Non-traditional teaching methods in elementary school. Techniques for involving students in interactive activities in German lessons Interactive learning in a German lesson

Using active and interactive teaching methods in German lessons



MBOU "Secondary school with. Natalin Yar Perelyubsky municipal district of the Saratov region "

Prepared by: German teacher

Sarsembayeva Natalya Alexandrovna


At present, when the need for knowledge of foreign languages ​​is recognized by many sectors of society, modern communication-oriented education prepares students for the use of a foreign language in real life, to cultural, professional and personal communication with representatives of other social traditions, social structures.

The study of the German language in the conditions of a municipal school does not have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers, and thus, in the absence of a language environment, the learning conditions are in conflict with the very essence of the subject “foreign language”. Modern education at school today has a number of shortcomings that naturally affect the level of German language proficiency in schoolchildren.

From here, some contradictions in the teaching of a foreign language in secondary school are determined:

between the content of education, which requires a creative approach in teaching, and traditional forms and methods of teaching, focused on the transfer of ready-made knowledge;

between the real ability to solve communicative problems in a foreign language and the insufficiently realized intellectual and communicative potential of students.

At the same time, the ever-growing demands of society and time for the level of German language proficiency raise the question of improving the quality of teaching a foreign language, “reasonable and justified choice of one method or another, their alternation depending on the conditions of a particular learning situation, goals and stage of teaching German language."

According to the educational standard of basic general education in a foreign language, teaching a foreign language has two main goals:

    development of foreign language communicative competence, which implies the development of speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive competencies;

    development and education of the ability and readiness for independent and continuous study of a foreign language:

a) further self-education with the help of a foreign language in other fields of knowledge;

b) development of the ability for self-esteem through observation of one's own speech in native and foreign languages;

c) personal self-determination of students in relation to their future profession;

d) the formation of a citizen and a patriot.

In this regard, the question of finding new, more effective methods, methods and techniques for teaching a foreign language culture to maintain a steady interest of children in learning a foreign language, developing information competence of students to create and maintain active motivation of students to learn German in the absence of environment of language communication.

    Using active and interactive teaching methods in German lessons.

    1. The concept of passive, active and interactive teaching methods.

In pedagogy, there are numerous classifications of teaching methods. We are interested in the one based on which is the role of the student in the learning process; Traditionally, it has three methods:

1) Passive: where students act as the “object” of learning, who must learn and reproduce the material that is transmitted to them by the teacher, the source of knowledge. The main methods are lecture, reading, survey.

2) Active: where students are the "subject" of learning, perform creative tasks, enter into a dialogue with the teacher. The main methods are creative tasks, questions from the student to the teacher, and from the teacher to the student.

3) Interactive: From English. (inter - “between”; act - “action”) thus the literal translation means interactive methods - allowing learners to interact with each other; and interactive learning is learning built on the interaction of all students, including the teacher. These methods are most consistent with a student-centered approach, since they involve co-learning (collective, collaborative learning), and both the student and the teacher are subjects of the educational process. The teacher more often acts only as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the group, the creator of the conditions for student initiative. In addition, interactive learning is based on the direct interaction of students with their experience and the experience of their friends, since most interactive exercises refer to the experience of the student himself, and not only educational, school. New knowledge, skill is formed on the basis of such experience.

2.2 List of active and interactive methods.

Further, it is advisable to provide a list of the most common active and interactive methods. It is very difficult to classify interactive methods, as many of them are a complex interweaving of several techniques. We offer a very conditional association of methods into groups, primarily according to the purposes of their use. The use of certain methods depends on various reasons: the purpose of the lesson, the experience of the participants and the teacher, their taste. It is also necessary to stipulate the conventionality of the names of many methods. Often the same name is used to denote different content, and vice versa, the same methods are found under different names.

1. Creative tasks.

2. Work in small groups.

3. Educational games.

3.1. Role playing.
3.2. Business.
3.3. Educational.

4. Use of public resources.

4.1. Specialist invitation.
4.2. Excursions.

5. Social projects.

5.1. Competitions.
5.2. Exhibitions, performances, performances, etc.

6. Warm-ups (of various kinds).

7. Study and consolidation of new information material.

7.1. Interactive lecture.
7.2. The student as a teacher.
7.3. Working with visual aids.
7.4. Everyone teaches everyone.

8. Work with documents (as well as in it).

8.1. Drafting of documents.
8.2. Written work to substantiate your position.

9. Discussion of complex and debatable problems (and also).

9.1 POPS - formula.
9.2. design method.
9.3 Scale of opinions.
9.4. Discussion.
9.5. Debate.
9.6. Symposium.

10. Problem solving (as well).

10.1. Brainstorm.
10.2. Decision tree.
10.3. Negotiations and mediation.

2.3. Interactive methods in foreign language lessons.

One of the technologies that provide interactive learning is project method as a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity, independence. The typology of projects is varied.

According to M. E. Breigina, projects can be divided into: mono-projects, collective, oral-speech, visual, written and Internet projects. In real practice, one often has to deal with mixed projects that have signs of research, creative, practice-oriented and informational.

Project work is a multi-level approach to language learning, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. The project method contributes to the development of active independent thinking of students and orients them towards joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant because it teaches children to cooperate, and learning to cooperate brings up such moral values ​​as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, forms creative abilities and activates students. In general, in the process of project-based learning, the inseparability of education and upbringing can be traced.

The project method forms students' communication skills, a culture of communication, the ability to briefly and easily formulate thoughts, tolerantly treat the opinion of communication partners, develop the ability to extract information from various sources, process it using modern computer technologies, creates a language environment that contributes to the emergence of a natural need in communication in a foreign language.

