Transit neptune in the houses of the horoscope. How to trick the transit Neptune? Transit aspects of Neptune - business, work

Spirit of inspiration, illusion, deception

It takes Neptune 168 years to circle the Sun, so in 84 years it can cross 6 natal (and solar) houses. Uniform speed 14 years one mark, delays it on average for this period of time in each house, and each natal planet experiences its transit aspect once during this time. Passing two degrees in a year of pure motion, it is in each aspect for two years, but due to the annual retrograde periods, as a result of which the general motion differs from the pure one, of these two years, the aspects are in the orb only about 18 months, Neptune is unchanged in every transit at least three times forms an exact aspect; five times is rare.

The spectrum of action of the transits of Neptune is wider than that of most planets. At its best, it provides inspiration and enlightenment; at worst - persecution mania, blurring of personal boundaries and feeling like a victim. Most people in this situation experience something in between: uncertainty and confusion, falling into gullibility and naivety, vague perception and susceptibility to fantasies; however, for some, all of this serves as a conduit for higher abilities such as intuition, faith, and creative imagination. Neptune acts on the deepest levels of our psyche, but its waves, reaching the shores of consciousness, can heap up shafts of fear and roll back in a stream of dangerous illusions, washing us off safe ground and taking us with us if we are not completely careful. Those of us who are in tune with authentic soul music can swim with dolphins and sing with whales; can return to land with enough fish to feed many. Units who can play this music will teach others the art of fishing. Only the highest manifestations of Neptune result in material gain - or in spiritual gain, since in this case one entails the other.

Neptune's home transit

Transit of Neptune through the 1st house softens personality manifestations and makes a person more tender. It also makes him vulnerable to rumors, gossip and false accusations. During this transit, people become the object of projections, the target of unreasonable assessments, sometimes up to a complete loss of reputation. Clients need to explain themselves to others and make clear statements about themselves and their goals, especially in relation to their work or business.

"Swimming" of Neptune in the II house can generate income through service and giving, or through inspiration and imagination. This is a suitable period for activities in medicine, as well as in the fields of music or metaphysics, if only you are able to exist in conditions of material uncertainty. Uncomplainingly enduring poverty in the process of serving a good cause can improve your karmic balance, which cannot be said about your bank account (which at this time interests you less than usual). Clients should be advised during this transit to beware of fraud and shenanigans (especially with an aspect to Venus, the Moon, planets in the II and V houses).

The appearance of Neptune in the III house associated with increased work of the imagination and inspired speech, which can be completely aimless, but can also have a motivating effect (and in the latter case, be beneficial).

Neptune's wanderings in the 4th house for some it is about being placed in an ideal environment with great professional opportunities, and for others it is about drifting down the river of dreams and fantasies to places where there is no hard work or schedules.

Neptune in the 5th house encourages mystical or spiritual pursuits that can become profitable hobby... Inspirational creativity can find a buyer for its products. Excessive gullibility contributes to losses in speculative capital investments.

Transit of Neptune through the VI house enhances creativity in day-to-day work - inspiration and intuition are given practical channels of expression. It happens that a person at this time somehow feels or intuitively knows what and how to do. This period is favorable for works related to the imagination or ministry, where these things are required, used, rewarded - for film and video art, theater, humanities, painting, graphics, design, publishing, music, medicine, etc. Many during this transit are in doubt (or even in complete uncertainty) about what to do. They take up different occupations and fields of activity and soon quit; quite often they go to work just because they were offered it or someone needs them. The desire to be useful can make them victims of fraud. Customers in this transit should be careful to avoid fraudulent jobs and be aware that they may be given false information on job security regarding work safety and conditions, earnings and profits, duties and responsibilities. From a deep source of intuition, a person can suddenly come to the realization of what kind of work he will find satisfaction and the feeling that he is doing a good and right thing.

Transit of Neptune through the VII house carries the risk of dishonest or incompetent partners and fraudulent contracts.

Neptune's journey through the VIII house entails the danger of actually unsecured loans or agreements, as well as inheritance fraud.

Transit of Neptune through IX house blurs rigid notions of life, opening the client's mind to wider acceptance of the world and for inspiration.

Neptune in the X house gives not just a paid job, but a professional career in areas related to the production or stimulation of images: film and video art, theater, painting, music, dance, graphics, design, publishing. A person has the desire and opportunity to professionally engage in medicine, pastoral activities, metaphysics. Many during this transit experience the urge to serve and come to helping professions or to the service industry. Work in trade or production as an end in itself looks like a waste of time for a person during this period, unless it is related to medicine, or chemistry, or sea travel. At the same time, he is ready to do whatever he sees as his ministry. During this transit, many find it difficult to feel in their place, and in search of a vocation, they wander from one profession to another. But to know your calling at this time is possible only from within; only he who hears with his inner ear is able to receive this message and make it his guide to successful ministry.

Drift of Neptune in the XI house - these are deceptive, like a wandering light, desires, this is the disappearance of friends. Alternatively, it is support from friends, aspiration for service.

The movement of Neptune in the XII house can overwhelm the psyche with a mass of intrapsychic images, depriving a person of the ability to adequately perceive reality, but it can also enrich life with a guiding inner light.

Aspects of Neptune

Neptune-Sun. These aspects are incredibly obscure to the person. He forgets who he really is and who he is or is going to be in his own words. The solid foundation of our identity is eroding, and with it our sanity: we become more impressionable, even to the point of gullibility. During the formation of the aspect, a certain buzzing appears in the back of the head (similar to the sound of a radio receiver not tuned to a station and turned on at low volume), distracting us from the momentary reality and leading us into a foggy nowhere. Basically, work and careers are held during this "smoke break" if it is not too long. During this period, tuning in to our “subconscious radio broadcasting”, amplifying its sound and receiving mystical messages can help us to control or moderate our “floating away” from reality, to stay on this planet and at our work.

Compound... Calculate angular location accurately; write down exactly how many years Neptune will be in the same sign with your Sun. It is a long-term influence that determines attitudes and vibrations that seem to be forever ingrained in your character and can become so if you allow it. It carries with it certain conditions - emotional, financial, physical - and predisposes to well-established ideas, especially those concerning the person himself. Your job is to make them useful. There is a danger that such representations can become obsessions and begin to dominate you. "Obsessions" (serious and minor) that you should watch out for include self-pity, an inferiority complex, hypochondria, mood swings, and sensationalism (a tendency to give in to emotions, feelings, and sensations). You may think, "This is what I am, and nothing can be done about it." This is clearly not a strong position. However, during this transit, you can also acquire useful unchanging ideas and qualities that will spur your abilities and ambitions. It is about self-confidence (unshakable self-esteem and a strong belief in yourself), solidity (a strong belief that you are authoritative and respected, and your thoughts and concepts are important), creativity (a strong belief that you you can do a lot), compassion (a strong belief that you enjoy helping others, listening to them, and so on), and sensitivity (a strong belief that you understand and appreciate beauty). If any of these qualities are firmly rooted in your character, it will serve you well in life and help you avoid destructive obsessions. To find out what is the foundation on which your life is built, study yourself in connection with a) the period of transit of Neptune through the entire sign of your Sun (about fourteen years) and b) with the period of direct contact of Neptune with your Sun (about two years). If you do not like this foundation, remember that you laid it yourself and, if you wish, can make the necessary changes to it.

Opposition... Calculate the angular location accurately. The influence is noticeable during the transit of Neptune through the entire sign, but it is most pronounced: within two years before the exact intersection of the aspect and two years after the bliss. The key characteristic of this time is confusion. Human relationships are confusing. It is difficult for you to understand others, and it is difficult for them to understand you. It's hard to get along with you. Your feelings and thoughts are not easy to understand. Excessive refinement prompts you to justify yourself with your thoughts; their superiority over others and even somewhat proud that they do not understand you. Unwillingness to listen to the point of view of others dreams of introversion. This can lead to passivity, loss of occupied :! situations due to egocentrism, problems at work or at work: arrangement, difficulties in relationships with friends, etc. You tend to expect too much from others and resent those who demand too much of you. There may be mental impairments due to refusal to face the facts and physical ailments that may be real, but often you exaggerate them, wanting to generate sympathy and gain support from others. Strict introspection is required. At its best (rarely reaching its maximum), this transit will bring you many friends and a rare kind of popularity, it will surround you with an aura of unusual charm and magnetism. But this requires extreme humility, genuine humility of spirit and a willingness to give to others much more than you yourself receive from them. Talent for painting, music or literature. Or the equivalent ability to build relationships with others and effortless power over the immediate environment that can be earned with understanding and compassion.

Upper square... Specific conditions concerning work and position in society will be consolidated at a certain level and will remain at it. Probably a long streak of luck or failure of a very stable nature. Many people are not aware of the vibrations at work and therefore tend to take a fatalistic position in relation to what is happening ("what can I do?"). You can carefully study the factors that make life difficult for you, compare them with your true "I" and try to bring the inner and outer world into an orderly and reasonable correspondence. This is often a time of aimless drift. You go with the flow and think “whatever happens, good or bad,” because you believe that you are still unable to manage anything. As a result, an opportunity may be missed due to inertia. On the other hand, inactivity can have a different result. You are "riding in the chariot of fate," and it easily lifts you to the desired heights. Study carefully the rest of the transits affecting you during this long period. You can get the most out of yourself by channeling your energies in the direction that the most favorable planets suggest. But if you allow selfishness to prevail, you will be affected by the worst of influences. Predestination is an illusion. You will never be stronger than you are now. But it is necessary to use willpower constructively, and not to succumb to the delusion, thinking that you are not able to change anything.

Bottom square... A situation very similar to the conditions of the previous transit. Home and privacy will be at the center of activity, and the factors affecting them require reasonable attention. For maximum success, you need a solid foundation, and you must slowly and relentlessly build one. Don't let ideas that inspire you undermine your practicality. You must learn to channel idealistic forces in constructive ways. Everything that has been said in relation to the previous transit is true here. But there is also an important addition - now control over circumstances is more in your hands and is focused on the personal and family side of existence. A peaceful, calm and familiar life will become a constant source of inspiration and self-confidence.

Neptune-Moon. Neptune-Moon aspects open the floodgates of the unconscious. If, through the irrigation canals that have been laid, this stream can be directed to fertile soils, there will be no flooding, and it will not wash the dazed (or horrified) client off the solid ground. Otherwise, indecision, uncertainty, a feeling of emptiness, forgetfulness and the state of “Huh? What?". Some, getting lost and wandering in a foggy space, return to reality "enlightened". During this transit, there are meetings with spiritual love, but there are also meetings with its "masks", put on in order to make it easier to attract and use a gullible soul.

Compound. A distinctive feature of this transit is self-knowledge. For example, you may find that you are more sensual, lustful, and reckless than you want to show the world. This knowledge will become a burden on your conscience. It draws an image that you don't like. Or it turns out that you are less ambitious and more lazy than you want to show others. You are trying to hide it. Or you may be more selfish, arrogant, and more ambitious than you want. Anything is possible here. During the transit of Neptune through the natal Moon, the position of a person in relation to himself is determined. To take full advantage of the current period, it is imperative that these innermost secrets of yours make you stronger, not weaker. Convince yourself that you are more understanding, more compassionate, more religious, more idealistic, more talented, and more original than others. Do not talk about it, but yourself firmly believe in the mentally drawn picture and do something concrete, confirming it with immediate facts. Let this calming image take root in your mind. Identify and release attitudes that weaken confidence in yourself, and then live in such a way as to realize the noble dream, which during this transit becomes your inner reality.

Opposition... While the outer side of your personality visible to the world at this time may remain quite simple, the inner essence is a complex mechanism, replete with contradictions, doubts and, possibly, delusions. You have obsessions about yourself that may have nothing to do with reality. You may see yourself in a worse or better light than you really are, more talented or less capable. The “litmus test” of your self-image will be your willingness to change. If you think you are bad and ineffective, improve. If you think you are very, very good, prove it to the world. If you do not want to check your feelings and leave them as food for your own thoughts, then they are definitely deceiving and you need to make every effort to get rid of them. Health suffers from obsessions. You attach unreasonably great importance to emotional reactions that would otherwise go unnoticed. There is a danger of hypochondria, melancholy and depression. Material and practical issues suffer as you no longer focus on them. Relationships with others suffer because you are more passionate about yourself than others. In such conditions, it is best to act as objectively as possible, redirect attention to the outside world and resist the temptation to delve into your personal thoughts, which, most likely, are simply an escape from reality.

Top or bottom squares... A situation very similar to the conditions of the previous transit. Here, a similar impact is less pronounced, but it is important enough that you pay your careful attention to it and engage in introspection, especially if other transits complicate the situation in the outside world.

Neptune-Mercury. Aspects of Neptune with Mercury stimulate creativity, imagination, and a penchant for lying and deceiving. Through poetic speech, a person draws verbal pictures in which disharmonious details are shaded and reality is painted in pink tones. Under these aspects, inspiring works of art, amazing projects, exquisite prose, heartfelt speech can be born. Another line: those who fool themselves can be deceived by others. With tense aspects, if, moreover, the transit Neptune or natal Mercury is in the II or V house, fraud is not uncommon during this period.

