What is the name of Michael Jackson's daughter. To the question of paternity by Michael Jackson: Likbez for unwitted. Marriage with Liza Maria Presley

0 January 24, 2017, 21:57

About the take-offs and falls of the only daughter of the late pop king Michael Jackson, the public knows a lot, but not from the first mouth - 18-year-old Paris is extremely reluctant to share with the public with the details of his personal life. And for the first time, the girl decided to tell the whole truth: about his childhood, depressed after the death of his father, how she tried to end the life of suicide and through which she had to go in adolescence.

Paris gave a large and frank interview with Rolling Stone magazine and put all the points over "and", including once and forever closed the topic that Michael Jackson is not her biological father.

About life with father

We really did not know who he is and how famous. He was all our world, and we are him. For us, he was just dad, daddy.

Paris and her brothers, Prince Michael, who is now 19 years old, and a 14-year-old blanket, lived on Jackson Neverland's ranch, where he studied. Father offered them to go to the usual school, but the guys chose their studies at home, because this was their advantages.

When you are at home, the lesson at any time can suddenly come dad and say: "So, today everything is better to stay with me." We even didn't need friends - we had a father and the Disney channel.

Of course, the rules were also:

We did not allow to walk anywhere (on the territory of the ranch there is a park of attractions, a cinema, a zoo, approx. Ed.). Our life was usual: I went to school every day, tried in the lessons. If everything was fine with study, then we could choose where to go to the cinema or zoos. When he was bad, stayed at home.

Jackson wanted them to not just shut up lessons, but learned to think:

His main priority in our upbringing, in addition to love and care, was training. And he wanted us to disassemble in a variety of things. For example, I would never say about Columbus, that this is "a man who opened America." He would say this: "Columbus? He cuts the local to the damn mother!"

And Paris is grateful to his father for being tolerant. When the girl was 8, she, looking at the woman on the cover of the magazine, said that they fell in love with her. Father did not raise and eyebrows.

Instead of shouting at me, they make all the parents-homophobes, he just laughed: "Oh, so you have a girl now."

Paris Jackson with brothers, Prince Michael and Blanket

On the death of the Father

Michael Jackson died in 2009 at the age of 50, when Paris was only 11.

Everyone says that time heals. Not really. You just get used to living with this pain. I got sick with the thought that I lost the only thing that was important to me. Thinking about the future, I understand that everything is bad that it can happen, it is not able to compare with what has already happened - so I can't deal with everything.

Paris Jackson is convinced that her father killed and promises that one day justice will triumph, and the guilty (among whom the girl calls the management of the singer, and his doctors) will suffer punishment.

It's like a chess game, and at one time I will make my move. While this is all I can say.

On suicide attempts

In 2013, the world shocked the news that the 15-year-old Paris tried to commit suicide - the girl cut the veins and brazed the pills. Jackson says that there were many such attempts, just a press learned only about one of them.

I hated myself, I thought was insignificant. It seemed to me that I could not do anything good and correct in this life. I thought that was unworthy of living.

Thoughts about Suicide began to visit Michael Jackson's daughter after the death of his father. In the same period, Paris began to go to the usual school, completing home learning. According to the girl, it strongly changed it. With peeris peers, Paris could not make friends, but immediately found a common language with high school students:

I did such things that 13-15-year-old teens in principle should not do. I wanted to grow up as soon as possible.

At the age of 14, Paris experienced sexual violence from an unfamiliar person:

I do not want to go into details. I just say that it was a very bad and heavy experience, which I did not tell anyone about.

Paris began to cut herself and decorate scars, depressed progressed. In addition, the girl was very hard worried insults in social networks:

Freedom of speech is, of course, fine. True, our founding fathers could hardly anticipate the occurrence of the Internet and social networks when they created their amendments.

After compulsory treatment and studies in a closed school in Yute Paris, went on amendment:

Now I am an absolutely another person. It was abnormal. True, knotted. I passed through a lot, I had an extremely difficult teenage period: I had to fight depression, anxiety and fear alone, without any help.

That Michael Jackson is not her native father

Rumors that Michael Jackson is not a biological father Paris, walk from the moment of the birth of the girl. Many were embarrassed that the singer of African American origin was born white children. The justice of these arguments Paris Jackson categorically denies:

He is my father. And point. He will always be my father. People who knew him well, say that I am so similar to him that it even scares.

