Thematic "Week of Games and Toys. Week of games and toys in the older group Thematic week toys in the senior group

Topic of the week: Toys


Regional component:


Integration of educational areas

Interaction with parents

Monday 12.02.2018


Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Talk with children about the weekend spent . C.: To form in children the desire to share with their friends interesting impressions.

Conversation "Stories about toys"C.: To form in children the desire to share with their friends interesting impressions.

Di "Guess-ka". The goal of the game. Teaching to describe the subject without looking at it, to find essential signs in it; By description to recognize the subject. "Metal, from the twigs, stands on the windowsill, from there the singing of birds", "white, electric, cover opens, a red light burns on the side, standing on the stand, water is boiling in it."

"Molchanka" Purpose: Development and improving the gaming culture of children.

Organize an interesting and cognitive holiday of children.

Individual work S. Yesenia, M. Sasha A. Game exercise with a rope. Purpose: Fasten the ability to jump through the rope, rotating her forward, back.

Wonderful Games: Finger gymnastics "Toys"Objectives: Improve the skills of proper breathing.

CCN: The game "We will remind toys where our things lie."

Purpose: fix the skills obtained during the year, exercise careful attitude towards personal hygiene subjects.

Preparation for breakfast , breakfast

Duty on the dining room

Tasks: Tell the children about the features of duty on the dining room in the older group, new challenges of the attendants (work carefully, easy, skillfully handle the subjects, be able to analyze their actions).

Wall-printed games on this topic. "

Consultation in the parental corner: "Play - what is it?"


Cognitive, socio-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical, socio-communicative, artistic and aesthetic development

9.00-9.25 Knowledge (horizons): Such different toys. C.:. Form the presentations of children about the emergence and transformation of toys, about their diversity.

10.10-10.35 Psychocorrection: According to the plan of experts.

15.50-16.15 Physical education (Walk):

Tasks : Exercise children in walking and running in a circle; Jump on two legs with advance. Walking with the task. Sports exercise skills(jumping, slopes, throwing the ball from below, dexterity, speed of reaction) . Call love for sports. Teach the management of volitional efforts.

Inventory : Balls, hoops, caps, colored ribbons.

1. The introductory part :

Building growth.

-Mimninka : Walking in a circle with each other with exercises forhand : Hands ahead; up; on the sides; For head. Easy running. Side gallop right and left left forward. Final walking with respiratory recovery.

2. Main part :


Calculation for the first, second

1) relay. "Jumping on two legs" before each team lie 2-3 hoops from the linestart to Capacchka . The first participants with the ball in the hands jump out of the hoop into the hoop, circle the cap, pass the ball to the next participant and become the end of the column.

2) relay. "Catch the ball" children stand in columns, and captains become opposite their team at a distance of 2-2.5 meters. Kapinov in the hands of the balls. By the signal, they throw the ball with children standing in the column first, those catch the ball, then returned the captain and run to the end of the column. Wins the team where caught the balls more.

3) relay. "Needle Ushko". Along the line, the relay on the ground is 2-3 hoops.Starting , the first must reach the hoop, raise it andthrow through yourself . With the following hoops, the cap also rises and returns to the end of the column.

Movable game. "Catching, take a tape." Playing get into the circle, choose a fishing with any reading. The rest take the color tape and lay back behind the belt or goal. The catcher gets up in the center of the circle. At the signal "Run", children are running out, catching the catchy,trying to pull tape . By the signal "Once, two, three in the circle of speeds". Children gather in a circle.

3) final frequent :

The game "Customers" is selected by the hardware. Children go in a circleseeking :

Smooth circle for each other

We go to step step.

Stand in place

Together together

Let's do it.

Standing in the center leading shows the figure that the rest repeat.

Walking. Summarizing.


Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Physical development

Socio-communicative development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Observation of not wildlife:

Observation of the pedestrian walkway.

purpose : to form knowledge of the pedestrian part of the road, road rules.

Stroke observation

To go out with children on the pedestrian part of the road and ask them where it is put to walk to pedestrians? Recall that you need to stick to the right side so as not to face, do not bypass oncoming, turning to the side. Remind that on the street you need to go a quiet step, go through the road only with a green traffic light.

Take the children to transition, ask how they learned that it was here a pedestrian crossing across the road? Correctly because there is a sign "Pedestrian Transition" and on the road is drawn wide white stripes

Movable game: "We are fun guys"

Children stand on one side of the site below. On the opposite side of the site also performed. On the side of the children, about the middle between the two lines, is a fishing. The fishing is prescribed or chosen by children.

Children choir pronounce:

We, funny guys

Love to run and ride.

Well, try to catch up with us.

Once, two, three - catch!

After the word "catching", children move on the other side of the site, and the fishing catch up with the runners, catches them. He, to whom the fishing will be able to touch, before the runaway crosses the line, is considered caught. He moves away. After 2-3 days, the counting caught and the new fishing is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

P / I. The task of players: After throwing the ball to each other, knock out a leader who donate from the ball, but can run only along the line. If the ball gets into a leading, all players are running out. Then the lead tries to stain running away, in turn, throwing the ball in them. The one to whom he gets the ball becomes leading. If the drivers missed, he continues to be leading.

Ind. slave . : With Roma A., Dima, Leonid A.. "Collect toys." Develop attentiveness.

Labor activity

Snow snow with benches and tracks.Purpose: to bring up the desire to collectively add your site.

Independent figure.

Games with remote material .

Movable. the game . "Broken traffic light", "Find your color"


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Harding procedures

CCN: Dressing-undressing C.: Improve the skills to place your things in the closet correctly, fasten the ability to tie the laces on shoes, stick sandals.

Reading HL "About a mouse, which was a cat, dog and a tiger", Ind., Per. N. Sodza "Wonderful stories about the hare named Leka, the fairy tales of the peoples of West Africa, per.

Ind. Slave : Polyna Nadi D., Rasul M .. Working with scissors.

Theatrical game (Theater on hand - finger) C.: Develop interest in stage art. Staging a fairy tale "12 months".

Preparation for a walk. stroll

Washing doll utensils.

C / Game: "School" goal:

1. Expand, clarify and specify the knowledge of children about school.

2. Rail in children a desire to learn.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of the weather : Observation of seasonal changes . Objectives: form the concepts of the phenomena of nature (frost, freezing, descending of the day, arrival of the night); Consider knowledge about the sun (shining, but does not warm). Mulge tightens the first slim ice, fly on the frills of silver snowflakes, ringing out the winds of the trees, silver on the sun fallen, covered with incisive leaves. At the end of autumn, the sun looks rarely, the days become cloudy.

To make a riddle to children:And not snow, and not ice,

And the trees will remove silver.(Frost)

Coor. - Ladies. the game: "Fish and sharks"

C.: Improve the skills of proper posture in various initial positions, with different movements of hands; Strengthen the back muscles and abdominal press.

Individual work with Sofia N., Kola

C.:improve jumping promotion.

Di: "Name the winter months" C.: Teach children to call the winter months.

Labor activity Collective work in the pavilion for snow cleaning.purpose : To form collective labor skills.

Independent game Activity with remote material.

N / game: "Who has the ball" C.: The transfer of the ball behind his back, the development of muscles of hand and fingers.

Topic of the week: Toys

Purpose: To attract children to a variety of kinds of game activity, continue to develop and educate interest in games, deepen knowledge of some games and toys, through the upbringing of the careful attitude towards them for the enhancement of emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

Regional component: Introduce children with folk holidays.

Purpose: Formation in children knowledge about their native land, familiarity with traditions, holidays, the life of our people.

Joint activities of adult and children, taking into account the integrations of educational regions

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup, individual

Educational activities in regime moments

Tuesday 02/13/2018


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning gymnastics number 12

"Volcano" C.: Improve the ability to work with various materials, to show the desire for transformation, creatively approaching the task solved.

D / game "Describe not called", "what for what?"

