Skyrister Alexey Yagudin Biography. Jagudin Alexey: personal life. - Do you love travel

The star of figure skating Alexei Yagudin was born on March 18, 1980 in St. Petersburg. Multiple world and Europe champion never achieved victory at the championship in his native country. Currently, the guy completed the sports career and decided to try himself in the role of TV presenter and actor.

Alexey Yagudin: brief biography

Alexey's mother sacrifted and raised her son. Father left them and moved to live in Germany at the point when the boy was just 4 years old. Mother was an employee of the Informatics Institute. Alexey Ros is a painful child, often picked up the colds. In order to somehow fix it, Zoya Alekseevna sends the Son to the Sport Section in figure skating. Mom Alexey personally engaged in his workouts, forced to bring every jump and movement to perfection.

In the photo: Alexey Yagudin on ice

In the ten-year-old age, Alexey wanted to throw figure skating, but fortunately changed his mind. An Alexander Mayorov became the first coach in the USSR, but after his departure to Sweden, Alexey Mishin began to be engaged in the guy. It is under his sensitive leadership of Yagudin and began to seek the first victories. However, the best results athlete showed the Tatiana Tarasova coach.

Perennial training and huge physical exertion over time affected Alexey Health. After the next competition, the guy began to complain about severe thigh pains. Conducted medical examinations have shown that he has a congenital defect of the thigh building, and permanent training led to the deformation of the joints. In 2003, the sports career had to be completed.

Wife of Yagutina - Figure Tatyana Tutmianin

Alexei Yagundy's personal life has long attracted the attention of the public. A talented guy won the fame of a real lovela. He was attributed to novels with many famous athletes, some of whom he confirmed in his published biography. In 2007, the skater twisted the novel with the participant of the popular musical team "Factory" Sasha Savelya. However, their relationship lasted exactly a year, after which new love relations began in the athlete's life.

In the photo: Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Tutmianin

The civilian wife Alexei Yagutina, the figure skater Tatyana Tutmianin, met him still in his youth. However, then there could not be anything about any novel and speech. The girl younger than his chosen one for the year. She was born in Perm and also, as Alexey, grew a painful child. For this reason, parents decided to give it to figure skating. She had no less successful career than yagunda.

Alexey Yagudin: Children, Family, Photo

The attitudes of the skaters initially developed not just. The couple has long grilled to each other. A terrible tragedy played a decisive role, which occurred in the family of Tanya. In a car accident, her mother died, and the girl did not have more reliable and strong support in life, except Alexey.

In the photo: Alexey Yagudin and his daughters

Since 2008, Yagudin and Tutmianna began to live together. In 2009, they had a girl who decided to call Elizabeth. Parents were very pleased with the replenishment and devoted to the baby all their free time. After 6 years later, another happiness happened in a young family - the second daughter was born, which was unusual named after Michelle. This event pushed Tanya and Alexey to a very decisive step.

Six months after the birth of the second child, they decided to legalize their relationship and officially signed. This decision they accepted spontaneously, and pushed a couple of numerous questions of journalists. But, according to the recognition of the skaters, after the wedding they had accumulated even more. Wedding celebration took place in Krasnoyarsk very modestly, in a narrow circle. Now they are a real happy family.

In the photo: Alexey Yagudin and his wife and senior daughter

Athletes fully dedicate their leisure children, they are engaged in their upbringing. At the same time, they continue to actively work on television and care that the babies do not need anything. While parents work and are on tour, daughters live with a grandmother in France. Alexey loves his girls very much, as evidenced by numerous photos on his page in instagram.

Fans often are interested in the question of how old Yagudine and his wife. It is not difficult to calculate that in the fall of 2018 Tanya will be 37 years old, and Alexei in the spring of the same year will be 38 years old.

Just imagine: a huge ice palace, you go to the ice. Around the whisper, ticking the hearing of your name. All tremble from voltage. You tremble and you. The first chords of music are heard. And began: Tulup, Axel, Salto, Cascade? Without waiting for the end of your speech, several thousand people in a single impulse jump from their places, and deafening applause sounds. But you do not notice anything, you're not there, you are all in music. Music and you are one. And now the triumph! Endless ovations. You are the hero of the competition, the hero of his country, you are a standard for imitation! About such a success and love of fans every athlete dreams. But such success comes only to the elect, to such as Alexey Yagudin.

