In Zelenograd, a pre-trial meeting was held in the case of the return of the seized children from a large family del. Large and receptions are a hole in the budget

Tonight, the popular TV presenter Irena Ponaroshka appealed to his subscribers. "Help return children," she wrote in a blog and placed a link to the petition, in which the desperate parents-volunteers appear to the children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova.

"In a large mother of 16 children Svetlana Del a few days ago, the guardianship organs took 10 children, because one of them, teachers in the kindergarten found a bruise on the elbow and pope. People, come about! My child is also all in bruises and abrasions! Although we do not touch him with your finger, "Iren was indignant.

"Children with the police literally stole from the garden, with circles and classes! Without the provision of documents, without explanation of the reasons! Then they did not give the opportunity to see, there is still no information about the further fate of children, "she explains.

"Look carefully profile @ svetkaaa2012, as I did, before you write about this situation - Domotala until the very beginning of the tape, I read all the posts, looked at all the videos. There is no violence in this family and there is unconditional love! Svetlana and her husband found a place in his heart and for healthy kids, and for children with severe diagnoses, and at all, not babies - one of the boys was 16 years old when Svetlana took him to him. A year later, he began to call her mom ... I follow this story from the very beginning. I was not clear to me only one thing: why did the eldest daughter Daria writes anything about it in his account @dell_daria, although posts with jokes and verses lay out? It was alarmed and stopped. But last night, after my question in the comments about it, posts and she appeared, "the star writes.

"The worst thing is that now hundreds of other children can remain forever in orphanages, because adoptive parents, knowing how the juvenile justice works, will be afraid to take them into the family! After all, they can come and take away all: both relatives and receptions (which are also relatives too!), "Ponaroshka appeals to the public. At the moment, the appeal has signed more than eight thousand people.

The media report that Svetlana del for the first time decided to adopt Syrota when she was 26 years old, at that time she worked in one of the children's houses volunteer. Her first receiving daughter was 9-year-old Dasha. "Even the snow falling, goes! We are no exception! Some of everyone! And let the whole country and the whole world find out that the real # family is never scattered in a difficult moment, "wrote a grained girl in his blog yesterday.

Following her, the new Mom managed to adopt her brothers. The fourth child in the family became a baby, which in 10 months weighed 3.5 kg. The fifth is a 4-year-old boy with Down syndrome, which was preparing to give out to the baby's home from the house with all the consequences. The rest of the children, among them several with HIV infection, are decorated as a receptional family. "We took them, because it was very sorry - very good guys, but no one will take them, the adoptive parents are afraid to take such. And I have a higher medical education, and I know that there is no danger to get infected, "Svetlana explained in an interview with MK.

At the reproaches that she did this for the sake of money, Del reported that in addition to children's benefits and salaries of adoptive parents, her husband had a small business. Summer children spend in the house at sea, and in their free time, many sections and circles are visited - swimming pool, football, skiing, ballet. The custody bodies comment on the situation of score, claiming that children were selected only at the time of checking and they understand the complaints of the detected bruises.


Seating children from the receptional family Del: Chronicle of events 19.01.17

For a week, the Russian-speaking Internet section discusses the situation that unfolds in Zelenograd (Moscow District). Ten children were withdrawn from the Svetlana family and Mikhail del. Svetlana - Forumchanka Littleone since 2007. We tried to chronologically set out all the events associated with a loud business.

2006-2013 Svetlana Del works by a volunteer in one of the children's houses of the Leningrad region and is acquainted with the girl of Dasha. After some time, Svetlana and her husband take into his family at first Dasha himself, and then the two of her younger brothers. Later, the family takes another 12 children. Together with the Sale Children in 2013, the son of children in the family becomes sixteen: relatives, adopted, cursed, transferred under the adoptive family agreement. Children adopted in the family for the most part had serious diseases - infectious, genetic, musculoskeletal system. Nine children have the status of disabled.

There are several forms of the device in the family of children left without parental care:

1. Congratulations - occurs by a court decision, adopted children receive all the rights of blood (sore children), retain the right to receive a pension for the loss of the breadwinner, if such was appointed, but no additional funds from the state on the adopted child are not paid. The secret of adoption is protected by Article 139 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and Article 155 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

2. The ace (for children over 14 years of centuries) - the procedure for registration is made by guardianship authorities, the child retains the status of the remaining parental, the state pays funds for the monthly content of the child;

3. Any family - a contract between adopted parents and guardianship authorities. Adsid parents receive salary of the receptional parent, payments for the monthly content of the child, target payments for large spending.

Since 2009 - then the children in the family had three - Svetlana lied his own topic on the Littleone forum, where he told about everyday life of his rash family. Later, an instagram account appeared, 90% filled with photographs of children. The family made an impression of a prosperous: children were engaged in football, ballet, rode skiing, baked homemade cookies and went to the Christmas tree in the church of Christ the Savior. Active social life was not only virtual: the family communicated a lot with other participants in the section on the adopted children of the Littleone forum and their photos appeared in the topics of thematic meetings, in the topics of other members of the forum users who came to visit the family or invited family to themselves. Svetlana herself became a coach of the school of adoptive parents.

Since September 2012, each child's adoption candidate in the family must undergo special training at the school of adoptive parents, where psychologists, teachers, teachers and experienced adoptive parents talk about the possible problems and ways to overcome them. Certificate of School's passage is a mandatory unit of the package of documents necessary to become a candidate for adoption, custody, adoptive family.

2014-2017 year

The family moves from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where the head of the family was offered participation in one of the projects. Zelenograd becomes a place of residence of the family.

By 2017, 13 children live in the family of Svetlana and Mikhail Del. Three elders have already grown and live separately from their parents.

From family archive

Law enforcement officers came to the family of Del's family, examined the conditions in which children are contained, examined the children themselves and in place decided to withdraw children from the family. At the same time, the daughter of Svetlana was withdrawn directly with ballet classes, another daughter - from the New Year's event, a six-year-old son from kindergarten. The acts of seizures of children did not have any of the places, as well as documents confirming the powers or at least the personality of people who conducted withdrawal. Children in a children's home before adoption.

