Wedding Irena Ponaroshka. Irena Ponaroshka - biography, information, personal life. Who is the husband of Irena Ponaroshka

Irena Ponaroshka - Russian TV presenter, collaborated with MTV Russia TV channels, Europa Plus TV, TNT and STS.

Recently, engaged in blocking, is the columnist "OK" and "Maxim" editions. Its manner of communication is distinguished by positive, energy and non-standard approach to each topic.

Childhood and youth

Irina Filippova, better known as Irena Ponarushka, is a radical Muscovite. She was born in October 1982 in one of the hospitals of the capital. According to the sign of the zodiac, the newborn turned out to be weighty. The girl grew in an intelligent and closely related to the family of education: Father Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, until 2004 was the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation. Mom Irina graduated from the Polytechnic Institute and worked as a teacher of mathematics at school.

Since childhood, Irina was distinguished by activity, character hardness and purposefulness. She admired rhythmic music, especially the electric-boogie style, and sought to be like their idols. The future TV presenter, like other children, loved animals and dreamed of a career of a veterinarian.

And the girl from an early age was interested in the creation of television programs. Together with girlfriends, young Irina came to the "Mosfilm" studio to look at the process of shooting the film.

Nevertheless, after graduating from School, Irren, as well as her native brother, entered the Faculty of Economics of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, where at that time her father Vladimir Mikhailovich was a rector. She got a higher education to please parents, because it was not going to work in the specialty. At the same time, the future TV presenter studied English and French and received a diploma diploma.

At one time Irena, Ponaroshka deliberately introduced the public in error, telling the unprecedented about her life. For example, at the beginning of a creative biography in an interview with journalists, the future star of television argued that he was the daughter of the musician of the Guitar Chervona Guitar Group, Ponarow, Pole by nationality, which moved to Russia in 1989. Only in 2009, in communication with journalists, Iren admitted to his comic hobles, revealed the names of the parents and the real facts of their lives.


Telemarker Irena launched in 2005, when the future TV presenter came to the casting of the "12 evil spectators" program from the MTV music channel. During the ether, the selected spectators first looked through, and then discussed, criticized and put the assessment with musical video clips. On the set of show Irena, one of the producers of the canal was noticed and offered her the post of younger assistant. This work did not imply a salary, but the future star of Ether agreed to offer.

Iren's plans were ambitious, the girl dreamed of a career of the chef editor, wanted to independently invent programs and at first did not even think about behaving the very show. At the television screens, the first chance came on the pure hour: it was filmed with a couple of other leading shows to revive the frame. Since then, the girl dreamed only about the quarry of the TV presenter.

Thanks to the purposefulness of Irena, the pilot was the leading many musical projects on the MTV Russia TV channel. She led the day program "Total Show" with Ivan Illesh (later he was replaced by Yuri Pashkov), the most popular music charts "Russian ten" together with, as well as the program "Summer Chart" and "Night Flirt".

The MTV star was not limited to the framework of one channel. In parallel, the TV presenter managed to participate in the filming of the entertainment show "Morning on TNT" and "Online Stars" on the "Star" TV channel. In 2009, she was invited to the role of the leading program "Big City" on the CTC television channel, a project that was to combine humor of the series "Friends" and the format of the Soviet TV shows "Look".

In the same 2009, Irena was named the "sexiest woman of the country" by the glossy magazine Maxim.

Irena Ponaroshka in the program "Big City"

Until 2013, the TV presenter participated in the life of the MTV's favorite channel. For 3 years, Iren led the humorous program "Thirteen Film". The purpose of the transfer was to search for errors and inconsistencies in films, which and reported charming leading. The show was popular among the audience. Irena was also the leading "Crazy News Ponarosy News", where in humorous and slightly absurd form told about the news of the show business.

In the spring of 2013, the girl left the MTV television channel and joined the Europa Plus TV team. Irena became one of the main TV host shows "Music Lunch". And in 2015, Ponaroshka signed a contract with a channel for the parents "Mom", where, together with Alexander Gingerbread, the main block of the TV program leads.

