Message on the topic famous people of Tatarstan Minnikhanov. Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich. Biography. Relatives of the President: wife, nephew and minister

Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov - Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, Doctor of Economics.

The early years of Rustam Minnikhanov. Education

Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov was born in the Republic of Tatarstan, in the village. New Arysh of the Rybno-Sloboda district. In 1978, after graduating from high school educational institution, Minnikhanov entered the Agricultural Institute, after graduation he received the qualification of a mechanical engineer with a specialization in agricultural mechanization. At the same time, he worked as a diagnostic engineer at the Sabinsky regional association "Selkhoztekhnika", in 1980 he became a senior power engineer at the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise, and later - its chief power engineer.

In 1986, Rustem Nurgalievich graduated from the Kazan branch of the Moscow Institute of Soviet Trade, becoming a highly qualified merchandiser. In 1995, he received a Ph.D. in Economics, and in 2001, a Doctor of Economics.

Political career of Rustam Minnikhanov

Since 1983, Minnikhanov worked as a deputy. head of the board of the Sabinsky district. After 2 years, Rustam Nurgalievich became the head of the board of the Arsky district, in 1990 - the chairman of the Arsky district executive committee, and in 1992 - the First Deputy. head of administration of the Arsky district. From 1993 to 1996, Minnikhanov headed the administration of the Vysokogorny district.

In 1996, Minnikhanov took the post of Minister of Finance of Tatarstan, and already in 1998 he was appointed head of the government of the republic. While holding the post of prime minister, in June 1999 he was elected head of the board of directors of OAO Tatneft.

In 2001, Minnikhanov headed the new government of Tatarstan, which was formed after the re-election of Mintimer Shaimiev as president of the republic.

"5 Evenings" with Rustam Minnikhanov

On April 29, 2005, the State Council of the Republic approved Rustam Minnikhanov for the post of Prime Minister of Tatarstan. The positive results of Minnikhanov's work did not go unnoticed by President Dmitry Medvedev, who on January 22, 2010 made a statement that he approved Rustam Minnikhanov's candidacy for the presidency of the republic.

After 6 days, Minnikhanov's candidacy was submitted for consideration to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, and on February 4, the Presidium of the State Council unanimously approved it.

Inauguration ceremony of Rustam Minnikhanov

On March 25, 2010, Minnikhanov took the oath and formally assumed the post of President of the Republic of Tatarstan. And 5 years later, 1 day before the end of his term (March 24, 2015), Russian President Vladimir Putin offered Minnikhanov to take the position of acting. about. President of Tatarstan until the upcoming elections.

On September 13, 2015, Rustam Minnikhanov won the presidential elections in the Republic of Tatarstan with 94.4% of the vote.

Personal life of Rustam Minnikhanov

Rustam Minnikhanov is married, his wife - Gulsina Akhatovna (b. 1969) - owns a prestigious beauty salon "LucianoBeauty Studio", located in Kazan. In 2010, she entered the top ten wealthiest wives of governors with an annual income of about 8 million rubles.

The family had 2 sons: Irek (1989-2013, died in a Boeing 373 crash) and Iskander (born in 2008).

The son of Rustam Minnikhanov died in a plane crash

On December 17, 2013, Antonia Guichard, the widow of Irek Minnikhanov, gave birth to Rustem Nurgalievich's granddaughter.

Minnikhanov is an Honored Master of Sports of Russia, he is fond of motorsport, regularly participating in motor racing competitions, including European championships. Minnikhanov is a multiple winner and laureate of the cups of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan in rallycross and autocross. He became a bronze medalist of the European Championship, a multiple winner of domestic championships, and a champion of Russia. In addition, Rustam Minnikhanov freely operates a helicopter.

Rustam Minnikhanov today

Minnikhanov is committed to the intensive introduction of advanced information technologies into the management system. Minnikhanov identified 2 main goals for the republic - this is the diversification of the economy and an increase in the quality of education from kindergartens to schools. The President of Tatarstan believes that the republic should attract talented people, since it is the person who is the main resource of the economy and the most important asset for achieving the well-being of the region.

Rustam Minnikhanov at SPIEF 2016

Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich(Rostam Nurgali uly Minnekhanov; born March 1, 1957, the village of Novy Arysh, Tatar ASSR, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman and political figure. President of the Republic of Tatarstan since March 25, 2010.

Member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Tatneft, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Tatneftekhiminvest-Holding, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Svyazinvestneftekhim, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rubin football club.

