XVII All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon of Educational Subjects. All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon of Educational Subjects All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon of Educational Subjects

    The Nikitin Family Festival, which was held for the second time, attracted many parents striving to raise their children as healthy, developed and living in harmony with the world as possible. Therefore, they were so eager to get acquainted with the experience of the Nikitin family, in which, starting from the 60s of the last century, a system of family education was created.

    A subject that studies the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics appeared at school not so long ago. And the requirements for teachers of this new discipline are still being discussed today. The question of who will best be able to convey such complex content to students was also relevant at the Marathon, along with the course content and didactic tools.

    This year the pedagogical marathon ended with Teachers' Day German language. The subject, which often has to be on the sidelines after English, remains fascinating, complex and promising: it is not for nothing that it has recently become prestigious to take the Unified State Examination in German.

    If in tsarist Russia teachers of music, drawing and physical education were rated higher than other subjects, as people of art - still, because they have talent and teach what everyone takes into their life to the end - then in today's school their position is unenviable . Low wages, huge responsibility for the life and health of children, immense extracurricular work and endless reporting. Judging by the choice that teachers made today, the most relevant topic is physical education projects ...

    School is a small universe where problems and emotions boil up every day, where triumph and drama coexist everyday, where every minute you encounter surprises and questions that never repeat. To rule this world, you need to have wisdom, patience and a lot of knowledge. It was for them that today's participants of the Marathon came to the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Here, as in school life, local practical skills and a large-scale view of the essence of important processes coexisted.

    Like any Day of the Pedagogical Marathon, this one showed the current trends and problems of teaching discipline. Today, most of the participants preferred speech classes - oral, written and spontaneous. There were no empty seats in the classrooms where they spoke French, and there were more spacious ones where they talked about certification. That the use of language is indeed a problem could be judged by the reluctance of teachers to engage in active actions even from the spot, but it doesn’t matter - the students helped out, and it was clear how it was not scary: to make a mistake, laugh - and try again. Even passionately.

    Foreign language- one of the subjects, the importance of which is recognized by parents, children, and the state. Moreover, in a couple of years the mandatory USE in English is coming! As one of the speakers of the day joked, 2020 is officially declared the year of the OGE, and 2022 is the year of the USE in a foreign language.

We invite you to take part in the XVII All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon of Educational Subjects!

Moscow, March 23 – April 7, 2018
Venue of the Marathon: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Vernadsky Avenue, 88, st. metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya.
Exception - Technology Teacher's Day (April 2) will be held at School No. 293, st. Yaroslavskaya, d. 27, art. metro station "VDNKh".

Every day registration opens at 9:00, opening of the day at 9:30, first event at 10:30. End of lectures and issuance of certificates at 15:00.

The entire Marathon runs an exhibition-fair, where leading publishing houses present educational and methodological literature on the topic of the day.
An extensive program has been prepared for the participants, affecting almost all areas of activity of teachers.
The program is published on the site Here on the site are reports, photo and video reports and other related materials of marathons of past years.

Each day of the Marathon is dedicated to one or more subjects or direction of school life. Marathon is a good opportunity to attend a professional holiday of your subject; meet with leading authors, methodologists, scientists, as well as colleagues from all over the country; understand perspective.

Organizing Committee of the XVII All-Russian
pedagogical marathon of subjects

October 30, 2018 on the basis of MBOU "Lyubinsky Secondary School No. 2 named after G.P. Yakovenko" of the Lyubinsky municipal district, the Day of the "Professional Workshop" was held as part of the XV Regional Pedagogical Marathon. The theme of the day is "The lesson is the main sphere of the intellectual life of a schoolchild" words of the great teacher, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, written more than 50 years ago, are still relevant today.

On October 31, 2018, as part of the pedagogical marathon, the "Day of the teacher-mentor" was held. The content of this Day consisted of several sections. The first was devoted to a discussion of the theory of generations. Borodavkina Tatyana Georgievna, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of General and Special Education, IROOO, presented the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with generation Z. Elena Nikolaevna Boyko, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, IROOO, outlined the current and priority areas for advanced training young generation Y teachers.