Alexey Yagudin was born on March 18, 1980 in St. Petersburg. He began to skate at the age of four, after the mother led a painful boy on a skating rink to fix his health. It is unlikely that Mama Alexey at that time thought that a first-class figure skater could get from her son. Especially since Lesha himself, when he was a small boy, very much wanted to become a driver of large trailers or, at worst, a taxi driver. But his children's dream did not come true. The guy's talent and abilities from a simple St. Petersburg family did not give the abyss of Alexey Mishin. Under the leadership of Mishina Lesha, one of the first in the world easily spreads with a jump in four turns, ranks 4th at the World Junior Championships, and in 1996 - already the first, in 1998 it takes the fifth place at the Olympics in Nagano, first becomes champion Europe and the world.

And unexpectedly leaves him and begins to train from Tatiana Tarasova. Then everyone scolded Alexey, laughed, called a fool: "When I rode on one ice with Zhenya Plushenko, we have aged each other at a higher level. One did some kind of element, the other also wants. But at the same time we" killed " Friend. For each jump went to the war. I do not consider the transition to Tarasova. Of course, I am grateful to Mishina, I learned to the art of technology, but from Tatiana Tarasova - artistry and slip, "explains his deed Lesha.

Tatyana Tarasova is called a man who is obsessed with his profession, she is looking for in figure skating, primarily the beauty of a spiritual impulse. And when Tatyana Anatolyevna agreed to train Yagutina, many were just shocked. "Who did you get?! Do you generally in your mind?! He is completely non-ordinary, he is not your destination, techman and everything. What will you do with him?" - said Tatiana Tarasov. But she found what to do. He went along with Leshe to train in the United States, opened the artistry in the figure skater: "Alyosha is my favorite job. He is the best!" - says the famous coach.

Alexey was twice the champion of peace and Europe twice, the finals of the Grand Prix won several times. But in the 2000/2001 season was only the second, I lost all the main starts to your main opponent Evgeny Plushenko. When, at the European Championship of 1998, Lesha and Zhenya first encountered in the struggle for the first place, the world did not know that it was only the beginning of an amazing rivalry of the two best single-year-old skaters. Since then, the names of famous athletes sound together. They are ideals, but the ideals are different: they cannot be combined. They are impossible to celebrate a couple. Because the difference between the first and second place is equal to the difference between the victory and defeat. They fight for the title to be the best, for both the main thing - to defeat the opponent.

At the 2002 Olympic Games, the very unprecedented battle of figure skating was completed in the entire history of figure skating. Olympic gold washed both, but the two of the first places does not happen (at least in men's figure skating). The dream came true only one. Even when the first chords of music were distributed, it became clear who would become the Olympic champion. Alexey in both programs was headed above the rest of the skaters, he himself felt.

Even on ice, a victoriously raising his hands, always calm and restrained Lesha could not hold back emotions. He fell on his knees, kissed ice. Then he began to jump on ice with the children's direct joy. Never before Alexey received such estimates: all 5.9 for equipment and four 6.0 for artistry. Lesha remembered how difficult was the path to this victory and - I cried. And do not care that his tears are the herifors: he climbed Olympus. Four and a half minutes divided the life of a guy in half. Previously, he was an ex-world champion, a talented single, one of the applicants for Salt Lake City Gold. Now Alexey Yagudin is the strongest figure skater of the planet. You will not argue with this now!

Despite the fact that Alexey is a famous athlete, he still remains a simple young guy. Is fond of fishing, the Internet, plays bowling, tennis and golf. Going to the disco, meets with friends and dreams of finding a simple Russian girl who can understand him and be faithful. Favorite berry is a cherry. Favorite dish - sushi and mushroom soup. Does not like - peaches, dirt and when in the subway slowly go. And no matter what lives in the US, says that his soul "will remain Russian forever"!

Alexei Yagudina, many know not only as a professional figure skateman and a well-deserved master of sports, but also a real lovela and a kidnapper of female hearts. With his current wife, Tatyana Tutmianin, he is associated not only by professional fascinating skating, but two beautiful children and real family happiness.

Tatyana Tutmianin was born in November 1981 in Perm. First of all, it is known to millions of their fans as a multiple champion and talented Russian figure skater. The fact that in the future it will know the whole world, neither the girl nor her parents guess. Tatyana as a child often sick, so doctors advised mom's figure skater to give it to some kind of sports section. Parents were not mistaken when immediately on the advice of doctors, a small Tanya was recorded in the figure skating section.

