How to improve memory and attention in adults: get rid of scatleton and forgetfulness. How to improve memory and develop attention in adult development and concentration

Love Ivanova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Let's talk how to improve memory and attention in adults at home. I think many people notice that they do not remember the information, phone numbers, the date of birth of relatives or familiar names. Often, the memory brings at an inappropriate moment.

Human memory is characterized by limitless volume. It is represented by an unthinkable amount of cell storage cells. Only people do not know how to use them, but memory and attention, like muscular mass, gives back training.

  • Oncological diseases and brain injuries contribute to deterioration. Such consequences lead brain lesions.
  • Often, the worsening of other vital organs affects the memory.
  • In the list of adverse factors there is poor sleep, constant stressful situations, depression, sharp lifestyle change, high brain loads.
  • Memory problems appear in people who use alcoholic beverages, take drugs or smoke. Often, the impairment of memory is a consequence of sedative drugs.
  • Age changes.

Human memory is a fragile thing. The wrong lifestyle in aggregate with other factors has a huge impact on the memory state. What to talk about old age when the work of all organism systems changes.

Folk remedies for improving memory and attention

Many faced with the problem of forgetfulness and scattering, regardless of age. To solve it, I recommend to take advantage of the recipes of traditional medicine. They will help restore memory and improve attention without the help of pharmacy drugs.

  1. The root of a marsh car. The teaspoon of raw materials is triturated in powder and take half an hour before meals, drinking tea. The duration of the medical course is a month. After one decade, the powder take another two weeks, then take a break for 10 months and repeat the course. The remedy is not recommended for inflammatory diseases and renal failure.
  2. Elecampane. A spoonful of crushed root is poured 500 ml of vodka and insist a month. Real medicine takes a spoon three times a day one month. A year is held no more than one course. During pregnancy and heart disease, the medicine is better not to take.
  3. Ryabinovaya Cora. A glass of water is poured a tablespoon of raw materials and boil 10 minutes. After 6 hours, the decoction is filtered and take three times a day on a spoon for 30 days. After six months, the course repeat. In the list of contraindications Increased blood clotting and pregnancy.
  4. Clover. A liter jar to half fill with raw materials and poured vodka to the top. Two weeks the medicine is kept in a cool darkened place, after being taken before bedtime on a spoon for 20 days. After two decades, the course is repeated. The tool eliminates the noise in the ears, normalizes intracranial pressure and has a positive effect on the work of the brain. Not recommended for heart failure and pregnancy.
  5. Mint and sage. On a spoonful of mint and leaves, the sage is poured 500 ml of boiling water and leave until the morning. Take 50 ml in half an hour before eating for two weeks. After a monthly pause, the course is repeated. Infusion increases performance and improves brain functioning.
  6. Pine kidney. A spoonful of pine kidneys is poured with a glass of boiling water and boil on a small fire for 10 minutes. Drink a homemade medicine three times a day for two spoons after the meal.
  7. Mix of healing herbs. First crushed 1 spoon of souls, 4 spoons of badan and 3 spoons of raspberry leaves. A spoon of the resulting mixture is poured 500 ml of water and boiled 10 minutes. After 2 hours, the means is filtering. Take a medicine for two decades twice a year. The tool is not recommended for pregnant women and people with gastric diseases.

Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on memory and attention. To improve the sleep and normalize the work of the brain, in the bedroom it is recommended to supply juniper, cedar and eucalyptus. There is an option and for the workplace. This is a mixture of laurel, eucalyptus, coriander and cloves in a linen bag.

Simple ways to improve memory and attention

Technologies are rapidly developing and helping to keep a person under control and remember everything. But in everyday life it is impossible to do without memory and attention. It helps to be implemented in work, study and other areas of activity, but often brings. Consider simple ways and effective exercises to improve memory and attention.