The project form of work is one of the relevant technologies that allow students to apply the accumulated knowledge in the subject. Students expand their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, learn to listen to foreign language speech, hear, understand each other when defending projects. Children work with reference literature, dictionaries, a computer, thereby creating the possibility of direct contact with the authentic language, which is not possible with learning the language only with the help of a textbook in the classroom.

Project work is a creative process. A student independently or under the guidance of a teacher is looking for a solution to a problem, this requires not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a large amount of subject knowledge, possession of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. In a foreign language course, the project method can be used on almost any topic. Working on projects develops imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and other personal qualities.

This method gives positive results at the initial stage of training. Moreover, the sooner children start working on creating projects, the higher their educational achievements will be. Therefore, the work of creating projects becomes an integral part of the educational process.

Collaborative learning method.

The ideology of collaborative learning was developed in detail by three groups of American educators: R. Slavin from Johns Hopkins University; R. Johnson and D. Johnson of the University of Minnesota; E. Aronson's group from California State University. The main idea of ​​this technology is to create conditions for active joint learning activities students in different learning situations. There are many different options for collaborative learning.

Basic principles:

a) groups of students are formed by the teacher before the lesson, taking into account the psychological compatibility of children. In each group there should be girls and boys, different in strength. The composition of the group can be changed from lesson to lesson;
b) the group is given one task, but when it is completed, the distribution of roles between members of the group is provided;

c) the work of the whole group is evaluated;

d) the teacher himself chooses the student of the group, who must report for the task.

Collaborative learning options :

student team learning ( STL , learning in a team). Emphasis is placed on "group goals" and the success of the entire group. Thus, the task of each team member is to acquire the necessary knowledge, form the necessary skills, and at the same time the whole team must know what everyone has achieved. In short, STL boils down to three main principles:

a) teams receive one award for all. Groups do not compete with each other, as they all have a different “bar” and are given different times to reach it.

b) The "individual" responsibility of each student means that the success or failure of the entire group depends on the success or failure of each of its members.
c) each student brings points to his group, which it earns by improving its own previous results. Comparison, therefore, is carried out not with the results of other students of this or other groups, but with their own, previously achieved.

Another variant of collaborative learning was developed by Professor E. Aronson in 1978 and calledhis Jigsaw ("Openwork Saw"). Students are organized into groups of 4 - 6 people to work on educational material, which is divided into fragments. Each member of the group finds material on their subtopic. Then students studying the same subject but working in different groups meet and exchange information as experts on the subject. Then the guys return to their groups and teach everything new to their comrades in their group. At the final stage, the teacher can ask any student in the team to answer any question on the topic.

In 1986, R. Slavin developed a version of the technology"Jigsaw-2" ("Saw-2"), which involved working in groups of 4-5 people. The whole team worked on the same material, but at the same time, each member of the group received his own subtopic, which he developed with particular care and became an expert on this issue. Experts from different groups met and exchanged information. At the end of the cycle, all students underwent individual control. The results were summarized. The team with the most points was awarded.

Another option for collaborative learning islearningtogether(learning together) was developed at the University of Minnesota in 1987 (D. Johnson, R. Johnson). The class is divided into groups of 3-4 people. Each group gets one assignment, which is part of a larger topic that the whole class is working on. In the process of work, the groups communicate with each other, participating in a collective discussion, clarifying the details, offering their options, asking each other questions. The group receives awards depending on the achievements of each student. Therefore, in this case, the tasks in groups are differentiated in terms of complexity and volume.

This method is the basis for the development of the project. The main idea is to create conditions for the active joint activity of students in different learning situations. Children are united in groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, while the role of each is stipulated. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but also for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from the strong what they do not understand, and strong students strive for the weak to thoroughly understand the task. And the whole class benefits from this, because gaps are jointly eliminated.

Practice shows that learning together is not only easier, but more interesting and much more effective. And this applies to both academic success in the subject, and the intellectual and moral development of children. Help each other, solve the problem together, reach the truth, share the joy of success and the bitterness of failure - these qualities will be useful to the guys both at school and in life. For the teacher, this system provides tremendous opportunities for a creative approach to both the subject and the students.

After the first experience of using the method of teaching in cooperation, it becomes obvious that students behave more actively. Weak students felt self-confidence. They are aware of their importance: and the success of the whole group depends on their efforts. The resulting positive assessment was the result of the efforts of each student and served as an incentive for further interest in each other, in joint work and in learning in general.

Collaboration, not competition, is at the heart of learning. It also means that each student learns according to his own abilities and therefore has a chance to be evaluated on an equal basis with others. If both "strong" and "weak" students expend the same effort to reach their level, then it is only fair that their efforts be evaluated equally, provided that in both cases each did what he could. It has long been noted that if the efforts that students in a group spend to achieve a common result are evaluated, then, as a rule, their motivation increases.

To achieve a positive result when using the teaching method in cooperation, the following requirements must be observed:

1. Before the groups begin independent work, it is necessary to say about their responsibility for each of the partners so that each of the group members learns the material well. Only in this case they can count on the highest score.

2. The assessment is put one for the whole group. You can evaluate both joint efforts and individual ones.

3. The teacher should remain friendly, monitor student activity and help any group if help is needed.

The technology of learning in cooperation involves the use of such active forms as debate, press conference, discussion, role-playing game.

The content of such discussions is usually any problem of real life. For example, choosing a profession, plans for the future, relationships with parents, protecting the environment, the role of women in society, and others.

Discussion as a form of work is considered complex and requires the manifestation of many qualities of students, who are required to possess a sufficient level of speech competence, i.e. willingness to engage in real communication.

