Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Napoleon puff pastry Puff pastry napoleon cake

Everyone knows the Napoleon cake. Did you know that initially this cake, or rather the cakes, got its name from the cocked hat, which Napoleon loved so much and was worn by the entire French army. Napoleon cakes were triangular in shape, flaky, with delicate cream.

I guess every housewife can buy puff pastry and make Napoleon cakes in her kitchen. But I'm not looking for easy ways, I like it to be delicious. I will not be lazy and will prepare the dough myself, it is not as difficult as it seems.

We need: flour, oil, salt, eggs, vinegar, a little water.

Break the eggs into a measuring glass. Top up with water up to the 160 ml mark. Pour in vinegar and add salt. Beat the mixture with a whisk.

Break 1/3 of the flour into crumbs in a blender with cold butter.

Combine flour and egg mixture. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough. Beat the dough on the table.

Divide into 11-13 balls and refrigerate for a couple of hours or overnight.

Roll each ball into a thin cake. Pierce the dough with a fork and bake until golden brown for 5-7 minutes at 190 gr.

The cakes are thin and crispy.

For the cream, prepare warm butter, milk, sugar, yolks, cognac and vanillin.

Place the yolks in a saucepan, mix with sugar and vanilla, pour in a little more than half of the milk. Mix. Heat the remaining milk and pour into the egg mixture without stopping stirring. Heat the mixture over medium heat until thickened. Remove the prepared mixture from heat and cool to room temperature.

Beat the butter into a fluffy mass, add the milk-egg mixture in three steps, without stopping whipping. Add cognac at the end. You will get a lush and delicate cream.

Smear the cakes with cream. Collect the cake.

Sprinkle the cake with crumb from one crust and nuts. Leave the cake to soak for 2 hours on the table, then put in the cold.

After 4 hours we cut the cake into triangles and get the Napoleon cakes. Sprinkle a plate with powdered sugar and lay out one cake.

Now let's enjoy! It's great! Cook with pleasure and do not deny yourself anything!

The Napoleon cake is an alternative to the popular treat of the same name. Dessert is not inferior to a solid "relative" in structure and taste, numbering dozens of options for dough and fillings, and wins by serving in portions. Now, hostesses will be able to please a large number of guests by placing an individual piece of delicacy in front of each.

How to make Napoleon cake?

Homemade "Napoleon" is an excellent basis for making cakes of the same name. All you need to do is knead flour, margarine, eggs, vinegar and water. Cool it for an hour, roll it into 4 thin layers, cut into equal segments, according to the size of the cake. After that, bake in the oven, coat with cream and collect.

  1. For the cakes to turn out fluffy and elastic, you must use premium flour and high-fat margarine.
  2. It is recommended to knead the dough quickly, in a cold room and from cold food. Otherwise, it will start to "float" and it will be difficult to cope with it.

Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry

Homemade takes a lot of time, which can not be said about cakes made from store-bought puff pastry, whose preparation takes no more than 60 minutes. The factory blank eliminates the tedious kneading and provides the opportunity to start brewing the cream, at the same time placing the puff squares in the oven for 20 minutes.


  • puff pastry sheet - 4 pcs.;
  • milk - 1.4 l;
  • yolks - 7 pcs.;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • flour - 100 g.


  1. Whisk the yolks with sugar, milk and flour and boil.
  2. Stir in butter.
  3. Cut the cakes into segments and bake at 220 degrees for 25 minutes.
  4. Shape into a Napoleon flak and refrigerate.

Napoleon cake with condensed milk

With condensed milk and butter are held in high esteem by many housewives. It is made quickly, it always turns out delicious, and its preparation does not require special financial costs. You can simply beat the condensed milk with butter and oil the cakes, but it is better to add powdered sugar to the cream for greater lightness, airiness and stability of the mass.


  • oil - 450 g;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • condensed milk - 190 g;
  • icing sugar - 100 g.


