Strawberry marshmallow recipe at home. Recipes for making strawberry marshmallows at home. Step-by-step recipe for making strawberry marshmallow

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

So that everything is close at hand and you do not have to search for products throughout the kitchen, prepare and place all the ingredients and equipment you need on the table. To begin with, measure out the required amount of sugar using a measuring cup and after the water. Remove the stalk from each berry, at the same time sorting out and removing spoiled and rotten fruits.
Then discard the strawberries in a colander, rinse under running cold running water to remove all kinds of contaminants and leave in a colander for 5 - 6 minutes to drain excess liquid. After that, alternately place the berries on a cutting board and cut into a medium cube with an approximate diameter of 1 to 1.5 centimeters. Place the chopped strawberries in an aluminum pot.
Rinse the lemon under running water, pat dry with paper kitchen towels, place on a cutting board and cut into 2 halves with a knife.
After that, squeeze the juice from 1 half directly into a small bowl with the help of your hand, use the other half of the lemon to prepare any other dishes. Throw out the peel, you do not need it.

Step 2: cook the strawberries.

Add lemon juice from a bowl and the right amount of pure distilled water to a saucepan with chopped strawberries. Turn the stove on to a medium level and place a saucepan with all the ingredients on it. After the water has boiled, screw the stove to the smallest level and cook the strawberries for 10 - 12 minutes.
During this time, the berries will give juice, begin to decay, but will still be almost fresh, and the water in the pan will almost boil away. While boiling strawberries, stir the mixture with a kitchen wooden spatula, for even cooking and to prevent the berries from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Now preheat the oven to 150 - 160 degrees Celsius.

Step 3: chop the strawberries.

Across 10 - 12 minutes remove the pot from the stove using a kitchen towel and pour the hot strawberry mixture into a clean blender bowl.
Grind the semi-finished berries into a homogeneous liquid mass at high speed. This process will take you about 1 - 2 minutes.
The consistency of the resulting strawberry mass will be too liquid; it must be thickened, for this use sugar.
Add granulated sugar to the total mass and beat it at high speed until the sand is completely dissolved for 3-4 minutes. Then turn off the blender and prepare the baking sheets.

Step 4: prepare the baking sheet.

Take 2 aluminum non-stick baking trays, line them with baking paper so that the edges go over the sides of the baking sheets, and grease the surface of the baking paper 2 - 3 teaspoons olive oil with a spray bottle.

Step 5: dry the marshmallow.

Remove the bowl with the whipped ingredients from the blender and slowly pour the fragrant, strawberry mass into the prepared baking sheets in a thin stream, first onto one and then onto the second. Take a kitchen spatula and use it to gently spread the strawberry mass in an even layer around the entire perimeter of one and then the second baking sheet. The thickness of the layer should not be more than 1 centimeter, or better even less, so you will be sure that your pastille is on 100% dry... The thicker the mass on the baking sheet, the longer the marshmallow dries and the less time it is stored.
Place the trays with marshmallow in the oven and dry for 4-6 hours. Leave the oven door ajar during drying so that your candy is dried and not baked.
After the required time has elapsed, check the readiness of the marshmallow, take out 1 baking sheet, helping yourself with a kitchen towel, press it lightly with your finger. Do this very quickly as the marshmallow is still very hot. A trace should remain from the finger, which after about 2 - 3 minutes will even out if this has happened, then your fruit candy is ready. If the candy is too soft, put it in the oven and dry it. Properly prepared, high-quality marshmallow is elastic and soft at the same time, its structure is uniform without coarse hardening and syrup released during drying.

Step 6: cut and store the pastille.

Baking trays with ready-made, dried marshmallow, remove from the oven, put on the table and use a knife to cut it into squares, rhombuses or strips. Let the layers cool, then remove them from the baking paper and roll them into rolls - tubes.
Place the finished marshmallow tubes in a clean dry jar or any other glass container with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate. You can store marshmallow simply on the shelf in the kitchen cabinet, but taking into account that the temperature in the room where the marshmallow will be located will not exceed 20 - 21 degrees heat, and the humidity in the room will be at least 70 – 80 %.

Step 7: Serve the strawberry marshmallow.

Strawberry pastilles are served either cold or at room temperature. These ideal candies can be used to decorate cakes, pastries, desserts and other equally delicious treats. It is also pleasant to chew this yummy while watching your favorite show or movie. Pastila is a type of candy that will only benefit your stomach, as it contains vitamins and does not contain cholesterol, which is inherent in many confectionery products. Enjoy! Bon Appetit!

- - You can complement the flavor of the marshmallow with a spice, it can be cinnamon or vanilla.

- - If your marshmallow does not align well, and you just cannot make an even, beautiful layer, moisten an iron spatula in water, and drag over the layer of the not yet finished marshmallow, you get a completely flat surface. Don't worry about a small amount of water left on it, as the excess liquid will evaporate during drying.

- - The recipe uses natural lemon juice, but you can use concentrated lemon juice, which can be purchased at any supermarket or market.

- - You can not remove the marshmallow from the baking paper, but cut the candies with it. Then roll up the rolls and store the finished sweet, the product as indicated in the recipe.

- - You can dry the marshmallow in another way. Place the baking trays with marshmallow in the sun and dry it for 2 - 3 days in the sun, bringing it inside the house at night so that moisture does not form on its surface. But this kind of marshmallow is best cooked in the summer.

If you are interested in how to prepare strawberry marshmallows at home, then most likely you have already prepared strawberries for the winter in all familiar ways - you made jam, stewed fruit, jelly - and the harvest does not even think to end. The recipe for strawberry marshmallow is very simple. If you've already had experience with making apple, plum or apricot marshmallow, you will be pleasantly surprised that the strawberry marshmallow does not need to be boiled down. It is enough just to punch it with a blender along with sugar, pour the mass into baking sheets and send the marshmallow to dry in the oven. Or put it in the sun, as my grandmother did during my childhood, when the berry harvest was so abundant that there were no other ways to process it. She dried the pastille on plywood. I remember how they stood all over the yard, and the already dried sheets of marshmallow were cut into strips and rolled into tubes. We will make exactly the same pastilles. You will definitely appreciate their juicy sweet and sour taste. Well, very tasty!


  • Strawberries - 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 200 gr.
  • Juice of half a lemon

Method for making strawberry marshmallow:

Rinse the strawberries well and drain off the water. It is advisable to spread it out on a paper towel to remove the moisture. The strawberries should be ripe and whole, the tastier the berry, the better the marshmallow is guaranteed! Remove the stalks from the berries and unload the strawberries into a container where we will work with a blender.

Add granulated sugar and lemon juice. (The amount of sugar can be varied, if the berry is sweet, then reduce, and if you like sweeter pastille, then add more).

