What year is the children of Maria Maksakova. Maria Maksakova, biography, news, photo. The uniqueness of the Maksakov family

Family - like a tree. The deeper the roots, the stronger they keep, it is almost impossible to snatch such a tree. Every time it becomes interesting to each normal person, who were his ancestors, because the roots of the family are a pedigree.

From the older generation in the family, unfortunately, no one left, but it was preserved a rather large archive. To deal with the documents and start searching Ludmila Vasilyevna helped the continuer of the opera dynasty Maria Maksakova - the daughter of the actress, who inherited from his grandmother not only the name, but also a wonderful voice.

Search for its roots Lyudmila Vasilyevna began with the maternal line. Most of the family archive are photos of Maria Petrovna, the gallery of its stage images. The People's Artist of the USSR possessed a great dramatic talent and bright temperament, her velvet voice loved to listen to the "leader of the people" Joseph Stalin and called her "My Carmen".

Grandma with grandfather lived in Astrakhan and wore Sidorovy's surname. Maksakov - the scenic pseudonym of the opera singer Maximilian Schwartz, Mom's first husband, Lyudmila, whom the actress never saw, because he was born after his death.

Before going to Astrakhan, Mom's hometown, Lyudmila appealed to the specialists of the Genealogy Center and submitted a request to the archive of the Astrakhan region. Once in the city itself, the actress finds out that her grandfather is from Saratov. Most likely, it was on merchant affairs that he was in Astrakhan, where he met his future spouse. Employees of the archive managed to find a unique document - the Passport of the great-grandfather Lyudmila Maksakova.

As for the main issue, which the actress was asked, starting drawing up their pedigree, then according to the main version, which she adhered to and earlier, her father was Alexander Volkov, a wonderful singer. According to eyewitnesses, some relations between Alexander and Maria existed, but did not advertise properly, so I did not receive an unambiguous answer. The actress decided to go to the Museum of the Bolshoi Theater, so that at least a little one to open the mysterious curtain of the history of his family. The museum survived stage costumes and some personal things Mary Petrovna, among whom was the portrait of Maximilian Schwartz, but it was not possible to find out the details that indicate an acquaintance with Alexander Volkov.

Is it possible to ride through the century on the "Time Machine" - our famous singer thought about it:
- Family rarities Andrei Makarevich ..

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"I think a whole day about what happened in Kiev. I really want to hear the votes, but she doesn't fit to the home phone, although it used to have always removed the phone. Her mobile is turned off. Perhaps Luda went to the theater rehearsal. She is an extraordinary worker. In any situation, takes himself in hand and works, "Natalia Selezneva praised his girlfriend.


The actress called Lyudmila Maksakov a very good mother. "When Masha studied, Luda hired her the best teachers. Masha went to the best schools, she had wonderful private teachers, a large vocal practice. Masha is a very educated person. She is capable, with good memory. Louis has done a lot for her, as for her His Son, and for Grandchildren, "the legendary actress noted.

By the way, as Seleznev told, with the older children of Mary Maksakova nurse at all not a famous grandmother, but a former husband. "They are with their father," the Komsomolskaya Pravda site quotes the actress. At the same time, something about the ex-beloved Mary Natalia Selezneva categorically refused.

But the actress spoke about the conflict between Lyudmila and Maria. "Recently, Luda with his daughter does not support the connection ... even before their departure. Luda was categorically against this marriage. She is a strong, very volitional man. Keeps, distract himself from sad thoughts. But, believe me, all this is too hard," - said Seleznev. At the same time, the actress expressed confidence that after losing her husband, Maria Maksakov would return to Russia.

Recall, Mary Maksakova, three children. The son of Ilya and daughter Lyudmila will grow up from previous relations from the artist. They say their father is the leader of the fraternal grouping Vladimir Tyurin (Tirya, Tyurik, Bath, a film mechanic). Journalists refer to an interview with Opera Diva, this journal "Rest! Names" and which once was posted on her official website, where Maria recalled how Vladimir cared for her, fell in love, seeing on TV, and sake it all. Note that Tyurin was 19 years older than the artist, and officially married, according to the singer, they did not.