Through hardship to the stars

The first success for Tutmian and at that time her partner Marinin came in 1996. Then, at the Russian Championship, they ranked 6th, and in a year they raised their bar and entered the top five of the best skaters in the doubles. Year after year, the couple raised their skills, winning more and more new titles at various championships of Russia and the world. The Golden Season for Couple became Championship 2005/2006When the skaters managed to take the first places in all championships in which they took part. At this, the professional career of Totmianin was completed.

Since then, Tatyana could have been found in the commercial programs Evgenia Plushenko and Ilya Overbuch. Further, the figure skater took part in the "Ice Age" television show on the first channel, then by its partners with Nikita Malinin and Leonid Zakoshansky.

How it all began

The first romantic relations of Tatiana began to be in her youth when the girl lived and trained in the United States. At that time, her coach was Oleg Vasilyev. Despite the fact that the difference in the age was almost 20 years old, between the figure skater and her mentor, the real novel, and the lovers were even going to play the wedding. But in the end, the celebration did not take place.

After Tatiana returned to Russia, she met her future husband Alexey Yagudin at one of the events. Tatyana and Alexey knew each other since childhoodSo both professionally engaged in figure skating. However, it was the romantic relationship that began much later in more mature age. Their novel was quite long and, as the athlete itself says, quite difficult. By virtue of permanent employment and complex characters, the wiring process was very complex and painful for both.

In 2009, Tatiana had an event in the life of Tatiana, which he gave the development of them together with Alexey Life. On January 22, the mother of athletes died as a result of an accident, after which Alex was already constantly near and became a reliable support for her. Since then, they began to live together by civil marriage. In November 2009, the pair had a daughter of Elizabeth. After 6 years in October 2015, the second daughter of Alexei and Tatyana, which was called the beautiful name Michel appeared. In February 2016, the couple officially registered their marriage.

Interesting notes:


In one of his interviews, Tatiana admitted why they did not enter into a legitimate marriage. According to the Slaughterhouse itself, they simply did not want to spend money on an expensive celebration, it is better to spend this money for repair or children's education. After all, registration is the usual formality that is very important for some couples. But not for her with Alexei.

For Tatiana, it was important that Alexey, first of all, wants children from her. And this is much more means than just painting or even a gorgeous wedding. The young people did not advertise his registration. Most fans learned about this joyful event thanks to the photo on the page in the social network Alexey. He simply laid out a photo of two wedding rings, after which congratulations from friends and relatives had already fell.

Ilya Overbuch, who witnessed at the Wedding of Alexey and Tatiana admitted that the girl was so worried that it was hardly fainted right in the registry office.

And on the main question "do you agree to marry Alexey" answered "yes" only after a long pause because of the huge experience. "It's good that Alexey stood nearby, otherwise I would collapse from excitement right at the most responsible moment," recalls Tatyana's laughter.

Heiress dynasty

Now the eldest daughter Tatiana and Alexey Lisa lives in Paris with a grandmother. She began to go to school and mastering French. Parents often come to visit. This is an excellent opportunity not only to stroll along the romantic streets of the French capital, but also spend time with your beloved daughter. Tatiana loves children very much, and despite the fact that they are already educated two daughters with Alexei, in the future they plan to once again experience this beautiful feeling.

What happens in the life and career of the figure skateman Alexei Yagudina, not only his fans are interested. It is always curious to observe a creative, diversified person, rejoice in his new achievements. Rising to Olympus in his sporting career, he leaving a big sport, continues to participate in various ice shows. In his life, the family and children occupy the main place.

From the biography of Leshi.

Alexey Yagudin was born in St. Petersburg 03/18/1980. Zoya Fedorova, Mom Alexei, held a researcher at the Institute of Automation and Computer Technologies. Father was also associated with computer equipment. Parents diverged when Lesher was four years. Sometimes the Father visited the visit, so Alexey remembers these meetings fragmentary. But soon they became rare, and then completely stopped: the father went to Germany. The boy in early childhood was a painful child, and to strengthen the health of the Son, Zoya Fedorovna defines it in the figure of figure skating.

In 1997, Alexey received a certificate of graduation from high school and a silver medal. Then there was a study at the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture, after the end of which he became a well-deserved master of sports of the Russian Federation.