  • "Unloading" brain. Do not remember events that are not important. An organizer or diary will help in this issue. The brain should have the opportunity to relax, and the little things impede it.
  • Reading. Enables visual and motor memory. Additionally, the work of the brain departments that are responsible for logic, abstraction and association are activated.
  • Physical activity. With the active lifestyle of the cells, more mitochondrias are distinguished, which are beneficial to memorizing and attention.
  • "Sleeping" walking. Neutroofin - a matter-released substance that determines its livelihood. The commission of familiar action with a bandage in the eyes accelerates the release of the substance, which contributes to the development of memory.
  • Good dream. During sleep, the brain filters information received throughout the day, and decides that it is in memory. At the same time, the level of memory depends on the duration of the phase of the uninterrupted night rest.
  • Crosswords. A simple and exciting occupation trains the brain. Find a good crossword in our time is easy and simple.
  • Hobby. An important role in the development of memory is played by new interests. Take a search for new hobbies.
  • Refusal of cigarettes. Smokers memory is 30% worse than non-smoking. The rejection of the harmful habit will contribute to the restoration of the abilities lost memory, and health will save in the form of a bonus.

The incredible effect on the memory state has acupuncture massage. It activates blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the work of the body.

Preparations for improving memory and brain

I present to your attention the pharmacy drugs, the reception of which improves memory and normalizes the work of the brain.

Remember that this is a review material. Only a doctor under the power to choose a suitable medicine.

Pharmacies offer a variety of means to improve memory. Some of them are in a free sale, others are released exclusively by prescription. Consider several options from each category.

Without recipe

  1. Glycine. The most popular remedy in Russia with emotional voltage, high nervous excitation and stress. The medicine increases mental performance and attention. Take glycine on one tablet three times a day. Side effects are an allergic reaction.
  2. Bilobil. The medicine prescribe people with problems with sleep or impaired intellectual abilities. The drug improves blood circulation and contributes to the saturation of the brain with oxygen. Drink on the capsule three times a day throughout the quarter. In the list of side effects of insomnia, itching, redness, headache. Patients under the age of 18 drugs are contraindicated.
  3. Ginko Biloba. The medicine is recommended for scattered, forgetfulness, dizziness and sleep problems. The drug improves metabolism and provides an antihypoxic effect. Recommend to drink capsule twice a day for 2 months. Means contraindicated pregnant women and children. The medicine may cause an allergic reaction.

On prescription

  • Nootropyl. The medicine improves memory, concentration and does not have a psychostimulating effect. Todders up to 3 years old drug is contraindicated. Children are given when dyslexia. It is applied in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor. Among the side effects are irritability, nervousness, a surge of sexual activity, pain in the stomach.
  • Picikalon. A long taking medication improves mental abilities and attention, reduces the feeling of anxiety, normalizes sleep. Recommend people with mental illness. Take 60 mg per day for 2 months. Pregnant medicine is contraindicated. May cause renal failure.
  • Cerebricsin. The medicine minimizes the impact on glutamate organism. Prescribed with ischemic illness and hyperactivity from kids. Take 60 mg per day for two months. The side effects in the form of insomnia, the loss of appetite, the burning point at the point of injection is rarely manifested.

Before applying any of the listed drugs, consult your doctor and think carefully. Medicines have side effects that are not always reflected outwardly, but sometimes poorly affect the work of the internal organs.

Ways to improve memory after 50 and after 60 years

Many people in old age worsen memory and dispel attention. This is due to age-related decrease in brain activity. The aging is impossible to stop, but keep the clarity of the mind to a deep old age for everyone.

How to achieve this? For normal brain performance, good blood circulation is required, so it is recommended to regularly carry out exercise and maintain the body muscle tone.

Scientists have proven that the work of the brain is strongly affected by food. They advise older people to include products saturated with omega-3 acids in the diet. These substances rich in fish. It is also recommended to use inhernyak juice. Antioxidants, which are included in the drink, have a beneficial effect on the brain.