Articulating gymnastics : "Get wake up" Our handles freeze, fools firmly press each other.

Let's play a little bit

Yes, they praise in the palm. Split cams, clap your hands

Flaw-clap, clas-clap! Fingers to warm them

Strongly need to be confused. Press the palm to each other, rub

Finger We warm, palm about palm

They compress them, we turn. Gray hands with circular movements,

Squeeze and sprinkle cams.

C.: Development of small motility, feelings of rhythm.

Conversation: "Cossacks - Defenders of the Fatherland" Objective: To form in children interest in the heroic past and true fatherland. To form the qualities necessary for future defenders of the Fatherland. Rise love to your small homeland, the desire to learn more about the life of their ancestors. Develop interest in artistic word. Continue to acquaint with the folk and musical heritage of the Kuban folk art.

Morning gymnastics.

Duty on the dining room. C.: Training table setting.

Filling the calendar of nature (according to the results of observations)

It is interested in what kind of responsibilities in the house there is a child (to remove toys, help to put on the table, etc.).

Conversation and consultation on the topic: "Fresh-air games"


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

8.55-9.20 Knowledge (FMP): Number and score: Solution of examples of addition and subtraction, drawing up a number of two smaller. Space orientation: Work in a notebook in a cage. Geometric shapes6 circle, rectangle C.: Learn to move in these directions. Together with children to connect the number 5 with examples with examples, in the response of which it will turn out 5. Specify that the examples are different, and the answer turned out one - 5. Suggest the children to draw the car, as shown in the picture.

9.30-9.55 Music : According to the plan of specialists.

10.20-10.45 Drawing: According to the plan of experts.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of wildlife : Observation of rowan.

purpose : continue observation of rowan in winter.

Stroke observation

Compare Autumn and Winter Rowan in the picture. What changed? Remember with children, as you need to take care of trees in winter.

What happened to Ryabina?

Why there are no leaves on rowan, but there are berries?

How can I save it from strong frosts?

Who feeds on rowan berries?

Movable game: "Sitting quiet"

One of the children sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. The rest of the children stand at one end of the site; 6 - 8 of them quietly overtaken from one end to another passing in the middle. If children run silently, it does not have the right to stop them. If he hears the noise of steps, he says: "Stand" - and without opening the eye, indicates the direction of sound. If, driven out correctly, children return to their places.

Movable game: "Owl"

On the one side of the site, the place for "butterflies" and "bugs". Aside with the circle - the "socket of owls". A highlighted child - "Owl" rises into the nest. The rest of the children are "butterflies" and "bugs" stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. On the Word of the Educator: "Day" of butterflies and bugs fly (children run on the site).

On the Word of the Educator: "Night" butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and do not move. Owl at this time quietly flies on the site on the hunt and takes the children who moved (take them into the nest). On the Word of the Educator: "Day" Owl returns to his nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when owls will have 2 - 3 butterflies or bug.

Ind. slave with George D., Work. Order: Collect large trash.

Di: "Name animals that are preparing in the fall for winter hibernation"

Labor activity

Cleaning tracks from snow.

C. .: Develop a desire to perform work together.

Games with remote material.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Gymnastics after sleep "invigorating" Purpose: Raise the mood and muscular tone of children.

Harding procedures (Washing facial and hands on the elbow cool water)

Reading HL : O. Kustova and V.Dreeva "Zlatovlask", per. With Cesh.K.Pautsky

C.: To form a skill carefully and interest to listen to the artistic work.

Ind / work According to Appliqués S. Millet, Sasha.purpose : Exercising in cutting oval forms.

Duty in group

C: To form labor skills in the team, be responsible for the entrusted matter.

Independent interests for interest.

Top up a group with new board games. To acquaint with the rules of the game.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Snow observation

Objectives: - to clarify the ideas about snow properties;

Secure the knowledge of seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Light - fluffy snowflake white,

What a clean, what a brave!

Dear violet is easily rushes,

Do not upward azure - asking for Earth ...

Tell the children from where the snow is taken.

Water pairs from the air rise up, high above the ground, where it is very cold, and, without having to turn into water, they immediately freeze and become tiny snowflakes similar to white asters. That is, snow is frozen water. Air movement makes these white stars fly up and down, in all directions. Gradually, they are "sticking" to each other, and when the deadlands turn out to be too much, they begin slowly, like parachuts, descend to the ground. These clusters of ice floes we call snowflakes. They cover the ground with a lush white blanket.

Outdoor games

"Wolf and a kids", "needle, thread, nodule."Objectives:

    learning gaming activities with strict compliance with the rules;

    develop speed and reaction;

- bring up courage.

Individual work Bogdan B., Leonid A.Development of jumps.


activity: Collective work on snow cleaning.Purpose:shape collective labor skills.

Independent game The activities of children. Games with remote material.

Topic of the week: Toys

Purpose: To attract children to a variety of kinds of game activity, continue to develop and educate interest in games, deepen knowledge of some games and toys, through the upbringing of the careful attitude towards them for the enhancement of emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

Regional component: Introduce children with folk holidays.

Purpose: Formation in children knowledge about their native land, familiarity with traditions, holidays, the life of our people.

Day of the week


Integration of educational regions

Joint activities of adult and children, taking into account the integrations of educational regions

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup, individual

Educational activities in regime moments

Wednesday 14.02.2018


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning gymnastics number 12

Conversations "What makes toys do"

Purpose: Secure children's knowledge about different materials from which toys are made: rubber, plastic, clay, wood, fabric.

Fun: "Toys for theater"
Objective: to develop in children an active interest in designing, to entertaining exercises.
Support the desire to exercise ingenuity, experimentation.
Develop the ability to independently analyze the designs, drawings, drawings, schemes.
Determine the purpose of parts of items, their spatial location.
Develop aesthetic taste in the process of designing the structure with additional materials.
To teach thinking about the idea, think over the stages of work.
Exercise children in working with paper, in different ways of cutting symmetric forms, different image techniques (bursting, plucking).
Disappoint in the manufacture of toys on the principle of origami. To teach the orders to handle the appliqué, draw small details.
Teach accuracy in the process of activity.


"Review toy"

Duty in the corner of nature. Feeding indoor plants, loosening, wiping dust from the leaves with a brush. Observation in the corner of nature: Room Plant »Purpose: Continue to fix the elementary ideas about room plants in children.

Filling the calendar of nature (according to the results of observations)

S.R game "BARBERSHOP"Purpose: Enrich the knowledge of children about the work of the hairdresser.

Suggest parents to learn with children a verse about your favorite toy.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

8.50-9.15 Knowledge (Research - Design.): Sailboat from paper.) C. :learn to crawl with a weaving method from ready-made strips, stick on the product a cardboard basis with a silhouette of a ship, develop an aesthetic taste in the design of handicrafts with appliqué, bring up independence, accuracy.

9.25-9.50 Development of speech : Our toys. C.: Teach children give a description of the appearance of the toy, talking about how you can play, what toys there are at home; Fasten the ability to form similar words close in meaning, to use in the speech by complex proposals.

10.00-10.25 Physical education: According to the plan of experts.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation for seasonal changes.

Goal :

- to form the concepts of changing the seasons; Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of each season.

Stroke observation

Melted in the fields of blizzards

In snow-white bed.

It's time to relax!

The porch has drops,

Sparrows cheated

Goes winter from the yard!P. samples

March - First Spring Month. But look out the window: it's snowing, the wind shakes bare bunches of trees. Everything is winter, and I can not believe that winter is already behind. And spring is nevertheless approaching. The sun is booming earlier than seven in the morning and comes around eight in the evening, it means that the day was gained almost five hours.

March 21 - Spring Equinox Day, i.e. The day in longitude is night. Then he will not arrive, and the night will decrease.

March is spring light. Such days are issued when the clouds will open in the morning, the sun looks like and lights the land covered with snow. Here then immediately and say that the blizzards and blizzards come to the end. Unwittingly burst the eyes, and I do not want to leave the yard.