In the fall of 2010, Vladimir was arrested on charges of creating a criminal community and money laundering. However, in the winter of 2012, Tyurina was released from under arrest, because he allegedly moved away from criminal cases and owns only a legal business.

Maria Maksakova is a widow of the ex-deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov, the latest news about which today is surprised by both Russian and Ukrainian readers. Maria does not refuse numerous press interviews. Recently, Maria Maksakova became the main person to discuss in the "Direct Ether" program with Boris Korchevnikov.

Life Mary Maksova today

The media is confident that Mary's life after Denis Voronenkov's death is not so bad as Maxakov speaks about it. Alexander Nevzorov believes that the girl is a good actress.

Recently, Maria gave many interviews Ukrainian and Russian journalists, in which he told how much her life was insignificant.

Maksakova all the time tells journalists that all the inheritance of her former husband goes into the hands of his first wife and children. She and his child remains without money. Maksakova does not cease to say that it is unfair to her, because it also raises the child Denis Voronenkov.

Maria Maksakova tries to confidently talk about his problems curious journalists, so that this topic would never come out of sight, and all the time he was heard. Maria says that Julia Voronenkov is the former wife of Denis, so he received enough money from the late husband, so claiming the property that he has left after death, it has no right.

Julia has long been divorced with the late Denis, so Maria believes that his legacy is only her.

Maria did not hold back tears during an interview

The latest news shows that today a journalist Alexander Nevzorov, who does not get tired of talking about the fact that this is a banal acting game Mary. He does not observe sincerity in her eyes, but suspects her in a frank hypocrisy. Nevzorov says that Maria tried to portray a big loss after the death of her husband, she even played a scene of fainting.

Maria Maksakova remained without an inheritance of the former husband, and no matter how hard she tried, to confront the law simply could not.

Wedding photo of Mary and Denis Voronenkov

To date, the inheritance was estimated at 1 billion rubles, of which Mary did not get a penny. Many journalists say that Denis Voronenkov felt that his life was coming to an end.

Shortly before his death, he decided to rewrite all his property in the form of apartments, houses, office centers and land on his first wife and their joint children. Lately, he was very afraid to face the complete confiscation of real estate.

The latest news today is shown that the investigation into the murder of Mary Maksakova - Denis Voronenkov, gets small shifts. The Ministry of Internal Affairs today already has the official confirmation that the killer had accomplices. It is worth recalling that the ex-deputy was killed in the center of Kiev on March 23. Voronenkov had a good guard, who managed to hurt Killer.

Maria M. At the murder of a husband

It became known that the killer also died from deep injury already in the hospital.

Maria Maksakova moves to Ukraine

The latest news of 2017 shows that Maria Maksakova decided to move to Ukraine and forget about the native country. She even decided to learn the Ukrainian language and gladly shows his new abilities to journalists. All the circumstances that occurred with Maria did her stronger. She tries to forget about what was in the past life, confidently building their life priorities today.

As Maria said, she no longer wants to return to Russia, so he gradually gets used to life in Ukraine. The star suggests that it begins to build his career in Ukraine, for this, she met Evgenia Niscide.

Journalist Artur Gasparyan The first person who publicly saw the spoken Ukrainian language Mary Maksakova. He removed a small roller and laid it in instagram.

For Mary, Maksakova Ukrainian is very simple, it does not see any difficulties in his study. Recall that Maria is engaged in vocals, and is now thinking about performing his songs in Ukrainian. Now Maria says that the Ukrainian language deserves greater admiration, rather than Russian, because his historical moments are more valuable.

Maksakova with her husband

After the loud killing of Denis Voronenkov, Maria Maksakov never thought about going back to live in Russia.

It takes strange things lately with her, so it fears and for their lives. Recently, her cell in the bank was professionally opened, all things that are now in the police were withdrawn from it. Maria tells that unable to deal with such activity around him. Some people strongly recommend it to return to Russia and start a new quiet life, others fully support the desire to move to Ukraine.

Against the background of all this, is in a small depression, which does not hide from journalists at all. Many believe that talking about their problems and share personal life with journalists, these are a hobby for Maksakova.

It is worth recalling that Maria Maksakova is a Russian diva, which moved to Ukraine with his late husband. Denis was also a citizen of Russia, and only a few months before his death received Ukrainian citizenship.