No less important and glucose, which is needed for normal memory. Since with age absorb this component of food more difficult, doctors advise to take special medicines.

What else is needed to improve memory and attention in old age at home?

. Solving crosswords, solving logical tasks, learning foreign languages \u200b\u200b- not a complete list of classes forcing the brain to function. Any activity accompanied by the processing of a large amount of information is useful for memory.
  • Relaxation. Regardless of your activities, regularly do short-term breaks. So the brain more often switches between activities, which has a positive effect on its functions.
  • Quiet life. Stresses and experiences burn nervous cells, as a result, attention is reduced and memory deteriorates. The organism of an elderly person perceives as stress even chronic lack of sleep. To make the brain resist, please feel good.
  • Use organizer. This thing is incredibly useful in old age. Any store will offer notebooks in the assortment. An uncomplicated device unloads his head and helps plan affairs and fix important dates and events.
  • Reading. When reading, the visual memory works in a pair with a motor. Additionally, abstract, associative and logical thinking is activated. To make the memory really improved, it is recommended to read with retelling, paying attention to the description of the characters of the characters and their habits.
  • Measuring poems by heart. In terms of improving memory, this simple exercise is incredibly effectively regardless of age. Learn to attend the creativity of your favorite poet and train the memory at the same time.
  • Music. Music classes positively affect the work of the brain. In old age, it is recommended to sing, master the game on musical instruments or combine both classes. Measuring notes and texts together with regular rehearsals loads the brain and trains memory.
  • Psychology. Positive settings help in any business. Older people are strongly exposed to depression, which does not affect memory. Therefore, always configure the positive. Even if younth for a long time behind, this does not mean that life is over.
  • How to train memory in adults - effective exercises

    I have already said that the memory, on the likeness of the muscles, is easily trained. If a person regularly visits the gym, his figure becomes slim and proportional. With memory and attention in the same way.

    Exercises that I will consider below are effective for adults and adolescents.

    • Concentration of attention on the details. A person does not remember all the information, because the brain focuses on important points. At the same time, geniuses remember any little things that develops memory. This will help a simple exercise. Place 10 small items on the table and ten seconds carefully consider them. Then turn and as quickly as possible describe each object in detail.
    • Visualization. To perform exercise, you will need an assistant. Put on the eyes of a bandage, and the assistant let it slowly reads the description of the pictures. Try to the statenly visualize the heard. Alternatively, write on a sheet of paper Description of pictures in accordance with the order in which they were read.
    • Reading out loud. Reading out loud will help strengthen the auditory memory. Every day, read out loud to 15 minutes fragments from your favorite works, after detail the heard information. Nice results will appear after two weeks of daily activities.
    • Matches and visual memory. Scatter 5 matches on the horizontal surface, see the resulting image, remember the location of each match. Wind and restore the song. To increase the level of complexity, increase the number of matches used.
    • Study of words. On a sheet of paper, write down a dozen words. For 20 seconds, try to remember these words. Turn the leaf and write down the words that remember. To complicate the exercise, I recommend to increase the number of words or replace them with numbers.

    As you can see, the exercises are incredibly simple. I hope with their help you will make your memory perfect and become an example for young generations. See you!

    Hello, dear readers! Recently, one of my client complained that I began to forget the important dates, could not remember the plot of the book that he had read six months ago. Physically, a woman is healthy, no deviations in the work of the brain. Just over time, our memory is getting worse, it is difficult for us to concentrate. How to train memory and attention in adults? What are the ways? How to remember everything in eighty years, what was in life and not forget the names of your grandchildren?

    Make time to work for you

    It's no secret that over time we begin to forget more, thinking becomes rigid, we are hard to develop a new one, start something from scratch.

    Children easily learn to work with computers, but for adults it is a whole problem. We get used to the established order and do not want to change anything, because it is so comfortable and comfortable.