From family archive

According to law enforcement officers, a teacher of one of the children, a six-year-old boy, discovered two bruises on his body. Responding to questions of educators, a child, according to police officers, said that his papa beat him. The kindergarten handed this information to the relevant services, as a result of which 10 children were withdrawn from the Del family. Two senior boys were able to escape themselves and managed to pick up from kindergarten and hide a three-year brother, as a result of which all three remained with the family.

Two children were placed in the shelter, eight children - in the Moscow Children's Hospital №21 them. Speransky. These 8 children from birth have health features, in connection with which they must receive appropriate therapy twice a day. Mom tried to transfer medications along with the children, and later - to transfer them to the hospital, but she was denied the fact that physicians in the hospital should conduct a survey, after which treatment would prescribe. As a result, therapy was interrupted in the first few days of staying children in the hospital, which during their diagnosis is a certain risk for their health.

From family archive

Mother visiting children is prohibited. The prohibition is motivated by the fact that it "can affect children"

Svetlana appeals to the lawyer Anna Michelova with a request to be her trustee.

The family appeals for the help of an authorized child under the President of the Russian Federation, Anna Kuznetsova. The authorized apparatus connects to participation in the situation.

Family friend places information about what happened in their instagram, and the family of Del's family becomes public.

In the section for receiving parents of the LittleOne forum, the wave of indignation rises. All members of the forum claim to believe in the possible disadvantage of families and the threat to the life and health of children is simply impossible. We asked for a comment from one of the participants of the forum, personally familiar with the family. Svn says: "With the family Svetlana and Mikhail, I met 5 years ago. It's trite and by chance: I threw the cry on the LV who can pick me up a few bags of new soft toys for gifts for children from orphanages (a daughter engaged in figure skating, and she threw to the ice toys in large quantities), and the light responded. Our accidental acquaintance continued in the summer: it turned out that the light lives in the same fox, in which I spent every summer with children. Gradually, we got acquainted closer, got together, made friends. My daughter and I almost daily visited Svetlana away, saw their life. My daughter was more and more played with kids, and I talked with Light and Mikhail, if he was not at work. Since then, we have spent together all the summer months in a fox nose, and the rest of the time we went to visit each other. In the courtyard everything was thought out for kids, and not just for the game, namely for rehabilitation. For example, a non-standard playground was purchased, but made to order: with some lazalts, jumping and slides, developing motility of children, with which many natural movements for ordinary children were given no effort. Moreover, children did not just be launched on the playground under the motto: "Are busy - and thank God!". Light constantly monitored who to run on what "shell". And I believe that this is not a "jamb" of the lights, and her great merit that the older children helped with her younger, who, notice, precisely and raised such loving, caring and adapted to life. In addition, there was a big sandbox in the yard with a lot of velocked, molds, loving and machines and trampolines. A huge "auto park" was located under the house: total, probably a century and a half dozen children's bikes, begging, scooters. That is, the normal yard of a large family, a concerned about the organization of leisure and the development of its children. And what a caring husband and father showed himself Mikhail! It seems to me the incredible opportunity that such a patient, calm, I would even say, a little phlegmatic Michael is not that he raised his hand on the baby, but even rose a voice over the measure. "

Lyudmila Petranovskaya is a psychologist, a member of the Association of Specialists of the Family Device "Family for the Child", one of the founders of the Institute for the Development of the Family Device, the author of the book on the reception children "Child two of two families" makes publication in his LJ, which expresses his opinion on what is happening: "We We do not know, we can not know and should not know yet, there has been a physical punishment of the child or not. I personally, as we are well acquainted with Svetlana, it is difficult to believe in it, but my feelings here have nothing to do with it. The information was received, work should be carried out on it. Professional work in collaboration with adoptive parents. What we know is that on the basis of only words of a 6-year-old child, without conducting nothing that no work is even no conversation with adoptive parents, the family choose 10 children, including adopted. Children lie in the process, the receiving mom does not give any documents about the display, the children are spread over the shelters and hospitals, without ensuring therapy. The receiving mother offered many options for the time of the proceedings: children could pick up their relatives, the family was ready for any forms of cooperation to clarify the essence of the case. But they do not even give to visit the children (at least yesterday, the situation was such). All this is monstrous non-professionalism and, in fact, is a brutal handling of children. Much more cruel than hypothetically had a physical punishment. "

"Display" - term fixed by Article 77 of the Family Code, which contains information that "with the immediate threat of a child's life or his health, the guardianship and guardianship authority has the right to immediately take away the child from parents (one of them) or in other persons in care which he is. The immediate mailing of the child is made by the guardianship and guardianship authority on the basis of an appropriate act of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the act of the head of the municipality. " The same article obliges the guardianship body into the seven-day after the removal period to apply to the court with a claim for the restriction or deprivation of parental rights.

The Department of Social Protection of the Population represented by his deputy head of Tatiana Barsukov reports Interfax that "January 10, childcare workers revealed the fact of cruel treatment - bruises were found on the body of one child. The guardianship authorities were caused, and together with employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, the fact of the Father's Father was witnessed. " According to her, therefore, it was decided to temporarily withdraw children from the family and place them in a safe place. At the same time, according to her, 10 children were withdrawn from the family, and not 12, as previously reported. So, eight * (diagnosis for ethical reasons and in view of the illegality of disclosure was removed by the author of the article) children are placed in a hospital, where they receive the necessary medicines, two in social institutions. Two more older children and one blood kid are with the mother. " Mothers are allowed to see children, noted Barsukova.

The lawyer Anna Mishelova brings a visit to the guardianship and police in order to obtain copies of withdrawal documents, but both agencies denied to it on the basis that the documents went on a predetermined check. After that, Anna filed a complaint to the Zelenograd prosecutor's office to the actions of the police and the guardianship. The complaint was accepted and from that moment the case is under Prosecutor's supervision.

