Children are confused and Oksana Samoylovoy Birthday. Where does Rapper Dzhiga live? Personal life Oksana Samoilova

Oksana Samoilova - the famous Russian star in the model business. It became known since 2011 and is currently among the top ten models of the Russian Federation. Oksana dreams that her photos will decorate the covers of the most famous fashion magazines around the world.

A woman develops his business selling its own clothing clothing in his shop.

Despite the success in business, Oksana Samoilova managed to descend his home and raise three of his daughters, the youngest of which was born only last year.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Oksana Samoilova

When it became known that the famous Rapper named Jigan began to live with the model, then numerous admirers of his talent were interested in all that concerns this beauty, including them interested in information that she had height, weight, age. How many years Oksana Samoilova, it became known after her appearance on the pages of the popular magazine "Caravan's stories". Soon the model will celebrate its 30th anniversary. She is beautiful, stylish, young. When heighting in 177 cm weighs a woman 53 kg.

Oksana Samoilova, a photo in his youth and now they cause envy in women and attract the attention of men, dreams of becoming the most famous model of the world. But while she is among the top ten models of the country.

Biography Oxana Samoilova (model)

The girl was born in 1988. Her homeland is a small town Ukhta. In childhood, the girl was active, she was a leader among peers, inventing fun for them. Oxana's father and mother tried to raise a comprehensively developed personality. The girl danced, attended the theater studio, but in adolescence in all hobbies the future model was disappointed, she decided to become a teacher, enrolling in the Ukhta state university.

But soon an ambitious girl decided that it was not her. Soon Oksana decides to go to the capital to deal with the model business. Parents, knowing the nature of his daughter, did not try to stop her.

In Moscow, the biography of Oksana Samoylova almost immediately became successful. She began to be filmed for the most popular beauty magazines. The girl began to invite for advertising various brands. Samoilova literally over for several years becomes one of the most popular models of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

The woman is engaged in the release of their own clothes. She opened a shop, which is popular with residents of Moscow and guests of the capital. Oksana Samoilova, the clothing of which is being developed by it, in the near future will open the branch of his store in St. Petersburg. Dresses of a young woman are striking with their sophistication, styles, wealth and sexuality. According to the secular lioness, any woman, dressed in brand clothes, will be unique and attractive.

Personal life Oksana Samoilova

From adolescent age, a young and promising model attracted the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. They did compliments, gave dear gifts, but the heart of the girl was silent. She flirted, but did not try to associate her life with anyone.

After meeting with the rapper, the personal life of Oksana Selfov became connected with him in one of the metropolitan nightclubs. A man could not resist Charm Beauty. A few weeks after the meeting, lovers began to live together. About their relationships began to appear notes in the most famous Russian newspaper and magazines.

In 2011, rapper and his beloved became the parents of the girl called Ariela. A few months after its appearance, the wedding of lovers took place, on which only close people were attended. In secret, the triumph was not to keep. In Twitter, Jigan himself frankly told about his marriage.

Currently, Oksana and her husband is as happy as early as the beginning of their relationship. They raise three daughters and dream of a son appearing on the light.

Family Oksana Samoilova

Oksana Samoilova's family in 2017 has become a large one. She presented his spouse a charming third daughter, which was called Maya. Two daughters are raised in the family - Ariel and Leia.

In ornament, a woman was brought up in an ordinary family. Her parents, despite employment, tried to educate the daughter of a self-sufficient person. They spent a lot of time with her. Every weekend parents took Oxana and went hiking. There they walled the fire, sang songs, playing games.

When Oksana grew up and decided to go to conquer Moscow, her parents did not stop her. They supported the girl. Currently, mom and father models are very often visiting her daughter. They plan to sell an apartment in Ukhta and buy a house near the capital to be close to her daughter.

Children Oksana Samoilova

Currently, the model and her spouse are raising three charming daughters, the latter of which appeared very recently. A woman dreams that soon the little son will be born in the family, which will be a defender of sisters in the future. Children Oksana Samoilova very often appear in the pictures on its instagram page. It can be seen that the girls are happy and satisfied.

When Oksana Samoilova gave birth to a third child, she and her spouse had long hid this joyful event from outsiders. A woman says that little kids up to six months are subject to negative exposure to the outside, so you should not speak about them at all. When Maya turned 6 months old, Oksana laid out a shot of a girl in instagram.

Daughter Oksana Samoilova - Ariel

For the first time, the woman became a mother in early 2011. She had a wonderful girl who was given an unusual name Arica. When the girl was focused on several months, her parents officially registered their marriage.