The educator sets questions to children.

    List signs of spring.

    What month is it?

    What happens to snow in spring?

    How does human life change in spring?

C \\ R game Garage C.: to bring up friendly relationships, hard work, tidy.

Di "Guess the fairy tale", "catch-throw, call the fairy tales!". C.: Secure Knowledge about Russian. people. fairy tales.

N / game: "Horses" C.: Exercise in walking with equilibrium, jumps, develops speed, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Labor activity

Collecting large garbage on the site.

purpose : Learn to work together, seeking task with joint efforts.

Independent interests for interest.

Outdoor games:

"Gori-Gori clear"

Purpose: Secure the skill to act across the signal. Develop dexterity.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Harding procedures

CCN: The game "We will remind toys where our things lie."

Purpose: Fix the skills, exercise careful attitude towards personal hygiene subjects.

Horovoic "Maslenitsa" Objective: Improving jumping movement with advancement.

Reading HL : "Three gold hairs grandfather-ousebook", lane. With Cache. N, Arosieva "Jadda" A. Barto

C.: To form a skill carefully and interest to listen to the artistic work.

Situational conversation: "If I do so"purpose : To draw the attention of children to the fact that in each situation there may be two outputs: one - dangerous to health, the other - nothing threatening; develop thinking

Independent interests for interest.

D / game "Change the word"

C.: Secure the ability to change words (machine, machine, machine)


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development.

Observation behind the blue.

Purpose: - deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bthe tit

To make a riddle to children:

Guess what a bird,

Baby, perky, deft, agile,

Warning shadows: "Shadow-shadow!

How good is the autumn day! " (tit)

Tit is a beautiful bird. The dorsal side of yellowish green, the abdominal side is yellow, with a wide black stripe along the chest and brute. In the middle of Asia, the spin is bluish-gray, and the yellow color of the abdominal side is replaced by white. The top side of the head, the neck, the throat and the adjacent part of the goiter brilliantly black with a bluish steel sampling, whites white sides. A gray-blue wing with a light transverse stripe. Tail Blackn, with a bluish bloom.

Di: "Name on the pictures of birds" C.: Recognize, call, describe what benefits bring and what birds eat.

N / game: "Surface Fox" C.: Develop run, dexterity. Courage, trick.

Individual work fromNastya, Dima . Go to the gous, jumping on two legs.Purpose:bring up endurance.

Labor activity : Collecting large garbage on the site.

Purpose:to raise the desire to work together, deliver the joy from the harvest assembled not only to yourself, but also to other children.

Motor activity

"Smooth circle" purpose : Moving to root in a circle holding hands, try words

Topic of the week: Toys

Purpose: To attract children to a variety of kinds of game activity, continue to develop and educate interest in games, deepen knowledge of some games and toys, through the upbringing of the careful attitude towards them for the enhancement of emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

Regional component: Introduce children with folk holidays.

Purpose: Formation in children knowledge about their native land, familiarity with traditions, holidays, the life of our people.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning gymnastics number 12.

Individual work (small motility): with Sofia, George, Danil.

Cor.-Ostor. game (vision, flat.) Relay "Load Machine"

Equipment: cars, sticks, pencils, markers.

Children stand barefoot, hands on the belt, the back straight, fingers alternately take sticks and transmit them to each other around the chain, the latter folds into the car.

Complete option. Competed two teams.purpose : shape the skills of correct posture, strengthen the muscular system; exercise in the correct setting of stop when walking; strengthen the muscles and bundles of the stop in order to prevent flatfoot; Rail a conscious attitude to the right posture.

Didakt. Games (Musical):

"Zarya - Zarina"

C.: The joy of movement is combined with spiritual enrichment of pupils, with the formation of physical skills, respectful attitude towards the culture of the native country.

Wonderful Games: "Tassel" Soft tassel paint

High chair, table and cat Masha.

Connect the pads of all fingers together, the movements of the fingers and wrists, rock the brush to the right, to the left: to the right - to push the fingers, to the left - to mildly connect.

Observation in the corner of nature: Lucm soil in room plants. Objective: Teach children to care for indoor plants; give children knowledge about why it is necessary to loosen the soil of plants; Fasten the flushing and rules for the use of the necessary objects for this. Develop labor skills and skills, accuracy.

Filling the calendar of nature (according to the results of observations)

C \\ R game " We are building a house "Objective: to acquaint children with construction professions, pay attention to the role of equipment that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children to build a simple construction of a simple design, to bring together friendly relations in the team, to expand the knowledge of children about the parties of the work of the builders, expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts" Building "," Mason "," Lifting Crane "," Builder "," Cranewner "," Carpenter "," Welder "," Building Material ".

N.P. games At the request of children (puzzles, Domino, Lotto, I.T.D.)

Consultation for parents "Play with children at home."


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

9.00-9.25 Detergery : « Is it so playing?C.: Teach children to expressly retell text; Activate in the speech of verbs, learn to choose the meaning of the verbs to the noun; Exercise in the formation of forms of the only and plural.

9.55-10.20 Music: According to the plan of experts.

10.50-11.20 Drawing: According to the plan of experts.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of children. Monitoring helicopter

Objectives: - consolidate knowledge of air transport;

- To form interest in the profession of the pilot.

To make a riddle and suggest answering questions:

Without overclocking will take off -

Dragonfly reminds.

Departed in flight

Our Russian ...(helicopter).

    What does the helicopter look like?

    What is the helicopter look like a dragonfly?

    What are helicopters?(Sanitary and Rescue, Military, Cargo)

    Who manages the helicopter?

    What other types of transport you know?

    What is the differences between the helicopter and the plane?(The aircraft has a speed more than a helicopter; a helicopter can hang in the air, and there is no aircraft; for the take-off of the aircraft you need a runway, and the helicopter can rise from the place.)

Individual work from King, Sasha.

- Care with the ball.

Objectives:continue to do exercises with the ball; Develop the speed of running.

Labor activity

Collecting garbage on the dow plot.

Purpose:learning to come to the aid to the adult.

P / I. "Homeless Hare" C.: The development of running, the ability to jump on two legs.

Games with remote material.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Swinging gymnastics after sleep

Harding procedures (Washing face and hand to elbow cool water).

Node: 15.50-16.15 Circle work according to plan

Theater games: Staging "Who who lives in the Teremchka" on the fairy tale "Teremok"

Tasks: consolidate the presentation of children about natural sequences, seasonal changes in nature through oral folk creativity; Teach children imitate the characteristic actions of the characters in the tale of "Teremok" (bunny - jumps, rolling firewood, wet under the rain; frog - jumps, drowning the oven, cooks, trembles from the cold; The mouse is cleaned, bakes pancakes, hid in the rain grams and etc.), develop speech, thinking, imagination.

Consider illustrations: "Toys of different countries" C.: Acquaintance of children with various toys.

Individual work : Olya, Zhenya B.

"Get into the goal." Purpose: develop a accuracy, eye meter. B. Zagoder "Dogschy Charity"

S. Marshak "Mail", "Poodle"

M. Solovnov "Peace Reader"

C.: To form a skill carefully and interest to listen to the artistic work.


Acquire children to help each other to dress (tie a scarf, buttons button)

C \\ R game "Trip around the world"

Objective: expand the horizons of children, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, to educate the desire to travel, friendly relationships, expand the vocabulary of children: "Captain", "Travel around the World", "Asia", "India", "Europe", " Pacific Ocean".


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of clothing of adults and children

Objectives: continue to form the ability to establish the simplest links between changes in inanimate and wildlife; Secure knowledge about the classification of clothing for the seasons.

Pay attention to children's clothes. Ask to call parts of clothing, compare it with summer, find out why it has changed.

All living creatures are preparing for the cold season, only in different ways. The cold causes wild animals to grow long wool (sandy, fox, mink, wolf, wintering birds), to store in the dwelling feed (protein), the appearance of snow leads to a change in the color of animals to protect against enemies (hare). The person has no woolen cover, so he puts on warm clothes, heats the dwelling, spares vegetables and fruits.