Puree with a blender. Lemon juice not only gives the pastille a pleasant sourness, but also retains a bright color.

Prepare molds for drying. On mashed potatoes from a kilogram of strawberries, you will need three baking sheets. This is about 15-20 rolls in total. For the sake of experiment, I put a silicone mat on one baking sheet and smeared it lightly with olive oil. The second plain teflon, oiled, and the third baking sheet, covered with baking paper! The result will be the same, but the most convenient for me is a silicone mat.

Pour the mixture into molds and distribute in an even layer no more than 0.5 cm thick!

Put all the molds in the oven at the same time. The cooking temperature is 60-80 degrees and from time to time open the oven door so that excess moisture comes out. Cooking time is about 3 hours. You can touch the marshmallow, slightly try to press it down. It is necessary to dry it to such a condition that the finished marshmallow does not stick to your hands, but it also does not dry out (it is a little springy).

And the very last stage. It remains to remove the baking sheet from the oven, let it cool slightly and separate the plate by gently pulling the edges, put it on a cutting board and cut into strips!

Roll the strips into rolls. Ready-made rolls can be eaten immediately or folded into a jar and stored in the refrigerator!

For a long time in Russia they have been preparing an exquisite and very sweet delicacy - marshmallow. Initially, it was made from apples, however, over time, the recipe has expanded significantly, and the dish is based on a variety of berries and fruits - gooseberries, currants, plums, and even bird cherry. The most unusual and original dessert is strawberry marshmallow.

Berry preparation

To get a tasty and flavorful marshmallow, it is very important to choose and prepare the right strawberries. The sweetness of the berry is of fundamental importance, since the taste of the final product will directly depend on this parameter. Experienced pastry chefs recommend using slightly overripe berries, and avoiding unripe ones, as they can add sourness to unnecessary pastilles.

Pay attention to the marketable type of raw materials - if the strawberries are too large, this in most cases means that many different nitrates and growth stimulants were used during their cultivation, or they were simply flooded with water. In the first case, the berry can harm the body, and in the second, it can be tasteless. Of course, this does not apply to varieties that are initially distinguished by large berries. For example, if you are preparing a sweet dish from "Victoria", then you can not worry about the size of the berry, this variety is famous for its large-fruited.

Rotten and moldy berries are not suitable for marshmallows, since the fungus in them can provoke serious diseases in humans.

Keep in mind that the color of the final product and the saturation largely depend on the color of the strawberry itself - the brighter it is, the better. However, remember that the shade must be natural, otherwise there is reason to suspect the use of chemicals when growing raw materials.

It would be nice to smell the product - the more aromatic the berry, the better and more appetizing the marshmallow will turn out at the exit.

Before cooking, you need to soak the berries in cold water for 10-15 minutes, so most of the adhering dirt settles to the bottom. After the specified time has elapsed, take out the strawberries with a slotted spoon, transfer to a colander and rinse again, this time in running water.

Important: the stalks should be torn off only after washing, if this is done earlier, the strawberries will become watery and tasteless.


Pastila is made at home from strawberries crushed to a puree-like consistency; for this, a blender is most often used. If it is not there, you can use a meat grinder or a regular crush, although in the latter case you will have to work hard. To make the product more aromatic and sweet, sugar, a little vanillin, mint leaves and, if desired, lemon zest are added to the prepared berry mass.

The prepared mixture of products is spread in a thin layer on parchment paper and dried until fully cooked.

A rather convenient gadget for preparing such a dish is an electric dryer - today on the market you can buy a variety of models for drying vegetables, berries and fruits. Many of them are even equipped with special trays for sweet plates. However, if such a tray is not provided, then it is quite possible to make its analogue with your own hands from simple baking paper.

The production of marshmallows in such a dryer takes place, as a rule, in 20 hours, while the temperature is set at 70 degrees.

If there is no drying at home, it does not matter, you can make marshmallows in the oven. To prevent the berry mixture from sticking to the pallet, it is covered with vegetable oil and covered with parchment. After that, the oven is preheated to 80-90 degrees and the workpiece is placed there for 7-10 hours.

Let us dwell in more detail on the various technologies for preparing this delicious dish.

In an electric dryer

To prepare an appetizing marshmallow in a dryer, you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil.

From this amount of ingredients, 0.45 kg of marshmallow is obtained.

The berries should first be sorted out, sorted out damaged and unripe fruits, washed and left on a paper towel to dry completely.

When the strawberries become completely dry, you should take the sepals from them, and then grind them to a puree state - this can be done by any method convenient for you.

Pour sugar into the prepared mass, mix and leave for 30-40 minutes so that the refined sugar is completely dissolved, and after that it is necessary to mix it again so that the consistency becomes homogeneous.

The tray used for the marshmallow should be thickly greased with oil and poured about half of the berry puree so that the mass does not fall into the hole located in the center - in this case, the technique may be damaged. The mass should be leveled with a spoon.

If your dryer has several pallets, then the rest of the mixture can be put on the second, but if the system assumes the use of only one, then the preparation of the dish will be carried out in several batches.

Turning on the device, it is necessary to activate the mode corresponding to the drying of liquid products, the temperature must be maintained at around 50 degrees.

In these conditions, it will take about a day to wait for the marshmallow. However, it may be ready earlier, so you need to check it periodically. If it is easy to separate from the pallet and does not stick to your hands, you can turn off the device.

Each plate must be cut into 5-6 parts and rolled into a tube, then placed in a sterilized jar, tightly closed with a plastic lid, and stored in a cool place.

In the oven

Quite tasty marshmallow is obtained in a regular oven, to create it you will need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • vegetable oil.

Peeled and dried strawberries must be chopped, squeezed lemon juice into the resulting puree, add refined sugar and mix well.

From a given amount of ingredients, a dish is prepared in two passes, that is, only 1/2 of the prepared mass is placed on the parchment in a thin, even layer.

Pastila is prepared in a preheated oven, as a rule, it reaches readiness in 10 hours, although after 3 hours it is necessary to periodically check its consistency.

Finished platinum must be cooled, cut into strips with a sharp knife or scissors, and rolled into rolls along with paper. Store such marshmallow in the refrigerator, roll it out before cooking, remove the parchment, and roll it back into a roll.

Refrigerated marshmallow recipe

A rather unusual marshmallow is obtained in the refrigerator.

To prepare it, you should take:

  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 50 g of honey;
  • 40 ml lemon juice;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 10 g gelatin.

First, you need to fill the gelatin with water and let it swell, then heat it up in a water bath until it is completely dissolved.

The berry is peeled and crushed to a puree state, mixed with sugar and melted honey.

The egg whites are separated from the yolks and beaten with powdered sugar (about 20 g of powder will be required), after which the protein mass is mixed with the berry mass and gelatin is introduced.

