Bugaev alexey prokhorovich major general. Read the online book "Color suit - the elite of the underworld." Territorial authorized bodies

The Moscow City Department of Internal Affairs (in 1962 - 1966 - UOOP) was formed by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 071 dated May 9, 1956 as a result of the separation from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Regional Council. In 1973, the Internal Affairs Directorate was transformed into the Main Directorate, and the district departments - into the Internal Affairs Directorate.

By Decree of the President of the USSR No. UP-1719 of March 26, 1991, the GUVD was merged with the GUVD of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Regional Council into the Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow and the Moscow Region, however, on March 28, the Decree was suspended by a resolution of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR (canceled Decree of the President of the USSR No. UP-2539 dated September 11, 1991)

1. ABRAMOV Vasily Gerasimovich (May 1956 - November 22, 1960), General of the Internal Service of the 3rd Rank;
2. LEVYKIN Viktor Vasilievich (November 22, 1960 - December 26, 1961), colonel of the internal service;
3. SIZOV Nikolay Trofimovich (April 10, 1962 - March 23, 1965), 3rd rank police commissar;
4. VOLKOV Anatoly Ivanovich (April 9, 1965 - March 4, 1969), 3rd rank police commissar;
5. KOZLOV Andrey Petrovich (March 4, 1969 - May 25, 1973), Major General of the Internal Security, since November 6, 1970 - Lieutenant General;
6. SAMOKHVALOV Vadim Grigorievich (May 25, 1973 - October 23, 1979), Lieutenant General of the Police;
7. TRUSHIN Vasily Petrovich (October 23, 1979 - January 24, 1984), Lieutenant General of the Internal Service;
8. BORISENKOV Vladimir Grigorievich (January 24, 1984 - August 11, 1986), lieutenant general of the internal service;
9. BOGDANOV Petr Stepanovich (September 6, 1986 - February 4, 1991), major general, since October 31, 1986 - militia lieutenant general;
10. MYRIKOV Nikolay Stepanovich (February 1991 - September 25, 1991), Major General of Militia;
11. MURASHOV Arkady Nikolaevich (since September 25, 1991)

1st deputy chiefs:
PRIDOROGIN Vladimir Nikolaevich (1970 - 1972), 3rd rank police commissar;
KLIMOV Ivan Alekseevich (1983 - 1987), Major General of Militia;
KUPREEV Sergey Alexandrovich (April 1984 - January 1987), Major General of the Internal Service;
TOMASHEV Yuri Andreevich (since 1986), Major General of the Internal Service;
EGOROV Anatoly Nikolaevich (since 1991), Major General of Militia;

Deputy chiefs:
IOSIFOV Nikolay Aleksandrovich (1956 - 1966), police colonel, since October 31, 1956 - 3rd rank police commissar;
SOKOLOVSKY Georgy Viktorovich (for 1957), 3rd rank police commissar;
RODIONOV M.M. (for 1957), colonel;
VOLKOV Anatoly Ivanovich (for 1963 - March 1965)
BLAGOVIDOV Pavel Fedorovich (1970 - 1971), 3rd rank police commissar;
V. S. PANIN (1966), police colonel;
SHUTOV Ivan Maksimovich (1967 - 1981), militia colonel, since December 23, 1969 - militia commissar of the 3rd rank;
Pridorogin Vladimir Nikolaevich (1966 - 1968), police colonel, from November 1, 1967 - militia commissar of the 3rd rank;
PASHKOVSKY Viktor Anatolyevich (1968 - 1980), police colonel, since November 6, 1970 - 3rd rank police commissar;
Sorochkin Grigory Vasilievich (March 1970 - April 1982)
MYRIKOV Nikolay Stepanovich (1972 - 1991), police colonel, police major general;
ANTONOV Viktor Vasilievich (1978 - ...), Colonel of the Internal Service, since 1980 - Major General of the Internal Service;
MINAEV Ivan Matveevich (1973 - 1983)
SHARANKOV Nikolay Mikhailovich (1979 - 1991)
Bugaev Alexey Prokhorovich (1983 - 1991), colonel, major general;
BALASHOV Sergey Dmitrievich (1987 - 1989)
KONONOV Viktor Mikhailovich (1988 - 1991)
VELDYAEV Alexander Alekseevich (July - ... 1991)
NIKITIN Leonid Vasilievich (since 1991)