Svetlana itself takes part in an emergency meeting dedicated to the analysis of the situation with the selection of children, which Anna Kuznetsova invites it. The results of the "meeting of the Special Commission" are written on the website of the apparatus of the Commissioner in the FB: "According to the representative of the guardianship and guardianship of the Zelenograd, it is not about the deprivation of mother parental rights. It was decided that a woman would visit children without restrictions. The question of the transfer of adopted children to the closest relatives of the mother is also resolved. " Anna Kuznetsova herself says: "We must thoroughly understand the situation, consider all the conditions under which children are refundable. But for this, it is necessary to understand what happened, to get a common picture of the health of children, their psychological state, get from mom and dad clear guarantees that children in this family will be safe. "

Oral Svetlana report that she will be given to children in the shelter. Later, the decision was changed - they said that before finding out all the circumstances, children would be able to pick up the relative of Svetlana. In the evening, when children were already dressed in order to give, the decision was changed again - the children will remain in the shelter at least until Monday, January 16.

All executive bodies left for the weekend, and the situation unfolded in the Internet space and media. The story lit all channels of television, including federal. Online publications published many articles, where, with the name of the names and without disclosed accurate diagnoses of children, although even their number was not always indicated.

The LittleOne forum is beginning to collect signatures under the appeal to President Vladimir Putin. Open the VKontakte Support Group. Launch Hesteg # leaving it in instagram. Collect signatures under the petition to Anna Kuznetsova. They explain the parents unfamiliar to the peculiarities of adoptive children, which means diagnoses of the SRR and RRP, contained in the medical cards of the seized children, including the boy, "giving out" against the adopted father.

Reactive attachment disorder (RAD, RRP) is a violation of the ability to form close and trusting relationships. It is found in children whose love for parents in the first years of their lives did not receive reciprocity whose needs were not satisfied; It is found in children who survived the poor appeal of parents or abandonance, cruelty in relation to themselves. Surrounding RRP children have difficulty in establishing attachment to adoptive parents, to attract attention to themselves can tell anyone around that their parents do not feed, offend, beat, punish, etc.

Delayed mental development (SOPR. ZPR) - violation of the normal rate of mental development, when individual mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, emotionally volitional sphere) are lagging behind in its development from accepted psychological norms for this age. The remaining parents, and later, children transferred to another family often continue to call mom and dad both pairs of parents - relatives and receptions. In the event of situations like this, it is necessary to attract child psychologists familiar with the peculiarities of such children. Maria Ermel, Svetlana's girlfriend and mother of nine children, some of whom are receiving, commented: "You need to understand what you have for children. Imagine an adult person who was betrayed two to three times in a row. Can this man trust and further someone? Presented? Now imagine that it was not an adult man, but a child. The child who threw her parents, did not stroking and did not kiss, but Morious hunger and beat. And then threw. And so, this little man with great and not children's grief falls into the family of a receptional parent. Do you think this broken baby's grief will all instantly forget and will love mom and dad? Not. This little man will refer to adults new in his life as well as treated him before in the orphanage and in the blood family from where he was thrown away. With indifference. Aggression. Hate. And there will be no little time, before such a child can begin to feel something besides hatred and love. This is called attachment disorder. And the child with such a disorder always wants to be the center of attention. To collect as much emotional infusion as possible from others. Such a child for the sake of this attention is ready to solga, steal, hit. And even if we are talking about home children, let's seriously: if you suddenly pick up your child, isolate it from you, what will he say then to anyone? Yes, he will say everything. Everything is asked from him and do not ask. Everything. Our children are not guerrilla. In captivity, they will lay out all that they want to hear from them. This is home. And the child from the orphanage, with an attachment disorder, which only began to trust the new adults, who somewhere suddenly went - like those old, - all that would like to say that he was betrayed again . Because he is alone. And there are no people again, who said they will always be near. "

On the page in FB "On the way to adoption", the first for these days a public statement of Svetlana Del, in which she, including, writes, is published: "I did not beat our children, including Serezh. My husband did not beat our children, including Serious. Talked, inspired, explained, Rugal - yes. But did not beat. We did not beat our children. "

Svetlana gets the opportunity to visit children in the shelter. In Instagram, a video appears on which a little Polina is very asking for mom to pick her home.

Daughter Svetlana, 19-year-old Daria visits children in the shelter. Later, she will tell that they let it be allowed to come along with the film crew of one of the TV channels. Children, according to her, very much want to go home: "Polina has every parting - hysterics."

TASS published a message of the representative of the press service Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow: "The children temporarily withdrawn from the family will remain in our institutions, probably before the end of the day. We are preparing documents for the transfer of their sister's recovery mother. This is not a quick process. "

There is also a published opinion of the Evgenia Baynovich authorized on the rights of the child in Moscow: "There are no questions now about deprivation and even restriction of parental rights, this is nothing, I hope that children will return to the family as soon as possible. I have no feeling that children should be isolated from this family. "

Svetlana with the eldest daughter of Dasha again takes an attempt to see children who are in the hospital and meetings with which she is also officially resolved. They allow them to transfer to children with gifts and notes, but they are not allowed again to children - according to the establishment of institution employees, quarantine has been declared in it. Eight children who were placed in the hospital, Svetlana did not see from the moment of seizure.

Expires the seventh day from the date of the selection of children from the family. According to the law, the guardianship bodies within seven days are obliged to enter the court with a claim for the restriction of parents in the rights or deprivation of parental rights. Or return children to legitimate representatives.

