Walking headache. Causes of frequent headaches and what to do. Possible consequences and complications

Headache usually appears suddenly and causing a person by surprise. Doctors on this account have a different opinion: for each attack of a strong headache, there are causes caused by the pathology of the cardiovascular, nervous or any other system.

Strong headache Requires special treatment. Treat it is serious. The pain in the head may be a mask of one of the serious diseases requiring the appeal to the doctor and a complete examination of the body.

Of course, medicines that can be bought at the pharmacy should help from strong headaches. This treatment is legitimate only in the case of a tolerable pain and a single attack. If or overly strongly, you need to consult a doctor: go to the reception or call an ambulance. So let's deal with what caused and how to remove a strong headache?

Why can a headache

Common causes of strong headaches are:

  • Stroke
  • Skull injury, brain injury
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Chronic stress
  • Migraine attacks
  • Inflammatory changes in brain shells

1. Insult

The brain itself never hurts. The pain of different intensity appears during damage and inflammation of the nerves, cerebral shells, vessels, processes of compression and increase pressure in the cranial box.

Stroke is a serious pathology that develops as a result of the fracture of the brain. Causes of stroke can be different - hemorrhage (vessel break), thrombosis, ischemia, compression.

The stroke is often manifested not only in the form of the strongest headaches, but also by special symptoms: vomiting, loss of consciousness, loss of sensitivity of one of the limbs or half of the body.

Stroke is the outcome of the critical state of the body. The man who suffered a stroke often suffers from metabolic disorders, diseases associated with the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Appeal to the doctor, a challenge of ambulance - the required stages of stroke treatment. Without the help of experts, a fatal outcome is possible.

2. Trauma skull

Head injuries are one of the typical causes of the development of a strong headache. In case of injury, the condition of the inhibition, the loss of consciousness is usually developing. Possible.

Skull injury - one of the reasons of malaise

Brain concussion requires treatment from specialist doctors. Surgical care is necessary in injuries of the head associated with damage to the bones of the skull, the fracture of the base

In most cases, the cranial and brain injury is difficult to notice. The pain is combined with other manifestations, including bleeding and violation of the general condition of the body.

3. High blood pressure

Arterial hypertension - the concept of relative. Each person lives with its "workers" arterial pressure. In some cases, standard pressure 120/80 may cause severe discomfort and pain in the head.

Pressure is due to the work of the heart. The violation of its normal functioning leads to the pathology of vessels and increased voltage in them. Headache is just one of the symptoms. In addition to the brain, kidney suffer, liver and all other organs.

To the treatment of headaches caused by arterial hypertension, it is necessary to approach thoroughly, resorting to the help of qualified specialists. Cardiologist, holding all the necessary research, will be able to put an accurate diagnosis and begin to treat the disease, and not symptoms in the form of a headache.

Medications appointed from severe headaches, only for a certain period of time, lubricating the picture of the main disease that requires special treatment.

Only an integrated approach, correction of food behavior and lifestyle, drug therapy can keep the cardiovascular system in a healthy state.

4. Chronic stress

Stress may also cause the development of high intensity headaches. The human brain is a complex system requiring rest. You can compare the brain with a computer. If the digital device works without a break for several days, even the simplest operations take more and more times. As a result, the computer "freezes".

Pain with stress and overwork - the signal of our "internal computer" that the brain is tired and demands rest.

It is worth noting before diagnosing stress, it is necessary to eliminate the remaining dangerous diseases. This requires a doctor consultation and a full survey.

If stress turned out to be a confirmed diagnosis, you need to take measures to rehabilitate the nervous system.

A number of rules should be followed. Compliance with the mode of operation and recreation is the basis for the prevention of stress. Only correctly distributing the load, you can achieve not only excellent performance, the discovery for yourself creative thinking, but also the lack of unpleasant symptoms from the brain side.

Proper nutrition is important for the human body. Observing the rules of the nutritionist, calculating the amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, the ratio of plant and animal food can be lost a few kilograms and improve their well-being. Sometimes the change of activity helps to overcome fatigue and stress. Periodic change of routine work on creative activity improves well-being and gives a new tide of strength.

5. Migraine attacks as a cause of strong headaches

One of the mains is pain in the head of various intensity. It can be one-sided, double-sided, stupid and pulsating.

There are several theories of migraine. The most common: genetic theory, vascular theory (worsening blood flow in the brain), neurological disorders, metabolic disorders.

The diagnosis of "Migraine" should put a specialist doctor, eliminating diseases that are amenable to standard drug treatment.

The pain in the head associated with the migraine can be described in the form of the following signs:

  • Minimum five attacks
  • Medium or high intensity
  • Enhanced in physical activity
  • May be accompanied by nausea, vomiting
  • Communications with other diseases during the survey could not be found

6. Inflammation of brain shells

The most common cause of the development of inflammation is a bacterial or viral infection. Meningitis and encephalitis have special symptoms of disease manifestation, require treatment in a medical hospital with drugs.