Currently, the daughter of Oksana Samoilova - Ariel goes to the first class of one of the elite Moscow schools. She successfully engages, bringing home only good marks.

A girl in his free time loves to play with his sisters. Girl dreams to become a model. She recently took part in a photo shoot for one of the prestigious model magazines.

Daughter Oksana Samoilova - Leia

The second girl was born in the Oksana family and was confused at the end of 2014. Parents were happy about her appearance and long before the birth came up with the girl's name. The girl in 2017 celebrated her 3th anniversary. It often appears on the Instagram page of her mom.

Oksana Samoilova's daughter - leya, despite his little age, trying to learn to read. She already knows all the letters, but it does not work with the folding. The girl tries to repeat everything for his older sister. She says that it will be to learn at school only on the top five.

Daughter Oksana Samoilova - Maya

In 2017, in the family of Oksana Samoylova and her spouse, Raper was jealous, the third child appeared. For a long time about her birth, nothing was known. Parents themselves hid the fact of its appearance.

Only at the beginning of this year it became that another girl was born in the family, which was called Maya. Girl while small. She just began to sit and crawl. Little girl loves to play with sisters and mom.

Oksana Samoilova's daughter - Maya appeared on the Instagram page. She sat surrounded by mom, dad and sisters and smiled.

Husband Oksana Samoilova - Jigan

Denis Ustimno-Vanttein, namely, so truly names the spouse Oksana Samoylova, born in Odessa. At the beginning of the new millennium, he moved to Moscow and became the artist in the style of Rap. After a few years, the man received fame. He began to ride towards tourists throughout Russia. Currently, he has several prestigious premiums and awards, the last of which received quite recently for the duet with Stas Mikhailov.

Oksana Samoilova's husband - Jigan saw the future spouse in one of the nightclubs. He began to take care of the girl. After a few months, the lovers began to live together. After the birth of the first daughter Ariela, they officially registered their marriage.

Currently, a man dreams that peace and order be established in his native Ukraine.

Photo Oksana Samoilova in Maxim magazine

After the first appearance of the photo Oksana Samoilov in the magazine Maxim about a woman spoke. She began to be invited to various shows of fashionable clothes, becoming one of the best models of the Russian Federation.

In early 2018, candid photos were decorated with Maxim Pages again. Men looked at her pictures with great attention, amazing the perfection of her forms and whiteness of the skin.

On your page in Instagram, you can see pictures on which the woman is presented naked and in a swimsuit. Fans make it compliments, believing that her beauty is divine.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Samoilova

Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Samoyallova are very popular. Here you can see the most detailed information about Beauty.

Wikipedia models contains only information that it is the wife of the famous Rapper is jeaning and is engaged in a model business.

In many social networks, Oksana Samoilova was registered. Instagram Samoylovaoxana is very popular. Here you can see the pictures of the model and its loved ones, see the most detailed information about it and her spouse. You can see the pictures of the wife, which he never ceases to admire.

Oksana Samoilova is a bright, stylish, well-known model. Its external data allowed her to become popular in the model business, and charm and charisma won the hearts of many fans who actively follow the life of the model in social networks. This woman is a real Russian celebrity, in addition, in the past was a fairly popular actress, which took place as a creative person. But then love intervened in the fate of the girl, she gained a soul mate, so today devotes himself to his beloved husband and upbringing two daughters. It can serve as an example of the fact that sometimes, for the sake of family, you can go for certain sacrifices, it is primarily a good wife and mom, and only then a bright and sought-after star.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Oksana Samoilova

We must pay tribute to this young and stylish woman. Even after she gave birth to children, looks awesome, can give odds of any professional model, at least, because it is also such. Today she turned 29 years old, an increase is 177 centimeters, her weight 53 kilograms. That is, it is entirely fully meets the requirements of the model world, its parameters are ideal, the appearance also pleases, both fans and a spouse. And although so far, Oksana did not achieve the status of "secular lioness", it constantly appears on various well-known and prestigious events where celebrities are going. By the way, it consisted in good relations with the famous Rapper of Russia, whose name is Jigan. Growth, weight, age. How many years Oksana Samoilova, the answers to these questions confirm that she has every chance to build a career model and further.