In 1978 he graduated from the Kazan Agricultural Institute with a degree in agricultural mechanization, a mechanical engineer qualification. In 1986 he graduated from the Kazan branch of the Moscow Institute of Soviet Trade with a degree in commodity science and organization of trade in food products, with a qualification of a highly qualified merchandiser. Doctor of Economic Sciences.

In 1978-1980, he was a diagnostic engineer at the Sabinsky district association "Selkhoztekhnika". In 1980-1983 he was a senior power engineer, chief power engineer of the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise. In 1983-1985 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Sabinsky District. In 1985-1990 - Chairman of the Board of the Arsky District, in 1990-1992 - Chairman of the Arsky District Executive Committee, in 1992-1993 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Arsky District. In 1993-1996, he was the head of the administration of the Vysokogorsky district. In 1996-1998, he was the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In 1998 he headed the government of the Republic of Tatarstan. In May 2001, he again headed the new government of the republic, formed after the re-election of Mintimer Shaimiev to the post of president of Tatarstan. On April 29, 2005, by a resolution of the State Council of Tatarstan, he was again approved by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan.

On January 22, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, after the withdrawal of Mintimer Shaimiev, announced that he would recommend to the State Council of Tatarstan to empower the President of the Republic, Prime Minister of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. On March 25, 2010, Rustam Minnikhanov took the oath and officially took office as President of the Republic of Tatarstan. On March 24, 2015, the day before the end of his term, Russian President Vladimir Putin invited Minnikhanov to act as head of the republic until the next election. On September 13 of the same year, in the presidential elections in Tatarstan, he won 94.4% of the vote.

Wife - (born in 1969). She owned a beauty salon "Luciano Beauty Studio" in the center of Kazan. With an income of 8.1 million rubles received in 2010, Gulsina Minnikhanova was one of the ten richest wives of governors. According to the results of 2016, published by Forbes, she topped the rating of the richest wives of Russian officials with an income of 2.351 billion rubles.

Sons - (born March 4, 1989 - November 17, 2013, died in a plane crash in Kazan) and Iskander (born in 2008). On December 17, 2013, the widow of Irek Minnikhanov Antonia Gishar gave birth to a daughter, the granddaughter of Rustam Minnikhanov.

Rustam Minnikhanov has two brothers. headed the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rais - the head of the municipality "Sabinsky municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan.

With an income of 2.358 billion rubles, Rustam Minnikhanov took 3rd place in the Forbes Magazine's 2017 Civil Servant Income Ranking.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov was born on March 1, 1957 in the village of Novy Arysh. He received a special education in Kazan with the profession of “mechanization of agriculture”. The guy received higher education already in a slightly different profile: "commodity science and organization of trade in food products." He also defended his doctoral thesis in economics. The wife and children of Rustam Minnikhanov have always lived in prosperity, peace and mutual understanding reign in the family.

Rustam began his career as a simple diagnostic engineer at Selkhoztehnika. After that, I had to work as the chief power engineer, and only in 1983 did the man decide to engage in political activities. His first position in this direction was the position of deputy head of the board of the Sabinsky district. His acumen and talent were quickly noticed, and after the district posts, work on a republican scale began.

Rustam is a supporter of the means of scientific and technological progress, so it was thanks to him that the government moved to a new level of work. iPhones have been purchased for employees, and meetings are held via video only. In addition, Minnikhanov banned taking notes on paper - now everything is done only in electronic form.

Not everything is so smooth and flawless in the career of the current head of Tatarstan. It is with his name that the scandal that occurred in Ukraine in connection with the seizure of the Kremenchug Oil Refinery by the Russian government is associated. It was claimed at the time that it was Minnikhanov who financed the petty rally and was the initiator of its holding. From that moment on, relations between Russia and Ukraine began to deteriorate.

The personal life of Rustam Minnikhanov is full of not only happy and joyful events, but also sorrows and even tragedies. His only wife at the moment is Gulsina Akhatovna. She is not only the keeper of the hearth, but also a well-known business woman. The woman owns a very famous beauty salon in Kazan, her income is about 8 million rubles a month. It is here that the famous hairdresser Luciano de Aloya arrives from Geneva once a month.

Gulsina gave Rustam two sons. Unfortunately, the eldest of them, Irek, died in a plane crash in the fall of 2013. The plane's fuel tanks exploded and it burned down while trying to land. It seemed that at that moment nothing could console his father. Only responsibility for the fate of the republic made him strong. Irek somehow managed to dissuade his pregnant wife from flying with him, and she miraculously survived. Over time, the girl gave birth to Rustam's wonderful granddaughter.