Didactic game "Who needs?"

Objectives: - Exercise in the classification of objects;

- to develop the ability to call the items necessary to people a certain profession.

Suggest children to remember what you need to work for people of different professions:

Name profession, and children must answer what is needed to work in this area.

Call the subject, and the children say, for what profession it can come in handy.

Movable game: "Paints" Purpose: Teach children run, trying not to catch up, jump on one leg, landing on a semifunction foot. Develop the agility, speed of movements, the ability to change the direction during running.

Labor activity

Collection of seeds in a flower bed; Billet and drying of plants leaves

Objectives:learn carefully collect seeds in paper bags;

educating perseverance, environmental culture.

Independent lion games for interest.

Games with remote material.

Topic of the week: Toys

Purpose: To attract children to a variety of kinds of game activity, continue to develop and educate interest in games, deepen knowledge of some games and toys, through the upbringing of the careful attitude towards them for the enhancement of emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

Regional component: Introduce children with folk holidays.

Purpose: Formation in children knowledge about their native land, familiarity with traditions, holidays, the life of our people.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning gymnastics number 12


Didactic games (Sensorika): "Accounting sticks" C.: Lay out a mushroom from memory sticks Purpose: Develop Motoric Hands. "Coins »Purpose: to acquaint children with round-shaped items, but of different sizes. Relate them to the appropriate holes.

Building games: Children learn to do work according to plan. The educator draws a plan - for example, rooms, yard or at home. I introduces the children's plan and removes it. The task is to create an idea of \u200b\u200bthe educator from the details of the building set.

Objective: Formation of independence, activity of thinking, development of health, constructive and creative abilities, the right relationship in a friendly team.

Development of coordination of movements and eyelasor.

Designing the simplest buildings in drawings drawn adults, or by the options for the "Design" section of the pre-school secondary program.

Duty in the corner of nature: Watering houseplants. Objective: Teach children to care for indoor plants; watered with water temperature of room temperature; Fasten the knowledge of children about different ways of watering houseplants. Develop accuracy when working with water and plants, confidence in their actions, labor skills and skills. Relieve careful attitude towards the surrounding nature, the desire to take care of her.

Watering houseplants.

Filling the calendar of nature (according to the results of observations)

Board games "Collect and Guess", "Fort the mistake", Puzzles "Russian folk tales".

Conversation and consultation on the topic: "If the child is crying"


Physical development

Cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, speech, socio-communicative development.

9.00-9.25 Physical education: According to the plan of experts.

9.35-10.00 Applique: Russian Matryushka C.: Continue to teach children to cut out of the fabric, choose in contrast, transmitting the characteristic features of their appearance (shape, color and the ratio of parts).


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of the living object : Behind the Sparrow.

Goal :

    continue to secure, clarify and systematize the knowledge of children about a familiar bird - Sparrow;

    enrich the vocabulary in the artistic word about Sparrow;

    intensify attention and memory;

    learning to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of spring.

Stroke observation

In the ditch with a water life

Sparrow plowed

At the dark alder I got up,

I look because of the naked branches.

As a carefree boys,

He wants to dive ...


- I'm afraid I swagger.

He forgot and hunger, and Studu,

Forgot how the gym of the chalk.

He is happy now solar puddle

And drops of miser heat!

The educator sets questions to children.

    What changes occurred in the life of Sparrow with the arrival of spring?

    Where do you like to live sparrows - in the forest or next door to a person? Why?

    Who are the sparrows afraid?

    What are they feeding in spring?

How should people take care of birds?

Folk games: "Ruekek" C.: The development of logic and dexterity.

Ind / work with Zhenya, Gulzoda A.

"Touch the ball."Purpose:fasten the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Labor activity

One subgroup of children -The setting tracks on the site collecting fallen leaves; Other - loosening sand in the sandbox.

Purpose:educate hard work, the ability to work together.

Games with remote material.

S / R game "Score".C.:Fasten the ability to distribute roles.

First play two: the seller and the buyer, and then everything.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Swinging gymnastics after sleep

Reading HL : V.Dmitriev "Kid and Bug"

Chernya "Cat on a bicycle"

N.NOSov "Live Hat"

C.: To form a skill carefully and interest to listen to the artistic work.

S.-R. the game : Cafe goals: Continue to enrich the content of children's games, learn independently, organize the game, improve role-playing, children's relationship, form the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners.

Joint instruction in the corner of the visual activity: Situation for playing etude "Winter Night".

Building games: "My brick house"

Aza construction of houses from construction sets. C.: Designing the simplest buildings in drawings drawn adults, or according to the options for the "Design" section of the pre-school secondary program.

Household work:

"Help Nyan"

Purpose: Learning to stagged bed linen to teach children to provide full assistance to adults. Develop hardworking, the desire to help adults. Educate respect for the work of adults.

Independent interests for interest.


Socially communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of transparency and air movement

Purpose: - summarize knowledge of air and its properties (invisibility, transparency, movement, movement).

Ask children to breathe cool, pure autumn air. What does it smell? What do children feel inhaling this air?(Fresh Freshness, Earth.)

The air surrounds us everywhere: on the street, in the group, in any room. It can not be seen, but it can be felt. You can feel the air when the wind blows, because the wind is the movement of the air.


Objectives: - Prove to children that air does not have a certain form, it spreads in all directions and does not have its own odor;

- develop the ability to establish causal relations based on elementary experimentation.

Air does not have a certain form, distributed in all directions.

Suggest children, closing your eyes, feel smells (from the peel of orange, garlic, flavored napkins) spreading around.

In s in D: the air is invisible, but it can transmit odors at a distance.

Labor activity

Cleaning snow.

Purpose:continue to instill labor skills and skills.

Independent games with remote material.

Outdoor games

"We are fun guys" C.: Jumping, running, orientation on the plot., "Korea and a zeal".

C.:develop attention, speed, dexterity.

Oksana Prince
Thematic "Week of Games and Toys"

Thematic« Week Games and Toys»

purpose weeks« games and toys» : Attracting the attention of all participants in the educational process - teachers and parents of pupils to the appointment and diversity of children's games; Determination of its prevailing place in the joint activities of children and adults in the Dow and family.


Increase the level of pedagogical competence of teachers issues: planning and conducting independent and joint gaming activities of children and adults, pedagogical leadership of theatrical and didactic game;

Develop the interest of children to various types of games, maintain their free creative self-realization in the game;

It is optimally used in the Dow game equipment, benefits and materials that promote the activation of gaming activities and the development of all parties to the child's personality;

Attract parents of pupils to active discussion and creating conditions for development child games at home.

Work with parents:

Visual agitation about holding thematic week in Dow.

Conversations with parents about favorite toys of their children.

Questioning of parents.

Organization and joint events:

Participation in the exhibition for children

Participation in the enrichment of the gaming environment in groups

Work with teachers:

Consultation "Planning and holding themed week"Game I. toys» »

Registration of children's creativity.

Assistance in the development and holding of joint leisure and entertainment.

Intensify the participation of teachers in project activities.

Assistance in conducting advisory work with parents.

A promising plan of the holding themed week"Game I. toys»

No. Day week Topic day work with children work with parents

Monday October 30."In the world toys» (opening week games and toys) -"Magic world toys» (conversation with children, tag story about toys, view illustrations and various toys in the group room»

Reading fiction A. Barto « Toys»

S / R. games"Score toys» , "We go to visit to the doll Kate"

Exhibition "My lovely toy» (children bring from home toys, together with the educator, arrange the exhibition).

Artistic Creativity-Drawing "My toy» .