Deputy chiefs for personnel:
LAVROV Nikolay Alekseevich (1956 - 1962), colonel of the internal service;
KISELEV Dmitry Zakharovich (1962 - 1978), colonel of the internal service, major general of the police;
ANTONOV Viktor Vasilievich (1978 - ...), Major General of the Internal Service;
BALAGURA Vasily Ivanovich (as of 1991)

Deputy Chiefs for Political Affairs:
BELYANSKY Lev Petrovich (July 1988 - ...)

Deputy Chiefs of Investigation:
DOVZHUK Victor Nikolaevich (since July 1990)

“I first heard about Kvantrishvili in 1984,” said Aleksey Prokhorovich Bugaev, now a major general in reserve. that in the reception there is an employee of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department who wants to acquaint me with important operational materials ... "The materials that came to the general's desk were connected in one way or another with the personality and affairs of the Black Cardinal. These were the testimonies of a number of persons in various criminal cases, reports from agents. It followed from them that Kvantrishvili took part in various offenses. Most often, he acted as the organizer of any acts that are punishable by law. There was nothing specific that would make it possible to immediately bring him to criminal responsibility in the submitted papers. However, this was the reason for Bugaev's order to the head of one of the departments of the MUR to separate all this into a separate office work. Simply put, a dossier was brought up on Otari Vitalievich, taking him into active operational development. Thus, the criminal investigation department began to collect materials on it, which would have been valid in court.

Approximately two or three months after these events, General Bugaev received a call from one of the deputy chiefs of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexey Prokhorovich commented on this call as follows:

"I would not like to name this person. He is a respectable worker, disciplined, executive. And at that moment he was doing someone else's will."

He inquired about the "case" of Kvantrishvili and asked him to get acquainted. Bugaev refused. According to the police chain of command, he did not report directly to the caller. There was a time when the metropolitan militia immediately closed itself on the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, bypassing the leadership of the central administrations. The general preferred to take advantage of this.

However, he had no idea what influential patrons the Black Cardinal had. Soon the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs addressed Bugaev with the same request. It was already impossible to refuse him. Several folders with information collected with such difficulty bit by bit went to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. After a while, a written notification was received from there: the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs is taking the "Kvantrishvili case" into its proceedings. Since then, the Moscow GUVD had no relation to its operational development, since, according to the existing instructions, only one law enforcement agency could deal with one case.

Later it turned out that these documents did not stay long in the Ministry of Internal Affairs either. They were immediately forwarded to the KGB of the USSR. There is a version that there Otari Vitalievich was "developed" very carefully. 17 volumes have been collected on his person. Only none of them turned from an operational case into a criminal one. According to some reports, the reason here was that Otari Vitalievich then agreed to work as an agent of the Lubyanka.

“If the 'Kvantrishvili case' had not been taken from Petrovka,” the general in reserve shared his past experience, “who knows, perhaps Otari Vitalievich would have been healthy to this day. places not so distant ... "Even the former deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow shared information that the Black Cardinal could in fact be aware of any plans and designs of law enforcement agencies that are still ripening in the bowels of the earth.