On the day of his death, Denis Voronenkov followed a business meeting, and on the road, an attempt was made to him, which was completed for the customer successfully. Denis Voronenkov is dead.

At the time when Maria Maksakova, together with the late Denis Voronenkov, moved to Ukraine, a few more deputies came with them who did not feel security in Russia. They were sharply persecuted, so they chose such a way to Ukraine as security.

Maria Maksakova (see Foto), as shown by the latest news for today, is not going to investigate regarding the murder of her husband. Maria is confident that soon the truth will still be clarified, and customers will be punished.

Singer at her husband's funeral

It is worth noting that Mary remained a son who was born from Denis Voronenkov. Maksakova told that he would independently deal with the upbringing of their common child, despite the fact that she did not leave anything deceased her husband.

Even, Maria frankly told that she was insanely grateful to her late husband for appearing in her life, and he taught it a lot. She no longer holds no resentment for the fact that all his property passed the first wife and their joint children. Maria Maksakova is confident that he will be able to give the necessary education to his child and raises him independently. He will not need anything. But, nevertheless, journalists do not cease to hear that Denis did not spend correctly towards their son, rewriting all the property on children from the first marriage.

Maria and Son.

Since Maria Maksakova singer, she is now hard engaged in his vocal career. Maksakov rapidly examines Ukrainian not only in order to be a full-fledged Ukrainian, and in order to sing Ukrainian songs. In addition to all this, Maria Maksakov promised that he would definitely write a song in Ukrainian, which will be devoted to her deceased husband.

Celebrities are always under the closer attention to the public. They take an example, they believe them, they are condemned and glad to look at them on TV. Especially under the sight is the appearance of popular women.

Maria Maksakova, her personal life, political issues and appearance before and after plastics - a hot topic of discussions on women's forums, in social networks, in public places and simply in conversations of girlfriends.

Changes in the appearance of the singer are very notes that for a long time to them its image was static:

  • beautiful, but in recent years there is a sufficiently dense figure;
  • round face with chubby cheeks;
  • distinctive feature - long blond hair, favorite styling - curls and straight loose;
  • long straight nose with a pointed tip;
  • big mouth, medium flipping lips;
  • mid-sized breasts.

In his youth, Maria Petrovna was very similar to his famous mother - singer and actress.

According to the numerous public, a woman, though not a puppet beauty, but could give odds to any girl of model appearance due to their individuality, talent and ability to stay in the public.

First plastic surgery

Of reliable information, which of the services of plastic surgeons was provided by Maria Maksakova first. The celebrity itself is reluctant to share the details of its transformation, and doctors who comply with professional ethics will never tell such secrets.

Many sources argue that Maria first turned to the surgeon after the death of the wife of Denis Voronenkov and "muttered herself." According to supporters of this position, she first wired her lips, corrected her nose, then cheekbones, face shape and breast size.

But this information is unlikely, because in many photos with the spouse, the features of the face and body singers significantly differed from those that can be seen in the photographs of the beginning of the 2000s.

There is a fundamentally opposite opinion regarding the period of the first plastic interventions into the appearance of the celebrity. It says that already at the age of 23 she had a lip shapeAnd the proof of this is provided with a photo, where Maria is openly smiling at the company of their parents.

It is most likely that the truth in the middle: the singer has been carefully watching his appearance for many years and tries to improve it. Changes in the form and size of the nose are most noticeable, so they are considered first.

The fact that the singer conscientiously supports its appearance necessary regular procedures is also obvious.

Increased lip

Numerous pictures of Mary Maksakova before and after change, eloquently confirm that the plastic of the nose and lips was accurately.

Noticeably increased, chubby and juicy lips manifested themselves from a woman even during their stay in the Russian Federation, which is clearly visible by photographs from its workplace - the walls of the Duma.

The increase in the lip of the gilauronic acid is the most popular service of the contour plastics of modern salons of the countries of the former CIS and others. In addition to additional chulforming with the help of the procedure, other objectives are achieved:

  • contour alignment;
  • improvement form;
  • elimination of asymmetry;
  • getting rid of wrinkles over lips;
  • raising the corners of the lips, which allows you to change the sad, sad facial expressions for a smile.

