The last battle in the Donbas. Good morning, Vietnam! Battle for Debaltsevo "Do not let God survive what we have experienced"

The conclusion of the divisions of the Ukrainian military from Debaltseve, which began on the night on Wednesday and ended only on Thursday evening, caused a stormy reaction in the Western press, which mostly be pessimistic. The disappointing reviews received and followed by the departure from a strategically important point of the initiative of the authorities regarding the invitation to the Donbass of UN peacekeepers.

Many Ukrainian military perceived the news about the start of the retreat operation with joy, adding that it should be started for a long time, writes The Washington Post. "But for many (military, ed.) The retreat has also become a huge obstacle and a turning point due to the disappointment by military commanders, who, as the soldiers consider, did not cope with the siege," the publication writes.

Poroshenko could not answer the key questions of most soldiers: what's next?

The Washington Post.

"Russians are coming, and this is my Ukraine. Ukraine or death, - quotes the sniper newspaper from the Lviv battalion with the call sign. - But our commanders threw us. And the Ukrainian media repeated the fact that they (commanders, ed.) They spoke in Kiev - that we had everything we were not surrounded. It was all a lie. "

"Leaving the front line, the soldiers described the retreat as a tactical move - the same terminology adhered to the political leadership of Ukraine. But the scale of the retreat was forced many to lose faith in the ability of their leaders to fight in the future or even conclude decent respect for a peaceful agreement," the article says.

"President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko tried to restore the favor (military, ed.), Urgently went to Artemovsk, where he met with the commanders and greeted the soldiers at the military base," he writes the newspaper. "But he doesn't write his visit. Understand the key questions of most soldiers: what's next? And why should they believe that in the future the battles will be more successful. "

Appeal to UN peacekeepers is clearly recognized that Poroshenko no longer believes that Ukraine is able to protect itself.

The Washington Post.

Washington Post commented on the decision of Peter Poroshenko to seek help to the UN peacekeeping contingent, calling it "explicit recognition that he (Poroshenko, Ed.) No more believes that Ukraine is able to protect themselves."

The battle for Debaltsevo was one of the most fierce battles for the conflict.


"Battle for Debaltsevo - the railway unit of a huge value for separatists because of his connection with Russia - was one of the most fierce battles for the conflict all time," the Financial Times writes. - Siege and concerns about a possible traveling pushed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to The beginning of the negotiations, which ended with the cessation of fire agreed in Minsk by leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France last week. "

German media: Debaltsevo as a defeat of Europe

Even if the separatists urgently will not begin further an offensive, "the top officials of Ukraine are concerned that the Debaltsevo fall can be the main political strike of Poroshenko," writes the British edition. "It destroys faith into the state, in its ability to be effective and in the ability to protect their people," the word newspaper leads one of them.

The withdrawal of the Ukrainian troops became humiliation for Poroshenko's forces


At the same time, "martial spirit among the Ukrainian military remained at a high level," newspaper writes with reference to Viktor Kovalenko, a 43-year-old journalist who fought in Debaltseve.

"The conclusion of the Ukrainian troops on Wednesday became a humiliation for Poroshenko's forces, but moreover, the offensive of separatists on the city, which led to their (military, ed.) Retreat, Western diplomats are called a flagrant violation of the cease-fire agreement. Western capital were again They were caught by surprise, and plunged into meditation about how to cope with Putin, "the publication writes.

Fiasco, which happened in the south of Ukraine this week, will be among the most humiliating in the chronicles

The Wall Street Journal

"In full regret, the chronicles of the Fiasco, which happened in the south of Ukraine this week, will be among the most humiliating. For President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, whom his friends were forced to accept it (the ceasefire agreement, ed.). And for the angels Merkel, Francois Olland and President Obama, who were pushed (in Poroshenko, Ed.) And then allowed Vladimir Putin to violate the agreement with larch with large territorial losses, but NATO can also pay enough soon, "writes The Wall Street Journal.

The number of those who died in Debaltsevo itself and near the city - a question with a political subtext


"The number of dead in Debaltsevo and near the city is a question with a political subtext, which was reflected in highly different estimates: according to pro-Russian separatists, we are talking about thousands of victims; according to the government's preliminary estimates, at least 13 soldiers died, 157 were injured, more 90 They captured at least 82 in the missing lists of missing, "adding the New York Times, adding that," according to eyewitnesses, the death toll will most likely increase significantly. "

Initiative with peacekeepers will certainly come together to resistance or even open veto of Moscow in UN Security

Foreign Policy

"If Russia is really interested in the world, as she claims, it must support this resolution, which authorizes the deployment of peacekeeping forces in Ukraine," said Alexander Motsik in an interview with Foreign Policy.

"This step, for the implementation of which the UN Security Council is needed, will certainly come out for persistent resistance or even open veto of Moscow. Moolen called it hypocrisy," adds the publication.

Conflict in the East of Ukraine (Donbass)

In early April 2014, the fighting between the representatives of the DPP \\ LNR, which are not shared by the views of Evromaidan representatives and the policy of Kiev and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Later, the Ukrainian side announced a conflict with an antiterrorist operation (ATO), and voluntary battalions joined the Ukrainian army. On September 10, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, which is at that time the NATO Secretary General, said that among the rebels, the Russian servicemen and regular army of the Russian Federation were seen. In the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, it was repeatedly reported on the supply of heavy equipment and weapons for the combat formation of the Donbass from Russia. In turn, on September 28, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that only volunteers from the Russian Federation were fighting on the side of the DNR and LNR.

To date, the government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic is based on the territory. The official administration of the Donetsk region is located in the territory of the three cities of the Donetsk region -

From April 2014, Debaltsevo controlled the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. However, at the end of July 2014, Ukrainian troops beat the city. Debaltsevo had an important strategic value as one of the largest railway units of Ukraine. In addition, the city deeply wedged into the territory of the DPR and was considered a possible bridgehead for the attack on Donetsk.

"Dear Life"

A truce after the first Minsk agreements in September 2014 ended with the resumption of war in January 2015. Daenereztsi beat the Donetsk airport, but the most large-scale fighting began in the district of the Debaltsev protrusion.

As a result, Debaltseveo from the bridgehead for the onset of a large grouping of the VSU to Donetsk turned into a trap-boiler for the Ukrainian military.

On January 22, 2015, the offensive of the united DPR and LNR forces was launched, the infantry was supported by tanks, reactive systems of salvo flames and heavy artillery. Debaltsevo and settlements around the shelling. Brutal battles were walking simultaneously with the preparation of the second round of Minsk agreements. The militia in a conversation with "" admit that the task of command was to take the city before signing the documents in Minsk. However, it was not possible to fulfill it - the militia continued the offensive and after the conclusion of agreements on February 12.

In early February, after a short respite at the front and evacuation, part of civil operations resumed. On February 5, the DPR forces took Uglegorsk near Debaltsevo, later the Ukrainian military retreated from the villages of Rarkodub and Logvinovo, near the M103 highway. This highway connects Ukrainian Artemovsk with Debaltsevo, in fact - "Road of Life" for the VSU.

From February 14, the Ukrainian forces began to undermine the railway paths and the preparation of evacuation from the city. Retreats seriously interfered with strong frosts.

The problems of the operational surroundings of the group of the Armed Forces of Kiev were added to the problems of the operational environment, as a result of which the Ukrainian military retreats not by the "green corridor", but under the silent fire of the opponent.