Commenimizing once a sick theme, Paris no longer wants to go back to it:

I consider myself black. I remember how my father looked into my eyes and said: "Remember, you are an African American. Be proud of your roots. Why did he lie to me? I believe him words as I know, he never lied to me.

About mother

After Michael Jackson divorced his Nurse Debbie Row, a guard over two children, born in marriage, crossed him. Paris did not know the mother from infancy.

When I was very small, my moms simply did not exist in my world. When I realized that for the appearance, a woman was needed, began to ask her father about her. I asked how my mother was called, and he replied: "Debbie." I then thought: "Oh, now I know what my mom is called."

Finding Mother Paris began when Michael Jackson died and met her at 13, and then again - after treatment in Utah. However, the lack of care girl did not experience:

Before our eyes there were many role-playing models of the mother - grandmother, nanny and others. When the native mother appeared in my life, her concern for me as a child was not needed. We have adult relations.

Now Paris Jackson often communicates with Debbie Row and supports her - a woman is treated from cancer.

About the charges of Michael Jackson in Pedophilia

Paris is confident in the innocence of the Father and considers accusations of his enemies and envious crimson. She remembers well when Jackson cried her in her room because of the next hearings in the case.

Imagine what it is when the Father is crying in your eyes, because everyone hates him because of the actions that he did not. For me, only one thing was important for me: my closest person in life suffers. I began to hate the whole world that caused him such a pain. Could not understand how people may be so cruel.

Now Paris begins a new chapter in his life. She finally finished with the demons of the past and ready to make a jerk.

Source Rolling Stone

Photo gettyimages.ru/instagram

Until recently, 18-year-old Paris, Michael Jackson's daughter, reluctantly shared with the public with the details of his personal life. And only now she decided to give a great interview with the Rolling Stones magazine and tell about everything that she had to survive after the death of his father.

About tattoos

Paris is a lover of experiments with appearance. It constantly changes the image, haircuts and hair color. Already on the body of the girl - 50 tattoos! Some of them are devoted to the singer Prince and David Bowie, and in honor of the dad, the girl made a whole 9 tattoo: "He brought me only happiness. Why not make a reminder of happiness? "

About sexual violence

At the age of 14, the girl was raised by an absolutely unfamiliar person. She did not go into details: "It was a very difficult experience that I did not tell anyone." Depression Paris, which began after the death of his father, increased. Then she began to intentionally hurt.

About suicidal thoughts

Due to depression, Paris tried three times to commit suicide. The press became known only about one of the most serious suicide attempt in 2013 (the girl was then 15 years old) - she stepped out the pills and cut the veins.

"It seemed to me that I was insignificant and I could not do anything good in this life. I considered myself unworthy to live. "

After the third attempt, Suicide Paris sent for treatment to Utah, where she visited a closed school. She spent most of his youth there, and it went to her.

About the charges of Michael Jackson in Pedophilia

Paris said that her father was very hard for the accusations of the Pedophilia and never hid it from children. At the same time, Paris considers him innocent, because at night he cried in front of the children: "Imagine what it is when the Father is crying in your eyes, because everyone hates him because of the actions that he did not do."

About life in "Nevalend"

Paris and her brothers, 19-year-old Prince Michael and a 14-year-old blanket, lived on the famous Father's ranch. Although Michael offered them to go to the usual school, they chose home training.

"When you study at home, in the middle of the lesson, you can go to your daddy, whom you love the most in the world, and say that today the study is finished, and we go to toecute with him!"

Children needed nothing but dad and canalDisney.

About mother

Paris had not seen his mother up to 13 years old. In childhood, she did not even think about the existence of a mother, and then unexpectedly understood that a woman was needed for the birth of a child. After Michael Paris's death found her mother, Debbie Row, and at the moment supports it in the fight against cancer.

About the biological father

Paris never doubted that Michael was her real father. "People who knew him well, always told me that we had one face, and it even scares." Father spoke Paris: "You're an African American. Be proud of your roots. " Did he really lie?