All components are thoroughly mixed, filled in the prepared silicone mold and sent to the refrigerator for 12-14 hours.

This strawberry marshmallow turns out to be very fragrant, tasty and tender, however, this recipe is not suitable for long-term storage - it should be eaten within several days after preparation.

For information on how to make strawberry marshmallow at home, see the next video.

Since ancient times, a sweet delicacy has been prepared in Russia - marshmallow. At first, apples were its main ingredient, but over time they learned to make marshmallow from a wide variety of fruits: pears, plums, gooseberries and even bird cherry. Today I bring to your attention a selection of recipes for making strawberry marshmallows. The season of this berry is short-lived, so you need to take care of the recipes for future winter preparations in advance. I am sure you will find for yourself exactly your own version of making strawberry marshmallows.

Marshmallow preparation technology

Pastila is made from a mixture of berries, crushed until smooth. This can be done using a blender, a fine-cut meat grinder, or manually. Sugar, lemon zest, mint leaves or vanillin are added as aromatic and flavoring additives.

Place the berry mass in a thin layer on greased pallets and dry until tender.

It is very convenient to use modern dryers for fruits and vegetables for making marshmallows. Some of them are equipped with trays for making marshmallows. If there is no special tray, then you can make it yourself, for example, from baking paper. Drying the pastilles in the dryer takes about 8-10 hours at a heating temperature of 70 degrees.

If there is no drying unit, then an ordinary oven will come to the rescue. To prevent the marshmallow from sticking to the baking sheet, it is covered with parchment and greased with vegetable oil. The oven is heated to a temperature of 80 - 100 degrees, and the pastille is dried until cooked 6 - 9 hours.

Strawberry marshmallow recipes

Natural strawberry sugar-free marshmallow

  • strawberries - 2 kilograms;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;

The presence of granulated sugar in strawberry marshmallows is not at all necessary, since the natural sweetness of the berries is quite enough.

Initially, the ripe and strongest berries are sorted out. Fruits with decay must be discarded immediately. The berries are carefully washed under running water and the sepals are removed from them. Dry the strawberries for 30 minutes on paper towels before chopping.

Berry puree is spread on greased trays of an electric dryer or oven baking sheets. After the pastille dries, it is carefully separated from the paper and rolled up.

Strawberry marshmallow with sugar without cooking

This recipe differs from the previous one only in the presence of granulated sugar. For the specified number of berries, it will need 200 - 250 grams. You can add a couple of sprigs of mint or vanillin to enhance the flavor.

Watch the video from the channel "Radhika" - Strawberry pastila with agave juice or honey

Diet candy with sweetener

If the natural sweetness of strawberries is not enough for you, and you have no desire to consume excess sugar, then a sweetener will come to the rescue. Its amount depends only on your taste preferences.

Cooking technology corresponds to the previous recipes.

Pre-boiled strawberry pastilles

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • lemon juice - 4 tablespoons;
  • water - 200 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication.

Clean and sorted strawberries are placed in a saucepan and sugar, water and lemon juice are added to it. Then the contents are mashed with a blender until smooth.

The pan is set on fire and the contents are boiled for 30 minutes, stirring constantly so that the berry mass does not burn.

After the mass becomes viscous, it is laid out on trays or pallets, lubricated with oil. Dried pastille in the oven or dryer.

The product is considered finished if the surface does not stick to your hands.

Strawberry marshmallow with gelatin and egg white in the refrigerator

  • strawberries - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • chicken protein - 3 pieces + 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • water - 100 milliliters;
  • honey - 50 grams;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • gelatin - 1 sachet (11 grams);
  • powdered sugar.

Previously, gelatin is soaked in cold water as indicated in the instructions. At this time, a homogeneous puree is made from the berries, and the whites are whipped into a tight foam.

In a separate bowl, combine water, sugar and honey. The resulting syrup is boiled for 5 minutes, and then egg whites are introduced into it in a thin stream.

Gelatin, lemon juice and strawberries are mixed and then added to the syrup.

The sweet mass is poured into a prepared form and sent to the refrigerator for 12 hours. After the specified time, the marshmallow is removed from the mold, cut into small pieces and rolled on all sides in powdered sugar.

Also, you can familiarize yourself with the recipe for making strawberry and zucchini pastilles from the Home Troubles channel

How to make strawberry marshmallow: step by step recipes with photos

If you are very fond of various sweets, but finished industrial products are repulsive with their not entirely natural composition, then homemade strawberry marshmallows are just what you need.

To prepare it, you do not have to buy any exotic products, it is enough to prepare regular strawberries, sugar and, possibly, several other common ingredients (depending on the recipe).

The pasta prepared by the drying method will be an excellent alternative to purchased sweets or marmalade, especially since it is stored much longer than them.

Picking and preparing strawberries

The first and most important stage on the way to obtaining high-quality and tasty strawberry marshmallow is the choice of good raw materials, that is, the strawberries themselves. In this situation, the sweetness of the fruit is especially important, because the taste of the final product directly depends on this criterion.

That is why it is worth giving preference to overripe strawberries and, if possible, avoiding unripe fruits, since they always have a characteristic sourness. The next thing you should pay attention to when buying is the appearance of the purchased product.

If the strawberries are too large, most likely, they were grown with a large amount of nitrates, however, this does not apply to varieties that are already characterized by large fruits. Also, when examining, make sure that you do not come across rotten or moldy specimens, because it is they who often become the causative agents of a number of diseases. And do not forget that the final color of the finished pastille directly depends on the color saturation of the raw material, so the brighter the strawberry, the better, of course, if the shade is natural and there is no reason to suspect the use of chemicals.

If you wish, you can even smell the selected product, especially since the strawberry aroma largely depends on the place and conditions of its growth. In the greenhouse, fruits usually grow with a deep and rich strawberry smell, while home-grown strawberries will be lost against their background.

However, this is even good, because by purchasing products from individuals, you have a better chance of getting natural and environmentally friendly raw materials for your strawberry marshmallow. At home, before the actual preparation of the dish, the purchased goods must be properly prepared.

The strawberries are pre-soaked in cold water for a few minutes to allow the dirt to settle. After that, it is washed several times, without breaking off the stalk, so that the berries do not become watery. It is recommended to pick them off only after the berry is well washed.

Dryer recipe

As we mentioned earlier, making marshmallows using an electric dryer is the most successful way, so let's start with a recipe for using it. You can take strawberries of absolutely any size, as long as they are not spoiled.


To prepare marshmallow in this way, you will need:

  • fresh strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • sunflower oil - 50-100 g (to lubricate the drier pan).