On February 17, DPR fighters entered the city and took most of Debaltsevo under control, capturing more than a hundred prisoners. On February 18, Danieretsi reported on the full control over the city. The General Staff of Ukraine spoke about the conclusion from the Debaltsevo of 2.4 thousand military and dozens of equipment, as well as about 200 dead and wounded. Their opponents also declared the destruction and in captivity of most of the fighters of the National Guard and the Armed Forces. Kiev accused of participating in the operation from LDNR of the Russian Army, Moscow denied.

"Do not let God survive what we have experienced"

In the Ukrainian divisions of the veterans of battles in Ilovaisk and Debaltsevo on a special account. They know them, they are focused on their opinion. Local legend - sniper from the 37th separate battalion of Bogdanost Bogdan with call sign "Justhever". I got a bullet in the stomach, heavily and was treated for a long time. With a grenade went to the draft board demand to take into the army back. Warmer for the second year. It says that Debaltsevo entered across the holes in the environment to save the comrades from the 40th motor-operating battalion of the Armed Forces, which were blocked.

"We started to leave. We drove there with all the projectile on passenger cars. For two years, the terrain studied thoroughly. Forces that with the one that on the other hand is not enough, all holes and country roads are impossible. And our pulled out, "Bogdan remembers Skapor.

The 40th motorway battalion of the Armed Forces kept positions from East Debaltsevo. A part of the battalion on two supporting points "Moisha" and "Spear" was surrounded on February 15 and two days after the orders of the battalion commander surrendered. From the 15th, it was announced the cease-fire and they could no longer support artillery.

90 people got into captivity, they were exchanged for a three-day period. Then, the head of Victor accused them that the battalion fighters passed the position and allowed to create a boiler.

The 40th battalion was disbanded. Since then, the defense of the support points "Moisha" and "Spear" - the sad page of the latest history, around which disputes go around Ukraine. It was this episode that he has fallen more seriously on the authority of General Hubbar in the troops.

"Released (from the environment) ... a whole. And God forbid you to survive what we experienced with the guys "- such an inscription a year ago left in Facebook a fighter of the Militia of the Militia Militia" Artemovsk "Vitaly Ovcharenko.

"We came to the Artyomovsk battalion from the very beginning," tells the combat comrade Ovcharenko with the call sign "Kuznets". - Lectures, four days of training of PPS employee, a little of "Makarov" are upgraded. They gathered a battalion immediately after Ilovaisk (there in the summer of 2014, the large parts of the Armed Forces fell into the boiler. - "Gazeta.Ru"), at the machine of the car, arrived by fragments and bullets. Built us in Dnepropetrovsk and asked once again:

"Did you think well? No one wants to leave the service? "

"It was not very calm. They were shelling, at the entrance fell on a shot ambulance, there everything was in the blood, "recalls Ovcharenko. - And then the checkpoints went. It was scary, dangerous, but mostly cold. On the first day it was cold rain, and on the armor it is very cold in February.

Vitaly Ovcharenko

Dmitry Kirillov

In a ruined shell, a house with a demolished roof saw blankets under bricks and took. And suddenly the car of our journalists drives and take pictures: they say, marauders! Would they see, in what kind of caress we found these blankets!

Now I read lectures to journalists, how to behave correctly when you write and remove the army, I always remember this case. "

Vitaly Ovcharenko is a graduate of the historic Faculty of Donetsk National University, candidate of science. The dissertation was defended to the war, lectured. A smile recalls his topic: "Political, economic, cultural relations of Ukraine and Scandinavia countries in 1991-2011." Now he is the departed editor of the Ukrainian magazine "Peacemaker". Together with this, Vitaly, a ledity from the Ultras of the Donetsk Shakhtar and a participant in all Donetsk Spring-2014 Rights.

From the Ukrainian side, the fighters believe that he was war in the first place with the Russian army.

"They beat the city mercilessly, in squares, especially in recent days. There were all the fatalists, everyone understood that they could die on any day, which was surrounded, but calmly somehow it was. The Russian army was not afraid already, I wanted at least one to grab only. Do not compare with Ilovai (boiler), "says Ovcharenko. - Then in September stories about Russian tactical groups sounded quite differently, almost with horror. In Debaltsev, we also perceived the enemy somehow immensely and were not going to capture. Donetsk and Galicians were contraindicated. And in our battalion, 30% of Galicians were, 30% of Donetsk and Lugansk and the rest from Central Ukraine. True, the Lviv battalion acted in a bundle, everything from Western Ukraine.

Why did the capture excluded? I saw the rollers about Motorola in the Donetsk airport and mockery of it over the prisoners, scared the transfer of Russian central channels. You see, I hate smelled of real.

And we have hatred to the Russians still do not, with relatives otherwise would not communicate. I have them in St. Petersburg, for example. But there is a big resentment to Russia, and this, in my opinion, is stronger, for generations. "

According to him, the most terrible in Debaltsevo were those one and a half days when the fighters lay on the post on the frost under fire.

"We on Friday, February 13, there were three killed, two more in the Battalion" Lviv ". My group had to go to the task, but because of the shelling on the checkpoint we did not go there. Let's go in the end of our to help out on the outskirts, and there is an ambush. There, my friend of Seryozha Carpo, call sign "Malek", lay, Vitya Laorsky died from Zhytomyr - he had only granddaughter in January, Dima Sagittarius was killed, he had a younger daughter on September 1 in the first class, and the older 11 years was. "

The attitude to the local was "difficult." Many, according to Ovcharenko, helped, prepared food and told how with Ukraine "well and calmly".

"On February 15, we ranked position in the city council. We were 7 people, and the rumor has already passed that the separatists in the city entered. Well, we crossed and became cooler. And the rooms check the steels and food found - drawers of Makaron, croup, canned, whose humanitarian. And then the young couple came with a question: "Is there no meal?" Well, we have shuddered them, how many were able to carry. They thanked. And then we saw them in the plot, they told them about the "Marauders and Rangers from the Armed Forces," he says.

Frosts went almost immediately - they later saved. According to the frozen fields, the columns were able to nominate and reached their own.

- We were the company, 36 people, one tank and two BRDM. I eventually used to the 128th brigade. "

Vasya- "Kuznets" recalls the last day in Debaltsevo: "We fought with the 128th Brigade. And her commander like said that if you won't go to three nights, I would be a Khan! Well, went - 7 pm, 8, 9 ... and somewhere at 22.30 it is distributed: "There is an order to exit!" All sat on the transport and drove. We wandered at night in the fields. I went ambush, shelling, "hail" is heard, dark. I jumped at the ambushes five times with BRDM. We "quit", and we are trying to drive at speeds. Unified first column during the retreat was divided into several parts. The first completely without firing drove, the second and third already with problems, and we in the middle of this flow somewhere. Then they said that if he would last, and we are "Blukand" (I will get lost), then everything. But by 10 in the morning we reached Artemovsk. Left! "

Other fighters who visited Debaltsevo, but asked not to indicate their surnames, how much the light scolds their generals. Especially getting generals of the VSU Ruslan Khomchaka for Ilovaisk and Viktor Munets for Debaltsevo. "How could this narrow neck could be driven into such a narrow neck? - one of the interlocutors is indignant. - The map is not seen that there is a bag and a single natural barrier on the ground! "

"In a word, the people do not love us there"

A resident of Debaltsevo Victor is engaged in a funeral business. He managed to go to the most peak battles, returned back on February 25th. He says that after the fighting in the city was terribly: neither people, no light, no water. On the roads do not drive due to funnels, fallen trees and iron fragments from shells. People singled out in the basements. Victor counted about 300 dead civilians. The bodies fell in funnels, groats, houses, under the trees. Found along the smell and stoves of neighbors. "The city is broken, there is not a single whole building, everywhere abandoned blockbacks and trenches," adds one of the participants of the Debaltsev operation by the DPR, let's call him Paul. - all fields and surroundings destroyed by the technique are separated by the fragments and the destroyed technique, the unexploded "hurricanes" and "hails" of the Armed Forces and militias. "

According to him, the Ukrainians kept, but they did not mind morally, although they had opportunities.

