Amber Herd Changed Johnny Depp with Kari Melowin? Bisexual Roman Amber Hörd and Kara Melievin caused a divorce with Depp Kara Maldin and Amber Herd kissing

According to beauty, she for 15 months lived in fear, the husband "mocked her physically and emotionally." Also, the Ember admitted that Johnny dragged her hair, threw her the phone in his face and did not hesitate to strong expressions.

Despite the statements of the Ember, not everyone believes her words. The former spouse of Depp Vanessa Paradise rose to the side of the ex-beloved. The actress and singer assured that during his life with her the actor never allowed himself to raise her hand on her.


In addition to "domestic violence," other details of the divorce of Johnny and Amber have turned out. American Tabloid Radar Online said that Herd was not true to his spouse. One of the mistresses actresses became the model of Kara Middle, who never hid his orientation. Insider told the publication that the girls were very friends and their friendship flowed into something more.

"The Ember and Cara was friends, their relationship became close and continued from the very beginning to the end of marriage with Johnny. Previously, they hung a lot and everyone surroundingly noticed that they were coquissed with each other. Johnny did not like many friends of Amber, but he especially did not like Kara, their friendship annoyed him, besides, he knew about the orientation of his wife, "the familiar stars told.

So far, neither Amber nor Kara commented on their relationship.

There was information that the wife of Johnny Depp, who had recently identified the scandalous divorce, is involved in not very beautiful history. An anonymous source from the circle of friends Couple shared with The Sun, according to which the wife cynically gave Johnny revenge on her. Namely, Amber Hörd, never who did not make secrets from his bisexuality, recently "became very close to" with a 23-year-old British top model and an actress Carray Maliain.

The insider claims that Johnny was practically sad because of suspicion that Amber would change him with Kara, "holding him for the fool." And that this paranoia "threw a large shadow on their marriage," in the end, "putting the beginning of his end."

The Ember and Kara spent a lot of time together and visited different kinds of parties, ridiculously flirting and not even trying to hide it. And thedes were removed Johnny out of themselves, provoking unhappy on the nervous breakdowns. According to the source, some of these seizures happened with witnesses, when Depp was taken to yell on his wife: "What do you make an idiot from me?!".

At the time of work on the Sixel "Alice", the paintings, which, because of all this, the scandal has already begun, Depp rented a mansion in the north of London, having the goal of relaxing there from work. But the Ember with a new girlfriend on the peace of the elderly lyciser did not want to spit, "no respect for him." The girls forever there were "hanging out", after a disappearance somewhere. As a result, Depp, and without that, who did not feel a special pleasant to his wife (not otherwise, as a dropping about her diverse past), Kara frankly hated. And even asked the service to warn him in advance when both girls sit at home and smole.

"This friendship is that it actually began to reduce Johnny crazy," insider shares observations.

Kara Melievin in the "50 supermodel world" rating of the professional portal ranks fifth, and in the "Charter" of the British Evening Standard "1000 most influential persons" is in the category "The most invited". I started a model career at seventeen years. In 2012, he made up in the cinema with an episodic role of Princess Soron in the British-French version of Anna Karenina (with Kira Knightley). Illuminated in the Die Antwoord video on the song Ugly Boy and Taylor Swift on the song Bad Blood. In this year, the "suicide detachment" played a sorceress (Enchantress). By the way, at one time Melowin was tried to the role of Alice in one of the shields.

Like Hörd, does not hide his bisexuality. I met with actress Michelle Rodriguez, Furious Star. Since the end of 2014, Meliewin - "Official Girl" of the American singer Annie Clark, serving under the pseudonym St. Vincent, former classmate. And even it seems like - wrote the media - made her an offer.

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In 2012, fans of charismatic actor Johnny Depp and singer Vanessa Paradis, who have acquired two children over fourteen years, were shocked by the news that their idols decided to divorce. The cause of separation was the young Hollywood actress Amber Herd, which in 2015 became the official wife of Johnny Depp. Passed a little over a year, and again Sensation - Amber and Johnny is no longer a couple! And again the reason for the breaking of the relationship was treason, but this time I changed not Johnny ... Relieve - the famous model of Kara Middes, the sexual orientation of which is far from traditional.