On October 30, 2018, within the framework of the XV Regional Pedagogical Marathon, the "Day of a teacher working with children of special care" was held. The event was attended by 161 people - teachers of adaptive schools, correctional classes, defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists working with children with disabilities. The participants of the marathon raised important issues of upbringing and education of children with special educational needs.

October 30, 2018 in KOUOO "ASh No. 6" as part of the XV regional pedagogical marathon, the "Day of the school mediator" was held. The day was attended by 30 people, including deputy directors, teachers, educational psychologists, social educators, curators of the school mediation service, heads of municipal methodological platforms to support the school mediation service.

October 18, 2018 at 10 am in the conference hall of the multimedia historical park "Russia - my history" began the XV Regional Pedagogical Marathon for teachers of history and social studies, music and fine arts, musical directors of preschool educational institutions. 120 teachers and music directors from schools and kindergartens in Omsk and the Omsk region in practice comprehended the intricacies of edutainment.

On October 17, 2018, the Day of a teacher working with gifted children was held on the basis of the Primary Educational Institution of Omsk "Gymnasium No. 43". Among the 102 participants in the pedagogical marathon are representatives of educational institutions and educational authorities from 28 municipal districts of the region and the city of Omsk.

On October 17, 2018, as part of the XV Regional Pedagogical Marathon, the Day of School Librarians was held on the topic “Information and Educational Environment of School Libraries as an Opportunity for the Development of a Common Educational Space”. The event was held on the basis of the Omsk Gymnasium No. 85, it was attended by heads of libraries, librarians, librarian teachers, a total of 64 people.

Today it became possible to become a participant in a unique educational event and visit one of the most remote areas of the Omsk region without leaving the regional center due to the pedagogical marathon.

On October 16, 2018, within the framework of the XV Pedagogical Marathon, the "Vocational Guidance Day" was held on the topic "Carrying out career guidance using the resources of the secondary vocational education”, which was devoted to the issues of continuity of general and vocational education in the process of implementing new forms of career guidance.


Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to visit the annual Pedagogical marathon of educational subjects, which will be held from March 27 to April 21 in the Corps humanitarian faculties Moscow State Pedagogical University at the address: Moscow, Vernadsky Prospekt, 88 (metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya"). The marathon is held by the Publishing House "First of September" together with the Moscow Pedagogical State University. Each day of the Marathon is dedicated to one direction of school life or academic discipline.

One day of the Marathon will be held at another specialized site:

  • Technology Teacher's Day - March 27 at GBOU School No. 293 (director Alexander Evgenievich Glozman) at the address: st. Yaroslavskaya, 27 (metro station "VDNKh").

Participation in the Marathon is free. Entrance by personal tickets. Tickets can be obtained in the Personal Account on the First of September portal. Ticket issuance stops as the maximum number of visitors is reached. When you receive your ticket, please be sure to print it out and don't forget to bring it with you to the Marathon.

The start of each day of the Marathon is 9:00. Registration: 9:00 – 10:30. End of the day - 15:00.

During the entire Marathon, the largest exhibition-fair of educational and methodical literature is open.

Participation of our authors:

1. The second day of the primary school teacher http://marathon.1 september.rf/2017-04-01-1529436#section-3

10.30. Lecture

Increasing the meta-subject potential of informatics in primary school(New teaching materials "Computer science for everyone", grades 1-4, edited by A.V. Goryachev. Publishing house "BINOM. Knowledge Lab")

Goryachev A.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education

12.15. Master Class

Effective Pedagogical Tools for the Implementation of the "Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education" in the Continuous Educational System L.G. Peterson (DO-NOO-OOO)

ROGATOVA M.V., head of the department of basic general education of the Center for the SDP "School 2000 ..." FGAOU DPO AIC and PPRO, co-author of the algebra course on the program L.G. » for grades 1–9 ( L.G. Peterson, M.A. Kubysheva)

2. Day preschool education
http://marathon.1 september.rf/2017-04-02-1529436#section-2

13.45. Master class

Educational technology "Situation" as modern instrument organizations cognitive activity preschoolers

