

F: At some point, we realized that together would reach more than if we disperse and let's try again. So, it is worth to endure. All these injuries, conflicts and so on ... That's all.

- When did the understanding come?

F: Has long been. Even when the first successes in the junior level were. And then, during all problems, basically, with health, I constantly reminded myself that I have already decided for myself and not the time to change something.

Example. Series Grand Prix. Commercial tournament. For it, it may be, maybe not like that of football players, but solid prizes. One of you falls ... This affects the final sum. Does it comes to deceive?

F: No, no, never reached. I do not even know if there is anyone. The prizes come on cards exactly in half and we initially determined that from this amount we give the third to the coach. In St. Petersburg, it was that we were even shared with the choreographer, now we have two coaches, and in the amount of a third or 40 percent we give. And so that among themselves - no, never. This is the question that mistakes are still common.

For a very long time, one of my friend explained that even if the partner fell from a jump or emission, in no case should not say that "she" fell. This was postponed. And since neither happens in the program, I say: we did not make a jump. The only way.

A couple of years ago, Maxim Trankov, in one of our joint reports, noted that in pairs the loss of even one element, that is, 7-8 points, to play almost impossible. Agree?

F: Not. I do not agree. Maxim probably compares the situation with single skating, where 10 points are one jump. One fell, the other did it, and now the athletes have changed in places. We have 10 points - already a serious gap, but we witnessed when people went to risk, tried to fulfill complex elements, borrowed programs and lost in general. In short, 5-7 points are played out. Yes, Max himself argued it at the World Cup.

TO: Maxim, probably, spoke in some particular context. Our personal example in Helsinki shows that you can climb from deep basement, win a small bronze and enter the top five. Yes, we stayed without medals. But our rental program is not suitable for occasion ... It is difficult to recoup the loss of the element only with error-free rivals packed in modern programs with elements of ultra-si. In other cases, everything is possible. The main thing is to fight to the final posture (smiles).

In September, open rentals of the Russian national team were held in Sochi, where you were, although you were not going to participate in them. What's the point? Maybe it was easier to stay in Moscow and continue to train?

TO: These are planned fees for finishing work on programs together with choreographers. The same fees and at the same time we spent a year ago in Sochi. As in the past year, Yuri Skekalov came, the balletmaster and the artist of the Mariinsky Theater, to work with us the program - plastically and acting. This is one of the most responsible stages in preparation, therefore all our coaches must be present. So fees during official rentals are the optimal option, moreover, we had the opportunity to communicate directly with all specialists of the Federation, and at the same time evaluate the programs and the mood of other national team athletes, to imbued with a competitive spirit. So sitting in Moscow behind closed doors rink - not the most effective option in our realities.

The fans still happen, remember the story with the arousement of the four emission you, because of which you eventually did not go to the World Cup. Will you work on it?

F: Not. Absolutely accurate. We decided on a set of elements for the season. Now from the height of the seasons, I understand that all this epic with a release was one big mistake. This is personally my opinion. Although I am contradict now myself, because I said: "Yes! We will do it! " I tried how to always support the partner and coaches, because they wanted it.

Now I understand that it turned out to be a mistake that caused a whole chain of events. We missed the World Cup. Some injuries appeared, these skates again. Maybe Ksenia will say that it is not that, but I still think that it affected. More rigid shoes for this emission that were unsuccessful. One, the other couple, the third ... chain of events, the original point of which was the decision to study the quadruple emission.

- Is it possible now without a quadruple element in pairs to deal with first place?

TO: It is possible, but only in cases of error-free rental and if your programs were executed so that they produced a strong impression on judges and viewers.

F: I think that yes. In the end, looking at that significant for us the final of the Grand Prix, when we with the same set, with whom we will act and now, have received almost top points in history, you understand if we continued to develop to the same extent ... Few people have gained such points since then. Even with two quantine elements - twisted and emissions. Facts speak for themselves.

- This is the charisma of your pair or without four and the rest of the athletes, too, can you win?

F: Yes, everyone can win. Yes. Yes.

TO: What does it mean - exactly are ours? There are such an opportunity for all athletes of the first tens. Well, the first five can one hundred percent to win.

- What about progress?

F: Progress is good, but health is more important. Therefore, many are many and refused emissions. Make more twist. Who has a good technique, it is less dangerous element.

Progress can be different. I have always been for the fact that the programs become more interesting, people told some story. Despite the fact that for me figured riding is sport, not art. Anyway - make interesting story It does not interfere with you. And not just chasing elements, though quadruple.

TO: Progress moves just balanced pairs. This can be athletes - pronounced representatives of power riding with prevailing technique. But if they found their images and managed to embody them in interesting modern programs, they will not be taken as clean techniques. Today, let's say, "Tehnar-Silovik" can find itself in contemporary (even in his lyrical directions), fast dance rhythms, drama with a heroic tint. And this will also be modern and progressive programs.

It is considered yes and we have repeatedly stated that the pair skating is the most difficult type of figure skating. What is more difficult, in comparison with single rooms?