Creation of gaming situations;

"Meet with your loved ones toys»

Movable games in accordance with age

Fun games:

"Little birds"

"Where the thread is there and needle"


Games with favorite toys. Individual consultations "Tell the children about toyswhich you played in childhood. "

Tuesday October 31. "Mastery toy sorry» -Drawing competition "My lovely toy»

Designing from various types of building material, designer "Furniture for toys»

Puppet show "Kolobok"

-Games with matryoshkami, Nevasha.

Conversation »What toys Gamed grandmothers and grandparents (viewing illustrations);

Movable folk games: "Grandmas" (skittles)

"Zhmurki" with a bell "Bubble"

Russian dance games: "Zainka Bunch", Vaska-cat. Registration of the exhibition of methodical literature for parents on the introduction of children to reading, the design of the exhibition of drawings and favorite fabulous heroes of children.

Verbal game "Word for the word" (Offer children the topic "Sport" and to begin: "Stadium." The child repeats the word and adds its own; The next child repeats these two words and adds its own. etc.)

Relay "Olympiad" (Children are divided into several teams, the opening of the Olympics is held. Children compete in various sports - jumping, throwing, climbing, running, etc.

Movable teams games with me-chom"Football", "Basketball"Rackets "Tennis"

Music game "If you have fun" (Accompany the words of the song by movements.) Registration of folders- moveports: "Movable games For preschool children "

Thursday November 2 "Journey to a fairy tale" (day intellectual and d / s) "Learn a fairy tale in illustration"

"Find the heroes of the fairy tales"

"Collect puzzles / cubes "Heroes of fairy tales"

"Coloring a fabulous hero"

"Find the Hero of Fairy Tale"

Lotto / Domino "Fairy-tale heroes"

Word game "Fall" (Children along with Leknivka call the autumn words, correct his mistakes)

Experimenting game "Rain Train".

Gaming task "Dunno-artist" (Dunno draws any intricate line; the child teleshes it and says what the resulting image looks like.)

Moving game "Collect the figure

Construction game "Children's Hunger" (Children take the houses, the streets of the city from the sand and girlfriend, decorate and beat the buildings)

consultation for parents: "That a fairy tale has become boring ...". Recommendations to choose together with the child his favorite toy And bring her to kindergarten.

5. Friday November 3 "Babushkina games» Conversation « games Our grandparents »







"I know five names"

"Broken phone"



"Colepko, ring"

"I was born to the gardener"


"Mother's daughters" Organization of the exhibition "Forgotten or old toy»

Publications on the topic:

In late October in early November. In our group, the "Week of Games and Toys" was held the exhibitions of "toys of our parents" and "Rattle.

An exhibition "Toys of different generations" was held in the older group. . Detty brought from the house toys and together with the educator organized an exhibition.

Presentation "Week of Games and Toys" Within the framework of the thematic week, various types of games were organized in preschool educational institutions (ploty-role, movable.

Week "Games and Toys" in kindergarten game - What could be more interesting and significant for a child? In the game more than any activity,.

Plans to play a week and toys and, according to GEF, this topic is reflected in all educational areas. During the week, preschoolers remember the correct handling of toys, they enshrine knowledge about Dymkovskaya and Gorodetskaya toys, get acquainted with the Cargopol toy and the features of her painting. Reading poems and stories about toys allows you to expand the presentation of children about the stages of production and appointment of toys. A detailed description of the stories of the educator, speech exercises on the topic, the scenario of the puppet play "Katyushin toys", etc. You will find in the appendix to the plan "Thematic Week" Games and Toys ".

Socio-communicative development

The children remember the victory holiday, get acquainted with the coat of arms of the native land, solve the problem of "all toys disappeared from the group." Social and communicative development also contributes to conversations about male and female professions, household work and self-analysis "My good deeds".

Cognitive development

Solving the tasks of cognitive development The teacher offers children the game "Tangram, Geocon, Columbovo Egg". For a walk, senior preschoolers are observed behind insects, growing potatoes, experiment with sand and clay. The educator tells children about the history of the toy, about who makes toys for us. In the ball games, children enshrine knowledge of animals of the North, continue to learn to draw in cells.

Speech development

In the field of speech development, the finger gymnastics are planned "there is toys from me ...", reading a "naughty doll" T. Kryukova, the game "What happens in spring" and drawing up descriptive stories according to plan.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The week begins with watching the presentation "Kargopol toy", then the children consider the album and paint cargopol toys. Cook skills are fixed in the formulation of the doll theater "Katyushin toys", children draw your favorite toys and make homemade toys from paper, which contributes to artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development

Pedagogue does not disregard both moving folk games. In the field of physical development, the folk games "Tea, tea, cut out", "stick - storky", "burners", etc. Children learn about teeth useful products, guess the riddles of personal hygiene objects, which contributes to the formation of tidy and accuracy.

Check out the fragment of the thematic week


OoCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 pdConversation "What I saw on the parade". Purpose: remember with children about the holiday on May 9.Conversation with children about Russian folk toys and games. Purpose: give an idea of \u200b\u200ba folk toy, folk fishing and games.The game "Throw Slogs". Purpose: learn to make words on the first syllable, develop a phonmematic hearing.Presentation "Kargopol toy". Objective: to acquaint children with fishery, give ideas about the features of the painting.Morning warm-up "Favorite toys." Purpose: Develop physical qualities.
Acquaintance of children with proverbs that accompanied people in work. Purpose: help children understand the meaning of proverbs.Observation of God's cow. Objectives: expand knowledge and ideas about the peculiarities of the appearance of God's cows; Educating attentive and careful attitude towards everything alive.S.R. Game "in the store toys." Purpose: Secure the ability to draw up descriptive stories according to plan.Independent games in theater corner. Objective: to liberate children, develop imagination.P.I. "Tea, tea, cut out." Objective: Develop physical qualities. The folk game "Gori, Gori is clear." Purpose: remember words.
2 pdThe conversation "What does our coat of arms tell about what is said." Purpose: form patriotic feelings.Cognitive-research activities "Who makes toys for us?". Purpose: Expand the ideas about professions and technologies for making toys from different materials."My toys" O. Kras. Purpose: Learning to carefully listen to the work.Drawing "How we play in kindergarten". Objective: Learning to distribute the image throughout the sheet, keeping the proportions of items.Exercise "Who will bring toys more toys." Purpose: Develop psychomotor functions, dexterity.


OoSocio-communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 pdDiscussion of the story TA Shoreigina "Stuffed". Purpose: to bring up a desire to be tidy.Games "Tangram, Geocon, Columbovo Egg". Purpose: develop perception, analytical thinking, the ability to focus on the sample.Reading flops, add-on, chain. Purpose: Continue acquaintance with folk creativity.Coloring "Kargopol lady". Purpose: to bring up aesthetic taste, consolidate the ability to work with a brush.Gaming exercise "Tell me a little one who are such ... Football players (hockey players, athletes)." Purpose: Expand the ideas about sports professions.
The plot role-playing game "Trip to the Children's World" (with the distribution of roles on the gender principle: Boys - chauffery, dad, son; girls - Mom, daughter, seller, conductor, cashier). Objective: Develop a creative beginning, the ability to represent images and express them to express them.Observation of different types of transport. Purpose: consolidate knowledge that a person uses a bicycle that does not require gasoline; Man rotating pedals moving.Di. "Why did this happen". Purpose: Teach children to find the cause of events, express her words.The game "Revolutionary". Objective: Teach children to create images of objects based on the perception of schematic images of individual parts of these items.Command game "Modify checkbox". Purpose: To form the ability to play teams. P.I. "Not fried legs." Objective: to develop equilibrium.

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The scope of the thematic week "Game and toys" in the senior group

"To grow a healthy child,

children need to be able to read - they need to be able to play! "Fred Rogers

Purpose: Enhance the professional level of teachers on the organization of the game activity of children; Development in children interest in games and support their free creative self-realization in the game; Attracting parents to an active discussion of creating conditions for the development of the game of the child at home.


Educational activities

Team work

Monday day of the Russian folk game and toys.

The motto: "Russia is famous for pains with painted spoons, and it is also proud of Russian mats."