The first coaches of Alexey.

Alexander Majorov became the first coach of Leshi. This man as a real mentor did the first steps with Alexei on ice and did with a guy for eight years. As the baby learns to walk and Alyosha studied to slide on the ice. In 1992, Majorov offered coaching work in Sweden. Before leaving, he recommended Alexey as a promising figure for the former his coach, Alexey Mishina. He taught and led to the victories of many successful athletes.

Alexey began to study in the group of guys, among whom was his future competitor - Zhenya Plushenko. Under the leadership of the new coach, he achieved significant results. For the first time, hitting the world championship among juniors, Alexey ranks fourth, and in two years he receives gold on the same championship.

In the first of its Olympic Games in Nogano in 1998, the skater has walked over and made a hire of a program with high temperatures. In the country of the rising Sun, the 17-year-old native of Leningrad limited himself to the fifth place.

Why did Alexey gone to Tarasova?

In his interview, Alexey told repeatedly why he went to another coach - Tarasova, although he was warned that he did not see the high steps of the pedestal. Just in his 19 years, Alexey realized that Mishin was in a waters, when it was difficult to pay the same attention to Alexey Yagudin and Evgeny Plushenko. It was clear that someone would win, and someone would lose. That is why, by leaving Tarasova, Alexey believes that no one remained in losing, no one disappeared. And he, and Plushenko walked on their sports roads, everyone took her in this sport. Mishina Alexey is grateful for taught him the art of technology. Tarasova added artistry and slip.

Why are Alexei in a team with Tatyana Tarasova still together, even after completing speeches in great sport? Because there is trust. And this is the main thing. According to Alexei Yagudina, Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova is the "Great Wall of China". She will never betray, will protect, support at the right moment.

Triumph of Yagudin

Cooperation with Tatiana Tarasova brought Yagudin not only first place in many major championships. He became the winner of the six championships among professionals. At the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City Alexei for his short program "Winter" and an arbitrary "man in an iron mask" receives the highest balls, which, not stinging, put up the judges, and the gold medal, such a long-awaited. It was a real triumph!

The path to this success was incredibly difficult, so for the first time the figure skater could not hold back his feelings, he falls on his knees, and kisses ice, and joyfully jumps like a child. His tears of joy see millions. It was a real victory! From the book Alexei Yagudina:

We knew that we had already won. We just waited for estimates. But there was a devastation from the fact that this is all - it's like the top of the sport. Already you can not. And so it was the utmost devastation. We cried, naturally. Where without it ...

With the Tarasova coach, Yagudina was a life saturated every second. For four and a half years, Alexei Tarasov's training sees was not calm for a minute. She made a maximum effort to bring this talented guy to the Olympic champions. And she did it! He became the strongest figure skater of the planet!

Two weeks before the Olympic Games

Alexei Yagudina in front of the Olympiad greatly aggravated the pain in the hip joint of the right leg, which made himself felt in childhood. All the victories of Alexey were through constant pain in the leg and thigh. Which only surveys did not make Alexey, the problems in the body of the figure did not find, the verdict of doctors was "healthy". So you have to endure and continue to work on programs, prepare for new starts.

The pain paralyzed the leg at the most inopportune moment - before the departure in Salt Lake City remained dayd days. Because of this, the coach and athlete collapsed before the Olympiad itself. Tarasova decided that Lesha was frightened and refers to pain, and he could not convey to it, as far as pain strong. The day before the departure, they came up. Probably there is some kind of higher justice, the injury of Yagutina left him alone, and he triumphantly performed at the Olympics.

Alexey Yagudin left the sport

After the Olympics, the leg made himself felt. It was decided to examine on the newest medical technique - tomograph. Doctors were horrified, seeing the hip joint, or rather what was in his place. They were amazed at the athlete generally walks, not what jumps his triple and quadruple jumps ...

It turned out that Alexey has a congenital defect of the thigh structure. A gentle operation was carried out on the hip joint. Alexey believed that he could continue his sports career, but his dreams were not realized. After a few months, the pain returned. And in 2003, the figure skater officially announced the completion of the sports career.