In the light of the latest sad events [Note: Article from 2009], the interest of media and the public to the fate of three children Michael Jackson increased significantly. During his life, Jackson diligently defeated his children from the annoying attention of Paparazzi. Going out somewhere, his children always hid behind masks and translucent scarves. Those rare frames that managed to catch were fuzzy and lubricated. But from June 25, everything changed for them. At the farewell ceremony in the Staples Center, they first appeared in public without masks, and from that day the paparazzi of the whole world actively quickly missed. The Internet flooded photos of children, and the tabloid press - all sorts of rumors and gossip relating to the biological kinship of Jackson and his children.

The focus of the yellow press makes the color of the skin of children, they say, an African-American can not be white children.

Many, far from genetics, people are also asked a similar question. The very fact of the emergence of such a question is the ordinary ignition of ordinary people in the issues of genetics. This topic is designed specifically in order to be visible and accessible to explain this far from rare In the modern globalized world "Phenomenon".

Question: Why is his [Michael Jackson] Children are bright?

Answer: Michael Jackson is a heterozygous carrier of hereditary information (AA), and the mother of children is homozygous for a recessive sign (AA).

Everything will fall into place if you pay attention to the fact that racial signs in people of the White race are transferred to the Father, through its U-chromosoma due to the fact that people of the White race of the U-chromosome dominates the X-chromosome, such as, for example, The dark eye color dominates over blue or green.

U-chromosome and the remaining twenty-two coming together with it, carry the main qualities and properties inherent in the white race people.

Therefore, the properties and quality of the white race are transmitted only through a man.

Representatives of the black race, everything is exactly the opposite.

It is the X-chromosome (together with the remaining twenty-two chromosomes attached to it) dominates the y-chromosome and is the carrier of the properties and qualities inherent in the black race. Therefore, the properties and quality of the non-erased (black) race are transmitted only through a woman.

I will explain in more detail.

In the family of Michael Jackson there were white people not so long ago, generations 3-4 back. It is a carrier of chromosoma of both races, black and white (heterosigoten).Children's mother (Prince and Paris), Debbie Row Carrier chromosomes of only white race (homozygot). Thus, the chromosome of the White race in this pair are dominant.

All his children from a white woman will be white with a little hint of non-refinery on a recessive (depressed) feature.

Also, if any of his brothers married a white woman and had children from her, they would all be white too.

On the other hand, if in the family of the White Mother, some of the ancestors were black (i.e., it would also be heterozygous), then the children would be dark-skinned with the mitigation of the disheve of the face, because In this case, the chromosomes of the Black Race will be dominant.

In the family of Michael Jackson there were also representatives of the indigenous population of America, indian blood also made his contributionThis is noticeable by his mother, so that the appearance of the appearance of the younger generation of the Jackson family is an infinite set.

By the way, if you look carefully at Michael's father, you will see that he has gray-green eyes, and in his youth there were dark red hair - this is a manifestation of a chromosome of white race, which are transmitted by the men's line.

The family photo of the numerous Jackson clan is given (I suspect that there are far from all representatives of this glorious family, but only those who fit in a frame), where you can easily detect all the colors and shades of the skin, including several bright children (not Michael) .

Excerpt from Michael Jackson Interview Martin Bashiru:

"[...] Black people are called still color, because we are of any color, from very white - as my hands - to a very dark, like your shirt. My father has blue eyes. And when people see Paris, they always speak. About Debbie, but it can be the genes of my father, you know. [...]

Excerpts from the interview "Michael Jackson - Father of his children ...":

[...] Tito Jackson insisted yesterday that there is one simple test, which proves that his brother Michael is really a biological father of his children. Everything you need to do those who doubt this is to look into their eyes - especially in the eyes of Jackson's youngest son, blanket. Tito said: "They are all his children. I can say that the blanket is a copy of Michael. These eyes are not lying. In these eyes, I see Michael again and again. I see how much Michael is in it. "

Tito said it is funny that so many people are questioned by Michael's paternity, just because children have such bright skin - especially if you consider that Mom Prince and Paris Debbie Row - White.
"I have an uncle who married a white girl, and they have three children. Two of them are white, and one is black.

"When they go to school, people do not even suspect that they are their brother and sister.

"They are all the children of Michael. Prince looks just like my grandfather. There can be no questions, they are Michael's children. They are 100% it.