In the photo: Rustam Minnikhanov with his youngest son

Gulsina and Rustam are now engaged in raising not only the growing granddaughter, but also the youngest son of Iskander. The father already dreams that when the boy grows up and marries, they will definitely have a large and friendly family. He madly loves his children and is ready for them for a lot. The wife and children make up the meaning of life for Rustam Minnikhanov. In addition, he is fond of sports, in particular, he is not only a fan, but also an active participant in auto racing. The politician loves hockey and even repeatedly demonstrated his skills in this game, taking part in friendly matches. At one time, it was work and hobbies that helped Rustam cope with a terrible family loss. Now he and his wife have already coped with the loss, but every memory of their own child still responds with pain. Who knows why fate sent them such a test, only to survive it and move on was not so easy. The politician has very high hopes for his youngest son and puts his whole soul into him.


The elected president of the Republic of Tatarstan is due to take office in March 2010. Since 1998, he has served as Prime Minister of Tatarstan, and since 1999, he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tatneft. In 1996-1998 he served as the Minister of Finance of Tatarstan, in 1993-1996 he worked as the head of administration of the Vysokogorsky district of the republic.

Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov was born on March 1, 1957 in the village of Novy Arysh, Rybno-Sloboda district of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Minnikhanov's father, Nurgali, from 1962 to 1990 was the director of the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise, which was often visited by the leaders of the ASSR, including the Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Republic, Mintimer Shaimiev.

In 1978, Minnikhanov graduated from the Kazan Agricultural Institute with a degree in agricultural mechanization and for two years was a diagnostic engineer in the Sabinsky district association "Selkhoztekhnika", and from 1980 to 1983 he worked with his father in the timber industry as a senior power engineer. Then, until 1985, Minnikhanov served as deputy chairman of the board of the Sabinsky district consumer society (raipo), and in 1985 he headed the raipo in Arsk. In 1986, Minnikhanov received a second higher education at the Moscow Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade with a degree in commodity science and organization of trade in food products.

In 1990, Minnikhanov was appointed to the post of chairman of the Arsk district executive committee, and from 1992 to 1993 he was the first deputy head of the administration of the Arsk district. From 1993 to 1996, Minnikhanov was the head of the administration of the Vysokogorsky district of Tatarstan. While holding this post, Minnikhanov built an autodrome in the region, where rallying for the Cup of the President of the Republic and other auto competitions were held, in which the sons of the leader of Tatarstan Shaimiev participated. At the same time, Minnikhanov defended his dissertation on "improving the efficiency of fodder production in suburban conditions."

In November 1996, Shaimiev appointed Minnikhanov to the post of Minister of Finance of Tatarstan. The press noted the rapid career rise of the former district leader and associated him with a close acquaintance with the Shaimiev family. In 1997, Minnikhanov was included in the Supervisory Board of Ak Bars Bank and the Board of Directors of Tatneft.

In May 1998, Minnikhanov was elected to the State Council of Tatarstan, but did not combine this post with the ministerial portfolio for long. In July 1998, Minnikhanov was elected to the post of Prime Minister of Tatarstan, replacing Farid Mukhametshin in this post. The press wrote that republican officials met Minnikhanov with distrust because of his intractability and even put forward an alternative candidate, the mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny, Rafgat Altynbayev, in the elections. Although Minnikhanov won by a narrow margin, this was not enough for him to be appointed. Shaimiev called the May 1998 vote a "coup", fired all Altynbayev's supporters from his administration, and already in July Minnikhanov was elected unanimously.

In June 1999, Minnikhanov was elected chairman of the board of directors of Tatneft, and later headed the board of directors of Tatneftekhiminvest-holding. In 2003, Minnikhanov defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics on the topic "Organizational and economic justification for the development of innovative processes in the agro-industrial complex."

The press noted that as prime minister, Minnikhanov paid a lot of attention to the Internet portal "Electronic Tatarstan" and demanded that his subordinates use modern information technologies.

On January 22, 2010, after a meeting of the State Council, Shaimiev turned to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with a request not to consider his candidacy for the presidency of Tatarstan after the expiration of his powers in March 2010. Instead of himself, he proposed to nominate Minnikhanov for the post of head of the republic.

On January 28, 2010, Minnikhanov's candidacy for the presidency of Tatarstan was nominated by Medvedev, on February 4 of the same year it was unanimously approved by the State Council of the Republic: Minnikhanov was supported even by local deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Minnikhanov is due to take over as president of the country on March 25, 2010, after the expiration of Shaimiev's powers.

The press noted that the president of Tatarstan chose a successor who would not go for radical changes in the republic, thanks to which Shaimiev's entourage and the old economic elite would retain influence in the region.

