Lisov showed her photos before and after a plastic surgery. Anastasia Lisova: to plastics and after, photo Anastasia Lisov before and after surgery

The natural beauty of ancient times caused positive and stormy emotions from a strong half of humanity, and the girls of Slavic appearance were always considered one of the most beautiful on the planet. However, in recent years, many girls have forgotten about such a concept as "naturalness", and they find any tricks, just to hide how they believe their drawbacks and allocate advantages. Every year, girls who resort to the help of plastic surgeons are becoming more and more. Some fall under the knife of surgeons to enlarge the chest, others make lips, the third "pose" new cheekbones, correct their nose, make liposuction and a lot of things that can change them with the help of professional hands of the doctor.

Chuvashi girls are not Except in this case. Young specials in the same way as others, are solved on various operations to look better, slimmer, more spectacular, more fashionable and more modern. Girls are ready to lay out hundreds of thousands of rubles for a new gorgeous breast, for bright lips and so on.

About Anastasia Lisovu

Ex-participant of the teleproject "Dom-2"Anastasia Lisov is from Cheboksary, and still nowhere says that he ever applied to the surgeon in order to fix something in his appearance. However, if you compare photos of six years ago, it is possible to say with complete confidence that the lips and the chic bust of Anastasia have significantly rounded. In addition, Cheboksard has changed the hair color, hairstyle and their wardrobe. Although, it must be said that for the young 20-year-old Cheboksarka, models and dancers ,.

Anastasia Lisov to the "House-2" project and after

Photos from

Anastasia Lisov to the "House-2" project and after

About Hannah (Anna Ivanov)

Hannah (Anna Ivanova) before he got into show business and after

Hannah (Anna Ivanova) before he got into show business and after

Hannah (Anna Ivanova) before he got into show business and after

Opinion of the psychologist Irina Kobyuk

People who fall under the knife of plastic surgeons are divided into three types:

1. Complexed.

2 Those who have a vital operation (fell into an accident and so on).

3. Those who want to please a loved one.

Representatives of the first category are insecure people who begin to do their breasts, lips, build hair and so on to gain confidence in this way.The second category is those who are forced to resort to the help of a surgeon, as it was born with defects, or by virtue of circumstances received them in an accident, a fight and so on. For such people, the operation is vital.The third category is people who want to please their husband or wife to not lose their loved one. This also includes people who are afraid to move. concerns the show business, these are the same primary people who are not confident in themselves, are not satisfied with themselves and use operations as a means of achieving their goals. Such people think that, by converting, they will have more popularity, attention and new roles.

Anastasia Lisov was born on June 15, 1990 in Cheboksary. A girl from a simple family has always been distinguished by its activity and a wide range of hobbies. Over the years, this led to the fact that Lisov received several higher education, and also graduated from a number of courses - IMIJAMEIKER, makeup artist and tourism manager.

In addition, the girl managed to work as a sports instructor, a teacher of choreography, a translator and a model, to take part in such television projects as "let's get married" and "male and female".

Today, Anastasia Lisov is a fairly popular instagram-diva and a model of its own clothing line, published together with the design studio "DressNostress". However, most of all the achievements of the fox occurred precisely after participating in the scandalous TV project "Dom-2".

Anastasia appeared in the project under the pretext to hold several lessons of the English language one of the participants. But the language teaching was only a pretext, and Lisov was detained on the project.

Communication with guys gave the opportunity to improve their seduction skills, and communicating with the girls lured her onto a plastic surgeon.

Comparing photos of fox to plastics and after, the fans suspected this fact, but the girl herself denied it died. However, a sharp increase in breast, the tightness of the buttocks and the scars, detected by fans in the photo, proved the opposite. Ultimately, the girl admitted.

Almost immediately after this followed the procedure for rhinoplasty. This operation Nastya broadcast in Instagram, describing the reasons, fears and fears in detail. The girl chose a clinic for a long time and a surgeon to be at the highest level, which eventually achieved. Now Anastasia is the owner of the chic "Hollywood" nose. And a little later, the hyaluronic acid was pumped lips.

Operations dramatically changed the appearance of the model, reflected and on behavior - the usual girl from Cheboksary turned into a typical Moscow party. Is it worth it? Solve only Anastasia itself.

Anastasia Lisov: To the plastics and after - how did the English teacher changed after the teleport 2?

Anastasia has a rather simple story: Initially, she did not plan to participate in the project, she was invited to teach English for the inhabitants of the telestroy.