As for the inventory, in addition to the containers for washing berries, you will need a blender, trays for further storage of pastilles and, in fact, the electric dryer itself.

Step by step recipe

In order for you to get a tasty and healthy marshmallow cooked in a dryer, you must strictly adhere to all stages of its creation.

  • First, pour cold water over the strawberries and let sit for 1-2 minutes.
  • Then gently stir it with your hands in order to better clean it from dirt, and move it to another container, repeating the procedure (the water must be changed until it remains completely transparent, and there is no sand at the bottom of the bucket or bowl).
  • Further, the roots of all fruits are torn off, thereby preparing them for processing in a blender.
  • Peeled strawberries (1.5 kg) should be poured into the blender bowl to the very top, and the measured amount of sugar should be poured on top.
  • The appliance must be set to the whipping mode, and you can start its operation (the whipping process will take about 2 minutes).
  • For further drying of marshmallows according to this recipe, an electric dryer is used with the function of drying liquid formulations, in particular, and strawberry marshmallow of interest to us.
  • A special tray of the device must be lubricated with a thin layer of sunflower oil so that the finished product can easily fall behind it.
  • One and a half liters of strawberry puree should be divided into two equal portions of 750 ml each and poured into the electric dryer one by one.
  • Having placed the future marshmallow on the drier tray, you can level it with simple shaking, reminiscent of sifting flour through a sieve, it is not at all necessary to use a spatula or spoon for leveling.
  • In the same way, another pallet is poured, and after it the rest, if the dryer is designed for a large number of them. True, in order for the marshmallow to turn out to be of high quality and tasty, at the same time it is worth using no more than 10-12 pallets.
  • When the strawberry puree takes its place in the electric dryer, it remains to set the temperature to +50 ° C and turn on the device (at higher temperatures, all nutrients will disappear, and the product itself will be too dry).

The approximate drying time of strawberry marshmallow is 24 hours, and you can check its readiness by simply touching it with your finger: if it does not stick or tear when removed from the pallet, then the product is ready. It remains only to roll each layer into a tight tube and, having cut it in half, send it to storage in a plastic container with a lid. Pastila in a tray is ideal for storing in a cool room or in a regular closet.

Zucchini Dryer Recipe

It would seem that sweet strawberries cannot be combined with zucchini in any way, but some housewives in practice prove that they are quite successful in combining them when preparing marshmallows, and the recipe itself does not differ in increased complexity.


In this case, it is impossible to clearly determine the amount of all products used, since it depends on the taste preferences of each person.

However, on average, their list with the number will look like this:

  • strawberries - 1-1.2 kg;
  • zucchini - half of a not very large vegetable;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 50-100 ml (for lubricating drier trays).

As for the inventory, you should prepare an electric dryer, a blender and a container for draining raw marshmallows.

Step by step recipe

Cooking pastille with zucchini will not take you more time than the standard procedure for creating it, and for the process to be successful, you should maintain a certain sequence of actions.

  • As in any other case, you will first have to thoroughly peel the strawberries and zucchini, and prepare the required amount of sugar.
  • Then half the blender's bowl is filled with juicy fruits, on top of which the sliced ​​zucchini is laid and covered with sugar (if there is still room to the brim, you can additionally fill it with a small amount of strawberries).
  • Close the lid and turn on the blender, waiting for a homogeneous gruel to form.
  • The finished raw material for the marshmallow must be drained into a separate container, especially if a large number of layers are planned.
  • Now you can take out special trays of the electric dryer and grease them with a not thick layer of sunflower oil, so that the finished product can be removed more easily (if possible, it can be replaced with melted lard).
  • On one pallet, it is enough to pour 5-6 small scoops of liquid pastille, leveling the layer first with this large spoon, and then simply shaking the container. In this case, it is very important to avoid getting the mixture into the central part of the pallet, otherwise it will flow into the electric dryer and can ruin the device.
  • Thus, all the containers of the electric dryer are filled (remember that to obtain a high-quality product, you should not use more than 10-12 pieces), and, after folding into the device, they will be ready for the drying process (on average, at a temperature of more than +50 ° C, the candy will dry about 12-14 hours, which means that it is best to bookmark in the evening).
  • It is very easy to remove the finished product from the pallet, for which you just need to pick it up by one edge and pull it off. The resulting thin pancake is rolled into a tight tube and the edges are slightly pressed so that they do not stick out.

The twisted tubes can be cut with scissors into small, slightly beveled pieces that will be conveniently placed in almost any container for further storage.

Oven recipe

In the absence of an electric dryer, you can cook delicious strawberry marshmallows in a regular oven, and this process will not be very complicated.


You will not need any special ingredients in this case, the list of necessary products looks like this:

  • sweet strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2-4 tablespoons.

From additional inventory (except for the blender and the container for draining the shredded raw materials), you will need a standard pallet, neatly lined with white parchment paper, which will make it easier to remove the finished product.

Step by step recipe

Considering the use of an oven, not an electric dryer, the process of making strawberry marshmallows will have certain differences compared to previous options.

However, the preparatory measures follow the same scenario: first you need to wash and sort out the strawberries (all the berries should be free of rot or other damage), and then kill them in a blender along with sugar until a homogeneous consistency.

All further actions take place in the following sequence:

  • the baking sheet must be carefully covered with parchment paper and a small amount of future marshmallow must be poured onto it;
  • the mixture can be leveled with a spoon or simply shake the baking sheet so that on each side its thickness is no more than 2-3 mm;
  • containers with distributed paste are placed in an oven preheated to +70 ° C and left there for 8 hours;
  • after this time, it remains only to get the strawberry dish and, carefully separating it from the parchment paper, cut into identical strips, rolling them into tubes.

For further storage, each tube can be additionally wrapped in cling film and already folded in this form in a chosen container or in a special bag for storage in the refrigerator.

What products can be combined with

There are just a huge number of recipes for making strawberry marshmallows, and not always only strawberries are used in them. However, in order to get a really tasty, sweet dish, every housewife needs to know about the rules for combining strawberries with other berries, vegetables and fruits.

Do not forget that in itself it is already quite sweet, due to which the finished marshmallow turns out to be sweet and sour in taste. This is especially important when choosing the right amount of sugar, which can very easily be overdone. When using it, the product turns out to be more delicate, but if you want to supplement your product with more nutrients, then you should replace granulated sugar with ordinary honey. As additional ingredients, you can use almost any berries and fruits, with the presence of which not only the taste, but also the color of the marshmallow will change.

If you want it to remain very sweet, then you should avoid using currants and other crops with sourness, taking bananas, pears and sweet apples instead. In addition, many housewives often mix several types of marshmallows together, achieving different shades and even patterns, which makes the finished product even more colorful and memorable.