1st half of the day

Cognitive conversation "diverse world of toys. What is he? " Presentation "Classification of Toys"

Organization of Russian folk moving games "Snacks",

"Gori, Gori clearly", "River",

"Karasi and Pike"

2nd half of the day

Cognitive conversation "How to play in the old days"

Drawing a folk toy "Russian Beauty"

Visit the exhibition of dolls in national costumes (3group)

Master class with parents: "Production of paper dolls" Beregin "

Tuesday day of theatrical games.

The motto: "The curtain rose and here the Cinderella lives on stage.

It is sad, laughs and sings and after the ball its prince is waiting. "

1st half of the day

Cognitive conversation "Toys of my parents"

Creative workshop:

drawing "Visiting a fairy tale"

Theatricalization of the Fairy Tale "Chipolino" for children

Practical work on driving a puppet doll.

2nd half of the day

Video about the theater of exemplary.

Relo-doll game.

Educational situation

"We walk, we play"

Wednesday day of intellectual games and toys.

Motto: "I want to know everything!"

1st half of the day

Cognitive story about robotics.

Children's laboratory: "What toys are made from?"

Exhibition "Modern toys"

Shahnaya tournament

"I know. I think. We defeat "

Board games "Imagisarium",

"Monopoly", "Sea battle"

Designing "in the city" Lego ".

2nd half of the day

Intellectual game

"What? What? What? "

Ripping crosswords "Favorite cartoons"

About / and the activities "Film

naya Water "," Experience with Poultshki "

Thursday day of your favorite toys and plot role-playing games.

The motto: "Behind the backpack, it is full of toys. The group has fun coming, I call for girlfriends.

We like to play role-playing games: then we are all teachers, then doctors, then tigers. "

1st half of the day

Conversation "Life toys"

Motor-speech miniature "The sea is worried about ...."

Creative workshop

to avoid attributes in the game

P / game with plot content "Shaggy dog"

2nd half of the day

Writing mysteries "My favorite toy"

View the cartoon "Toys"


"Journey to the world of toys"

Master class with parents "Toys in the kitchen of fruits and vegetables"

Friday Music Games Day and Music Toys.
Motto: "Now the game is not entertainment, but with a big value,

1st half of the day

Cognitive presentation of the conservatory.

Creative workshop: Production of toys - Shuggles

Horovodnaya game "On the grief, Kalina" -Agra to music.

Game "Guess the melody."

2nd half of the day

Horovodnaya game "How to go our girlfriends"

The game "Name a fairy tale where heroes sing" and spoy this song.

Exhibition of musical toys.


N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2017) Basic general educational program of pre-school education "from birth to school", Moscow

MM Borisov (2017) Low-moving games and game exercises. For classes with children 3-7 years. Toolkit. GEF .. Moscow


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type 62 Project "Week of Games and Toys" Authors of the project: Sedova MP, Educator, Sulina R.A., Educator 2015.

2 Project Information Map Project Type: Creative-information. Duration of the project: short-term (1 week). Project participants: Children, educators, parents. Children's age: 5-6 years. Educational regions: "Socio-communicative development", "cognitive development", speech development ", artistic and aesthetic development", physical development. " Problem. Modern living conditions are such that often children can play informative and role-playing games only in kindergarten. Under the family, the game is not properly accompanied by adults and, accordingly, does not carry the necessary developing content. Organize a single playing space for the development of a child in the family and the DOW of the most important task of pedagogues of the kindergarten. The task is still relevant to fill the game of preschoolers by developing content, develop the interest of children to its different types. In parallel, it is necessary to actively carry out psychological and pedagogical education of parents of pupils of the DWA on the content and importance of games and toys for the comprehensive development of the person of the child preschooler. Project idea. To carry out a large number of different types of games and the content of games, together with children and their parents, make interesting attributes for games. Purpose: Development of game activities of children of senior preschool age, enrichment of a familiar game with new solutions, the inclusion of productive activities into it, creating conditions for creative expression. Project tasks for children: 1. Continue to acquaint senior preschoolers with a diverse world of toys and diversity of materials from which they are made. 2. Develop the interest of children to various types of games, maintain their free creative self-realization in the game. 3. Develop the speech of children of senior preschool age, enrich and expand children's vocabulary. 4. Develop thinking, memory, attention through didactic games. 5. Improve the need for children of senior preschool age to experimentation. 6. Develop cognitive interest, the need for the knowledge of the cultural historical values \u200b\u200bof the people by familiarizing with the manufacture of toys in antiquity.

3 7. Develop the artistic creative abilities of children. 8. Brief friendly attitude towards each other, careful attitude towards toys. For teachers: 1. Increase the level of pedagogical competence of teachers of the Dow on planning and conducting independent and joint gaming activities of children and adults, pedagogical leadership of theatrical and didactic game. 2. To fulfill the developing environment for independent activities of children. For parents: 1. Give parents a knowledge of the meaning of the toy, its role in the child's game through open classes, photo report, photo reports, presentations and information on the site. 2. Submit information about the expedient pedagogical selection of toys. 3. Enrich parental experience in the techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family. 4. Attract parents of pupils to active discussion and creating conditions for the development of a child's game at home. The main directions of project implementation: Social and moral development. Development of productive activities. Cognitive-research development. Promotion to fiction. The expected result: the formation of the senior preschoolers of a careful attitude to toys, familiarity with children with the history of toys, with their production, with folk toys; raising the level of development of the plot role-playing game of children of senior preschool age; independent compilation of small stories about toys; Creative approach in productive activities; Development of communicative skills of children, positive emotions from joint gaming activities. Enrichment of parental experience in the techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family; increase the competence of parents when choosing a toy; Rising the level of awareness of parents on the activities of the DOU; The active participation of parents in the life of a kindergarten and group. Replenishment of the subject-developing environment toys, the creation of card files of lexical, moving, folk, musical, didactic games. Preparatory stage: Studying and selection of material, development of the project structure, the preparation of thematic planning of activities, selection of didactic, movable, folk, musical, lexical games, preparation of the doll theater "Koshkin House", making decorations, making drawing to the art gallery to the poem A. Bartto "Airplane", preparation Presentation on topics, learning dance "Matryoshki", put the beginning of the creation of a mini-museum "People's Rag Doll".

4 Basic Stage (project implementation): Program of "Week of Games and Toys" Morning Monday Monday Day Favorite toys and Painting Games "My Favorite Toy" Educator: Sedovam.P. The purpose awakens Tuesday the Day of the Creative Games "City Masters" Educator: Sedovam.P. The goal is to awaken the Wednesday day of mobile and folk games "And in our yard" the teacher: Sulinar.A. The goal is to awaken Thursday the day of the book and the intellectual games "Melniki and Umnints" Educator: Sulinar.A. The goal is to awaken Friday the Day of Musical and Theatrical Games "Right Toys" Educator: Sedovam.P. The goal is to awaken the exhibition of the drawings "My favorite toy" (children in the role of guides). Purpose - didactic game that from what. The goal is to learn to determine the names of the toys and the people's mobile game "Catch Fish". The goal is to develop an intellectual game "Guess the fairy tale." The goal is to expand the reader's circuit-music staging "Shaden-Shampotente" - forms

5 Formation of children of interest in the world around the world, the ability to share the impressions of your favorite toy through the drawing; Development of speech through artistic word, full answers to questions, drawing up a story about toys. Exhibition of favorite toys brought by children from home. The goal to create a positive attitude, introduce peers with your toys, teach children with a careful attitude to your own and strange toy toys toys. The goal is to develop memory, motility, the ability to navigate in space, speech, a sense of rhythm. The material from which they are made. The game "Wonderful Palaces" (different sets of building material for the construction of buildings). The goal is to intensify the fantasy and creative abilities of children. Visit the exhibition "Toy from Mamina Childhood." The goal is to introduce children with the toys of past years. Reading fiction: Poems A. Barto "Toys" and the story of V. Dragunsky "Daughter of Childhood". The goal is to develop targeted attention, imagination, educate a careful attitude to toys. imaging; Fix game actions in accordance with the rules of the game. Zor, develop cognitive interest, the activity of senior preschoolers. Scene-role game "Library" (on the example of books from the "Entertaining Atlas" cycle). The goal is to increase interest and careful attitude towards the book; develop speech creativity in the game of games; Senior preschoolers have a culture of communication in the library. Put the value attitude towards popular games of the mini-competition of readers of the poems of Agnya Barto from the "Toys" cycle. The goal is to promote the formation of cognitive interest in the work of A. L. Barto. Puppet play for the younger group "Koshkin House". (Together with Muz. Prok-Lem Shcherbakova V.Yu.) The purpose of creating conditions for the development of stage creativity in children of senior preschool age through theatrical activity. Mysteries from the chest "My toys". The goal is to determine the ability to understand the relationship between objects on the basis of the deposit of the art gallery of MBDOU D / C 62 (the topic "Pictures to the poems of A. Barto from the" Toys "cycle.