    Over time, these problems are only worse. But you can help yourself. Memory and attention as well as any other skill can be developed. Small motorcy develop numerous exercises and practices. With the memory of things in the same way. If you constantly work and develop it, then the time will start working with you.

    The process of this vigorous, you will have to do every day at least one hour. It is very important to start. Next will be easier and easier, the successes will motivate and push on further feats. There is no easy and simple method that will help you wake up in the morning and get super memory.

    Put yourself a goal: how well do you want to develop yourself in this direction? Go to her, develop, do not lower your hands in any way and believe in yourself.

    Remember that your efforts will definitely bring fruit. Every day, memory will become even better, you will be easier to memorize names, dates, events. You will easily concentrate your attention on a specific task, you will not be distracted, you will find your ideal work option. Do not be afraid and boldly go to your goal. But what to choose tools - to solve you.

    Old methods

    Learn poems by heart - the surest, proven and practical way to improve your memory. It is very important to find your author here.

    At school, I easily taught poems, I remembered them from the first time. But only those authors who were close to me. If I did not like verse, I did not understand him, then with the memorization there were problems. Do not take all the poems in a row. Find those works that will respond in your shower. Thus, you will also be easier to remember and increase overall erudition.

    In addition, the retelling strongly helps in this matter. It does not matter what you choose: story, story, novel, article from newspaper, news, description of the sporting event. Engage with your spouse, girlfriend or child. Joint affairs bring together people.

    Another option is the presentation. I read the article, a story or a short novel and wrote content. What was told about, what is the main idea who the main characters, as they looked and what they did. All you remembered. Do not be afraid to miss something, forget some item.

    Over time, you will remember everything better and more. Training and practice your main assistants.

    I bring to your attention the article "". There you can find interesting artworks and works on psychology, business literature, books on self-development. After all, you can kill two hares at once. Improve memory and learn something new for yourself.

    Modern technologies

    The world does not stand still. Humanity is constantly developing and go ahead and this needs to be able to use. To date, you can find a huge number of programs for the tablet to improve memory and concentration. Examine each application, find the most suitable for you and work.

    There are programs for memorizing pictures and details depicted on them. There are programs that offer to memorize rows of numbers, increasing the amount with each level. Other applications offer retelling or short statement.

    There are for example a project you can take a test for thinking, memory, attention and, according to your indicators, engage in their development on various gaming simulators that develop scientists of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

    You see, these are all the same methods as before, only in more comfortable form.

    Many of these applications offer simple exercises that will not cause any problems. Of course, the child will cope with them will be much easier. But it is worth remembering that adults suffer from the rigidity of thinking. It all gives up training.

    So do not be afraid if you did not come out the first time if your results are lower than you expected. Over time, your achievements will be more and more. You will find your features.

    There are people who better remember visual information, others easier to perceive hearing. Know about these features. It is strongly simplified the process of developing memory and attention.

    What factors affect the work of the brain

    Memory works more efficiently in people who do not use alcohol and do not smoke. All poisonous substances undoubtedly have a negative impact on the work of the brain. In the same way, things are both harmful food.

    There are several products that contribute to the best brain work. Among them are fish, nuts and honey, berries and tea, whole grain, oysters, eggs and curry. Do not abuse these products, but they must be present in your diet.

    Stress greatly reduces attention and concentration. During depression, a person forgets the information much faster. Therefore, try to quickly be nervous, do not give in to other people's negative emotions, watch your mental state.

    Fresh air saturated with oxygen definitely affects the work of the brain. Try to spend more time on the street, often choose the city, where the air is not contaminated with the exhaust gases.

    I think you will be very useful to the article "". In addition, I recommend you the following books for familiarization: Tatyana Lagutina " How to improve memory and develop attention in 4 weeks"Or order a book on

    In what situations do you notice that the memory brings you? Do you always have any problems with memorization or it came with time? How were you doing with verses at school? Did you get it easy? Or have you always experienced difficulties?

    Do not be afraid! Believe in yourself and your strength!