Children look like peas in a pod. They remind me of me and my brothers in childhood”.

About Prince:

He very much reminds me of my grandfather. He is very smart and very perceptive.

O Paris:

She is absolutely daddy girl. His death will definitely affect her.

About Blanke:

Blankets very much reminds me Michael. It is a funny and hooliganian boy, hooligan in good sense of the word. He very much reminds me of his dad, all his behavior. [...].

Considering all the above, there is nothing surprising that his children were born with such light skin. And whether they are white, as it seems at first glance?

All, probably, remembered the touching words of Paris about her father during the farewell ceremony.

But did everyone notice that she was one color color with his aunt Jennet?

And the fact that native sisters Jennet and La Toya differ in the color of the skin from their own brother Jermaine?

No one can predict what combination the genes of both races in each newborn will be educated.

Prince is a typical Bi-Racial Kid. There is nothing unusual that he does not look black, since he is half white. His mother is a white woman, with very light skin and blue eyes. It can see both parents.

Prince in comparison with other bi-racial children:
Paris is a copy of his mother, only a darker and soft version.

If both Paris parents were white, she would be as bright as Debby.

Many noted that Paris has the same form of a person as in La Toya.

And the famous Jackson smile.

Her amazing bright eyes could get to her both from Mother and from grandfather, Joe Jackson, a carrier chromosome of a white race.

Paris in comparison with other bi-racial children:

And even the Prince with age appeared curls, though, I repeat, it is not at all necessary.


Children in bi-racial marriages

Children born by representatives of two races, black and white, called bi-Racial (Bi-racial), and the options for their appearance, as well as the colors of their skin, eyes and hair, there is an infinite set.

Jackson children - bi-RacialAnd they look like "children of two races."

We all know Donna Summer. But it looks like her daughter Mimi from the first marriage with Helmut Sommer.

Women in this sense easier. They certainly know that these are children, right?

For a man, his paternity for some reason is often due to people who have a rather vague idea of \u200b\u200bgenetics and infinity of various gene combinations.

Daughter of famous actress Stacy Dash And Paris.

Both girls look exactly the way B-racial children usually look: light skin, curly dark hair and blonde eyes. Or set, blonde hair / dark eyes. What is characteristic of b-racial children, with age, the shade of their skin becomes a little darker than in childhood.

Daughter of the famous musical producer Queens JonesWith which Jackson worked on creating his immortal "thriller". Rashida Jones - Typical Child Father African American and White Mother: Light Leather. Dark hair (in childhood there were bright), green eyes.

Son of the famous American actor and TV hostJames Earla Jones And his first wife Cecilia Hart, Flin Jones.

Rock musician Ben Harper With your family: wife, actress Laura Dern And three children.

Legendary German tennis player Boris Becker And his children from two marriages with dark-skinned models.

Famous American actress and singer, Erf Kitt With her daughter from the first marriage with John William McDonald, Kit McDonald and the granddaughter Rachel Shapiro.

Actress Karen Parsons And her family - husband, Russian film director Alexander Rockwell, and two children, Lana and Nicole.

In general, the topic of bi-racial twins itself is extremely interesting, but we will not dwell on it in detail. I just say that another 60 years ago the birth of twins with different skin color was a unique phenomenon, due to the fact that the mixed marriages themselves were very few. Now such cases are still surprising, but each year becomes more and more, globalization and mergers of races and cultures are doing their job.

Here are just a few examples.

It is surprising that in our time people are still so ignorant in matters of genetics, especially with regard to bi-racial people. It is sad, because before the black father or mother took the children if they were born like white, since people did not believe that this is their native child. In times of slavery, b-racial people who were half black, recorded as white.

Several photos of bi-racial (half-black, half-white) children, without impurities any other blood.

Mixed marriages (both star and ordinary) and bolt children born in them are incredibly many, especially in such a multiracial and multinational country as the United States.

Michael Jackson is the greatest performer, a genius of his time, truly pop king of music. Regarding that such people go too early from us, leaving a feeling of deep loss and inexpensively. Who knows, perhaps someone from three of his heirs will be able to adequately continue the case of the Father. It is about the children of Michael Jackson and today's story will go.