Biography Oxana Samoilova (model)

Oxana Samoilova's biography originates in the late eighties, or rather, on April 27, 1988. Children's years have passed in the provincial city, has always been fun, cute and moving girl. She had a lot of friends, it was possible to come up with something funny, interesting, play and walk as much as you like in the yard, to spend a good time behind a variety of games. After all, she grew up in a simple family, where friendship and mutual understanding were appreciated. I still study at school, the girl discovered creative abilities, which actively demonstrated among the peers. She went to acting courses, where she showed well, also danced. But with it did not feel that he wants to do this at a professional level, so all these mugs remained for her no more than a wonderful hobby. After graduated from school, he entered the local university, where he elected the Humanitarian Faculty.

But it was not destined to finish the University of the ambitious girl. After a while she felt that creative nature was too loudly declared and demanded attention. She wanted to realize himself in the field of model business, famous in this field. Pursuing ambitious thoughts, the girl goes to Moscow, and even the parents did not attempt to dissuade her, knowing that the daughter had detected independence and syntitude from birth. Consequently, he could choose his own way by taking responsibility for the consequences. We will also add that Oksana always stand out among the peers in an interesting and beautiful appearance. For her constantly someone cared for her, there were no problems with self-esteem and confidence. And as soon as she found himself in Moscow, immediately decided that he would earn earn their appearance and model data.

She succeeded almost immediately, because the beauty industry favorably reacted to beauty from a small town, who had come to conquer the capital. Let him still not be able to become a global model, she still boasts with tremendous successes in the world of beauty and glamor. Young beauty was able to find his audience, to become famous in Russia, conquer the hearts of thousands of fans of both sexes. She is invited to various photo shoots, it advertises various brands that look perfectly at a slim figure. It often appears on the pages of glossy magazines, defiles on the shows of well-known fashion designers from Russia and the countries close to it near it. Agree that this is a fairly good result for the girl who put the goal to become a model and conquer recognition.

If we tell the truth, then Oksana Samoilova did not differ in special modesty. Therefore, no one is surprised when she sees her candid photos in the next popular magazine. Samoilova herself repeatedly said that she was comfortable and confidently feels in front of the camera in any situation that it was not necessary to undress for her. Similar frank photo sessions attract even more attention to the person's person, winning for it the necessary popularity and bringing good income. Not to mention the fact that it allows it to reveal from another side. She always tries to be in the center of attention, follows the development of secular life, tries to be her participant. Recently, she has his own business, launches his own brand. Oksana Samoilova The clothes spled well, began to bring business owner not only profit, but also pleasure. It chose it this industry is not by chance, because from the very childhood loved to dress brightly and stylishly.

Oksana itself believes that the main element of the female wardrobe is a dress. Therefore, most of all focuses on dresses, feminine and beautiful. Moreover, dresses are created in the Samoilovo collection primarily for evening outputs so that they can shine in the light. When it works on the next model, seeks to do so that the dress is obtained not only rich, stylish, but also sophisticated and sexy. Oksana believes that having dressed in a similar way, any woman will feel like a secular lioness and a real lady at the same time. So we can say that Samoilova is entirely and fully held as a model and designer of the actual clothing line.

Personal life Oksana Samoilova

Oxana Samoilova's personal life is the same multifaceted as its creative way. If she was limited to model activity, it would hardly have become so popular as it became now. Many fans learned about her after the girl began to build a relationship with the Russian Rapper Digger. They met during a party in a nightclub, and the man almost immediately fell under the chimes of the unearthly beauty of the model appearance. When they met, the performer had already several hits in the presence, but now his career could go even further, because an attractive, beautiful allied appeared nearby. They realized that they wanted to go through life together to build not only a career, but also personal happiness. All journalists of the country immediately spoke about their relations.

After some time, they appear the charming daughter, which they called Ariel. When she was born, the parents were not married yet, because they were postponed on a specific date. The wedding took place approximately a year later, with potential spouses did not want to arrange a lush banquet, made a festival only for their loved ones and relatives. But at the same time, they did not hide their plans, so fans were barely learned about his marriage from his personal page in Tritter. Despite the fact that the rapper is a very busy person, and Oksana, too, they have repeatedly admitted that the family is in the first place. They are always together, go on vacation to hot countries, walk on different entertainment events. Yes, and on one daughter they did not stop and already in 2014, they had a second girl who they gave the name Leia.