The duration of the lips increase session takes literally from a few minutes to half an hour, including anesthesia. It is important that the doctor is a graduate professionalMaterials used high-quality and all security measures were respected.

According to images in the pictures, the singer has significantly increased lips, the contour line is adjusted. It is also obvious that the star is watching them regularly, because to maintain the desired type you need to visit a specialist once in half a year-year.

In general, the appearance of the mouth of Mary is a pretty, obviousuration is not, but it is impossible to disagree with half opinions on the Internet: along with the form of form and volume of lips, the individuality of the woman was lost - they became "like everyone else", having liked their owner to many secular lions.


Rhinoplasty is a service that confidently entrenched in the five most popular among residents of the countries of the former CIS. Such intervention can be carried out both with the medical goal and to adjust the appearance.

The operation requires a high level of professionalism from a physician, since working with soft, mucous and cartilage tissues, it should not only change the form, but also to save LOR functions.

Officially, the celebrity does not confirm the fact of plastic surgery on the nose, but the photo on which Maria Maksakova is depicted before and after plastics, eloquently indicate that surgical interventions were.

So, a straight, smooth and long nose with a sharp tip, a little rude - what can be seen in a photo of 15-17 years ago. Mother and grandmother of the star possess such nose.

By the way, he absolutely did not spoil the appearance of the celebrity, rather was its highlight and indicator of similarity with famous female relatives.

Today, Mary Mary's nose is neat, small, with a slightly rumped cute tip. The shape of his smooth and quite typical for modern girls - you can say trend.

Many Internet editions include the singer to the top ten women who have an operation to change the shape of the nose successfully and the appearance after it became better. It is very likely that rhinoplastic sessions for the singer passed more than once and the appearance of her nose changed gradually.

In any case, Mary is lucky with a plastic surgeon - the work was performed very high quality.

Beauty Injection from Wrinkle

Maria Maksakova before and after plastic nose, the facial oval and other parts of the body always had a common line for all time - smooth, young, well-groomed skin.

This is especially clearly visible on the video close-up during direct ether and interviews.

The fact that not only nature, and the hands of experienced specialists take care of the beauty of the Opera Diva, is no doubt. Maria Maksakova in his 39 years looks gorgeous and can compete with beauty with any celebration of the university.

Regularly laid out on social networks current photos confirm.

One of the most popular services in the field of modern beauty - injection from wrinkles, probably familiar to the singer. Beauty salons offer such wrinkle methods:

  • Wrinking into the fold of the skin of hyaluronic acid or collagen for smoothing. These drugs are customary to call fillers in cosmetology from the English. Fill - filling. A client needs as many injections as they can smooth out the surface of its skin.
  • Wrinking Botox to facial muscles. Such a procedure is performed to relax muscles and leveling the skin over them.
  • For smoothing, especially deep wrinkles use fat patients, which are injected into the folding area injectable. The unequivocal advantage of the method is the fact that the material "native", completely natural and free. Costs requires a competent procedure for its transportation.

The procedure for rejuvenation with the help of beauty enclosures is relatively painless and takes little time. But there is a need for regular repetition every six months that Maria Maksakova is obviously doing.

Plastic chest

Clip Mary Maksova "You will be mine" allows you to see her forms well and compare them before and after plastics. Long slender legs, a thin waist and a big breasts - those parts of the body that is difficult not to notice in a chic red dress with cuts and an eloquent neckline.

Especially noticeable that many more long-old photos confirm a significantly smaller breast size until 2017. Today, the competent people argue that people claim that singer breasts increased from 2 sizes 10 years ago to 5 On current days.

Woman adequately "wears" her, without going into a vulgar demonstration and excessively illicit. But at the same time Maria advantageously underlines seductive forms of successfully selected clothing.

The procedure for increasing and correction of breast forms is popular with representatives of the weak floor of the last few decades. Specialists of the modern clinics are distinguished by high professionalism and the use of the latest technologies that minimizes the risks of failures from the operation.

As still improved its appearance Maksakova

Maria Maksakova before the arrival of Ukraine and after, clearly demonstrates the use of plastics to its appearance. In addition to the correction of the shape of the nose, the increase in the size of the lips and chest, the singer probably enjoyed in services:

  • Correction oval face. Many with confidence declare that Maria sharply changed a round pretty face to a more angular one. Even if there was a surgical intervention in this matter, still a sharp slimming of the artist plays a sharp slimming of artist.