“I know for sure,” Aleksey Prokhorovich once said. “Kvantrishvili was aware that it was I who supervised its operational development. Information was unequivocally coming to him from fairly accurate sources. to any of his former colleagues, but some moments of that time are perceived and now a little strange. For example, the first attempt to introduce me to Kvantrishvili was made at one time by the first deputy chief of our central board Sergei Kupreev. I don’t know when and how the friendship of the party functionary arose. (before joining the authorities, Kupreev was the first secretary of the Bauman district party committee) and “godfather.” But the fact remains - Kupreev repeatedly started a conversation with me about how deeply Kvantrishvili was being developed, what exactly was his name. he was lying in CITO, called me and asked me to come urgently. sportsman and was escorted into the ward. To my question, what kind of people are these, Sergei Alexandrovich answered - the brothers Kvantrishvili, Otari and Amiran. This was the first and only meeting with these people. Of course, Otari Vitalievich is not a man without abilities, since he was able to form a team that served him faithfully. Of course, behind all this there were money and connections, great connections. At the end of my service, I had the opportunity to see this for myself. The fact is that the then Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Viktor Barannikov, asked to prepare an operational report on Kvantrishvili. The corresponding department of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, which prepared this document, was then headed by Vladimir Rushailo. He signed the certificate. So, after this document went to the ministry only for official use, a copy of it ended up in the hands of Otari Vitalievich. Frustrated by such an unflattering characterization, he achieved admission at the very top, and even then, in 1992, he repeatedly hinted to Rushailo that he had children. He expressed himself that Bugaev also has something to fear and something to worry about. Later, in 1994, "hints" erupted from television screens. I also heard about Kvantrishvili when I had already left the GUVD. He not only visited Petrovka 38, but also performed at a concert dedicated to the Police Day, even gave gifts to distinguished employees. In my opinion, the rise of this person is closely related to the changes that have taken place in our country since 1985. He is a product of the new era. He would never have become a famous philanthropist, philanthropist and public figure before. No matter what they say, in the dark backwaters of the current legal and economic lawlessness, dirty money is “laundered” with surprising ease. ”It could also be derived from Bugaev's story that the last sentence to the Black Cardinal matured precisely in the circles of those three enemies whom he most feared : “the police, the committee and the criminal world.” The first two did everything possible to ensure that everything was decided according to the law, but they did not bring the matter to the end. The third enemy did not stand on ceremony.


Until the last day, Kvantrishvili was constantly in the center of attention of the capital's public life. With enviable consistency, he appeared at almost all ceremonial events. I especially preferred those that were carried out by the Russian police or the security service. Among the general's entourage, Otari Vitalievich behaved emphatically at ease, confidently. How could it be otherwise? After all, he took the most active part in the activities of the "Shield and Lyre" charitable foundation, focused on social support for the employees of the capital's police and their families.

Of course, ordinary operatives, as well as criminal elements, perceived such signs accordingly. But not only for this did the Black Cardinal play his next role. He no longer took unnecessary steps. Everything was calculated, analyzed, adjusted to one goal - the prosperity of the business started. And it already presupposed the creation of a political team for the implementation of a decisive throw to power.

From the certificate of the Moscow Main Department of Internal Affairs: "Association XXI Century" was created in 1988. Initially, it included the Moscow cooperatives "Klaxon", "Domus", "Vstrecha". In 1992, this organization already united about a hundred commercial and public companies. The leading place was occupied by JSC Moskovit, and then its subsidiaries: Moskovit-Show, Moskovit-Metall, Moskovitoil, Moskovit-Sugar. The "Gabriela" casino was opened in the building of the Intourist hotel, where the main office of Kvantrishvili was located. To finance all the expanding programs, Presnya-Bank and Moskovia Bank began to operate within the framework of the same holding ...

At the end of 1983, the crime reports of Moscow literally blew up a message: in the Lublin district, near a large store, unknown hijackers shot two collectors and seized a car with a large amount of money, on which they fled.

What gangster doesn't love a beautiful life

To solve the crime, a headquarters was created, headed by the deputy chief of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Major General Alexei Bugaev. It must be admitted that the bandit raid on the collectors was brutally, professional and impeccable. Undoubtedly, he prepared carefully. At the scene of the crime, the gangsters left no traces, not a single suspect could be identified. According to the main version of the headquarters, it was assumed that the raid was carried out by relatively young people. And it is necessary to look for them at inadequately high costs.

Therefore, the operatives took control of expensive restaurants and established a trusting relationship with the waiters, so that they could provide information about who wasted money. After all, young criminals are likely to want to start a beautiful life, to walk in hot places. In Soviet times, such people were always in sight.

The detectives also paid special attention to those citizens who bought cars with minimal income.

And about a week later, - recalls Aleksey Bugaev, - when I was at the operational headquarters, the traffic police received information that the inspector had detained a young guy, a certain Stepanov, at the picket on the Volgograd highway. It turned out that he bought the car after the robbery of the collectors was committed. I asked to take him to the headquarters in order to deal with him here.