Compound... Sensory acuity can lead to either destructive sensationalism or a developed sense of beauty and symmetry that it finds. intellectual and artistic expression in your life and your creations. In the first case, you can get carried away by sensory stimuli, your mind will be taken over by images, sounds, smells, and especially imaginary pictures associated with sensory sensations. Obsessions, daydreams and daydreams undermine the effectiveness of activities, unintentionally wedging into consciousness at the most inopportune time. There is a risk of succumbing to them and taking a sterile or definitely downward development path. Strict self-discipline is required. Emotions are dangerous. They tend to develop into passion and completely capture a person's attention. In another case, the intellectual and creative manifestation of sharpness of perception and sensitivity endows with deep intuition, contributes to the development of remarkable thinking abilities and artistic skill, success in practical matters or in art. Material profit thanks to understanding the details and immediate reaction to what is happening. An inspirational period that encourages you to take full advantage of its benefits.

Top and bottom squares or opposition. Calculate the angular location accurately. Confusion of feelings, inaccuracy of thinking and miscalculations in judgments due to an erroneous assessment of sensory sensations and incorrect application of logic. The tendency to take wishful thinking despite the obvious; ignoring facts; a penchant for escapism. Danger of developing bad habits. In reserved mature people, creative power requires a lot of self-discipline in order for the mind to continue to work evenly in a progressive direction, since it tends to plunge into vague and impractical waking dreams.

Neptune-Venus. These aspects are conducive to manifestations of acceptance, trust and gullibility. They do not make others more reliable, no matter what the person himself thinks. Deceptions and illusions concern love and money, and often, when striving for one thing pretends to be striving for another, both love and money at once. Alternatively, earnings and income from music, painting, cinema are possible (but you should not especially trust the one who assigns the roles!).

Compound... Calculate the angular location accurately. Hypersensitivity to emotional stimuli. You will react intensely, and the nature of your reactions depends on which principle prevails in your character - materialistic or idealistic, humanistic or sensual. Relationships take on added meaning and either endow you with magnetism and popularity (if you're an extrovert), or increase your tendency to resent, reflect, and feel sorry for yourself (if you're an introvert). Habits related to love and sex are important and take root. The emotional attitudes that are now held will remain for a long time. Other habits that at first glance have nothing to do with love or emotion can also become entrenched. You are prone to escapism, especially if you feel real or perceived resentment. Possible hypochondria, excessive relaxation, self-indulgence. To normalize your emotional state, you must analyze it. You are quite stubborn because you are deeply convinced of the infallibility of your own reactions (which can be quite erroneous). Do not trust your hunches if you are not distinguished by exceptional self-control. At its best (rarely peaking, but worth striving for), transit promises deep magnetism, ideal love, great creativity, a sense of beauty and order in the world that you will make part of your life. An all-encompassing worldview colors your experiences and makes you a truly excellent and charming person with an exceptional beauty of spirit that will never leave you if you deserve it now.

... Calculate the angular location accurately. Emotional confusion, irritability due to misunderstandings and increased sensitivity, a feeling of the incomprehensible, which is most often misinterpreted. The danger of awakening self-pity, as well as the possibility of getting into bad company due to pronounced sensationalism. Self-indulgence. At its best, the influence of transit leads to self-sacrifice in serving others, submission of one's own “I” to the will of others, and sincere humility. Gentleness can lead to being used, but it provides an opportunity for selflessness in a relationship.

Neptune-Mars. Aspects of Neptune to Mars are the source of charismatic charm, magic, "mysticism" in appearance. This gives a person the features of a famous piper from fairy tales "or a prophet, capable of dragging others with him, like children, to the promised land (or from it). Energy dissipation or chaotic activity due to lack of focus is possible. At the same time, fine tuning and focusing give the ability towards inspirational action; and effective ministry (without sacrificing self-sacrifice).

Compound... Your energy is automatically guided by intuition. A period of significant success or failure, either way due to the very intense nature of your dreams. The relationship between your deepest inner being and the factor of energetic manifestation through which your outer self-expression is carried out is touched upon. If your inner self is dark, sensual and destructive, then it is in this form that it will manifest itself. If your inner self is shining, idealistic and dreaming of the sublime, you will perform miracles. The task of the period is to express hidden desires, and favorable opportunities, luck and magnetism will help to solve it. Whatever your sincere dream (or nightmare), this is where it becomes clear. It is a powerful transit, leading to success, power, wealth and fame - or to the exact opposite - but always along a path that is laid in the depths of your soul.

Top and bottom squares or opposition... Unrestrained in manifesting your worst, repressed desires. Feelings of deception and betrayal - or their illusion, even worse. The need for constant struggle. Energy is directed in a destructive direction, since the person is actively aware of the truth about himself and is forced to revise his self-concept, which usually leads to radical changes with far-reaching consequences. The result depends on the general discipline of the person and other transits affecting him during this period.

Neptune-Jupiter. These aspects give rise to intuitive foresight, crystal clarity and comprehensive understanding that find application in all work, and are simply invaluable in business. However, during the tense aspect, people sometimes encounter deception in the field of books, education or theater. More or less harmonious aspects impart benefits to metaphysical studios.

Compound... A time of unprecedented favorable opportunities, when the non-material works for you and provides you with new chances for material well-being and spiritual development. During this period, do not let your life or worldview remain in a worn-out rut. The likelihood of success increases in proportion to the height of your goals and the idealism of aspirations. Free yourself from thoughts of material things. If you are selflessly dedicated to broad social, artistic, or humanistic goals, you will earn practical rewards. Get ready for unusual and spectacular events. Expand your horizons to grasp the best. At its worst, the influence of transit leads to physical excess, extravagance and self-indulgence of a very reckless and unpleasant nature. But this applies only to those who are fixated on the material and sensual. For an ordinary person, hovering in thoughts between heaven and earth, there is a unique chance to bring the highest idealism into the sphere of everyday life and thereby achieve constancy of philosophical views and well-being.

Neptune-Saturn. As a result of the spreading of Saturnian ambitions under the influence of the tense aspects of Neptune to the natally tense) or weak Saturn, from them and at the same time from a career, only a puddle of apathy can remain, which will safely drain into the sewers. The misconceptions about power and success that characterize these periods lead to unrealistic career choices and illusory achievements. If natal Neptune is well inscribed on the chart, and natal Saturn is not very problematic, then the transit aspect of Neptune to Saturn can give the effect of landing the imagination, thanks to which intuition is focused and generates sufficiently clear ideas that are useful to the client to achieve his goals. An intuitive choice of professional direction and career is possible, which, however, must be carefully checked by reality and kept within the limits of what is actually achievable. These aspects are conducive to advancement in professions using the high register of Neptune.

Compound... Calculate the angular location accurately. Ambitions (defensive and offensive motives) are directly linked to the deepest inner aspirations, which are realized now or will forever remain in the subconscious. The result will have a lasting impact on your desire for accomplishment. At its best, the influence of this transit activates intuition, releases powerful psychic forces and directs them in a constructive direction. Deep and persistent psychological factors pull you into action and push you either forward to success or back to yourself if you decide that the real struggle is too burdensome for you. During this critical period, the dual task of your “I” is to define goals that match your dreams and choose the methods to achieve them.

Neptune-Uranus. These transits create a thundercloud, from which a drop of creativity falls and splashes, which has a strong effect, reminiscent of the effect of water (or paint) dropped on an uninsulated electrode. Realized visions of the future are interspersed with fantastic visions of substitute realities.

Join, top and bottom squares, or opposition. A rare opportunity to realize your personal secret dream with true creative genius, requiring superior mentality and spirituality, so for many it will go unnoticed. And for the worthy, this is a period of spiritual awakening and a chance to realize lofty dreams and aspirations. Psychic forces interact with mental abilities, creative manifestations reach a peak, as a result of which the deepest attraction to self-expression is activated. All this leads to increased sensitivity, which manifests itself not in resentment, but in the ability to quickly recognize a favorable opportunity, as well as the ability to intuitively accurately determine the appropriate time for its implementation to apply efforts in an original and unusual way.

Neptune-Neptune. These aspects are related to age, recurring every 14 years. They bring a psychic sensitivity that allows a deep understanding of the world around us and, in particular, human impulses. Spiritual insights and states of enlightenment can accompany harmonious aspects. In tense aspects, a high noise-to-signal ratio often distorts the message, making it unreadable or limiting its meaning to purely internal events.

Neptune-Pluto. Aspects of Neptune to Pluto awaken subjective subconscious fears, resulting in disturbing dreams about death or about its approach: mental debris floats to the surface of consciousness. Death dreams sometimes reflect physical condition and signal danger; they are also psychological harbingers of a cathartic breakthrough. Perhaps a sudden intuitive understanding of the meaning of one's own activity, leading to a new sphere of self-realization, to a new profession.

15 worm 2009

If you have incomprehensible situations, chaos, logic turns out to be powerless in any area, then most likely, you are dealing with transiting Neptune... Working with this planet is difficult, especially if you are a pragmatic person and far from anything unusual. In this article, you will learn what the transit Neptune brings, as well as the ways to work it out.

How do the higher planets work?

All higher planets in their pure form are destructive for our earthly reality, since they are outside Saturn and denote an alien world, another dimension, perception.

Uranus creates chaos, revolutions, unforeseen situations. Pluto transforms, destroys, renews, and Neptune "blurs" reality, creating confusion, confusion.

How the transit Neptune manifests itself in the House

  • creates confusion, confusion
  • deceptions appear, fraud
  • a lot of emotions, first idealization, then a collision with reality, the effect of rose-colored glasses
  • secrets, secrets, gossip

So that the transit Neptune does not create problems, then in the House in which it is located, we apply:

  1. visualization
  2. creativity, photography, cinema
  3. any symbols associated with water, fountain
  4. spiritual practices, meditation
  5. migration
  6. charity

Transiting Neptune Ascendant

The personality can reveal creativity, great sensitivity, receptivity. The person becomes more charming, attractive, gentle.

Low transiting Neptune in 1st House gives a large number of self-deceptions, illusions in relation to himself. Severe, painful vulnerability, sensitivity. The rose-colored glasses effect is turned on. Self-destruction through alcohol, drugs, potent drugs, going into the virtual world.

So as not to interfere: do spiritual practices, meditation, go on a long journey, wear clothes of azure, blue, muted tones. A good time for any creative realization.

Transiting Neptune in II

At its best, transit Neptune will be played as a good intuition for money, financial sense, income from creativity, cinema. Money literally comes out of thin air.

In a negative manifestation: confusion, chaos in financial terms, from the series: either there is money, then there is none, finances go away. Scams and deceptions are possible. Income can come from hidden, and not always honest activities.

Advice: at this time, such techniques as visualization for finances, things, the rule works: the more I spend, the more it comes back to me. Any kind of charity. Put in your wallet a magic bill that brings good luck.

Transiting Neptune in III

Incomprehensible acquaintances, false friends, illusory connections. At this time, you should be extremely careful in communication. Also, the 3rd House is responsible for our neighbors and our relatives, brothers and sisters. Therefore, intrigues, deceptions, reservations, gossip are also possible in these areas.

So as not to interfere: go to study photography, meditation, tarot, travel, make connections with creative or extraordinary people. Put the Neptunian symbol in the car: fish, water, azure stones.

Transiting Neptune in IV

During this period, family secrets and intrigues may arise or be created. Problems with real estate, housing, from the series: neighbors flooded from above and ruined expensive repairs. Difficulty in relationships with family. Strange personalities can come to a person in his house. Therefore, it is better during this period not to let anyone into your house at all, only the closest ones.

Advice: put in your home fountain, aquarium, fish or marine theme... Migration, long distance travel. At home, create a place for spiritual practices or simply install an altar with icons.

Transiting Neptune in V

Inspiration, I want to do something unusual, magical. The birth of gifted children or adoption. Projects, business in Neptunian spheres have great chances of success at this time.

At a low level, gambling addiction, withdrawal into virtual reality, alcoholism (if the card confirms this by other indicators)... Idealization and then disappointment in love.

Transiting Neptune in VI

Imaginary pains, false diagnoses, taking potent drugs that secretly destroy the body. Obsessive states and fears in relation to their health. Exaggeration and inflating an elephant out of a fly about illness.

At work, various intrigues, rumors, deceptions can also begin.

Recommendation: start an aquarium, if there is an opportunity to put it in the office, then great. Active study of psychosomatics, spiritual practices aimed at treatment. It is better not to talk too much about your work with other people, so that there is an element of mystery.

Transiting Neptune in VII

A person may not see the difference between enemies and friends. Idealization of a partner, other people, and as a result - disappointment. Uncertain personal relationships, from the series: we seem to live together, but it's hard to say who we are to each other. In a more classical sense, transiting Neptune will bring lies and deceit from other people.

Be careful with other people from the series: trust, but verify. False or sham marriages, self-deception and deception. Hidden enemies, secret envious people and ill-wishers may appear.

So as not to interfere: make acquaintances with people from the creative or spiritual realm. Time for good PR if you are a psychologist, esotericist, showman, politician. Creation of YouTube channel, Instagram with great chances of success. Do not plan anything serious with your partners, live for today.

Transiting Neptune in VIII

Illusory dangers arise, it can constantly seem that something negative is about to happen. Self-destruction due to strong psychological and emotional states, obsessions. The fear of death is exacerbated. Interest in mysticism, esotericism, occult and energy techniques may appear.

Recommendation: if the natal chart allows, then this time is suitable for investing in the areas of resources, oil, the film industry. Deep engagement in psychology, strong immersion in trance. Be extremely careful with all financial transactions.

Transiting Neptune in IX

Obsessions about ideologies, worldviews, philosophies, etc. In my practice, during this transit, a person has false teachers, spiritual mentors, who in fact were not such. During this period, there is a danger of falling into a sect or other false religious organizations. The question of attitude towards God may be raised, from complete atheism to absurd fanaticism.

Transiting Neptune to X

It gives good prospects, career opportunities in the field of art, creativity, cinema, etc. Secret career advancement.

