Psychological nervous breakdown. Nervous breakdown: signs, symptoms, treatment, consequences. The benefits of proper nutrition

I have a friend. Beautiful, cute girl, but very emotional and sensitive. With the slightest conflict at work throws into tears, runs away from the office, curses everyone and everything. Somehow she deleted her page in social networks, soon launched a new one. "I then had psychosis," she explained. "Everyone got everything." Everyone needs something, learn to live and so on. Nerves are not enough for them. "

After this story, I thought. The man himself puts psychiatric diagnoses to himself, and also hesitated independently from them for such a short period. So does not happen. Let's figure it out.

What is the difference between psychosis from the nervous breakdown?

The terms "psychosis" and "nervous breakdown / affective reaction" are often confused.

We often hear: "I mental", "psycho takes", under what it is understood that the person could not restrain. Actually we are talking about sudden flash anger, Hysterical, which is characteristic of a mentally healthy person. These problems can be adjusted both by the person themselves and the psychologist.

Psychosis - A more complex and difficult fortune that the psychiatrist treats. Under it understand spiritual disorder A vivid violation of mental activity, the disorder of the perception of the real world (attention, memory, thinking) and the disorganization of behavior.

Psychosis includes schizophrenia, paranoid, manic, depressive, hypochondriac and alcoholic psychosis. To make clarity to the end, let's decipher these diseases.

For schizophrenia A person has delighted ideas, auditory and visual hallucinations, a decrease in will, apathy (silent, freezes in strange postures), thinking disorder, perception (cannot solve a simple challenge), poor chaotic speech.

For paranoid disorder The person is convinced that he has an impact or followed by aliens, sorcerers, snipers, thieves, etc. Sustaintly develops suspicion (before delusional thoughts) and the ultra-supersonal ideas are formed, also carrying a delusional character.

For manico psychosis There is an inadequately increased mood, an increase in sexuality, love in all those surrounding, delusional reassessment itself ("I am the Savior of the World"), motor excitement (from aimless neutral activity to aggressiveness, finding conflicts with others).

Depressive psychosisOn the contrary, it is characterized by a reduced mood, appetite (right up to self-ruling - anorexia), reduced sexual attraction The desire for suicide, a decrease in self-esteem to the level of delusional ideas.

Often, manic and depressive psychosis can alternate each other.

As we see, under the term "psychosis" implies a number of mental violations that a psychiatrist works with.

Flashes of anger, aggression, hysterics, mania of persecution is also characteristic of a mentally healthy person. Under the influence of stress, the resources of the human psyche are depleted, and all this is poured into breakdown.

Such a person in force to recognize the nervous breakdown, after the affect, repentance may experience repentance, seeks to bring his guilt. For example, if he gave a rage into a rush. In addition, he seeks to fight affective flashes.

The struggle against the nervous breakdown is possible. To begin with, track nine signs:

  1. excessive irritability;
  2. chronic fatigue;
  3. it seems that there are some enemies around;
  4. permanent self-criticism;
  5. other people's requests cause anger;
  6. it seems to be innocent words of others, spoken at your address, suddenly began to insult you;
  7. disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches;
  8. excessive suspicion, mania of persecution;
  9. depression, constant insomnia.

If the nervous breakdown happened: what to do

  1. If the contradiction between the desired and valid reached its apogee, and the nervous breakdown happened, the best way is to pass the situation through. Do not drive emotions Inside, otherwise they are expressed in psychosomatic diseases. You need to throw out your emotions and discharge.
  2. After you have released negative energy, switch your attention - Clean the water, open the window.
  3. If possible, sleep, it will help restore forces.

Psychosis and nervous breakdown - code is spent self-control

If the nervous breakdown occurred at another person, what to do?


With the help of aggressive behavior, the human body is trying to get rid of high voltage. In the situation of affect (if there is no aggression on you):

  1. remove outsiders from the room;
  2. give a person to "release steam" - to scream, beat the pillow, scatter things;
  3. tell the work related to physical activity;
  4. always demonstrate a friendly attitude, your participation. Do not blame him: "Well, you behave forever," "You can not yelling?" It is worth saying about his feelings: "You are very angry now, I understand how unpleasant you. You can think of something together ";
  5. after the person released a couple, suggest it to wash, drink water. Especially well this method helps children.