    The modern pace of life requires good memory, stress causes its deterioration even in young people.

    Problems begin with trifles (it is difficult to remember the name, date) and are exacerbated if you do not take action.

    The scattering goes into forgetfulness and is already difficult to remember where they put the desired thing, turned off the iron or left the included. It's time to think: how to improve memory and attention in adults?

    The forgetting function protects the nervous system from overvoltage. The brain removes negative information, fencing a person from negative emotions. Therefore, people are often forgotten to fulfill the cases that they are unpleasant.

    Memory for memorization time is divided into:

    • immediately (forgotten immediately: they wrote the letter and forgot about it);
    • short-term (information is preserved 30 sec.);
    • long-term (information remains for years);
    • sliding (information is stored for a certain time: the material learned to exam).

    The reasons that caused a decrease in memorial ability can be:

    • anxiety, stress, experiences (the concentration of the brain on the problem leads to scattered and worsening memory);
    • hurry (when a person in the tricks does not notice the trifles, so he quickly forgets about them);
    • insufficient use of vitamins;
    • lack of sleep, chronic fatigue;
    • smoking (Nicotine weakens short-term and visual memory);
    • alcohol (delays mental processes, lowers the perception of the surrounding world);
    • some diseases (cranopy brain injuries, brain vessel damage as a result of diabetes mellitus, etc.).

    How can I improve memory

    When symptoms are found associated with the deterioration of memory, it is not necessary to begin the use of drugs. You can improve memorization using numerous techniques. It is important to treat trifles carefully: when parking, pay attention to the surrounding objects (number of trees, houses).

    Do not be distracted from the task: trying to find keys, you need to look for them and not pay attention to other items.

    To work up visual memory recommended:

    • Use the Aivazovsky method (carefully viewed for 5 minutes on an object or person, then with closed eyes mentally as possible to restore the image as possible).
    • Structuring memorable information (remember the sequence of location of items in the room, their parts, shape, color).

    You can train the visual memory using online games, opening cells and find pictures with the same items. The game ends when all pictures are open, the program records the game time.

    You can train auditory memory:

    • reading out loud (in this case, the vocabulary increases, the diction, intonation is improved;
    • memorizing poems (over time the memory will be trained, it will become easier to remember, it will take less repetitions);
    • memorizing excerpts of the conversation of foreign people (trying to reproduce the heard with the same intonation and submit a person who said it).

    Among the neurological diseases there are rare and very heavy pathologies that are most often manifested in adulthood. Here you can find out in detail about such a disease as lateral amyotrophic sclerosis. Read about the reasons and treating this ailment.

    Work techniques with attention

    With the help of simple techniques, you can develop a concentration and training attention. Each of the exercise proposed should last 5 minutes.


    Sit relaxed, back straight, the shoulders are omitted, the hands on the knees, look like it would be suspended with the ceiling. It is necessary to choose any object and look at it. As soon as the thoughts begin to be distracted, you should concentrate on the object again.

    After that, it is necessary to expand the attention, including the objects surrounding object.

    And re-send attention only to the object. With this exercise it is possible:

    • focus;
    • celebrate when attention is scattered and returning it;
    • change focus.


    Sit with a straight back, watch your own breathing for a minute (as inhaling the air is entered into the lungs, and when exhaling it comes out). Then move attention to the sensations (feel that it was tired of sitting) and watch this sensation: how much time it lasts where it is localized, as manifested.

    Then you need to go back to breathing, watch a few breaths and exhale and continue observation of the previous sensation: it is saved or disappeared? You can watch your thoughts.

    Over time, it will not be necessary in solitude - it will be possible to observe the sensations anywhere. And it will be possible to manage your attention.

    Peripheral vision

    Choose a place where no one will disturb, without turning the heads to note that it is located on top, from the bottom, from the sides on the periphery of vision.

    After some time, his eyesight will return to the center, you will need to return it back to the periphery.