  1. Mix half the butter and half the flour.
  2. Knead the second type of dough from the remaining flour, eggs and a pinch of salt.
  3. Roll one over the other and refrigerate.
  4. Cut into 6 segments and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
  5. Whisk the rest of the butter with the powder and condensed milk.
  6. Saturate the cakes with cream.
  7. Slice in portions and serve the Napoleon cake with cream after cooling for an hour.

Curd "Napoleon"

Napoleon with curd cream combines business with pleasure. Cream based on cottage cheese has an excellent taste, contains a lot of vitamins and is considered a dietary product. For dryish cakes of Napoleon, cottage cheese is combined with sour cream. This allows the cream to maintain stability and acquire high absorption.


  • flour - 600 g;
  • water - 150 g;
  • oil - 300 g;
  • vinegar - 10 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • cottage cheese - 450 g;
  • sugar - 250 g


  1. Combine vinegar, water, eggs, oil and flour.
  2. Roll out the dough into cakes and bake at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.
  3. Whisk sour cream with cottage cheese and sugar.
  4. Lubricate the cakes with cream.
  5. After 5 hours, cut into portions and serve the Napoleon cottage cheese cake to the table.

Napoleon cake with berry cream

Napoleon cake is a recipe with dozens of cooking options. Today, light and delicate textures and flavors are in fashion, so modern confectioners tend to lean towards berry fillings. They look spectacular in section, are low in calories and go well with classic creams, diluting their sweetness with a refreshing sourness.


  • puff pastry sheet - 4 pcs.;
  • berries - 550 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • starch - 20 g;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • icing sugar - 100 g;
  • cream - 200 ml.


  1. Cook the berries in sugar for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut the dough into segments and bake at 220 degrees for 10 minutes.
  3. Heat 250 ml of milk with powder.
  4. Whisk the rest of the milk with starch and yolks.
  5. Connect and boil.
  6. Cool, whisk with cream and collect cakes.

"Napoleon" from choux pastry

The preparation of the Napoleon cake is not limited to classic ingredients only. An incredibly tasty and delicate dessert can be made from choux pastry. The latter impresses with its minimal food composition, simplicity and speed of preparation, since it does not "rest" in the refrigerator, but is baked instantly.


  • milk - 500 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • starch - 60 g;
  • lemon zest - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.


  1. Brew the dough from flour, half a glass of milk, butter, half sugar and an egg.
  2. Roll out 7 layers and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
  3. Heat the rest of the milk with sugar, add the egg, starch and boil.
  4. Divide the cream in two. Add zest and juice to one.
  5. Spread the cream over the cake and cut into portions.

"Napoleon" with sour cream

Napoleon with sour cream is a favorite homemade delicacy. Thanks to sour cream, whose low cost and unique qualities find a place both in the preparation of the cream and in the kneading of the dough, the dessert becomes available to everyone. Moreover, the cakes on sour cream are fluffy and airy, and the cream is tender, stable and incredibly tasty.


  • sour cream - 900 g;
  • margarine - 200 g;
  • flour - 750 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 325 g;
  • soda - 5 g.


  1. Combine 200 g sour cream, soda, margarine, flour, eggs, 75 g sugar.
  2. Cut the dough into segments and bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
  3. Whisk 700 g sour cream with 250 g sugar.
  4. Collect the Napoleon cake by soaking the cakes with the cream.

Napoleon with mascarpone

The recipe for Napoleon's cream from mascarpone will appeal to lovers of gourmet desserts. Even taking into account that cream cheese “hits the pocket”, many housewives prefer its creamy texture, sweetish taste and ease of preparation, during which, as a rule, it is not whipped, but simply mixed into another mass.


  • mascarpone - 700 g;
  • icing sugar - 170 g;
  • cream - 450 ml;
  • vinegar - 5 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • oil - 150 g;
  • water - 125 ml.


  1. Rub the oil with water, vinegar, flour and egg.
  2. Roll out the dough into 7 layers and bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut into segments.
  4. Whisk in the cream and mascarpone powder.
  5. Assemble the Napoleon cake by spreading the cream over the layers.