"There were so many shells that we, when there was nothing to do, they were exploded. In addition to shells in the blocks and the trenches, there was a lot of other good. Ukrainians fled in a panic, throwing everything. I remember, found a bunch of children's drawings and letters. Drawings on the topic "Will Abo Death" (slogan. - "Gazeta.Ru"), "recalls Paul, calling opponents" silent due to propaganda. "

Pictures on the wall in the location of the 131st battalion

Dmitry Kirillov

The fighters of his detachment stood on the positions of the Battalion "Kiev-2", in an abandoned house whose hosts went to Kiev. Ukrainian soldiers by that time lived for Debaltsevo in Novogrigorovka, 10 km from Svetlodar, which retreated the main forces of the VSU. After the liberation of Debaltsevo, the situation was abandoned.

"There were constantly the innumerable Ukrainian sabotage groups (DRG), and therefore we did not leave one at night. There was a case when the DRG passed near us. She spent their local, and the locals there are very rotten and helped and help and help "dills".

The task was to minister the road from the second battalion. They laid three Fugasa, underwood on the fourth. Eight died in place, four remained alive.

They were saved by our same doctors. Already survived, including the local conductor - I think he was shot. There was a fun, in one word, "remembers another militant.

He admits that the basic destruction was due to the militia. When liberating the city was destroyed by their artillery.

"If you visually take a look at the city, then you can see that all weekends from arrivals from our side. Local more than once, we were expressed for it, and I also got it: in the store Debaltsev women read me well, "he says. - They did not love us there, like us. Once it was returned to position through the village, and suddenly our car was injected - "Bahu" (BMP) disclosed, like a rose. It turns out that this local threw the anti-tank mine. Thank God that in "Bahe" there was no landing and died only a mechanic driver. This freak was not found, he managed to go to the "dill". It turns out that his son serves there. "

The militias, like Ukrainian fighters, are also unhappy with the planning of the operation, which led to great losses. They associate it with the desire of the command to take Debaltsevo before the signing of Minsk-2.

Why are the militia sweep their command? For the "chaos and slaughter", arranged in the capture of Debaltsevo, says one of the former DPR commanders. His detachment took Uglegorsk.

"We entered there on both sides. While they were part of one, on the other hand, our artillery hit us, "he did not fade away. - thought I suppose that they beat in the "Ukropam". Often, the field was fired in the field, there was no connection with the headquarters: 90% of calls were made on mobile, and then just operators Kyivstar and disconnected. There were no plans, besides that you need to quickly take Debaltsevo to Minsk-2, because there was nothing specifically in the agreements about this city. Parts of the DPR did not coordinate the actions with folk militia and other LNR connections, it was often incomprehensible at all, who obeys. Somehow, our sniper climbed into the house, and on him mistakenly hit our tank. Doctors are incomprehensible as worked, reports about the dead did not write, many remained unidentified. If the Russian army fought on our part, there would be no such quantity of primitive errors and the "friendly" fire. "

The commander claims that the same chaos was from the Ukrainian side. He observed how some parts of the Armed Forces agree on the exit, and on the other hand they are starting their own fire. Sometimes Ukrainian soldiers were undermined on their own stretch marks placed by the first retreating fighters against the militias. The militia argue that they took to Debaltsevo as trophies to 150 tanks (Kharkov T-64). They were left with a rush retreat Ukrainian troops, which were not enough crews trite.

"The defense of Uglegorsk and Logvinovo was heavier. And in Debaltsevo itself, despite the rebuilt defense, entered over a year and a half, - recalls the commander. - Most of the Ukrainian military has already retreated from there. And the remaining were demoralized or simply did not receive orders from the center due to the lack of communication. The most struck the case in Logvinovo.

When the VSU retreated, their "Kraz" took on board 30 wounded. The car stalled, the driver and commander sat down in the UAZ and left, and the "Kraz" with the "three hundredth" remained in place.

During these days, almost everyone died, only an ordinary and officer remained, they pressed together to do not die from the cold.

The officer died, and ordinary survived. He shouted when we got it from under the pile of tel. The day before the official exchange, we handed it to the Ukrainian side, otherwise he would just died because the doctors we lacked even on their own. "

The main mystery remains the number of losses. Official figures from two sides are similar. In the self-proclaimed republics they say that their fighters have been used for about a hundred and in the region of 3 thousand from the opponent. The same thing about the own losses in tens of people and about 3 thousand. The enemy declares the Ukrainian command.

The militia, call sign "Murz", who participated in the battles for Debaltsevo, says that the real numbers of both parties will hide at least during the lifetime of the current generation of the military, who - on both sides - received ranks and rewards for this operation.

"We all know that every militiate before death killed 10" dill ", and all of them are confident that every" cyborg "before death took over 10" Separs "," Murz is ironic. He and several more militia commanders believe that about 1.5 thousand fighters were killed for LDNR. Comparable losses, according to their estimates, and the Ukrainians. According to the United States Representative in the UN Samantha Power, 500 bodies of civilians were found in Debaltsevo, who died as a result of shelling.

03.03.2015 - 12:18

Before summing up the general outcome of the 2015 Winter Campaign, it is necessary to consider the results of the Battle of Debaltsevo, which became the central battle of the campaign, which determined its results.

The campaign began after systematic shelling of the cities of Donbass artillery of the Fascist Hunt, after which the "2nd truce" was torn and intensive fighting was resumed using all available firing lesions.

The first stage of the campaign was associated with the battles for the Donetsk airport, which was taken by the troops of the WGN. The counteroffensive junta to the airport shamefully failed and led to great losses in alive strength and technology. After beating the counteroffensiveness of the junta, the WVN again moved to the offensive and tried to break through the defense line of the junta on the sand section - an experienced part of the air defense station - Avdeevka.

The offensive is generally over for all unfortunas - there are serious losses, it was not possible to solve even the task of capturing the village of Sands. In Avdeevka failed to consume. Therefore, capturing the objects to the north of the airport runway, the VSN gradually moved to defensive actions and scored a counterattack of the junta to capture the village of Spartak.

Simultaneously with the battles behind the sands and Avdaevka, the active offensive actions of the WGN on the Debaltsev direction began, which resulted in the battle for Debaltsevo, which lasted about a month from the 20s of January to the 20th of February.

The main tasks of the upcoming troops were:

1. Overlooking the M-103 highway in the Svetlodarsk area and the surroundings of the Debaltsev grouping.
2. Taking Debaltsevo and restoring control over the key transportation of Novorossia.