Timely appeal to the hospital is the main factor that determines the degree of effectiveness of therapy for meningitis and encephalitis.

The symptoms of meningitis include multiple vomiting, pain causing a strong cry, a special position of the body (the postal of a legative dog, when a sick person lies, throwing his head back, bringing hands and feet to the body). Symptoms of body intoxication are characteristic: lethargy, weakness, reduced appetite and high temperature.

Pain with this pathology is often strong. What to do when the head hurts and is there any suspicion of infection? Urgently cause a doctor and start treatment.

Strong headache is the symptom that may indicate the development of serious pathology. However, this happens not always. Naturally, pain syndrome can have a different duration, it arises at different times and you want to get rid of it faster. However, it is not worth a hurry. If the headache is painful, sharp and just awful, then the pills can not help here. It is better to turn to the doctor as soon as possible.

So, before starting to take drugs to eliminate unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to determine the reasons that could provoke them. Only in this case it is possible to choose that the means that will give the maximum effect. It is possible to distinguish such reasons for the appearance of strong headaches:

  • Walled infectious pathologies: influenza, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Most often discomfort can be felt in the morning. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to take care of the underlying disease.
  • . It develops regardless of the time of day and age. At the same time, the strong headache is more often observed on one side of the head and is complemented by other symptoms: vomiting, nausea, appearance of light, inadequate reaction to a loud sound.

  • Dental pathologies. At the same time, painful sensations are usually localized in the frontal part of the head.
  • Organic brain damage, as well as the development of benign or malignant tumors.
  • Vascular pathologies: Hypertension, Vegeta Dystonia, Atherosclerosis.
  • Spinal diseases: osteochondrosis.

  • Eye diseases: an increase in intraocular pressure, glaucoma. At the same time, a person can lose sight of vision completely or partly for a while. In addition, to provoke pain syndrome even the wrong selection of glasses.
  • The injuries of the spine and head. Even after the elimination of this reason, side effects in the form of sufficiently strong headaches may remain. This period may not last long or discomfort will accompany a person all life. Therefore, even if the injury was insignificant, and in the first days did not give any discomfort, it is better to turn to the doctor.
  • Stress, psychological, emotional or physical overvoltage. This reason is the most frequent, since in our time a person is not able to skillfully distribute his working time.

The doctor neurologist of the Higher Category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, representative of Russia in the Council of Experts on Head Pillars in the European Academy of Neurology of Lebedev Elena, tells about the causes of strong headaches.

  • Inflammatory pathologies.
  • Improper nutrition: lack of iron, vitamin B, as well as an oversupply of caffeine, histamine, drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Problems with the functionality of some domestic secretion glands.
  • Lack of physical movement and air.
  • Violation of sleep mode.
  • Weather drops.
  • Incixation of the body due to poisoning.
  • Thumping syndrome.
  • Temporal arteritis.

These reasons are the main. As can be seen, there are many more them, so it's hard to understand them yourself. Use all pills in a row to just remove pain syndrome, it is not worth it. This may aggravate the patient's condition, as well as complicate the objective clinical picture of pathology.

Varieties of pain

If the head hurts much, and the reasons for this state have already been identified, it is necessary to determine what type of headache appeared in the patient. It can be classified as:

By intensity

  1. Strong
  2. New
  3. Sharp
  4. Acute
  5. Gulp
  6. Stupid

At the location of localization

  • . Most often, it signals the development of the pathological process in the cervical spine.
  • . Provoked by such pains of migraine, influenza, and other inflammatory, infectious diseases.
  • . Here it can be an episodic or constant. It is in temples that the head most often can hurt.
  • Singing. In this case, the unpleasant sensations apply throughout the head.

And still classify strong headaches like this:

  1. Tensional. They appear periodically almost at the same time. The discomfort is felt not only in the forehead, but also in the eye area. An unpleasant sensation covers the top of the skull.
  2. Cluster. Most often they are diagnosed with male representatives. At the same time, pain syndrome is pulsating. Additional symptoms are also present: increased tearing, runny nose, redness of the eyeballs.
  3. Voltage pain. She can localize anywhere. In addition, such a headache can change its character and intensity.

International Classification of Headache

Depending on what type of pain is manifested in a patient, appropriate drugs are prescribed, with which it is possible to remove unpleasant sensations and eliminate the reasons for their appearance.

Diagnostic features

Before consulting a doctor, it is advisable to watch the headache: when she arises when it felt the strongest thing that could provoke her. It is advisable to behave. This will help more accurately determine the causes of the development of the pathological condition.

The doctor will appoint additional research:

  • Laboratory tests of blood and urine.
  • MRI or CT.
  • Doppler (study of blood vessels).
  • Radiography.
  • Electroencephalography.

