Alexey Yagudin family children. Alexey Yagudin about the third child: "Let it be a girl. Why Alexey went to Tarasova

Alexei Yagudina, many know not only as a professional figure skateman and a well-deserved master of sports, but also a real lovela and a kidnapper of female hearts. With his current wife, Tatyana Tutmianin, he is associated not only by professional fascinating skating, but two beautiful children and real family happiness.

Tatyana Tutmianin was born in November 1981 in Perm. First of all, it is known to millions of their fans as a multiple champion and talented Russian figure skater. The fact that in the future it will know the whole world, neither the girl nor her parents guess. Tatyana as a child often sick, so doctors advised mom's figure skater to give it to some kind of sports section. Parents were not mistaken when immediately on the advice of doctors, a small Tanya was recorded in the figure skating section.

Through hardship to the stars

The first success for Tutmian and at that time her partner Marinin came in 1996. Then, at the Russian Championship, they ranked 6th, and in a year they raised their bar and entered the top five of the best skaters in the doubles. Year after year, the couple raised their skills, winning more and more new titles at various championships of Russia and the world. The Golden Season for Couple became Championship 2005/2006When the skaters managed to take the first places in all championships in which they took part. At this, the professional career of Totmianin was completed.

Since then, Tatyana could have been found in the commercial programs Evgenia Plushenko and Ilya Overbuch. Further, the figure skater took part in the "Ice Age" television show on the first channel, then by its partners with Nikita Malinin and Leonid Zakoshansky.

How it all began

The first romantic relations of Tatiana began to be in her youth when the girl lived and trained in the United States. At that time, her coach was Oleg Vasilyev. Despite the fact that the difference in the age was almost 20 years old, between the figure skater and her mentor, the real novel, and the lovers were even going to play the wedding. But in the end, the celebration did not take place.

After Tatiana returned to Russia, she met her future husband Alexey Yagudin at one of the events. Tatyana and Alexey knew each other since childhoodSo both professionally engaged in figure skating. However, it was the romantic relationship that began much later in more mature age. Their novel was quite long and, as the athlete itself says, quite difficult. By virtue of permanent employment and complex characters, the wiring process was very complex and painful for both.

In 2009, Tatiana had an event in the life of Tatiana, which he gave the development of them together with Alexey Life. On January 22, the mother of athletes died as a result of an accident, after which Alex was already constantly near and became a reliable support for her. Since then, they began to live together by civil marriage. In November 2009, the pair had a daughter of Elizabeth. After 6 years in October 2015, the second daughter of Alexei and Tatyana, which was called the beautiful name Michel appeared. In February 2016, the couple officially registered their marriage.

Interesting notes:


In one of his interviews, Tatiana admitted why they did not enter into a legitimate marriage. According to the Slaughterhouse itself, they simply did not want to spend money on an expensive celebration, it is better to spend this money for repair or children's education. After all, registration is the usual formality that is very important for some couples. But not for her with Alexei.

For Tatiana, it was important that Alexey, first of all, wants children from her. And this is much more means than just painting or even a gorgeous wedding. The young people did not advertise his registration. Most fans learned about this joyful event thanks to the photo on the page in the social network Alexey. He simply laid out a photo of two wedding rings, after which congratulations from friends and relatives had already fell.

Ilya Overbuch, who witnessed at the Wedding of Alexey and Tatiana admitted that the girl was so worried that it was hardly fainted right in the registry office.

And on the main question "do you agree to marry Alexey" answered "yes" only after a long pause because of the huge experience. "It's good that Alexey stood nearby, otherwise I would collapse from excitement right at the most responsible moment," recalls Tatyana's laughter.

Heiress dynasty

Now the eldest daughter Tatiana and Alexey Lisa lives in Paris with a grandmother. She began to go to school and mastering French. Parents often come to visit. This is an excellent opportunity not only to stroll along the romantic streets of the French capital, but also spend time with your beloved daughter. Tatiana loves children very much, and despite the fact that they are already educated two daughters with Alexei, in the future they plan to once again experience this beautiful feeling.

He is a well-deserved master of sports that completed his sports career in 2002. After that, for some time participated in different professional tournaments, then became a TV presenter.

Childhood of the future figure skateman

Alexey Yagudin was born on 03/18/1980 in the city of St. Petersburg. He is the only child in the family. Mom is called Zoya Alekseevna. The woman was a researcher in the Leningrad Institute of Automation and Informatics. Father left them when Lesha turned four years old. The boy was very often sick, so Mom led him to the joke "Jubilee", hoping that the sport would strengthen their health. Then the baby dreamed of becoming the driver of trucks, a bus or taxi, so no one could assume about the grand success in figure skating.