Tale with an unhappy end

With Depp, the novice actress met while working on the picture "Rum Diary". Being in a civil marriage and having two children, Johnny could not resist Charm Amber Herd. Lovers did not even try to hide their relationships, as the actor had already been disappointed in her marriage and had long been going to put a point in it. Beautiful courtship lasted four years. The surrounding it seemed that these people were created for each other, since their eyes glowed from happiness, and in an interview and more often slipped the theme of children. And the novel got his continuation! In February 2015, the actors officially associated themselves with marriage.

But the fairy tale continued for a long time. In May 2016, Ember Hoard filed documents for divorce without informing the reason for such a decision. Of course, such an event could not be ignored. Fans without tired of looking for the causes of what happened, because official comments nor Herd nor Depp provided.

The first thing that came to mind is the abuse of alcohol to which the actor has long been not indifferent. In May 2016, he buried his mother, and it is likely that this loss resumed the desire to pour the mountain with alcohol. According to another version, Johnny was convinced that the Amber had married him solely for his own benefit, because the actor receives impressive fees. But this version was not confirmed. True, it turned out to be much more banal - it is a relationship that Amber Herd and Kara Maldin hid for a long time.

British model does not hide his unconventional orientation. She met with Michel Rodriguez, and with Kendall Jenner, and her last passion is the singer Annie Clark, whom Kara even made an offer. But Ember Hurd is a girl with a "pepper". In 2008-2011, the actress met with Tassei Wang Ri, who is fond of photography. The feelings were so strong that in 2010 the Aerber decided on the camining out, publicly stating. And only a meeting with Johnny Depp forced the girl to pay attention to the man.

Men's intuition

In 2014, Depp and Herd moved from Los Angeles to London, where the girls acquaintance took place. Kara Maldin and Amber Hoard spent time together, visited parties, fashionable shows. This friendship actresses did not like this friendship. Depp did not hide that it was annoyed by the arrogance of a twenty-tread-timer model, and the service personnel received a clear indication to warn an actor about visiting the car's home. Obviously, Depp was ready for the fact that the treason is inevitable, and Ember Herd and Kara Middesign justified his fears. A married scandal ended in deplorable. Johnny ceased to go out into the light, and the actress, whose person after finding out the relationship was covered with abrasions and bruises, decided to divorce.

After he caught her in bisexual communication with the model.

While the actress Amber Hörd continues to insist on beating "aggressive and paronoid" Johnny Depp, the former wife of the actor took him to defend him. Lori Ellison, with which the star of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea was married from 1983 to 1985, assures that Johnny would never have raised his hand on a woman and is not able to offend anyone - even animals.

This writes TMZ.

Ex-wife Depp told his friends that she didn't believe in charges of Amber Hörd. Because during their marriage, the actor never even shouted at her. Ellison calls Johnny "soft man," who loved their common dog-pointed dog, as soon as the parents are able to love their children.

At the same time, Hörd tries to convince everyone that many years of passion for alcohol and drugs radically changed Depp. The 30-year-old actress assures that he became "irrational and aggressive."

True, in official papers, the Ember did not specify which drugs allegedly accept her husband. However, the woman indicated that he had already had a witness of his beating - the neighbor Raquel Pennington.

About this writes The Telegraph.

Representatives of the 52-year actor believe that all charges are fabricated in order to achieve a "quick financial settlement" in divorce.

Deppa pointed out the fact that the day after allegedly beating the Ember published in social networks cheerful photos with girlfriends. But then the actress removed the snapshot on which, by the way, the hair was covered with the left cheek, on which there should be bruises and abrasions.

Allegedly beaten by Ember Hord with girlfriends

Meanwhile, the Edition The Sun has advanced a new version of the likely cause of divorce Depp and Hörd. According to the source from the surroundings of the spouses, Johnny suspected his bisexual wife in the novel with the Caria Melo model model.

"The friendship of Amber with Kari, who became more close over time, led to the beginning of her marriage with Johnny," said the source.

They say, recently, Hörd and Melion have not even tried to hide the fact that you like each other.

"Herrh's bisexuality was always quite obvious. But Johnny raned because he immodedly behaves (with Kari). Once he even shouted her:" You make I idiot from me! "- they told surrounded by actors.