In the role of a teacher, the girl lasted at all long ago, Her manila was the prospect of fame and a career star.

The girl was born on July 15, 1990 in the city of Cheboksary. For several years she hid the place of his birth and tried to prove to everyone that she was a radical Muscovite. In all his interviews, Anastasia with success hides information about his childhood: there is practically nothing about the girl's family.

Facts about Lisovo

  • finished full 11 classes
  • in Cheboksary worked as a model
  • enrolled in Chuvash State Pedagogical University (specialty translator)

Participation in the house -2

On television screen, Anastasia Lisov was noticed in early 2015. They invited it to teach the English language Evgenia Rudnev, who has recently married to Liber Kpadon. It is likely that the girl influenced the breakdown in relationships.


Anastasia Lisov hoped the man like her after a break with his wife would be with her next. But the guy after the divorce did not even pay attention to Nastya and began to build a relationship immediately with two girls. Probably broken heart of the girl and caused so incomprehensible metamorphosis in appearance. Anastasia Lisov to plastics - a completely different person.

Apparently, the girl initially understood what she came to the project, changing men, like gloves, she created a mad popularity around her personality. Fans the girl seemed pretty, honest and correct, in reality Nastya fell apart as a competent PR course of relationships.


Lisova very often joined a fight with other participants of the show, it was noticeable that some men she specifically provokes on bullying.

Anastasia Lisov and Nikita Kuznetsov were one of the brightest pairs of 2015. But not for excessiveness of sensuality and love, the spectators have watched the skills of beloved daily. Without having spent 2 and years in the house, Nastya went, having come to the TV show his boyfriend.

It turned out that the girl specially hired an actor, and she had no relationship. Nastya simply wanted to leave beautifully.

What operations did Anastasia Lisov did?

Sugretage care from the project influenced the consciousness of the girl, without recovering from the unsuccessful relationship, she began to change their appearance.

Changes in appearance - the beginning

Lisov decided to gradually enter the transformation industry.

At first, she constantly changed the hair color and experimented with haircuts. Realizing that it will not give serious results, the girl moved to aesthetic cosmetology and plastic surgery.

The plastic of the nose was terribly spoiled by the focus of the girl's faces, the operation itself was carried out with the execution of all requirements, but the selected form is absolutely not suitable for fox. On this, the girl did not stop and moved with injections of hyaulurinic acid. Anastasia Lisov in Instagram was divided with his fans the beginning of his operations, which at first caused a lot of discontent and criticism.

Fans more like the natural beauty of the girl.

The difference in the appearance of anastasia foxes before and after plastics

Critics and fans assure - to operations, the girl was more charming and cute.

Year of change

If the gossip over the appearance is constantly inflated, the admirers forgot about her personal life for several years - the girl managed to keep their relationship in secret.

In 2017, a small roller from the girl's wedding leaked to the network. It's nice to know that the girl finally matured and does not want to make noise from his personal life. It is only known that she met her future husband at the shooting of his own clip.

Lisova now

Like many former tickets of the TV project, 2 Lisov's house actively leads to instagram profile, advertising there products for money. She appeared in a couple of transmissions and released her own line of business costumes. Together with her Lisov's husband, Yutube Channel created, on it she plans to lay out clips from travel, and thanks to large coverage, place advertising.

Plastic operations that Lisov silent


No matter how you denied the girl's contribution of plastic surgeons - according to the wave of the magic wand, the chest cannot turn out of 1 size in 3. After a short recovery, Nastya arranged a spicy photo session. Lisovo allegedly implanted implants through the axillary depression, the postoperative scar is very well visible in the photo.

Fox fans believe that she made mammoplasty several times due to dissatisfaction as implants. There is no confirmation of this information.

Additional rhinoplasty

Photo Plastic fox confirm the conduct of rhinoplastics - the nose of the girl was more rude and asymmetric. The plastic of the nose in the opinion of the girl was produced by her face. Unambiguously rhinoplasty was somewhat - the form of the nose was constantly changing, in recent years he became even smaller, and the tip completely thinned.

Lisov advertised a plastic surgery clinic in his instagram. She confirms that he made rhinoplasty at the famous plastic surgeon Babayan Gaika Pavlovich. She removed the entire process of the operation on the camera and subsequently laid out the allowed information on social networks.