    For 5 minutes, repeat these actions several times.

    This technique allows you to better navigate in space (especially in stressful situations).

    Proper nutrition

    For good memory it is important proper nutrition. As a result of research, scientists confirmed that nutrients, trace elements, vitamins affect mental abilities. They help restore memory and improve its functions.

    When drinking alcohol, on the contrary, there is a rough disorder of memory. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the death of neurons in the brain is observed. The use of strong alcoholic beverages makes memory irreparable harm.

    Scientists have allocated products that improve memory:

    • Tea, herbs, honey (tanne in tea makeup has a soothing effect, honey eliminates nervous tension, infusion of sage and rosemary restores energy, helps to remove toxins).
    • Berries, fruits (especially useful berries of blue and high-content of vitamin C: Kiwi, avocado, pineapples, oranges, lemons).
    • Vegetables (in green vegetables a lot of folic acid, which improves cognitive functions of the brain: salad, spinach, bean sprouts, broccoli).
    • Nuts and seeds (especially containing a lot of zinc, magnesium, - walnut).
    • Seafood (the substances contained in the fish provide assistance to the brain with long work: fatty varieties of fish, crabs, shrimps).
    • Cereals (a large content of vitamins in the croup improves memory).

    According to Oxford scientists, milk contains substances that have a positive effect on brain activity. Drinking daily 2 cups of milk, you can improve memory.

    Methods for the elderly

    With age weaken and destroy interneurone bonds of the brain, which leads to a worsening memory. Aggravates the process of a number of factors:

    • improper nutrition;
    • insufficient physical activity;
    • depression;
    • loneliness;
    • reception of some drugs.
    • Reading books (reading small passages and retell them after some time or read 1 chapter 1 and start following the next only after remembered read).
    • Memorizing poems (it is better to choose a favorite subject).
    • Association game (for easier memorization, invent your own technique).
    • Training of visual memory (remember the details of the situation in the apartment of acquaintances, etc.).
    • Call the letters of the alphabet in direct and reverse order.
    • The game is in words (when the last letter of the previous one becomes the next word).
    • Play chess or checkers.
    • Solve rebuses or crosswords.
    • Learn a foreign language.

    When performing cyclic exercises (walking, running, swimming), blood is saturated with oxygen, it enters the brain cells and improves thinking processes.

    The productivity of brain cells increases, livestock products are removed faster.

    Prevention of memory problems

    • Feed correctly (full nutrition helps to keep memory, harm causes oily food, excessive use of salt and sugar).
    • Physical exercise (walks, performing physical exercises in the morning improve blood circulation).
    • Memory training (people engaged in mental activity will keep up good memory for a long time).
    • Getting rid of bad habits (they cause disorders that manifest themselves in memory worsening).

    Regardless of the reason that caused a worsening memory should be consistent with the doctor to determine the nature of such violations and the appointment of treatment. Problems can be temporary, and are associated with a certain problem, after which the treatment is not required.

    Despite the fact that, subject to a number of recommendations and when changing your lifestyle, a person can keep a good standard of living with multiple sclerosis, many people still progresses the disease. What group is given with this diagnosis?

    The basic principles of the diet with multiple sclerosis are set forth in the material.

    Video on the topic

    The brain is such a thing that loves to be lazy. Slightly turned up the possibility, it "turns off" and begins to "be fooling".

    In order to slow down a little and take memory, I suggest some interesting exercises from the book Angels Navarro "Memory does not change."

    Exercise 1

    Difficulty **

    Remember the location of points and lines in the first four lines. Then, without looking at them, add missing lines in the lower four lines.

    Exercise 2

    Difficulty *

    Come up with associations for numbers and words in accordance with their external form. You can spend so much time on it as you need. Then close them and answer the proposed questions.

    Answer the questions:
    1. What figure corresponds to a snowman?
    2. What figures match the ravine and the candle?
    3. What figures match the sailboat, egg and snake?
    4. What numbers correspond to balloon, bird, baby hill and duck?