Nervous trembling

Sometimes a person appears in a person who has just suffered an extreme situation (an accident, an attack of the criminal, was a party to conflict or another terrible incident). Thanks to the tremors, the body resets the accumulated voltage. This trembling can not be stopped, otherwise it will cause muscle pain, and in the future will turn into psychosomatic diseases. A shiver arises immediately after the incident or after some time, trembles the whole body or separate parts. For example, a person can not hold the handle in his hands, open the lock, light a cigarette. In such a situation you need:

  1. Strengthen trembling so that it goes faster. Take the victim of the shoulders and shake 15 seconds. At this time, talk to him, so that he did not accept your actions for aggression.
  2. After it disappears, give the victim to relax, you can put to sleep.


It can last from a few minutes to hours. In it we can observe theatrical postures, many motor actions, high activity, fast emotionally saturated speech, sobs and screams. What to do?

  1. Remove strangers, stay with a person alone (if safe).
  2. Surprise the victim - take water, give a slap, drop a heavy item (with a roar), crush the paper from the table, you can even sharply shout.
  3. We manage the victim short phrases and confident tone: "Warning", "drinking water", "come here."
  4. After the hysteria, the person is experiencing a decline forces. Take care of resting it, if possible, put sleep.

As we can see, the nervous breakdowns take away the lion's share of energy, harm communication (spoil the relationship between close people, cause a threat to business, develop human conflict).

How to prevent nervous breakdown?

1. Switch

If you feel that the nervous breakdown is close, and soon you melt firewood, you should switch to anything else. The stronger your tension, the more powerful should be switching. Pour yourself tea, look at yourself in the mirror, go out to another room, beware.

Psychosis and nervous breakdown - code is spent self-control

If the voltage is large, you can pinch yourself strongly, dropping anything unbreakable, squeeze the paper. In some offices, I met drawings on the wall with the inscription "Sheet of anger. In the rustling of rage to squeeze and throw in the corner. "

2. Get rid of negative emotions.

Negative emotions (insult, anger, guilt) should not accumulate in the soul, otherwise they escape from there in the form of diseases. Try to get rid of at least part of these emotions in advance - without need not communicate with people who are unpleasant, destroy photos where you do not like and where there are people who cause negative.

Also get rid of things that bring negative. Just as you throw garbage. From anger you can get rid of sports yoga Massage, severe physical work at home / cottage. Hazard is cured by forgiveness, and the feeling of guilt is an apology.

3. Use protective mechanisms

According to Freud, we have protective mechanisms that help to deal with negative energy, turning it into a positive channel. Such mechanisms include humor and creativity. When we laugh at our fears, fears, failures, unpleasant situations, immediately becomes easier, it is worth only to look at the subject on the other side. With the help of creativity, writers, poets and artists were released, for example, from sadness.

Try to draw your anger, your fears or completely your mood. And now what can you try this to become more kind? Make a collage on the topic: How does the insult arise and where to give it? If you are sad, remember such a word as an altruism. Help someone worse than you - a grandmother, whom everyone has forgotten, a large mother, who has little time, collect things with girlfriends and take them to an orphanage, options - the sea.

4. Remember the rest

5-10 minute for daily recreation are always useful. relaxation during the whole day. Always sing out for some time to relax after work (change of activity, sports, walking, reading pleasant literature, bath, Massage, a favorite business). At the weekend, award yourself (and seven) by the departure of nature, arrange longer walks, do not forget about sports and cultural events.

Psychologist Olga Eastochnaya

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When a person is in a strained state for a long time, it is experiencing a strong crisis, which leads to a nervous breakdown. Interestingly, such well-known diagnostic systems, as MKB-10, do not recognize this pathology. However, in fact, there is a sufficient number of people suffering from this disorder and they need help. As a result, many are interested in the following question: how to treat a nervous break? First of all, it is necessary to understand that this pathology arises in cases where a person is experiencing a long psychological stress, subject to frequent stress and does not come out of them. As a result, all the energies and strength are completed, the patient gets a nervous disorder.