The creative biography of Irena is not limited to the framework of television. She is also a leading columnist popular magazine about "OK" stars and leads its heading "Zh-Files" in the Maxim Magazine "Maxim".

Irena confesses that she has many idols in a variety of spheres of life. But the main authority and "lighthouse" there was always dad. And she claims that she loves creativity, DJ leaf, and. Their Irena Ponomoshka calls their teachers in life and profession.

Packing beauty is a frequent guest at various secular events and VIP-party, which is the name of the brightest representatives of the Russian show business. At the end of 2016, Irena Ponaroska, and other stars, whose names are known to the whole country, visited the dinner-presentation in honor of the new Porsche Panamera car, which was held in the ancient house of Smirnov in the capital.

Personal life

I was preferred about Irena's personal life, I was preferred to either silent, or to seek the public with frank statements. So, in an interview, which she gave to journalists in 2008, the TV presenter stated that he lives at once with two men. In the days of her work on the MTV television channel, novels with colleagues were often attributed to her.

Irena Ponaroshka claimed that it was not ready to become a mother and does not seek to start a family, explaining it with fear before childbirth and the burden of motherhood. But the novel with a 29-year-old Vidgem Alexander Plukhov (more famous as DJ List) changed the opinion of the celebrity about the family and children.

With a future husband, I was met in 2004, I was met in 2004, but at the same time did not accept the persistent Cavalera courting, considering it not ready for serious relationships and marriage. Nevertheless, in 2007, the couple filed a statement to the registry office and quietly, without a lush and solemn ceremony, signed. In 2011, Irena Ponaroshka gave her husband to Son Seraphim.

It is known that Irena gave birth to the firstborn at home, in his beloved and cherished apartment, where the repair began to repair and furnished the children's room. The husband divided the troubles associated with the birth of a son, and courageously carried away the day watch, giving the opportunity to his beloved spouse to sleep after a sleepless night. A few months later, he, seeing how his wife was worn without work, persuaded her to return to television, and the baby was toddler. Irena Ponarushka again appeared in the field of vision of omnipresent journalists, as well as on television and radio.

It is known that Alexander Glukhov - Krishnait. Does not fall behind in originality from her husband and half a half. Irena Ponaroshka - Vegetarian. And she is interested in Kundalini Yoga and two months a year rests in Thailand, where changes the van rhythm of life to the measured and calm. The celebrity remains an adherent of natural beauty, she did not resort to plastic, does not make a tattoo on the body. The beloved Makeup Iren is simple as possible - even tone, well-groomed eyelashes and an underlined line of eyebrows. Ponaroshka is not indifferent to curls, so often visits the hairdresser for laying curls.

Russian TV presenter and blogger, in the past - the Vidge of the TV channels "MTV Russia" and Europa Plus TV.

Biography of Irena Ponarushka

Irena Ponaroshka (real name - Irina Filippov) was born on October 14, 1982. Irena herself a long time spoke to journalists for a long time that her father is the bassist of the Polish group "Chervona Guitar" Jank Ponaroshka, Mother - the head of the youth section of the city of Gdynia Maryl Grustovskaya, and her childhood passed in Poland, from where their family fled to the USSR in 1989, after the victory of the political movement "Solidarity".

Irena Ponaroshka: "Yes, it is not a pseudonym! This is the Polish-Hungarian surname, like a curtain and other heroes from the anecdotes about Stirlitz. I was inherited from my father-Pole Janoka Ponaroshka. He is my musician ... "

However, in 2009, in one of the interviews, Irena said that her mother is a teacher of mathematics, and his father - academician, professor of mathematics, an employee of the Russian higher education system. Irenis herself graduated from the Economic Faculty of Rudn, has diplomas of translator of English and French.

Creative path of Irena Ponaroshka

At the age of 16, Irena Ponaroshka passed the casting and took part in the program "12 evil spectators" On the channel "MTV Russia", after which it became an assistant one of the producers of the channel. Over time, Irena became one of the most popular leading MTV: she led the transfer "Total show", "Common Chart", "Night Flirt", "Russian 10-ka", " Clinic Ponaroshka».