The goal of teaching a foreign language in humanistic pedagogy, according to Galskova N.D., is to develop the student's ability for intercultural interaction and the use of the language being studied as a tool for this interaction. Comparison of the new experience acquired by the student with the knowledge he has is accompanied by the acquisition of his individual experience. The acquisition of the individual experience of the student is carried out by activating the learning process. And this is achieved by applyingcritical thinking development technologies through reading and writing.

Critical thinking means evaluative, reflective thinking. This is open thinking, not accepting dogmas, developing by imposing new information on life's personal experience.

In this technology, the role of the teacher is fundamentally changing. It becomes a partner that activates and guides the learning process. Students learn to communicate without conflict. Student-centered learning is being carried out, in which each student not only receives another volume of ready-made knowledge, but is involved in the process of constructing knowledge on the basis of equal partnerships.

American educators J. Steele, C. Meredith and C. Temple developed the structure of the RKChM technology, consisting of three stages: challenge, comprehension of the content, reflection.

The first stage (call stage) - actualizes the existing knowledge of students, arouses interest in the topic; it is here that the objectives of the study of the material are determined. For this, various techniques and strategies are used, for example, clusters.

The second stage is the comprehension of new material. This is where the main content work with the text takes place. At this stage of learning, in the process of working with new information, students are encouraged to use such a technique as marking text with symbols:v”-know, ”+”-new information,”-“-what I learned does not match what I knew,”?”-insufficient information, more needs to be learned. What students learned from the text, we complement with a different color to the cluster.

The third stage is contemplation or reflection. Here, students comprehend the studied material and form their personal opinion, attitude towards the material being studied.

Thus, using the techniques and strategies of technology for the development of critical thinking, it is possible to “arm” students with a wide variety of resources in working with various types of information. The children learn to work with the text: evaluate information, highlight contradictions in the text and the types of structures present in it, argue their point of view, relying not only on logic, but also on the ideas of the interlocutor.

3. Practical experience.

Interactive learning is a special form of organizing cognitive activity. She has in mind very specific and predictable goals. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions, such that the student feels his success, his intellectual viability. This makes the learning process productive. The essence of interactive learning is that during the learning process, all students are involved in the process of learning, have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. The joint activity of students in the process of learning, mastering the educational material means that "everyone makes his own individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways of activity" . Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to receive new knowledge, but also develops cognitive activity itself, transfers it to higher cooperation and cooperation.

In my lessons, I also try to involve all students in the work, using forms of interactive learning. The main task that I have to solve at this stage is to increase the motivation of students to study the subject "German". Therefore, it is necessary to build lessons in such a way that they are not only effective, but also interesting.


During this exercise, students collectively or individually develop a specific topic or semantic field of a concept. Students freely express opinions and ideas in connection with a topic or concept, touch on various aspects of the topic and fix their opinion in the form of separate words, phrases, incomplete phrases, short sentences. This exercise allows students with different levels of language proficiency to contribute to the development of an idea, to expand the general information field by common efforts, and to activate the vocabulary of schoolchildren.

Example 1: The letters of the German alphabet are written on the blackboard. The teacher asks the class to remember the words on the topic "School" ("Die S chule”) beginning with these letters and write them on the board. The student chooses a single letter, writes down the word.

A -Abitur IN - Bücher P - Pause K - Klasse U - Unterricht

M-Mitschuler L-Lehrer H-Hausaufgabe and so on .

Example 2. Dates (eg milestones in a teacher's life) are written on the blackboard. Students should guess what these dates indicate.

1975 - Geburtstag

1982 – dasersteSchultag

1992- Schulabschluss

1995 – Heiratusw.

    Role-playing game.

Role-playing games often used in my lessons. This exercise involves students alternately performing social and psychological roles, mastering communication in conditions of social contact that are as close as possible to the conditions of real communication. Most often, students have to try on social roles, for example, buyer - seller, doctor - patient, tourist - local resident , teacher - student, waiter - visitor to a cafe or restaurant. Psychological roles are more often taken on by high school students. They reflect psychological condition(adult, child, friend, enemy, rival).


A) social role playing. A typical example, in which generally accepted conventions dominate, are situations of requesting - providing information.

A .: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station?

V .: Of course, go straight and you will come to the bus station.

B) Psychological role-playing game. Statements of several adults about adolescent teenagers about their parents are given. Try in the role of a psychologist to find an explanation for them for any of the situations. Work together.

    Work in small groups.

To get a feel for how group work is carried out in German lessons, I invite you to participate in this type of work.

Master Class

    stage of motivation.

L.: Hort euch zwei Musikstücke an. Was fur die Musikstucke sind das?

(die Nationalhymne Deutschlands und Russlands)

L.: Was meinen Sie? Woruber werden wir heute sprechen?

(über die beiden Lander)

L.: Ganzrichtig. Wir sprechen heute über Deutschland und Russland.

Wir arbeiten heute in Gruppen. Haben Sie nichts dagegen? Wollen wir uns teilen!

(cards with the image of the flags of Germany and Russia are distributed, respectively, two groups are created for these cards)

    The stage of actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial educational action.

a) L.: Was können Sie schon von Deutschland und Russland? (…)Wir brauchen heute Mehrzahlen. Wiederholen wir die!(…)

3. The stage of consolidating what has been learned with pronunciation in external speech.

L.: Ü benwirunseinbischen. Schreiben Sie je zwei Numeralien auf den Kärtchen und tauschen Sie gegen einander. Jetzt nennen Sie diese Mehrzahlen.

b) Group work

Heute müssen wir auch unsere Kenntnisse systematisieren und vielleicht sogar erweitern. Hier helfen uns der Plan, die Landkarten und Arbeitsblätter. Füllen Sie bitte die Tabellen aus, benutzen Sie dabei die Landkarten und Arbeitsblätter, wo Sie richtige entsprechende Information wählen können.