Alexey Yagudin. Biography and the beginning of a sports career

The first trainer of Leshi was the master of sports Alexander Viktorovich Majorov. He worked with a boy for the eight years, and when he decided to move to Switzerland, left a promising athlete to his famous teacher Alexei Mishina. This legendary coach has prepared a lot of successful athletes.

The group consisted of talented competitors, which stimulated Lesha, and he began to develop rapidly. Under the leadership of Mishhin, the boy mastered the jump in four turns and in 1994 he took 4th place in the junior competition. Two years later, the media reported that Alexey Yagudin became the winner of the World Cup in Australia. The biography of the young athlete was supplemented with a new event in 1997: he made Russia in the next world contest and won the 3rd place, and a year later took part in the Olympiad in Nagano and took the fifth place.

After graduating from the school with a young athlete, he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture P. F. Lesgaft. Successfully completing training, the guy moved in 1999 from Russia to the United States to the famous coach Tatyana Tarasova. The woman taught Alexey unusual artistry and many other things.

Triumph Alexey Yagudina

The athlete did not stop at the achieved and continued to improve his skills. Thanks to the hard work and efforts of mentors, in the 2000-2001 season, he ranked second in the world championship in figure skating, becoming behind the main competitor - Yevgeny Plushenko. However, in 2002, Alexey Yagudina's speech at the Olympics in Salt Lake City became a real triumph. He received a gold medal and the highest estimate for his life: all the judges put 5.9 for the technique, four of them 6.0 for artistry. The path to such success was incredibly difficult, so the figure for the first time could not hold back his emotions, falling on his knees, kissed ice and became childishly jumping from joy. It was a real victory!

Athlete speeches style is filled with large emotions and interconnected elements. It is known for its "tracks", performed at high speed on a complex curve with professional movement of hands, hull and legs.

Why did Alexey Yagudin left the Great Sports?

In October 2002, on the way to the Skate America Grand Prix, the champion had a sharp aggravation of pain in the hip joints (an innate disruption of the structure of the hip was found), therefore, to dissatisfaction of fans, he took his candidacy from the competition and completed amateur sports. Alexey Yagudin is a skater, whose biography after a while he was supplemented with new events.

Taking powerful painkillers, in 2006 the man became a member of the project "Stars on Ice", speaking in a pair with Oksana Pushkin. In 2007, Victoria Daineko became his partner in the "Ice Age" show, in the next two years - the athlete managed to become a champion among professionals twice.

Doctors made the operation of the hip joint, after which the figure inspired by the lack of pain, the skater told the press about his intentions to return to amateur sports. However, his plans were not destined to come true: the new injury did not allow to complete the performance in Germany (the guy was taken from ice).

Filmography of celebrity

Alexey Yagudin, whose biography is still interested in fans, left their dream, but was not going to leave the screens. In 2008, he played a major role in the play "President's Vacation". In 2009, he starred in the TV series "Hot ice" (Channel One) in the role of Roma Kozyrev, then became the leading transfer "Good evening, Moscow!" (TV center) together with Larisa Golubina. Alexey experienced his strength in music, writing together with Victoria Daineko several tracks. In 2010 played the role of Pastein in the series "The Heart of Captain Nemova". Later, since 2012, Yagudin led the transfer of the "Ice Age". A year later, he took part in the "Brutal Games-3" project, starred in the second and third part of the "Deffchonki" comedy, as well as in the film "Masha and the Bear".

Hobbies and Awards Celebriti

Figure Alexey Yagudin, although it is very famous, in the shower and behavior remains a simple guy. He likes to ride fishing, play tennis, bowling, golf. Like any modern person, does not represent his life without the Internet. Lesha always liked to visit nightclubs and good restaurants.

For your life, the athlete received different awards. In 1996, he became the owner of the Gold Medal in the World Junior Cattery Championships. The following year received a bronze medal of the World Cup. In 1998, 1999 and 2000, Alexey is the winner of the European Championship and the world, and in 19 years old received the Grand Prix. In 2002, he became the world leader in figure skating and won gold at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. A year later, he was awarded the Order of the IV degree "For merit to the Fatherland". In 2003, a man took part in the competition "The Best Athlete of the Year" and received the Glory Prize.

Personal life celebrities

Alexey Yagudin, biography, personal life and sports career of which is full of interesting events, met with Jana Batyrshina (gymnast), then with the participants of the project "Star Factory" Sasha Savelyeva and Victoria Daineko. Then he had a relationship with Anastasia Gorshkova. As time has shown, all these novels were short-lived.