The offensive was carried out with several directions with the troops of the DPR and LNR. It was essentially the first large-scale operation, where the operational level was established by the serious coordination of the army of the People's Republics, although attempts to carry out such coordination were also previously, it is possible, for example, to recall the attempts to coordinate the actions of the DPR and LNR troops when achieving the southern boiler 1.0 and unsuccessful "counteroffensive »Bolotova, designed to stop a heavy situation after leaving Lisichansky protrusion.

The Debaltsev protrusion was formed during the counterattack of the IN at the end of the summer and early autumn, when after the failure of the junta in battles for Shakhtersk, Miusinsk and the Red Beam failed to use Debaltsevo as a bridgehead, from which strikes were struck with the purpose of the surroundings of Donetsk and the grouping events Augustus led to heavy battles for Shakhtarsk and a red beam.

In the course of the counter-offering of the All-Russian junta troops here were forced to go to the defense, holding the bridgehead to the best times. In fact, since September 2014, the concentration of troops was carried out here for the resumption of offensive operations from the Debaltsev bridgehead, as well as fortified areas in the directions of the alleged blows of the EAS. Nevertheless, the configuration of the grouping did not wear a definitely defensive nature, the junta was preparing for the offensive, and defensive events were ultimately insufficient.

The most interesting thing is that in the fall of 2014, Tymchuk painted the possible blows of the VNC, indicating just Troitsky and Uglegorsk as the most threatening directions.

The directions of the main blows of the VSN, expected to junt in October 2014.

Total grouping of the junta in the area of \u200b\u200bSvetlodarsk and Debaltsevo numbered about 9-10 thousand people, of which in combat units up to 6-7 thousand. The composition of the group was heterogeneous - here were both brigades and individual units of the Armed Forces and territorial battalions, punitive parts like "Donbass", divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the SBU.

Against them VNN threw about 5-6 thousand people in the first line divisions. At the same time there was also a collective Salonian from various units - parts of the regular army, reduced to the hull, semi-autonomous Cossack detachments, special divisions of the power structures of the DPR and LNR. In the future, both parties have been actively introduced here to their reserves. At the junta at the initial stage in the Artemovsk region there was an operational reserve of three BTG, one of which was used in the battles in the Popasnaya area, and the other in the area of \u200b\u200bTrinity and Red Pahar.

The offensive of VSN at Debaltsevo initially sets its goal for the surroundings of the entire Svetlodar-Debaltsev group of the enemy, so the main efforts were applied to the breakthrough through the Trinity and Red Pacquer to the Mironovka and the M-103 highway. The key goal was not even Svetlodarsk, who was south of the track, and the adjacent settlements (Mironovka, Mironovsky, Lugansk), which, which could, could be tightly intercepting the communications of the troops to the south of Svetlodarsk.

The attack on the neck of the Debaltsev protrusion was conducted on both sides. From the southwest and the south, the offensive against Gorlovka was stripped in battles in the area of \u200b\u200bDolomit, Trash and Novolugan, and here the opponent generally retained the front. Here, all of the battle is not able to achieve significant success.

The onset of LNR troops has developed more successfully. The blow was applied both by Tritikom and the Red Paras and Popasnaya north of the Debaltsev protrusion. In addition to creating a threat of a breakthrough through Popasnaya to Artemovsk, this blow pursued the goal of disorientation of the enemy, which for a long time could not determine where the main threat comes from - from the side of Popasnaya or Trinity, and was forced to throw reserves and to Popasnaya, and to Svetlodar.

After the capture of the red pahahar and the output of the WG to the Mironovka, the enemy finally realized that the main strike was applied here and hastily began to enter his reserves into battle, putting forward 1 BTH to Svetlodar.

Having stopped the offensive of the WGN, the opponent moved to the counteroffensive and the strike of the mechanized compounds was defeated by Trinity and part of the red pahacary, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich stubborn battles unfolded, which slowed down the development of the offensive to the west of the Mironovsky reservoir, and then led to its breakdown.

All were able to keep the Red Packar in heavy battles, but the threat of a breakthrough of the WGN to the M-103 highway was stopped by an opponent, which by the end of January, more or less successfully restrained the offensive actions of the WGN.

Simultaneously with the onset of the Mironovka, the actions around the perimeter of the Debaltsev protrusion developed. From the north-east, the LNR Army during the stubborn battles was able to capture the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sanguards and to move to the number heights from which the M-103 route could be fired. Stubborn battles in the area of \u200b\u200bNovogrigorovka, the Eastern Out of Debaltsevo and Chernukhino in January did not bring decisive results. Here the defense of the enemy was organized quite firmly, and during attempts to sell it to the WVN suffered serious losses. Also initially failed offensive actions in the area of \u200b\u200bNikishino, Uglegorsk and Orlovok.

By the end of January, it became obvious that the initial plan of the environment of the Svetlodar-Debaltsev group would fail. The promotion of the ENV was accompanied by serious losses, and the operational goals remained not achieved. The entire operation was under threat of breakdown.

The losses incurred both in the Debaltsev regions area and in other areas led to the fact that the replenishment had to be scaled from the rear commanders and even take part of the forces from the border. At the same time, in the LDR, there were cases of refusal of some rear divisions to be moved to the front, which was a continuation of internal conflicts between the LNR authorities and the Vereviliky Donskoy, which stretches from the fall. Large losses of the "August" battalion, large losses in the "Ratiba" detachment, the arrest of Biker, the story with the injury of "diamond" - all this reflects the crisis phenomena with which the ENV encountered during the offensive.

These problems, on the one hand, are typical growth diseases, when the fragmented militia right in battles has learned to become a regular army, and on the other hand, it reflects various internal conflicts in the DPR and LPR, which adversely affect the effectiveness of hostilities. For all these flaws had to pay blood, especially since the enemy stopped forgiving many mistakes that remained unpunished in summer and even in the fall.

To the credit of the operation of the operation, it pretty quickly made sure that the original plan does not work and need to move to the plan B.

Under the cover of continuing fights in a red pahahar and offensive from the northeast, preparation for the blow to Uglegorsk began. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Uglegorsk, after the start of the winter campaign, there were already fighting, but they did not bring special success, and apparently the command of the sector decided that there was no direct threat here, otherwise it is difficult to explain the subsequent events. To hit the Uglegorsk, there was no longer a consolidated assault group from various units - ranging from Sports NDR special forces and ending with small detachments of volunteers from various parts that were in calm areas. Arrival fighters have merged and prepared for the offensive.

It began on January 30th. The tank attack on the checkpoint covered entry into the Uglegorsk was crowned with success - losing 3 cars on mines, DPR tank workers broke through the defense of the enemy and went directly to the Uglegorsk. As part of the development of success, the consolidated assault group on BMP, BMP and trucks moved through the captured checkpoint into the city, where the battles with a local garrison tied. The city itself was prepared poorly (there is a negligence of the officer who was responsible for the defense of the Uglegorsk and the command of the sector, which was not concerned about the situation).