Amber Hörd and Kara Melievin

Sources reported that Malievin often hanging out in the house of Depp-Hörd. And it's great annoying Johnny, he could not even relax in silence. The actor asked his assistants to warn about the arrival of Kara to go away.

"He did not love many Ember friends, but he experienced a special dislike for Kare," the source added.

Recall, first Amber Hörd filed for a divorce with Johnny Depp. And then generally stated that he repeatedly beat it during their 15-month marriage.

The star "Rum diary" managed to convince the court to issue a guard order and ban Johnny approach her closer than 100 yards. However, Depp's lawyers are confident that Hörd is just trying to get from Depp as much money as possible, so the dirt pours.

Johnny Depp © Stop-frame from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Despite the fact that Johnny Depp very much did not want a scandal and discussing his current divorce with a 30-year-old actress Amber Herd, new details that pop up daily, vividly interested in the public. Amber, accused of a spouse in domestic violence, herself checked him.

As it turned out, and until the marriage, Herd was known for love for women, and being a wife of Depp, she fell in love with the model of Kara Melievin. This is exactly the main reason for the divorce of Amber with a 52-year-old spouse.

Nevertheless, Hurd found the strength to blame Depp in domestic violence, and even introduced a photo of the photograph with bruises to the judge, but the actor's lawyers insist that Amber Ljet. According to the actress, Johnny abuses alcohol and drugs. However, for the shooting period in films, he invites special doctors who help him part with addiction for a while.

Apr 15 2016 at 4:06 pdt

For 15 months, Marriage Johnny almost did not have sober, the actress told. A week ago, the star of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" threw the phone in his spouse and hit the cheek.

In this regard, the judge Karl Moore banned Depp to approach 100 yards (91.4 m) to the spouse. In addition, he rejected the requirement of Herd about alimony in the amount of $ 50,000 monthly, and also refused to direct Depp on anger managing courses and did not forbid him to approach them with the Ember of the dog.

The next hearings on the case of the divorce of the Star Couple were predefined on June 17, 2016.

Meanwhile, the Policeman Los Angeles has something to add to the statements of Amber. "On May 21, officers responded to a call about domestic violence and left for the place. But no evidence of the crime was found. Since there was no crime as such. The officers left, leaving a business card, "said representatives of law enforcement agencies in connection with the scandalous divorce of Herd and Depp.

The ex-beloved Depp, Vanessa Paradise, as well as his first official wife, Laurie Ann Ellison, who did not believe the Amber, also left.

"Johnny Depp is the father of two of my children, he is very sensitive, loving and beloved. I believe with all my heart that the charges that were enrolled in his side are unrightened. For all those years that I know Johnny, he never raised his hand at me. All this is very unlikely to the man with whom I lived 14 beautiful years, "Vanessa wrote in an official statement.

In June 2012, after 14 years of living together, Depp broke up with Vanessa paradise for marriage with Amber Herd. Vanessa and Johnny were not officially married. With this Frenchwoman, Depp got acquainted on the set of the film "Ninth Gate." She was completely not like everyone else, with whom he met before: sophisticated, calm, gentle. With her, the actor acquired his "quiet harbor." Vanessa is the only woman who gave birth to Johnny two children: Daughter Lily Rose and Jack's Son.

16-year-old Lily Rose Depp wrote in his Instagram: "My father is the most wonderful and loving person I know. He was always a delightful father for my little brother and me. All who knows him will say the same. "

May 29 2016 at 11:59 pdt

Earlier it was reported that Johnny married a young actress, without concluding a marriage contract. Therefore, Herd on legal grounds can claim half of the state of the artist. According to the official representative of Johnny Depp, the actor is not going to give any comments about the divorce.

Amber and Depp got acquainted on the shooting of the film "Rum Diary" in 2012. The marriage of the stellar pair lasted only 15 months - from February 2015. The actress left Johnny on May 22 - two days after, 81-year-old Betty Sue Palmer.

It is noteworthy that Depp is a three-time nominee for Oscar for the best male role: in 2004, for the first part of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, in 2005 - for the picture "Magic Country", in 2008 "for the role of Siini Todd, Demon-hairdresser with fleet street.

The Ember War List is much more modest: its roles are known in the militants "Never give up", "Alpha Dog", "Welcome to Zombilend" and the picture "Northern Country".