It turns out that his second half athlete met in the 15th age. Then no one could assume that Tatiana Tutmianin and Alexey Yagudin were created for each other. They met in St. Petersburg, during training on the rink. At that moment, the young man did not pay special attention to it.

Relationship between Yagudin and Tutmian

The first rapprochement occurred when the speeches of Alexei Yagutina and his girlfriend Tatyana Tutmianin ended in a big sport, after which he invited them to her show. During the tour of the Russian cities, young people have always been together. It turned out that they are very good and interesting to them. At that time, they did not meet with anyone. Then Alexey offered his beloved life together, to which the girl agreed. However, on returning to Moscow, conflicts began between them, since Tanya feared to become another girlfriend of the Yagutin, which he could throw, and she had serious plans: family, child. To put up with the habits of the loved one, Totmianin was not going. Over time, the relationship was heated, and Lesha left her without any remorse.

A year after parting, the meeting was resumed, because the skater realized that Tanya was his second half. The girl even on the day of the gap felt the loss of a man who truly loved. The result of their deep senses is the birth of a girl named Elizabeth on November 20, 2009.

Alexey Yagudin himself, biography, personal life and an athlete achievement will still be interested in fans. This is very not surprising, because he was not only a professional athlete, but also a wonderful actor and a multilaterally developed person. Therefore, probably a talented personality will show itself in other television shows or cinema.

Alexey Yagudin was born in St. Petersburg on March 18, 1980. Like many future stars of figure skating, he came to the rink to promote health. At first, Alexey trained at Alexander Majorova. After the departure of the coach in Sweden, a promising athlete moved to another famous specialist - Alexey Mishina. At that time, the sports mastery and his future major opponent - Yevgeny Plushenko increased next to him.

Despite the permanent training, Yagudin studied very well at school and even got a silver medal. In 1997, the young man became a student of the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after LESGAFTA. A year later, Alexey Yagudin changed the coach, going to the group to Tatiana Tarasova. In the same year, he won the European and World Championships. The famous coach managed to open a bright artistic beginning inherent in a young athlete.

Meanwhile, his old familiar Evgeny Plushenko, who was not going to stay in the shadow of Yagutin, was released on the world arena, who was not going to stay in the shadow and resolutely fought with him for victory in prestigious competitions. Interestingly, Plushenko constantly won the country championship, while on the competitions of the European and world level most often inferior to the palm of championship Alexey.

In total, Yagudina managed to become a three-time European champion and four-time world champion. A small decline in his career occurred only in 2001, when, after a serious injury, he only lost the world championship, giving the first place to Evgenia Plushenko. However, the next, 2002, was marked by a true triumph of Alexei Yagudina, with the brilliance of the winning Olympiad in Salt Lake City.

At that time, the alive legend of the athlete was just 22 years old. It seemed ahead of him awaits a series of new victories. But the old injuries and diseases of the joints forced him to complete the sports career.

Career after sports

In 2006, Alexey Yagudin was offered to participate in the show of the first channel "Stars on Ice". In the future, the popular program has been renamed the Ice Age. Yagudin constantly appeared in it and as a member, and as a presenter. In addition, he performed one of the main roles in the television series "Hot ice".

Today, the Olympic champion takes part in television programs, playing dramatic roles in the entrepreneurship performances, continues to perform in ice shows.

Personal life

Charming Alexei Yagudin has always been successful among representatives of the fine sex. Rumors about his numerous novels with famous athletes. In 2007, on the set of the show "Ice Age", the figure skater got acquainted with the blonde beauty Sasha Savelieva. The young singer immediately conquered his heart. However, in 2008, this beautiful and popular couple broke up. At the same time, Yagudina began a serious relationship with his long-standing familiar, figure skater Tatyana Tutmianin. For a long time they lived in civil marriage. In 2009, the first child was born in a young family - daughter Lisa. In 2015, Yagudina and Tutmianne had a second daughter - Michelle. In winter, 2016, famous athletes officially became her husband and wife.

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Tip 2: Yagudin Aleksey Konstantinovich: biography, career, personal life

Jagudin Alexey is the famous skater, the Olympic champion. He also has several victories at the World Championships. After leaving sports, Alexey began to engage in creative activities.

Early years, youth

Alexey Konstantinovich was born on March 18, 1980. His hometown is St. Petersburg. Alexey's mother worked at the Institute. Father left the family when his son was 4 years old. At the same age, Alexey got into the figure of figure skating, where his mother was replied to strengthen the health of the son.

In the first achievements, Alexey Mother played a big role. Sport classes did not stop on weekends, in winter, Yagudin was engaged in skis, and in the warm season, the sets of exercises did.