As a result, in less than a day, the opponent was discarded to the southeast in the outskirts of the Uglegorsk, while one of the territorial battalions defeated the city was surrounded. The appearance in the city of a large number of troops of the WGN created a serious operational threat to the entire Debaltsev Group, and Zakharchenko's visit to the Uglegorsk had a serious demoralizing effect on Ukrainian society, since the military propaganda of the enemy was still a few days after the loss of Uglegorsk continued to argue that the city holds, but the staff from Uglegorsk where Zakharchenko handed out the interview and regroupled the assault infantry of the VNC, they spoke for themselves.

The next day, after the actual fall of the Uglegorsk, the sector command was finally concerned about the situation in the city and organized a counteroffensive to Uglegorsk who were west of the Debaltsevo parts of the Armed Forces and the punitive battalion "Donbass". The punch of the junta allowed them to achieve positions on the outskirts of the Uglegorsk and from the southeast to enter the city that he saved surrounded by the territorial battalion, which jumped out of the environment. During this countertime (which some in Ukraine, even hurried to call Semenchenko's "counteroffensive"), a well-known story happened when there was a part of the people, the Donbass commander Semenchenko fell into panic and while trying to run into the rear, crashed into a BTR, killing two of his colleagues, After that, I fled to the Hospital of Artemovsk, attracted by the wounded, and from there I rocked the inappropriate reality of the report from the front. Thus, literally in a few days, Semenchenko actually destroyed the remnants of their reputation among the supporters of the junta.

Of course, I could not free the city of Hunt (the counteroffensive was organized disgusting), which led to further consequences. Bringing the attacks of the junta from the south-east and holding the Uglegorsk, the WVN began to push the troops to the northeast from the city, seeking to approach the highway M-103 from the south. Since the track from this direction was to cover the Uglegorsk garrison, swept off to the southeast, then before all, there was almost free access to the highway, covered with only weak enemy departures. Naturally, fixing in Uglegorsk, the VNC began to promote into this discharged space.

After capturing kalotovka and adjacent heights, there were no significant obstacles between the positions of the EAS and the track. At the same time, the track itself was already artillery shelling from the number heights of the Sanjending and positions in the Lozovoi area, although it was still possible to drive through it. Simultaneously with the development of success in Uglegorsk, the forces of the VNC were finally able to squeeze the enemy from Nikishino and Rarkodub, as well as to tie the battles already directly to Debaltseve and Chernukhino, where the main components of the Debaltsev group resistance were located.

Despite the threatening state of affairs, the enemy did not take timely measures to transfer reserves to Svetlodarsk and strengthen Logvinovo, which played its fateful role. Despite numerous applications for the closure of the boiler, before February 9, no boiler had no boiler, there was an operational bag with a ridiculous neck, in which the message of Debaltsev and Svetlodar groupings was nevertheless, which were supplied both along the Army supply line and volunteer organizations.

Total front configuration on the eve of the fall of Logvinovo

On February 9, the "Olkhon" group goes directly to Logvinovo, where the enemy is practically no, and intercepts the M-103 track, the cars and armored vehicles of the enemy begins, while trying to slip Logvinovo, high-ranking officers from the leadership of the Debaltsev group.

The command of the surrounded group had almost a week to take measures in case of an obvious strike on Logvinovo, but nothing was done. Only adjacent to the Logvinovo heights were occupied, from which the Logvinovo itself was supposed under fire, and a piece of track passing near the settlement. The WVN quickly moved to Logvinovo Special Forces Gru, who met the blow of a discharge group, which tried to repel Logvinovo and unlock the track.

In the course of a heavy battle, the enemy troops (including part of the Donbass battalion) were able to reach the Okrain Logvinovo, where it came to the melee, but our special forces stood (solving the tasks in general, who did not characterize the tasks for reflection of the strikes of the enemy's mechanized compounds), and the enemy By losing 18 units of armored vehicles, rolled back from Logvinovo, which already in the first couple of days after classes by the forces of the VSN was almost completely destroyed by massive artillery fire.

After the reflection of the counterparts on the Logvinovo strength of the AUC began to occupy the adjacent heights, providing excess control over the M-103 highway, thus forming a complete cover of the Debaltsev boiler, which stretched from the Uglegorsk to Logvinovo. At the same time, fighting in the area of \u200b\u200bNovogrigorovka and Eastern Okrain Debaltsevo led to the fact that key heights to the north-west of Debaltseve were occupied. As a result, the Svetlodar-Debaltsev grouping was dissected into two parts and then agony has occurred. Already by February 11, VNI focused enough artillery to cover most of the highway from Svetlodarsk to Logvinovo, as a result of which the NU had problems even with the yield on the boundary of attacks. Attempts of Deblockada were embarrassed at the approaches to Logvinovo, and even a rush arrival of the Chief of the General Staff of the Hw Wu Munets, who personally headed the operation to save surrounded, could not change the catastrophic situation under the fault of the General Staff and the command of the Sector.

The fact that I has managed to close the ring to negotiation in Minsk played a very important role, since the persistence of Poroshenko and the General Staff of the Armed Forces, who did not recognize the presence of the boiler and strive to preserve Debaltsevo, led to the creation of a kind of contractual collision, when Debaltsevo region turned out to be actually behind the braces Minsk agreements, and the EAS continued to destroy the Debaltsev group, hiding behind the fact that Debaltsevo status is not defined. If the boiler lid did not have time to create, it would be much harder, and the Debaltsev protrusion could still exist.

Thus, bypassing the political problem in this way, the EAS began to eliminate the surrounded grouping. The plan was pretty simple - holding the Logvinovo area and adjacent heights, prevent Debloocada surrounded by the group and at the same time leading the offensive directly to Debaltsevo and Chernukhino, passing the opponent from the south and southeast of the boiler to the fortified area built by the Armed Forces in the Olchovatki region.

If with the holding of the boiler lid, everything was quite safe enough, then in Chernukhino and Debaltsevo everything was where it was more difficult - the defense of the enemy had to hack with great difficulty, gradually retavating these settlements. Since, left without supply, the Debaltsev grouping could not continue resistance at the same level left in the boiler officers (part of the command fled on February 9-11 to Artemovsk and Svetlodarsk - some died on the track) began to work out the way of salvation surrounded.

In order to escape from the environment, there were 2 possibilities:

1. The agreed waste, according to which the armament troops and technology were produced from the environment, which surrendered to the EMD.
2. Breakthrough through the fields and country roads between Logvinovo and Novogrigorovka.

It was not necessary to count on centralized departure and assistance from Svetlodarsk - Debaltsevo was declared the heart of the Ukrainian Stalingrad and the "Debaltsev Union" core, which was preparing the fate of the Donetsk Airport. The older junta officers in the boiler turn into "cyborgs", and especially in the dead "cyborgs," they did not want and began to plan a breakthrough on their own. The decision to breakthrough received the commander of the 128th Brigade, which took responsibility for himself. As a result, a part of the surrounded could go through the fields and country roads to the north of Logvinovo, throwing up to 300 units of various techniques (tanks, BMP, BTRR, SAU, MTLB, BDM, artillery systems, RSZO, various trucks, etc.) . At the same time, leaving positions in the boiler, about 500 people could not get out of it, and some of them still caught. About 500 people were captured.

Cover Debaltsev boiler. On this map, the debaltseve road from Debaltseve is clearly visible, along which the remnants of the Debaltsev group broke out, dried from license heights and from Logvinovo.