Napoleon with cream

For "Napoleon" is varied in variations. This category includes custard with cream, and tender with condensed milk, and persistent curd creams. However, the simplest and most delicious in the product is a cream made from whipped cream and powdered sugar. It is very easy to whip it if you buy heavy cream and chill it very much.


  • cream - 600 ml;
  • icing sugar - 250 g;
  • rum - 20 ml;
  • puff pastry sheet - 3 pcs.


  1. Cut the dough in portions and bake in the oven at 220 degrees for 15 minutes.
  2. Whisk in the cream, powder and rum.
  3. Assemble the cakes, brushing each layer with cream.

Lazy "Napoleon" made from cookies "Ears"

"Napoleon" without baking is a godsend for those who do not want to mess with the dough. You don't have to do this, since the "ears" puff cookies as cakes will make the dessert as similar to the original as possible, and the custard will convey the taste of a classic "relative". At the same time, everything about everything will take no more than 30 minutes, which is convenient if there is a lack of time.

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve into a bowl, grate the chilled margarine on a coarse grater and grind the flour mixture with your hands into crumbs. Drive the egg into a small container and beat with a whisk or fork with vinegar and water. In the center of the flour crumbs, make a depression and gradually pour in the egg mixture, constantly pouring flour from the edges of the bowl.
  2. Knead the dough to a homogeneous, smooth consistency, divide into 10 equal parts. Cover them with cling film and refrigerate for an hour. In the meantime, prepare the cream for the Napoleon brownies.
  3. Pour half a liter of milk into a saucepan, put on fire and add about 120-130 grams of sugar. While stirring, bring the sweetened milk to a simmer and reduce heat immediately. Meanwhile, beat the eggs into a separate bowl and beat them at medium speed with a mixer, add flour, the remaining sugar, pour in the remaining milk (250 ml) in a thin stream and beat at low speed until smooth.
  4. Pour the whipped mass in a thin stream into the boiling sweetened milk, stirring it continuously. Boil the cream until slightly thickened, stirring constantly (do not bring to a boil). Remove the pan from the stove, cover and leave to cool. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave for half an hour at room temperature.
  5. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, heat the oven to 180C, cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll out one part of the dough into a thin rectangle or square, cut off unnecessary edges (attaching a shape of the required diameter on top) and pierce it in several places with a fork. Send the baking sheet to the preheated oven.
  6. Bake Napoleon's crust for about 8 minutes until golden brown... Meanwhile, roll out, cut and pierce the second piece of dough. Take out the baking sheet, put the cake on a wire rack or on a dish, put the rolled dough on the parchment and send it to bake until tender.
  7. Thus, roll out and bake the remaining pieces of dough, stack the finished cakes in a pile. At the end, put the dough trimmings on a baking sheet and send them to dry for 5 minutes. Turn off the oven and leave the baking sheet with the scraps to cool inside it. If there are not enough pieces of dough, you can grind one of the cakes.
  8. Beat melted butter with a mixer with vanilla sugar until a fluffy creamy mass is formed. Continuing to beat the butter cream, add the cooled custard to it spoon by spoon, whisking well after each time.
  9. Lubricate the surface of each cake with the resulting cream, fold them in a pile. Grind the crumbs into crumbs using a blender or rolling pin, sprinkle the sides and top of the resulting cake and send it to the refrigerator. It is advisable to leave some crumb for sprinkling the cakes.
  10. Napoleon should be infused in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours (the more, the better). Then remove the dish from the refrigerator and cut the cake into portioned squares or rectangles. Sprinkle ready-made Napoleon cakes with powdered sugar or crumbs from scraps and serve. Enjoy your tea!

Ready-made store dough is a real magic wand for modern housewives. It will allow you to quickly and easily prepare even the most delicious festive dessert. The Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry is especially tasty.