    The stage of inclusion of what has been studied in the knowledge system.

L.: Also, welche Ergebnisse haben Sie bekommen. Beachten Sie die Mehrzahlen! Tauschen Sie bitte die Informationen. Schreiben Sie die fehlenden Angaben..

Der Plan



Die Lage (Wo liegt das Land?)

Die Grenzen

Die Fleche(Wie ist die Fläche des Landes?)

Die Hauptstadt (Welche Stadt ist die Hauptstadt ...?)

Die Staatsflagge (Wie sind die StaatsfarbenDeutschlands/Russlands?)

Die gröβten Stadtesind…

Die gröβten Flussesind…

5. Stage of reflection of educational activity.

L.: Sie haben heute sehr gut und produktivgearbeitet. Was haben Sie besonders gut geschafft? Mit welchem ​​Fach war unsere Stunde eng verbunden?

Die Hausaufgabe:

L.: Welche Aspekten fehlten heute in Ihren Berichten? Was möchten Sie noch über diese Länder erfahren oder erzählen? Machen Sie bitte das zu Hause und erweitern Sie bitte die Tabellen. Suchen Sie bitte auch die Information über Saratower Gebiet anhang der Tabelle.


A fairly effective interactive method of work is the project.

The project helps me solve several problems at once. This is the development of interest in the subject, in the country of the language being studied, the expansion of the general outlook of students and the vocabulary of students, the formation of universal educational activities and informational competence.

Depending on the level of training, the nature of the project work also changes. At the initial and middle stages, most often individual short-term projects “A Book About Myself”, “My Schedule”, “My Dream School”, “My Favorite Time of the Year” and others are created. Among the individual long-term projects at the middle stage, one can name the Phrasebook project. Further, the projects become longer-term, thorough and most often group ones. I want to present you several options for student projects.


The use of active and interactive teaching methods makes the learning process lively, effective and interesting.

Chapter 2. Methodological features of using the game as an interactive method of teaching vocabulary in German lessons

2.1 Language and vocabulary games in teaching German

The place of games in the lesson and the time allotted to the game depends on a number of factors:

a) training students;

b) the material being studied;

c) specific goals and conditions of the lesson.

If the game is used as a training exercise during the initial consolidation, then 20-25 minutes of the lesson can be devoted to it. In the future, this game can be played for 3-5 minutes and serve as a repetition of the material covered, as well as relaxation in the lesson.

The same game can be used at different stages of the lesson. It all depends on the specific working conditions of the students.

The German lesson is not only a game. Confidence and ease of communication between the teacher and students arises due to the game atmosphere. With the help of the game, the teacher encourages students to have serious conversations, discussions of any real situations. The game contributes to the development of cognitive activity of students learning the German language. It carries a moral principle, makes work joyful and creative.

“The use of games in foreign language lessons” was previously my methodological topic, which I have been working on for several years. The constant goal of my work is to activate the cognitive, motivational activity of students with the help of didactic games. Of course, I don't use games every day, as they say Erst die Arbeit, dann das Spiel. Therefore, I use them most often at the beginning of the lesson to warm up the vestibular apparatus, or at the end of the lesson.

The games that I bring to your attention are taken by me from the old magazines "Foreign Languages ​​at School", the Internet, as well as from my personal experience. I hope that my colleagues will find them useful in their work.

Phonetic games - train students in the pronunciation of foreign sounds, teach students to read poems loudly, clearly, learn them in order to play them by roles.

v The teacher reads out a phonetic poem in which some sound dominates. Children must guess it.


Komm aus dem Loch heraus


Komm in my Katzenhaus!

Am Morgensteht der Cowboy

Von seinem Cowboy-Bett auf

Und wascht sich mit

v There are pictures on the board, under each picture there are 2 letters. The first: to hint what is shown, and the second: to change the word with it.

For example: hand a=u (Hand- Hund) moon o=u (Mond- Mund)

door u=ie (Tur- Tier) vase V=N (Vase- Nase)

fish F=T (Fisch- Tisch) house H=M (Haus- Maus)

pants o=a (Hose-Hase) book B=T (Buch-Tuch)

v Turn one word into another! Only one letter is allowed to be changed. The words are written in chains on the board. For example: Mund - Mond - Mohn - Lohn - Sohn

· Lexical games - train students to use vocabulary in situations close to the natural environment, activate students' speech-thinking activity, develop speech response, introduce students to word compatibility.

v Children are always curious about the topic of the lesson. The teacher can invite students to decipher the topic of the lesson, in the words of which each letter is encoded with a number corresponding to the serial number of the letter in the alphabet: A-1, B-2, C-3, etc.

For example: 4,5,21,20,19,3,8,5 19,3,8,21,12,5,14. (Deusche Schulen)

v The guys make up a collective story on the topic. Each phrase consists of a certain number of words: the first of one, the second of two, etc. The one who makes the last phrase wins. The facilitator writes all the suggestions on the board. For example: 1. Der Winter. 2. Esschneit. 3. Alles ist weiss…

v The teacher writes the names of women and men on cards. The student must name a word with the same letter, For example, on the topic “Profession”: Susanna-Sekretarin, Tom-Techniker.