Irena Ponaroshka about his work on MTV: "MTV affected me very favorably, got rid of the complexes from many and gave self-confidence. There was a conservative education, and the complexes were fully, and the boys at 16 were not, and the money, too, by the way. That is, in principle there was a complete set of problems that allowed to feel insecure, and over time work on MTV, everything somehow corrected. "

At the same time, Irena began to work on other TV channels: she led "Morning on TNT" and " ON-LINE STAR"On the" Star "channel. In 2009, Irena Ponaroshka was invited as a leading excursion for the participants of the Eurovision contest.

In addition to the television career, Irena Ponaroshka at various times led a satirical secular column in a weekly magazine OK!, The author's heading Zh-Files in the Male magazine Maxim and was a columnist program "InfoNania on the CTC". In addition, Irena participated in the work of the social network and led the program " video believe."

Irena Ponarushka Lee programs "NewSblock", "WEEKLY" "WEEKLY", "Crazy News Ponarochka" on the MTV telechangel and " Big city"At STS, as well as the transfer of MTV -" 13 KINOLAZH».

In May 2017, Irena became the leading show "On Health: Ponaroshka and seriously" about health and beauty on TV-3 TV channel. In each release of the transfer, she talks about new products in medicine, cosmetology, new discoveries of scientists and modern methods of preserving youth. Not only shone medicine and science come to visit the lead, but also people with supernatural abilities. Ponaroshka admits that she has always been interested in beauty themes.

Personal life Irena Ponaroshka

In 2010, Irena married a popular Moscow DJ Alexandra Lecova.known as DJ sheet.

TV presenter Irena Ponaroshka is not the first year in Asia. And this time the star already flew into warm edges. On vacation most of the time with her 6-year-old son Seraphim. The father of the boy, the TV presenter, Alexander Glukhova, known as the DJ List, is a tense tour, and there is no possibility all the time being near.

Irena officially became the wife of DJ Alexander Glukhov in December 2010, and since then, apparently, happy in marriage. In any case, neither the TV presenter nor her spouse gave reasons for the robs.

Iren's subscribers on the network Instagram wondered how her husband and wife are experiencing so long separation. Can the parting affect their marriage? The televisar surprised the Internet users, confessing that he did not bored her husband at all.

Irena Ponaroska, according to the passport, Irina Filippov, also added that all ten years, together with Alexander sees him four days a week. "And this is the only possible format for me, because I need a lot of personal space and time to translate the spirit and pofazhny ... In my coordinate system, in order to give out something to give, share, share, fill each other, you need to periodically disagree Hugs and inspect! So, no, I do not miss. But I think the days ... ", - wrote a television.

Most fans supported Irene. "Class! I also like my husband very much, but I love to be with my cockroaches "; "You have a very correct position - to be happy not only in a pair, but alone with you! It's great!"; "You are a real, self-sufficient woman! I respect you well, "the subscribers wrote to her.

TV presenter in his microbloga often writes a lot about relationships with her husband. She recently admitted that on the verge of a divorce. But it turned out that this is the beginning of a comic post about how she gave favorite candy husband Bogdan Titomir. True, only in a dream, but Alexander is still offended. "So far I look at me with a wolf, can't forgive. I am sure, even if in a dream I was given to Bogdan herself, entirely, along with filling and candy - it would not be so hurt ... But to give the last candy - how could I talk about me now? " - wrote Irena.

Communicating with one of the most charming leading MTV, as if they were charged by positive energy. She is brilliant, sparkling and witty. And also - she is a young mother of a wonderful son Seraphim.

Irena when you first realized that you want a child?

How much I remember myself, I have always had a fear of pregnancy, childbirth, responsibility for someone's life. I even dreamed of nightmares on this topic, and I understood that it was not yet ready to have a child. But about a year before I got pregnant, this fear disappeared, and the desire to become a mom appeared.

Who did you want more - a girl or boy? And husband?

I felt that a boy would be born, and her husband really wanted a girl. He jokes that she would provide us with a comfortable old age, and in fact the reason is that girls are usually more like dads, and boys are mothers. But he did not know that Seraphim would simply be wondering!

Remember that you felt first learning that Mom would become?