As mentioned earlier, all of them are three: daughter and two sons.

1. The Larous Son of Michael Jackson - Prince Michael Joseph Jackson - Born in Los Angeles, February 13, 1997. He, like his sister Paris, are their children of the singer and his wife - Debbie Rose. Prince I received his education with a sister in one of the private California schools.

From the early years, the boy liked journalism and everything connected with it. The child himself repeatedly said that he could sing and dance, like his father, he never knew. Therefore, the training began. From an early age, the boy began to attend journalistic courses. After a while, this attraction brought its fruits.

The debut of the Prince, as a correspondent, is the plot, shot in 2013 on the Entertainment Tonight channel.

To date, the senior of Jackson's children continues to develop in the field of journalism, and also has the experience of TV presenter. In the near future, as the prince himself says, he would like to try his hand in director, or writing a script for a film.

2.Paris - Michael Catherine Jackson. The only daughter of Michael, was born on April 3, 1998. The early years of your life, the girl spent with his father.

Paris began to acquire his education, together with the elder brother Prince, in Buckley School.

Starting from 2011, a young girl is actively working on his career in Hollywood. The first significant victory was the approval on the main role in the novel-adventure "Landon Bridge and three keys". A feature of this film is a special idea of \u200b\u200bthe connection of animation and cinema. It is noteworthy that our heroine has become the only "alive" actress - all other participants in the painting - drawn.

Another significant achievement of Paris is to enter the list of "most beautiful people of the world", published in the journal "People" in 2012. In 2013, the girl throws science, thereby fully devoted to an acting career.

At the beginning of June 2013, the world stipped the news about an attempt to suicide the daughter of Michael Jackson. Paris brazed the tablets, and also cut the wrist with a kitchen knife. Fortunately, she managed to save.

In 2015, she married a football player Chester Castello. To date, the girl is engaged in active acting and model activities, often appears in secular events.

3. Forward, and, accordingly, the youngest heir to the pop king, is born from a surrogate mother on February 21, 2002, Prince Michael Jackson II.

According to people close to the family, as well as teachers, the youngest of Jackson has a completely different character than his older brother and sister. Close relatives argue that Prince II: "Very cute and calm boy, ready to always come to the rescue."

It is impossible not to note the amazing similarity of the boy with his father. Most recently, the youngest Jackson decided to change the name, as he considers an increased interest to his person. Now the guy carries the name of Big Jackson.

Unlike brother and sisters, the boy leads a smaller lifestyle, and a lot of time devotes to its learning. Perhaps, quite soon, Prince II will achieve even high heights than his father, but already in the scientific sphere.

Apparently, the daughter of Michael Jackson Paris decided to storm the West Show Business. The 18-year-old girl began his crusade with the appearance of the Golden Globe award on Aftepati, visiting several fashionable shows, photo shoots in the image of Madonna and continued the interview that Gave the Rolling Stone magazine.


The conversation turned out very frank. Paris admitted that she was raped at the age of 14. "It was an absolutely unfamiliar man. I don't want to go into details. This experience, of course, did not bring anything good. I was very hard, I didn't know how to cope with it, and then I did not tell anyone about what happened to me "," Paris told.

Because of the experiences, the girl tried to impose hands several times. Interestingly, relatives did not even guess the spiritual donom of Paris. Only four years ago, the daughter of Jackson "became famous for the whole world, when he was hospitalized with cut veins, heightening the tablets.

"It was all the case in hatred to myself. I was sure that I couldn't do anything insignificant and I could do anything. I thought it was not worthy of this life. In addition, I contacted a bad company in school and dismissed drugs. I did such things That adolescents in principle should not do. I thought it was how much more matured. It was abnormal. True - completely crazy, "the daughter of the late pop king admitted.

Photo Published Paris-Michael K. Jackson (@Parisjackson) Jan 24 2017 at 1:18 PST

Now Paris has become "Other". She is full of strength and confident in herself. The speech came about her father. The girl shared his thoughts on his death. According to Paris, he could kill him.

"My father did not hide that he had many enemies. In order, he said so:" They will kill me "." Pointing, you can't have a good-toggie teopyi, but all family members have been aware. He was set up a trap, "said him Paris. Jackson concluded that sooner or later, the truth will pop up out. "