Family Oksana Samoilova

Today, Oksana is a mother of two charming daughters. Oxana Samoilova's family consists of her, his beloved husband, nice children. Education takes a lot of time, so at parties the model can be found rarely, not to mention the filming in films, where she, too, however, appeared, not so often, but applied hope for the future. But she did not regret it, because it feels great, engaged in family troubles. In addition, it does not sit, folded hands, is engaged in himself, despite the fact that two children gave birth to, is in excellent form, pleases fans of beautiful photos surrounded by the family. Also earns good money by creating a special sports mobile application together with successful coaches. This application is directed to return to the form after childbirth or at all purchase a good figure.

Children Oksana Samoilova

Children Oksana Samoyallova play a very important role for her. As soon as she became a mom, then immediately, any career moved to the background for her. Maybe because she was the only child in the family, she dreamed that she had a bigger family. Maybe somewhere in the soul, it is in addition to a bright and ambitious career, dreamed of a loving family and small children. And she succeeded, to create his small, cozy world, which belongs only to her. Her little daughters please her more than any photo shoot and next to these glorious girls, Oksana always looks especially happy and satisfied with life. There were rumors that Oksana Samoilova gave birth to a third child, but so far nothing is unknown about it.

Daughter Oksana Samoilova - Ariel

Oksana Samoilova's daughter - Ariel was born in 2011, when Oksana and Djigan did not in a registered marriage. The date was transferred to a more symbolic date that the spouses were chosen together. But since they have already lived together, the result of their love was the little girl, whom they gave a sonorous name - Ariel. To date, this is a charming, cute girl who grows in an atmosphere of love and parental care. The girl has already went to school, studying in a prestigious educational institution, tries to please their famous parents, beautiful mom and successful dad. The daughter is pleased with expensive gifts, they often take on rest in hot countries. She has everything that can only wish a little child from secured parents. So in the future, Ariel can quite become a model as her beauty-mother.

Daughter Oksana Samoilova - Leia

Daughter Oksana Samoilova - Leia, born in 2014. She became the second child in a legitimate marriage between the Oksana Samoilova model and the Rapper. They looked forward to her appearance, because they wanted another child. Today it is a sweet, charming girl who inherited the beauty and energy of the mother, ambitions and the cheerfulness of the father. She grows healthy, pleases the parents, preparing to go to school in a few days that secured parents will be chosen. Leia makes them be proud of themselves, even the smallest, life achievements.

Civil husband Oksana Samoilova - Jigan

Civil husband Oksana Samoilova - Jigan is a famous performer in Russia. Many argue that it was he who helped his charming spouse to gain popularity and recognition. They met during a party at a nightclub, and almost immediately a man got under the spell of a young girl. They realized that they wanted to be together, so after a short time they began to meet and live together. They got married if they had a daughter aryel, already later, another charming girl appeared in marriage. It must be said that the husband and wife live together, believe that each other should be loyal. In general, their family can be a real example for all star unions. They are happy, despite the fact that they continue to build a career, believe that the family is the most important thing that may be in life.

Photo Oksana Samoylova before and after plastic

Like many other stars both Russian and foreign pop, Samoilova has repeatedly resorted to using plastic surgeons. About this testifying photo Oksana Samoilova before and after plastics, which in excess is on the Internet. Although it is impossible to name the exact number of operations that the model has made, but it is not doubtful that it still constantly adjusted its appearance, despite the fact that the external data from the star is more than attractive. But apparently, for those who are in show business, there will always be not enough of what nature bestowed.

Most likely, the girl did the chest more, increased the swelling of the lips, which is very noticeable in the photo on the net. In addition, rumors have repeatedly appeared on the Internet that the girl did not cost without the chin and nose plastle. But the model itself prefers to bypass this topic, does not want to comment on such asked questions. But much more conspirassing in terms of conversations about tattoos. There are already three similar drawings on her body, and the very first tattoo, the girl considers his mistake of youth, but about the rest of two speak with great pleasure, apparently proud of the resulting result. She fought for herself two inscriptions who are called to inspire her.

Phrases that she wrote on the skin, mean what you need to be loyal, and constantly defeat myself. So we can say that Samoilova not only makes himself tattoos, but also enjoys the wonders of surgery. However, for those who constantly in sight, normally, to correct (in their opinion) of nature.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Samoilova

About Oksana Samoilov is not so much general information, but it compensates for it with social networks. She has no personal pages in Wikipedia, but, but the model is very actively leading his personal page in Instagram (\u003dru). She often pools fans with photographs of different character. Find her profile Oksana Samoilova Instagram Samoylovaoxana is simple enough, because the page is known to many. In addition to their personal photos, it is ready to share news from life, different plans for the future, family pictures.