In the negative: illusions, deceptions about work, career or a deceitful boss who feeds with promises. Intrigues, gossip that spoil your reputation and your social status.

So as not to interfere: engage in professional creative activities, marketing. Go to the cinema, theater, music (for example, to become an administrator in a film project). Present, visualize your goals. Embellish your merits (otherwise the transit Neptune will embellish you through gossip, intrigue)

Transiting Neptune in XI

Strange situations in the sphere of friends, like-minded people, collectives from the series: there seem to be friends, but it seems they are not. Deceptions and betrayal by friends. During this period, a person may have a lot of pseudo-friends, false comrades... It may seem that he always has someone to rely on, but when he needs help, it turns out that no one is around. Also, during this period, friends and comrades come and go without a trace, many good friendships can be destroyed due to trifles.

Advice: as in all aerial Homes, we focus on creating connections with people of art or spiritual themes. A good time to start studying astrology, tarot, psychology, active PR in these areas.

Transiting Neptune in XII

Groundless fears, complexes, obsessive states, the illusion of loneliness, a sense of closeness, inferiority. But at the same time, there may be an interest in mysticism, meditation, single techniques. A period of dreams and illusions. Everything in the inner world is vague and incomprehensible.

Recommendation: as much time as possible to be alone, to help, to do charity work, visit places of power, emigrate, engage in spiritual, psychological activities, drawing, analysis of dreams.

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The transit of Neptune along the zodiacal circle takes 164 years - this period is too long, so the cycle of Neptune in our horoscope will remain incomplete. The slow journey of Neptune determines the importance of its influence on the background of the events that you experience. The impact of aspects of Neptune on natal planets can persist for several years. The transit of Neptune gives situations of loss, confusion, dissolution, bliss, situations of uncertainty and disappearance, blurring of boundaries. Cycle 164. For 84 years, we can trace the change of 6 characters. The speed of movement is 1-2 degrees per year.

Roles of Neptune in Transits- who comes to us during the transits of Neptune: a wise old woman, artists, musicians, victim of a feeling or her tormentor. Deceiver, dreamer, spiritual man,cheater, alcoholic, drug addict... If Neptune is in a harmonious aspect with Venus and Saturn in the chart, then it can be a designer, aroma compiler, winemakers, those who develop new varieties of flowers.

The first sign of the approaching Neptunian transit is a feeling of blurring or confusion, hopelessness, despair, a desire to get away from reality, go away or sit closed and listen to music, watch a movie, get high, forget, get away from reality, perhaps reading poetry, fantasy, rethinking what I should have done, but what I did not do, a feeling of regret, confusion, great indecision, everything is inhibited, a person does not dare to do obvious things, lack of logic. Neptune to Saturn - the period when the navigation systems go astray, guidance devices go astray. During this period, the collection of any experience is very difficult and psychologically a person cannot decide on anything, the structure is blurred, a person feels unsteady, does not feel the foundation, at this time communication with nature, helping others, prayer, meditative state and work with water saves ... Intuition sharpens, inspiration comes to people, everything sharpens and psychic hypersensitivity gives a presentiment of danger. And with harmonious and not harmonious aspects, health suffers, but we are talking about Ptolemaic aspects. The endocrine glands react in a peculiar way, the effect on the blood composition, the lymphatic system suffers, physical weakness and the feeling that there is no vital energy. The general tendency of aspects of Neptune is disorientation.

Inharmonious aspects bear more disappointment, are manifested in weakness of character, there is an imbalance in all the confusion, work suffers from absent-mindedness, confusion in the material and social spheres. A time of excessive fantasy, lies and deception, which do not immediately manifest. But all this leads to extreme lability of the nervous system.

Harmonious aspects- the sensitivity also increases, there can be peaks of inspiration, intuition is significant in relationships, people begin to transmit their feelings to each other. Euphoria and still susceptibility to lies, but the person at this moment is sincere. Vivid dreams, a desire to relax, falling in love, in rare cases - material well-being. But the benefits come and go. A meeting with a paranormal phenomenon is possible. The transit is soft, inconspicuous, involving. Aspect of Neptune goes up to 4 years, then moving away, then approaching in aspect to the natal planet. The description contains brief interpretations of the transit aspects of Neptune in the following topics: 1. business, work 2. personal relationships, love, family. 3. health.

1. Transit aspects of Neptune - business, work

A period of important changes in consciousness, the level of spiritual understanding, significant psychological transformation. From the point of view of business life, the state of finances, you should beware of deception, fraud, involvement in intrigues. If confirmed by other indicators, you can become a victim of threats, blackmail, behind-the-scenes affairs, and fall under unwanted influence. This transit gives you the opportunity to start a new business with brilliance and inspiration or continue what you have begun. In dealing with many issues, you tend to show idealism or excessive arrogance. You tend to avoid responsibility, fulfillment of your duties and obligations. A great time for artists, scientists, healers and psychics.

Important, long-term and positive improvements in mental perception, a turn towards spiritual and creative development, self-realization. Disclosure of many talents, especially poetic, literary or musical talent. Awakening intuitive abilities, inspiration and understanding of the psychology of people will give you a good chance to successfully do business and start new ventures. A favorable period for scientific research, insights and discoveries are possible. A subtle vision of prospects appears. Creative business trips, any trips go well. A great time for rest, travel, creative vacation.

A difficult period of delusions and mistakes. You are deprived of the possibility of a realistic perception of reality, you run the risk of making a lot of miscalculations and wrong steps. Problems due to a tendency to self-deception and avoidance of responsibility. Absent-mindedness, abuse of alcohol and entertainment, participation in gambling can contribute to losses or misunderstandings in business. You may not have enough discipline and vision to continue what you started. Beware of cheating and dishonest behavior towards you! Travel, business trips during this period not only will not bring the desired results, but can be simply dangerous.

It marks the next round of your spiritual development, the disclosure of talents and abilities. Especially favorable for creative professionals (poets, writers, musicians, artists) and scientists, for any in-depth research activity. Intuition increases, perception of psychological nuances in human behavior improves. In terms of doing business, it gives the ability to see perspectives hidden from others. However, you can overestimate your advantages, being in a very idealistic mood. During this period, you are very susceptible to the influence of other people, it is easy not only to convince you, but also to deceive you. You will likely find an increased interest in religion. Travel, business trips combined with the knowledge of spiritual and cultural values ​​or the arrangement of your personal life are beneficial. A good time for rest, travel (especially sea).

A difficult period, characterized primarily by psychological crises, unrest, self-deception and exposure to negative outside influences. In business, you run the risk of becoming a victim of deception, fraud, intrigue, extortion, threats, and various fraud. This transit warns you against communication with criminals, from conducting secret activities, from abuse of pleasure, gambling and intoxicating means, and encourages you to observe the utmost honesty! You tend to refuse to solve pressing problems, avoid personal responsibility and fulfill your duties. The state of nervousness, caused by many reasons, can generally unsettle you. It is best to avoid any travel. They can bring not only frustration, but also direct danger.

A period of significant changes in emotional and spiritual development. Intuition and subconscious activity can help to resolve important issues. But you should beware of deception, especially from women. Perhaps some circumstances will be incomprehensible to you, and the information will not be available. Take your time to make decisions. You tend to go deep into dreams, hover in the clouds. On the other hand, you can more easily understand all the manifestations around.

A long period of awareness of the need for spiritual growth, heartfelt emotional reactions, activation of the subconscious. You are highly susceptible to the feelings and interests of other people, so you will succeed even in a kindly trick, a trifling deception. But be on the lookout yourself, especially with female partners or coworkers. Your imagination and discernment can tell you the best way out of any difficult situation. Increased creative impulses, artistic abilities. A good time to solve property and economic issues, but subject to a realistic approach to their solution. Nevertheless, it is better to postpone the acquisition of real estate and land plots.

A period of mental and emotional stress, irrational activity of the subconscious. In business, you are too impressionable and tend to hover in the clouds, so you should beware of deception and observe crystal honesty yourself. Many ideas that come to you will turn out to be impractical. The activation of subconscious processes makes it difficult to surrender to the business sphere, pressing matters. Care should be taken if contact with petroleum products (eg gasoline) is necessary. Beware of manifestations of theft and fraud. When solving property, economic issues, when buying real estate, the likelihood of fraud from one side or the other is especially high. Understand relationships with female partners and coworkers.

A period of important mental and spiritual evolution, heartfelt emotional reactions, activation of the subconscious. You are highly sensitive to the feelings and interests of others. Inspiration and enhanced imagination, increased intuition will help you solve many of the problems of this period. Discernment will help in practical matters. A good time to harmonize relationships with women partners and employees. Creative impulses and artistic abilities are activated. A good time to solve property and economic issues, but subject to a realistic approach to their solution. Nevertheless, it is better to postpone the acquisition of real estate and land plots.

A long and unique period of serious emotional distress in your life. Sentimentality, painful subconscious processes, breakdown of relationships at work make your success questionable. You tend to shy away from practical matters, from your professional duties. More likely to be cheated, especially by women. An unrealistic approach to solving many issues, confusion of ideas. Waste, irrational use of monetary resources will cause financial difficulties. A confused state of affairs. Be careful when using gas and petroleum products (eg gasoline). Avoid real estate transactions and major property or business issues. You may need to sort out relationships with female partners or coworkers.


A difficult period for any mental, as well as commercial, journalistic and intermediary activity, during which there is both an intensification and spiritualization of mental processes, as well as complexity and self-deception. The creative imagination and subconscious processes are enhanced. Bias and prejudices are more important to you. You are prone to daydreaming, detachment from reality, some projection. Beware of indulging your bad habits and inclinations. You are prone to deception, but you yourself can become a victim of it. Essential information and facts may be hidden from you. Falsity in communication, forgetfulness.

The period of awakening of mental faculties, often - the disclosure of talent in literature, poetry, as well as commercial, intermediary or journalistic activities. A good time for study, any intellectual effort. Inspiration, intuition, insights will help in solving any business. Increased creative thinking, the ability to see the essence of things, to take into account the details. But you must observe the utmost honesty, otherwise you can become a victim of both deception and intrigue on the part of other people, and exposure. Often - an abundance of information in which you can get confused. The realism of their perception deteriorates, and therefore self-deception is possible. You can receive secret information that is beneficial. Good contact with foreign business partners.

A difficult, but the only one in your life, a long period of intellectual failures and delusions. Unfavorable for any kind of mental activity, for mediation, journalistic, literary or commercial activities. Incorrect judgments, self-deception regarding one's mental abilities, lack of academic success, difficulty in assimilating any material. Accompanied by deceit and fraud, intrigue, falsification of facts, obtaining distorted or insufficient information. Past mistakes are threatened with exposure. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, confusion of thoughts. The ideas that have arisen belong more to the section of fantasies than realities. Prejudice and prejudice become more active. Confusion, confusion in business and communication. Strange events or deception during the conclusion of contracts and the signing of documents, during discussions, speeches. Even office equipment and communications can tend to let you down. Beware of theft.

A long period of awakening of mental faculties, often - the disclosure of talent in literature, poetry, as well as commercial, intermediary or journalistic, literary activities. A good time for study, any intellectual effort. Inspiration, intuition, insights will help in solving any business. Increased creative thinking, the ability to penetrate the thoughts and interests of partners. The thought process is subject to extraneous influences, absent-mindedness, unwillingness to work can be observed. Contacts with foreign partners are favorable when a long-awaited agreement can be reached. A good period for planning, if you do not get carried away with dreams. You can get confused in the abundance of information, and there is no guarantee that it will not get to you in a distorted form. Obtaining classified information can be beneficial.

A very difficult, but coming only once in your life, a long period of intellectual difficulties and delusions. Unsuccessful for any kind of mental activity, for mediation, journalistic, literary or commercial activity. Incorrect judgments, self-deception regarding one's mental abilities, lack of academic success, difficulty in assimilating any material. Accompanied by deceit and fraud, intrigue, falsification of facts, obtaining distorted or insufficient information. Past mistakes are threatened with exposure. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, confusion of thoughts. The ideas that have arisen belong more to the section of fantasies than realities. Prejudice and prejudice become more active. Confusion, confusion in business and communication. Strange events or deception during the conclusion of contracts and the signing of documents, during discussions, speeches. Even office equipment and communications can tend to let you down. Beware of theft.

A powerful incentive for artistic, creative self-expression, giving a highly productive period in the activities of art and culture workers, show businessmen and dealers in luxury goods. It is also good for public figures. However, it is fraught with confusion and impracticality, making it difficult to succeed in any field. Financial errors and miscalculations are possible, as well as veiled deception and fraud, intrigue and slander. A good period for travel and travel, recreation and entertainment, as well as for contacts with foreign and distant partners. An interest in culture and art may have an impact on your business or day-to-day activities. There may be a tendency to work in solitude, secret activities, creativity, as well as to conclude secret deals and receive hidden income.

Aesthetic perception, good taste and manners, the need for spiritual development and creative self-expression are enhanced. The period is favorable for art and culture workers, show businessmen, dealers in luxury goods, for public figures. There is a growing demand for the ethics of what is happening around you, for the demands on the manifestations of beauty. You should avoid exposure to emotions and unrealistic projects, as financial mistakes and miscalculations are possible, as well as veiled deception and fraud, intrigue and slander. A good period for travel and travel, for contacts with foreign and distant partners. An interest in culture and art may have an impact on your business or day-to-day activities. The time is favorable for secret affairs or work in solitude, but remember that your ill-wishers also gain some strength. A penchant for secret deals and hidden income.