If strong headaches began with strong headaches, he feels terrible: health on zero, he feels broken. Naturally, if the reasons for the development of pathology are found, and the painful syndrome itself is repeated occasionally, then it is possible to get rid of it at home. But it happens not always.

In what cases should you contact a specialist?

Before taking various drugs, it is very important to consult with a doctor: a therapist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a cardiologist, a traumatologist and a surgeon (it all depends on the pathology that caused a strong pain syndrome).

Be sure to seek medical help if:

  1. Headache is strong and acute, and it appeared for the first time, and what it is not known.
  2. The pain syndrome appeared unexpectedly and tends to strengthen the intensity of sensations.
  3. Primary localization of unpleasant sensations has changed.

  1. Additional symptoms began to appear: vomiting, dizziness, visual or auditory effects.
  2. An unpleasant feeling appear very often.

So, to remove the attack and eliminate the reasons for the appearance of a strong headache, you can take such drugs (it should be done very carefully):

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds: «ibuprofen», "Aspirin", "Ketorolak", "Nurofen". These pills help not only remove pain syndrome, but also eliminate the inflammatory process, get rid of the heat.
  • Antispasmodic drugs:, "DroTaver", "Spasmalgon", "Sazgan". Most often, such tablets can be drunk in the presence of spasms of vessels and muscles.
  • Analgesics: "Chielbin", "Analgin". These drugs help remove a strong headache, which is caused by blood pressure vibrations. It is very important to additionally drink vasodilatory tablets or hypertensive medicines.

  • Combined drugs: "Salpadeev", "Novigan", "Pentalgin". Presented medications should be taken if a very strong headache has appeared.
  • Miorosanta. They help remove muscle spasms, resume normal blood circulation in soft tissues.
  • Special. If the pain is acute, and other medications do not help, "Trental", Starbonon will help to get rid of migraine. We need to take such drugs very carefully, as they can cause serious side effects.
  • Multivitamin complexes. It is very important to take care of your immunite. However, some vitamin complexes, for example, based on vitamin B12, can act as neuroleptics. Therefore, these pills in some cases help to get rid of strong pain syndrome.

Despite the fact that pain can be very strong, you should not engage in self-medication. You can take any medicine only after consulting a doctor and familiarize with the instructions for use.

Non-media methods of therapy

Sometimes the pain happens so strong that the pills may not help. What to do in this case? Naturally, consult a doctor. In order to remove the unpleasant sensations, you can not only take drugs. Can be used physiotherapeutic procedures:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Magnetic and laser therapy.
  3. Salt baths.

In addition, meditation, acupuncture, reflexotherapy, point massage affect the body. About how to perform the latter Watch the video:

People's Treatment of Strong Headache

Medical drugs should not be taken. With the permission of the doctor, you can apply a suitable and efficient folk remedy. Some long-proven recipes helps to remove pain syndrome (no worse than pills). However, drinking brazers and infusions are only necessary if the patient has allergies on them. In addition, you should not take several different brazers at the same time.

So, at home, such folk medicines can be used:

  • Alcohol tincturing propolis. For its preparation, 20 g of raw materials are taken and 100 ml of alcohol is poured. After insisting, you can use the presented tool of 40 drops. Moreover, drip liquid is necessary for bread.
  • Pre-crushed root of wormwood (20 g) It is necessary to fill with steep boiling water, and give fluid to strengthen for 20 minutes. Next, the mixture must be strain and drink three times a day on the tablespoon. This tool makes it possible to quickly remove severe pain.
  • At home, you can take decoctions of souls, mints, melissa, mother-and-stepmother, Hyperician.

  • Effectively remove severe headaches with the help of lemon peel. It must be attached to the place where the feelings are the most intense.
  • Great homemade medicine is tea from ginger and cinnamon.
  • The juice of raw potato will help to cope with unpleasant sensations.

A strong headache does not give a person to lead a normal life, so it must be struggling with her. Various compresses are also helped, aromatic oils.

Preventive measures

In order to reduce the frequency of such unpleasant sensations, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. It is better to prevent such states under which you have to drink strong medicinal products.
  2. Full sleep, uniform distribution of working time, walking on the street will help to stay vigorous and healthy.

  1. It is better to abandon the detrimental habits.
  2. Physical activity helps to restore muscle tone and vessels.
  3. Proper nutrition fills all the necessary needs of the body in vitamins, micro and macroelements, minerals.

Strong headache may appear suddenly from any person. Naturally, it is impossible to leave it without attention, because it is not always possible to cope with such a pathological condition at home.

If you have any questions or you want to express your opinion about the article, write to us in the comments.


Headache is the most common signal of the body on the presence of physiological failures in it or organic problems. Even his one-time appearance deserves attention. People who have a headache regularly or strongly, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis and identify the causes of the symptom. In 10-20% of cases, the sign turns out to be one of the secondary consequences of serious violations in the work of the authorities. Such situations require immediate start of adequate therapy. Otherwise, high risk of developing chronic diseases or emergency conditions capable of leading to a decrease in the quality of life, disability, fatal outcome.