Instagram Oksana Samoyallova Always to the services of those who want to learn about this bright, charming model and just a beautiful girl who was able to not only conquer the world of beauty, but also become an excellent wife and mother. She became a bright example of the fact that if desired, faith in himself and his strength, one can achieve all of what you really want. It also shows how important it is to appreciate such eternal values \u200b\u200bas a family and children.

Popular singer Djigan was born in Ukraine in Odessa, where he lived for a long time. He loved music since childhood, and tried himself in different directions. More leanned to music in the style of hip-hop and rap.

Student at school, in the 9th grade, the young guy wrote his own track and made him in the assembly hall. The first fans appeared immediately after the debut.

It should be noted that the young man matured early enough, he has already lived separately from his parents from 16 years old.

Then everything twisted, spinning, and since the 2000s, the singer began to act in Ukrainian fashionable nightclubs, and also organized a stylish hip-hop party to which it was not to get tickets.

Popularity even raised at that time. Geegun is a scenic pseudonym, real name - Denis Alexandrovich Ustimnko-Weinstein.

Until 2007, Jigan worked and lived in Ukraine. After acquaintance with the famous singer and producer of Timati, Dzhigan signed a contract and tightly settled in Moscow.

Now he has become an integral part of the Black Star Inc sound recording label. The singer began to tour and got tremendous popularity in Russia and the CIS countries.

In 2013, the contract was over the contract with the producer center, and he did not want to extend it and went to his free swimming, which had already presented a huge number of mega hits for a long time holding the top positions of popular musical charts. These tracks are written both solo and in a duet with famous singers and singers.

At the moment, Jigan lives with his family in Moscow. Together with the wife of Oksana Samoyallova, they grow two charming daughters, Ariel and Leu, who are insanely like their beautiful and talented parents.

Family life

Jigan is an excellent husband and father. Oksana is a wonderful mother and businesswoman, raises children and leads a profitable business for the manufacture and sale of its own clothing line under the already promoted brand.

Despite the tight artist schedule, the approximate familyman spends a lot of time with his family. The houses constantly sounds children's laughter, and also surrounds a very pleasant family atmosphere.

Although the surname and his wife had different surnames, it's still a very strong and beautiful couple, which someone has a sense of joy for them, and someone has a feeling of envy, because you really have something: a gorgeous house with a swimming pool, decorated with Taste and in the latest trends in the design world.

The house has two children's, large living room, game room, and many, many other large spacious rooms.

Djigan, together with its loved ones, lives on 2 cities, or rather two countries from Russia and Ukraine, where new hits of the artist are successfully rotated.

The family of the famous Rapper travels very often, as evidenced by numerous photos published in social networks both the most confused and his wife Oksana.

But for all these human joys there is a long way to the top and work on themselves. Oksana to marriage was a very famous and popular model, which remains currently.

Self-sufficient woman, still working on himself every day, over her body. Perfect appearance, sharp figure and a rich inner world, all this about it.

Popular recognition of artist and presenting awards

Dzhigan besides the singing career, a lot of time pays sport. He achieved significant success, has several ranks and awards. Also in the career of Rap-singer Denis reached dizzying heights, which confirm his numerous awards and rewards:

  • laureate of many prestigious popular premiums;
  • owner of the statuette "Golden Gramophone";
  • the winner of the "best hip-hop performer" nomination according to MUZ-TV 2014;
  • and many other awards.

Dzhigan (real name Denis Alexandrovich Ustimenko-Vinstein) - a popular hip-hop performer, an exemplary father and just a person confident that there is no limit to perfection.

According to the spouse, also a romantic. Involuntarily, the question arises, as he has time in all fronts, when the sport is a lifestyle, music is a profession, and in the first place - the family. But a man does not reveal secrets, more precisely, it is divided only one thing - to rush 24 hours a day.

Childhood and youth

The future Rapper Jigan appeared in August 1985 in Odessa, which is rightly called "Pearl by the Sea", in the family of a sailor. Since the Father was often abroad, he brought his son as gifts with music with music. A boy with an ecstasy listened to their cumin.

Once Denis discovered that he accidentally recorded his voice. He liked the result, and he began to regularly record his own execution to the music. From this time, the boy dreamed of singing and writing songs, but for a long time could not decide on the genre - rushed between the rock and rap.

Denis wrote his first song in the 9th grade, and the presentation of the track took place in the assembly hall to school graduates. Soon such a scene it seemed a little, and he decided to hold a hip-hop event. The idea to try myself as a DJ came because the impressive audioollection was gathered, in which there was about 500 audio cassettes and 2,000 discs. Soon the parties organized by him became popular, and the famous MS began to show a burning interest to him.