In a word, in the matter of making strawberry marshmallows, you have a wide space for creativity, because when you add fruits or berries that are completely different in composition and consistency, it will become even tastier. Probably, this is the case when "you can't spoil porridge with butter" or you will have to try very hard for this.

How to store

As we have already said, the finished strawberry marshmallow must be rolled into dense tubes and, after cutting into pieces (everyone chooses the size of the pieces at his discretion), send for storage. In order for the product to retain its useful properties all this time, it must be provided with the most favorable conditions for this.

For this purpose, many housewives use ordinary cling film, in which marshmallow tubes are additionally wrapped before placing them in a plastic container or glass container.

When sealed with ordinary lids, the shelf life of the pastille is about one year, but if you close the container with vacuum lids, it will increase to two years.

As for the specific storage location for a delicious and sweet strawberry addition to tea, it may even be the most ordinary home pantry, the main thing is that the temperature inside does not exceed + 20 ... + 21 ºC with an air humidity of 70-80%. Alternatively, you can wrap the straws in plastic wrap and place them in a special freezer bag, sending them to the refrigerator (not necessarily in the freezer).

How can you use

Usually, if there is not much strawberry marshmallow, then few people think about what to do with it, because it perfectly replaces cookies for tea or can be consumed in its original form just as a delicacy.

And if there are a lot of blanks, then you have the opportunity to experiment a little, complementing various dishes with the help of this delicacy. So, marshmallow is great for baking (especially pies and confectionery) and can complement almost any sweet snacks, although it is most often used as a filling for baking. Do not forget about the described delicacy when preparing various drinks, because, in addition to the standard compote, it can be used as an additive to healing tea or as a filler for homemade yogurt.

Just filling the product with water, you will get a very tasty jam, and the marshmallow twisted in a certain way will serve as a good glass for homemade ice cream. In a word, any of your culinary decisions involving the described delicacy will definitely not go unnoticed by guests and households.

Following from the foregoing, strawberry candy is an excellent alternative to purchased sweets, but in order for it to turn out really tasty, housewives need to adhere to certain requirements:

  • when preparing berries for processing, do not leave them in water for a long time, especially if the tails are already torn off (the strawberries will burst and the candy will not have the proper viscosity);
  • be sure to grease the tray for drying strawberry mass with sunflower oil or ghee, and when using the oven, do not forget about parchment paper;
  • strictly maintain the drying temperature so as not to overdry the pastille, as it will crumble and not curl up into a tube (if it does happen, just leave the “pancakes” in the room for 30-60 minutes, and they will pull the missing moisture out of the air);
  • when using an electric dryer, avoid flowing strawberry mass into the central hole, because in the future this can cause problems with the device;
  • in order to accurately determine the amount of sugar used and not make the marshmallow too sweet, try the mass whipped in a blender before placing it on the pallet (in this case, you will immediately understand whether you need to add sugar or even strawberries);
  • if honey is used instead of sugar, then you should give preference to rapeseed, since it crystallizes well and does not have a pronounced aroma (acacia honey, popular in confectionery, often does not allow pastille to freeze normally, making it soft and sticky).

Strawberry pastila

Homemade strawberry marshmallow is a fabulous treat: it is 100% natural, unusually fragrant and moderately sweet. Children like this dessert very much, therefore, in the season of fragrant strawberries, I recommend preparing it for future use. Pastila is a dry jam that keeps well in the refrigerator and doesn't take up much space.

From the specified amount of berries and sugar, 190 grams of ready-made homemade marshmallow is obtained - just for one standard baking sheet (plate 60x60 centimeters). One roll (if you also make 8 pieces) will have about 24 grams of dessert with a calorie content of 53 kcal per serving.


We sort out the strawberries and mine. To do this, we collect cold water in a large container, put berries in it and let them swim for just a minute - this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stalks until the berries are clean. Otherwise, the strawberries will absorb a lot of water and become limp.

Now we take a baking sheet and cover it with baking paper. If you are unsure about your paper (sometimes not very good quality), lubricate it with a thin layer of refined vegetable oil. When I prepare marshmallows, most often I grease the paper with odorless sunflower oil - it's safer this way. But it is in the case of strawberries (as well as plums or cherries) that you can not do this, since they have a lot of pectin and the mass is well gelled, and then it leaves the paper in a moment. Pour still hot strawberry jam onto the parchment (if you want, cool it - it doesn't matter) and smooth with a spatula. The thickness of the layer should be no more than 7-8 mm, otherwise the pastila will dry for a very long time. Try to make sure that the berry mass is distributed in the same layer in thickness, otherwise the pastille in the oven may burn from the edges.

There are many ways to dry homemade strawberry marshmallows. First of all, in the oven at the lowest temperature (no more than 100 degrees) with the door ajar. Depending on the thickness of the layer, time may be needed in different ways. In addition, you can use a special dryer for vegetables and fruits. Or in the fresh air in the sun. If you prefer the latter, remember that the best weather is a hot, sunny day. Then a day will be enough for the strawberry marshmallow to dry. Meanwhile, in normal (sometimes cloudy or changeable) weather, it can take 3-4 days. Personally, I dried the marshmallow for about 4-4.5 hours in the oven. The readiness of strawberry marshmallows is easily determined tactilely, that is, not only externally, but also by touch. Touch it - if you press on the layer with your finger, it remains dry, and the pastille remains elastic. In this case, it is important not to overdry it so that the layer does not become brittle.

You see, the marshmallow leaves the paper well - it is very elastic, like thin rubber, and bends in all directions without problems.

Strawberry marshmallow

Strawberry marshmallow is not only delicious, but also a very healthy dessert that perfectly replaces any candy. Strawberry marshmallow can be given even to the smallest children (of course, if there is no allergy).


  • Strawberry 700 Gram
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. spoons

Prepare all the ingredients you need.

Peel the strawberries from the stalks, remove the damaged berries. Transfer the strawberries to a colander and rinse well.

Grind the strawberries in a blender or food processor until puree. If the strawberries are a little sour, then you can add a little sugar or honey to taste.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment. Pour the strawberry puree there in a layer of 7-10 mm. Turn the oven on to the minimum temperature, put the baking sheet at the maximum height in the oven and dry the pastille with the oven door open for 3-5 hours. If you have a dryer, the process will be much easier and faster, but an oven will work just fine. The main thing is that the pastila should be dried, and not baked, because the temperature should be very low.

Cut the finished marshmallow into strips 5-7 cm wide. Remove the parchment and roll the marshmallow into rolls.

Strawberry marshmallow - two options, two recipes

Pastila is a Russian cuisine dish. But it can be in two completely different variations. The first is thin slices of dried fruit or berry puree, and the second is airy plump pieces consisting of whipped proteins, sugar syrup and juice. Today I offer you two simple recipes with step by step photos that will help you prepare both of these options.