Family lawyer Ivan Pavlov publishes a message on his page that the family appealed to the court: "Today, our lawyers filed a lawsuit to the guardianship and police officers. We will demand an explanation - passed almost a week, since the children were seized, and we did not see any documents. And, of course, we demand to return the children home. At the same time, the appeals on all involved instances were in the hospital and the shelter, in which they contain children, in the guardianship and police. Please present documents to take away from the family and hold children in such cases. So far, no one could. "

The device of the Commissioner publishes at once two reports dedicated to the Del family, which say that "the situation with the seizure of children from the Del family is under the close control of the authorized under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of Anna Kuznetsova, who has repeatedly advocated a statement about the need to return children to the family "

In one online edition, it is unexpectedly an information that children in the family Svetlana and Mikhail Del not only were exposed to physical punishment, but also starved. Allegedly in the apartment where the family lived with children was dirt, there was no bed linen and food. The source of information is the page in the social network of one of the adult daughters Svetlana - Alexandra. It turns out that the girl placed there "appealing for help", in which it tells how hard she lived in the reception family: "I lived with my brother in a selection family at Del Svetlana Sergeyevna, and it turned out that we do not know where we disappear from our Savings books [...] We also did not felt with the same, we ate empty pasta, occasionally sausages on all children, boob, mayonnaise, rarely beat cucumbers and tomatoes, and SAP sometimes. But they had a sausage in the refrigerator and all sorts of little, as well as we were sent for alcohol and cigarettes to the store, and there was a handscript. " ORFography is saved. The page is removed from the contact with the press, including the author of the article, the girl refused.

Flashback: 2012-2014 The story of the emergence and stay of Alexandra and her brother Ivan in the family Del was preserved in the very topic where Svetlana talked about his family's life in the section for adoptive parents on the Littleone forum. Currently, the topic is seized from public access at the request of Svetlana to the end of the proceedings. Sasha and Vanya fell into the family practically adults - Sasha had only two years before the age of adulthood. According to Svetlana itself, she did not have enough of these two years so that Alexander was able to socialize. The main problem of children, for many years of lived in orphanages, is naandaptism to life outside the institution. They simply do not understand how life is being built outside the orphanages, they have no idea of \u200b\u200belementary things - where does it come from, money for life, how and what products are buying and how utility services pay. Sasha was 18 years old, she categorically refused to learn, and later to work. After the age of majority and adoptive parents did not work in any way to agree on the rules of residence of Sasha in the House of Svetlana and Mikhail. Already then, in emerging conflict, she used "native" for children with an attachment disorder method - attracted attention to his person the stories that it is offended by her family.

Messages from the topic Svetlana Del on the Littleone forum (2014): "Sasha is growing out, just no words like. Tomorrow I will be consumed in the custody, although I'm not sure that this is the right decision. And will not find ours "problem". Come on, the main thing is not that, but what is sick of soul. Sasha Our twisted day before yesterday. Of course, not one day began. Spring-spring, love-love. Again [...] Now, my beauty writes some kind of garbage in the social. Networks that they say this evil guardian woman drives her out of the house, everything took, money gets on her and other children, spends on himself, and their feeds feed. [...] We are not afraid of checks, of course. Today was just planned. Told about the situation of the current situation. Guardianship seems to be understood. True, she said that the Virgin of Our Eeee is not very reputation. And it would be necessary to send it at the place of permanent registration. Moreover, there is a apartment. But she does not want. It doesn't want to leave. It does not want an apartment. Wants to live in St. Petersburg and "Build Love". I have no pressure levers. A feeling of complete helplessness and meaninglessness of the last three years. " "Sasha will come today, we will talk. While the option that she offers - on weekdays she walks, resting with his MCH, and in our weekend - it categorically does not suit me. Today went to the custody, discussed the problem. It turns out that Sasha has long been the bikes all sorts, they say they set it up at the worst room, in the winter, in the winter, the heating was disconnected in her room, they were not released from the house and forced to "bare". The clothes do not buy, feed badly, etc. Okek, of course, in mind and everything understands, fortunately. Moreover, he lives next to us and sees every day of children. " Petersburg guardianship, who has long known and the family, and the girl, was on the side of receiving parents. Sasha already then accused the adoptive father that he hits children, but Mikhail seriously did not treat it and his girl regretted. Svetlana wrote: "He is good dad. Sasha will let the tear and he will regret it unequivocally. [...] I grew, she, actually, Trynit, that you beat children. Husband somehow all this does not perceive seriously. Like, I do not behave who will believe this nonsense. And Sasha, they say, not from a big mind lying, does not know what creates ... "Attempts by the girl's parents, they did not lead to success. Svetlana shared on the forum: "Well, for my suggestions to agree on the rules of residence in our house Sasha said:" I will find where to live, and you still understand, still know what I can do, "and went proudly." After almost 3 years, Alexandra posted information about how badly she was in the foster family, and as confirmation laid out a video, on which one of the younger daughters Svetlana Katya complains that she is offended by Mom. The video was removed and first laid out on the network in the same 2014. Then Katya only got into the family Del and, most likely, "Mom" in this video called his biological mother. The accusations of the adopted daughter Alexandra are now, when Alexander spoke with new accusations, she witnessed by Nyantia Lydia Yasinets, who worked in the family Del. Lydia, herself grown in the orphanage, handed over his daughter to the state institution because of the inability to independently educate. Svetlana helped Lydia to pick up her daughter, offered both to live in her house and paid a salary for their help with his other children. In the current situation, Lydia supported Alexander and left negative and exposure comments on the network, similar to the comments by Alexandra itself and placed on the same resources and at the same time. Currently, Lydia from comments evades, failed to come to contact with it.