During the search, three hundred rubles were found in the guy's pocket. It was very suspicious, at that time young guys certainly could not carry such large sums with them. In addition, this Stepanov has not worked anywhere for six months. To deal with this successful citizen, they decided to detain him for three days.

But before being identified in the cell, an operative was placed there. He was supposed to play the role of a heavily drunk and soundly asleep peasant. When the detective, pretending that he had finally regained consciousness, immediately asked Stepanov in bewilderment where, they say, I was. He replied: "In the police, brother." Then we met, the operational "cellmate" confidentially reassured Stepanov: "If you have not done anything, then they will let you go!" And then he complied with his request: he wrote down the phone number, by which it was necessary to inform in which police department the detained Stepanov was “closed”. The phone was registered in Balashikha, and the collectors' car was just found at the Elektrozavodskaya metro station, on the way to this town. This is how the detectives came to the second possible accomplice.

"Small talk" in the cell of the IVS

The operatives continued to work with Stepanov, but he did not tell anything of interest. Three days had elapsed, and it was necessary to obtain a warrant for his arrest. But the district prosecutor refused: they say, there are no grounds. What to do, to let go? So then you will have to look for him in all the expanses of the Soviet Union. Then Bugaev called the city prosecutor and explained the situation. The prosecutor gave the go-ahead without hesitation, said, let them drive up to me, get a sanction. Stepanov was arrested for another ten days. But this time has passed, and the operatives who dealt with him reported: "Alexey Prokhorovich, I will have to let him go!"

Bugaev decided to get involved in the case himself. It turned out that until recently Stepanov worked as a personal driver for the chief director of one of the Moscow theaters. Since Alexey Prokhorovich has always been interested in the creative environment in Moscow, he decided to talk to him “culturally”. Asked to prepare sandwiches with tea by seven o'clock in the evening. During the "secular" conversation Stepanov told a lot of interesting and diverse information. Bugaev only had time to ask leading questions. And about the most important thing - the execution of collectors - silence. Alexey Prokhorovich tried to persuade Stepanov to confess to the crime, and then he has a chance not to get a "watch" for this crime. But the prisoner still denied everything.

And then I looked at my watch, - continued the story of Bugaev. - It was already twelve o'clock in the morning! And what day is today, I ask him. Says Tuesday. And what is the number? Well, December 20, he answers. And what day is this, you know? He answers, day as day. And I say: for you - the day is like a day, but for me it is a holiday, the Day of the Chekist. So, I was supposed to celebrate it with my friends in a restaurant, and instead I have been drinking tea with you for five hours! Aren't you ashamed?

Stepanov widened his eyes and asked: "What are you, a KGB officer?" Bugaev replied: "Yes, I am a KGB officer!" And in confirmation he showed a certificate of a state security officer. Here Stepanov even had tears in his eyes. This is how the authority of the KGB worked.

And the money was buried in the barn ...

And Stepanov "swam". He said that his accomplice Sidorov was hiding in Balashikha, they buried the stolen amount of money in a barn in Kratovo. On the same night, together with the police investigators, we went to the addresses: to arrest the accomplice in Balashikha, and together with Stepanov for the money hidden in the barn.

Operation was successfully completed. Unsuspecting Sidorov was arrested, a buried treasure with money was found where Stepanov had indicated ...

Decree on awarding orders

Alexey Prokhorovich was freed, having fulfilled all duties, at three o'clock in the morning. And in the morning I heard a TASS message broadcast on the radio: "Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding orders" to Bugaev A.P., Deputy Prosecutor of Moscow B.P. Vankovich, Investigator for Particularly Important Cases A.L.Speer, Head of Department MUR Egorova A.N. But the work of the headquarters on solving another case - the murder of the Hero of the Soviet Union Vice-Admiral Kholostyakov and his wife was highly appreciated.