Strawberry pastilles in the oven or dryer


  • 200 grams of strawberries;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar.

How to cook strawberry marshmallow in the oven

  1. In general, powdered sugar is added to the marshmallow to taste. The ingredients list is an approximate amount. After all, those who cook for the first time do not know the proportions.
  2. Sort out the strawberries and discard the spoiled berries. We will clean from the tails and rinse with cool water. The most convenient way to wash the berries is using a colander or sieve. Leave for 10 minutes to glass the water.
  3. The berries must be mashed. We will do this with a blender, taking care in advance not to splash the kitchen with berry juice.
  4. Strain through a fine sieve to get rid of large pieces of berries and seeds.
  5. Sift the icing sugar. Sowing is necessary in order to avoid the ingress of sugar crystals. Don't add all of the powder at once. You have to taste it.
  6. It remains to dry the strawberry puree to make a marshmallow. Can be dried in the sun, using an electric dryer for fruits and vegetables, as well as in the oven. It takes a long time to dry in the sun, and dust and insects fly in the air, which will ruin the marshmallow. You can close the baking sheet with a marshmallow cloth, this minimizes the ingress of dust. The easiest and most convenient way is to cook in the oven. You can use several baking sheets at once if you want to prepare the marshmallow for future use. If you, like me, decide to cook a small amount, do not use parchment. It is much more practical to take a silicone mat.
  7. Pour onto baking paper or a silicone mash mat. The layer is no thicker than half a centimeter.
  8. Preheat the oven to 50 degrees and turn on the convection, if it is provided in your model. If not, increase the temperature by 10-20 degrees and open the door slightly. Leave the marshmallow to dry for 3 hours. You don't have to look into the oven. It may take more time. But after 3 hours we will check the readiness. Let's pry the edge of the layer. It should rise completely and be resilient. Another sign of readiness is that the marshmallow does not stick to your hands.
  9. We remove the layer from a silicone mat, or from baking paper and cut into strips about 5 centimeters wide. Very convenient to cut with a pizza knife.
  10. Twist the chopped strawberry marshmallow into tubes. And, if it unfolds, fasten it with threads.
  11. But keep in mind that over time, the rolled marshmallow sticks together, so be sure to use parchment paper and cut into strips with it if you are preparing a treat for future use. The strips of baking paper can be easily removed before use. Store it in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool dark place.

Strawberry Pastila with Gelatin

What do we need:

  • fresh strawberries - 100g;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • natural honey - 50g;
  • egg whites (chicken eggs 1 grade) - 3 pcs;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • a bag of gelatin (11 grams) or 1 tablespoon;
  • powdered sugar for boning - optional.

How to make strawberry pastille with gelatin and proteins

  1. Rinse the strawberries thoroughly and remove the tails. Let's let the water drain. Mash the berries with a fork.
  2. Squeeze juice from lemon. Pay attention that there are no bones. Pour 2 tablespoons into a small container.
  3. Pour gelatin with 3 tablespoons of cold water and stir. Leave it for an hour to swell.
  4. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath, over very low heat or in the microwave. As a result, all grains should dissolve. Pour liquid gelatin into mashed berries, add lemon juice.
  5. Mix and filter through a sieve.
  6. Beat the whites into a strong foam with a tablespoon of sugar.
  7. Boil water in a saucepan. Reduce the gas to a minimum, add sugar, honey and boil for five minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Pour boiling sugar syrup in a thin stream into the whipped egg whites, without stopping whipping.
  9. Add the strawberry mass and turn off the mixer when everything is mixed.
  10. Cover the form with cling film, leaving the edges outside, and lay out the mass, leveling the surface.
  11. Cover the top with a second layer of foil to avoid airing.
  12. We put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Temperature + 3- + 5 degrees.
  13. After complete solidification, we take out the form, remove the upper film, turn the form onto a flat plate and take out the marshmallow, remove the remaining film.
  14. Cut into slices and roll in powdered sugar if desired.

Cooking is not at all difficult. Using these two recipes, you can make delicious marshmallows at home and absolutely no chemicals.

Strawberry pastilles at home


Strawberries - 500 g

  • 41 kcal


Cooking process

Homemade strawberry marshmallow is a dish that will take several hours to cook, but it will most likely be eaten in a matter of minutes. So cook a lot at once, and not like me!

Pastila is a purely Russian delicacy, invented by our ancestors for cooking in the oven. Gentle heat treatment allows you to preserve the taste of strawberries - in marshmallows it is not the same as in preserves and jams, but much closer to dried strawberries, if anyone has ever tasted it. The huge advantage of marshmallow from the point of view of healthy nutrition is that it can be cooked without sugar, and it will still be delicious. However, if you are a pathological sweet tooth, or it's just a rainy summer, and it is absolutely obvious that strawberries are not sweet, then sugar, of course, can be added. But the important thing is that you can do without it, and it will still turn out delicious.

So, we are preparing homemade strawberry marshmallow in the oven.

We wash the berries, remove the green sepals and spoiled places.

Puree the berries with a blender as finely dispersed as possible. Sugar can be added at this stage if desired.

Based on my experience, the optimal surface for making marshmallows is silicone. Strawberry is a berry with a high water content, for 2-3 mm marshmallows, pour about 1 cm of strawberry puree. The depth can be easily checked with a toothpick. If you do not want to drive the oven for about 8 hours, then you can first evaporate the moisture from the strawberries in a saucepan by boiling slowly, but this way you will change the taste of the marshmallow.

Low-temperature modes of preparation of berry marshmallow have proved to be better for me. I kept the strawberries in the oven at an average level of 8 hours at a temperature of 80 C with air circulation. For the last two hours, I checked the readiness every half hour. The surface of the strawberry mass should be glossy and somewhat rubbery.

After removing from the oven and cooling completely, the pastille is easily cut. In my opinion, it is most convenient to do this with all sorts of devices for cutting pizza. Thin pastille is usually rolled into rolls.

Homemade strawberry marshmallow flies away just at the moment, so I can't call the marshmallow a way of harvesting berries for the winter.

As soon as a child appeared near the marshmallow - that's all, you can say goodbye to her! Berries for the winter, so that they survive until winter, it is better to harvest in some other way.

Strawberry pastila - recipe with photo

Strawberry pastila

Homemade strawberry marshmallow is a fabulous treat: it is 100% natural, unusually fragrant and moderately sweet. Children like this dessert very much, therefore, in the season of fragrant strawberries, I recommend preparing it for future use. Pastila is a dry jam that keeps well in the refrigerator and doesn't take up much space.