F: First of all, singles are responsible for themselves. And we depends on you the fate of another person. Plus, you are more responsible as on a partner. Support all these, twists - a very responsible moment, you must control everything. There were cases when a partner fell with support ... a terrible thing. There you will fall - you will disarm yourself, and here you can sneak another person.

Again, in a pair, it is necessary to constantly find a compromise, this is also complexity. And with a purely technical point of view, elements are difficult, but not more difficult than a quadruple jump. Learn items - about the same, but everything rests on the fact that we have two people and a lot depends on the interaction. At least how many years ride, but at some point you can not find out that the partner in the head, as he feels and how he rolls back.

Immediately after rental, the dancers often do not imagine, what levels they received for the elements. You can understand in the course of the program or immediately after its end, what level elements will you have?

F: Yes we can. Or we almost immediately understand, or the coach, looked from the side, will say. Basically, if you are correctly ready and rode without serious mistakes, what are you ready, then you are doing. Support, for example, we prepare in advance for the 4th level. And if you did not break her, you will make it on the 4th. Basically, we can confuse Todes or rotation, where it depends on the number of revolutions. But we believe them and I can say that on Todes I had to get up and somewhere I did not give. That is, the level may be on the verge and I am not sure - the third one or the fourth one. I counted three turns in my head, and the judges may not count. But in general, plus-minus your levels always know.

TO: Elements are learned in accordance with the level that is forces athletes. In our case, during the rolled, the elements are executed as they are trained. There is such a moment as the breakdown of the element or when "something went wrong" - here are the levels.

- In Todes, who decides when to get up?

F: Partner. Partner - she lies, relaxes. No, of course, it is also hard for her. But she's head down, I don't think she considers something at all. Plus, such a moment - in Todes, the partner of the thigh should be in parallel with ice, and when you start at least a little bit, the element is over. You can no longer spinning.

Before you there are many examples. When the athletes in a pair make up a couple and in life. This is Tanya with Maxim (Volosozhar-Trankov), and now Zhenya with Volodya (Tarasova-Morozov). How difficult to you or easier compared to them?

TO: I would go crazy!

F: It is easier for us, of course. It would be hard for me to stay with one person 24 hours a day. And on the rink, and at home. How it is from the rink not to carry home ...

TO: I would not definitely transferred.

F: Would move just!

TO: Yes, I would continue. Therefore, in our case, this is a big plus.

- Leisure hours happens to spend together?

F: Seldom. Basically, when they are at the fees, it happens that between the training sees go somewhere.

Fedor, you are in your free time than not do. And football go, and play golf, Ksenia, how do you spend your leisure?

TO: I also very actively spend my free time, only few people know about it, for I am not very posted. I love to go to experimental productions. Theatrical. Musicla, ballet. I love snowboard very much. Highly.

- Are there any restrictions on classes extreme speciesWhat no doubt is the snowboard?

TO: Many skaters are fond of extreme sports - skiing, snowboarding, motorcycles, and so on ... It's all about risks and liking. If you hold on to reasonable limits and control the situation, then the passion for another sport will only benefit. Snowboard is perfectly developing the reaction and the ability to balance at high speed. As for injuries and bruises, they, as you know, most often happen in training or, for example, when the game is in harmless, not extreme football.

- Which of the experimental performances made the greatest impression?

TO: I was very impressed by "Black Russian" ( avant-garde production based on Roman A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", in which the audience take part in the performance almost on a par with the actors - Prim A.G.). Originality. We did not come to look at the stage, but participated in the action. We were brought into the mansion, we were divorced on pairs, I could not be with anything or a friend, because We were divided. We walked in masks, listened and looked at the artists. Ravzhana Kurkova played. And we went through the halls of the mansion and watched this process. I love this - not just sit and watch, but something special.

I treat musicals calmerly, although I love and look in America, and here. When they were in Montreal, went to the circus du Soleil, also really liked it.

F: At the "Ghost of the Opera" together, by the way, went. And with the coach - Vlad Zhovnirsky. I really liked it in America, and in Russia - on the contrary, did not like it at all. It seems to be doing the same thing, but in Russian, and not impressed. And in the States, in the theater, where they are already playing the performance, like it.

- From what saw some production wanted to move to ice?

TO: So always happens. Whether it is a circus or ballet, you go all on the adrenaline, in Kurage some kind of impressions, emotions always want to move somewhere. Whether on ice, or in choreography, or where else - in the indicative number, for example. Something is still involuntarily tolerated. Movements, views, hands ... And so that something specifically take and transfer to the ice - no, there was no such thing.

Regarding the current season. You urgently had to put a new arbitrary program, because the first, supplied by the famous Canadian coach and choreographer Marie-France Dubray was recognized as "Neolimpian." What does this mean?

F: Good question. I also tried to find out what it means. If you continue to work, it was possible to squeeze something out of it. Another thing is that she lossed on music. Even our arbitrary programs of the last two years with incomprehensible, in my opinion, music, they were more interesting.

To: Cooperation with Canadian choreographers, alas, did not give us the results for which we expected, despite the full card-blanche provided them in choosing music and theme. We do not know the reasons why it happened, but on the plastic and even "binder" content we have turned out to be non-competitive programs. We could not afford it, especially in the Olympic season.