According to income and property information filed in 2009, Minnikhanov's income for 2008 amounted to 6.6 million rubles. In 2002, Minnikhanov was awarded the Order of Friendship, and in 2007 he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, and Order of Merit for the Republic of Tatarstan.

Minnikhanov is married and has two children. Minnikhanov's brother, Rifkat, has been the head of the republican department of the traffic police since the 1990s, and another brother, Rais, is the head of the Sabinsky district of Tatarstan.

Minnikhanov is fond of auto racing and even as a prime minister regularly participated in auto competitions, has the title of international master of sports. He won several victories in rally-raids as part of the KamAZ-Master team, in particular, he participated in the Paris-Dakar rally. The press also noted that he always drives a company car himself, and Vechernyaya Kazan wrote in 1996 that Minnikhanov liked to drive on ordinary roads at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour and reduced the speed to 110 kilometers per hour only when talking on a cell phone.

Two years ago, Komosomolskaya Pravda visited the place where the president grew up - in the Sabinsky district. Rustam Minnikhanov's teachers and classmates told stories about him that you won't find in the official chronicle.

A hundred kilometers from Kazan, an hour and a half drive - Rustam Minnikhanov is still often in the Sabinsky district. She visits her mother and younger brother. Their family in the early 60s moved to the Sabinsky forestry, which was headed by his father, Nurgali Midkhatovich. Mom - Vasiga Mubarakovna worked as a teacher in a kindergarten. Although the head of the family was a big boss at that time, the Minnikhanovs always lived modestly and did not spoil their children.

At the age of 10, Rustam was given a chic gift - they bought a camera

Classmate Zofar Safin, whose family now lives in the very house where the President of Tatarstan grew up, told KP that after lessons the village children walked for hours on the street, in winter they went to the skating rink - the local lake. Rustam loved skiing since childhood and "put" all the kids on them. Then they made skis themselves from boards or plywood and rode in the "Carpathians" - this is how the local children called the mountains near the collective farm. And in the fourth grade, parents gave Rustam a gift, chic for those times - they bought a Chaika camera. And since then, two friends have done nothing but take pictures of each other.

They even brought the teachers to the lessons and quietly photographed them, - Zfar Safin admitted. - It happens that the teacher notices, raises her head and threatens with her finger: “Minnikhanov!”. We had nowhere to print pictures, and Rustam and I crawled under the bed and developed the films there.


In the sixth grade, a new German teacher came to the forestry school - Vladimir Alekseev ich Alekseev, whom everyone here simply calls Alekseich. The house of a foreign teacher is across the street from the house where Rustam Minnikhanov's mother lives.

When he comes to his mother, he always stops and asks: "How are you, Alekseich?" And it makes me feel so warm, ”smiling Vladimir Alekseevich told KP. - I remember their class, it was small, about twenty people. I remember Rustam Minnikhanov well. Not tall, serious such a boy. Teaching was easy for him. You ask him - he always knows the lesson, he will answer.

Many years later, the German teacher found out that his student, already a prime minister, had also mastered English on his own.

Well done! - Vladimir Alekseevich said with teacher's pride. - Before, after all, we didn’t even have players in the lessons: tables, but a textbook, and that’s it. He read German well, translated and wrote well too. And the spoken language was not taught before.


After Rustam Minnikhanov graduated from the eight-year forestry school, he and almost all of his classmates went to study at the Sabinsky secondary school. It was 15 kilometers away, and there was no direct road. In winter, Rustam sometimes skied to school. But more often, children were put into a covered truck early on Monday morning and driven to school for an hour. And although Rustam Minnikhanov's father had a company car - UAZ, he drove along with everyone.

On the way, we often sang - “Ak chechekler kebek kar yava” (“Snow falls like white flowers” ​​- ed.), - said Fania Zakirova, a classmate of Rustam Minnikhanov, who, with the future President, is also in Kindergarten went. - We lived until the weekend in a boarding school. After the lessons, we went to the cinema club to watch - “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”. And on Saturday, a truck took us back to the forestry. In the boarding school they lived together, did their homework together. And when the cook was sick, the girls cooked food, and the boys went for water.

The old high school building is now a residential building. And a new, large school was built nearby, in which there is a museum. A separate exposition is dedicated to famous countrymen, among whom, of course, the Minnikhanov family. On the shelves are family photos, gifts that former students donated to the museum. All three brothers Rifkat (head of the Tatarstan traffic police, author's note), Rustam (President of Tatarstan) and Rais (head of the Sabinsky district of Tatarstan, author's note) graduated from this school.

Rustam Minnikhanov was sitting at the third desk in the left row. And although he was a year younger than his classmates, he studied easily. All teachers remembered him as a diligent and laconic student. - I didn’t pull my hand, but if you ask, I will answer, - the teachers say.