Why a headache hurts

Pharmacies offer various price, composition, type of action and rules for use drugs from cephangia. In some cases, they quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations, in others do not give the desired result. The effectiveness of funds depends not so much from their quality, but from compliance with the specific situation. The mechanism for the development of pain in the head is different, it is for him that it is necessary to pick up the medicine.

There are five common causes of symptom development:

  • muscle overvoltage - the result of long-term physical exertion or stay in an inconvenient position;
  • reducing the functionality of the brain vessels is a pathological narrowing or expansion of blood circuits, an increased permeability or stretching of their walls. Excessive blood dear, atherosclerotic plaques, tissue swelling, tumors, thrombus raise risks. They interfere with the normal stream of blood, which violates the exchange processes;
  • violation of the circulation of the liquor - most often turns out to be the result of the compression of individual sections of the brain of a cyan, hematoma, a tumor mixed by the bone;
  • failures of a neuralgic nature - appear in irritation of nervous fibers (infringement, squeezing, nutrition, infection);
  • the effect of psychogenic factors is the consequences of the impairment of the psyche in the form of depression, apathy, stress, genetic diseases, chronic fatigue.

A single or regular pain in the head is capable of occurring under the influence of two hundred hundred factors. This list includes smoking, alcohol intake, use of harmful products and caffeine.

Cefalgia becomes the result of a long stay at the heat, in conditions of high humidity. Often, the headache occurs due to the deficit or excess sleep, wearing incorrectly selected points, contact lenses. Danger represent rigid diets, head injuries, supercooling, body stuck.


Headache is manifested in different ways. On its intensity, localization, character affects provoking factors, development mechanism, stage, features of pathology. An experienced doctor is able to put a preliminary diagnosis based on the specifics of the clinical picture.

The type of pain in the head depends on the causes of the occurrence of cefalgia:

  • vascular - most often the patient torments the ripple or nunning sensations. They are accompanied by dizziness, reducing the quality of vision. The symptom is enhanced by changing the position of the body, physical activity, slopes;
  • licorodynamic - pain rolling the waves, reminiscent of pressure from the inside. Complemented by nausea, dizziness, weakness, general worsening of well-being;
  • neuralgic - acute and sharp cepalgia of a local nature. Often, when you press the lesion zone, the feelings are enhanced, become cutting or permerating, unbearable. Sensitivity of the skin on a problem area is enhanced or decreased. The symptom reacts poorly to the reception of ordinary analgesics, can be saved for several days or weeks;
  • voltage - constant, medium or weak degree of severity, butting. Accompanied by irritability, dizziness, fragile in the neck. Quickly passes after a lightweight massage of a collar zone or rest;
  • psychogenic - able to acquire a different look, to be complemented by obsessive states, a decrease in mental abilities.

In each case, special therapy is required, selected by a specialized doctor. If the head suddenly got sick, you can try to cope with it by people or intake of analgesics. In the absence of an effect or soon resuming, the symptom should seek medical attention.

The most frequent reasons why head hurts

Doctors distinguish dozens of factors whose action can lead to the appearance of cefalgia. This list includes not only diseases of the head, but also pathologies of remote localization. Separately, it is worth mentioning five states - they account for about 95% of all cases of symptom. It is not necessary to make a diagnosis yourself, even when the clinical picture is obvious. Some diseases proceed by a similar scenario, but require different approaches to treatment. It is better to initially visit the specialist and strictly follow his instructions.

Stress headache

If, without visible reasons, the head hurts for a long time and intrusive, this diagnosis is to consider first. Feelings arise in the afternoon or after a long stay in an inconvenient position. They look like pressure due to tight hairstyle or close headdress. Most often, pain covers a cranial box as a hoop. Initially, only one side of the head or the frontal part hurts, gradually the symptom is distributed around the perimeter. It is complemented by dizziness, a decrease in mental activity, violation of attention.

To get rid of the problem, sufficiently breathe fresh air, relax, drink soothing tea. Long, persistent sensations indicate a blood flow impaired. In this case, it may be necessary to receive medicines to protect nerve cells, increasing brain activity, improving circulation (nootropics, neuroprotectors).


The neurological disease of the vascular nature is more often diagnosed in women of childbearing age. It is manifested in the form of cephalgia, nausea and vomiting at the peak of sensations, an increased reaction to external stimuli. The head usually hurts on the one hand, the sensations of pulsating, intense, strengthen due to loud sounds, sharp odors. Attacks last 2-4 hours to 3 days. In a quarter of cases, they are preceded by aura. Depending on the characteristics of the head of the head hurt every few months or up to several times a week. Therapy is required complex, aimed at facilitating the patient's condition and the prevention of subsequent exacerbations.