In fact, I practically immediately understood that I am waiting for a child, but before the last did not do the test - I wanted to enjoy the last free daynings. And when I first saw 2 stripes, it was not very surprised. I laughed at joy, and thought that with such parents, the baby was clearly not bored.

Was this pregnancy planned, or became a pleasant surprise for you and her husband?

We planned this pregnancy for so long that in the end it turned out unplanned - when we were already tired of all this training and stopped constantly thinking on this topic.

And how did you report this news your spouse? How did he react?

Since I was convinced that I was pregnant, I went through the options for a month and a half in my head, how to present this news to him, one more extremely different - ranging from the dough baked in the apple pie and ending with the fireworks in the form of a glowing inscription "I am pregnant". As a result, it happened near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on a walk. I solemnly handed him a box with a comment that it was handed over to him. The husband then said that he began to guess about my supernavitality literally a few hours before confession, but still reacted very emotionally - he littered, asked to drink water and immediately began to build plans for the future!

How did you prepare for pregnancy and childbirth? Would you go to any courses, did your lifestyle changed?

I did not go to any courses and did not go into account in any medical institutions, because I do not think that pregnancy is a disease. I practically did not change the power mode - for more than 5 years I am a vegetarian, and during pregnancy it has not changed these principles. And at the end of pregnancy I spent 2 months in Thailand, and there ate a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, natural dairy products. In addition, I practiced almost every day and several times met with my midwife, which I told everything in detail and answered all the questions of interest.

For each woman, her husband's support is extremely important during pregnancy. Tell us how to support your spouse?

The husband of the whole pregnancy literally did not let my hand and supported me very much, predicted all my desires. Honestly, he was a lot of surprised me, since I was accustomed that he was a rather independent and hard man who most appreciates his freedom.

Did you have toxicosis, malaise? How did you cope with them?

I, probably, now upset those who suffered from toxicosis and all the hope of those who are going to become a mother, but I have never had any ailments. I was waiting all the time, well, when they start up, but in the end until the last days of pregnancy felt just fine.

Pregnancy - a special time for each woman. What was this time for you?

It can be said that it was the happiest period in my life, as it was not bothered by anything scared of pregnant women, while I looked and felt great. All about me cared, and I felt very important and necessary. Until the seventh month, I led a regular lifestyle, for which pregnancy did not affect. And then he took a well-deserved maternity leave and flew to Thailand for 2 months.

What difficulties did you face in the first days after childbirth?

The first month of Serephim's life was extreme for us, since we were only together, without grandmothers and nannies, and did not know which side to go to the child - they were afraid to wash him, walk with him. But gradually we were mastered and learned everything to be able to be able to young parents.

Have you listened to the advice of relatives and loved ones in matters of care of the kid or preferred to listen to their intuition?

I noticed that each mom has one and the same question may be diametrically opposite opinions, as everything is very individual. Therefore, I always listen to the tips, but I do not always follow them. And often I look at various sites for young mothers and even leading your blog in the Trendy Mama community. But first of all I rely on my intuition and my husband's intuition.

You have quickly went to work - just 2 months after the birth of the son. What is the reason for this decision?

I still had any ambitious plans for pregnancy: to get out of the decree in a month - after the birth of the child. And at home, a couple of months with Seraphim, I realized that I was starting to go crazy. Beginning to find fault to her husband, nervous on trifles, and he said: it would be time for you, Irena, return to work. And I began to work 2 times a week, in a couple of hours.

Difficult if it was removed from the child? How did you cope with this?

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to take a seraphim to work with me - our nanny went with us, and walked with him in the yard while the shooting lasted. It happened so - we came, I fed Seraphim in the car and fled to work. And after an hour and a half I finished, I fed again, and then we drove home. When a baby on breastfeeding - you have to adapt to his needs. And now the seraphim's diet has expanded significantly, and feeding intervals increased, so it can already be left at home for several hours.

By the way, once I went about work, tell me why did your career start? How did you achieve success?

Probably, my career began with a successful circumstance: I accidentally got on the shooting of a TV program, and I literally fascinated a television kitchen. Fortunately, I liked the producer, and he decided to take me as a free workforce. So at the age of 17 I received the position of the producer of the producer - and after six months earned more than my mother, school teacher.