ABDULLINA L.E., head of the department of preschool education of the Center for the SDP "School 2000" FGAOU DPO APC and PPRO, co-author of a comprehensive educational program"World of Discoveries" (supervisor - Ph.D., Professor L.G. Peterson), project coordinator mathematical development preschoolers "Igralochka" (authors: L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova)

3. Computer science teacher's day:
http://marathon.1 september.rf/2017-04-07-1529436#section-19

12:15 Lecture

Programming as a Socially Significant Skill in the Information Society

BOSOVA L.L., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Head of the Department of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Chief Researcher of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Author of the Teaching Materials on Informatics for Basic and High Schools

13:45 Lecture

System-activity approach in teaching informatics based on teaching materials, edited by prof. N.V. Makarova" (Publishing house "BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge")

NILOVA Yu.N., candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy director of GBOU secondary school No. 501 of St. Petersburg, teacher of the highest category, co-author of the teaching materials on computer science, edited by prof. N.V. Makarova

About the basic level of studying computer science in high school

BOSOVA L.L., Doctor of Pediatrics, Head of the Department of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Chief Researcher of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Author of the Teaching Materials on Informatics for Basic and High Schools

4. Day of the teacher of mathematics
http://marathon.1 september.rf/2017-04-09-1529436#section-18

12:15. Master Class

Effective Pedagogical Tools for the Implementation of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in a Continuous Educational System L.G. Peterson (DO-NOO-OOO)

ROGATOVA M.V., head of the department of basic general education of the Center for SDP "School 2000 ..." FGAOU DPO AIC and PPRO, co-author of the algebra course under the program L.G. Peterson “Learning to learn” for grades 8–9, co-author of the over-subject course on the formation of UUD “The World of Activity” for grades 1–9 ( L.G. Peterson, M.A. Kubyshev)

From March 26 to March 28, 2018, associate professors of the Department of Pedagogy M.M. Borisova and N.S. Murodkhodzhaeva took part in the Third Tambov Regional Pedagogical Marathon "School as a Space of Innovation: a Territory of Special Opportunities", held at the Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.

The purpose of the event is to create conditions for the exchange of pedagogical experience; ensuring a dialogue between participants in innovative processes in school education from the standpoint of analyzing achievements, resources and unresolved problems.

The event was attended by heads of educational institutions, scientists, practitioners dealing with the problems of Russian education, representatives of methodological services, public organizations, media, students of the Pedagogical Institute of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin.

Opened the pedagogical marathon Gushchina T.I., Director of the Pedagogical Institute of Tambov state university named after G.R. Derzhavin. Stromov V.Yu., Rector of the Tambov State University named after G.R.Derzhavin, Kotelnikova T.P., Head of the Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region addressed the participants with welcoming words.

At the opening of the marathon, N.S. Murodzhodzhaeva, who greeted the participants on behalf of the administration of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education and spoke about innovations in school education.

The program included a presentation platform for scientific, educational and methodological work of teachers of the Pedagogical Institute of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin and employees of the Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators, the work of discourse seminars, master classes, round tables on the search for and promotion of innovative educational practices and work technologies in a modern school.

Murodzhodzhaeva N.S. held a master class on the topic "Creating an author's cartoon", in which the participants were introduced to the technology of creating an animation studio. They had the opportunity to create their own cartoon.

Borisova M.M. hosted two workshops. At the master class on the topic "The use of outdoor games in various forms of work with younger students" Marina Mikhailovna introduced the participants to the specifics, features, classifications of outdoor games. As part of the master class, participants could play outdoor games.

The master class "Teambuilding - team building technology" was aimed at showing the participants the game technologies of team building. For the master class with the participants, such games as “Rope”, “Ha-ha”, “Where-where”, “Find me”, etc. were held, aimed at unity, the ability to listen and hear each other, and communication skills .

As part of the pedagogical marathon, meetings were also held with the administration of the Pedagogical Institute of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin and acquaintance with the history of the city of Tambov and the university.