Histamic headache

A still disease is called Horton or Cluster Cefalgia. She is particularly subject to middle-aged men, strong physique, consumed by alcohol, with an impressive experience of smoking. The pain has one-sided localization, gives to the eyeball, lasts from 15 minutes to 2 hours. The sensations are sharp, sharp, burning. They do not allow a person to engage in habitual affairs and react poorly to the reception of drugs of any type. The beginning of the attack can precede the tearing, nasal congestion, stupid pain in the head, the omission of the upper eyelid on one eye.

Growing headache

When the cefalgia is localized in the back of the head, the likelihood of a violation of blood flow in the brain is high. Often this is due to the problems in the cervical spine. The picture in this case is complemented by dizziness, soreness and crunch in the neck, decrease in the sensitivity of the skin, the numbness of the fingers. The patient has a head hurts predominantly in one place, but sensations are given to the ear, jaw, eyes or shoulder from the affected side. The symptom increases during the day and enhances with time. It is exacerbated with sharp movements, slopes, head turns.

Therapy provides for the fight against pathological changes in the spine with the help of chondroprotectors, massage, physiotherapy, LFC. Additionally, the patient is prescribed drugs to normalize the work of the brain vessels, protection of nerve cells from toxins, improving circulation in tissues.

Arterial hypertension

At elevated pressure, the head may hurt in different places.

Cefalgia is cut or pulsating, constant or increasing. It is accompanied by nausea, flickering flies in front of the eyes, redness of the face, change in frequency and quality of breathing, pulse increase. To confirm the diagnosis, it is enough to measure hell. Treatment is carried out strictly under the control of the doctor. The struggle against arterial hypertension is not limited to the reception of medicines. Must be introduced changes in the diet, measures are carried out to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.


Features of the manifestation of diseases allow the doctor to put a preliminary diagnosis. Then various research methods are applied, which are designed to confirm or refute suspicions. Only after that the therapy scheme is developed, directed not to cephalgia, but for its reason.

The diagnosis of headaches may include such events:

  • MRI and / or CT;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck;
  • EEG, Rag;
  • x-ray head and neck;
  • lumbal puncture.

Communicable are general and biochemical blood tests. They help to assess the composition of biological material, its viscosity, cholesterol level, eliminate the presence in the body of infection.

Preparations that can be treated with headache

If possible, before taking any medication, you must consult with your doctor. When the head suddenly fell ill, the fight against the symptom is better to start with the safest and affordable approaches - rest, walking in the fresh air or ventilating the room, tea with lemon and sugar. A good effect is given a head massage and a collar zone, inhalation of aromatic oils or rubbing them into whiskey.

If the head hurts anyway, you can use such drugs:

  • NSAIDs - «ibuprofen», "Aspirin";
  • analgesics - Paracetamol, Pentalgin;
  • spasmolitics - "but-shpa", "barallgyne";
  • hypotensive - only after measuring blood pressure and desirable those that were previously spelled out by a doctor;
  • nootrops - Piracetam, Phenibut.

Specialists have developed a simple and affordable program for the prevention of cefalgia. To never hurt a head, it is enough to keep a healthy lifestyle, a lot of walking in the fresh air, to play sports, observe the day of the day and refuse to eat harmful products. It should also be carefully related to your health, to directly handle complaints with doctors. You can not engage in self-medication - the reception of any drugs is recommended to be coordinated with the health worker.

It is difficult to find a person who has at least from time to time does not hurt a head. One-time appearance symptom is not a reason for panic. An unpleasant feeling after a working day or stress indicate the need of the body in rest and relaxation. Sometimes cold or inflammatory diseases begin with cephalgia. The body in the head is reacting to poisoning to toxins, stabbing, change weather conditions. The main thing is not enough every time for the pill, if it is not even clear than the sign is provoked. Independent experiments are a big risk for the body and complicate the process of diagnosis to doctors.

Each person at least once in his life experienced a headache. Regardless of the cause and intensity, this symptom always adversely affects everyday activity. A man suffering from headache becomes irritable, scattered, he decreases performance, and he cannot absorb new information. Frequent occurrence of this problem may noticeably worsen the quality of life. Why does headache arise and how to deal with it?