The general losses were killed in battles for Debaltsevo and the adjacent areas made up of the junta to 1500 people, even to 900-1100 people of the junta lost in battles in the Logvinovo region, the lower Lozova, Suncharge, Dolomite, Mironovka, Red Pahar and Trinity. In general, according to the preliminary data of the junta, he lost in the battle for the Debaltsev protrusion to 2400-2600 killed and missing (perhaps the number of those killed slightly less, since some of them could still wander somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former Debaltsev boiler), About 4.5 thousand wounded, up to 650 people prisoners. The losses of the WGN made up about 700-800 killed, up to 2-2.5 thousand wounded.

The main part of the irrevocable losses of the parties fell on artillery fire. If in the area of \u200b\u200bthe junta airport immediately escaped for losses, then in the Debaltsevo Losses of the Parties before the first week of February, they were quite comparable, and only when the beating of surrounded grouping began, the junta began to break down the losses in the live strength and technique, and if not for the initiative Ukrainian commanders who gave part of people from the environment (contrary to criminal inaction of the General Staff and the Sector Command), then the losses in the personnel could be much larger.

In favor of the breakdowns played, the fact that some of the sites between Logvinovo and Novogrigorovka were only under fire control, and a significant part of breaking lucky to slip, although many remained lying in the fields. In general, the cover of the Debaltsev boiler was more subtle and militant than the lid of the Ilovian boiler, where the breakthrough attempt ended much more tragic for surrounded.

According to the results of the battle for Debaltsevo, the Debaltsev group of the enemy was eliminated. It was partially destroyed, and the surviving parts broken from the boiler will be uncomfortable in the short term, plus most of the equipment is lost. Significant ammunition and ammunition reserves were lost. As a result of the battles, the so-called Svetlodar arc formed, which is under the same threat of surroundings during strikes from Trinity, Red Pahar and Dolomite. Such a configuration of the front creates a serious hook for the ENV during the resumption of hostilities, as you can repeat the attempt of the environment of the north of Svetlodarsk (at the same time, up to 3-4 thousand military personnel of the Armed Forces can be hit in the boiler) in a more profitable front configuration.

Of course, it is impossible not to affect the issues of Voentorga and North Wind. During the campaign, Voentorg worked on a complete coil, providing the flow of ammunition and fuel required for hostilities, although in terms of logistics and distribution, the increased scale of combat operations and the BC consumption and fuel supply caused certain problems with the timely supply of divisions on the advanced, here yet Refine

Despite the statements of the junta that the Armed Forces is not fighting from the EMB, but with the Russian army, the North Wind is practically did not blow, although in January it was expected that the actions of the WGN will receive more large-scale direct support, as in August 2014. Therefore, speaking about the winter campaign, you can confidently say that it was primarily the fight of the VSU.

The second level of war, associated with the hidden confrontation of the Russian Federation and the United States in Ukraine, in this campaign, was largely in the shade, which, as the statements of American officials showed, does not quite sue the United States who want to translate this confrontation into a more explicit channel, from which Russia in every way evades. The information campaign in militarily was won by the Russian Federation, as for 1.5 months of battles, the junta could not clearly demonstrate that she was fighting with the Army of the Russian Federation, did not work with the arguments and among the Americans.

It is the defeat in this information component of the battle for Debaltsevo led to a whole range of censored restrictions against the Russian media in Ukraine and the creation of "information troops". Hunt is trying to hastily stop the consequences of his informational lesion, which, like on the front, manifested itself in the collapse of two modern myths about "cyborgs" and about the "Ukrainian Stalingrad".

By the middle of February, the answer to the question "boiler or a springboard" became apparent.

With the seizure of Debaltsevo VNC, they received control over the most important transport junction, which will facilitate the maneuvering of troops and extends significant forces for operations in the area of \u200b\u200bSvetlodarsk, Popasnaya and Gorlovka. The captured trophies will allow largely to compensate for the loss of the WGN in the material part, which they suffered over a month and a half battles.

The defeat under Debaltsevo put the point in the winter campaign, which was completed successfully for the EAS. Attempts by the junta to go to the offensive were parhed, and all over a month and a half battles decided two important operational tasks - the Donetsk airport was completely taken and the Debaltsev protrusion was eliminated. Therefore, we can safely say that the operation ended successfully, although it is not worth it and forget about the endage of the occurrence of the Crimean, Avdeevka and Sands. The enemy, where he could have provided very hard resistance and where the command of the enemy did not perform obvious mistakes, it did not succeed to achieve a strong success. Errors of the command of the Armed Forces in the airport area, Uglegorsk and Debaltseve were skillfully used, which led to positive results that blocked the tactical failures of the end of January.

According to the results of the campaign, it is safe to say that despite the continuing growth diseases and structural military-political problems, the militia is already in fact is an army, and it may be quite equal to a large-scale attack on a regular army that had many months of battles. Of course, not everything was smooth and some losses could be avoided, but it was impossible not to pay tribute to the command and fighters of the WGN, which in difficult conditions were able to spend a very difficult campaign and defeat it.

Fierce fights continue, and no minsk arrangements will be able to stop them. If there is a working truce, then only for both sides to regroup, strengthen positions or get more heavy weapons in the area. Everything. There are no points of contact, there is no guarantee, no confidence, no one again inflicts the opponent's decisive defeat. Both sides have not fulfilled the tasks again, there are no prerequisites for the decision of the contradictions. Also, it is impossible to stay in the political field of Ukraine after the storms of cities, searching for "fascist adjustments" and torture, also unrealist of separatists on the balance sheet of the country's budget, while local "militia" will manage Gubarev. Not for that there were hundreds of Russian tanks and artillery systems, which, by the way, there is no longer there, so that this strange world. And not for that, the Ukrainians died under dozens of depressive settlements of Donbass to feed Rifle and Zakharchenko from our loved ones. There are no such operating systems.

Who will close the border who guarantees that the electricians of the sixth discharge will not receive a tornado who will give the word that mines will not fall from trash machines? And what about women tied to the shameful pillars, eliminated teeth from the prisoners, the disappearance of people, the genocide of the whole Ukrainian? But as the positions of the regular army, in the radius of turning mortars near the cities, possible exacerbations with volunteers from PS or "partisans", how many troops will still be able to live in the field, being under regular shelling, even if they are easy rifle, and not respond to numerous "Cossacks" and Opto?

The world will not. At least, there is almost no prerequisites, as if it worked. How the saboteurs will stop running along Odessa and Kharkov, how tons of ammunition will not go through the border, how can the peaceful economy be able to build without relieving sanctions and how they will be removed when there is no troop by anywhere, after each truce fills the separatist neoplasms with heavy weapons? Maximum, to which Ukraine can count on a pause for a respite, at least (and this will not) simply a circus for tightening the time in order to expand the control territory. Well, or recognize defeat, promise not to go to NATO, put on the neck of numerous tsarie and carpentry and quietly saw gas from the Russian Federation, pretending to have nothing - this option would have made the very side that there is no one, but she participates In all negotiations. Or war. Long and bloody. Without any guarantees, but with the participation of a good ten countries that have interests here. We will wait for the development of events, but everyone should remember, next to what a development we all stand. And who will pay in reality on accounts. SAPIENTI SAT.