It is worth noting that in modern world Frequent nervous breakdowns occur, since the current lifestyle does not most best affect our body. If the individual takes on many tasks and emotionally does not cope with them, it leads to overwork. During the nervous breakdown, the whole circle begins to annoy, pleasure is lost, physical fatigue appears and. The first thing to be done in this case, to take care of psycho-emotional health and take leave.

Symptoms and signs

All symptoms at the nervous breakdown can be divided into three main groups: emotional, behavioral and physical. All of them are manifested in different ways, however, are often present at one point in time. In other words, the patient may experience separate symptoms from different groups.


  • Constant fatigue;
  • Lowering libido;
  • Constipation, diarrhea (stomach disorder);
  • Frequent headaches, migraines;
  • Problems with digestion, change of appetite;
  • Memory loss;
  • Sleep disorder, insomnia;
  • Breathing problems;
  • Alarm state;
  • Impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • Failure to eat;
  • Nausea and vomiting.


  • Sudden anger;
  • Crying or constantly want to cry for anyone;
  • Hysterics;
  • Stupor;
  • Strange behavior that commemorate others;
  • Frequent mood swings.


  • Depression;
  • Plasticity;
  • Indecision and anxiety;
  • Feeling of anxiety;
  • Guilt;
  • Thoughts of death;
  • Interest in society and work is lost;
  • Lowering self-esteem;
  • Dependence on alcohol and narcotic drugs;
  • Thoughts of invincibility and their own greatness;
  • Paranoid thoughts.

Nervous disorder is manifested both in women and in men. However, according to statistics, most often breakdowns occur in women, as they do not cope with the emotional state. It is no secret that all representatives of weak sex are very emotional. And if the individual is not able to prevail over himself, show self-control, then there is a risk of breakdown. Most often it takes place between the ages of 30 and 40. Modern psychologists allocate three main stages of the consequences of the nervous breakdown.

  1. A person is experiencing a great inspiration and completely "goes to work." As a result, he loses control over himself, the body and the psyche do not receive a proper rest, the person does not listen to the emerging signals, the nerve forces are depleted.
  2. At this stage, the patient already feels the exhaustion of the body, as it does not give it to work fully, anger appears, irritability.
  3. If during the second stage, do not appeal to a specialist or do not take certain actions, the condition is aggravated, nervous overvoltage, full depression, apathy and pessimistic mood develops. The person becomes sluggish, indecisive and closes.

The main signs of nervous disorder are manifested as follows:

  • Depression, fatigue condition;
  • Internal tension, which is present in the afternoon and at night, it is difficult for a person to get rid of it;
  • A set or weight loss;
  • Any request to provoke aggression;
  • Insomnia;
  • Sugitability and irritability;
  • Imperidity, anxiety, hypochondriad thoughts;
  • Inattention, scattered;
  • Apathy, the appearance of pessimism;
  • Hostile attitude to society;
  • Looping on an unpleasant person or unpleasant situation;
  • It is difficult to switch to another topic.

Without a doubt, the nervous disorder is a serious illness that requires treatment. In the period of exacerbation, the individual commits thoughtless actions, conflicts arise with the surrounding people, physical health deteriorates (headaches, jumps of pressure, phobias, ulcers, mental disorders, disturbing disorders, depression, and so on).

Causes of nervous breakdown

As mentioned above, the main reason for the appearance of a nervous breakdown is a constant psychological stress that is not replaced by relaxation. Frequent stresses, unpleasant situations, only aggravate the situation, anxiety develops. The reasons for the nervous breakdown and the situation affecting its development:

  • Panic;
  • Phobias;
  • Post-traumatic depression;
  • General alarming state;
  • Bad memories and looping on them;
  • Long reception of drugs;
  • Prolonged diseases, stress;
  • Problems at work;
  • Financial difficulties;
  • Parting with a close man;
  • Severe adaptation to new conditions;
  • Long-term psychological loads;
  • Competition, conflict situations;
  • Great concern for some reason;
  • The need to work with unbalanced people, which are periodically plunged into shock and bewilderment. The same applies to frequent contact with evil chiefs, customers or colleagues, whose communication delivers only negative.