Here Denis and needed the scenic name of Jigan, or Geegun. The first part of the pseudonym is suggested by the album "O.G. Original Gangster "Raper Ice-T, the second was a reflection of his love for arms.


In 2005, DJ Dlee, who was the official DJ rapper, was invited to his party Jigan. Colleagues were met at various festivals and other events of the Russian Rap-Industry. The result of communicating artists was a joint song:, Timati and Dzhigan released the "dirty sluts" track, which won great popularity from users.

In 2007, at the invitation of the BLACK STAR Inc. general director. Jigan moved from Odessa to Moscow and became the artist of the label. In the company of his first work, the song "Odnoklassnitsy", which he fulfilled with Timati.

There was no big success to wait a long time: in 2009, Jigan was presented with Melomanans hit the "Cold Heart". The track overnight becomes a sales leader.

Jigan and Anna Sedokova - "Cold Heart"

Especially rich in pleasant events and victories for the song was 2011. The song "Let go", recorded with the singer, published the leaders in the number of "downloads" on the day of the presentation, overtaking releases and Russian, and foreign artists. The track turned out to be an absolute hit and a long time headed the charts "Hit FM", DFM and "Russian Radio". The clip on this composition was in the "hot rotation" of the leading TV channels, and the song herself brought the prestigious "Song of the Year" and the Golden Gramophone premium.

In September 2011, the premiere of the song "You're near" was joined and, which strengthened the reputation of rapper. The presentation of the clip was held at a joint autograph session of artists in Moscow: over 1 thousand people came to the meeting.

Jigan and Zhanna Friske - "You're near"

The beginning of 2012 was marked by joint work, the singers wiki cool and the company recorded the track and clip "Carnival". The song received stupid success. This year was remembered by the film "Rained" with actor Sean William Scott star: Trust entrusted to write a soundtrack for this picture called "You - Champion".

It is noteworthy that for rapper Ribbon "Ring" did not become the first acquaintance with the cinema, because in 2011, Jigan starred in the film "Fight with Shadow 3: Last Round." This episode is difficult to call the star's acting debut, as Denis played himself.

Jigan - "You are the champion"

The song "We are no longer" has become the first solo work, the video for which appeared in April 2012. All listed compositions entered the Debut Album "Cold Heart", over which the performer worked for 3 years.

The creative biography of Trigger made a steep turn in December 2013: the artist announced the departure from the Black Star Inc and the decision to go to the independent sailing. The proof of the singer has already provided in February 2014: the premiere of his video clips "We must get up" to a new song. The single turned into a kind of anthem a healthy lifestyle - the best athletes of European and Russian bodybuilding were shot in the video.

During this period, Raper fans received another present - the song "Take care of love", performed in the genres of rhythm-n-blues and soul. Jigan sang her along with. This composition entered the new album "Music. A life".

Jigan and Lia - "Take care of love"

In 2014, the "Muz-TV Prize. The evolution "Gygan was recognized as the" best hip-hop project of the year "and received a cherished plate. And on June 9, he became a laureate of the Fashion People Awards award ("RNB-Fashion").

The second joint work was joined and Julia Savicheva "love more than nothing" made a hit before the premiere of the composition. The song was on the ether radio stations Europa Plus, Love Radio and DFM, and also ranked the first line in iTunes. The clip on it was twisted on the air of the TV channels of Ukraine, Russia and the CIS countries.

Jigan and Julia Savicheva - "Love nothing more"

The times have long passed when they were considered only as Timatia Creature. Seena Raper already helps beginner musicians to rise to the heights of glory. Of course, the singer does not forget about himself - produces new singles with enviable regularity.

In the spring of 2015, Jigan presented his third album, published under the name "Your choice", which included the hits of the song "To love more than nothing" and "time to lose weight". On the set of the clip to the composition about the slimming artist, who has a sports physique, played the remedy leader of the gangster grouping.

This year was generous for rewards. The Muz-TV Awards in Astana, which took place at the beginning of summer, Dzhigan was recognized as the best hip-hop performer of the year. And at the end of the year, the Golden Gramophone premiums were awarded the main prize and a diploma for Hit "I and you." In the video clip of the singer, at the request of fans, involved his wife and then only two daughters, the frames of family holidays are taken as a basis in Spain.