We were asked to tell Veronika Kudryavtsev - Chairman of the St. Petersburg Association of Adjustable Parents, the mother of nine adoptive children: "The older the child adopted on raising the foster family, the more his experience, is wider than the spent range Impact methods. See you with your adoptive parents, he was forced to survive. That's the way: survive! First, in his blood family - most often, adolescents are withdrawn from disadvantaged families and survived neglect, hunger and violence - and then adapt to infinitely alternating a very different adult surrounding it in an orphanage. "Survival program" becomes a model of behavior, the only possible for them. The variability of how it is manifested very wide. These are endless provocations, manipulations, theft, false, aggression, sexual behavior, applying self-injunations, opposition behavior, etc. Everyone uses the existing Arsenal exactly to the extent that he had to master them. And this, of course, not the fault of the teen orphans. This is his trouble! As a rule, something, with which you have to face adopted parents who have adopted a teenager in the family - directly proportionate to what he had to survive. The fact that this child was injured. However, how many times, how many people, how long ago he betrayed the adults, which he tried to trust. All this is nothing but verification. The child asks the question: "Do you really love me? Even so? And if it is like that? ". It is worth remembering how an ordinary child behaves from the family during the "transitional age." Even those children who loved, about which they cared for whom, it would seem that everything was done, in the period of Pubertatat, forcing their parents to grab their heads. What does the adoptive parent receive, facing a seriously injured child who came to the family in this most publie? I think everyone is clear that this is hell ... people from outside, whom teenagers attract their demonstrative behavior, from the side everything can see quite differently. "Doblen" aunt and uncle are thrown to save unfortunate orphans. Protect them. Join the accusations of adoptive parents ... Just believe that with checks in our business all right! Specialists, according to legislation, regularly conduct a survey of housing space, living conditions, nutrition, means of spending funds paid for the maintenance of children. The guardianship authorities, as well as services working on contractual relations with them, cope with the function of control fully! Anyone who supports, described by me above, the types of behavior of the adoptive adolescent, does not help, as it seems to him, but only complicates and derete his socio-psychological rehabilitation. Parents are forced to spend themselves not on the child, but on excuse and endless explanations. Only experience, knowledge of special psychology, understanding of the peculiarities of behavior will survive, now, adoptive parents. Only so family can defeat the child's injury. Only time. If it is ... ".

On the night of January 18, all children from the hospital. Speranssky transferred to the Zelenograd shelter. Children handed over phones. Senior of girls, Victoria and Margarita, immediately sent messages to Mom "I miss mom" and "Mom. Ya. Ski, aya. Mum. , Let's love "(Author's spelling). Svetlana was invited to the shelter to 10 o'clock in the morning to attend the diagnostic conversation of children with independent psychologists. When she arrived, she was reported that the children had already talked with psychologists without her participation.

The head of the Department of Society of Moscow, Vladimir Petrosyan, on the air of one of the Internet channels, said that an independent commission conducted an inspection and finally established the fact that the reception father was hit by children. In this regard, the kids will not return back to the family: "Children return to this family cannot be categorically impossible, because all absolutely children categorically confirmed the fact that their dad beats, they are afraid of this dad." He also reported that they spoke with representatives of investigative and law enforcement agencies who stated that a criminal case was initiated under Article 116 and that there are facts that the children were much deprived of. " Family attorney Del Ivan Pavlov On his page in Facebook publishes a post in which no one claims that the family and lawyers have informed that the return of children in the family is no longer planned, nor about the initiation of a criminal case: "None of them bothered to come To parents, bring and present documents, contact the lawyer, report on the initiation of the case. Instead, the Department of Social Security prefers to publish information in the media - no one has proven guilt yet, there is no sentence, there is not even a single agenda. "

On the same Internet portal, where a few hours were previously published a statement by Vladimir Petrosyan that "all absolutely children categorically confirmed the fact that their dad beats" appear videos on which journalists ask children a question about the use of dad physical violence and no one Of the children, except for the same child with RRP and ZPR, does not confirm that the dad beat them. Even when the journalist sets children a direct question about whether their dad beat, they deny this fact.

TASS publishes a statement by the Speaker of the Federation Council of Valentina Matvienko, who believes that the removal of children from the family should be extremely measure when other measures are no longer valid. "In this case, hasty actions were not sufficient grounds. We must first figure it out, to get into the essence of the problem. And only if there were serious facts, then only after that they are withdrawn, "the speaker concluded.

Petrosyan Vladimir Arshakovich - Minister of Government, head of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow. It was this department in 2016 in 2016 concluded a contract with the Park Hotel Syamozero ", which killed 14 children's boat alloy, after which a lot of violations were found in the camp and it turned out that these violations were detected before The contract that did not prevent the company in 2016 to re-conclude a contract with the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow. In the footsteps, Vladimir Petrosyan who happened in 2016, Vladimir Petrosyan gave an interview, part of which we consider it expedient to quote: - Have you talked with the victims of the children? What do they tell What happened? Was the warning about what the storm will start? "- I am now with them. With my trip to the camp, children are satisfied. They say that they have been well rested." They like these trips. Part of the children assures that the warning was, others - what He was not. The signature under the contract put his deputy Tatyana Barsukov. Assistant leader of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Moscow City Duma Yury Ursu published The shaft in his blog analysis of the technical task of procurement, in which the intentional restriction of competition at the auction was cleared. On the portal, in connection with this, the collection of signatures was started under the appeal to the chairman of the RF SC, A. I. Bastrykin, demanding to attract Tatiana Barsukovka to criminal responsibility for holding a fictitious tender and involvement in the death of children. In our article, Tatiana Barsukova has already figured on January 13 - it was she who revealed the press diagnosis of children, although by the nature of the classes refers to those who are obliged to keep information that make up the medical mystery.

We contacted the mother of selected children and asked her to comment on the current situation. Svetlana Del told: "Today I was told to come to 10 am in the shelter for a joint talk with the psychologists with children. But with the children I could not see. "Specialists" interviewed children without me, without their legal representative. I waited from them calls and SMS ... We first heard each other after 7 days. The children said that they were very bored, asked when they could return home. Unfortunately, I have no answers to these questions. Later they reported that children do not want to go home. It is not true!! And in the evening I was deprived of relationships with children. "

As of the date of writing the article, children remain in the shelter of Zelenograd, the fact of causing them to be offended remains unproved, but not refuted. We can only add that throughout the entire time during which the children were in the hospital. Speransky, which is not subordinate to the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow, all responsible persons argued that the mailing of children was illegal and hasty, and children should be transferred in the near future. Recall that an authorized for the rights of the child under the President of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova, the Department, authorized for the Rights of the Child in Moscow, Evgeny Baynovich, the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, was adhered. However, immediately after the transfer of children to the Zelenogorsk shelter, which the Department of Social Protection of the Moscow population is subject to information that there are so far shortcomings in the education and content of children, which is immediately 8 contracts on the admission family are subject to termination. Translation of children from the hospital. Speransky in the shelter and a sharp change in the position of the department occurred immediately after submitting the family of del 17 January of the lawsuit for the guardianship authorities about the illegal seizure of children from the family.