In this recipe, the cream is prepared from heavy cream, condensed milk and butter. It perfectly impregnates puff cakes and makes the treats the most delicate. The recipe includes the following products: 2 packs of 500 g of ready-made puff pastry (without yeast in the composition), a glass of whipping cream, a pack of fatty butter, a can of condensed milk.

  1. The dough is defrosted, after which each sheet is cut into 4 pieces. There will be 8 blanks in total. A plate with a diameter of 24-25 cm is taken. Each cake is rolled out a little more than these parameters and cut in a circle.
  2. Each thin "cake" is pierced in several places with a fork.
  3. On a baking sheet with oiled parchment, circles and the remaining trimmings are baked in turn until tender. Enough 10-12 minutes at 210 degrees.
  4. For the cream, softened butter and not cold condensed milk are mixed with the classic "Napoleon". No need to beat them.
  5. In a separate cup, whip the cream until thick.
  6. Both masses are carefully combined.
  7. Ready-made cakes are generously coated with cream and stacked on top of each other, slightly pressing them together.
  8. Place a chopping board with a load on top of the cake and put it in the cold for soaking.
  9. The decoration is ground baked scraps, chopped nuts. Sprinkle the cake on top and sides.

Lazy "Napoleon" with strawberries

Juicy fresh berries add originality to the classic recipe. Strawberries go well with crunchy dough and butter cream. To prepare the cake, take: a pound of ready-made puff pastry, 420 g of berries, 430 ml. heavy cream (preferably homemade), 6 large tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Top can be garnished with whole strawberries

  1. The previously defrosted dough is cut into 4 equal parts, each of which must be lightly rolled out and baked on oiled parchment at 190 degrees. When the cakes are golden on the top side, you can remove them from the oven.
  2. The cream is whipped on a high mixer speed. In the process, you need to constantly add powdered sugar to them. The result is a thick, sweet cream.
  3. The strawberries are washed and cut into thin even slices.
  4. Each cake is laid out on a dish, generously greased with cream and laid with berry slices.

With semolina custard

Instead of frozen puff pastry for cooking, you can take ready-made cakes specially designed for "Napoleon". But the custard to it will turn out to be unusual, with the addition of semolina. In addition to semolina (4 large spoons) and packaging of purchased cakes, will be used: 870 ml. milk, 2 packs of butter, 2 tbsp. granulated sugar.

Garnished with any fresh berries and mint leaves

  1. The milk is brought to a boil with sugar. Then semolina is added to the mass, and the components are cooked for 7-8 minutes with constant stirring.
  2. When the cream has cooled, softened butter interferes with it.
  3. Beat the mixture until it becomes more fluffy.
  4. The cakes are generously coated with cream and sprinkled with special crumbs.
  5. Installed under the load in the cold until the morning.

With custard

It's not difficult to make a classic custard on your own. The main thing is to carefully observe all the proportions indicated in the recipe. In addition to 1 kg of puff pastry, take: 90 g of flour, 3 yolks, 160 g of fatty butter, 900 ml. milk, 310 g of granulated sugar, a small spoonful of vanilla sugar.

  1. The dough is defrosted, divided into pieces and rolled out slightly. As a result, you should get 4 blanks.
  2. At 200 degrees, the cakes are baked in the oven until golden brown on oiled parchment.
  3. The resulting bases are cut into 2 parts. Thus, you get 8 cakes.
  4. All the crumbs from them must be left for sprinkling the finished treat.
  5. For cream, two types of sugar and egg yolks are placed in a bowl. All products are rubbed with a whisk.
  6. It remains to pour flour into the mass and pour in 1 tbsp. not cold milk.
  7. The dairy product in a heavy-bottomed saucepan is heated on the stove and the sweet yolk mixture is poured into it.
  8. The mass is cooked for 12-15 minutes until thickened with constant stirring over low heat.
  9. When the cream has cooled, oil is added to it.
  10. The cakes are poured with cream.
  11. Sprinkle the remaining crumbs on the top of the cake.
  12. Decorated with a nut mass.