As soon as Bugaev arrived at Petrovka, he was summoned by the head of the GUVD Vasily Trushin. He warmly congratulated him on the state award, in response Alexey Prokhorovich thanked the boss for the high recognition of his work. Trushin noted that one should thank the First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU Viktor Grishin. And he explained: at the meeting, he asked how the employees were encouraged for solving the murder of Bachelor and his wife. Vasily Petrovich replied: "They were presented with certificates of honor and gratitude." And Grishin ordered: "They deserve state awards, prepare the documents." And that was done.

And for the disclosure of the robbery on the collectors, Bugaev received gratitude from the head of the head office.

How the secret of the cashier's murder was solved

By the way, this case of collectors helped to reveal, as the detectives say, an old hangman. It was testified by Sidorov, who had previously worked as a security guard at the Gorky film studio. According to the conclusions of the investigation, in that criminal case, the cashier of the film studio received a salary from the bank and was supposed to give it out the next day. But she did not go to work, and when they started looking for her, they found her murdered in her own apartment. The safe was empty. Therefore, the main version of the crime was worked out: the cashier herself took the money and was killed by an accomplice. In fact, Stepanov and Sidorov managed to deceive into the apartment of the cashier of the film studio, killed her, took the keys and returned to the film studio. Then they turned off the security alarm and, having opened the safe, took the money from there. After that, the safe was sealed, the security alarm was turned on, and the keys were taken to the cashier's apartment. So the truth was established and the woman's good name was posthumously restored ...

The bandits who committed an armed robbery on cashiers, the murder of a cashier and the theft of a large sum of money, were sentenced by a court to the death penalty.

Alexey Prokhorovich BUGAEV

In 1959-1983 he served in the KGB of the USSR. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the badge "Honorary State Security Officer".

1983-1992 - served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the badge "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", as well as 16 medals, including "For Impeccable Service" of all three degrees and "For Military Valor."


“I first heard about Kvantrishvili in 1984,” said Aleksey Prokhorovich Bugaev, now a major general in reserve. that in the reception there is an employee of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department who wants to acquaint me with important operational materials ... "The materials that came to the general's desk were connected in one way or another with the personality and affairs of the Black Cardinal. These were the testimonies of a number of persons in various criminal cases, reports from agents. It followed from them that Kvantrishvili took part in various offenses. Most often, he acted as the organizer of any acts that are punishable by law. There was nothing specific that would make it possible to immediately bring him to criminal responsibility in the submitted papers. However, this was the reason for Bugaev's order to the head of one of the departments of the MUR to separate all this into a separate office work. Simply put, a dossier was brought up on Otari Vitalievich, taking him into active operational development. Thus, the criminal investigation department began to collect materials on it, which would have been valid in court.

Approximately two or three months after these events, General Bugaev received a call from one of the deputy chiefs of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexey Prokhorovich commented on this call as follows:

"I would not like to name this person. He is a respectable worker, disciplined, executive. And at that moment he was doing someone else's will."

He inquired about the "case" of Kvantrishvili and asked him to get acquainted. Bugaev refused. According to the police chain of command, he did not report directly to the caller. There was a time when the metropolitan militia immediately closed itself on the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, bypassing the leadership of the central administrations. The general preferred to take advantage of this.

However, he had no idea what influential patrons the Black Cardinal had. Soon the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs addressed Bugaev with the same request. It was already impossible to refuse him. Several folders with information collected with such difficulty bit by bit went to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. After a while, a written notification was received from there: the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs is taking the "Kvantrishvili case" into its proceedings. Since then, the Moscow GUVD had no relation to its operational development, since, according to the existing instructions, only one law enforcement agency could deal with one case.

Later it turned out that these documents did not stay long in the Ministry of Internal Affairs either. They were immediately forwarded to the KGB of the USSR. There is a version that there Otari Vitalievich was "developed" very carefully. 17 volumes have been collected on his person. Only none of them turned from an operational case into a criminal one. According to some reports, the reason here was that Otari Vitalievich then agreed to work as an agent of the Lubyanka.

“If the 'Kvantrishvili case' had not been taken from Petrovka,” the general in reserve shared his past experience, “who knows, perhaps Otari Vitalievich would have been healthy to this day. places not so distant ... "Even the former deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow shared information that the Black Cardinal could in fact be aware of any plans and designs of law enforcement agencies that are still ripening in the bowels of the earth.