Littleone will continue to follow the development of the situation. Prepared Natalia Romanova-Afrikantova Photo from the archive of families and open pages in social networks

Stalker2010: Read and other materials about the Del family, in my blog.

Moscow, January 18 - RIA Novosti, Larisa Zhukova. In Zelenograd, Svetlana Del continues to fight for the return of his ten children. Large mother has filed a police and guardianship authorities after seizures.

The resonant story overturned all sorts of rumors and once again attracted the attention of society to the problems of adoptive families. RIA Novosti tried to understand the situation, relying on the Internet diary Del, sources in the bodies of the guardianship of Moscow and the Department of Internal Affairs of Zelenograd, as well as the opinion of experts.

Without warning and resolution

The eleventh of January, the Zelenograd police without any notifications and decrees selected ten children Svetlana. For an hour, according to family friends, they were taken from two different kindergartens, schools, ballet studios and from a festive Christmas tree. Two were in the shelter - Svetlana was let down. Eight - in the hospital infectious compartment in different chambers. There's quarantine, and they cannot be visited. Three remain at home: older children managed to pick up younger Nikita from kindergarten. To them, the guard does not show interest.

Svetlana's lawyer did not provide any documents. In the custody explained that the head took the paper to Moscow. At the same time, according to family friends, they said in care that they had no complaints about the police.

However, the source of RIA Novosti in the Department of Internal Affairs of Zelenograd said that Svetlana Del never attracted the attention of organs. The signal from to withdraw children came from the guardianship.

Anna Kuznetsova, authorized on the rights of the child, said that there were no complaints about Svetlana Del: children can be returned to the family. The incident also interested in the Investigation Committee - the Moscow Glavk is also interested in a predetermined verification of the legality of the actions of the guardianship.

"We take and do not argue"

Svetlana Del and her spouse Mikhail moved to Zelenograd in 2014. Before that, they lived in St. Petersburg and were known as active adoptive parents. The family was atypical: before the birth of his own child, they took on the upbringing of seven adoptive children, after - another six. In addition, under their care was the son of the missing friend and two teenagers who soon had to leave the orphanage.

In 2009, when Svetlana began to lead the Internet diary, they brought up three adoptive children and Mikhail's daughter from the first marriage Masha in a large country house in the village of Lisi Nose on the shore of the Gulf of Finland.

Svetlana's husband is the General Director of Europe TV, a company for the production of television programs and films, three times noted by Teffi - is mentioned in the diary rarely. Svetlana herself, Medic on education, worked in the press service of the Mariinskaya hospital and worked in real estate. In his free time, the woman participated in the charitable foundation for helping children from the children's houses "April".

Having become a volunteer, Svetlana quickly understood: the only thing that can really help is pick up a child from a state institution in the family.

It all started in 2006 with Dasha - the first daughter Svetlana, she wrote in the diary:

"I remember with an orphanage, where my girl was, we went to a concert of some kind, and then we went to dine. And the daughter was" Shephin "(curator - approx. RIA News). We go Threesome: Small in the middle, and we keep her hands from two sides. And I understand the mind that I need to let the hand and another child take that it was stupid, but I can not ... In general, I took it. "

Three months later, Svetlana took the brother Dasha's orphanage from the orphanage. The boy was reluctant: he was called "non-prospective" with neurological diseases, but in just a couple of months, Svetlana had a feeling that they were "connected with one umbilical cord."

A year later, they took the second brother Dasha - Misha: "the husband himself said: it is impossible, as it is - he will remain one little there. We take and do not argue ... I did not argue."

"You do not have kids!"

Eight-month-old Polina - "Polyshka, Kulifuna, a hamster" - with a heavy medical diagnosis of Svetlana fascinated in May 2011: "Fields are a miracle. True. This is a gift of heaven. I am not a sentimental man, but the fields conquered the whole family. I think it seems to me , I feel every move, every smile. "

Having four adoptive children, Svetlana continued to volone: \u200b\u200bwent on orphanage and even descended the patronage over teenagers of Sasha and Vanya. They soon had to leave the orphanage. A large mother drove children in museums, water parks and oceanariums, on different circles, took with them to the Black Sea to Taganrog to the parents, as well as in Bulgaria, Italy, Finland and Switzerland. From these trips remained photos with smiling faces. I described their successes and told about every little victory. Baptized.

But every time, when interacting with the leadership of the orphanage, schools and guardianship authorities, she was remembered that she had no her children.

"My favorite question:" Do you have children? Is it dedication, and yours? If you suddenly give birth to where? ". Yesterday only came out, as in full, the director of PTU persuaded Sasha, which is better to be a kind of orphan, and not live in the family."

Guardian one - state

In December 2012, Svetlana went to Ekaterinburg, where the AIDS epidemic was now declared, for ten-month cute. At the same time, she began working to arrange custody over little Zhenya with the CNS disorder. As she wrote, children in an orphan almost do not go and do not know how to speak, but with "effort and individual attention" could be a few possible help.

The director of the orphanage, however, said that the Svetlana initiative looks strange:

"Guardian Wife is not needed. He already has a guardian - this is the state. And in general, you have too many children. So much is suspicious."

Svetlana such claims were never embarrassed, but she did not win the battle for Zhenya - he had to stay in an orphanage. In winter, the mother of five adoptive children learned that she was pregnant.

In May 2013, the Del family replenished with two more daughters - Vika and Rita - again from Yekaterinburg. Svetlana told the forum users that she was invited by local guardians. And girls, according to Del, communicating with her, began to change in front of her eyes. For the better.

Every three months, all children with a heavy diagnosis visited the hospital, where the doctors measured their viral load (last years was zero), and gave medicines for three months ahead.