A period of aesthetic and spiritual delusions, confusion in creative matters. Unfavorable for activities in the field of culture and arts, for social activities, show business, trade in luxury goods. Is fraught with mistakes and miscalculations, financial deception or self-deception. An imbalance in the sensory and emotional spheres, psychological experiences and personal problems threaten with trouble in the business sphere, in contacts. There may be misconceptions about the prospects and feasibility of projects. Activation of secret ill-wishers and dishonest partners. You run the risk of being seriously deceived, intriguing, defamatory and fraudulent. Consideration should be given to the possibility of theft. Unproductive tendencies towards secret activities and obtaining hidden income, the conclusion of secret deals.

A period of increasing aesthetic perception, good taste and manners, the need for spiritual development and creative self-expression. The period is especially favorable for art and culture workers, show businessmen, dealers in luxury goods, for public figures. There is a growing demand for the ethics of what is happening around you, for the demands on the manifestations of beauty. You must avoid emotional and psychological sensitivity. Harmony in public relations, in relations with foreign and distant partners. A good time to travel and travel, but more related to leisure than business. Substantial income is possible from show business, art and luxury trade. You should avoid exposure to emotions and unrealistic projects, as financial mistakes and miscalculations are possible, as well as veiled deception and fraud, intrigue and slander. The period is favorable for secret affairs or creative work in solitude, but remember that your ill-wishers also gain some strength. A penchant for secret deals and hidden income.

It is characterized by eccentric financial policy, inadequate mental and social manifestations. The unrealistic assessment of what is happening, your opportunities and prospects can let you down a lot. Self-deception, commercial fantasies and delusions, secret affairs and the desire for pleasure and entertainment, lack of practicality, manifestations of bad taste. Beware of dubious deals, intrigue, libel, deception and fraud, and avoid acts of hypocrisy yourself. Laziness and inaction, wastefulness, avoiding responsibility and fulfilling duties, alcohol abuse. Getting under unwanted influence. Possible collision with the law or enemies. The period is especially unfavorable for people of culture and arts, show businessmen, dealers in luxury goods. Losses and damages are not excluded, you should beware of theft. Business relationship crisis is possible. Be careful about representing your interests abroad.

A long period of dynamic expression of emotional and mental energy. The manifestations of the aspect are fraught with shortsightedness, wrong steps, overestimation (or underestimation) of strengths and capabilities. It is characterized by a tendency towards secret, covert actions: yours or directed against you, secret activity. It is possible to be involved in the activities of secret, often criminal, organizations, cult groups. Desire for adventure, adventure, or travel. Relations with foreign and distant partners are being updated, their influence and your participation in foreign business are increasing. Care should be taken in financial matters, to be wary of fraud, forgery, deception, theft. This period is not favorable for risky machinations, as their consequences can turn against you.

A period of opportunity to take intuitively and spiritually reinforced constructive steps. Inspiration, creative impulses, striving for artistic or cultural self-realization intensify. Entrepreneurial intuition, cunning, the ability to mislead, healthy competitiveness occupy a prominent place in the successful course of business. The need for secret actions, intrigues, cover-ups, almost harmless fraud, deception is not excluded. A good opportunity to expose your enemies and disguise your own activities. A good period is also for gaining weight in foreign business, successful interaction with foreign or distant partners, as well as for recreation, travel and pleasant adventures. If other aspects do not contradict this, there is the possibility of successfully scrolled scams, winning investments. With all the veil of the situation, your actions should be specific and constructive. An excellent period for the development and demonstration of various talents and skills.

Dangerous period. Involvement in intrigue, power struggle, secret activity is characteristic. The danger of poorly understood steps in business, mistakes and miscalculations, irrationally distributed and directed efforts, overestimation (or underestimation) of their capabilities. Loss of vigilance, addiction to alcohol or other intoxicating substances, sex or pseudo-spiritual practices lead to dire consequences. You will have to deal with deception, fraud, forgery, possibly blackmail, threats. Remember that your enemies and opponents are now well armed. Beware of complicity with criminals. You do not have the situation, the necessary and truthful information, do not expect good news. Beware of theft. Perhaps this is a period of clandestine activities, secret actions. Avoid dubious means of success, risky deals. Absent-mindedness, internal dissatisfaction.

A long period of being favored in solving many cases due to an increase in intuition, creative activity, strengthening of the work of the subconscious and mental processes. Artistic and aesthetic perception, spiritual needs, imagination, abilities and talents are enhanced. Entrepreneurial foresight and healthy competitiveness occupy a prominent place in the successful course of business. A great opportunity to expose your enemies, but know that they are now stronger than ever. A good period is also for gaining weight in foreign business, successful interaction with foreign or distant partners, as well as for recreation, travel and pleasant adventures. If other aspects do not contradict this, there is the possibility of successfully scrolled scams, winning investments. With all the veil of the situation, your actions should be specific and constructive. An excellent period for the development and demonstration of various talents and skills.

A period of emotional turmoil, unpleasant mental experiences. It is fraught with wrong steps in business, misdirected activity, overestimation (or underestimation) of your strengths and capabilities. A period of intrigue, loss, deception and manipulation. Loss of vigilance, addiction to alcohol or other intoxicating substances, sex or pseudo-spiritual practices lead to dire consequences. You will have to deal with scams, fraud, forgery, possibly blackmail, threats. Remember that your enemies and opponents are now well armed. Beware of complicity with criminals. You are not in control of the situation. Impact of circumstances hidden from you. Beware of theft. Perhaps this is a period of clandestine activities, secret actions. Avoid dubious means of success, risky deals. Absent-mindedness, internal dissatisfaction. An attempt to neglect the fulfillment of financial obligations: on your part or partners. During this period, it is necessary to carefully cultivate a practical, realistic view of what is happening.

A period of spiritual search, reflection and awareness of cultural, philosophical and religious values. Favorable for the inspired creativity of scientists, educators and cultural workers, public figures, jurists, lawyers. Aspect in one form or another confronts you with the law - not necessarily on the event plan, more often - it leads to reflections on ethical, moral and ideological values. For business, career, professional affairs, it is fraught with unbridled imagination, hovering in the clouds, unfulfilled hopes, although it does not bring direct destruction and is generally considered favorable. This aspect also gives a creative take-off, poetry, a good ability to express one's thoughts, but it interferes with a realistic vision of prospects, contributes to misconceptions and miscalculations. In business, deception, intrigue and fraud are possible, often innocent and seemingly harmless, Lack of objectivity in decisions. The operation of this transit can also benefit from cooperation with cultural, scientific or religious organizations. The period is favorable for long trips and travel, but rather not of a business, but of an entertainment nature, recreation by the water, boat trips are especially effective. You should limit yourself to alcohol.

A long period of spiritual, moral or cultural development. Favorable for study, advanced training, inspired creativity of scientists, cultural workers, lawyers, public figures. It rarely affects the state of finances or professional success of those employed in other spheres. Your spiritual consciousness, adherence to religious ideas, the generosity of your soul and the breadth of your talents increase. A great period for travel and exploration. A period of idealism and a lack of practicality, which makes business success dubious, although this aspect does not bear destructive tendencies. There is a tendency to deception and fraud of an innocent nature, but later you may suffer because of this. Contact is possible both with law enforcement agencies and with criminals. It is at this time that you can receive a reward for previously shown kindness and generosity.

A period of emotional, spiritual, ideological or cultural self-deception, denial of ethical, moral, religious or legal guidelines. Aspect gives dreaminess, absent-mindedness, impracticality, idealism, illusions, fantasies and unjustified hopes. It is clear that it is difficult to expect success in business, and misconceptions about the possibility of career advancement can unpleasantly let you down. This is not a serious loss, but a rather long period of moral torment and emotional upheaval. You should understand that it will end and not try to get away from reality with the help of alcohol, intoxicants and pseudo-spiritual practices. The search for oneself in religion and various teachings is characteristic. The crisis of the genre among artists, the weakening of the talent of the scientist. Bad period for a religious or public figure, traveler, explorer. Travel and travel setbacks or obstacles. Strange events, collision with the law or, conversely, with criminals. There is a desire to circumvent or break the law. You yourself must be wary of deception, fraud, forgery, intrigue, extortion and threats.

The period of moral, philosophical or religious searches, often - withdrawal into oneself, the desire to work alone, to engage in hidden activities. It is conducive to spiritual and cultural development, educational advancement, and rarely has an impact on business and career. An excellent period for an artist, preacher, public figure and speaker, as well as a traveler or explorer. Your spiritual consciousness, adherence to religious ideas, the generosity of your soul and the breadth of your talents increase. There is a tendency to deception and fraud of an innocent nature, but later you may suffer because of this. Contact is possible both with law enforcement agencies and with criminals. A period of idealism and a lack of practicality, which makes business success dubious, although this aspect does not bear destructive tendencies. It is at this time that you can receive a reward for previously shown kindness and generosity.

A period of emotional, spiritual, ideological or cultural self-deception, denial of ethical, moral, religious or legal guidelines. A period of moral torment and emotional turmoil. Aspect gives dreaminess, absent-mindedness, impracticality, idealism, illusions, fantasies and unjustified hopes. It is clear that it is difficult to expect success in business, and misconceptions about the possibility of career advancement can unpleasantly let you down. The search for oneself in religion and various teachings is characteristic. The crisis of the genre among artists, the weakening of the talent of the scientist. Bad period for a religious or public figure, traveler, explorer. Travel and travel setbacks or obstacles. Strange events, collision with the law or, conversely, with criminals. You can fall prey to deception, fraud, extortion, threats and intrigue.

It presents certain difficulties for successful business, career, professional advancement, as it tends to blur goals, distort the view on the possibility of implementation in a particular area. In some cases, it indicates that you are setting secret goals, engaging in secret (usually criminal, intelligence or mystical) activities. Weakens memory, a realistic perception of time, as well as your obligations. Gives indiscipline, laziness, apathy, unwillingness (or inability) to move forward. A period of internal crisis. Weakens the ability to work productively. Success is possible only in art, music, show business, medical or pharmaceutical, cultural or religious activities, but even then only on condition of maximum concentration and readiness to overcome various obstacles, rejection of conservative views. This period is also accompanied by pessimism, the actualization of ethical, spiritual, cultural and ideological issues. Mistakes in plans, miscalculations in work, overestimation of one's capabilities and good relations with the business environment are likely. Conflicts with laws and involvement of criminals should be avoided. Misconceptions about the state of finances and your reputation. Activating the actions of your enemies. Involvement in deceptions, intrigues, fraud, financial adventures. The possibility of dishonor, scandals and expressions of distrust towards you is a great threat to your reputation and career.

Promotes an unrealistic assessment of one's influence and the possibility of advancement in a career or towards one's goal. It is fraught with mistakes, miscalculations, expressions of mistrust and suspicion if you hold a responsible position, are engaged in politics, administration, and government agencies. However, it does not have a destructive effect and is considered favorable for serious, long-term work, research in any field, as well as creativity, cultural, legal or religious activity. Aspect deepens perception, strengthens adherence to accepted ideas and plans. May indicate relative success in travel, successful paperwork for traveling abroad. Sometimes it helps to promote your interests abroad. Often it means the fulfillment of some of your desires, if they are highly moral and responsible. It is likely that the actions of your enemies will intensify, their strength and capabilities will increase. Aspect warns you about the consequences of collision with the law or participation in the activities of criminal structures.

A period of confusion in business, mistakes and miscalculations, an unrealistic assessment of your abilities and the possibility of further advancement. Difficulty attention, ability to concentrate, weakened memory and sense of time. Your career and reputation can be damaged as a result of deception, fraud, forgery, intrigue and extortion. It is not recommended to bribe officials. It also gives the ambiguity of goals and objectives, rash actions. Often your worldview, moral, ethical, spiritual attitudes come into conflict with the need to fulfill professional duties and obligations. Carrying out leadership functions during this period is undesirable. This is a period of internal crisis, a contradictory emotional state, throwing. Business relationships established at this time, as a rule, are unproductive and insincere, fraught with complications and losses. This is a particularly unfavorable period for people of culture and arts, show business, medical practice, administration, and politics. Conflicts with the law and participation in the activities of criminal elements should be avoided in every possible way. You run the risk of becoming a victim of slander, public condemnation, unjust judgment, hostility from the environment.

Promotes insights, an intuitively correct assessment of one's influence and the possibility of advancement in a career or towards one's goal. It makes it possible to avoid mistakes, miscalculations, expressions of mistrust and suspicion if you hold a responsible position, are engaged in politics, administration, and government agencies. It can give a sudden awareness of the life purpose, inclinations and direction of professional or career growth. However, it does not have a particularly effective impact, but it is considered favorable for serious, long-term work, research in any field, as well as creativity, cultural, legal or religious activity. Aspect deepens perception, strengthens adherence to accepted ideas and plans. May indicate relative success in travel, successful paperwork for traveling abroad. Sometimes it helps to promote your interests abroad. Often it means the fulfillment of some of your desires, if they are highly moral and responsible. It is likely that the actions of your enemies will intensify, their strength and capabilities will increase. Aspect warns you about the consequences of collision with the law or participation in the activities of criminal structures.