    Maria Maksakova before and after plastic

  • Cheekbones have become more expressive and distinct. They replaced round cheeks. Again, such an effect can be achieved weight loss. But this does not mean that an experienced specialist did not conduct any work on clear cheers of celebrities.
  • Eyebrow tattoo And perhaps lips. Those who are not in taste of change in the appearance of the star, love to say that she missed himself, and her master of the tattoo has one for two with Anastasia Volochkova. In fact, Mary's eyebrows are expressive and clear, but not vulgar. They have a relevant fashion form and advantageously emphasize the features of her face.
  • Slimming - Internet sources and yellow presses argue that for the month and a half after the death of the wife Maksakova lost 16 kg. There is no reliable confirmation of this data, but the fact that the volume of the star has decreased significantly - obviously. In one of the frank interviews, it is recognized by the journalist that more than two weeks after the death of the spouse did not even get out of bed and absolutely nothing was eaten on the nervous soil. She was supported by a friend who brought her herbal decoctions to make Mary at least drank. By the way, after 4 months after the third birth, the singer was photographed on the sea coast in a bikini swimsuit in good shape.
  • Haircuts. For a long time, Mary Maksakova's visiting card was her long blond hair. Smooth or in curb, but long.

The death of her husband pushed a woman to changing the image.

First, Maria appeared in public with a long square to the shoulders, after a short time at the Andrei Malakhov show she was with a short haircut "under the boy". It is worth a confession, the artist such changes to the face, the image of it was very feminine and fashionable.

There is a singer and trend makeup using dark lipstand flowers and different variations of Smoka Aiz. Welcome such external updates and numerous fans of the singer. Some admit that hair haircut was a forced measure to address the issue of their loss of stress.

How much are the operations cost

Karl Lagerfeld said that beauty requires no victims, but invested material means - and it is pure truth. This is especially true of plastic operations and cosmetic procedures.

The average cost of services that Maria Maksakov took advantage of:

  • Riplasty- Information is not reliable, but if you believe Internet sources, the cost of the procedure exceeds the annual income of the average Russian family. Specificable prices of popular metropolitan clinics call prices from $ 1,000 to $ 2,500 without the cost of the necessary drugs and rehabilitation period.
  • Increase and correction of lip shape - Up to $ 500 per session you need to repeat every 6 months.
  • Increase breast - The price ranges from 2000 to $ 5,000, depending on the doctor, materials used and some individual patient features. The amount does not include payment of the recovery period.
  • Correction of oval face - About 500 dollars for the work of a plastic surgeon if implants are needed, then they are paid extra - approximately $ 200 per piece.
  • Correction and increase cheek - About 500 dollars without paying implants, if necessary.

Services prices are quite high for the possibilities of most ordinary people, but Maksakova never positioned itself as a poor modest woman. Its material wealth allows you to apply expensive procedures and operations for care.

Maria Maksakova before and after plastics. Photo

On these photos, all changes are visible with the naked eye.

As before them, and after, Maria was and there is a really beautiful woman.

Personal life and kids stars

Maria Maksakova three times consisted of serious relationships. With the first two men, the singer lived in civil marriages, with the third wealed the relationship officially.

Mary Maksakova husband:

The older children of the stars today live in Russia and communicate with the mother in the telephone mode.

After the murder of the wife, Maria was in a state of deep depression from which, according to her, she was helped by the youngest son Ivan.

The public domain was the information about the conflict of the singer with the mother. About the difficult character of Lyudmila Maksakova known to many spectators, but the reason for their discord was the trifle - Maria made a mistake by quoting the lion of Tolstoy.

That the singer told about their plastic surgery

Maria Maksakova His photosbefore and after plastics

Maria Maksakova was born on April 8, 1902 in Astrakhan. Her father died early, and the mother, burdened with his family, could not pay much attention to children. At eight years, the girl went to school. But she studied not too well due to a kind of character: it was closed in herself, became unlikely, he fascinated her friends with stormy cants.