The first coach athlete - Major Alexander, he trained a boy of 8 years. Then the group was Vyun Mishin Alexei. Plushenko Yevgeny and Yagudin. At the age of 13, Alexey took 4th place on the World Cup among juniors, the 1st place he went after 3 years.

Sports progress did not interfere with Yagudina to finish study with a medal. In 1997, he began studying at the Academy of Physical Education. Lesgafeta. At the end of the university, Alexey received the title of Honored Master of Sports.

In 1998, to train him to start Tarasova Tatiana. In 1998-1999 The athlete won the victory on the 6 championships. In 1999, he won the world championship, he was set the highest points for artistry.

Within 4 years, the confusion between Plushenko and Yagudin lasted. Yagudin held the first places in international competitions, Plushenko was ahead of him at the Russian Championships.

Since 1999, Alexey began cooperation with the IMG agency, in 2000 he became the first on the World Cup. In 2001, he was the third on the "Games of Good Will", and then wanted to leave the sport, but the coach persuaded him to speak in Salt Lake City at the Olympics. It was then that the figure skater fully revealed the potential, winning gold.

Yagudin left Sport in 2003. The reason was the difficulty of health.

Career Career

Alexey has been a member of the show many times, he spoke with Pushkin Oksana in the "Stars on Ice" show, and then with Daineko Victoria in the Icedon period.

In 2009-2010 Yagudin Vyod Transfer "Good evening, Moscow!", And in 2013 began to lead the "Ice Age". In 2017, the figure skater acted in the "Nutcracker and Mouse King" show.

Alexey is also filmed in the cinema, he had a role in the k / f "hot ice." Yagutina can be seen on the stage of the theater, setting it with his participation: "Do not believe our eyes", "History of Praise." Alexey also became the author of the Avtobiography book.

Personal life

Yagudin did not have a shortage of fans, his relationship with famous athletes, show business representatives.

In 2007, Alexey met with Savel Sasha, a participant in the Factory team. Then he began to live with Tutmayan Tatiana, figure skater. In 2009, the daughter of Elizabeth appeared, and in 2015 - the second girl is Michelle.

In 2016, Alexey and Tatiana got married, the wedding was in Krasnoyarsk.

After completing his career, Alexey Yagudin remained quite pleased with his achievements in figure skating. He was the winner at the Olympics, received the title of world and European champion, and also won a number of prestigious tournaments. Alexey managed to find a favorite business again: he tried his hand as an actor and TV presenter, participated in various shows and telegraphs. In the personal life of Yagudina for several years there is love and harmony. With the advent of children, his relationship with his wife came to a new level, and now the skater enjoys a family life.

Alexey appeared in 1980 in St. Petersburg. His parents had ordinary professions. Even in early childhood, his father left the family, moved to live in Germany. Boy began to engage in figure skating, thanks to his mother, who recorded her son in the sports section to strengthen his health. The boy did great progress on this field, won in 1996 in Australia victory at the World Junior Championships. After graduating from school, the athlete was educated at the Academy of Physical Culture named after LESGAFTA.

Thanks to the coaching work, Tatiana Tarasova, in 1998 he was able to win in the XIX Winter Olympiad in Salt Lake City, to become the winner of the European Championship. In 2007, Yagudine made an operation to replace the hip joint, after which he finally left the big sport. From this time, the figure skater is actively engaged in a creative career.

In the personal life of Alexei there was a lot of novels with famous girls. So, journalists have noticed him more than once in the company with Elena Berezhnaya, Layisan Urtyasheva, Alexandra Savelya, Jana Batyrshina. But with his future wife, the figure skater Tatyana Tutmianin, he parted, it was repent again. Such relations lasted for several years, but in 2009 the girl had a mother, and at that time, Yagudin helped his girlfriend to move pain in the loss of a loved one. The pair came closer again, and soon they healed one family. In 2009, they had a daughter of Elizabeth. And if Tatyana did not immediately have mastered the role of the mother, then Alexey Shvstroen changed the daughter of diapers, I died and walked with her.

In the life of the athlete there was a period when he was covered with a 30-year-old crisis, and he did what he wanted. The wife did not suit the scandals and passed everything courageously. And soon, Yagudin wanted to have another daughter in the family. In 2015, the second daughter of Michelle was born in lovers, however, the birth was premature, so the baby spent three weeks in resuscitation.