On the front is hot, but this heat is similar to the temperature in the body - it seems to be bad, but it is so that the immunity works, pumping out unnecessary guests. All people who are sick of the vocabulary after summer and Ilovaisk want to hold a brief library. In the war of blocks there are almost no bags, boilers and front, in his classical understanding. To surround a tight company on two checkpoints, you need to adjust the battalion to the village. Each op is a separate defense assembly. Sometimes it is introduced into a fire scheme with neighboring fortifications. On other sites - no and serves as soon as fasting for circular control. Sometimes it is a chain in the line, and in another case, "works" the base for logistics or link in ensuring the rockada. Today we assign the height, and tomorrow mobile groups enter the flank - and have to roll back. First, Lisichansk and Mariupol were in the blockade, a little later both airports and questions in the "D" sector. Yesterday they occupied Logvinovo, and today they are lying in the middle of the corpses and a broken village. And after another four hours there is a reinforcement in the BTG. Who knows what will happen in five hours?

In order to surround such a major city as Debaltsevo, with the surroundings you need to take all heights, enter the mouth or platoon in each lowline, supply them under the fire from the development and completely block any output. And only then, for several days after the exhaustion of the ammunition and loss of control, it can begin what we have seen in Ilovaisk. And everything would be fine, but to work out of the rear of the tanks of the Russian Federation, hiding behind by blows because of the "zero", this is not the same thing that go to the heights of heights under the fire brigade of the artillery of the Armed Forces and to keep them against the released groups with severe technique. You can show prisoners who read on a piece of paper, to remove the staged video or twist the aglesties about taken Uglegorsk, to tell how the DRG storm the police plots, kill their personnel and technique in frontal attacks, but this will not change the reality.

The supply of Debaltsevo takes place for a week, although its volumes are far from the desired, the management is not lost, the artillery of the Armed Forces continues to perform outfits on the identified goals, the enemy carries heavy losses. Focusing at night between the supporting points and shoot a district office is not a problem, as well as to get a height of mobile groups so that the Ptties will hammer the supply tape and undermine them on the fugas. But how to get a major railway assembly prepared for long-term defense? So far there is no response from separatists and their allies, although the situation is far from the major and regular army of Ukraine.

Parts 128 of the mountain brigade came out of the "arc" through the network of country roads, take out the wounded, yesterday and the day before yesterday, columns with ammunition and ammunition broke out. Stressful battles continued in the area of \u200b\u200bheights near the villages of Lozovaya and Logvinovo, and in the settlements themselves. There is a puff pastry from surrounded by DRG and mobile separatist groups, disclocating parts on both sides, tank duels, regular artillery work. The opponent all forces threw on the closure of the supply paths, continuing to put pressure on Chernukhino and the Kamenka so that the parts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe railway node did not receive reinforcements from the outside line. There are street fights. The intensity of artillery shelling decreases with each hour over the entire area of \u200b\u200bcontact, but is massaged in the sections of the active confrontation. A large number of separatist tanks is almost every contact - from the platoon to the company, PTOs of the VSU work for purposes. "Rapiers" and "assaults" were noted, all the same guys from the mountain brigade, which now holds the impressive part of the restraint of the line. Confirmed 4 unfaught tank enemy. 25 BTO and aircraft compounds from the 25th, reinforced tankers 1 Otters lead counter fights, both in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "neck" of the protrusion and in conjunction with the regular groups of the 92nd around the perimeter. Relying on the network of created fortifications, the regular army continues to reflect the attacks of the invaders. To conduct a counter-mass offensive operation on narrow defile, compressed by the Mironovsky reservoir, in conditions of smooth, as the table, the terrain would be undesirable for the ASU, so attempts are made to express the drum groups of separatists.

The famous 79th brigade was transferred to the south of the bridgehead, to the Donetsk district. There are raid actions in the direction of Spartak, the processing of the enemy's position of artillery, constant pressure, in order to force separatists to weaken the offensive on Debaltseve. In the Sector "A", the grouping of the North command carries out fire support for the flank of the ATO forces, but the main events occur in the Logvinovo area and far in the south. On the M-103 30 Brigade and the Donbass battalion, they went to the frontal attack on Logvinovo several times, losing about eight fighters for all power structures and applying severe losses to the enemy, but at the time of the review in this tiny village for several dozen hut, they continue to hold Positions separatists. If they are strengthened, the situation for the garrison in Debaltsevo will become complicated repeatedly. We will follow the development of events. The most positive news in the "M" sector. There, the part of the "Azov" regiment, 1 of the NG operational brigade and the sophisticated detachment "Falcon" made a throw on the east, fully seized wide, Pavalopol, Lebedinsky, Comintern. In addition to discarding the front line by 20 km from Mariupol, tasks are tasked with expanding the security zone and the distraction of the enemy reserves in the M "sector. Now there is a counter battle in the village of Wide, raid actions in the direction of Sahanki. In the last settlement, the checkpoint was demolished, the loss of separatists and their accomplices on this section of the front of up to 50 people, along with sanitary and prisoners. Acting like an easy infantry, with a huge number of RPGs, the "Azov" regiment works effectively in the villages, knocks off the attacks of groups of enhanced heavy machinery, perfectly acts against the isolated blocks scattered along the steppe.

Summing up - the war is going on, it will only change the form, but not the essence, for its causes were not resolved. The more we will listen to the mouth of the Russian Federation about the "boilers" and betrayal, the more such information will begin to come. Neither the capture of the Uglegorsk, nor the blockade of cities, nor the heavy losses of the regular army will help the separatists and the Russian Federation to solve their main problems - the economy, sanctions, the unvisability of the neoplasms, the complete failure of the Novorossia project. There is no states where Elite - Santa Claus and Electric, there is no economy tied to flooded mines and stopped domains. As soon as Moscow is over the money, all these clowns will go back to hell, who spawned them. Therefore, Putin's chance only one is to undermine our will to resist. The month the hardest defensive battle in Debaltseve continues, and for a month every day we broadcast about the boiler. Since the summer, we are informed about the destroyed brigades and that you do not need to die for oligarchs. So we all make it right. This is also talking about the map where the promotion of the whole machine of the Russian Federation is calculated by kilometers, the state of the enemy's economy, and social tension, increasing as a compressed spring speaks about it.

We are fighting no oligarchy or kolomoisky bank. Not. The war goes to ensure that the bloody "Russian world", bearded jihadists, killers from Ptu and Motorola come to our cities. We do not need poverty, broken at home and mayors with golden teeth. We will pass our land and freedom.

Turchinov's fresh statements about the indispensable end of the war after the capture of Moscow and its constant posing against the background of the starts of mysterious missiles, threatening to become a long-awaited Ukrainian miracle weapon, makes you look closer to the motivation of this figure.

"Since the aviation was occupied by the president, Turchinov had a niche of missile armament"

To do this, it will be a certain overview of the state of affairs with the Ukrainian "long hand", which must be mercilessly and effectively romance to the enemy.

Last week, May 26, the beginning of the combat use of Ukrainian assault aviation against the rebel republics of Donbass.

In total, during the summer of 2014, only Su-25 attack aircraft, not counting other types of aircraft and helicopters, made about 400 combat departures. However, as the hostilities develop the military operations of Ukraine began to carry more and more tangible losses, as a result, having lost at least six attack aircraft from two dozen combat-ready.

Already by the end of July - the beginning of August for assault flights, Ukrainians begin to apply MiG-29 fighters. Needless to say, such tasks are not peculiar to this type of aircraft, so it is logical that two miga will be irrevocably lost soon.