With butter cream

Delicate cake cream includes condensed milk and sour cream. Its preparation will not take long. From the products you will need to prepare: 800 g of ready-made puff pastry (without yeast in the composition), 220 g of medium fat sour cream, 160 g of sugar, a can of condensed milk, 180 g of high-quality butter.

Be sure to pierce the base with a fork in several places so that it rises evenly when baking.

  1. The dough is defrosted, divided into 4 layers, each is slightly rolled out.
  2. The cakes are baked for 10-12 minutes in a hot oven.
  3. Sour cream is mixed with granulated sugar in a bowl, after which the components are whipped until smooth.
  4. In order for the delicacy to settle slightly and turn out to be even at the edges, it must be left under the load.

  5. Beat butter and condensed milk in a separate bowl.
  6. Both mixtures are combined.
  7. Each cake is divided into two parts. Seven of them are coated with cream and stacked on top of each other, and the eighth turns into a crumb, which serves as a decoration.
  8. A cake with aromatic herbal tea is served.

With mascarpone and cherry

Such "Napoleon" is not included in the list of budget desserts, but it will definitely become a worthy decoration of the festive table. Of the ingredients, you will need to use: 500 g of puff pastry, 80 g of granulated sugar, the same amount of powder, 230 g of cream cheese (mascarpone), 180 g of defrosted pitted berries, a glass of fat sour cream.

The finished treat is sprinkled with fine crumb crumbs on all sides

  1. The dough is defrosted, cut into 4 pieces and sent to bake on parchment.
  2. A quarter of an hour at 180 degrees is enough.
  3. Each biscuit is divided into 2 parts. The toasted layer of the latter is crushed into crumbs.
  4. Cherries with sugar are turned into a homogeneous mass using a blender.
  5. Sour cream with powder and sugar is whipped with a mixer until thick.
  6. Each cake is smeared first with cream, then with sweet berry puree. A cake is formed from the resulting blanks.

With cheese cream

Another version of "Napoleon" with cream cheese will turn out to be even slightly exotic. After all, it contains coconut (65 g. Shavings) and white chocolate (2 bars), and, in addition: 2 selected eggs, 630 ml. milk, 1 kg of puff pastry, a pinch of salt, 60 g of flour, 230 g of mascarpone.

The treat is decorated with any coconut sweets

  1. The dough is divided into 8 pieces, each of which is rolled thinly. A plate of a suitable size is applied to the blanks, and circles are cut.
  2. The future cakes are transferred in turn to a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment and baked with the remaining scraps.
  3. 1 glass of milk is warmed up over low heat. When it becomes hot, it is removed from the stove, eggs beaten with salt are poured into the container, and sifted flour is poured.
  4. The mixture is mixed with the remaining milk and sent back to the fire. The cream is cooked until the first signs of a boil, after which it turns off.
  5. Sugar is poured into the still hot mass, chocolate slices are added.
  6. Cream cheese is driven into the cooled cream.
  7. The resulting mass is smeared with cakes. Every second of them is sprinkled with coconut flakes. On top of the treat is sprinkled with crumbs, into which the cakes are ground.

With condensed milk

Such a lazy "Napoleon" is prepared almost instantly. The main thing is that everything is at hand. It can be called a dessert for suddenly arriving guests. In addition to 900 g of purchased ready-made dough (puff), you need to take: a glass of condensed milk and 2/3 of a pack of high-quality butter.

The finished baking will take 2-3 hours to impregnate

  1. The dough is divided into 4 layers with a sharp knife, pierced in several places with a fork and baked on parchment until golden brown.
  2. Beat butter with condensed milk until smooth.
  3. Ready-made cakes are cut into two parts, generously poured with cream and stacked on top of each other.
  4. To decorate the cake beautifully, one cake needs to be left and turned into small crumbs with a special blender attachment.