    Exercise 3.

    Difficulty *

    Consider the shape of the left within 20 seconds. Then, without looking at her, tell me which of the four figures to her right is identical.

    Exercise 4.

    Difficulty *

    Remember the list of purchases you need. Then, without looking at it, tell me which of the lists presented is the right one. Please note that the order could change.

    Exercise 5.

    Difficulty ***

    Remember the animal group shown in the picture for one minute.

    Then, without looking at the drawing, write on the sheet of paper the name of animals in alphabetical order.

    Exercise 6.

    Difficulty ***

    Explore the two list of words. The right column is analogs to the words from the left. Tie every word from the left column with the appropriate from the right and remember them.

    Look at the speakers that are located below, and objize the words that are not enough.

    The question of how to improve memory and attention is worried very many.

    The brain is our most valuable resource in life, and when he begins to fail, stubbornly refuse to remember certain things or makes us frankly "clapping ears" in responsible moments, we are naturally tested discontent.

    And sometimes anxiety: problems with memory in adults are attracted by thoughts about old age, similar problems in children are forced to worry about whether everything is right in their growth and development.

    But first of all it is worth thinking about attention and memory logically.

    They are similar to the muscles, and in the same way they need to train - then they will be strong and healthy at any age.

    We have collected for you a selection of the best techniques of how to improve your memory and attention, and help in this younger generation.

    What is memory and attention and why they weaken

    The ability to notice, remember and reproduce information is very important for a person, not only individually, but also at the civilization level.

    It is thanks to the memory that we learn, remember the experience of previous generations and convey it as follows.

    And how many stunning discoveries were made thanks to the attentive and thin observation of natural phenomena and their adaptation to human realities!

    Find out how to make memory and attention effective

    Memory is two types:

    1. Short in which information is stored from a few minutes to a day
    2. Long-term - "Storage", in which the memories can persist

    Both are inextricably linked with attention - a tool that helps to allocate significant fragments of the surrounding world and send them into short-term memory.

    Subsequently, attention together with associations can "pull out" information from long-term memory, even if we do not strive to remember it.

    Thanks to this phenomenon, we have creativity and face the Effect of "Deja Nu."

    Modern technologies allow scientists further and further climb.

    And yet a complete understanding of how memory works and why focus focuses on some things more than anything else, we have not yet.

    But already existing data allow people successfully (albeit partly) to manage the capabilities of their brain. And, of course, improve them.

    Memory is short-term and long-term

    To do this, scientists first had to find out which factors negatively affect memory and attention, relaxing them.

    These include:

    1. Stress
    2. Regular or chronic overwork
    3. Wrong sleep mode
    4. Unhealthy Lifestyle
    5. Routine

    The practically corporate set of a modern person, in which one factor leads to the emergence of another, and get rid of the whole "bouquet" is extremely difficult.

    And yet it is necessary, since there are practically no additional methods for improving memory and attention on a person, mired in, everyday car and indulging in their whims.

    It must be included in it:

    1. Cereals, beans and corn, unsweetened fruits as sources of slow carbohydrates
    2. Nuts to obtain omega-3 fatty acids
    3. Topinambur and vegetables containing group vitamins in

    Balanced nutrition is a pledge of good memory

    In addition, the strengthening of memory contributes to the use of fresh apples as a source of iron, a bitter chocolate rich in antioxidants, and green tea, which contains natural catechins.

    As you can see, all the necessary elements are easy to get, spending some time to draw up.

    This approach is much more efficient in the long run than any drugs. In addition, before taking any medication, it is necessary to consult with the doctor and never drink anything alone.

    By putting your diet, you can connect other interesting ways to improve memory and attention in adults. Fortunately, they are quite a few.

    Numeric tables

    Square tables with numbers located in chaotic order - excellent.