In October 2015, Jigan presented a composition called "Rain", which was recorded in conjunction with the famous singer. The following came the clip. The story is based on the story of a guy and girls whose feelings are fading, and the couple is close to parting.

Djigan and Maksim - "Rain"

I did not leave Jigan my huge army of fans without pleasant gifts and in 2016. Together with he recorded a duet track and a clip for the song "Love-anesthesia": the composition instantly occupied the leading places in many charts. Credited the video order of the clipmaker Rustam Romanov, in whose portfolio - rollers for, timati, groups.

The song did not enter the following album "fog". Instead, on the disk there are collaborations with a cloust ("until the last breath"), ("Earth"), Elvira T ("bad"), ("melody"). On the tracks "Bentley", "ready for all" clips were removed. To participate in the shooting of the roller on the last, the performer basil had to interrupt the celebration of his own birthday and go to Bali.

Jigan and Oksana Samoilova - "On the eighth floor"

In the video on the "melody", the role of the main character was played by the winner of the show "Dance", the wife of Oksana Samoilova and colleagues were lit in "should shine" and.

Together with Sasha Pearls, the ward Maxim Fadeeva, the rapper recorded the composition "Dololi", which entered the debut album of the novice singer.

The presentation of the fifth studio "Days and Nights" took place in June 2017. A duet with "hugging" and a song dedicated to daughters entered the track list. The author remained faithful to himself, successfully combining rap with dance motives.

The song "Catch me", which did not have time to be included in the album, was published in October with a separate single. The director of the movie "Days and Nights" Danil Volkov took the clip where the jigan himself is missing. Instead of artist, a person with a certain selection of a TV on the head that broadcasts the image of rapper is walking through the streets of the city.

Personal life

Personal life was happily formed.

"The image of a lonely man is much more correct for my image, but never thought to hide my personal life, and even more so give up her. For me, work and family - like two parallel straight, which move forward at the same speed. "

Musician's wife is the founder of the Mirasezar brand and a model by the shoulders of which participation in several advertising campaigns of popular brands and work in Europe. Spouses met in a nightclub, a week later left to rest together on the island. This time Reiper had enough to understand that Oksana was his dream woman.

The pair will grow up the daughter of Ariel, Leia and Maya. Jigan himself is the only child, and in the courtyard, looking at those who walked and played with brothers and sisters, having acutely felt loneliness. Then he decided that in the future his own children would not be boring. On the third child, the singer said, they will not stop.

The composition "Time to lose weight" - the illustration of a sports life is rocked. With a low for a man, height in 173 cm singer at one time scored overweight.

"And then I just came to the rocking chair, I began to do Cardio, cut off all sorts of nasty. Eating only vegetables and proteins. "

So for 5 months threw 25 kg. In the photo in "Instagram", Jigan demonstrates his pile of muscles. Almost the whole body is decorated with a tattoo, among which the Jewish motives are found.

Tattoo is jealous (rapper before and after weight loss)

By the shoulders of the musician - a passion for football, freestyle wrestling, rugby. On mixed martial arts, he even earned. Starting at 11 years old, Denis became the champion of Ukraine for kickboxing, the Moldavian champion in the category Men`s Physique and won several medals in European tournaments. In Chisinau, the speech in the IFBB tournament coincided with the concerts, and the tour of Egypt and Turkey took place. Jigan, on his own confession, almost losing consciousness without sweet and water. And that, and other athletes do not take within 2 days before reaching the scene.

The singer founded the "Sports School of Martial Arts", which is not a commercial project, and the desire of the star contribute to the development of the physical culture of young people.

Jigan now

The image of the perfect family pair of Jigan and Oksana was embodied in the video on the song "On the eighth floor", which is represented by fans in 2018. In the roller, the spouses dine with candles, fools, then together take a bath. The rapper himself spoke by the director of the clip, and the shooting took place in the apartment.

Dzhigan - "Young We" (premiere of 2018)

Song and clip "Young We" - a gift of the artist to myself for my birthday. In the music component, dance motives are still traced, and the video show demonstrates elements of luxury. In "Instagram", Jigan wished listeners to kayfan, dance and enjoy life.

The artist again became the director of the video, and helped him clipmaker Denis Simonenko, who knows under the name of Danny Kekspro in a professional environment. The creative tandem was already working on the clip "Everything will be fine", as well as above the roller to the composition "DNA", which Jigan fulfilled with. "DNA", by the way, was awarded the age limit of 18+ due to the abnormative vocabulary. However, Apple Music has included a song in the top ten most auditioned in 2018.