Power of the Spirit of Yagudin

Life herself pushed him to a large second operation in 2007, the result of which was the replacement of the hip joint on titanium. On his feet after surgery, he rose after 12 hours, and after two weeks ran Cross 10 km, after a month and a half after the operation began to skate, and after 90 days I went to the first real ice workout and made my first jump in three turns. And the right was Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova, who always spoke about his ward: "Yagudin can all!"

Favorite girls Yagudina

By moving with a handsome man and a loving guy, Alexey found a personal life in his sports schedule. It should be noted, by its current wife Tatiana Alexey provided signs of attention for another 13 years. They trained on one with her rink in St. Petersburg. But at that time, the twelve-year-old Tatiana did not pay attention to the fabrics of boys. She had a goal in life - to climb the pedestal to the upper step, and to achieve this, you need training. Young Tatyana - in the photo below.

Tatyana and Alexey began to meet after the completion of their sports career. But even before their official relations, Alexei had novels with many famous girls from show business.

Among his beloved was Elena careful, on which he almost married 19 years old, Gymnast Layisan Urty, just a beautiful girl with whom it was interesting to spend leisure. Alexey has some kind of attachment to the Japanese figure skater of Kioko Ine. Alexey was a fleeting novel with Sasha Savelieva, famous singer. But as they say, they did not compare the characters and parted their friends.

Family and Children

How did Alexey Yagudina still managed to melt the heart of the wonderful figure skater Tatiana Tutmianin? Having finished their sports careers, the guys began to take part in the ice shows that Ilya Averbukh. Tatyana and Alexey spent a lot of time together. As it turned out, they are interested in each other.

As Alexey Yagudin told about Tutmianna, their rapprochement began with joint tours with Ice Show programs on the cities of Russia. Upon returning from Tour, he suggested Tatiana to live together. Then there were tour again. Returning to Moscow, they conflicted, and Tatiana left Alexey, then Alexei from Tatiana. Why did they run apart from each other? Both had complex characters, therefore the wiring process was painful.

Tatiana wanted a serious relationship, and not to be just a friend of Alexey and, as always, built plans: a child, family. Alexey Yagudin was afraid that he could not be a serious husband and father. At some point, when, already being together, Tatiana and Lesha went to live separately, Alexey realized that the only man native man was Tatiana, and he returned to her. This time forever.

The most brought a couple of birth of their first daughter Elizabeth in 2009, November 20th. During the tour of her parents, Little Lisa with Graze's grandmother lives in France. And on October 2, 2015, a couple were born another daughter - Michelle.

Being on tour in Krasnoyarsk, Alexey Yagudin and Tatiana Tutmianin signed in the local registry office. And to the main question: "Do you agree to marry Alexey" - the bride answered "yes" only after a long pause because of the huge experience. "It is good that Alexey stood nearby, otherwise I would collapse from excitement right at the most responsible moment," recalls Tatyana's laugh.

Work in ice projects

Having left the big sport, Alexey did not separate himself from him. In 2008, he was invited to act in the series "Hot ice", where a beautiful story of love of two athletes was shown. The film first exposed a remote big sport. In 2010, Yagudin participates in the ice performances of the "Lights of the Big City" in the formulation of Ilya Averbuha.

In the projects of the first channel, Alexey takes part in the star on the ice and the "Ice Age" as a partner of Oksana Pushkin, Victoria Daineko and Valeria Lanskaya. Two more projects were with Alexey. It is "ice and a flame" in a pair with Maria Kozhevnikova and Show "Bolero" with Kretina Kretina Ballerina.

Recently, the transfer "Melting Ice" with Alexey Yagudin, in which he takes an interview with Russian athletes appeared on televisers. Changes his Renome figure, Yagudin in the "Cup of Professionals" and the "Ice Age" from 2012 performs already in the role of the lead. In the "Ice period. Children "Alexey was invited to host the program with the Olympic champion Evgenia Medvedeva.

Currently, Alexey considers the most important work in addition to the basic profession. Education of daughters.

Outstanding Russian figure skater, honored master of sports in Russia, Olympic champion.

Alexey Yagudin. Biography

Alexey Yagudin I got ice skates in four years. His father went out of his family early, and therefore Mom always did the upbringing of the child. It was she who first led the future champion of the ice rink. The reason for this was pretty banal - sport was the best way to correct the fragile health of the child and handle his immunity. In childhood, he absolutely did not think about the sports career. However, fate ordered so that in 12 years Alexei hit the legendary coach Alexey Mishinawho upbringing many famous athletes.