A difficult period of throwing and mental crisis, psychological difficulties, discord in business and important relationships. Promotes delusion and illusion, fantasy, rebellion. It does not threaten direct damage, but your reputation may suffer as a result of public scandals, misunderstandings and expressions of mistrust, as well as deception, fraud, intrigue, extortion, bribery. A neurotic state, painful subconscious processes, worries about past mistakes. Feelings of loneliness and insecurity. The tendency to evade responsibility and fulfillment of obligations, substitution of existing realities with the desired situation.The fruits of your hard work, stability of experience and maturity of judgment, as well as your authority, will be threatened by illegal actions, deception, bankruptcy and unknown or disappointed people in you during the period when the transiting Neptune forms opposition to your natal Saturn. Perhaps the same is true for those who symbolize power in your life. The circumstances of this period pose a serious challenge to your ability and desire to overcome your inner fear or anxiety. The traditions and structures that have developed and guided you in the past will become ambivalent and can be misleading. The limitations and boundaries that previously determined your character and lifestyle may disappear. Be on the lookout if you are relieved of your duties or if you yourself give up without leaving a replacement.You should honestly sort out your own psychological problems. Low self-esteem and lack of discipline can make you an unwanted employee. Limit alcohol consumption. Avoid using illegal business practices, clashing with the law and aiding criminals. The period is especially unfavorable for a cultural figure, physician, scientist, traveler, administrator, politician. Your interests abroad may be severely affected. There may be troubles in dealing with foreigners.

A period of inner change, spiritual insight, intuitive insights and inspired creativity. Often indicates a revolution in consciousness. Favorable, first of all, for public figures and ideologists, informal leaders, but mainly for advanced scientists, researchers and inventors, developers of unique technologies, computer hardware and software. Gives success in independent, creative work of any kind. The aspect only in rare cases has an impact on the professional sphere and the state of finances. It intensifies spiritual perception, enhances intuition and brings internal conflicts to the subconscious. Changes in your private affairs are possible only with the inclusion of other aspects or under the influence of large-scale political and economic changes. Gives friendship and support to extraordinary, sensitive, spiritual personalities. The action of the aspect can prompt you to secret, hidden activities, as well as assistance to criminals. It is not excluded that you fall into strange, mysterious circumstances, adherence to groups of a dubious nature. You must beware of deception, fraud, you can become a victim of threats, blackmail and intrigue.

The aspect is favorable for cultural and scientific activities, spiritual creativity, and unusual activities (including occult practices). At this time, consciousness expands, intuition intensifies, insights and discoveries are possible. You begin to pay attention to mental, subconscious processes. A good period for ideologists, art workers, developers of advanced methods and technologies, scientists, for unique research, for healers, scientists, religious and public figures. The main requirement of this aspect is to be honest with yourself and with others, then it will provide you with tremendous opportunities for creative self-realization. A desire for secret, hidden activity may appear. You must avoid contact with the underworld.

A period of internal crisis, deadlock, mental discord, illusions, psychological confusion, exposure to irrational experiences and unwanted influences. Be careful in choosing the means to move towards the goal. This aspect negatively affects the ability to plan constructively and realistic. You are let down or even deceived by friends, associates and colleagues. The aspect is also characterized by a shift in moral and social, spiritual guidelines, the activation of unproductive fantasies. These phenomena can be detrimental to your professional affairs. Especially beware of fraud, intrigue, involvement in the activities of criminal structures and dubious, pseudo-spiritual groups. You run the risk of becoming a victim of machinations, threats, extortion. There is confusion in goals and intentions, a subconscious conflict. Disorder in business, misconception about the true state of your affairs, poor or incorrect information. If these factors are not listed, then large-scale political or economic forces can cause trouble. The negative impact of this aspect on the business sphere should not be overestimated - most often it acts only on the internal plane.

The period is especially favorable for cultural and scientific activities, spiritual creativity, and unusual activities (including occult practices). At this time, consciousness expands, intuition intensifies, insights and discoveries are possible. You begin to pay attention to mental, subconscious processes. A good period for ideologists, art workers, developers of advanced methods and technologies, scientists, for unique research, for healers, scientists, religious and public figures. The main requirement of this aspect is to be honest with yourself and with others, then it will provide you with tremendous opportunities for creative self-realization. A desire for secret, hidden activity may appear. You must avoid contact with the underworld.

A period of internal crisis, deadlock, mental discord, illusions, psychological confusion, exposure to irrational experiences and unwanted influences. Be careful in choosing the means to move towards the goal. This aspect negatively affects the ability to plan constructively and realistic. You are let down or even deceived by friends, associates and colleagues. The aspect is also characterized by a shift in moral and social, spiritual guidelines, the activation of unproductive fantasies. These phenomena can be detrimental to your professional affairs. Especially beware of fraud, deception, involvement in the activities of criminal structures and dubious, pseudo-spiritual groups. You risk becoming a victim of intrigue, threats, extortion. There is confusion in goals and intentions, a subconscious conflict. Disorder in business, misconception about the true state of your affairs, poor or incorrect information. If these factors are not listed, then large-scale political or economic forces can cause trouble. The negative impact of this aspect on the business sphere should not be overestimated - most often it acts only on the internal plane.

The aspect occurs only once during a lifetime - at the age of 26-29 years. Gives activation of spiritual processes, an important period in the development of consciousness. It rarely affects the business sphere and professional affairs, but it gives a powerful impetus to the creative development of cultural and artistic workers, young scientists, doctors, chemists, psychologists, travelers, sailors. Its influence cannot be considered unequivocally positive. This period is often accompanied by disappointment in the chosen profession. It is possible to clarify its effect only at an individual consultation.

Usually observed at the age of 40-42 years and coincides with the so-called. "the crisis of the forties." Its influence causes fatigue from life, disappointment with the profession, the chosen field of activity, mental discord, psychological, internal conflicts. This is a period when only a qualitative leap in spiritual consciousness and development will allow you not to turn into a satiated person who has prematurely aged in soul. It practically has no direct influence on the state of the financial or business sphere. Gives the desire for voluntary isolation (but can also give forced), hidden from prying eyes of activity: creative, criminal or underground. Avoid negative influence on you, influence of unwanted religious, mystical, moral or cultural ideas, pseudo-spiritual practices. Reduce alcohol and relaxation drugs to a minimum - addictive possible! It is possible that your interests are violated abroad.

The aspect occurs only once during a lifetime - at the age of 53-55 years. Gives activation of spiritual processes, an important period in the development of consciousness. It rarely affects the business sphere and professional affairs, but it gives a powerful impetus to the creative development of cultural and artistic workers, scientists, doctors, chemists, psychologists, travelers, sailors. Its influence cannot be considered unequivocally positive. This period is often accompanied by disappointment in the chosen profession. But the aspect gives the last opportunity to find other life guidelines, do something else, get carried away with a hobby or creative activity, patronage, charity, or, conversely, delve into your profession, if you are an enthusiastic person. For truly enthusiastic people, this aspect, as it were, prolongs the period of active professional activity.


We are glad that you have kept your activity and good spirits. This aspect found you in, perhaps, the last decade of your life. Now you need psychological and sometimes physical support from your loved ones. This is a period of moving away from worldly problems and worries, finding peace of mind.

Actualization of the problems of the subconscious. The events taking place during this period seem mysterious, confusing and often supernatural. The aspect stimulates unusual abilities, intuition, a tendency to insight, the possibility of discoveries and creative self-realization due to a revolution in consciousness and important changes in life. Aspect most often does not carry an event load and affects the inner world. But changes in your life can be caused by large-scale political or natural phenomena beyond your control. Can give a rather unpleasant sense of impending danger. Financially, business wise, one should be careful in matters related to corporate business, joint capital, distribution of profits, corporatization, insurance, taxes and duties, as well as alimony and inheritance. Deception, fraud, forgery, intrigue, extortion are possible. Avoid criminal activities. Beware of energetic influences.

Gives activation of the subconscious, the problems of the inner world, spiritual development and creative growth. It promotes important changes in life, but by itself, without the support of other aspects that indicate them, it does not play out on the event plane. Promotes interest in unusual phenomena and areas of knowledge and practice. Suitable for occultists, scientists and researchers, large scale figures and leaders in any industry. The business brings interest and unusual events in the field of joint capital, corporatization and lending, insurance, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as alimony and inheritance.

Period of internal crisis, activation of the problems of the subconscious. It marks the beginning of a qualitatively new round in social and philosophical consciousness, in spiritual development. Gives interest (perhaps not entirely healthy) to unusual phenomena, areas of knowledge and practice. In a business sense, it is unfavorable, characterized by a confused state of finances, especially related to joint capital, issues of distribution of profits, corporatization, credit, insurance, as well as taxes and duties, debt obligations, payment of alimony or inheritance. Perhaps a state of increased danger, pressure from the authorities, extraordinary changes in your life associated with large-scale political or natural phenomena. It is advisable to exclude staying in a crowd, queues, participation in public speeches, rallies, demonstrations.

The period of activation for you of philosophical, religious, spiritual and occult problems, the growth of consciousness and the development of the subconscious. You gain inspiration and intuitive development through the processes of creativity, research, application of best practices or scientific concepts, and learning in unusual areas of knowledge and practice. A great time for leading scientists, travelers, occultists, psychics, psychologists, cultural and public figures, major politicians and leaders in any industry. In terms of the state of finances, the aspect is favorable for resolving issues of loans and subsidies, the payment of alimony or inheritance. Probably making a profit in the corporate business, from corporatization, insurance. A successful solution to the problems of taxes and duties.

First of all, it gives a huge potential for spiritual awareness and expansion, opportunities for cultural and creative development. For fans of a routine lifestyle, important life changes can occur under the influence of large-scale political, economic or natural events. This is a difficult period, accompanied by psychological breakdown, internal crisis, worries and disappointments. Nevertheless, it always gives rise to a new stage in life, into which you will enter with more or less significant losses. A difficult period for scientists and researchers, politicians and big businessmen. From the point of view of the financial sphere, any dishonest manipulation and fraud should be avoided. Losses and problems in corporate business are possible due to joint investments, corporatization, insurance, loans, debt obligations, as well as taxes and duties. Unsuccessful solution to the issues of payment of alimony or inheritance.

2. Personal relationships, love, family


During this period, you tend to be too idealistic to perceive your romantic hobbies. The tendency to love affairs among married people increases. Perhaps the emergence of a secret attachment, an unreasonable hobby for pleasures (as well as alcoholic beverages). It is better not to think about the meaning of love relationships in your life and about the level of family relationships - their pessimistic perception can adversely affect the state of both the relationship itself and your psyche. Relationships that arise during this period, as a rule, end in disappointment, but they can also give ideal love. This transit gives an intuitive psychological understanding of children, this period can be used to harmonize relations with them.




Heightened understanding of the beautiful, subtle perception of the mental processes of loved ones. A great time for rest, joint travel (especially sea trips), during which one should not abuse alcohol and neglect spiritual values. New romantic attachments may arise. At this time, you tend to largely idealize your partner or spouse and your relationship. Pay more attention to the children - this is a good time to instill in them cultural, religious and spiritual ideas.


You feel a chaos of thoughts and feelings. They tend to deceive a partner, spouse, family, children, so do not be surprised at deception in relation to yourself. Your relationship will be negatively affected by passivity, alcohol abuse, and the desire for sexual excesses. You are also prone to self-deception, therefore, a romantic relationship that has begun these days, despite the apparent harmony, will bring disappointment in the future. Perhaps the emergence of secret passion and deception in love. Your communication with children can cause problems. On these days, separation, separation, breakdown of relations, thoughts of divorce are possible.


The psychological state caused by this aspect can be excruciating. It is impossible to predict how it will affect family and love relationships, so many intuitively seek solitude at this time. Nevertheless, if you are confident in your relationship, you can use this period for their harmonization, heartfelt conversations, joint participation in religious events. Misconceptions about feelings and attitudes on the part of women close to you or towards them are characteristic. Misunderstanding, possible deception, intrigue.




You are sensitive to the feelings of people close to you and can influence them. Good relationships are established with women. This period can be used to further harmonize relations. Joint participation in religious events, sea and river walks will have a beneficial effect. Probably a good solution to economic or property problems, but it is better to postpone the purchase of real estate.


Unmanifest difficulties in family relationships. It is difficult for you to understand their reason, but you will have to deal with it, especially in relations with women close to you. Some subconscious processes, complexes prevent you from adequately treating the manifestations of loved ones and loved ones. Difficulties can be of a material, financial nature. Your scale of values ​​is somewhat distorted, you are prone to deception, and you yourself can become a victim of it. Confusion in family, household matters. Not the best time to buy real estate, to solve property and economic problems - when buying, deception is possible.

In communication with relatives and loved ones, falsity appears, a tendency to deception, there is no sincerity and trust. The confusion of household and personal affairs. You can become a victim of gossip, slander. You should not make significant purchases or transactions - there is a high probability of deception.


The ability to penetrate thoughts and aspirations increases, to realize the interests of loved ones and loved ones, therefore constructive communication is possible. Sensitivity, receptivity to words increases, which does not exclude the possibility of resentment. A good period for joint participation in cultural and religious events, communication with the beautiful.



The ability to penetrate thoughts and aspirations increases, to realize the interests of loved ones and loved ones, therefore constructive communication is possible. Sensitivity, receptivity to words increases, which does not exclude the possibility of resentment. A good period for joint participation in cultural and religious events, communication with the beautiful.


In communication with loved ones and loved ones, falsity appears, a tendency to deception, there is no sincerity and trust. The confusion of household and personal affairs. You can become a victim of gossip, slander. Beware of theft. The period is unfavorable for obtaining certificates, documents, certificates. Beware of being cheated by younger relatives, friends, or neighbors.


Spiritual unity with loved ones and loved ones. Favorable joint participation in cultural, entertainment and religious activities, as well as boat or river walks. A good period for family celebrations, explanations, engagement or marriage. Secret love and sexual interests are possible. Romance, laziness and inaction. For all the positivism of this transit, it gives rise to the danger of deception and intrigue on the part of both dear people and secret ill-wishers.