Today it is impossible to definitely say who is more often prone to nervous breakdowns, adults or adolescents. However, more adult person is forced to cope with big problems, be responsible for their lives and family. In this regard, many are injured in their shoulders, of which it is difficult to escape. The work requires a larger amount of cases in a short time, children need emotional support, and the second half requires more attention. If all this does not keep in harmony, it is possible nervous overvoltage.

Children and teenagers

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Children, due to small age, are also subjected to strong stress. Modern education Excessively loads children with unnecessary affairs and homework. As a result, if the child does not go to an additional section, where it can throw away the accumulated negative, also risks to get nervous overvoltage and exhaustion. Therefore, it is important to follow how adequate tasks are adequate, in some situations to show sympathy and hugging the baby more often. It is important to say good words and maintain it in every way. To understand how many situations may affect the psyche of the child, we give a few examples.

  1. If Mom is forcibly forces me to eat two-year-old child what he doesn't like, there is a risk of developing disgust for food or anorexia.
  2. If a big dog rushed on a small child and he was frightened, the greater probability of stuttering.
  3. Divorces and litigation about the child also beat the nervous system of the rapid organism. Remember yourself at this age, for sure it seemed to you that Mom and Dad, this is something unshakable, constant and eternal, because for you they are blood relatives (unlike the status of spouses). While the child is small, parents are the main support and only in a more mature age, the divorces are easier.
  4. Teenagers are very cruel. If the identity of the child is rather waters, and he cannot stand up for himself, a resentment, as a rule, will dump inside and with age prevent fully live, develop.

On the part of parents, you need to show more attention and care. The fact is that many of the problems of the child seem very small and unworthy attention. However, for the kid, the situation is incredibly important and exciting. If he does not find the right decision, and the parents will not tell how to do, perhaps, in the future, the problem will become much more and will progress with age.


Nervous breakies often happen during pregnancy. It is no secret that during this period, women are most vulnerable and carry a greater emotional load. Sometimes even the most minor little things are able to cause irritation. All this is due to the large allocation of hormones, which are designed to support vital activity in the womb.

  1. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the body allocates a large number of gonadotropin. As a result, it is often nauseous, nervous breakdowns appear.
  2. Next, progesterone is produced. During this period of pregnancy, women are experiencing great fatigue and fatigue.
  3. Esirol is produced during the entire period of pregnancy, which affects the emotional state.


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If you have a breakdown and you do not know how to avoid the nervous breakdown, you need to refer to the appropriate doctor. As a rule, these are psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists. First, they will be able to deal with the reasons that led to this state. Often patients, despite all the evidence from the outside, simply cannot understand why it happened. Psychologists will define leading questions and will report for 10 to 15 minutes why a nervous disorder occurred. Secondly, they can assign the necessary medicines. If the nervous breakdown has developed greatly, most likely have to take a long course of treatment.

It is very important to listen to all the advice and to fulfill them in practice, other ways to cope with the nervous breakdown does not exist. Modern psychology has advanced far forward. Often use a cognitive approach to treatment or even hypnosis. Medicines help to cope with the nervous state, but as long as the problem is not solved in a psychological plan and the person will not change the lifestyle, the pathology will certainly appear in the future.

First of all, the treatment of manifessed nerve disorders is to revise their lifestyle. You need to take the habit of performing the following actions:

  • Try to avoid nervous and stressful situations.
  • Balanced diet and compliance with the day of the day. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, you need to go to bed at 10 pm. Modern medicine has proven that the nervous system rests only two hours a day (from 22:00 to 00:00). This gap is able to replace 6 - 8 hours of ordinary sleep.
  • Increase your self-esteem, do not criticize yourself for any reason. Forgive your shortcomings.
  • Avoid communicating with conflict people.
  • Do not work for wear. It is best to take a vacation for a month and engage in your health.
  • Every day we walk in the fresh air, make jogging and take moderate physical exertion that will help in treatment. The pool is also excellent prevention, as it relaxes the nervous system.