And who dreamed of becoming in childhood? Work on television has always been your dream?

As a child, I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. But allergies and crazy 90s mixed all the cards. However, thank you for it. I like how much I earn.

Do you have any new projects? Maybe you would like to try yourself in a movie, for example?

I do not like to talk about the outlined projects - not even because of superstitions, but because the world's world show business and changeable - the program may not reach the ether, the film may not take place. So, wait and see. Moreover, I still have a little baby, and get involved in some great projects requiring round-the-clock employment, I would not want.

You successfully lead column in one of the popular publications. What do you like more - to be a TV host or columnist?

I like both. I enjoy all the stages of work and on TV, and in the journal: from makeup to work with online dictionaries.

Who helps you in care for seraphim?

We have as many as three wonderful babysitters - one husband brought with him from Ukraine where he went to tour. The second was my yoga teacher - she often walks with Seraphim and engaged in gymnastics with him. And the third nanny is a wonderful homework, which has been with me for many years. All of them are interesting personalities, and I am glad that seraphim from an early age surrounds such extraordinary people.

By the way, Seraphim is a rather rare and unusual name. Why do your choice fell on him?

This name was suggested by my grandmother. And then in front of the most kinds, I was in the Bezchayevsky monastery and asked Seraphim Sarovsky so that the birth was easy. As a result, he listened to my request, and everything really passed perfectly, so other options, except to call Son Seraphim, I just did not have left!

What role does grandparents play in the life of his son? Do you often communicate with them?

I would very much wanted our grandparents instead of Nyan, but they are too busy, so we communicate we do not like. Most often, my mother helps us - once a week we will learn Seraphim to her.

Despite the recent childbirth, you are in great shape. Did you manage to recover? What did you do for this?

I, as a professional "thin," it was very difficult to accept himself with 13 extra kilograms during pregnancy and 7 kg - immediately after childbirth. For some reason, I thought that on the day of birth, these kilograms would evaporate, and I will immediately be able to wear tight mini dresses. But this did not happen immediately, after 3-4 months, and I had 5-6 extra kilograms. I was unhappy with myself and stopped loveing \u200b\u200bthe mirrors. And only when it stopped eating after 6-7 in the evening, the situation began to strain, gradually kilograms left, now there was still a couple, but I already climb into all the premented outfits.

Looking back, which became more difficult - pregnancy or the first months of the baby's life?

Honestly, I was preparing for childbirth and was sure that with them the most difficult would end. And it turned out that after the birth just starts all the most interesting - sleepless nights, feeding every one and a half hours, gaziki, colic. It became a big surprise for me, to which I was not ready!

What Pope was your spouse? Does he spend a lot of time together with her son?

Our dad can all! He carries a watch from 6 to 8 am, allowing me after the sleepless nights with Seraphim, we together put the child to sleep in the evenings, and they are always used together - this is our family ritual, and Seraphim loves to splash with various inflatable marine inhabitants. My husband and son have a wonderful relationship, they have their own games, their entertainment, and I am very happy, watching how close they are close to what is close between them.

Are you planning to make more children? In general, ideally how many children would you like?

I really want more children, no matter how gender, and the husband now dreams of a girl. I will try very hard!

Who is now more similar to Seraphim?

Outwardly, he is a father's copy, but about the character and behavior, it is too early to talk about something. But I think that he will have his own character, not like any of us, because children are already born with personalities with their own characteristics.

What do you think is the main recipe for happiness of a young family?

The recipe is as follows: patience, humor, Mutually mixed 1: 1, add communication with friends, spiritual practices, beat the wedge and sprinkle with a thick layer of optimism.