The possibility of spiritual unity with loved ones and loved ones. Favorable joint participation in cultural, entertainment and religious activities, as well as boat or river walks. A good period for family celebrations, explanations, engagement or marriage. Secret love and sexual interests are possible. Romance, laziness and inaction. For all the positivism of this transit, it gives rise to the danger of deception and intrigue on the part of both dear people and secret ill-wishers.


Quite a critical period for marriage and love relationships. Although it does not bear destructive tendencies, it increases the likelihood of strong feelings, disappointment, love suffering, the need to make sacrifices. Unfavorable period for moving, relocating, as well as family events related to moving or staying on the water. Sexual abuse can lead to conflicts. Excessive craving for pleasures and sybarism, alcohol, secret relationships, daydreaming, deceitful feelings, pseudo-romanticism. You can become a victim of deception, intrigue, gossip and slander.


Deception, fraud, scandals and intrigues in the family. Your personal enemies are now stronger than ever. Disappointments, quarrels and partings with loved ones, forced parting, difficult experiences, losses in personal life are likely. Secrets, unpleasant facts, hard-hitting information are revealed. The desire to experience unusual sensations, craving for adventure and travel, adventures that you must avoid! Dangers from sea or river walks. A tendency to scam, deception, treason, intrigue. But you yourself can suffer from such actions on the part of other people. Frustration of plans, disappointments, losses. Possibly theft of property, assault.




Intuition rises. A good vision of what is happening around you, you will be able to understand the relationship of your loved ones, as well as enemies - and not let yourself be fooled. In family and personal affairs, unexpected incidents and vague circumstances are likely, which, nevertheless, will not confuse you and will not be taken by surprise. Possibility of constructive transformations in family and personal life.


Deception, fraud, scandals and intrigues in the family. Your personal enemies are now stronger than ever. Disappointments, quarrels and partings with loved ones, forced parting, difficult experiences, losses in personal life are likely. Secrets, unpleasant facts, hard-hitting information are revealed. The desire to experience unusual sensations, craving for adventure and travel, adventures that you must avoid! Sexual revelry, excess. Dangers from sea or river walks. A tendency to scam, deception, treason, intrigue. But you yourself can suffer from such actions on the part of other people. Frustration of plans, disappointments, losses. Possibly theft of property, assault. Postpone the decision of questions about alimony or inheritance.


A happy period of spiritual unity with loved ones and loved ones. He is accompanied by falling in love, sincere, partly idealized relationship. But in some cases, there is a tendency to deception and betrayal - you or you yourself can become a victim of them. An excellent period for a wedding or baptism ceremony.


A happy period of spiritual unity with loved ones and loved ones. He is accompanied by love, sincere, partly idealized relationships, generosity and kindness, a desire to help, dedication and even sometimes sacrifice. But in some cases, there is a tendency to deception and betrayal - you or you yourself can become a victim of them. Such relationships are most often not intimate, but platonic in nature and do not pose any danger to marriage. An excellent period for a wedding or baptism ceremony. A good time for family holidays, travel, especially sea travel.



A happy period of spiritual unity with loved ones and loved ones. He is accompanied by falling in love, sincere, partly idealized relationships, generosity and kindness, a desire to help, dedication and even sometimes sacrifice. But in some cases, there is a tendency to deception and betrayal - you or you yourself can become a victim of them. Such relationships are most often not intimate, but platonic in nature and do not pose any danger to marriage. An excellent period for a wedding or baptism ceremony. A great period for family holidays and travel, especially sea trips.


A period of spiritual quest, mental anguish and self-deception. The search for trusting relationships and generous feelings is surprisingly combined with a penchant for cheap pleasure, withdrawal or wallowing in fleeting relationships. The consequences of this influence are often unpredictable. You yourself can become a victim of intrigue, deception, gossip and fraud on the part of your loved ones or loved ones, as well as an object of blackmail and involvement in criminal actions by your enemies. Bad time for celebrations, weddings, engagement, especially signing a marriage contract. Bad period for rest and travel, especially sea. It is also not suitable for baptism, wedding, taking an oath, ordination, or consecration.



An unstable emotional and mental state, however, will not prevent you from strengthening relationships of any kind. During this period, you tend to be honest and decent with loved ones, strive for mutual understanding. Older relatives can be troublesome and problematic. You should limit the intake of alcohol and psychotropic drugs, as they tend to have an inappropriate effect. This period is fraught with mistakes in making important life decisions.


Irrational emotional background, self-pity and painful subconscious processes interfere with the successful course of family or love relationships. Only an honest solution to your psychological problems will help keep the relationship dear to you. Although this aspect does not directly indicate the likelihood of a divorce or a break in relations, there is a high probability of deception or self-deception, betrayal, intrigue and fraud on the part of loved ones. May mean the need to care for elderly relatives or their hospitalization. Not the best time for sea cruises. You should protect yourself and your home as much as possible.


A stable emotional and mental state will help you strengthen relationships of any kind. During this period, you tend to be honest and decent with loved ones, strive for mutual understanding. Older relatives can be troublesome and problematic. You should limit the intake of alcohol and psychotropic drugs, as they tend to have an inappropriate effect. This period is fraught with mistakes in making important life decisions.


Irrational emotional background, self-pity and painful subconscious processes interfere with the successful course of family or love relationships. Only an honest solution to your psychological problems will help keep the relationship dear to you. Although this aspect does not directly indicate the likelihood of a divorce or a break in relations, there is a high probability of deception or self-deception, betrayal, intrigue and fraud on the part of loved ones. May mean the need to care for elderly relatives or their hospitalization. Not the best time for sea cruises. You should protect yourself and your home as much as possible.


Gives a tendency to infidelity, hobbies and fantasies, the desire for flirting and love adventures, the tendency to idealize the object of his affection, the desire for "ideal" love, an active search for it. In some cases, you can actually meet such a person, the relationship with whom will develop exciting and unpredictable. Friends tend to let you down. Misconceptions about friendly feelings.


Gives a tendency to infidelity, hobbies and fantasies, the desire for flirting and love adventures, the tendency to idealize the object of his affection, the desire for "ideal" love, an active search for it. In some cases, you can actually meet such a person with whom the relationship will develop in exciting and unpredictable ways. It is possible to find a reliable, beloved friend.



Gives a tendency to infidelity, hobbies and fantasies, the desire for flirting and love adventures, the tendency to idealize the object of his affection, the desire for "ideal" love, an active search for it. In some cases, you can actually meet such a person with whom the relationship will develop in exciting and unpredictable ways. Probably finding a reliable, beloved friend.


Gives a tendency to infidelity, hobbies and fantasies (including sexual), the desire for flirting and love adventures, the tendency to idealize the object of his affection, the desire for "ideal" love, an active search for it. But it also brings disappointments, unfulfilled hopes, unjustified illusions. Misconceptions about friendly feelings, deception on the part of friends, or trouble because of them are especially characteristic.


We are glad that you are interested in our forecasts and have looked so far ahead, but this aspect does not occur during a life of usual duration. Sometimes he can act in infancy and means that forces beyond the control of either the child or his family can change his life.


It occurs between the ages of 26-29 and often coincides with disappointment with the first marriage and relationship with a spouse. It does not have destructive tendencies, but somewhat activates the search for extramarital partners, the desire for "ideal", often platonic, love. Inclines to betrayal and deception, however, kind and ingenuous. Leads to the idealization of the acquired object of sympathy. A great period for family travel, especially sea trips.


Occurs at the age of 40-42 and coincides with disappointments with a marriage partner, the style of family relationships. This aspect does not bear destructive tendencies, but an individual consultation of an astrologer will not harm you. Often leads to the search for an "ideal" partner, romantic and sexual fantasies, sometimes - to perversions. A tendency to cheat and deception. You yourself can also become a victim of them. Bad time for travel, especially sea travel.


Occurs at the age of 53-55 years and provides the last opportunity to harmonize relations with a spouse, a sense of spiritual unity. The use of this opportunity is the guarantee of a happy unequal old age. In certain cases, however, it can intensify the search for extramarital partners, the desire for "ideal", often platonic, love. Inclines to betrayal and deception, however, kind and ingenuous. Leads to the idealization of the acquired object of sympathy. A great period for family travel, especially sea trips.

We are glad that you have kept your activity and good spirits. This aspect found you in, perhaps, the last decade of your life. Now you need psychological and sometimes physical support from your loved ones.


Confused financial affairs of your spouse, which also affect your well-being. In some cases, it may indicate an encounter with the death of another person. The period is unfavorable for decisive changes in your personal life, but they can occur regardless of your will, under the influence of circumstances or large-scale, political or natural phenomena. The actualization of the issues of the payment of alimony or inheritance is likely. It can give rise or actualization of bad habits and sexual perversions, sexual problems.


Unusual financial changes related to your spouse's or partner's money. Sometimes it indicates the possibility of receiving inheritance by will, updating the problems of paying alimony. May give increased sexual needs and related problems.


A difficult period for marriage and personal relationships. A wide variety of shocks are possible, the nature of which can be clarified only at individual consultation. The negativism of this aspect should not be overestimated - most often it is played only on the inner, psychological plane and does not carry an event load. But perhaps a confusing financial condition associated with the affairs of a spouse or partner. You can fall prey to pressure from power structures, large-scale political or natural shocks. Sexual problems, perversions, the need for intimate contacts are aggravated.


Unusual financial changes related to your spouse's or partner's money. Sometimes it indicates the possibility of obtaining inheritance by will, the actualization of the problems of paying alimony. May give increased sexual needs and related problems.


A difficult period for marriage and personal relationships. A wide variety of shocks are possible, the nature of which can be clarified only at individual consultation. The negativism of this aspect should not be overestimated - most often it is played only on the internal, psychological plane and does not carry an event load. But perhaps a confusing financial condition associated with the affairs of a spouse or partner. You can fall prey to pressure from power structures, large-scale political or natural shocks. Sexual problems, perversions, the need for intimate contacts are aggravated.

3. Health


Ambiguously affects the state of your psyche. Therefore, you can experience bouts of depression, melancholy, but also fantasies, hovering in the clouds. For some people, this aspect gives a state of psychological comfort, harmony and high spirits. A great time for hardening the body, water procedures. Edema and associated worsening of the underlying disease (eg, hypertension) are possible. Probably an increased craving for alcohol, psychotropic, intoxicating drugs, poisoning with them and addiction are possible. The course of mental illness is intensified.


You will feel spiritual harmony, heightened perception, and a favorable psychological background will have a beneficial effect on the condition of even seriously ill people. It is possible to activate ailments associated with a violation of water metabolism in the body (for example, kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.). The need for alcohol and intoxicants is increasing. In a teenage horoscope, it can mean the first acquaintance with them. Perfect time for water quenching. Perhaps a beneficial psychic effect of psychic or other similar methods.


Unfavorable period for health. Due to violations of water metabolism in the body, the condition of patients with renal diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus worsens. The emergence of diseases with a latent course, unclear symptoms, difficult to diagnose is possible. Test results can distort the true picture. Care should be taken with drugs, alcohol, aggressive media, and water. Boat trips can be dangerous and normal water activities can be harmful. You should also be careful when dealing with strangers. Pregnant women should be careful about the amount of fluids they consume. Strong tendency to neurosis. Passion for alcohol or other intoxicating substances.


You will feel spiritual harmony, heightened perception, and a favorable psychological background will have a beneficial effect on the condition of even seriously ill people. It is possible to activate ailments associated with a violation of water metabolism in the body (for example, kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.). The need for alcohol and intoxicants is increasing. In a teenage horoscope, it can mean the first acquaintance with them. Perfect time for water quenching. Perhaps a beneficial psychic effect of psychic or other similar methods.


Unfavorable period for health. Due to violations of water metabolism in the body, the condition of patients with renal diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus worsens. The emergence of diseases with a latent course, unclear symptoms, difficult to diagnose is possible. Test results can distort the true picture. Care should be taken with drugs, alcohol, aggressive media, and water. Boat trips can be dangerous and normal water activities can be harmful. You should also be careful when dealing with strangers. Pregnant women should be careful about the amount of fluids they consume. Strong tendency to neurosis. Passion for alcohol or other intoxicating substances.


Period of exacerbation of mental processes. You yourself are not able to adequately assess what is happening, underestimate or overestimate your feelings. Surveys carried out during this period, as a rule, do not give a true picture. Making a true diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment are impossible. Neuroses, the condition of the mentally ill worsens: delirium, hallucinations, delirium, somnambulism. A good period for planned hospitalization.




The period of activation of mental activity. An aggravation of the course of mental and psychosomatic diseases is possible. Pay attention to your dreams. Shown are boat trips, warm foot baths. A good period for planned hospitalization. Unusual sensations in the stomach (and for women, also in the mammary glands) indicate the need for an examination.


Neuroses are activated, the condition of the mentally ill worsens, delirium begins. Digestive problems are possible. Making a true diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment are impossible. Despite this, if unpleasant symptoms occur from the stomach or, in women, the mammary glands, it is necessary to undergo an examination. It is better to give up water procedures, boat trips, swimming. If confirmed by other indicators, there is always a danger of drowning during this transit. Be careful when using gas and oil products (gasoline, kerosene).


You become extremely sensitive to dietary changes. The tendency to take alcohol and the effects of drugs increases, in connection with which vigilance should be exercised. Severe, difficult to diagnose diseases can manifest themselves. Sometimes this transit coincides with sea travel or travel. This period is not suitable for examination and diagnosis, doctors tend to hide their conclusions. Diseases of the respiratory system are difficult, the tendency to croupous pneumonia, purulent pleurisy, and hydrosis of the lungs increases.