6 cooling mysteries, with denial, simple metaphorical mysteries; The ability to explain why this is the answer to the goal of guessing works by illustration, increasing the interest of pupils to read artistic works. Node mobile game: "Who will rather take a toy." The goal is to develop dexterity in children, intelligence. "Visiting the beloved toys - Matryoshki" (together with Music. Trek.-Lem Shcherbakova V.Yu.) - Integrated occupation using a computer presentation; The inclusion of miniconcert "Friends of Makery Wooden Spoons"; Productive activity Production of plane nesting paper with the use of the equipment of the Assembly, Appliques and Paper Plastics. "Traveling around the cities of people's masters." The goal is to consolidate the knowledge of children about the people's art fishers of Russian masters, in particular, Khokhloma, Dymkovskaya, Gorodetskaya, Gzhelsky Rupis. A situational conversation about the benefits of moving games in the people, as they arose and multiplied. The goal is to develop interest in Russian folk games. A situational conversation about the book, its benefits. Goal - preschoolers have an interest in the book and the need for reading; Brigade careful attitude to the book. Playing the "Travel to theater". The goal is to consolidate and expand the ideas of children about the work of actors in the theater; The ability of children to dramatize familiar fairy tales, coordinate the words and actions of the character; develop intonation expressiveness, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, communicative qualities; Raise the culture of speech communication. Objective to create conditions for the admission of children of senior

7 school age to folk traditions by folklore. Development in children of cognitive interest in popular life, to products of decorative and applied art, folklore of Russia. Continue to acquaint children with objects made of wood, a variety of toys and folk musical instruments. A walk of the mobile game "The sea is worried about" (Figure of the Zamri toys). The goal is to develop creative and communicative abilities, fantasies, resourcefulness, erudition, attention, memory. Movable game "Colored cars" Goal - consolidate the ability to act across the signal, orient in space, do not come together on each other; Develop the winter contest of winter buildings. The goal is to create conditions for a variety of cognitive and motor activities of children in walking sites in winter, develop creative abilities and construction skills of preschoolers. Russian folk mobile game "Paints". The goal is to educate interest in Russian folk games skating on sledding. The goal is to learn to be friendly, to be able to give your place to a friend. Games in snowballs. "Get into target" game. The goal to develop eyemeter preschoolers. The game "Who is next." The goal is learning to take the right starting position after the throw. Games with snow. Building a fortress, snowman. People's mobile game "Protect the Fortress". The goal is to learn to be laid, friendly, develop logical thinking. Music game "If merrily lives." The goal is to develop coordination of movements, attention to the sounding word Movable game of funny tambourine. The goal is to develop a sense of musical rhythm

8 evening; consolidate knowledge of traffic signals; Call a desire to study the rules of the road. Drawing toys with chopsticks in the snow to develop creative abilities. Scene-role-playing game "Trip to Children's World" (with the distribution of the roles of gender principle: boys of chaufferes, dad, son; Mom girls, daughter, seller, conductor, cashier). The goal is to develop a creative beginning, the ability to represent images and express them in the imagination; be able to dramatize; Interest in collaborative games, self-realized in the game; Develop a role-based dialogue based on the plot. Didactic game "What do toys do?" (individual work) - monitoring the work of the janitor - to develop the ability to see the feasibility of labor actions; Learning to evaluate the results of the workshop of toys master class "Production of a folk rag doll spin" (joint activities with parents). The goal is to teach the Russian rag doll on the basis of traditional technology; Attach interest in the Russian rag doll as the type of folk artistic creativity. Production of a plasticine painting on the contest "Fabulous Gzhel" (individual work, Velikko Kira). The goal is to train the plasticine application technologies, based on the mastery of the people's folk mobile game "Burleys". The goal is to develop coordination of movements, attention and equilibrium. Folk Game Golden Gate. The goal is to develop speed, dexterity, eye meter, improve orientation in space; Exercise in walking chain. Conversation "What we know about water." The goal is to acquaint senior preschoolers with water properties, talk about its benefits; Brief desire to be inquisitive. Games experiments with water "Submarine", "How to get a coin from the water without sleeping hands", lotus flowers. " The goal is to identify the properties of water; What water can soak paper and do it heavier. Didactic game "Connect the drawing on numbers and paint". The goal is to prepare a hand to the letter. Customized games with musical toys "Guess what sounds?". The goal is to develop an auditory perception, memory productive activity: manufacture with children of characters of Russian folk fairy tales for finger theater. The goal is to intensify the creative potential of children through admission to the world of the theater. Creative game "Mysterious shadows". The goal is to develop imagination and creative abilities of preschoolers.

9 Interaction with parents Exercise in the selection of actions for subjects Sharing with children Designation Wall newspaper "Our favorite toys" Questionnaire "Game in the life of your child". Purpose: learn what games like children like they do what they like to play at home. Electronic presentation "On toys seriously". Pedagogian-psychologist Comulov I.N. Fishery "Gzhel" Practical lesson "Making sports toys. Instructor in physical culture Bogatyreva I.B. Master class for parents "Folk doll - spin" using the author's presentation "Russian folk toy and its meaning in educating preschoolers." Educator Sedova M.P. Consultation in the corner of parents "The benefits of mobile folk games among senior preschoolers." Electronic presentation "Games of our grandmothers". Teacher-speech therapist Shcherbakova I.I. An interactive game with the parents of the game of our grandmothers. Instructor in physical culture Bogatyreva I.B. Electronic presentation "People's Toy". Epithe carer Komarova E.B. Didactic game "Find Differences". The purpose of the development of visual memory, attention, logical thinking. Electronic presentation "Toy is fate." Deputy Head of Wimer Bachurin O.N. Booklet "Play? Play! ". Educator Skidnik T.p. Interactive game with parents "We play the whole family." Instructor in physical culture Bogatyreva I.B. Final stage: photo exhibition about holding a week "Games and toys", analysis of the questionnaire "game in your child's life", registration of the presentation "Week of games and toys in the group" Friden ", information on the website of MBDOU D / s 62 on the week of games and toys , Replenishment of the "Games for Senior Preschoolers" card files, participation in the Internet contest "Fabulous Gzhel" on the website "I am a teacher".

The project "Week of Games and Toys" in the multi-year group "Toward" prepared: Sedov MP, Educator MBDOU D / C 62 Novocherkassk 2016 Project Information Map Project Type: Creative-information.