Jigan and Artem Kucher - "DNA" (premiere of 2018)

To the new 2019, Jigan presented a fan gift in the form of a duet with. For the production of the song "Outlou", the rapper took himself. Ahead of the artist - performances in 3 cities on Big Love Show organized by Love Radio.


  • 2012 - "Cold Heart"
  • 2013 - "Music. A life."
  • 2015 - "Your Choice"
  • 2016 - "Fog"
  • 2017 - "Days and Nights"

- One of the most popular Russian celebrities. Its fame brought not only excellent external data and successful work model, but also the fact that she is the wife of the reper is jealous.

Young years

Oksana Samoilova was born on April 27, 1988 in the town of Ukhta. After the end of the usual average school, she, like most of her peers, decided to receive higher education. For this, Oksana entered the local university to the Humanitarian Faculty. However, at the third year, an ambitious girl went to Moscow with a desire to conquer the capital. This decision did not surprise anyone, as Oksana from childhood was distinguished by perseverance and strong character.

Career model

Nature gave Oksana an extraordinary appearance, so it is not surprising that the girl decided to take advantage of this and build a career model in Moscow. It should be noted, she succeeded. The girl most often works as a photo model in such genres as Glamor, Fashion, Beauty. For example, removed for popular glossy publications. She also often takes part in the fashion shows of top fashion designers.

Own business

To date, have your own business that besides money brings pleasure - very cool. This is especially popular among people close to fashion. So its clothing line has, and even a model with its swimsuits.
Oksana Samoilov It also did not go around, and she is the main face of the company for the production of women's dresses. This domestic brand was founded by Oksana himself and her friend Miroslav Swedovaya. Mirasezar Specializes in the production of dresses, mostly cocktail or evening. Dresses from Samoilova look very sophisticated, feminine and sexy. They prefer confident girls who are not afraid to emphasize the strengths of their appearance. Samoilova's business is quite successful, as Mirasezar products are considered a worthy alternative to similar foreign manufacturers of women's clothing.

Angelic appearance

It is unlikely that anyone will deny the fact that Oksana Samoylova was lucky with appearance. Slim-eyed figure, long hair and beautiful face - such a combination is not so often. At the same time, it is impossible not to note that Oksana, like most stars of the national show business, does not neglect plastic. Most often, the model is accused of chest artificiality and lips. However, Oxana is not frustrated on this. After all, with or without plastic, it looks stunning in any case. Many self-adhering fans are interested in Oksana's parameters, which looks very touched and slim even after the birth of a child. According to the latest data, grow 177 cm, Self-Self Practical Parameters ideal - 98-60-90. Weight model - 53 kg.


Oksana Samoyallova has a whole 3 tattoos, about the first she says that it was done on youth, and nothing means. And the other two (on the shovel and on the side) - " be faithful to those who believe you"And" the greatest power is the one who has power over themselves»Tattoos are made naturally on Latin.


The lion's share of the popularity of Oksana Samoyallova determines the fact that it is a life companion and a beloved woman of the famous Ukrainian and Russian refuge (real name Denis Ustimenko)whose creativity has recently acquires an increasing number of fans. Oksana and Djigan met at the SOHO Club and found for a long time, and their relationship strong and reliable.

In 2011, a couple had a lovely daughter, which they called the original and rare name. Ariela. And after a year after the appearance of the baby Oksana and Dzhigan decided to legitimate their relationship. For marriage, they chose a very interesting date - 12.12.12 Since in Starina believed that marriages that concluded on this day would be particularly successful. After registration of the marriage, the newlyweds celebrated this event in a circle of the closest friends, organizing a small buffet. Dzhigan pleased with his wedding fans with the help of the message on Twitter.

According to Jigan himself, he chose Oksana, because she is the best, and the reper will never agree to exchange their family happiness. Besides the reper dedicated to his wife the uncertainty, Oksana and Little Ariel even starred in the clip confused on the song " Hold my hand" Samoilova constantly pleases fans with joint photos with her husband and daughter, on which the whole family looks immensely happy.

Stylish and sexy

Watching the life of Oksana Samoyallova, it is impossible not to notice how well-keeped girl looks like. It is almost always with makeup and with neat hairstyle, and its clothes at any time looks stylish and relevant. Oksana prefers trendy and, most importantly, sex dresses, candid decolves and thin fabrics. For his wedding, Oksana Samoilova chose a long translucent lace white dress with a deep neckline.