At ten, she began to sing in the church church, and there Maryuly was applied. An impressionable girl captured by the work in the choir finally calmed down. "Much literacy I learned myself," the singer remembered. - For this, I wrote a house on the wall at home and shouted it for all day. After two months, I was considered an expert on notes, and after some time I had already "name" of Horist, freely reading from the sheet. "

After just a year, Marusya became leading in the alto group of choir, where he worked until 1917. It was here that the best qualities of the singer began to develop - impeccable intonation and smooth sound.

In the role of spring. "Snow Maiden".

After the October Revolution, when training has become free, Maxakova entered the Music School in the class of piano. Since she had no tool home, she was engaged in a school daily until late evening. For beginner artist, some obsession is characteristic at that time. She drove away by the hearing of Hamm, usually the subject of "hatred" of all students.

In 1917 and early 1918, all those who worked in the church choir were combined into one secular choir and recorded Rabiva to the Union. So I worked for months four. Then the choir collapsed, and then I began to learn singing. I had a very low voice, almost contelto. In the music school, I was considered a capable student, and I began to send me to concerts, arranged for the Red Guard and Fleet. I had a success and very proud of them. In a year, I began to study first with the teacher of Borodina, and then with the artist of the Astrakhan opera, the dramatic soprano Smolensk, student I.V.Takakov. Smolenskaya began to teach me how soprano. I really liked it.

In Opera, I went with fear. Seeing me in a short student dress and sideways, the director decided that I came to enter a children's choir. I stated, however, I want to be a soloist. I was listened to, accepted and instructed to learn the batch of Olga from the opera "Eugene Onegin". Two months later, I was given to sing Olga. I have never heard the opera performances before and I did not imagine my speech. For some reason I was not afraid for my singing. The director pointed me the place where I should sit down and where should go. Naive I was then stupid. And when someone from the choir reproached me, which, without knowing how to walk on stage, I already get the first salary, then I understood this phrase literally. To learn to "walk around the stage", I made a hole in the back curtain and, standing on my knees, watched the whole play only on the feet of actors, trying to remember how they go. I was very surprised, making sure they go usually, as in life. In the morning I came to the theater and walked around the stage with closed eyes, so as to discover the secret of the "skills to walk along the stage." It was in the summer of 1919. In the autumn, the new control of MK Maksakov was arrived, as they said, the thunderstorm of all unable actors. My joy was great when Maksakov instructed me except the Olga Party of Ziebel in Fauste, Madlena in Rigoletto and others. M.K. Maksakov often said that I had a stage talent and voice, but I could not sing at all . I wondered: "How could it be if I already sing on stage and even carry a repertoire." However, these conversations alarmed me. I began to ask M.K. Maksakov to deal with me. He was in a troupe and a singer, and director, and manager theater, and he had no time for me. Then I decided to go to study in Petrograd. Right from the station, I went to the conservatory, but I was refused to receive on the grounds that I did not have a certificate about the end of the gymnasium. Acknowledge that I am already an artist opera, I was afraid. Completely frustrated by refusal, I went out on the street and cried bitterly. For the first time in my life, a real fear was attacked: one in a foreign city, without money, without familiar. Fortunately, I met on the street of one of the artists of the choir in Astrakhan. He helped me temporarily get a familiar family. Two days later, I listened to the conservatory of glazing himself. He sent me to the professor, whom I had to start learning singing. Professor stated that I had a lyrical soprano. Then I decided to return to Astrakhan immediately to learn from Maksakov, who found mezzo-soprano. Returning to his homeland, I soon married M.K. Maksakov, who became my teacher. "

In 1923, the singer first came to the stage of Great Amneuris and was immediately accepted into the theater's troupe. Working surrounded by such masters, as a conductor of the bitter and director Lossky, Soloists of Nezhdanov, Sobinov, Obukhov, Stepanov, Katulskaya, the young actress quickly realized that no talent would help without the utmost voltage of the forces: "Listening to these singers, I began to understand myself and The meaning of its future work. I have already conscious that talent and voice is only a material with which only a tireless work, each singer can earn right to sing on the Bolshoi Theater scene. Communication with Antonina Vasilievna Nezozhanova, who from the first days of my stay in the Bolshoi Theater has become the greatest authority for me, taught me rigor and demanding to your art. "

In 1925, Maksakova was submitted to Leningrad. There, her opera repertoire was replenished by the batches of Orpheus, Martha in Khovanchin and Comrade Dashi in Opera "For Red Petrograd" Gladkovsky and Prussak. Two years later, in 1927, Maria returned to Moscow, to the State Academic Bolshoi Theater, remaining until 1953 by the leading soloist of the country's first troupe.