The fans experienced the girl's pain and wished her early recovery. There were those who ridiculed the behavior of the girl. Many were interested in whether she wanted to remove the nose completely? Or be a similar to Michael Jackson?


Without a doubt, Lisov repeatedly pumped up excess fat. Still in the house 2, she could briefly go to Moscow, preliminarily fastened, and return to the message and without a gram of excess fat. For such a short time, such weight loss is impossible. It seems in some operations a girl does not see borders. Last time with liposuction, she obviously overtook.

Plastic lip.

Lisov is constantly addressed to the cosmetologist who has loved to her - the girl once every 3 months turn the fillers, due to which her lips are becoming more plump and sexy.

And here the opinions of the fans are divided - half call the girl with beauty and advise her more often to use Fillers, the rest are called her next duck.

Removal Komkov Bisha

The face of the girl after the operation has become much more sleeve and elongated, such an effect is achieved with the help of a surgical operation - the removal of Komkov Bisha. Doctors have overlooked with the number of removed adipose tissue, and the face of the girl became similar to the face of a man, famous hunger. Apparently because of an unsuccessful result, the girl denies exactly this operation, reducing everything to the exhaustive diet before filming.

It was after this operation that Lisov lost a large number of her fans, they could not accept the way she urges her appearance.

Correction of cheekbones

At the removal of Komkov, Bisha Lisov was supposed to stop, it seems, it does not completely have a sense of measure. Fucks a small number of fillers, Lisov corrected a bit of the situation, and cheekbones have become more convex for some time.

It seems that this is not the last operations of the finest, it joined the taste of plastic surgery, which has not yet decided on what its real appearance should be. In addition to surgery, the girl constantly makes the eyebrow tattoo, puts the tattoo on his body, increasing the eyelashes.

Life Lisov Now

Not so long ago it became known about the birth of her daughter. The girl did not press to work during pregnancy, attend photo filming. In his instagram, she did not hide the belly from the fans and described every day of the future young mother.

A snapshot from the chamber gave fans to understand - the long-awaited daughter was born.

Now Lisov devotes all his free time to the family and in particular the upbringing of the daughter. Not so long ago, in the literal fox, she stated that he plans to do the following. It does not plan to feed the breast, and after childbirth, in her opinion, the shape of the breast was terribly spoiled.

The ex-participant Nastya Lisov noted that she was tired of reading the comments about the wrong changes in its appearance and watch collages, on which her photos before plastics were significantly embellished, and after her, on the contrary, were worked out.

Therefore, Lisov decided to publish comparative photos herself, so that everyone understood that in fact she was changing for the better, and her in vain would repay for the passion for the plastic. Nastya is insulting that only she sees positive changes, and the rest are only tuned to criticism.

"I changed, but, in my opinion, for the better. Almost corrected his curve jaw, the cheeks of a hamster removed, my nose was not bad, but now more sophisticated, which gives the face of Milosity, I will finally lose weight, and feel confident and easier without unnecessary kg, " emphasized Lisov.

Nastya stated that only those who envy her and offended her changes can criticize her changes, but instead of changing something, they try to criticize other people. And it would be worthwhile to do their own appearance and also change what is needed and possibly.

Not all Follovier wrote what Nastya wanted to read. Some are confident that she specially chose the worst photos to plastics, so it proves nothing. Especially since the audience and they themselves remember them, and very satisfied with her appearance. It was individuality, and now she has become like everyone else, they are sure of dissatisfied.

The scandalous Star of the Realistic Show "House-2", which goes for almost 15 years on television, once again gave a reason for discussions on the network, posted its new photo. In the picture, it is extremely difficult to find out the girl, even the fans began to express their negative opinion, saying that in all, especially in the case of plastic surgery, a measure is important, and that Anastasia Lisov to plastics was a very pretty girl.

Biography Anastasia Lisovo

A future star was born on June 15, 1990 in Cheboksary. Anastasia family is the most common, average, but the girl always knew that she would succeed. To achieve their goals, she went well at school and could even finish her with a gold medal. Then in the life of Anastasia there was a two higher education at once, which I do not expect from a beauty with such a screen. In addition, Anastasia Lisov owns several foreign languages. To the project, she worked as a teacher of English, and also worked as a translator. True, a girl with such a gorgeous figure and high growth quickly liked model managers. So, Nastya began to storm a photo session and play on shows. Another passion in the life of the girl was always dancing. From young age she was engaged in choreography and even taught short time. Anastasia's dance team held prizes on long-distance contests and festivals.