In July, the only native son appeared - a small Nikita. And in November, Svetlana and her husband issued a custody of three-year-old Sergey and a one-year-old Leroy, who was not able to pick her friend.

Under the new year 2015, Mom has already brought three kids at once: Artem, Katya and Petya. The latter was a welcome child in his blood family, but he was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Parents from the boy refused. Katya also found himself in an orphanage with living parents who decided to arrange their destiny without her.

"But after all, not very cute, and with Down syndrome, too, you need a family, what to do. Not to disappear because of one unfortunate extra chromosome," the new retrain Mama-volunteer commented on the new replenishment.

Family or childhood

Questions about how she copes with so many children, Svetlana answered: with the help of nanny, her husband, grandmothers and senior children with whom they are very lucky. Someone called her "Mom of the 80th level."

However, the opinions of the forum about the well-being of this large family were divided. Some, having visited, wrote that the children impress well-groomed and beloved. Others asked than the Svetlana family differs from the orphanage. For example, a negative opinion has formed from the user Marilandi, which decided to leave his child in Del's home for the day:

"My child has never seen a single adult for the whole day and was thrown to the care of Philip. On the question why the child said she was not fed, the world could not answer. Just like the question why the child came the whole in fuel oil. "

Methods of Nancy Thomas

According to preliminary data, the appearance of the teacher was the reason for the withdrawal that there was a bruise on the six-year-old Series body: supposedly the boy said he hit his dad.

Svetlana wrote about Sergezh that he suffers from the "attachment disorder" on Nancy Thomas: "He is lying constantly. Without the meaning. Without the benefit for himself, you will ask, for example, what was in kindergarten for breakfast? He will say - sausages. And in fact - Porridge. What is the point to lie? What is the difference? "

However, the symptom of "attachment disorder" proposed by Nancy Thomas, psychiatrists and psychotherapists consider unproved science. And her teaching is at all dangerous. The fact is that Smya woman was a filmologist and had no psychological education. Her theory was founded on the experience of dog training experience: a kinologist offered parents to ignore the basic needs of children (for example, in food) to teach them to obey. Among the victims of such education, Advocates for Children in Therapy calls Vanya Skorobogatov, adopted by the American family in 2003 and the deceased in 2009 - from ill-treatment.

Travel of receptional families

Despite all of the above, Maria Ermel, the mother of four adoptive children with the features of the development and friend of the Del family, is confident that more adequate parents than Svetlana and Mikhail is difficult to find. She calls the incident with a removal of ten children at once. The guardianship authorities went on a crime, the discontinuity of children's data, she is sure that it is:

"They chose a beautiful, bright family and decided to destroy. She was already destroyed: they trampled and humiliated. Even if children return: how are they now, with disclosed diagnoses, will go to school?"

According to her, this situation is beneficial to the leadership of the orphanages: "About 100 thousand rubles stands out for each child per month, and the child with disabilities is up to a million. It comes to him, at best, thousands of seven rubles. This money, in contrast, from Allocated to parents, easy to steal. "

Astakhov: The number of devoid parental rights for 5 years has decreased by a thirdThe number of parents devoid of parental rights for 5 years has decreased by a third, reported in the annual report of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation on the Rights of the Child Pavle Astakhov.

However, the head of the group on the development of a professional standard of specialists of guardianship bodies and agencies, a member of the Government Commission on Juvenile Affairs Galina Family considers such a version of insolvent: "Money on a child is allocated in the municipal budget, they are not descending from the federal. Local authorities are more profitable to pay receiving parents 20 thousand rubles than to allocate a million ".

In 2015, Svetlana took the last daughter - Irina, with the defeat of the CNS. At the same time, Mikhail led the custody of all the adopted children.

Professional parents

A third of children from the data bank for adoption - with disabilities. Receiving parents who are decided to issue custody over them are monthly remuneration. In Moscow, they are the highest in Russia - 25 thousand rubles each parent and about 20 thousand for a child benefit, says Galina family.

"At least 50 thousand rubles each month receive a disabled child if there are both parents in the family. There are no cases when they abuse payments: having revealing the smell of big money, they begin to draw out loans. Then they come to the custody, they ask for another disabled person - not enough money for another Mortgage. "

The source in the custody bodies of Moscow informed the agency that a family with 15 children with disabilities came to Moscow recently. Parents are not heroes, but enterprising people, she believes:

"Now they have a dacha-palace, horses, and the children at home practically do not live - all the time in sanatoriums or somewhere else ... But for some reason, when a child with violations of behavior from the orphanage is sent in the madhouse, then this punitive psychiatry, and when It is sent to the receiving mother there is a concern for his health. The mother called the guy to the thief just for the sausages refrigerated without demand. "

As Vladimir Petrosyan's head of the metropolitan department stated, with a large family of Del, the Treaty of Operation Eight Children will terminate: the city listed them every month over 630 thousand rubles. According to him, there are evidence that "the children were very devoid."

In addition to big payments, in Moscow there is another tempting offer: if parents raise five adoptive children, three of whom with disabilities, and for ten years there are no complaints from the guardianship bodies, they have the right to receive an apartment. By random coincidence, Svetlana Del is a receptive mother for about ten years and recently moved to Moscow - to the city with maximum payments for custody of children with disabilities. After that, the problems immediately began.

"As I know, the police traveled to children in different points of the city, without warning and documents. What threatened them on the Christmas tree, in the ballet studio? I do not see such urgency. This is more important than any juvenal country like Norway," says Galina A family.

According to her, the guardianship authorities showed unprofessionalism and even committed a crime, rewinding ten children at once and distribute them into different places. In Moscow, at the Department of Social Security, there is a special consultation, which is considering the mapping issues within three days:

"There are specialists who can appreciate the situation, talking to children, determine the origin of the bruise: as a result of the impact of the belt, the cavity of the cigarette or during the game. I do not understand why they did not attract them."

Last year, according to Galina Family, 61621 The child was deprived of his parents and sent in an orphanage. Of these, only five thousand managed to return to the family. The main problem is that there are no legal mechanisms that allow you to return children if the custody authorities are mistaken. Just as there is no term "withdrawal" - instead, lawyers still use more politically correct "mapping to clarifying circumstances."