With whipped cream

Such a cream consists of many components, but in the end it will surprise you with its amazingly delicate rich taste. It contains: a glass of whipping cream, a bag of vanilla sugar, 35 g of potato starch, 210 g of granulated sugar, 570 ml. fat milk, 2 selected eggs, 800 g of puff pastry.

Dessert is served after 4 hours of soaking in the cold. Otherwise, the cakes will be dry.

  1. Milk (half a liter) in a thick-walled container is brought to a boil, but not boiled.
  2. It is enough to wait for the first bubbles.
  3. Bulk ingredients, eggs and remaining milk are mixed. These ingredients are then added to the hot liquid.
  4. The future cream is cooked on the very minimum heating of the stove until it thickens.
  5. It remains to whip the cream until thick and mix it with the milk base.
  6. The dough is cut into 4 pieces, each of which is baked in a hot oven.
  7. Ready-made cakes are cut into 2 parts and smeared with cream.
  8. The delicacy is decorated in any way the hostess likes. For example, melted chocolate and powdered sugar.

No similar materials

Based on the famous French dessert, you can make the Napoleon cake. It will not take much time to prepare such a delicacy, because the recipe uses ready-made puff pastry. You can also choose any cream based on cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese or stick to tradition and make a dessert with custard.

Cooking the classic "Napoleon" takes a lot of time, because you have to bake the cakes, prepare the cream, form the dessert, keep it cold and only then enjoy its taste. But everything can be much easier if you make a French cake from ready-made puff pastry.


  • puff pastry;
  • 1.5 tbsp. low fat cream;
  • 1 tbsp. regular sugar;
  • 2 tsp vanilla sweetener;
  • egg;
  • 40 g corn starch;
  • pack of butter.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare dessert, you need to buy a kilo of puff pastry. Typically, such a package contains four sheets. Three of them will go to the base, and the fourth will come in handy for decoration.
  2. Roll out the thawed dough lightly so that the cakes are not so thick.
  3. Soak baking paper with oil, line a baking sheet with it and put a sheet of dough. Be sure to prick the base on both sides with a regular fork so that the cake blanks do not swell.
  4. Bake each sheet for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Cool the browned cakes.
  5. For cream, pour two types of sugar along with starch into a saucepan, beat in an egg and pour in the cream. Whisk the ingredients and bring the mixture to a thick consistency in a water bath. The main thing is not to let the cream boil, otherwise you will get a sweet omelet.
  6. Cool the cream and beat with a mixer with butter.
  7. Lay out three cakes in layers, smear each with cream, crumble the fourth and sprinkle the dessert with it. Put it in the refrigerator for an hour and then cut it in portions.

Cooking apricot dessert

Delicious Napoleon cake can be prepared with any fruit cream.

For example, with canned apricots. Apricot "Napoleon" will pleasantly surprise you with its fruity freshness and amazing taste.


  • puff pastry packaging;
  • a can of canned apricots;
  • ½ tbsp. Sahara;
  • five tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • three spoons of liquor;
  • six drops of vanilla essence;
  • two egg yolks plus one egg;
  • 1 ½ tbsp. cream;
  • two tablespoons of starch.

Cooking method:

  1. Drain the juice from the apricot, but do not pour it out. Mash the fruit.
  2. Take one whole egg and two yolks, add three tablespoons of regular sugar, starch and a few tablespoons of flour. Whisk until smooth.
  3. Transfer the puree to a saucepan and place on the stove. As soon as the fruit mass boils, pour in the egg-flour mixture along with the juice. After the first bubbles appear, remove the cream from the stove and cool.
  4. While the cream was being prepared, the dough should have thawed. Roll out each layer a little, do not forget to prick with a fork and bake for 20 minutes (temperature - 200 ° C).
  5. If the apricot cream has already cooled down, then we bring it to perfection. To do this, whip the cream with the remaining sugar, sweet powder, aromatic essence and liqueur.
  6. Combine the resulting creamy mass with fruit.
  7. Put the finished and cooled cakes in layers, generously coat each layer with a creamy mass, and break the last cake into crumbs and sprinkle the dessert with them.
  8. Allow the cake to soak and cut into equal pieces with a sharp knife.