Disorder nervous system You can and need to be treated as quickly as possible, especially now you know how to prevent the nervous breakdown and what steps should be taken. To do this, comply with all the above recommendations and be sure to visit a good specialist. Today, many doctors provide services remotely, via the Internet, which is an undoubted plus. The only drawback, you will not be able to write medicines for treatment. However, as support and treatment with psychological techniques, this option in some cases is the only right one. If you were diagnosed with nervous breakdown, urgently contact professional doctors.

The nervous breakdown is called disorders caused by psychological overvoltage, stress, psychological trauma. Nervous breakies are characterized by a sharp emotional reaction in situations. The reason for the breakdown may be experiences about the problems of personal life, overwork, resentment, unrealized ambitions, unrealized desires. Despite the differences in the causes of the disease, the main feature of the state of a person is a long stay in the situation that causes the depletion of strength and energy and causes negative emotions.

Nervous breakdowns - a phenomenon common, both in men and women. But mostly this problem is subject to a weak floor representative, especially in the middle-aged crisis (30-40 years). The reason for this predisposition in the inclination to the emotional experience of negative situations.

Women are simply not able to deal with an avalanche of problems. In addition, the female psyche is provided with a special way: the representatives of the weak sex are more experiencing the problems themselves, but their experiences of these problems.

The nervous breakdown is three main stages:

It is absolutely optional that the breakdown will be characterized by sharp emotional manifestations. A completely reverse clinical picture is possible, characterized by a complete absence of activity, activities, passivity and lethargy.

Signs and symptoms of the nervous breakdown

The main symptoms of the nervous breakdown:

  • mood disorder: sharp shifts, stupor, hysterics;
  • vegetative violations: violation of the activities of the cardiovascular disease;
  • violations of the nervous system, including the problems of brain activity.

Signs of nervous breakdown:

  • nervous internal stress;
  • lack of interest in life, activities, events, people;
  • aggressive reaction to requests or appeal people;
  • sleep disorders, including insomnia;
  • sharp weight change: loss or set;
  • state of fatigue and depression;
  • anxiety, imperidity, negative thoughts;
  • irritability;
  • pestitude;
  • aggressiveness and hostile attitude towards others;
  • pessimism and apathy;
  • headaches;
  • scattered and inattention;
  • looping on the subject, man or event;
  • problems with digestion.

Nervous breakdown in middle-aged women

Psychological portals are filled with articles about the crisis of middle-aged in men, bypassing this topic in women, which is why it seems that the representatives of the beautiful floor are completely unknown this condition. However, it is not.

Simply, unlike men, whose crisis is characterized by the quest for itself and the experiences of unrealizations, women of 30-40 years have a certain fatigue. The fact is that that period is active in labor activities to build a career, strengthening its position. Also active in raising children, most of which are in adolescence, requiring special attention and control.

As a rule, for this period the first signs of parental disease fall, which causes additional anxiety and experiences.

In addition, great efforts requires care of their appearance.

All together requires a lot of energy costs and leads to overwork, which can cause a nervous breakdown.

The body of a pregnant woman is subjected to tremendous changes. The consequence of these changes may be overvoltage, which can grow into nervous breakdowns. Even a minor situation or small problem can cause a surge of emotions, negative reactions and somatic disorders.

Pregnant woman annoys literally all: the loud voice of people, smells, sounds, taste features. The fact that in the usual state is not an irritant for a pregnant woman is the cause or resentment.

The causes of such behavior in a special hormone - gonadotropine, the concentration of which reaches its peak in the first weeks of pregnancy. It is this hormone that provokes nausea, irritability and is able to lead to a nervous breakdown.

In the future, the situation is balanced by the development of progesterone, which is responsible for the normal conditions for the development of the fetus in the womb. This hormone in order to concern about the fruit leads to the increased fatigue of a pregnant woman.

Another hormone that affects the behavior is an estrilla. This hormone is responsible for the emotional state, causing increased sensitivity.