Well, by the beginning of the fall, without achieving at least any noticeable influence on the course of hostilities, the Ukrainian aviation finally exhaled, the flights stopped.

The blue dream of the most gravily part of the Ukrainian society that the valiant, although pretty dilapidated Ukrainian Air Force bomb the rebels in the Stone Age, failed with a crash. The humiliated and pretty beaten aviation went to slide wounds.

After the aviation failure, only two types of miracle weapons remained at the disposal, which in the same blue dreams would make it possible to deal with resistance without much difficulty.

We are talking about the tactical missiles "Point-U" and heavy jet systems "Tornado" and "Hurricane".

As in the case of aviation, in the time of inconsistency, the combat power of Ukrainian rocket and jet troops decreased many times.

By the time of the start of hostilities in service with the Ukrainian artillery, there were about a dozen start-up settings "Point-y" and no less than hundreds of missiles to them. However, the newest of these missiles was released back in 1991, and the guaranteed life of such ammunition is 10 years.

The only enterprise that can extend the deadlines for the operation of these missiles is in Russia and from about 2005 ceased to their service. However, by this time there were still updated about 50 missiles. It is these missiles of the WSU and tried to compensate for the weakness of Ukrainian aviation.

But here the results were not achieved. The use of rockets in the battle of Saur-grave and in battles under Debaltsevo and Ilovaisk did not help the VSU to achieve victory.

In total, according to various sources, at least four dozen launches were committed. Accordingly, now the VSU has no more than a dozen more or less conditioned missiles.

As for the rest of the reserve, its application does not give any guarantees of effectiveness, and in addition, contradicts the Ukrainian legislation, since it is possible to use these partial ammunition only in the case of a martial law declaration. However, such legal nuances never stopped Kiev.

A little better dealt with severe reactive systems.

At the beginning of the conflict, Ukraine could expect about 70 installations of the "Hurricane" armed with 220-mm reactive missiles. However, during the fighting, she lost their destroyed and captured eight of them, and another eight died in the fall of 2015 during a fire in a warehouse in the city of Svatovo in the Ukrainian part of the Lugansk region.

An additional problem is that ZIL tractors, on which the "hurricanes" are installed, also of Soviet production, and for their service it is necessary to disassemble the cars available in stocks.

Nevertheless, five dozen so powerful installations that are still at the disposal of the ASU, undoubtedly, would be a formidable force if there were no problem of the provision of these machines with reactive projectiles.

By the beginning of the war, the Armed Forces could have about 70 thousand 220-mm missiles, but of which at least 10 thousand are shells of the third category, which simply did not have time to utilize the beginning of the war.

About 10 thousand pieces were destroyed during the same explosion in Svatovo in the fall of 2015. Given that the recycling program, during which the Condition of the shells was determined, was completed eight years ago, during these years some part of the shells managed to come into disrepair.

There is also the likelihood that the recent explosions in the balaklae also destroyed projectiles of this nomenclature.

Thus, without taking into account what was used and lost in the battles of 2014-2017, there are less than 50 thousand shells of this type. And in reality - twice less.

Of course, 30 thousand shells are enough for the war years with the current intensity, however, when activating the combat operations of 220-mm system in a short time will remain without ammunition.

The situation with other, even more powerful 300-mm systems "Tornado" is not more comforting for Kiev.

At the time of the beginning of the so-called atom, the number of installations in the ranks reached 36 pieces. Data on their losses is contradictory, but probably did not compile more than one or two installations. The supply of missiles, affordable Ukraine, fully and fully produced during the USSR, and its own production of such weapons and even the possibilities for extending the service life at the time of the start of hostilities were absent.

All this makes the calculation on this type of powerful weapons are also extremely unreliable.

However, the dream is noticed at a distance of the coup donbass anywhere, like a dream of a miracle weapon, which will help the most grazing patriots to destroy the enemy without risk for themselves.

Naturally, the theme of the wonderful weapon could not pass by the Ukrainian political elites.

Poroshenko took the recreation of aviation, declaring 2016 the year of the Ukrainian Air Force. During the year, as many as six MiG-29, four Su-27 and three Su-25 were repaired. Naturally, Peter Alekseevich hurried to declare these (rather modest) successes by reviving Ukrainian aviation.

However, Poroshenko remains the most popular Ukrainian politician, having a rating even above 10%, and for him the revival of the Ukrainian Air Force - a trifle, which is lost against the background of his other huge achievements.

Another thing - politicians rank smaller. As, for example, Alexander Turchinov, whose rating is the tenth, if not hundredths of interest, and his entire political force - "People's Front" - is now balanced on the verge of statistical error.

Considering the Renome of the Communion and the father of ATO (it was this man who began a war), as well as the post of Head of the National Security Council (Council of National Security and Defense), it is quite natural that Turchinov saddled the theme of the wonder-weapon. And since the aviation was occupied by the President, Turchinov got a niche of rocket weapons.

Therefore, Turchinov periodically turns onto the air, where a certain super-secret new rocket launches, which - according to him - leaves far behind the Russian counterparts. However, if you look at what the Ukrainian commander launches, interesting details are found.

First, the Soviet marking of the started products is striking on all detailed photos. Secondly, the launches of the ultra-modern rocket for some reason are held from the Soviet launcher of the MAZ-543M, which is nothing more than a start-up setting "Tornado".

Yes, and the rockets themselves, who launch Turchinov, for some reason to pain resemble a family of 330-mm reactive shells to the same reactive system of salvo flames.

In fact, we are dealing with attempts under the guidance of the Ukrainian KB "Light" to extend the deadlines and somewhat modernize the Soviet reserves of missiles for the installation of "Tornado". And in order to give the project novelty and Fleur wonderful weapons, he was assigned its own name - "alder".

Naturally, no new production of speech comes, although, of course, statements are constantly being made that rockets, they say, completely Ukrainian production and - of course - in all surpass Russian missiles.

It was probably reanimated by one of the dozens of long-dead projects to modernize the missiles of this type, which were enough in Ukraine in the 90s.

Moreover, given the possibilities of the Ukrainian defense industry, even the recalculation of old missiles is unlikely to be able to establish sufficient volumes. At least the timers of the serial production of "new" missiles are constantly postponed.

So, despite the statements about the emergence of miracle weapons, despite the stories of Turchinov that they say, the Ukrainian Cabinet published a decree, according to which the deadline for the purchase of equipment for work on implementation The "Alder" project was postponed at the end of 2018.

It is from now on that if the KB "Luch" still succeeds in bringing old Soviet rockets to mind, some mass production will begin. Moreover, in what volumes it will be possible to establish it and whether it will be possible at all, it remains a mystery.

Given that in the modernization of aviation and armored vehicles, the results are far from scale, it is hardly more successful with rockets.

Thus, all the indicative shows with the launch of some mysterious missiles and the Patus fresh statements by Turchinov about the capture of Moscow - nothing but an element of show policy, designed to sympathize with a fragmentary part of Ukrainian society, not parting with dreams about the greatness of the Armed Forces and Victorious and Easy Resection With sacrament.

Whether Turchinov's miracle rockets will help to resist on the upper stages of the power vertical, time will show. But you can definitely argue that such attempts to create a modern army, threatening to take Moscow or even Donetsk, are doomed to failure.