Types of headache

Not many know that the head can sick in different ways. It is important to be able to differentiate the emerging symptoms, as this greatly facilitates the establishment of the cause and development of the treatment regimen. Most often are the following types of pain:

  1. Voltage pain. Her at least once in his life experienced every person. It occurs when an uncomfortable position of the neck or with a long static load on it. For example, if you sit at the table for a long time and write something, read or work at the computer. At the same time, the muscles of the neck and spins are experiencing a long stress, which is transmitted on the tissue of the head. Such pain can be compared with a tight hoop or a hat, which squeezes the head outside inside.
  2. Hypertensive. Often, the headache occurs in people suffering from arterial hypertension. It, as a rule, has a pulsating character, is often localized in the temples or the occipital region. The main method of its diagnosis is the measurement of blood pressure.
  3. Hypotensive. The lack of cerebral circulation also leads to the development of headaches. It occurs with arterial hypotension or the relief of the vessels that feed the brain. Such pain is accompanied by dizziness, and in some cases - syncopal states. It is also necessary to measure blood pressure for its diagnosis. Sometimes additionally it is worth investigating the functioning of the neck vessels.
  4. Migraine. How and why it appears exactly unknown. This is one of the most unpleasant types of pain. It appears suddenly, it is distinguished by the fact that it is localized in one half of the head. Such pain is accompanied by fear of light, the intolerance to loud sounds and a pronounced reduction in disability. It is very intense, is badly treated and can last a few days.
  5. Cluster pain. They arise mainly among representatives of strong sex. It is believed that men who try to seem strong, despite the internal vulnerability and sensitivity to cluster or bundle pains. A distinctive feature This species is the bake of pain. They arise as if beams, pass in a few minutes, and then can repeat again.

Pathological conditions and diseases that may cause headaches

It is worth it to immediately say that the brain itself does not have pain receptors. Even the operations on this organ can be made without anesthesia, pre-anesthesize all overlapping fabrics, which often make neurosurgeons. But the brain shell has a lot of pain receptors and are a powerful reflexogenic field. Also, nerve endings contain brain vessels.

It is believed that the headache may be a symptom of encephalitis, but in fact it is not. Even an extensive pathological focus with many other symptoms may not hurt at all until the inflammation proceeds to the brain shell. This phenomenon is valid for other diseases. This often prevents the diagnosis of tumor processes in the brain. What diseases can cause headaches? Special attention deserves the following:

  1. Meningitis. This is inflammation of brain shells with specific changes in the spinal fluid. It may arise as a result of many reasons, but is most often caused by a bacterial infection. The pain is intense, accompanied by photophobia and phoby, muscular rigidity and specific meningeal symptoms.
  2. Meningism. Subjective symptoms are similar to those observed during meningitis, but there are no changes in the spinal fluid.
  3. Tumor. The development of cancer cells in the skull cavity is not always accompanied by a painful symptom. But there are multiple signs of focal brain lesions: paresis, paralysis, reduced sensitivity.
  4. Shocking brain. It happens as a result of the head of his head about a solid surface. Moreover, a slight concussion may occur with a slight blow. Often this condition is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sometimes - loss of consciousness.
  5. Fracture bones of the skull. Such injury is more dangerous than usual shaking and requires urgent hospitalization. At the same time, not only the brain shells are hurt, which may not be listed, but also the bones themselves and the surrounding fabrics.

Headache does not necessarily indicate the states listed above, but it is worth remembering that it can be a symptom of these diseases.

Sometimes the appearance and cause of headaches can not even determine the doctor himself. There are whole scientific institutions that are engaged in this problem. They are looking for causes, development processes and possible ways of treating headaches.

These rules will help reduce headache until there is a major treatment. Sometimes with the help of these simple methods, it is possible to get rid of headaches at all. If this symptom occurs, do the following:

  1. Get out of fresh air or open the window. This will increase blood oxygen concentration and reduce carbon dioxide content. Even if such a reception does not save from headaches, it should definitely reduce it.
  2. Remove everything that squeezes the head. It applies to hats, dressings, hoars and even hair gum. Spit and tails are also worth spreading. Frequently released your head.
  3. Make a small workout. This advice for those who suffer from tension head pain. There are enough of several exercises on the muscles of the neck and the shoulder belt.
  4. Measure arterial pressure. If the pain is caused by its decline or increasing, it can only solve the problem, normalizing blood pressure.
  5. Tell. This will help reduce unpleasant feelings regardless of the type of pain and the reasons that caused it. It is worth accepting the most convenient position, it is desirable to lie in a dark and quiet room.
  6. Make a cold compress. A piece of gauze, handkerchiefs or any other cloth moisten in cool water and attach to the forehead. Turn over when it is warming up, and then repeat the procedure again.
  7. Refer to the doctor. If the pain does not pass or often repeats, accompanied by dizziness, nausea or other symptoms, consult a precinct therapist. He will appoint a survey plan to eliminate all possible species pathology and choose treatment tactics.