“I know for sure,” Aleksey Prokhorovich once said. “Kvantrishvili was aware that it was I who supervised its operational development. Information was unequivocally coming to him from fairly accurate sources. to any of his former colleagues, but some moments of that time are perceived and now a little strange. For example, the first attempt to introduce me to Kvantrishvili was made at one time by the first deputy chief of our central board Sergei Kupreev. I don’t know when and how the friendship of the party functionary arose. (before joining the authorities, Kupreev was the first secretary of the Bauman district party committee) and “godfather.” But the fact remains - Kupreev repeatedly started a conversation with me about how deeply Kvantrishvili was being developed, what exactly was his name. he was lying in CITO, called me and asked me to come urgently. sportsman and was escorted into the ward. To my question, what kind of people are these, Sergei Alexandrovich answered - the brothers Kvantrishvili, Otari and Amiran. This was the first and only meeting with these people. Of course, Otari Vitalievich is not a man without abilities, since he was able to form a team that served him faithfully. Of course, behind all this there were money and connections, great connections. At the end of my service, I had the opportunity to see this for myself. The fact is that the then Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Viktor Barannikov, asked to prepare an operational report on Kvantrishvili. The corresponding department of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, which prepared this document, was then headed by Vladimir Rushailo. He signed the certificate. So, after this document went to the ministry only for official use, a copy of it ended up in the hands of Otari Vitalievich. Frustrated by such an unflattering characterization, he achieved admission at the very top, and even then, in 1992, he repeatedly hinted to Rushailo that he had children. He expressed himself that Bugaev also has something to fear and something to worry about. Later, in 1994, "hints" erupted from television screens. I also heard about Kvantrishvili when I had already left the GUVD. He not only visited Petrovka 38, but also performed at a concert dedicated to the Police Day, even gave gifts to distinguished employees. In my opinion, the rise of this person is closely related to the changes that have taken place in our country since 1985. He is a product of the new era. He would never have become a famous philanthropist, philanthropist and public figure before. No matter what they say, in the dark backwaters of the current legal and economic lawlessness, dirty money is “laundered” with surprising ease. ”It could also be derived from Bugaev's story that the last sentence to the Black Cardinal matured precisely in the circles of those three enemies whom he most feared : “the police, the committee and the criminal world.” The first two did everything possible to ensure that everything was decided according to the law, but they did not bring the matter to the end. The third enemy did not stand on ceremony.

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General of the common people

Honored worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major General of Militia, retired Nikolai Mikhailovich Sharankov, who was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor, the Order of Friendship, considers his selfless service in the Moscow Red Banner Police, to which he gave his heart, all his strength and vocation.


Nikolai Sharankov was born on November 17, 1933 in the small Belarusian village of Nikola, Belynichsky district, Mogilev region. An ordinary childhood in a simple peasant family: school, friendship with children, helping parents with household chores, working on a collective farm and dreams of becoming a person necessary for their country. But these dreams, like those of many millions of Soviet people, were canceled out by the outbreak of the war. At the end of July 1941, the Germans were already near the village of Sekerka, in which the Sharankov family lived.

- They walked, of course, with pomp, smug, meeting practically no resistance, - Nikolai Mikhailovich recalls those distant days.

- Our village consisted of 60-70 houses and was located one and a half kilometers from the Minsk-Mogilev highway, along which the enemy columns were marching. Consequently, they had a rest near our village.

In the first half of the year, many of our prisoners were driven along the highway. Guards with dogs, with machine guns, it was scary to look at the cruel treatment of our soldiers. If a little one of the prisoners lagged behind the column or moved slightly to the side, the dog immediately rushed at him. Boys and elderly women threw bread at them.