For making strawberry marshmallows at home, berries of any condition are suitable. You can use beautiful ones (but it is better to eat them just like that fresh) or, conversely, with crumpled barrels, overripe. Adjust the amount of sugar for this recipe to your preference or do not add at all (especially if the strawberries are sweet).

From the specified amount of berries and sugar, 190 grams of ready-made homemade marshmallow is obtained - just for one standard baking sheet (plate 60x60 centimeters). One roll (if you also make 8 pieces) will have about 24 grams of dessert with a calorie content of 53 kcal per serving.


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

To make homemade strawberry marshmallows, we need strawberries and granulated sugar (if you add). I would not recommend using spices (cinnamon, cardamom, etc.), since this berry already has a self-sufficient taste and aroma.

We sort out the strawberries and mine. To do this, we collect cold water in a large container, put berries in it and let them swim for just a minute - this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stalks until the berries are clean. Otherwise, the strawberries will absorb a lot of water and become limp.

Remove the stalks and place the berries in a suitable bowl.

Now, using a pusher or hand blender, knead the berries so that they are crushed and turned into a homogeneous puree. Undoubtedly, such a blender is much more convenient and copes with the task faster.

The next step, I would not advise you to neglect: rub the strawberry puree through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Of course, some will still end up in the finished marshmallow, but if you don't rub the puree, then you will crunch with some bones. During the drying process, almost all the moisture from the puree will evaporate and the concentration of the seeds will go off scale. In general, it's up to you to decide.

After rubbing in a fine sieve, a decent amount of seeds and a little pulp will remain. In order not to just throw away this aromatic wealth, pour a glass of boiling water over it, then strain, add a little sugar or honey to taste. It turns out a quick strawberry compote.

If you are not lazy, the result will be such beauty.

Pour the strawberry puree into a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom or non-stick coating), add sugar, stir and place on the stove.

Bring the contents of the dishes to a boil and cook the strawberry puree over medium heat, stirring, for about half an hour. We need to boil the mass so that some of the moisture comes out and the mixture thickens.

Now we take a baking sheet and cover it with baking paper. If you are unsure about your paper (sometimes not very good quality), lubricate it with a thin layer of refined vegetable oil. When I prepare marshmallows, most often I grease the paper with odorless sunflower oil - it's safer this way. But it is in the case of strawberries (as well as plums or cherries) that you can not do this, since they have a lot of pectin and the mass is well gelled, and then it leaves the paper in a moment. Pour still hot strawberry jam onto the parchment (if you want, cool it - it doesn't matter) and smooth with a spatula. The thickness of the layer should be no more than 7-8 mm, otherwise the pastila will dry for a very long time. Try to make sure that the berry mass is distributed in the same layer in thickness, otherwise the pastille in the oven may burn from the edges.

There are many ways to dry homemade strawberry marshmallows. First of all, in the oven at the lowest temperature (no more than 100 degrees) with the door ajar. Depending on the thickness of the layer, time may be needed in different ways. In addition, you can use a special dryer for vegetables and fruits. Or in the fresh air in the sun. If you prefer the latter, remember that the best weather is a hot, sunny day. Then a day will be enough for the strawberry marshmallow to dry. Meanwhile, in normal (sometimes cloudy or changeable) weather, it can take 3-4 days. Personally, I dried the marshmallow for about 4-4.5 hours in the oven. The readiness of strawberry marshmallows is easily determined tactilely, that is, not only externally, but also by touch. Touch it - if you press on the layer with your finger, it remains dry, and the pastille remains elastic. In this case, it is important not to overdry it so that the layer does not become brittle.

You see, the marshmallow leaves the paper well - it is very elastic, like thin rubber, and bends in all directions without problems.

It remains to cut the marshmallow with kitchen scissors, a knife or a pizza knife (my version). We fold the plates into tight rolls and store our blank dessert in the refrigerator. If you like, you can wrap each roll with parchment and tie it with thread.

By the way, in the photo it seems that the marshmallow turned out to be very dark, almost black, but this is not so. Here it is, it is so bright and saturated in the light! Some of the seeds are still present in it, but imagine what it would be like if we had not rubbed the puree through a sieve.

If time and stock permits, be sure to prepare a fragrant and very tasty strawberry marshmallow for your children. Bon appetit and cook with pleasure, friends!

If you are very fond of various sweets, but finished industrial products are repulsive with their not entirely natural composition, then homemade strawberry marshmallows are just what you need.

To prepare it, you do not have to buy any exotic products, it is enough to prepare regular strawberries, sugar and, possibly, several other common ingredients (depending on the recipe).

The pasta prepared by the drying method will be an excellent alternative to purchased sweets or marmalade, especially since it is stored much longer than them.

Picking and preparing strawberries

The first and most important stage on the way to obtaining high-quality and tasty strawberry marshmallow is the choice of good raw materials, that is, the strawberries themselves. In this situation, the sweetness of the fruit is especially important, because the taste of the final product directly depends on this criterion.

That is why it is worth giving preference to overripe strawberries and, if possible, avoiding unripe fruits, since they always have a characteristic sourness. The next thing you should pay attention to when buying is the appearance of the purchased product.

If the strawberries are too large, most likely, they were grown with a large amount of nitrates, however, this does not apply to varieties that are already characterized by large fruits. Also, when examining, make sure that you do not come across rotten or moldy specimens, because it is they who often become the causative agents of a number of diseases.
And do not forget that the final color of the finished pastille directly depends on the color saturation of the raw material, so the brighter the strawberry, the better, of course, if the shade is natural and there is no reason to suspect the use of chemicals.

If you wish, you can even smell the selected product, especially since the strawberry aroma largely depends on the place and conditions of its growth. In the greenhouse, fruits usually grow with a deep and rich strawberry smell, while home-grown strawberries will be lost against their background.

However, this is even good, because by purchasing products from individuals, you have a better chance of getting natural and environmentally friendly raw materials for your strawberry marshmallow. At home, before the actual preparation of the dish, the purchased goods must be properly prepared.

Important! Even when choosing the highest quality product, you need to remember about the influence of the drying method on the final result. Many housewives consider the most optimal option to use an electric dryer, which allows you to preserve all the benefits of strawberries when creating a delicious marshmallow.

The strawberries are pre-soaked in cold water for a few minutes to allow the dirt to settle. After that, it is washed several times, without breaking off the stalk, so that the berries do not become watery. It is recommended to pick them off only after the berry is well washed.

Dryer recipe

As we mentioned earlier, making marshmallows using an electric dryer is the most successful way, so let's start with a recipe for using it. You can take strawberries of absolutely any size, as long as they are not spoiled.

To prepare marshmallow in this way, you will need:

  • fresh strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • sunflower oil - 50-100 g (to lubricate the drier pan).

As for the inventory, in addition to the containers for washing berries, you will need a blender, trays for further storage of pastilles and, in fact, the electric dryer itself.