After childbirth, these hormones are produced in smaller quantities, but the body gets used to their constant presence and begins to react inadequately. For this reason, postpartum depression arises, which can also go to the nervous breakdown.

Danger of nervous breakdown

Nervous breakdown is not a yield of emotions, as most people mistakenly consider. This is a severe disorder that can have a number of deep negative consequences.

The most common are:

  • human health deterioration: headaches, violations of cardiovascular activity, blood pressure changes, ulcers and gastritis;
  • depression;
  • phobias and disturbing disorders;
  • mental disorders of different species.

At the same time, relations with the surrounding people are violated: relatives, close, colleagues. It is these disorders of relationships that are irreparable. Many people find calm in various types of dependencies: alcoholic, narcotic, nicotine. These dependencies themselves can become a severe consequence of the nervous breakdown.

Mental disorders may contain angry, susceptibility, and even suicidal attempts.

With a nervous breakdown, you need to turn to a good specialist. Do not deal with self-treatment with various sedatives and drugs. It should be understood that each group of drugs affects specific manifestations and cannot be universal. In addition, treatment alone cannot lead to positive results.

Treatment of the nervous breakdown is a long process. Even at the first improvements, it is necessary to continue the reception of drugs and all recommendations of doctors. The reason for the need for long-term treatment in the possibility of recurrence of the disease. Visible improvement does not mean a cure.

Why courageously resist adversities, deal with depression and keep the world in the shower? Harmony with the inner and surrounding world is not our method. Just release yourself, giving free to emotions! Following the simple tips below, it is easy to earn a reputation as an unbalanced psycho-neurotic, and there will be no particularly successful in this case on the verge, but guaranteed to earn a steady nervous breakdown. So, start!

1. The most important rule: a lot and hard work. At the same time, smaller recreation, and better - its complete absence. The longer the working day, the better. No hospitals, holidays and vacations. Especially well knocks on biological clock and faster leads to unhealthy work on shifts. Try to find such a place where frequent night duty are provided. So you will quickly get completely to get out of the regime and feel all the consequences of sleep disorders - lethargy, apathy, anxiety and anxiety.

2. Conflict and do it with pleasure! Do not restrain yourself - there are no such situations when you can go to a person to meet, putting yourself in his place. Express your wrath everywhere and always as much as possible and very loud. In public places it is better to start Hamit first, then the other will be unobvious. Behind the wheel, too, do not let the descent to anyone. Also, do not forget to put attendant personnel. They have such a job - please you. Never retreat, and no matter what you started quarrels with households or random people on the street.

3. In no case do not start domestic animals. Everything you with such work "earned" in life battles, for example, headache, general fatigue, blood pressure, can be removed in a few minutes of communication with fluffy pets. Not so tried! Communication with animals, as in general, contact with wildlife needs to be completely eliminated. Spend more time in stuffy, close premises, and no fresh breeze and frosty air! No need, it can only spoil the process. Yes, and completely forget about physical education and sports.

4. Be sear everything in the world. The fears are perfectly injected and maintain stressful states. You can be afraid of anything: divorce and dismissal, loneliness and diseases, death and old age, the end of the world and the change of power. The main thing to do this, completely plunging into the invented situation. Do not look for ways, especially do not refer to psychologists. These forever spoil all!

5. Another faithful way to go to constantly compare ourselves with others (of course, more beautiful and successful). Do not pay attention to stupid conversations about your value and uniqueness. It will not lead to anything good! Actively, longer "hang" in social networks. There is a reason for the disorder and feeling a complete insignificance will always be! And hurry to report on the imperfection of your appearance and Total bad luck to all others, especially the second half. Do not lose this feeling of failure for a minute. Try more often scroll in your mind all your missions per day.

6. Never look into the future, especially with optimism. Live only in the past, constantly returning to where you will never be. Thoughts about something lost, missed, is also very helpful on the way to the nervous breakdown. Do not feel yourself to feel something from the area to "live on a full coil", "be here and now." Why all this?

7. Remember that humor and satire are the main enemies on your thorny path to stress. Do not let yourself get involved in good books or funny stories, television shows and