· Grammar games - contribute to the use by students of speech patterns containing certain grammatical difficulties, create a situation for the use of this speech pattern, develop speech activity and independence of students.

v The teacher hides the object. Trying to guess what it is, the students ask questions. For example, - Ist es klein?

v The players sit in a large circle. In their hands they have cards with numbers up to 10. The driver calls any two numbers from those indicated on the cards. Two guys who have cards with these numbers in their hands should quickly change places, but so that the driver cannot touch them with his hand. The one touched should be the leader.

v The teacher lays out pictures of animals in a row. The task of the students is to name the animals (using ordinal numbers) in the order in which they stand. For example:

Die erste Katze, der zweite Hund, das dritte Pferd…

· Games for learning to read.

v Schoolchildren are shown a table on the blackboard, in the cells of which syllables of words are written randomly in different fonts. You should make as many words as possible, for example:

· Games for teaching listening.

v At the word level, a chain of words is formed, with each subsequent word beginning with the last syllable of the previous word. For example:

v Menschen- schenken- kennenlernen- …

v Children sit in a row (or form two teams). The first whispers a word in German to the next. The last player must repeat the word of the first player. The one who heard the word incorrectly moves to the last place.

v Pupils throw the ball to each other while saying the word. But the next word must begin with the last letter of the previous word, for example:

v Stuhl, Lampe, Elefant, Tannenbaum….

· Games for teaching speaking.

v The class is divided into 2 teams. The teacher asks them to choose one picture to describe it. Within 5 min. each team member makes one sentence, after which the teams read out their stories-descriptions. At the end of the work are analyzed and evaluated.

v Each student writes a sentence on the top of a piece of paper on a specific topic, folds the piece of paper so that the writing is not visible, and passes it to the next player. Proposals are written in a class in a chain according to the principle: question-answer. Then the facilitator or teacher reads out the entire resulting dialogue.

v Students are encouraged to compose a message on several given topics (optional). For example: “Meine Lieblingsstadt”, “Die beste Freundin”.

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Sections: Foreign languages

Class: 5

The project is an opportunity for students to express their own ideas in a creative way that is convenient for them: making collages, posters and announcements, conducting interviews and research, demonstrating models with the necessary comments, making plans for visiting various places with illustrations, a map, etc. In the process of project work, the responsibility for learning lies with the student himself as an individual and as a member of the project team. The most important thing is that the child, not the teacher, determines what the project will contain, in what form and how its presentation will take place.

The use of the project methodology increases the interest of students in learning a foreign language by developing internal motivation by transferring the center of the learning process to the student. And positive motivation is the key to successful language learning. Modern approaches to language teaching emphasize the importance of cooperation and interaction between students as a motivating factor.

The main goals of introducing the project method into educational practice are the following:

  • show the ability of an individual student or a group of students to use the acquired research experience;
  • realize your interest in the subject of research; increase knowledge about it and convey it to an interested audience;
  • demonstrate the level of foreign language proficiency; improve the ability to participate in collective forms of communication;
  • rise to a higher level of learning, education, development, social maturity.

The project is an alternative way to organize a training course and excludes traditional principles planning and organizing training for a specific academic discipline. When implementing the method of projects, various problematic, research, search methods are used, focused on a real practical result. The integration of the project method into the educational process involves the implementation of creative or research tasks within the framework of the study course. In the process of learning a foreign language, the project method is considered as a complex type of educational activity, as it integrates various types of foreign language speech communication to solve creative practical problems. When using it, the studied foreign language acts, on the one hand, as a means of educational creative activity, and on the other hand, in the process of working on the project, the studied language is mastered in various aspects of its use.

In a German language course, the project method can be used as part of the program material on almost any topic. The project method is clearly focused on a real practical result, significant for the student.

In our conditions, children begin to learn German from the 2nd grade and reach a basic level of proficiency in the subject. Already at the initial stage of training, it is necessary to gradually prepare students for search activities, the end product of which may be associograms, collages. For example, since the study of the German language begins with the acquaintance of students with a brief cultural portrait of the country, with the facts of the linguistic behavior of native speakers of the German language, we can suggest compiling associograms: “Was fällt euch zu Deutschland ein?” and combine them into a collage "Our idea of ​​Germany and the Germans."

This presence of search activity already at the first stages of training will allow students to start project activities.

At the stage of basic general secondary education (for example, in grades 5-6), students are further involved in the project form of educational activity. At this stage of learning, it is advisable to carry out small-scale projects designed for one lesson, for example, the project “Wir malen, bauen, basteln” .<Annex 1>

Such gradual involvement of students will form their strong skills in project activities (the ability to ask questions, classify, observe, explain, etc.), which will allow them to independently master topics of interest to them in the next stages of learning.

The project method is one of the progressive methods of teaching and developing students. No wonder it belongs to the technologies of the XXI century.


  1. Breygin, M.E. Project methodology in the lessons of the Spanish language // Inostr. lang. in school - 2004. - No. 2. - S. 28-32.
  2. Koryakovtseva, N.F. Modern methods of organizing independent work of students of a foreign language. – M.: ARKTI, 2002.
  3. Polat E.S. Method of projects in foreign language lessons // Inostr. lang. in school - 2000. - No. 2. - P.3-10.
  4. Solovova, E.N. Apalkov V.G. Courses: "Development and control of communication skills" // "First of September" No. 17-24, 2005-2006.

MBOU Petrovskaya secondary school

German language teacher of the 1st category

Velichko Lyubov Petrovna.

Learning a foreign language in the modern world is one of the most

important components of the moments of a modern, successful person. Socio-political and economic transformations in all

spheres of our society have led to significant changes in the field of education. The state educational policy in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​is based on the recognition of the importance of the development of all languages ​​and the creation of the necessary conditions for their study. At present, when contacts with other countries are becoming closer, knowledge of foreign languages ​​plays an important role. A modern person must know well at least one foreign language because mutual understanding between peoples is of great importance for peaceful cooperation. Without knowledge of foreign languages, this cooperation is almost impossible. Now various forms of international communication are developing: international meetings, exhibitions, sporting events, joint business. The exchange of schoolchildren and students also applies here. These are good prerequisites for learning foreign languages. It is not easy to master a foreign language perfectly, you need to work hard. But who wants, he will achieve. People learn languages ​​for different reasons. Some people need them at work, others for traveling abroad, others do it out of interest. Knowledge of languages ​​makes it possible to read foreign literature, communicate with representatives of other countries, get acquainted with their culture, economy, science and technology. Foreign languages ​​expand our world, make us richer.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe once said: "A man is as many times a man as he knows foreign languages." In the new 21st century, proclaimed by UNESCO as the century of polyglots, the entire civilized world is striving for openness and mutual understanding. In this regard, the role and importance of learning foreign languages ​​is increasing.