Step by step recipe

In order for you to get a tasty and healthy marshmallow cooked in a dryer, you must strictly adhere to all stages of its creation.

Important! Pour the marshmallow carefully, starting from the outer part of the pan, as otherwise the liquid puree may overflow in the central part.

The approximate drying time of strawberry marshmallow is 24 hours, and you can check its readiness by simply touching it with your finger: if it does not stick or tear when removed from the pallet, then the product is ready.
It remains only to roll each layer into a tight tube and, having cut it in half, send it to storage in a plastic container with a lid. Pastila in a tray is ideal for storing in a cool room or in a regular closet.

Zucchini Dryer Recipe

It would seem that sweet strawberries cannot be combined with zucchini in any way, but some housewives in practice prove that they are quite successful in combining them when preparing marshmallows, and the recipe itself does not differ in increased complexity.

In this case, it is impossible to clearly determine the amount of all products used, since it depends on the taste preferences of each person.

However, on average, their list with the number will look like this:

  • strawberries - 1-1.2 kg;
  • zucchini - half of a not very large vegetable;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 50-100 ml (for lubricating drier trays).

As for the inventory, you should prepare an electric dryer, a blender and a container for draining raw marshmallows.

Important! All ingredients are taken in a proportion equal to one tab in the bowl of an average blender, but the more strawberries you have, the more you will need the rest of the products.

Step by step recipe

Cooking pastille with zucchini will not take you more time than the standard procedure for creating it, and for the process to be successful, you should maintain a certain sequence of actions.

Important!If the marshmallow turns out to be a little overdried and does not roll well, you can leave it to stand for a while in the room so that it pulls moisture out of the air and softens.

The twisted tubes can be cut with scissors into small, slightly beveled pieces that will be conveniently placed in almost any container for further storage.

Oven recipe

In the absence of an electric dryer, you can cook delicious strawberry marshmallows in a regular oven, and this process will not be very complicated.

You will not need any special ingredients in this case, the list of necessary products looks like this:

  • sweet strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2-4 tablespoons.

From additional inventory (except for the blender and the container for draining the shredded raw materials), you will need a standard pallet, neatly lined with white parchment paper, which will make it easier to remove the finished product.

Step by step recipe

Considering the use of an oven, not an electric dryer, the process of making strawberry marshmallows will have certain differences compared to previous options.

However, the preparatory measures follow the same scenario: first you need to wash and sort out the strawberries (all the berries should be free of rot or other damage), and then kill them in a blender along with sugar until a homogeneous consistency.

All further actions take place in the following sequence:

For further storage, each tube can be additionally wrapped in cling film and already folded in this form in a chosen container or in a special bag for storage in the refrigerator.

Did you know?It turns out that strawberries whiten teeth better than any toothpaste, you just have to grind it and apply it on their surface, leaving it there for 10-15 minutes. Performing this procedure regularly, you will notice positive results in a few weeks.

What products can be combined with

There are just a huge number of recipes for making strawberry marshmallows, and not always only strawberries are used in them. However, in order to get a really tasty, sweet dish, every housewife needs to know about the rules for combining strawberries with other berries, vegetables and fruits.

Do not forget that in itself it is already quite sweet, due to which the finished marshmallow turns out to be sweet and sour in taste. This is especially important when choosing the right amount of sugar, which can very easily be overdone.
When using it, the product turns out to be more delicate, but if you want to supplement your product with more nutrients, then you should replace granulated sugar with ordinary honey. As additional ingredients, you can use almost any berries and fruits, with the presence of which not only the taste, but also the color of the marshmallow will change.

If you want it to remain very sweet, then you should avoid using currants and other crops with sourness, taking bananas, pears and sweet apples instead. In addition, many housewives often mix several types of marshmallows together, achieving different shades and even patterns, which makes the finished product even more colorful and memorable.

In a word, in the matter of making strawberry marshmallows, you have a wide space for creativity, because when you add fruits or berries that are completely different in composition and consistency, it will become even tastier. Probably, this is the case when "you can't spoil porridge with butter" or you will have to try very hard for this.

How to store

As we have already said, the finished strawberry marshmallow must be rolled into dense tubes and, after cutting into pieces (everyone chooses the size of the pieces at his discretion), send for storage. In order for the product to retain its useful properties all this time, it must be provided with the most favorable conditions for this.

For this purpose, many housewives use ordinary cling film, in which marshmallow tubes are additionally wrapped before placing them in a plastic container or glass container.

When sealed with ordinary lids, the shelf life of the pastille is about one year, but if you close the container with vacuum lids, it will increase to two years.

As for the specific storage location for a delicious and sweet strawberry addition to tea, it may even be the most ordinary home pantry, the main thing is that the temperature inside does not exceed + 20 ... + 21 ºC with an air humidity of 70-80%. Alternatively, you can wrap the straws in plastic wrap and place them in a special freezer bag, sending them to the refrigerator (not necessarily in the freezer).

Did you know? On our continent, strawberries so popular today appeared only in the 18th century, although its closest relative, wild strawberries, were collected by our ancestors from time immemorial.

How can you use

Usually, if there is not much strawberry marshmallow, then few people think about what to do with it, because it perfectly replaces cookies for tea or can be consumed in its original form just as a delicacy.

And if there are a lot of blanks, then you have the opportunity to experiment a little, complementing various dishes with the help of this delicacy. So, marshmallow is great for baking (especially pies and confectionery) and can complement almost any sweet snacks, although it is most often used as a filling for baking.
Do not forget about the described delicacy when preparing various drinks, because, in addition to the standard compote, it can be used as an additive to healing tea or as a filler for homemade yogurt.

Just filling the product with water, you will get a very tasty jam, and the marshmallow twisted in a certain way will serve as a good glass for homemade ice cream. In a word, any of your culinary decisions involving the described delicacy will definitely not go unnoticed by guests and households.

Following from the foregoing, strawberry candy is an excellent alternative to purchased sweets, but in order for it to turn out really tasty, housewives need to adhere to certain requirements:

  • if honey is used instead of sugar, then you should give preference to rapeseed, since it crystallizes well and does not have a pronounced aroma (acacia honey, popular in confectionery, often does not allow pastille to freeze normally, making it soft and sticky).

Did you know?Regular excessive consumption of sugar can cause the early appearance of wrinkles: it accumulates in the collagen of the skin (in reserve), thereby contributing to the loss of its elasticity. However, there is good news: when the consumption of this product decreases, the process starts in the opposite direction.

In truth, creating a strawberry marshmallow can be called an elementary task, but you will only get a quality product if you follow all the basic recommendations. And, of course, for long-term storage without losing its taste, it is always worth remembering to organize suitable conditions.

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