It is impossible to call such a mezzo-soprano party in operating operations on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, which would not shine Maksakov. Unforgettable left for thousands of people Her Carmen, Lyubasha, Marina Mnishek, Marfa, Ganna, Spring, Lel in the operations of Russian classics, Her Dalila, Azuchna, Ortron, Charlotte in the "Wayer", finally Orpheus in the glitch opera, set with her participation of the state ensemble Opera under the leadership of I.S. Kozlovsky. That was the range of this artist. It is worth saying that the singer and the years of his scenic heyday, and later, leaving the theater, a lot of concerts. Its higher achievements on the right can be attributed to the interpretation of Tchaikovsky and Shuman Romans, the works of Soviet composers and folk songs.

Maksakova - Among those Soviet artists, in the 1930s, in the 1930s, for the first time to submit our musical art abroad - and she is a decent pollipration in Turkey, Poland, Sweden, and in the post-war years and in other countries. However, not everything is so cloudless in the life of the Great Singer. Tea Lyudmila told the deserved artist of Russia: "My mother's husband (he was an ambassador in Poland) took the night and took away. She never saw him anymore. And so it was from many ... ... After they planted and shot her husband, she lived under a lamb sword, because it was the Court Theater Stalin. How could a singer with such a biography. Her and ballerina Marina Semenov wanted to send a link. But then the war began, Mom went to Astrakhan, and it was as if forgotten. But when she returned to Moscow, it turned out that nothing was forgotten: Golovanov removed in one minute when he tried to protect her. But he was a powerful figure - the main conductor of the Bolshoi Theater, the greatest musician, the laureate of Stalinist premiums ... "

But in the end everything cost. In 1944, Maksakova received the first award at the Committee on the United States of the USSR competition for the best execution of the Russian song. In 1946, Maria Petrovna received the USSR State Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of opera art and in concert-executive activities. She received her even twice - in 1949 and 1951.

Maksakova - Great Worker, who managed to multiply a tireless job and raise his natural talent. She worked (yes, it worked!) Over his roles, stages. What was the artistic power of Maksakova? Each of its role was not approximately the Sveta party: today in the mood - it sounded better, tomorrow is not - a little worse. She had everything and always "done" extremely tight. It was the highest professionalism. Maria Petrovna Maksakova is a big master of vocal art.

But what talked about Maxakova's other than her colleague S.Y. Meshesev: "She never changes the artistic taste. She is ready to rather slightly "nimble" than "Pour" (but it is precisely this often and brings an easy success). And although in the depths of the soul, many of us know that such success is not so expensive, only large artists are capable of abandoning him. Musical sensitivity Maksakova is manifested in everything, including in her love for concert activities, to chamber literature. It is difficult to determine which side of the creative activity of Maksakova is an opera scene or concert stage - won it such widely popularity. I remember M.P. Maksakov, executing Russian People's songs: What the purity and inecilious generosity of the Russian soul are revealed in her singing, which chastity of feeling and rigor of manners! In Russian songs a lot of remote chorus. It is possible to sing them in different ways: both bargains, and with a challenge, and with the mood that is hidden in words: "Eh, the disappearance of everything in the propagation!". And Maksakova found his intonation, long, sometimes perky, but always refined feminine softness. "

Here is the opinion of the faith of Davydova: "The great meaning of Maria Petrovna attached to appearance. Not only was it very beautiful and possessed a magnificent figure. But she always carefully watched his external form, strictly adhered to a strict nutritional regime and stubbornly engaged in gymnastics ... ...

Maria Petrovna by the end of his life path, leaving the scene, continued to live a tense life. She taught vocal art in Gitis, where he was an associate professor, headed the people's singing school in Moscow, participated in the jury of many All-Union and international competition vocalists, was engaged in journalism.

Maksakov died on August 11, 1974 in Moscow. Buried on the introduced cemetery.