It becomes important to educate a person who will be able and willing to participate in intercultural communication in a foreign language. The basis of being and thinking of the new XXI century is the dialogue of different cultures. In a foreign language like subject, there are very effective means in the education of a man of culture. It is important to use the entire educational potential of a foreign language as an interdisciplinary discipline that contributes to

to familiarize students with world culture and, thereby, to a better understanding of their own culture.

Learning foreign languages ​​is difficult, but it's nice to be aware of the purpose and opportunities that will open up before you.

The main thing is to understand that the role of foreign languages ​​in our world is great, and you need to strive to learn them as best as possible so as not to experience

difficulties in communication.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is the key to a full life in the world of people inhabiting our planet.

New tasks involve changes in the requirements for the level of foreign language proficiency, the definition of new approaches to the selection of content and organization of the material.

Every teacher knows and accepts the fact that the main goal of our pedagogical activity is to educate students as independent-thinking and responsible people.

There is no doubt that each of our lessons can and should contribute to the formation of students' thinking, to develop their abilities not only for reproductive, but also for creative thinking, to induce the joy of learning in them.

Years of work have convinced me that success in learning is ensured not only by following, laid down in the educational and methodological complex

methodological systems, but also in a creative approach to their implementation, which allows students to form the need to learn, the ability to work rationally, develop mental abilities, speech activity, show creativity and independence in solving tasks.

I consider the main thing in my pedagogical activity to arouse the child's interest in learning a foreign language, to make the learning process feasible and joyful.

A foreign language lesson has its own specifics, which a foreign language teacher cannot ignore. At present, the global goal of mastering a foreign language is considered to be familiarization with a different culture and participation in the dialogue of cultures.

This goal is achieved through the formation of the ability to intercultural

communications. It is task-based teaching

communicative nature, teaching foreign language communication,

using all the tasks and techniques necessary for this, is

distinctive feature of a foreign language lesson.

Each of us is characterized by an indestructible craving for something new. It is impossible to use the same technique for a long time, because. both the children and the teacher get tired of it. And the new installation allows you to activate everyone. Therefore, I practice non-standard lessons in my work. A non-standard lesson is an impromptu training session that has a non-traditional (not established) structure: lessons - conversations, lessons - correspondence travel, lessons - consultations, lessons - research, lessons - games, oral journal, excursion, reader's conference, KVN, quizzes, competitions , a lesson in the defense of the profession, lessons-tests, lessons-dialogues, defense of projects, debate. When conducting open lessons this form is always winning, because. it presents not only game moments, original presentation of the material, the employment of students not only in preparing lessons, but also in conducting the lessons themselves through various forms of collective and group work.

The use of regional material in the system of school teaching a foreign language.

The regional component in the lesson arouses students' cognitive interest in their native land The use of the regional component creates a special speech environment that helps students get closer to history native land, as well as with its political and geographical position, and this knowledge helps students to learn not only regional studies, but also the historical material of the foreign language being studied.

I use it in class regional component. The purpose of using the regional component is to create conditions for expanding the horizons of students, developing their cognitive interest, and engaging in creative activity. I use the regional component in those classes where it is logically related to the topic. For example, when studying the topic “The face of the city is the visiting card of the country”, grade 7, along with acquaintance with the cities of Germany, we also get acquainted with the cities of the Rostov region and their sights.

The role of visualization in a foreign language lesson.

When teaching foreign languages, the use of various visual aids plays an important role: drawings, pictures, diagrams, tables, photographs, etc., which diversifies the learning process and makes it more interesting for students. The reference schemes that I use in the lesson are designed to make it easier for students to master the German language, to remove various kinds of difficulties, to overcome growing difficulties, to stimulate communication between students, to focus on new studied material, to form strong skills and abilities.

So, with the help of subject pictures and thematic pictures, the presentation of lexical material is carried out. I use subject pictures as a visual support for students' statements.

At the initial stage of learning, I often use pictures to introduce vocabulary denoting specific objects.

Thematic pictures help in creating situations that stimulate the speech activity of students, facilitate conversations on the content of visual material.

Thematic pictures are most often used for teaching oral foreign language speech - listening and speaking.

When learning to listen, the picture can serve as a visual support, facilitating the perception of speech by ear. During a story on a particular topic, I draw students' attention to the details of the picture that are mentioned in the text. Pictures can stimulate students to monologue statements on a given topic, help to use familiar lexical and grammatical material more widely, and also recall previously studied words and phrases.

Great help is provided by illustrative material from albums for the countries of the language being studied. Photos and paintings included in the album introduce the sights of a particular country, writers, scientists of these countries. Each student in this situation can act as a guide.

Among the printed manuals, tables play a leading role. In tables on foreign languages, language material is combined with visual material.

Introduction of new information technologies into the process

learning foreign languages.

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in high school has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, teaching the practical mastery of a foreign language. The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical acquisition of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, the use of new information technologies, lessons in the form of Microsoft Power Point presentations help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning, inclinations, etc. .