The program of the "week of games and toys" in MBDOU kindergarten 62 Monday, 02.02.2015g. Day of your favorite toys and plot-role games "My favorite toy" name group Physical activity "With loved ones

Project "Park toys" by works by A. Barto for children 1 younger group "Park toys" project Short-term 1 month from January 19 to February 13. Problem: Children do not know verses A. Barto from the cycle

Presentation of the project on moral and patriotic education mini-museum "Russian Matryoshka" Matryshka-Russian beauty in the outfits of wonderful good! Keeps secret and smiles in her rip out-Russian soul! Educator:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 234" Combined view Educator 5 Groups: Androsova Elena Mikhailovna Firsova Irina Tahirovna Project "Visiting a fairy tale"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 62 Physical and wellness project prepared: Bogatyreva I.B. Instructor in physical culture MBDOU kindergarten 62 p

Dow "Kindergarten 4" Kalinka "Project Merry Matryoshka prepared an educator: Ivanova Angelica Petrovna Volzhsk 2016. Project Type: Cognitive-game. Type of project: Creative. Project participants: educators,

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 1874" (pre-school department "Aisto") plan for innovation work Subject: "Formation of spirituality and universal values

MBDOU "Kindergarten combined type 24" "People's Toy" Project for children of senior preschool age prepared: Stepanova LA DURNEVA E. A. Relevance: Now they talk a lot about what

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type 62 cities of Novocherkasska The draft Week "Games and Toys" was Bachurina O.N., Deputy Head of

The long-term project "Folk Fishes" (for the children of the older group) amounted to: an educator in the pictorial activities of Gavrilyuk N. I. As part of this project, preschoolers got acquainted with Gzhelskaya

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 48 "Rostock" informative - creative project "Multicolored fairy tales" (group of senior preschool age) author Compiler: Chernousov

GBOU School 1381 "Firefly" (bonding boss 46a) business card creative examination project "Travel to the country of toys" [Email Protected] PARTICIPANTS OF THE PROJECT OF OU City, region Kids senior

Russian Federation of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Municipal Education Purovsky District MBDOU "DS" Snezhinka "" What the autumn brought us "the ecological project in the middle group of pre-school age has prepared:

Information and creative project for children of the multi-year group "Folk Fishes of Russia". Project Type: Information - Creative; Duration of the project: Long-term project participants: Children of various age

Committee on Education of the Administration G. About Podolsk Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Children's Garden 57 "Ladushki" Project "Traveling through the works of Agnia Barto" developed educators:

Performed: Verkhinskaya M. M. Educator 2 oh Junior Group 2017. Project type: Creative-game, short-term. Purpose: familiarity of children with the generalizing concept of "toys"; Formation of knowledge of properties,

Development of children's creativity through theatrical activity Author: Kazakova Galina Vasilyevna Educator MBDOU DS 28 PGT. Black Sea Theatrical activity in kindergarten is a good opportunity

Project work "In the workshop at Santa Claus". MBDOU "Sunny", p. Symstick Type of project: Cognitive-creative project participants: - Pupils of all age groups; - educators of all age

A project for theatrical activity in the Central Group "Visiting the Fairy Tale" Pink ". The topic of the project "Play in the Fairy Tale" Repka ". The author of the vessel: E. A. Lavrukhina, the educator of the municipal budgetary preschool

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 18" Sunny "Project A. Barto" Toys "Author of the project: Educator of the first younger group" Dwarfs "Ivanova Maria Sergeevna View

Road rules to know everyone should! Pedagogical project The author of the project: Kramskaya Natalia Vasilyevna, teacher of the Cinderella group to "Lukomorye" Moscow 2016 The purpose of the task is the purpose of the project: the formation of

Structural unit Kindergarten of the Municipal State Commissioner of the Central Committee of the Middle Education School 1 Khuluma Creative Project in the Preparatory to School Group Educator

Week of the Book "Wise Tsarina Book" The scope of the thematic week from January 25 to January 29, 2016 to 1-2 Purpose: Attracting the attention of teachers and parents to the problem of using children's books and literary

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Nizhnevartovsk kindergarten 21 "Star" Pedagogical project project prepared: Zemskova Evgenia Nikolaevna Educator Madou

The relevance of the project project in the early age group (2 3 years) "Toys" The main task of adults is to teach a child to act with toys. Uruntaev G.A. In pedagogical theory and

Romanova Maria Sergeevna, senior educator of the highest qualifying category, GBOU School 1101, Russia, Moscow. Organization and holding of the thematic week "Games and toys" in a preschool institution

Committee on Education of the Administration G.O. Podolsk Municipal Preschool General Education Institution Children's Garden 57 "Ladushki" Project "Traveling for Works of Agnia Barto" Project developed educators:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center Kindergarten 26 "Sun" Svetlograd Information and Creative Project: "Folk Fishes" in the middle group "Rosinka"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 3 s. Verkhneyrkeevo Municipal District Ilnevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan Pedagogical project "Matreshka" Educator:

State budget educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 874" to "Aistoynok" Plan for the game of the game and toys "Play Fun, playing together" Senior "Sun" 07-08 academic year

Private pre-school educational institution Kindergarten 209 Open joint stock company "Russian Railways" Project on multicultural education with children of junior preschool age on

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 3 Erudite »The project for the children of senior preschool age" People's Doll "prepared and implemented Educator Sexhenova A.M.

MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten 200" Sun "Passport Mini Museum" Such different dolls "Authors: Malets O.V. Sizova O.V. Barnaul Passport details Name Museum: "Such different dolls" Museum profile: Cognitive.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 37 "Bell" cognitive-creative project "Butterfly Beauty" Average group 8 "Pansies"

Municipal budgetary educational institution for children of preschool and junior school age Progmentation "Fairy Tale" Short-term research is a creative project: "Mama, the main word in each

Duration of the project: short-term (2 months) Type of project: cognitive, creative information. Project participants: children of the preparatory group, educators, parents. Children's age: 4-6 years

The "Russian People's Toy Merryshka" project performed a teacher of the visual activities of the MCDOU Kindergarten "Teremok" G. Boyko Marina Gennadyevna. Higher Qualification Category "We are sure

The project in the senior group "Lovekniki": "All works are good choose any!" Further educators MBDOU D / C 10 Sotnikova N.A., Kovalenko V.A. Project Passport: Project type: Cognitive-creative. Duration:

Project "Matryoshka, Favorite toy". Complete educators: Grigorenko Olga Yuryevna Kornilova Irina Vladimirovna Objective: Education of interest in the history of Russia, folk art on the example of the Russian National

Madou "DS 62 Chelyabinsk" Project for children 5-7 years old Topic: "Sun, Air and water our best friends" project author: Sheshukova N.M., Educator of the highest qualifying category 2015-2016 academic year Type

Report on the implementation of the project "People's Fishery of Belogory" in the senior group 1. Educators: Buzhor I. V. Zaitseva A. V. View, type of project: short-term, creative pedagogical, artistically speech. Subject:

Project on the topic: "The acquisition of children of senior preschool age to the origins of Russian folk culture, through familiarization with folk doll" was the educator of the MBDOU Center for the Development of the Child D / C 54 Degtyar

Pedagogical project "Matryoshka People's Toy" of the younger group "Chamomile Educator: T.V.Podmazova 2017" We are confident that the folk toy is, with a thorough study, an inexhaustible source

Report on the self-education of the teacher Sixkiv E.V. Age from 3 to 4 years is of particular importance for the child's speech development. The children of junior preschool age need the comprehensive development of speech, including

The project for the children of the Central Group "Soon the New Year holiday!" Educator: Semkiv E.V. The relevance of the topic: This project is aimed at the acquisition of children to popular holidays, their peculiarities of conducting. Children

A project to develop the speech of children under the middle group "What is the beauty of these fairy tales" of the project: group, informative - creative, role, game. Duration: 9 months Project participants: Children

Organization of the thematic week "Games and toys". The type of unproductive activities, the motive of which is not the results, but in the process itself. The purpose of any game is to promote man's self-expression,

MADOU "Kindergarten combined type 1 G. Shebekino" creative research project "My Malaya Rodina" educators of groups of groups 4-10. 2017 project relevance: "Love for the native land, native culture,

Municipal pre-school educational institution Kindergarten "Birch" with. Vawoz project on patriotic education "My village, my street, my house." In the senior group "Spring" educators: Kurbatov