In 1994. Alexey Yagudin She took 4th place at the World Junior Championships, and in 1996 he was already standing on the pedestal. In 1997, the athlete first made Russia at the World Championship, where he took a bronze medal. In the same year he graduated from school with a silver medal and entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgafta. But in 1998, unexpectedly for all Alexeihe left not only Russia, but also his mentor. He moved to the United States to the famous Russian coach Tatiana Tarasova.

Alexey Yagudin. Sports Career and Career on Television

Stubborn workouts with a new mentor quickly gave truly stunning fruits: already in 1998 Alexey Yagudin For the first time became European champion. In the 1998-1999 season, he won 11 tournaments from 13, among them the victory on Skate America., Sparkassen Cup (Cup of Nations in Germany), Trophee Lalique.. Victory at the World Championships among professionals, where "lovers" were admitted for the first time, over themselves Kurt Browning - the unconditional favorite of this tournament since 1994.

In 1999, the figure skater appeared a very worthy competitor - the Russian figure skater Evgeny Plushenko, who was engaged in his former mentor Alexey Mishin. The unlawful rivalry of athletes lasted for several years, and almost all fans of figure skating in the world were divided into two camps: some sick for Yagudinaother - for Plushenko. The era of the opposition of two Russian "Titans" is an incredible sporting struggle in its operation, from which both skaters only won, rapidly developing themselves and contributing to a considerable contribution to the development of one of the most beautiful sports.

Alexey Yagudin It is a four-time world champion and three-time European champion, a well-deserved master of sports in Russia. The triumph of the figure was the performance on the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002, where the Russian figure skater took Gold. His entry called " Man in iron mask"It is still considered a reference in male single skating. Yagudin He became the first figure skater over the past half a century, which received the highest evaluations of judges in both types of program.

After the Olympiad Alexei I left amateur sports and became a frequent guest on a professional arena. He repeatedly performed in the famous show " STARS ON ICE", Twice became the world champion among professionals. In 2007. Alexey Yagudin He suffered a heavy operation to replace the hip joint. The figure skater literally dreamly about returning to amateur sports, but new injuries did not allow his dreams to come true.

The Order "For Services to Fatherland" IV degree (May 5, 2003) - for a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sports achievements at the XIX Olympiad Games in Salt Lake City. Winner of the National Sports Prize "Glory", "The Best Athlete of 2002".

Even before the operation Alexey Yagudinreturned from the United States to Russia and settled in his native St. Petersburg. Participated in projects Channel One "Stars on the ice" in a pair with TV presenter Oksana Pushkin, the "Ice Age" with the singer Victoria Daineko and the actress Valeria Lanskaya, "Ice and the Flame" in a pair with Maria Kozhevnikova.

In October 2015, he took part in the show "Together with Dolphins", in which the stars of the domestic show business tame the smartest animals on earth - dolphins. Participants of this unusual project were also: Yana Churikova, Larisa Dolina, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Lera Kudryavtseva, Oleg Gazmanov, Dmitry South, Maxim Marinin and others.

Alexey Yagudin. Personal life

The figure skater is known for numerous novels: he met with Elena's figure skater, Kioko different, Anastasia Gorshkova, Singer Alexander Savelyevo, TV presenter, Batyrshina and gymnast Layisan Utyasheva.

Long and uneven relationships with breaks, farewells and returns connected Alexey.with a figure skater Tatyana Totmianin. When in early 2009 Tatyana Mom died in the car accident, Alexei He took all the troubles on the funeral on himself. The trouble again brought together a couple. In November 2009, Yagudina and Totmianin Daughter was born ElizabethIn October 2015, their second daughter appeared Michel.

"We and without a stamp in a passport is a real family. I adore Tanya, she's mine! Our life is now - a real example of what a loving woman can do in the family. "

In February 2016, famous skaters still arranged a wedding ceremony. The official wife of Yagutina Tatiana became in Krasnoyarsk. It was there that was their wedding, and very modest. Only newlywed friends were attended at the celebration. The bride had a dark blue dress. The feast of the figure skaters celebrated in the Italian restaurant in the center of Krasnoyarsk.

Alexey Yagudin. Filmography

One left (2015)
Masha and Bear (2013)
Deffchonki (2012 - ...)
Heart of Captain Nemova (2009)
Hot ice (TV series, 2008-2009)