In 1941-1942, 25 people left the village for partisans, so it was considered partisan. Among the partisans was Nikolai's brother, Vasily, born in 1919. In 1939 he was drafted into the army, he served in Bialystok, the city was then part of Belarus, and in June he had to be demobilized. His unit was guarding the airfield. When the war began, according to his stories, German aircraft flew in, almost nothing remained of the planes and the airfield. From Bialystok to his native village, Vasily walked through the forest. He came in August and after a while joined the partisan detachment, which had already been created ten kilometers from the village of Sekerka. The Germans treated partisan families very cruelly. Suffice it to say that in May 1944, six planes flew in from the airfield in Orsha, 80 kilometers from the village, made two raids, and bombed all the houses. And then the Germans and policemen appeared, and around the village on three sides - a forest, one way out, surrounded it and, what did not burn out, set on fire. And there was not a stake or a yard left from the village.

- Father, mother, sister and I managed to leave through the bushes, - Nikolai Mikhailovich recalls those terrible days. - The rest of the villagers were taken. The father of the partisan Golovyev, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the partisan and a seventeen-year-old boy fell into the clutches of the enemy. They were immediately hanged in the German garrison, along with other residents. It was hard, hard. This is how we survived the occupation.


After the war, Nikolai finished 7 classes and entered the Gorodotsk technical school of mechanization (in the Vitebsk region). But, without completing even one course, Sharankov was forced to return home. The village was burned down, people were starving, it was necessary to help a parent, literally survive. Nikolai worked at that time and as a senior pioneer leader of the Esmon secondary school.

Then he served in the Soviet Army, demobilized in February 1956. Then he went to Moscow, dreaming of entering the Faculty of Mechanization and Electrification at the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. But I didn’t pull mathematics, nevertheless I didn’t study for six years: two years before the army and four in the army. And therefore I went to the 8th grade of the 39th school for working youth, which was in the militia hostel on Lefortovsky Val.

Nikolai's cousin lived in Reutov, he once worked in the police. Nikolai told him: "At least as a janitor, just to study!" "If so, - suggested the brother, - then let's go to the police." And he brought Nikolai to the personnel department of the Krasnogvardeisky district in Lyalin lane, where the ROVD was located, then the ROM (regional police department). Shepurnaya, the head of the personnel department, received Sharankov, looked at the documents, characteristics, recommendations. We filled out a questionnaire for him and sent him to the clinic for a medical examination. They checked their health and said: “It's okay. Go home, we will inform you in a month. " Sharankov asked: “Why in a month? I served in the secret office of the regiment, I have access to everything, even the "K" series. But I had to leave.

And a month later, a notification really came. Sharankov returned to the capital and became a policeman at the 69th police station.

- My post in Gorokhovsky lane was the main one, there are actually three institutes: geodesy and cartography, land management and, next to Kazakov Street, the institute of physical education, - Nikolai Mikhailovich recalls. - I tried to carry out the service conscientiously, and on April 26, 1957, on the basis of the order of the head of the Krasnogvardeisky ROM No. 158, I was appointed as a police officer of the 3rd category, a district police officer.

These officers' posts were exhibited at train stations, at the Bolshoi Theater and in other places in Moscow, where there were a lot of people.

Nikolai Mikhailovich then had a permanent officer's post at the Kursk railway station on Chkalov Street, 23, where the once famous pilot lived. Citizens often turned to him for help.


One day at 11 o'clock in the morning a woman-janitor came up to Sharankov and said: "Nikolai Mikhailovich, there, in the arch, by the transformer booth, there is a man with a duffel bag under his head." Sharankov immediately went to that place.

- Indeed, lying, stirring - alive, - the veteran recalls with a smile. - I can't pick up the bag, I call the officer on duty of the 69th police department Vostryakov, I report, they say, such a situation, Comrade Captain. And the man on duty says that he has only one GAZ-51 car and there can be no transport at 11 o'clock, they say, look for a car and take the man to the sobering-up center.

Sharankov stopped a passing ZIL dump truck on Chkalov Street, loaded the poor fellow with the driver, and brought him to the sobering-up station near the Paveletsky railway station. There he was received in full uniform and then in the duty station of the sobering-up center examined his heavy duffel bag. They opened it, and it was jam-packed with bundles of one hundred and fifty-ruble bills in a bank package. And money at that time was much larger than today. They began to count, they were carried up to 16 hours. As a result - 30 thousand rubles!