Forms of work in the Power Point environment at foreign language lessons


Learning vocabulary;

Practicing pronunciation;

Teaching dialogic and monologue speech;

Learning to write;

Teaching reading;

Practicing grammatical phenomena.

In German lessons with the help of a computer, you can solve a number of didactic tasks: improve skills writing schoolchildren; replenish students' vocabulary; to form in schoolchildren a stable motivation for learning the German language. The scientific novelty of the use of IT lies in the fact that information technology helps to increase the educational motivation for learning a foreign language and improve students' knowledge. With the help of computer technology, the problems of increasing the motivation and mental speech activity of students in the study of the German language are successfully solved. In my work on teaching the German language, to solve the above problems, I used the capabilities of a PC in the Power Point environment in classes in grades 8 and 9. Such classes are especially informative when the topic is not sufficiently disclosed in the textbook and teaching aids, and mastering this information by students is simply necessary. So, in the course of the experiment, a lesson was held with 9th grade students on the topic "Bad Habits" within the framework of the "Problems of Youth" paragraph. (Annex 1).

For several years I have been using the project method. She took part in the discussion at the regional methodological association of teachers of a foreign language and made a presentation on the “Method of projects in foreign language lessons”. The main goal of the project method is to provide students with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in the process of solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. The teacher in the project is given the role of coordinator, expert, additional source of information.

With regard to the subject "foreign language", the project is a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently performed by the student, culminating in the creation of a creative product. The project is valuable in that students learn to acquire knowledge, gain experience in cognitive and educational activities.

With the help of the project methodology, several goals can be achieved at once - to expand the vocabulary, consolidate the studied lexical and grammatical material, make a trip, create a holiday atmosphere in the lesson and engage in project activities to decorate the foreign language classroom with colorful children's works.
I start in elementary school and continue through middle and high school. Together we create:
Grades 2-4: mini-projects "Letters - fidgets", "Me and my family",

Grades 5-6: “My day”, “School building”, “I am learning German”;

Grade 7 "The face of the city is a visiting card of the country", "My village

Grades 8-9 “Journey through Germany” “Choice of profession ”.

Grades 10-11: "German language and my future profession", "Along the Rhine", "Scientists of Germany". (Appendix 3) When evaluating design work, attention should be paid not only to the correct use of language. The degree of their creativity and originality in the implementation of the project is also important.

Project tasks make it clear to the student that the success or failure of the whole group depends on everyone. In practice, this is learning in the process of communication. High school students can be involved in the preparation of projects by middle-level students. One of the advantages of project activities is the creation of a special educational atmosphere that gives children the opportunity to try themselves in various areas of educational activities and develop their universal skills. When using information and communication technologies in foreign language lessons, one should take into account the specifics of this subject, as well as the level at which the language is studied, and the type of lesson. With the use of a computer program, time in the lesson is used more efficiently to consolidate the skills and knowledge of students. When working on a computer, a significant increase in the motivation for learning German is achieved through the use of drawings, crossword puzzles, and direct work on a computer in exercises. Thus, among all the technical means of teaching a foreign language, which are an organic component of the educational process, the computer has the most significant impact on the course of learning. But the most interesting for both students and teachers are the lessons on the development of speech skills using ICT, which are created in collaboration between the teacher and students. Such lessons are student-oriented lessons that are of an activity nature, taking into account the age interests of children, as well as their ability to use a computer and the Internet. And here is how I use the computer in the lessons, the purpose of which is the development of speech skills. Speech skill and computer?! This combination may come as a surprise. A computer is a machine, and it cannot be a speech partner! But, using the capabilities of a computer, you can encourage students to speak. In elementary school, when children still do not know how to use a computer sufficiently, the main user is a teacher who, using ICT, helps students broaden their horizons, learn more about the country of the language being studied, brings amazing, magical moments into the context of the lesson, based on the material studied. And younger students try to show everything that they know and can do in such lessons. After all, this is so typical for young children.

So, for example, a lesson in the 4th grade on the topic “Weihnachten” (“Christmas”) can be turned into a real fairy tale thanks to a computer. Students can "take a trip" to Germany, talk about the traditions and customs associated with this holiday, which they learned about in class, receive a letter from Santa Claus.

At the end of the lesson, the children can write greeting cards in German to their parents and friends.


Liebe Kinder! Ich wünsche euch frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neujahr

For example, in the 10th grade lesson “Umweltschutz” (“Environmental Protection”), students can be divided into groups, each of which chooses one of the problems related to the topic of the lesson: “Water pollution”, “Air pollution”, “Forest pollution” , "Acid Rain". All members of the group should take part in the preparation of projects: someone selects materials on the Internet, someone prepares a slide show, someone writes text for it. The result of the lesson should be reports on selected issues, accompanied by multimedia presentations. In such a lesson, many students need to learn new lexical units and speech patterns in order to prepare a report, ask a question or answer a question.

Unser Planet ist in Gefahr!


Wenn viele kleine Leute an vielen kleinen Orten viele kleine Dinge tun, kann man das Gesicht der Welt verändern!

Before the 11th grade ICT lesson “Die Welt im Spiegel der Kunst” (“The World in the Mirror of Art”), children can conduct a sociological survey of students in grades 9-11 to find out which types of art are especially popular with their peers. The survey results are presented in the form of diagrams. The children should report the results of their work at the very beginning of the lesson.

The materials presented by the students will allow discussing various questions: “Why do schoolchildren prefer this or that type of art?”, “Why is literature in last place?” and others.

Learning a foreign language with the help of a computer has many advantages. First of all, these are advantages from a psychological point of view. In addition to increasing the motivational potential of the student, the computer guarantees confidentiality.

In the event that the results are not recorded for the teacher, only the student himself knows what mistakes he made, and is not afraid that classmates and the teacher will find out his results. Thus, the student's self-esteem does not decrease, and a psychologically comfortable atmosphere is created in the lesson.