The situation with Svetlana del Member of the Government Commission on Minors considers not an adequate: thanks to the noise, which was raised on the network and the media. But how many less well-known parents risk not to return the children home, to say much more difficult.

In the history of residents of Zelenograd Svetlana Del, who has seized adoptive children, new turns appear. The other day it became known that a criminal case was opened against representatives of the guardianship. This was reported by the press service of the GSU of the Russian Federation in Moscow. Officials were suspected of negligence.

"According to the investigation, 10 minors for a long time lived in the reception family in the city of Zelenograd. Adsid parents did not create the necessary conditions for the residence and development of children. This fact was not identified by the factors of guardianship and social protection, and therefore significant harm to the legitimate rights and interests of minors. As part of the criminal case investigator, investigators will find out the circumstances of causing one of the receptional children of bodily harm, which revealed employees of a preschool institution, "the official site of GSU of Russia in Moscow speaks on the official website.

Prior to that, psychologists who declared journalists that the youngest of violence were confirmed to journalists that the youngest of them were confirmed. According to Irina Medvedev, they call him not dad, but uncle Misha.

Later, the situation commented on Anna Kuznetsov authorized on the rights of the child. She stated that a whole commission was created for the proceedings in the situation. After the experts talked with each kid, they decided to terminate the care treaty against eight children, which Del's family took care of.

As for other kids, the question of them is under consideration. According to Kuznetsova, one of the girls expressed a wish to live with a grandmother in St. Petersburg.

"Most children confirmed the experts who have established in the family the practice of bodily punishment from the Father, which was produced repeatedly and in the presence of Mom. According to a 11-year-old girl, she was preparing food for the whole family, while Mom prepared only for himself. Children did not express the desire to return to dad and mom, some of them want to stay at the Center for Social Support, "such a message appeared on the Ombudsman's website.

Svetlana del's itself is in a state of shock from what is happening and denies the fact of violence in the family. "I am almost crushed and destroyed. Thanks to the family and friends that they are near, otherwise it would not survive, "the woman shared in" Instagram ". According to Svetlana, children gave mobile phones. They wrote a fellow mother that they love her and bored.

Many Internet users support Del and distribute information about her family. Hosteg "Help return the children" that the day holds in the top in Vkontakte. The like-minded people created a group dedicated to Svetlana and its kids. It regularly publishes news on this topic.

In defense, Svetlana Del spoke and scandalous blogger Elena Miro. Woman known for his own attacks in the celebrity writing a post in which he called what was happening by lawlessness. "I would never have got up on someone's side in such a conflict, if I hadn't been confident who was right here, and who was to blame," said Miro. She also voiced one of the versions of what happened. According to Elena, it could happen due to the fact that Del's family claimed an apartment in the law.

A resident of Zelenograd also supported the singer Vera Brezhnev.

"How much is happening around us, which does not understand the heart or head. I read the story of Svetlana and I can not understand who needs it to whom it is profitable ... The only main thing, important and necessary, which is for each of us since childhood is mom, family, love and support. Why and why now her children are deprived of this - unknown, "the singer shared on social networks.

Nevertheless, children have already promised to find new adoptive parents. This was reported by the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin.

The question of returning to the family of ten adoptive children selected from parents of the guardianship authorities in Zelenograd may be resolved on January 20, according to the results of an independent psychological survey. Mother appealed to the court with the requirement to recognize the withdrawal illegal.

"The psychologists of the Sirota Charitable Foundation will meet with children, psychologists from the Human Rights Information Center" Ivan-Tea ", as well as psychologists from the Russian Rights Commissioner.

Taking into account the conclusions made by psychologists, on Friday, January 20, a collegial decision on the transfer of mother's children, "said Vladimir Petrosyan, head of the labor department and social protection of Moscow.

"The fact of the formed attachment of children to their adoptive parents has been established, and our social services will have maximum assistance to this family," he said to TASS correspondents.

By words representatives of the office of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child, at a meeting in the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, employees of the guardianship bodies presented to participants from photos and other materials, "testifying to numerous injuries on the body of one of the children, and other violations that served as a reason for their withdrawal. "

"My trust sent to the Zelenograd Court of Moscow for recognition of the illegal actions of the guardianship department and the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the obligation to return the children of the mother. None of them have not yet provided any documents confirming the legality of their actions. This is a completely unprecedented situation, "the lawyer of the receiving mother Svetlana Del Ivan Pavlov told Rapsey.

According to him, adoptive parents appealed to the institutions where children were placed, demanding them to return them.

« Currently, a group of lawyers specializing in criminal law joined the case, "said the portal of lawyer Anna Michelova, Trustee Svetlana del. - Requests reused On issuing copies of acts of seizures and acts of the state of housing conditions. At the same time, officials do not go to meet us, do not come to contact.

- How do you assess the publication in the media, where, with reference to guardianship workers, it is argued that the children in the family deliberately lived the injignment, in difficult conditions, and the parents received large sums of money from the state for their upbringing?

If someone believes that the family does this way earn, then why would the trusty citizens who consider it a good source of earnings, not to do the same? It is necessary to understand how difficult it is morally, physically, how expensive to socialize such a child.

As for the fact that allegedly children slept on the floor and spruce bread leaves. The most interesting is that 10 years (and the custody and police bodies confirmed this) there were no complaints to the family. They themselves say that the problems revealed "by chance." Everything was good, watched this family, and then suddenly it happened?

Mother family leads a blog inInstagram., it can be viewed, and see that it's not about the starving children at all! If it were so, it would notice now, after spending this operation. The case would put on control, would have done a remark, and only then would decide related to the withdrawal of children. It seems to me that there are a lot of inconsistencies. "

Recall that the other day 10 children were withdrawn from the reception family in Moscow Zelenograd. The cause of steel bruises, found from one of the children in kindergarten, told Mother to journalists. Three more children managed to escape from guardianship.