In the photo Alexey Yagudin with his family: his wife Tatyana Tutmianin and daughter Elizabeth

Having become parents of two children, the couple decided to issue their relations: in February 2016, they signed in the registry office. Now the eldest daughter Liza is studying at school in France, but parents are almost always with her next. The girl is engaged in sports, skating, and in the future athletes intend to give it to rhythmic gymnastics and ballet. Sometimes Lisa lives at her grandmother in St. Petersburg, where she visits exhibitions and theaters.

see also

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Published on 04.12.2016

Alexey Yagudin is a famous Russian figure skater, about whose career today knows a lot. In his sports biography there was a huge variety of various victories, and therefore today his name is firmly associated with figure skating and Russian sport as a whole. However, after the completion of his professional career, our today's hero successfully proved that it could not be understood as well in some other industries.

That is why in our article we will try to tell more about the career of the skateman outside the sport. After all, it is this topic, traditionally, remains a mystery for simple readers.

Early years, childhood and family Alexey Yagudina

Alexey Yagudin was born on March 18, 1980 in St. Petersburg. His father went out of his family early, and therefore Mom always did the upbringing of the child. It was she who first led the future champion of the ice rink. The reason for this was pretty banal - sport was the best way to correct the fragile health of the child and handle his immunity.

Perhaps it was for this reason that our today's hero has referred to sports for a long time. He regularly visited classes, but in the soul he cherished the dream of a profession ... the chauffeur. As a child, Alexey dreamed of led truck or, at worst, a regular bus. However, fate ordered otherwise. And hardly Yagudina ever had to regret it.

At the twelve age, our today's hero came to the group to the famous teacher Alexey Mishina. Cocking with him, the young guy managed to achieve serious success in sports for the first time, as well as get into the number of the best athletes of Russia.

Already thirteen Years, Yagudin became the fourth in the Junior World Championships. After that, two years later, a young Russian and at all managed to win this championship. In parallel with this, he achieved good results and on other competitions. In the same season 1995/1996, our today's hero was able to become a bronze medalist of the Russian Championship, and a year later to climb the pedestal for another step up. From that moment on, Alexei Yagudine was spoken up as the main hope of the national team of figure skating.

Sports Career Figiefist Alexei Yagudina

In just a few years, Alexey Yagudin's professional sports career managed to navigate the leading position not only in the Russian team, but also throughout the world of figure skating. His bright riding programs with the abundance of binding elements and branded expressiveness brought him many prestigious awards at various stages of the world Grand Prix, as well as in many other competitions.

So, in particular, in different years, Alexei Yagudin managed to become a three-time European champion, a four-fold world champion and a two-time winner of the Finals of the World Series Grand Prix series.

Alone with everyone. Alexey Yagudin

All these outstanding achievements brought our current hero the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia, as well as the state order for merit to the Fatherland (fourth degree). Bright performances Alexei Yagutina attracted the attention of the public. He became the favorite of the Tribune, and also acquired many personal fans among the stars of world show business. Indicative in this regard is the case that took place in 2001. That day, right before the next speech in the dressing room athlete brought a photo of Russell Crowe with his personal autograph.

In the career of the star Russian athlete there was all - victories and defeats, insult injuries and triumphal returns to ice. That is why the moment of completion of the career Alexei Yagundina many perceived as a real loss.

However, leaving professional sports, our today's hero still did not disappear from television screens.

Career Alexei Yagutina today

After completing the career, Alexei Yagudin participated in many different show-programs and demonstration performances. Because of the old injuries, he often experienced pains, and therefore one finely decided to go for the operation. Medical intervention gave its result, however, despite this, in great sport Alexey never returned.

Alexey Yagudin "Man in Iron Mask"

Since 2006, the skater has performed on the projects of the Russian first channel - "Stars on the ice", "Ice Age", "Ice and Flame". In different years, Oksana Pushkin, Valeria Lanskaya, Maria Kozhevnikov, Victoria Daineko became his partner on ice. With the last of the mentioned celebrities, our today's hero also recorded several joint musical compositions, manifes itself in an unfamiliar quality.

In 2008, Alexey Yagudin also debuted on the theater stage, playing in the play "President's Vacation". After that, a former athlete often appeared in entrepreneurship, as well as in the "Ice" performances.

Several times our today's hero also starred in the cinema. The most famous became its role in the series "Hot ice". At a certain period of time, Alexey Yagudin began to work as a lead. In this capacity, he worked for some time in the program "Cup of Professionals", and then began to appear in the cognitive program "I want to know" for which I recorded small stories.

As an actor and the TV host, the athlete works today.

Personal life Alexei Yagudina

For many years now, our today's hero is in love relationships with another famous figure skater Tatyana Tutmianin. Celebrities became acquainted in his youth, but a serious novel between them had just much later. Today, former athletes already have a joint daughter of Elizabeth (2009). Despite the presence of a common child, the spouses still did not legacle their relationship.