Irena was finished by the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples in the specialty "Economics". At the age of 16, Irena passed the casting to the program "12 evil spectators" of the MTV TV channel, soon after which it became an assistant producer of this program, and later - TV host MTV, where he was transferred at different times: "Total Show", "Summer Chart", " Russian 10-ka "," Night Flirt "," Clinic Ponaroshka ". In addition, Irena worked on TNT, STS and Star TV channels.
March 31, 2011 gave birth to Son Seraphim. At the moment, Irena is the leading program "News WEEKLY" on MTV TV channel and OK Magazines Column And Maxim.


what is her cool son)))

Comment Article "Irena Ponaroshka:" Son is guarding dad! ""

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In the flagship salon of the retail network "Optics Favorit" (Moscow, money alley, 30) a presentation of the Chloé optics collection took place. It repeats the iconic elements borrowed from the Pret-A-Porter collections. CHLOÉ glasses harmoniously reflects the inner essence of the brand: grace, ease and luxury. Soft streamlined shapes and a rich color palette create feminine combinations. Delicate details, such as lightning from metal, metal and leather accents and mirrors ...

Valio is summarized by the Marathon of the easy life of Oltermanni - a funny sports competition for a pair family sprint. The contests for strength and agility were held with the participation of "star couples" - Alexei Yagutina and Tatyana Navka, as well as Alexander Poznikov and Irena Ponaroshka in three cities of Russia: June 23 in Yekaterinburg, June 27 in Nizhny Novgorod and June 30 in Krasnodar. The All-Russian winners were Yaroslav Aseev Anna Julikov from Krasnodar, who came to the finish line faster than others with a record ...

Russia opened the first Gymboree Play & Music centers on March 14, 2013 in Moscow in Moscow, as part of the Russian Premiere of Gymboree Play & Music, the world leader in the field of early development of children, a demonstrative occupation took place in English. Among the guests of the club turned out to be "star" mothers: TV presenter Irena Ponaroshka, "Kras Russia" Yevgeny Lapov, journalist Katya Gordon, singer Jasmine. Teachers fascinated kids into the atmosphere of real safari in African jungle! Children with the support of parents ...

The abundance of May holidays did not prevent visitors to the 7th to actively read and discuss articles on the site. Some materials - and prepared by the authors, and sent to the editorial list readers - caused special interest, and sometimes a rapid discussion. We offer you the top 10 - the most popular articles of May. Tired of being Mom [link-1] Irena Ponaroshka: "Son is guarding dad!" [Link-2] whether to make a husband: a view of a doctor [link-3] Parents: Ege not to pass without tutor [Link-4] an adult horror ...

Irena Ponaroshka admitted that he was absolutely not bored by her husband away from him. According to the lead, it is very good with his cockroaches.

TV presenter Irena Ponaroshka is not the first year in Asia. And this time the star already flew into warm edges. On vacation most of the time with her 6-year-old son Seraphim. The father of the boy, the TV presenter, Alexander Glukhova, known as the DJ List, is a tense tour, and there is no possibility all the time being near.

Irena officially became the wife of DJ Alexander Glukhov in December 2010, and since then, apparently, happy in marriage. In any case, neither the TV presenter nor her spouse gave reasons for the robs.

Iren's subscribers on the network Instagram wondered how her husband and wife are experiencing so long separation. Can the parting affect their marriage? The televisar surprised the Internet users, confessing that he did not bored her husband at all.

Irena Ponaroska, according to the passport, Irina Filippov, also added that all ten years, together with Alexander sees him four days a week. "And this is the only possible format for me, because I need a lot of personal space and time to translate the spirit and pofazhny ... In my coordinate system, in order to give out something to give, share, share, fill each other, you need to periodically disagree Hugs and inspect! So, no, I do not miss. But I think the days ... ", wrote a television.

Most fans supported Irene. "Class! I also like my husband very much, but I love to be with my cockroaches "; "You have a very correct position - to be happy not only in a pair, but alone with you! It's great!"; "You are a real, self-sufficient woman! I respect you well, "the subscribers wrote to her.

TV presenter in his microbloga often writes a lot about relationships with her husband. She recently admitted that on the verge of a divorce. But it turned out that this is the beginning of a comic post about how she gave favorite candy husband Bogdan Titomir. True, only in a dream, but Alexander is still offended. "So far I look at me with a wolf, can't forgive. I'm sure, even if in a dream I was given to Bogdan myself, entirely, along with filling and candy - it would not be so hoping ... But to give the last candy - how could I talk about me at all? ", Wrote Irena.