In fact, analgesics were invented for pain relief. But, it is worth considering that they can cope not with all kinds of pain, and also have a number of contraindications and side Effects. It is impossible to get involved in the reception of such drugs. In addition, they usually do not eliminate the reason for the appearance of a symptom, but only reduce its manifestations. Headache should be removed by the following medicines:

  1. Paracetamol. The most famous means that is widely used precisely when headaches. Indeed, with this symptom, the drug copes perfectly, but doctors will prescribe him not to love it. All because paracetamol does not affect the liver and has a risk of getting hepatitis in the process of treating headaches.
  2. Aspirin. Also often used when headaches. In addition to reducing unpleasant sensations, it is capable of reduced body temperature. it useful propertyIf the pain is a symptom of a cold illness. In addition, uncontrolled application may cause ulcers of the stomach and renal failure.
  3. Analgin. It acts similarly to aspirin, but the antipiretic effect is less pronounced.
    Trigger. This is a spasmolytic who is effectively fighting with a pain caused by muscle tension and vascular spasm.
  4. Salpadein. Anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and anticast drug. It is more often used with cold manifestations.
  5. Ibuprofen. Refers to the same group that analgin and aspirin, but less often causes side effects and has a more powerful analgesic effect.
  6. Pentalgin. It consists of antispasmodics, stimulants and analgesics. It is a strong enough preparation, but has many side effects. Often it is impossible to use it. In addition, he is contraindicated athletes who are going to pass doping control.
  7. Migrenol. It is used to treat migraine. Ordinary analgesics and antispasmodics with this task rarely cope. It should be borne in mind that the drug has a sleeping pills.
  8. Imigran. Its action differs from migrane, but this drug is also used to get rid of migraine symptoms.

It can be concluded that the headache is often the symptom of many people. It may appear as a result of various reasons, most of which do not carry any threat to life and health. However, under certain circumstances, it is worth passing a number of additional methods of examination to eliminate the serious pathology of the brain. Treat headache with various methods.

Video: 8 ways to quickly remove headache

Headache may be related to arterial hypertension. This is a chronic state of the cardiovascular system, a disease characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure (abbreviated designation - blood pressure) from 140/90 mm RT. Art. and higher. Arrive hypertension suffer from about 20-30% of adults. With age, this indicator increases. Somewhere 50% of persons over 60 have a mentioned chronic disease.

In people who suffer from arterial hypertension, the pressure is increased, headache in the early hours. Pain location site - occipital region. It is worth noting that pain may not occur at a lightweight or moderate increase in pressure. They are always observed only with the rapid growth of hell over 200/120 mm Hg. Art.

Arterial hypotension

If the head is often hurting, the reasons for what can be concluded? One of the answers to this question is arterial hypotension. This condition in which blood pressure is 90/60 mm Hg. Art. and less. It is characterized by a headache. It can be a stupid, tightening, cutting or pulsating. The location of its localization is the frontal-dark or frontal temporal area. In arterial hypotension, the following signs are also observed:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy in the morning hours, drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • emotional instability;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • pallor;
  • strong heartbeat and shortness of breath during exercise.

Specialists have created a classification of arterial hypotension. Allocate acute and chronic variety. The latter is divided, in turn, to the physiological, primary and secondary. Acute hypotension is a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Such a state is observed with blood loss, acute myocardial infarction.

Low pressure, headache ... such symptoms sometimes notice and absolutely healthy people. An example will serve athletes. In case of constant physical exertion, low pressure is observed. Such a feature is an adaptive response of the body, a safety measure. This type of arterial hypotension is called physiological.

The primary species is considered an independent ailment. It is not a consequence of any pathologies, does not occur against the background of the existing diseases. Doctors see in primary hypotension special shape of the negros-like brain disease. But the secondary variety is observed in various diseases (for example, in heart failure, brain injuries, arrhythmias).

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Suddenly the diffuse or occipital pain may be inherent in subarachnoid hemorrhage. This term (abbreviated designation - SAK), specialists denote blood cluster in the cavity between the soft and web cerebral shells. The hemorrhage occurs suddenly due to the rupture of the arterial aneurysm or the preparation of the cranial injury.

People who survived subarachnoid hemorrhage note that their pains that have arisen have been the strongest of those with whom they encountered in their lives. Other symptoms of SAC include nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness. In case of hemorrhage, a person needs urgent medical care. This is a very dangerous state that can lead to death or severe disability.

Internal hemorrhage

Diffuse or local intensive pain may be a symptom of intracerebral hemorrhage. It is a blood from the hemorrhage in the substance when the changed walls of the cerebral vessels or during diapelline (the outlet of blood elements from the vessels during violation of their permeability and tone).

Who can encounter this dangerous state? Most often, hemorrhage occurs in people in adulthood and old age due to cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertension. Much less often causes blood diseases, inflammatory changes in brain vessels. Hemorrhage in the brain sometimes comes in young people. The most common cause is the use of narcotic drugs.

Brain formation

If the head often hurts, the reasons are what? An unpleasant symptom can cause various brain formation (hematoma, tumors, abscesses). The pain is most often diffuse. Sometimes it occurs in the place where surrounding education is localized. In the early stages of illness, she makes itself felt in the morning hours and is weak. As the disease progressing, the nature of the pain is changed. It becomes constant and stronger. To other symptoms, testifying to the presence of volume formations include:

  • vomiting arising without nausea;
  • the appearance of glacial disorders;
  • worsening memory;
  • change of behavior, etc.