Participation in reality show

Even before the plastics on Dom-2, Anastasia Lisov came on a charming beauty. But the audience is most of all remembered not to his stunning appearance, and explosive character, scandals with old participants and vivid relationships.

Anastasia came to the project in January 2015 with a statement that he would teach Evgeny Rudneva English. Zhenya was then already in a serious relationship with Liber Kpadonu, and she from such a flooring initiative was delighted, of course, did not remain. But most of the inhabitants of the men's bedroom immediately showed a charming teacher of interest. One of the most active workers was Sergey Katasonov, but the relationship did not start: after the first date, Anastasia gave Sergey to understand that nothing could be between them. Nastya tried to build a relationship several more times, but they all ended in failure. None of love ties ended peacefully: the former lovers thoroughly quarreled and even fought. The longest affair with Nikita Kuznetsov also led to the flow of negative statements towards Nastya. Six months later, Anastasia realized that to build a normal relationship, which she dreamed of, it would not work here, and left the TV project. But hundreds of thousands of fans who have time to love the wayward Anastasia during this time, continue to follow her life beyond the perimeter of the project.

Life after the show

After successfully involved in reality, Anastasia Lisov decided to devote his life to the model career. She also actively participates in various shows on federal channels as a invited expert or participant. One of the most vivid appearances on the television screen was to participate in the program "Let's get married." Another achievement of Lisovo is the release of your own collection of clothing, which quickly scattered on the wardrobes of its subscribers and fans.

Personal life

In 2018, Anastasia became Mom. For her pregnancy, the appearance of daughter, as well as relations with his spouse, there are hundreds of thousands of people. Lisov shares almost everyone with his own step, although the chosen name has hid for a long time. The daughter of young parents called Barbarus and created the channel on Youtube called "and Varka stayed at home" where they plan to upload videos from travel.

History of plastic operations

Anastasia Lisov before and after plastics of the face - almost two different people, but the most bright ex-participant of the reality show is not confused. She shares with his photographs and emphasizes that it is normal and work on oneself and its appearance is an important part of the life of every girl.

Already on the project, Anastasia began the path of self-improvement: she lost weight, although it was already rather slim, increased the chest, and also made a tightening of the buttocks. At first, Anastasia Lisov did not want to confirm the fact of change breast, but attentive fans considered a small scar in the field of armpit, which may indicate mammoplasty. Then Anastasia Lisov stopped so categorically refuse to change its changes. A trip to the Seychelles, where there was a second TV project, put everything in its place. It was seen with the naked eye, as a neat "twice" of Anastasia turned into a fourth-size bust. I especially liked the audience the scene, where the girl dances on the frontal place in clothes, emphasizing all the advantages of her new figure.

After the project star changed her body, she began to improve his nose and lips. Photo Anastasia Lisovo before and after plastics face scattered throughout the Internet, and laid out their girl herself to tell about the history of their plastic operations. She opened the truth reasons for which she decided on plastic: "I always satisfied my appearance, but once I realized that changed the form of the nose, I could become even more attractive and interesting visual." Also on the personal page in the social network "Instagram", Anastasia told, through which she had to go through during an operation, as she overclocked her fear, what flaws noted and how rehabilitation was. Such honesty fell fans fox to taste. They thanked her for frankness and showing operations without embellishment: the girl really demonstrated and bruises under the eyes, and a dressing on the nose, and described their feelings, without hiding. Before the plastics, Anastasia Lisov was looking for a master, leaning on his understanding of female beauty. She wanted the nose, which is now called "Hollywood". This is a smooth, short, neat, small spout, which in the queue arrange thousands of women around the world daily.

Also posted Anastasia Lisov and photos to the lips plastle. She shared a master with the subscribers, which adds sensuality and chlorosity to her sponges with hyaluronic acid injections. It should be noted that these "enclosures of beauty" are made quite efficiently, and Anastasia managed to avoid frequent problems with an excessive increase in volume.

Anastasia says that she was a beautiful girl to plastic operations, and now practically closer to the standard of female beauty. Also a large number of advertising contracts, it binds with fundamental changes in appearance.

Anastasia Lisov to plastics and after

In order to most fully assess all the changes of the girl, you can see photos for different periods of her life.

Thus, Anastasia Lisov to plastics was a very beautiful girl, although it is difficult to deny that changes in appearance went to her benefit and made it even brighter.