    They are also called Schulte tables, and you can find them both online and offline - collections of entertaining tasks for brain workout are sold in bookstores.

    A good alternative is another Soviet "entertaining table to test observation", working on the same principle.

    Memory need to feed correctly

    You can engage in such tables as adults and children.

    Regular home "Championships" on the passage of exercises for a time is one of the best ways to improve memory and attention from parents and a child from 12 years.

    Variety in everyday life

    For good memorization of information, as many neurons can be necessary.

    The brain is arranged in such a way that in the usual setting, the lack of need ceases to form new neural connections and give birth to new cells.

    To take care of this is very simple: you only need to perform as many ordinary actions as possible by unusual ways:

    1. Brush teeth with left hand (for right-hander)
    2. Writing inoperative hand
    3. Go to work or in the store unusual road

    It is not so simple, as it seems at first glance, it is very effective. The main thing is the regularity of such experiments.

    Exercises for the development of visual and auditory memory

    What is needed to memorize things for rumor or from one glance? Training, training and workout again.

    Fortunately, they are very simple: you need to look and listen.

    Pay attention to what is happening around you, try to play in memory heard or seen.

    Tip: You can train auditory memory even on the road, listening to not music in headphones, and others. But for exercises on visual memory it is worth starting with fixed items.

    Walking and sport

    Beneficially affects the brain saturacing it with oxygen.

    The main thing is to choose the right sport.

    Power loads of the positive effect will not give, but aerobic classes, swimming or even ordinary walks on foot - the best means for natural training not only body, but also the brain.

    Professor of the biology and neurology of the University of California in San Diego Terry Sedzhnovski daily pays for a mild run time.

    It helps him to maintain personal and professional activity (and also look great) at a fairly mad age - in 2017, Professor Sedzhnovsky will be 70 years old.

    Smells as memory assistants and concentrations

    Researchers from the University of Northumbria found out that the smell contributes to better memorization and active concentration.

    Drip several droplets of the essential oil of this plant in the aroma and turn it on during the responsible work or study.

    Experiment with other smells, creating and using associative ligaments.

    "The palaces of the mind"

    If you watched the popular TV series BBC "Sherlock", now probably revived.

    Yes, and not seeking for sure at least once heard this bizarre phrase.

    Duma drawbacks are a method for a memory workout, at which new information is located in an imaginary, but well-known place - for example, an apartment, an educational audience, a grandmother's house, etc.

    This method is used by many winners of world memory competitions.

    There are many techniques to pump your brain

    How to improve memory and attention in children

    As a rule, parents first face the question of how to improve memory and attention from a child when he is 7 years old.

    In the first class, the child faces a completely new type of load and the need to memorize information that does not always turn out to be interesting.

    How best to concentrate and memorize?

    Tip: First of all, protect the child from fatigue and overload information. Remember that the younger School - while not time to bang over the textbooks around the clock. Extreme time walk will benefit much more.

    One of the best ways at all times was and remains to memorize.

    Whatever: it may be poems, small texts, shopping lists, new words, etc.

    Such workouts actively contribute to the formation of good memory and are especially effective at the stage of junior classes.

    However, at least this way of how to improve memory and attention in a child is most useful at the age of about 8 years, it is not worth neglected in the future.

    For children, a little older you can come up with a more interesting lesson for training the brain: writing.

    This method develops imagination and spatial thinking, contributes to the formation of new neural connections - and therefore, the improvement of absolutely all brain functions.

    This answer to the question of how to improve memory and attention from a child can be used from about 10 years, but parents can change this barrier at their own request.

    How to improve memory and attention from a child older - say, 12 or more? In this case, the Association will come to the rescue.

    The method works on the same principle as writing, but it can be applied and more practical: for example, creating connections to memorize new words in foreign language or elements in the Mendeleev table.

    In any method for training memory, observation and mind, one thing is important: regularity of classes.

    We wish you success and attach this educational video with a visual material.