A good period for health promotion, meditation practices, water procedures, sea or river walks. It is favorable for examination, diagnosis and treatment, visiting psychics, clairvoyants.


Symptoms of many diseases, especially lung diseases, appear or worsen. Postpone swimming, boat trips, water treatments. If confirmed by other indicators, the threat of accidents increases, especially those associated with the use of alcohol and intoxicating drugs (including drugs). Be careful when driving and vigilant when taking medications. The period of activation of bad habits.


A positive emotional attitude. It is possible to activate some diseases, especially those related to the hormonal sphere and imbalance in the exchange of fluids in the body, as well as diseases of the thyroid and thymus glands. Water procedures and walks have a positive effect. A good period for drug therapy, drugs will have the greatest effect. Propensity to abuse alcohol and entertainment, sex.




A positive emotional attitude. It is possible to activate some diseases associated with the hormonal sphere and imbalance in the exchange of fluids in the body, diseases of the thyroid and thymus glands. Water procedures and walks have a positive effect. Good period for drug therapy, drugs will have the greatest effect. Addiction to alcohol abuse, entertainment, sex.


This is a fairly critical period for health. Deterioration of the course of many diseases, especially those related to metabolism, hormonal disorders, especially diseases of the thyroid and thymus glands. Avoid swimming and plating, or be careful on the water. An infectious disease is possible, as well as an accident, if this is confirmed by other aspects. The propensity to abuse alcohol, in addition to the destructive effect on the body, can lead to clashes with the law. Sexual perversion or problems.


The main danger of this transit is the misuse or prescription of drugs, which will entail harmful consequences. Avoid anesthesia, hallucinogens, alcohol, drugs. Actions committed under their influence can be criminal. Threat of accident, violence, injury and injury, danger of drowning, scalding with boiling water. It is better to give up water treatments. The symptoms you may be experiencing during this time can be extremely peculiar. You should pay attention to them, as they can be a manifestation of a severe and difficult to diagnose disease. This period should not be used for hospitalization and surgery. Poisoning is possible - food or medicinal.



The main danger of this transit is the misuse or prescription of drugs, which will entail harmful consequences. Avoid anesthesia, hallucinogens, alcohol, drugs. Actions committed under their influence can be criminal. Threat of accident, violence, injury and injury, danger of drowning, scalding with boiling water. It is better to give up water treatments. The symptoms you may be experiencing during this time can be extremely peculiar. You should pay attention to them, as they can be a manifestation of a severe and difficult to diagnose disease. This period should not be used for hospitalization. You may become a victim of abuse or medical error. Poisoning is possible - food or medicinal. Hypnotic or extrasensory effects are contraindicated.


A good period for active chemotherapy intervention, hypnotherapy, psycho-training, psychic treatment, therapeutic fasting and spiritual practices. Although it is possible that more material carriers will interfere in these processes. Anesthesia is well tolerated, so you can prescribe a planned operation, as well as hospitalization. Water treatments will have a good effect.


The main danger of this transit is the misuse or prescription of drugs, which will entail harmful consequences. Avoid anesthesia, hallucinogens, alcohol, drugs. Actions committed under their influence can be criminal. Threat of accident, violence, injury and injury, danger of drowning, scalding with boiling water. It is better to give up water treatments. The symptoms you may be experiencing during this time can be extremely peculiar. You should pay attention to them, as they can be a manifestation of a severe and difficult to diagnose disease. This period should not be used for hospitalization. You may be the victim of abuse or medical error. Poisoning is possible - food or medicinal. Hypnotic or extrasensory effects are contraindicated.


Symptoms of rare, difficult to diagnose diseases are possible. The course of mental illness worsens, seizures are possible. People who are prone to alcohol and drug abuse begin to binge. If this aspect occurs in the prognosis for a child, parents should keep in mind the possibility of his contact with drugs. A good time for health trips, especially sea trips, for water hardening, balneotherapy. Pregnant women should monitor the amount of fluid they consume. A good period for hospitalization.


There may be some increase in the symptoms of rare, difficult to diagnose diseases. The course of mental illness often intensifies. People prone to alcohol abuse and drug use begin to binge. If this aspect occurs in the prognosis for a child, parents should keep in mind the possibility of his acquaintance with drugs. A good time for health trips, especially sea trips, for water hardening, balneotherapy. Pregnant women should monitor their fluid intake. A good period for hospitalization.



A slight increase in the symptoms of rare, difficult-to-diagnose diseases is possible. The course of mental illness often intensifies. People who are prone to alcohol and drug abuse begin to binge. If this aspect occurs in the prognosis for a child, parents should keep in mind the possibility of his acquaintance with drugs. A good time for health trips, especially sea trips, for water hardening, balneotherapy. Pregnant women should monitor the amount of fluid they consume. Suitable period for hospitalization.


The appearance or intensification of symptoms of rare, difficult to diagnose diseases is possible. The course of mental illness worsens, seizures are possible. People who are prone to alcohol and drug abuse begin to binge. If this aspect occurs in the prognosis for a child, parents should keep in mind the possibility of his contact with drugs. It is not a good time for health trips, especially sea trips, for water hardening, balneological procedures. Pregnant women should monitor their fluid intake. Unfavorable period for hospitalization. If an operation is scheduled, your anesthesiologist should be warned about the increased and inadequate effect of anesthesia on you during this period.


Irrational fears and anxiety, painful experience of past mistakes, hypochondria and self-pity. Spiritual practices, communication with psychics, healers, fortune-tellers should be avoided. This is not even the best period to consult an astrologer. This aspect is a strong indication of the need to stop all chemotherapy (it will still be ineffective and can lead to complications or poisoning). Consideration should be given to the possibility of poisoning with other substances, chemicals, alcohol. This is an unfortunate time for the treatment of alcoholism or drug addiction, the fight against bad inclinations of any kind. Increases susceptibility to any infections, susceptibility to diseases of unknown origin, with deceptive symptoms. A diagnosis made at this time is likely to be incorrect and a treatment strategy should not be developed. Not the best time for planned hospitalization. Not the best time for sea voyages or balneological procedures - danger from water. Potential injury, injury, accident from misconduct or intoxication. Sometimes it gives infectious or allergic skin diseases.


One of the most successful periods for planned hospitalization, comprehensive examination, diagnosis and treatment strategy development. The treatment started at this time will not give quick results, but it guarantees undoubted success, provided that all the instructions are followed. Care should be taken when taking medication and increased fluid intake. The most favorable time for the treatment of alcoholism or drug addiction, as well as for contacting healers and psychics.



One of the good times for NS Lanovoy Gentlemen that lization, comprehensive examination, diagnosis and treatment strategy development. The treatment started at this time will not give quick results, but it guarantees undoubted success, provided that all the instructions are followed. Care should be taken when taking medication and increased fluid intake. The most favorable time for the treatment of alcoholism or drug addiction, as well as for contacting healers and psychics.


Irrational fears and anxiety, painful experience of past mistakes, hypochondria and self-pity. Spiritual practices, communication with psychics, healers, fortune-tellers should be avoided. This is not even the best period to consult an astrologer. This aspect is a strong indication of the need to stop all chemotherapy (it will still be ineffective and can lead to complications or poisoning). Consideration should be given to the possibility of poisoning with other substances, chemicals, alcohol. This is an unfortunate time for the treatment of alcoholism or drug addiction, the fight against bad inclinations of any kind. Increases susceptibility to any infections, susceptibility to diseases of unknown origin, with deceptive symptoms. A diagnosis made at this time is likely to be incorrect and a treatment strategy should not be developed. Not the best time for planned hospitalization. Not the best time for sea voyages or balneological procedures - danger from water. It also increases the risk of accidents as a result of incorrect actions, intoxication.


Strengthens metabolism, activates hormonal changes in the body. Warns of danger from water, especially from contact with electricity. May contribute to the appearance of unusual symptoms, illnesses that are not expressed or are difficult to diagnose. Activation of neuroses and mental disorders, the emergence of bad habits. You should stop using alcohol and intoxicating drugs and practices, exclude visiting sessions of hypnosis, psychoanalysis, psychics and fortune-tellers. Surgical intervention is undesirable due to the inadequate action of anesthesia on your body at this time.



Metabolism is disturbed, diseases associated with its violation are activated. The water balance and the lymphatic system are particularly affected. In some cases, the aspect can cause unwanted and premature hormonal changes in the body. May contribute to the appearance of unusual symptoms, illnesses that are not expressed or are difficult to diagnose. Deterioration of the course of neuroses and mental illnesses, activation of bad habits. Susceptibility to alcohol, drugs, psychotropic drugs increases, due to which addiction is not excluded. Giving anesthesia during surgery can lead to unpredictable consequences.


Strengthens metabolism, activates hormonal changes in the body. May contribute to the appearance of unusual symptoms, illnesses that are not expressed or are difficult to diagnose. Inadequate course of neuroses and mental illnesses, activation of bad habits. Susceptibility to alcohol, drugs, psychotropic drugs increases, due to which addiction is not excluded. Giving anesthesia during surgery can lead to unpredictable consequences.


Metabolism is disturbed, diseases associated with its violation are activated. The water balance and the lymphatic system are particularly affected. In some cases, the aspect can cause unwanted and premature hormonal changes in the body. May contribute to the appearance of unusual symptoms, illnesses that are not expressed or are difficult to diagnose. Deterioration of the course of neuroses and mental illnesses, activation of bad habits. Susceptibility to alcohol, drugs, psychotropic drugs increases, due to which addiction is not excluded. Giving anesthesia during surgery can lead to unpredictable consequences.


We are glad that you are interested in our forecasts and have looked so far ahead, but this aspect does not occur during a life of usual duration. Sometimes he can act in infancy and means that forces beyond the control of either the child or his family can change his life.


The aspect usually occurs at the age of 26-29 years and gives the first, vague and blurred symptoms of a further health disorder. Therefore, the appearance of such symptoms should remind you of the need for regular medical examinations. Probably an increase in existing diseases associated with metabolic disorders, disorders of hormonal functions and the immune system. Bad habits are activated, the need for alcohol and intoxicants is increased. If an operation is scheduled for this period, your anesthesiologist should be warned about the inadequate, increased effect of drugs on you. A good time for travel, especially sea travel, for balneotherapy, water hardening.


The aspect occurs at the age of 40-42 years and coincides with the first, sometimes not pronounced symptoms of aging of the body. It is characterized by weakness, apathy, increased fatigue, "life fatigue." During this period, they tend to become more active, to reveal themselves hidden, difficult to diagnose diseases of a chronic nature. You should carefully consider the possibility of addiction to alcohol, psychotropic drugs. Refrain from visiting psychics, healers, fortune-tellers, and mediumistic practices. All this can have the most undesirable consequences. It is not recommended to carry out a planned operation at this time due to the possibility of an overdose or inadequate action of anesthesia. Refrain from traveling, especially by water, from balneological treatments. The danger from water persists throughout the entire period. Premenopausal hormonal or immune disorders are likely. Mental illness, delirium, and seizures become more active.


The effect of the aspect usually occurs at the age of 53-55 years and gives significant, but sometimes unclear and blurred symptoms of aging and climacteric or postmenopausal restructuring of the body. If the period of menopause coincided with the action of this aspect, then in most cases it will pass smoothly and without any particular shocks. Probably an increase in existing diseases associated with metabolic disorders, disorders of hormonal functions and the immune system. Bad habits are activated, the need for alcohol and intoxicants is increased. If an operation is scheduled for this period, your anesthesiologist should be warned about the inadequate, increased effect of drugs on you. The period is favorable for travel, especially sea, balneotherapy, water hardening.


We are glad that you have kept your activity and good spirits. This aspect found you in, perhaps, the last decade of your life. Now you need psychological and sometimes physical support from your loved ones. The appearance of symptoms of difficult-to-diagnose diseases is possible, the definition of which is also difficult due to the deterioration of most systems and organs. Metabolic diseases, immune system diseases are most likely.


Unusual changes in health status. The period of the aspect is often accompanied by metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, disorders of the immune and lymphatic systems. It is considered unfavorable and hazardous to health. Throughout the entire period, the danger of severe poisoning, violence and injury persists. Promotes the activation of bad habits and sexual perversions.



Difficult period. It is characterized by an increased sense of danger. During the entire duration of the aspect, the possibility of serious illness, injury, violence, accident remains. A particularly great threat is posed by being in a crowd of people, as well as political and natural phenomena. Danger of poisoning. Increased susceptibility to negative energy influences.


Promotes the activation of diseases that are difficult to diagnose, accompanied by mild symptoms and difficult to treat. But at the same time it increases the success of treatment with the help of energy and mental influences (hypnosis, extrasensory perception, psychoanalysis, meditation practices, etc.). Often gives an activation of sexual needs, which is sometimes accompanied by certain problems.


Difficult period. It is characterized by an increased sense of danger. During the entire duration of the aspect, the possibility of serious illness, injury, violence, accident remains. A particularly great threat is posed by being in a crowd of people, as well as political and natural phenomena. Danger of poisoning. Increased susceptibility to negative energetic influences.

Organic receptivity, emotional sensitivity and impressionability. The action of transit Neptune and its influence is still difficult to establish with sufficient certainty. But by its planetary principle, it tends to make the organism more receptive.

What do the transits of Neptune predict through the houses of the horoscope?

It makes the soul more sensitive and impressionable, and also creates some kind of spiritual confusion and confusion, causing confusion and bewilderment, deception and fraud. This is especially true when the transit Neptune moves over the Ascendant or Meridian or over their strong aspects.