It is worth noting that the pain sometimes occurs when head slips, cough, outraging, physical tension. Such a symptom can be characteristic of the tumors of the rear cranial fossa. The pain arising in the listed situations and is short-term, may occur without intracranial pathologies.

Inflammation of the incomplete sinus

If the head often hurts in the forehead area, the severity is felt near the nose, then it is sinusitis. This term means inflammation of the mucous membrane, lining one or more appropriate sinuses. Sinusitis occurs in the form of complications for flu, cold, infectious diseases. We provoke inflammation of bacteria and viruses.

Pain and severity with sinusitis are not the only symptoms. Other signs of the disease are:

  • nasal congestion;
  • fever;
  • purulent discharge from the nose;
  • soreness while climbing the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected sinus.

Outragia closedian glaucoma

The term "glaucoma" denote the eye disease for which such a sign is inherent as an increase in intraocular pressure. There are 2 forms of this ailment. One of them is called the closedian glaucoma. It arises due to contact between the trabecular network and the iris. At an occasion, it becomes difficult to outflow of intraocular fluid from the eye, the functioning of the trabecular network is disturbed. As a result, intraocular pressure rises.

The acute closed-deed glaucoma is what the head hurts every day in some people. With this disease, people complain about pain in the eye pain, the vision of rainbow circles around the light source, impairment of vision. An intraocular pressure is measured to confirm or eliminate the closed gloomy.

Card and brain injury (CMT)

When it can often be consisted in the long-received CMT. Pain can torment for a long period. Its character is stupid, diffuse and amplifying during exercise. Usually this symptom is accompanied by a deterioration in memory, a decrease in attention, poor sleep, dizziness, rapid fatigue and psycho-emotional disorders.

In some cases, such suspicious signs are observed as the growth of headaches, drowsiness, confusion, a change in the size of pupils, asymmetry of reflexes. They may not be the consequences of CHMT, but the symptoms of chronic subdural hematoma.

Stress headache

And the treatment of alert is a very relevant topic today. What is meant under the title concept? This is a common variety of primary pain. It is currently called differently. Experts apply a new term - a headache of the teensype.

This symptom may occur at any age. He starts manifest itself most often after 25 years. The stress pain is characterized by moderate intensity. In almost all cases, it is a bilateral, and the place of its localization is the temporal, frontal and occipital region. For pain, the squeezing effect is characteristic. She lasts, as a rule, from a few minutes to several days. Vomiting is not observed. Sometimes nausea arises, sound and lights.

The headache of the voltage, the symptoms and the treatment of which is known about 20% of the inhabitants of our planet, has different etiology. The causes of pain are different:

  • getting into stressful situations;
  • sleep violation;
  • irregular nutrition;
  • too high or too low ambient temperature;
  • hormonal disorders;

Pain when taking medicinal preparations

If the head is often hurting, the reasons may be in accepted medicines. The painful symptoms cause the following drugs:

  • vessels (calcium antagonists, nitrates, kuraltil);
  • anticonvulsant;
  • corticosteroids;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory;
  • hypolipidemic;
  • antihistamines;
  • estrogens;
  • antibacterial.

Visit to specialist

If headaches are periodically tormented, then you need to seek help. Behind this symptom can hide diseases life-threatening. If a head often hurts, what doctor can help? First you need to make an appointment to the therapist and tell him about my problem. It is very important to convey all important information to a specialist, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on this.

So, at the reception should be told:

  • in which area of \u200b\u200bthe head, pain is localized;
  • what time of day she makes itself felt;
  • when the pain arose for the first time (for example, a few days ago);
  • when painful feeling becomes maximum;
  • what additional suspicious symptoms are observed with headaches;
  • are there any drugs;
  • how many pain attacks happens per day;
  • are there any diseases.

It is necessary to express its point of view about the fact that, because of what the pain could arise. Maybe a few weeks (months, years) ago, injury or hit on the head was obtained. It is very important information that will help a specialist to determine the cause of the emerging headache.

Therapist, listening to all complaints, will appoint the necessary surveys (blood test, radiography, computed tomography, etc.). The doctor will also give direction to the necessary specialist (for example, to a otolaryngologist in the presence of diseases associated with the ear, throat, nose, head, to a neurologist to exclude or confirm the ailments related to nervous system) To finally find out why the patient often hurts the head.

The reasons (what to do, we described above) the appearance of such a symptom, as is understandable of the foregoing, are different. But summing up, it is worth noting that only 5% of patients applying to physicians with complaints of headache are detected by serious diseases. Despite this, you should not give up the visit to the specialist. The doctor will find out the real reason for pain and will give advice about how to get rid of this painful symptom.