- "Carmen" Olympic? Famous music is often taken by figure skaters, dancers in particular. Navka-Kostomarov, from the later Virtue Moyer, albeit in non-classical production ... Is she Olympic?

TO: For all the scenaries for our couple "Carmen" - the optimal choice for the Olympic season. It seems that we finally have grown up to this level. And secondly, the classic version of Bizet-Shchedrin will understand and will be accepted on all continents. And I am very flattering that you define the ceiling of selection of this music with such great dancers as Tessa Virtue - Scott Moir and Tatiana Navka - Roman Kostomarov. I revised almost all the ice and ballet versions of "Carmen" and hopefully, we will be able to contribute to the ice history of a truly immortal masterpiece. By the way, if I do not change my memory, no one else took her in the pair skating.

- the information was held that "Besame.Mucho.»For a short program suggested Ksenia ...

TO: I have long wanted to show in the Tango program, but in a more modern version, than is taken from dancers and singles. I found an interesting processing of the cult tango, everyone liked the idea and accepted it.

In Russian figure skating, it often happens that music and programs until the last moment is kept secret. Why?

F: Generally a good question. An excellent question. I also do not understand - why? What kind of secrecy, why we cherish this, I never understood it and do not understand. Somehow maybe they are afraid that the rivals recognize ... And then what? They all put everything before us, probably. But on the other hand, this summer, none of the journalists and disabled "Tell us, tell." And at the first opportunity on the press conferences and told. When you put, you still sometimes and you yourself do not know what you will have for music. And then I was ready to tell. But no one asked.

On open rentals, where I was also lucky to visit, it was possible to observe including the training of pillars-climov. So, that ease with which Ksenia and Fedor performed most elements, I wanted to believe. And which of the pillar carmen is energetic, passionate - it was possible to notice even in a training suit. The Ksenia program is very much. And the athlete itself, felt, feels in this image organic. It remains only to transfer images for ice and in competitions.

We talk on the rink "inspiration", which is actually a sports home Moser Tim. Now in figure skating there are more and more common teams, and you have one of the most famous and strongest teams in the world for pair figure skating. Can you call yourself team players?

(after pause)

TO: This is more a question for you ...

F: Not now.

- Why?

F: Because ... I do not know ... Figure skating is not a team sport. We can be a team inside the pair, and that's it. Well, maximum with coaches. Otherwise, it was before the Sochi Olympiad, because in that team everything was clear. There were Max with Tanya, who went to one goal. We walked to another absolutely. Maybe competed with faith and Yura, but also helped each other. But there all the roles were distributed. And it could be called the team. Not now. Now no one understands who in which place to the competition will not understand.

- And inside the pair you team?

TO: Yes.

F: Now yes.

- all the time some reservations ...

F: Because there were any moments. But I can say that a long time ago, after all these injuries, we started to support each other and now I can call us a team.

- What does a healthy athlete do, while the other heal damage?

TO: Her nonsense is engaged in ... (laughs)

F: It seems that it works. Rides there, it works on jumping, physical training ... And then the second person comes and you just start from scratch. And it does not matter who waited for someone ...

In the course of our conversation, some of this pair was confirmed. For example, most of the questions of Ksenia answered almost instantly, as befits more explosive. Fedor on the contrary, often took a pause, again confirming its own more relaxed and even a few phlegmatic temper.

At the same time, do not say that the differences between the poles and Klimov are so plotted as the skaters themselves say about them. In any case, it turned out frankly, and in my opinion, very interesting. And in order to finally clarify everything, then it is finally confused, under the curtain of the conversation I resorted to such a simple, but often very curious reception as a blitz. Short question - immediately a short answer. And that's what happened.

- Theater or restaurant?

F: ... Theater.

- Twitter or Instagram?

K: Nothing.

F: ... instagram.

- Moscow or Peter?

- Favorite place in the world.

F: Peter. And if in St. Petersburg, I do not know ... just Nevsky.

- Favorite pair element.


To: ... yes email let it be.

F: Emission, yes.

- Favorite moment in the program.

To: ending. (after pause) What do you think?!

F: Well, yes, yes, the ending.

- Final posture What?

K: Well, of course.

F: No, it is when already bows to exhale. (Both laugh).

- Which of you are more lucky with a partner?

F: equally.

F: Well, or the same is not lucky ...

P.S. We talked before the tournament in Espoo, so there is no word about it in conversation.

P.P.S. In the announced competition while the amazing unanimity. On the winner, the winner does not put 8 people. Here I just will define the winner, if Yudzuru does not win)

P.p.p.s. For those who do not know. Finally, there is clarity with the show of the Grand Prix Stages. Arena broadcasts completely. Commenting the Chelyabinsk Trio. In variations. Tatyana Tarasova, Maxim Trankov, Actually, I.

And still - surprises in the season will still be;) In the meantime - before the meeting on the hiking!

Your Alexander Grishin

Photo: RIA Novosti / Pavel Lisitsyn, Alexander Wilf