Sobering up, the owner of the bag of money appeared in the 69th department: “How can I see that junior lieutenant? I want to thank him! " And Nikolai's shift ended at 16 o'clock. The head of the department, police lieutenant colonel Georgy Podolyan, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, says: "Buy a TV if you can." He brought, and then for the first time a television with a water lens appeared at the police station.

That money was earned by honest labor. The man, originally from Ukraine, worked for a long time in Norilsk. There was a bank on Valery Chkalov Street. The shift worker came straight from the train, took off all the savings in the bank, in the house opposite, in the grocery store, to celebrate, he bought a bottle, immediately drank on an empty stomach and immediately passed out.


Another memorable episode happened at the fork in Gorokhovsky and Tokmakov lanes. There was a two-story building, on the second floor there was a fur atelier. In October 1961, thieves climbed into the atelier and stole several furs. And four months later, in the same house, a bag of sweets and four boxes of three-star cognac were taken away from the store on the ground floor. Both crimes were registered, and they “hung up” safely. About two weeks passed, and suddenly a guy, a brigadier (an employee of the police assistance brigade) came up to Sharankov and asked: "Nikolai Mikhailovich, were there any thefts in the atelier and the grocery store?" It was a matter of what to say. “So,” the guy says proudly, “a certain Novikov lives in Denisovsky Lane, next to the bathhouse. Go, the brandy is there. " Together with the operatives of the criminal investigation department Mikhail Vlasov and Yevgeny Bondarenko, they went to the indicated address and arrested the thieves. We didn't have time to drink the cognac. They also committed theft in a fur atelier.


As a truly people's district police officer, junior lieutenant of militia Sharankov enjoyed great trust and respect of the population, was aware of all local events, and people helped him in his work. A striking example is a story that happened at the end of 1958.

The service of a guard at the station is well-known: it requires constant vigilance, composure, attentiveness, physical strength and, of course, high professionalism. Hundreds of thousands of people daily arrive in the capital and leave it, and in the hustle and bustle of these passenger flows, they are actively engaged in the criminal business of all kinds of crooks, thieves, robbers and swindlers.

Papyros at the post

On that day, Nikolai Sharankov stood at his post on Kursk Square.

- The service check was perfect, - recalls the veteran. - I will never forget the case when the head of the Department for the Protection of Public Order, Commissar of the 3rd rank, Vasily Demianovich Pushkin, approached me in civilian clothes. And he made a remark to me: "Comrade junior lieutenant, you cannot smoke while on duty!" I introduced myself and said: “I'm sorry. You see, I don’t keep a cigarette in my teeth, I hide it ”. He strictly says: "No, you can't!" And he went to the department in a Pobeda car, and there he reported that Sharankov was doing his service normally.


And about an hour later a woman runs up to Nikolai Mikhailovich and says: “Comrade junior lieutenant, I was robbed! I met a man, he was recently released from prison. " The victim lived with her child not far from the Paveletsky railway station (this was the territory of the 1st police station). It turned out that this scoundrel took all the things, even the children’s, put them in two suitcases and had to go by bus to Yasnaya Polyana, Tula Region. Sharankov sent the woman to the police station, and he hurried to the bus stops. And then I saw a similar man with two suitcases. Nikolai waited until he got on the bus, put down his suitcases, and five minutes later came after him and asked loudly: "Whose suitcases are these?" “Mine,” the thief immediately replied. - And what?" Sharankov ordered: "Take your suitcases and follow with me!" He took the suitcases and, as soon as they entered the square, threw them down and rushed along the platform in the direction of the metro. But where could he compete with the junior lieutenant! There, on the platform, he grabbed the villain, and then a policeman came to the rescue to help. They called the police station and handed over the detainee to the officers of the criminal investigation department. The offender of a single mother did not take a walk for a long time; by the court's verdict he received a decent sentence.

To become a real professional, as you know, you need not only practice, but also a serious education.

In 1959, Nikolai Sharankov, having finished 10 classes of a school for working youth, passed the entrance exams for the evening department of the law faculty of Moscow State University, gaining 12 points, with eleven passing points, and became a student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.