Recipe for cooking with condensed milk

Traditionally, custard is required to make a dessert like Napoleon, but it is especially tender and soft with boiled condensed milk and butter. For this recipe, we also use ready-made dough, which we simply defrost and bake in the oven beforehand. Therefore, let's go straight to the preparation of the cream.


  • 180 g butter;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk.

Cooking methods:

  1. While the cakes are baking, you need to take soft butter and just beat it until smooth, along with boiled concentrated milk.
  2. Once the cakes are ready, cool them down and stack them. Soak each cake with cream, leave the last for sprinkling.
  3. Put the finished Napoleon with condensed milk in the cold for a couple of hours, then cut into equal cakes and enjoy your tea.

Cake "Napoleon" by Ilya Lazerson

Chef Ilya Lazerson shares his recipe for making a quick cake "Napoleon". For the cream, he uses Italian Mascarpone cheese and cream.

The recipe from Lazerson involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • puff pastry packaging;
  • 180 g of Mascarpone cheese;
  • two tablespoons of sweet powder;
  • three tablespoons of cream of any fat content (if necessary);
  • three tablespoons of any cream cheese.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut each layer of puff pastry into equal pieces, spread on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until golden brown (temperature - 200 ° C).
  2. For the cream, whisk the two types of cheese together with the sweet powder. If the creamy mass is thick, then just add the cream.
  3. Gather the finished biscuits in pairs, finely crumble the rest.
  4. Spread one layer of dough with cream and cover with the second. Spread curd mass on all sides of the dessert and sprinkle with crumbs.

How to make with strawberries

Strawberries with cream and flaky cakes - isn't it the best combination for a delicious dessert? Today we will prepare another Napoleon cake, but not the classic one, but with the addition of fresh berries.


  • puff pastry;
  • a pound of fresh strawberries;
  • two glasses of heavy cream;
  • five tablespoons of sweet powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost the layers of dough and keep in the oven until golden brown (temperature - 200 ° C).
  2. Using a mixer, froth the cream with sweet powder, cut the berries into thin slices.
  3. Spread the finished cakes with cream and lay the pieces of berries, sprinkle the last layer with crumbs. Put the dessert in the cold for a couple of hours to soak well.

With whipped cream

More recently, cake cream was made from heavy fatty butter; today it is also used, but not in such quantities and in combination with other ingredients. But the most popular is butter cream, which makes desserts light and delicate in taste.

Napoleon cake can also be prepared with a cream based cream and quality butter.


  • puff pastry;
  • 1 ½ tbsp. cream;
  • 150 g regular sugar;
  • half a packet of oil;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost the base for the dessert, pierce each piece with a fork in several places and bake the cakes for 15 to 20 minutes.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix sour cream with sweetener and whisk condensed milk and butter separately. Combine the two masses - the cream should turn out with a smooth texture.
  3. Lay the cakes on top of each other, smear each with cream, sprinkle the dessert with crumbs.

Delicate honey delicacy

Napoleon cake can be prepared with sweet honey cream and walnuts. Interested in this dessert? So write down the recipe!


  • ready-made puff pastry;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • one yolk;
  • 80 g of sweet powder;
  • lemon;
  • 80 g of butter and walnuts.

Cooking method:

  1. From puff pastry, make a base for dessert - just place a lightly rolled layer on a baking sheet and send to the oven for 15 minutes.
  2. For the cream, whisk butter with sweet powder, yolk, honey and citrus juice.
  3. Cool the prepared cream and coat the brown cakes with it.

The "Napoleon" cake made from puff store-bought yeast-free dough will allow you to quickly prepare a delicious dessert without sweating for half a day in the kitchen. Just choose the cream recipe you like and start preparing a sweet treat.