He was a strong student. I did well in physics and mathematics, - said classmate Zufar Sirazeev. – Rustam was very fond of technology. At the lessons of labor on agricultural machinery, we, the students, did not understand what they were talking about with the teacher, he understood the technique so much.


Once, school principal Nurislam Nasybullin, who taught physics in this class, was shocked when he came to the class - three students were sitting at the desk. 19 children from the forestry did not come to the lesson.

It was in the winter. I went to boarding school. And then the frosts were 30 degrees, - Nurislam Nasybullin told KP. - It turns out that they froze on the way, came to the boarding school and went to bed. I woke everyone up, I say - let's go to school! And Rustam replies: “Well, why can’t we get warm, can’t sleep?”. But all the same, everyone got up and went to the lessons, since the “thunderstorm” came for them (laughs).

But this, teachers say, was rare. Previously, teachers were treated with respect, and they did not allow themselves to argue with their elders.

We didn’t even think that our future president was growing, ”admitted Rafida Mansurovna Minikhanova. The teacher of biology and chemistry has the same last name as the current head of Tatarstan, only it is spelled with one “n”. And when she was often asked: “Isn't she a relative?”, She proudly answered: “No. I taught them." - In biology, he had a five, and in chemistry - 4, I rarely gave five in chemistry to anyone. I was visiting them at home, and I was always surprised how parents raised such three sons. How they helped their mother when she set the table! And at the meeting, I still call my student Rustam, he does not allow us to be official.

In 2013, their class will celebrate the 40th anniversary of graduation. Classmates hope that even though their Rustam has almost no free time now, he will still be able to come to a meeting in Saba.


Biography of Rustam Minnikhanov

Rustam Minnikhanov was born on March 1, 1957 in the village of Novy Arysh, Rybno-Sloboda district. He is the second child in the family - the elder brother Rifkat is now the head of the Tatarstan traffic police department, and the younger Rais is the head of the Sabinsky district. When Rustam was 5 years old, their family moved to the Sabinsky district, and his father Nurgali Minnikhanov headed the local forestry, which he managed until 1990.

After school, Rustam Minnikhanov entered the Kazan agricultural institute specializing in agricultural mechanization. During his studies, student Minnikhanov moved to Kazan, lived in a hostel. After he received a diploma in 1978, he returned to his native village again and worked for two years as a diagnostic engineer in the Sabinsky district association "Selkhoztekhnika".

In 1980, Rustam Minnikhanov went to work for his father in the forestry as a senior power engineer. Three years later, he changes jobs and becomes deputy chairman of the board of the Sabinsky raipo (district consumer society), and in 1985 he himself headed the raipo, but already in Arsk. At this time, Rustam Minnikhanov received a second higher education at the Moscow Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade, and in 1986 he was awarded another diploma in the specialty "commodity science and organization of trade in food products."

In 1990, Rustam Minnikhanov was appointed chairman of the Arsky district executive committee, two years later he took the post of first deputy head of the Arsky district, and in 1993 he became the head of the Vysokogorsky district of Tatarstan.

Rustam Nurgalievich managed the district for three years - in 1996 he moved to Kazan. President Mintimer Shaimiev appoints him Minister of Finance. And just two years later, in 1998, he headed the cabinet of ministers of the republic. Rustam Minnikhanov worked as prime minister for 12 years. At the same time, he defended his dissertation on the topic "Organizational and economic justification for the development of innovative processes in the agro-industrial complex" and received the title of Doctor of Economics, made a technological revolution in the republic, forcing officials to switch to electronic document management, and won the race for the right to host the Universiade, hosted by Kazan will be in 2013. Rustam Minnikhanov became the initiator of "declassifying" the work of the Tatarstan government - now anyone can watch almost all meetings in the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic on the Internet online.

As prime minister, Rustam Minnikhanov personally followed how work on socially significant projects was going on in the republic. For example, the program overhaul housing. He pays great attention to the development of science-intensive industries, technology parks and business incubators.

Rustam Minnikhanov is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tatneft and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company " Tatneftekhiminvest-holding".

On January 22, 2010, Mintimer Shaimiev, after a meeting of the State Council, addressed the President of Russia. The head of Tatarstan asked Dmitry Medvedev not to consider his candidacy for the presidency of Tatarstan for a new term and offered to nominate Rustam Minnikhanov to this post. On January 28, 2010, Dmitry Medvedev proposed a candidate for the post of President of Tatarstan for consideration by the State Council of the Republic, and on February 4, the deputies unanimously supported this proposal.