In general, Neptune acts more and affects the soul of a person, the world of his feelings, his mood, sensuality and sensations, his sensitivity and impressionability. All mediums and people associated with the world of the occult, clairvoyants and other people of this kind have their abilities only thanks to Neptune.

Immersion in a state of trance, clairvoyance and psychometry, like all other similar phenomena, is a pure gift from Neptune.

But at the same time, it also creates a certain lability of the organism, soul and spirit, expressed in the form of various manias and passions, habits and streams of a violent and coercive nature, in a change of mood, in a lack of sincerity and frankness, a tendency to lie and slander, to deception, fraud, swindle.

  • Transit Neptune Aspects

But all this has a clear expression only with the damaged aspects of the Moon of Mercury, Mercury of Saturn, Mercury of Neptune. In these cases, the above-mentioned qualities a given person can show in various nuances and options: from abundant fantasy to the most outright lie, from the search for the passions of the soul to the loss of strength, from the sensitivity and impressionability of the soul in a good sense to unrestraint, instability and unreasonableness in a bad sense.

Aspects last for about 2 years. The time when the transit Neptune is in favorable aspects with the transiting Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Mars is good and useful to use for treatment, vacations and hobbies, for communication with foreigners or people who are abroad, or for foreign travel. It is good to use this time for scientific research, inventions and creative work in the field of science and technology, medicine, art, music, occultism.

What do the transits of Neptune bring to different houses of the horoscope?

Transit of Neptune through the 1st House of the horoscope

B (+) a person intuitively chooses the correct and harmonious path of development. A subtle observation, a psychological gift appears, a person discovers new spiritual values ​​and a high life goal. Inspiration, self-confidence.

In (-) the evil softens, "erodes" the personality, the person becomes sentimental, fanatical, prone to illusions and fantasies, to self-deception, lives in an unreal world, can go into alcoholism, drug addiction, and succumb to bad habits. It is difficult to get him out of this state, because he justifies all his vices and shortcomings and continues to live in a fog. Can get to the point of insanity.

Transit of Neptune through the 2nd House of the horoscope

In (+) intuition in solving material problems, acquiring, understanding nature, spiritual and physical forces are accumulated, occult abilities are enhanced.

In (-) illusions and chaos in solving material problems, a person ceases to monitor his expenses, loses money, gives or borrows and forgets, gets involved in adventurous machinations, buys random unnecessary things. Indulges his bad habits, including eating, drinks a lot of fluids.

Transit of Neptune through the 3rd House of the horoscope

B (+) good intuition in connections and contacts, hidden contacts, secret training, including occult sciences, telepathic communication. Secret trips. Secrets of others.

In (~) chaos in contacts, lies, deception, confused relationships, especially with relatives and neighbors. Poor training is not collected, we inspire on other people's thoughts, there is no clear assessment of the information received, where is false where true. Confused speech. Forgets about dating.

Transit of Neptune through the 4th House of the horoscope

B (+) an intuitive feeling of a close connection with relatives, ancestors, memories of the past, a tendency to solitude, the study of karma explores the situations that happened to him. He pays more attention to home, landscaping and creating comfort.

B (-) the house is uncomfortable, chaos and disorder, relations with relatives deteriorate, their custody is burdensome. The psyche becomes more vulnerable, the person withdraws into himself, yearns, cries, the burden of memories presses on him. Depression sets in. When crossing IC, walls leak.

Transit of Neptune through the 5th House of the horoscope

B (+) intuition and inspiration in art, creative take-off, high love (ideal and romantic), or the dream of such an ideal love. Help from children and descendants. There may be secret children who are loved more than legitimate ones.

B (-) a person becomes susceptible to bad influences, which is especially dangerous in childhood and adolescence. Evil Neptune "develops" creative manifestations, leads away in fantasies, dreams of love adventures lead to sexual promiscuity, illegitimate children who are not taken care of. Troubles from children and descendants. Unwanted pregnancy. The danger of alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, on which a lot of energy is spent, both mental and physical, which are difficult to recover (or impossible).

Transit of Neptune through the 6th House of the horoscope

B (+) - good official position, inspiration and good luck at work, secret patrons who contribute to promotion, creative imagination. Intuitively selects methods of recovery, strengthens health, gets rid of diseases. Interest in beautiful clothes.

B (-) painful attachment to the place of service, dependent position, the person is absent-minded, forgetful, which is why relations with colleagues deteriorate. Suspiciousness about your health, fear of getting sick, imaginary illness. You can't leave work for a long time without getting another job.

Transit of Neptune through the 7th House of the horoscope

In (+) spiritual marriage, good intuition for the events of public life finds its place, avoids conflicts with partners, colleagues, authorities. Secret opponents become apparent, all confused and unclear life situations become clear. Relationships with people are based on intuition and subconsciousness.

B (-) tangled relationships with society and business partners: public condemnation, lawsuits, investigation of intricate fraud. Painful dependence on a spouse, betrayal by a spouse. Fear of open spaces.

Transit of Neptune through the 8th House of the horoscope

B (+) the gift of foresight, occult abilities, prophetic dreams, the ability to use cosmic energy. Secret support in overcoming dangerous situations. Secret inheritance (not from relatives), incl. spiritual.

B (-) gives many dangerous mysterious situations in life, secret disasters. Danger from water, poisoning with poisons, liquids. Danger of lethargy. The person is haunted by the fear of death, falls into a depressive state. Suicidal tendencies. Mysterious death.

Transit of Neptune through the 9th House of the horoscope

In (+) a romantic period full of events: successful travels, secret patrons from afar, communication with foreigners for the purpose of spiritual and cultural enrichment. May meet a spiritual teacher who will explain the purpose of his existence. A person will strengthen his worldview, knowledge in religion, philosophy.

In (-) chaos in the worldview, philosophical and religious views, there is no spiritual teacher, can be involved in a religious sect. Painful attachment to people from afar, but this brings him only setbacks. Far from home will be abandoned and alone.

Transit of Neptune on the 10th House of the horoscope

B (+) uses secret means to achieve goals and promotions. Secret patrons appear, secret levers of power. Can be an informal leader, join a secret organization. A person living according to a higher program will be an active conductor of higher spiritual forces.

B (-) an unrealistic approach to professional responsibilities, an illusory assessment of one's importance, megalomania, loss of purpose and prospects, which leads to the collapse of a career. Secret enemies, including bosses. A person becomes a victim of slander, deception, intrigue.

Transit of Neptune through the 11th House of the horoscope

B (+) intuition for new things and reforms, support of friends in new endeavors. He is sensitive to social changes, draws from them opportunities that are useful for himself. Occult studies, a bright spiritual society, secret help in occult studies.

B (-) unreliable friends, from whom there are many obstacles to spiritual development. It easily lends itself to deception, is mistaken in terms of assessing friendships and social processes.

Transit of Neptune through the 12th House of the horoscope

In (+) craving for secrecy, disclosure of secrets, the ability to clairvoyance, intuition, prophetic dreams, connection with the forces of nature are revealed. A good period for occult practice, for spiritual work, knowledge of your inner world, for spiritual cleansing. The craving for solitude, for the opportunity to observe, while remaining in the shadows.

B (-) a secret life, divorced from reality, disappointment, depression, alienation, a complex of loneliness and oblivion. Risk of suicide or forced isolation in prison, mental hospital.

In the first house: when Neptune walks along the Ascendant, a person “turns” in consciousness a little - becomes tearful, sentimental, relaxed, sometimes - drinks down. The face becomes swollen. Passing through this house, Neptune weakens the person's vigilance. At the external level, it is difficult for a person to get together, to become tough, "iron" - in some ways he will be soft, lethargic, relaxed. But with an initially good Neptune, a good secret consciousness of instinct, premonitions, the ability to program oneself awakens in a person. Neptune in the first house does not allow to gather in order to meet the danger fully armed (as opposed to Saturn). There is a reformation of the person's personality, with a good Neptune - a favorable one, making the person more intuitive and sensitive. A person subconsciously chooses the direction he needs for development, orientation. With a bad Neptune - a person is thrown into a binge, he sinks, relaxes, dissolves - he can become lazy and stupid.

The planet in the middle of the house manifests the whole essence of this house, as if in exaltation.

In the second house: here Neptune creates a chaotic, disorderly relationship to money, to material resources, to the accumulated. Even those people who at other times very clearly monitor their spending (not to mention the spending of others, at this time they begin to lose money, lend and forget about it. Then there is a desire to have some random things ("I want - it means take it out and put it in!") - to get them at all costs.Such chaotic, confused, vague problems associated not only with money, but also with food - it is difficult to take care of oneself - the result of the transit of Neptune of bad cosmic status through the second house. There are secret, but distinct urges to eat tasty things, to eat something exotic, especially exotic drinks. A person becomes a slave of his habits and this is - for a long time. At this time, a person does not can accumulate nothing - money runs away like water.To accumulate health at this time, efforts must be invested twice as much as at other times.

In the third house: here Neptune is in exile. A person experiences chaos in learning, the clarity of information disappears, it is impossible to clearly express thoughts, chaos in relations with relatives and neighbors. It can be all sorts of secret alliances against a person, anonymous letters, erratic trips, a person has a position of a vagabond. None of your letters will be given a course, not one of the ideas that you would like to publish at this time will see the light of day. With a good cosmic status of Neptune - the possibility of using secret levers of pressure.

In the fourth home: with a bad cosmic status of Neptune, a person's household becomes his enemies, this is especially true in his childhood and adolescence, and there is envy on the part of his parents. With good cosmic status, Neptune can provide deep research in the field of occultism and secrecy. A person is drawn to the arrangement of his place of residence.

In the fifth house: Neptune is fallen. Painful cravings increase. If Venus and Lilith are somehow poorly expressed in a person's horoscope, then Neptune in the fifth house will "set them on fire" - painful drives, obsessions in the field of sex, licentiousness, liberation will appear. Chaos and confusion appear in relationships with children, especially in men. There may be children born out of wedlock, and there may be a greater attraction to them than to children from marriage. It is better not to have children at this time - they may turn out to be secret or a person may not see them for a long time (if Neptune is of a very high cosmic status). During the transit of Neptune through the fifth house, a person becomes creatively flawed, feeling, as it were, a blow to his creative freedom - all his self-manifestations and expressions of will are blurred, sprouting with intrigues, envy on the part of other people. And then a bottle and illegitimate children appear on the scene.

With a good Neptune - liberation in the sexual area. With such a transit according to the horoscope of a child, it is very easy to seduce him or lay in him a rhythm of debauchery.

It should be noted that Neptune behaves much nastier in the lower hemisphere of the horoscope than in the upper hemisphere.

In the sixth house: this is the place of exile of Neptune. Transit affects the general condition (soreness), hypochondriacity, the invention of non-existent diseases, constant listening to one's body, frequent visits to doctors with non-existent diseases can increase. Chaos at work can be created, there can be chaotic wanderings from one place to another.

In the seventh house: this is already the upper hemisphere and here Neptune behaves well - peacefully, quietly, calmly. If your wife is constantly “hammering” you, your mother-in-law prevents you from living, if you are constantly suing someone, wait for Neptune in the seventh house and he will clear everything up to you. He will establish peace in your family, even if this world is a divorce. All confusing situations will be resolved. Neptune in the first house, on the contrary, confuses everything. Intuition appears in relation to the authorities, there are some entrances and exits in social instances, a common language with opponents appears, diplomacy appears - a lot of compromises, treaties, conflict mitigation. At this time, it is very good to look for an ideal partner for yourself, a stable marriage is laid during the transit of Neptune through the seventh house.

In the eighth house: here Neptune behaves badly - a situation of hovering over an abyss. A person will be drawn to get into some kind of story or risky situation. At this time, the fear of death or retribution is removed. Neptune of very good cosmic status has a strong effect on the possibility of inheritance (in any form).

Health is strengthened from unearthly sources, a person uses cosmic energy. At this time, nightmares are often dreamed. If Neptune is a dispositor of a solar sign and has a very high cosmic status (especially in Pisces), then a person perceives this transit very painfully - fear, depression, some negative changes.

In the ninth house: this is one of the best stands of Neptune - romance and adventure, life becomes brighter and more diverse. At this time, many leave, leaving their homeland forever. At this time, if before that a person behaved well, then he can meet his esoteric Teacher - he receives a credo, the purpose of his existence becomes clear, he receives spiritual initiation.

In the tenth house: if Neptune is strong, then it may be a secret power. Maybe this is the pinnacle of a career. With a bad Neptune, the opposite is true for a person - everything is taken away from him or obstacles are created. A person, until then completely invisible, suddenly begins to cause envy, and everyone begins to look for negative traits in him. All kinds of deceptions take place. His secret means of putting pressure on the authorities are beginning to be realized. Acquisition of high patrons and defenders who sit in the shadows, or - service in a secret organization.

In the eleventh house: very good position. A person can consciously adjust the events of his life. Secret friends appear to help him. Favorable for introducing everything new and unusual into life. Making new, completely unusual acquaintances, entering a new circle of friends. The most favorable time for a break with the past.

In the twelfth house: perfect standing. Some people have a desire to do their business in secret from others. Signs of kleptomania may appear. Indulgence for one's passions appears. At this time, a person succeeds in all his secret affairs (and esoteric ones too), meditation, self-absorption, withdrawal from the world, breaking the connections that interfere with the work. Intuition is sharpened. At the same time, a person is not burdened with loneliness - he spits on everyone and believes that he is right.

Neptune in the 12th house gives very good opportunities for harmonious self-awareness, even if it is quite infernal. The person experiences neither fear nor remorse. The period contributes to all black deeds - guidance, damage, psychometrics, etc.