The computer is an indisputable assistant for the teacher in developing a German lesson. Those types of work that cause the greatest difficulties in learning a foreign language are transferred to it. So at the initial stage, it is well known how much time it takes to master the transformation of declarative sentences into interrogative and negative ones. One of the reasons that makes it difficult to master grammatical material at this stage is that abstract thinking is not yet developed in children of 7-8 years old. The use of specific visual elements in my pedagogical activity contributes to the removal of such difficulties. When children see colorful pictures, diagrams, animated images on a computer screen, they better perceive and learn new complex material. The main goal of teaching grammar is to develop students' grammatical skills as one of the most important components of the speech skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Grammar is of paramount practical importance, since it provides the formation of oral and written skills.

I try to use various techniques in German lessons that will ensure the flexibility of the formed grammatical mechanisms.

Now more and more often schools began to use a computer and the Internet when teaching a foreign language. I find this method to be the most efficient.

But still, how will the educational process proceed, how will

the assimilation of new material depends largely on the state of students, on their interest, on their readiness (attitude) for independent work. The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. The global Internet creates the conditions for obtaining any information necessary for students and teachers located anywhere in the world: country studies material, news from the life of young people, articles from newspapers and magazines, necessary literature, etc. Students can take part in testing, in quizzes, competitions, olympiads held on the Internet, correspond with peers from other countries, participate in chats, video conferences, etc. Students can receive information about the problem they are currently working on as part of the project. This may be a joint work of Russian schoolchildren and their foreign peers from one or more countries. This is the future. When working with computer technologies, the role of the teacher also changes, whose main task is to support and guide the development of the personality of students, their creative search. Relations with students are built on the principles of cooperation and joint creativity. Under these conditions, a revision of the organizational forms of educational work that have developed today is inevitable: an increase in independent individual and group work of students, a departure from the traditional lesson with a predominance of the explanatory and illustrative teaching method, an increase in the volume of practical and creative work of a search and research nature.

Using interactive teaching methods in German lessons with gifted students

Sag mir, ich vergesse.

Zeigmir, ich behalte. Ziehe mich heran, ich verstehe. Eastern wisdom

The concept of "interactive" comes from the English "interact" ("inter" - "mutual", "act" - "act"). In German, "Wechselwirkung". Interactive learning is a special form of organizing cognitive activity. It implies very specific and predictable goals. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions under which the student feels his success, his intellectual viability, which makes the learning process itself productive.

Interactive learning is, first of all, interactive learning, during which the interaction between the teacher and the student is carried out. There are certain signs of interactive interaction in the lesson. First of all, it is an opportunity for any of the students on any problem to have their own point of view, to hear the opinion of the opponent and to respond to it correctly. Within the framework of interactive interaction, the teacher does not transfer ready-made knowledge, but organizes independent cognitive activity of students, while also creating a situation of success, evaluating students positively and optimistically. The presence of reflection is also one of the signs of interactive interaction in the lesson.

Therefore, it seems to me that this method is most effective when working with gifted students. Indeed, in order to educate a free and thinking person, it is necessary that the learning process be meaningful and exciting, the student feels gifted, unique and successful.

The backbone of interactive approaches are interactive exercises and tasks that are performed by students. The main difference between interactive exercises and tasks from the usual ones is that they are aimed not only and not so much at consolidating the already studied material, but at learning new things. This is especially important for highly motivated students.

When working with such students in a German lesson, I use the following interactive tasks:

Work in small groups. The composition of the group is 5 - 6 people. In each group, it is desirable to combine students of different levels of training. It should be planned in advance how students will be divided into groups. To do this, you can distribute cards of different colors, thus uniting students into groups.

Interactive game "Detectives". Participants receive cards on which roles are written. The task of each participant is to ask questions to find out who is who. This game is successfully used to update knowledge on the topics: "Animals", "Vegetables and Fruits", "Interrogative Sentences" (in various grammatical tenses of the verb).

Interactive exercise "Restore the story." The text is divided into as many parts as there are mini-groups; each part of the text is divided into sentences. The task of the groups is to restore their passage, and then the groups restore the entire text.

In the structure of an interactive lesson with gifted students, I include interactive games to relieve emotional clamps. "Fairy tale" . The facilitator tells the group the beginning of the tale, introduces its heroes. And then he invites the group to come up with a climax and denouement of the tale. Each member of the group writes a sentence on a piece of paper, wraps up part of the sheet with the sentence so that it cannot be read to the next member, who in turn writes his sentence. All participants write a phrase, then the leader presents the resulting fairy tale to the group.

I often use the Five by Five method in high school.

I choose the text and divide it into several (three to six) parts that are approximately equal in volume and complete in meaning. Groups sit at separate tables, each student receives one part of the text. I suggest that for 10 minutes work on the content of the received part of the text individually. When working on the content, the student must carefully read the text in order to convey its main meaning to other students as accurately as possible in an arbitrary form (makes up a plan, theses, etc.). At the end of the work, students in each group are invited to pay in order and remember their numbers. Then new groups are formed: the first group is formed from the first numbers of all groups; the second - from the second numbers of all groups. Thus, the formed groups consist of students, each of whom owns one part of the text. Students are invited to present the content of the text in a group. At the end of the work, students can ask questions to each other, I also check in the form of questions how students understood the content of the entire text.

When working with students with increased motivation, one can successfully apply the method of graphic representation of the main thoughts (Mind Mapping), project techniques. It is worth saying that interactive teaching methods should be introduced in stages, first it is work in pairs or small groups, where everyone gets the opportunity to participate in the work, develop cooperation and communication skills.