People who remembered a past life. True stories that prove past lives are real. Places to be attracted to and states in which it is good

A personality can consciously develop spiritually and, having united with the Soul, free itself in one life!

AllatRa A. Novykh

While watching the program "The Invisible World", the question about previous lives was voiced. The question is very interesting. And he also interested me. For me, this question is very controversial. After all, I am an Orthodox Christian. And as we all know, Christianity denies the possibility of rebirth. As a Christian, I read the Bible, where it was written in black and white: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. What a man sows, that he will also reap. " And here for me there has always been a stumbling block. What did the poor baby, born with AIDS or cerebral palsy, sow in an asocial family or during the war? What did he manage to do as soon as he was born? Very instructive for me in this regard were the stories of Max from the book "Birds and Stone" and a hospital patient from the book "Ezoosmos". All this prompted me to investigate this issue.

It turns out that early Christians believed in the transmigration of Souls. But then this was supplanted by the notion that Jesus atoned for our sins by his suffering. This, by the way, is also not an entirely honest doctrine. Not entirely honest, but very “comfortable” for the mindset. You can go somewhere against your conscience and sin. After all, Jesus already redeemed everything. Is that how it turns out? Where is the truth in this?

In the modern world, there is a wealth of evidence for the existence of previous lives. Once I read about the technique of regressive hypnosis and considered it very progressive. A person in hypnosis was carried back until birth and further to past lives. The patients had very accurate descriptions that were comparable to what was once happening. Now, after rereading the books of A. Novykh, I do not at all consider this technique so advanced. I would even say that she is not at all humane in relation to the Personality of a person.

“Hypnosis is a“ hacking ”of a person, this is aggression, this is slavery. And you, naturally, will not find any knowledge there, except for that-in-th, animal submission. "

"Sensei" A. Novykh

Another moment for me was the children's stories about past lives. All this was told in great detail, sometimes even with knowledge of another language.

Igor Mikhailovich in the program "Invisible World" says about this:

“Paradoxical as it may sound fantastic, but this is - true, this is reality, it has already been proven. This is a fact when subpersonalities who lived at different times appear, and people give examples from a past life with such minute details that it is impossible to come up with it. "

I also found this topic very interesting. Indeed, now in modern society the theme of indigo children is very "promoted". And here everything is not so simple:

Igor Mikhailovich:“It often happens that in a person, at certain moments, subpersonalities are activated, and they can really show their independence. That is, to show, to convey to the consciousness of the living Personality of his experience and the like. And sometimes, it happens that they even seize power in people. If the subpersonality is active, then this can manifest itself as an emotion of hopelessness, as a fear of dying, because the subpersonality has the experience of dying, like other fears and negative emotions. And here there should be an understanding that this is not yours, not yours, but the life of the person who missed their chance to gain spiritual freedom. "

So it turns out that a child is an unformed Personality. Here they can temporarily "take in hands" the power of the subpersonality (previous personalities). And if the previous personalities were engaged in magic, then they have more influence. All this can result in a mental disorder, or even an illness. And there is nothing funny and mysterious about it.

In my childhood, too, there were echoes of such an experience. But they manifested themselves in the same dream, somewhere up to five years old, and a very strong "dislike", I would even say, bordering on hatred, for everything that had to do with Greece: myths, films, history ... It lasted practically before leaving school.

Now, after watching the program "The Invisible World", I understand that the religious attitude that there is only one Life does not at all contradict my inner convictions. After all, I, as a person, live only once. And I have absolutely nothing to do with previous personalities. So it turns out that there is only one life for a person. And this life either ceases to exist in hellish existence in the state of subpersonality, or continues with eternal life in the Spiritual World. And maintaining the theory of reincarnation, for some individuals, can be corrupting enough. After all, why do something, to strive for something. There will be enough time. After all, there are many lives ahead. But this is another self-deception prepared by the consciousness. Prepared so that the Personality does not find the way Home!

Igor Mikhailovich:“The advice here is simple: don't get carried away with the dead, you should strive for the Living. A person perceives reincarnation as his own life, but it will not be your life. Your life is now. The Personality has one life and will not have another life. And the fact that there can be a million subpersonalities around the Soul is not a problem of the Personality, right? They burned their lives. And now we must not give them the opportunity, burn yours too. But as soon as you start thinking about it and investing attention there, the subpersonality is activated. It is for her like a cold breeze or a sip of cool water in the heat. And she will do everything possible to draw you more and more into these games. Thus, it becomes stronger and stronger, because with every portion of your attention, every game in the otherworldly, you strengthen it. Ultimately you can lose yourself. "

Therefore, it is great that we have this “blank slate” or “unseeded field”. What we sow on it, we reap. Everything is very simple. And even if there are a lot of weeds and debris left after the past owners, this is not a reason to lose heart. This is a very big reason to "roll up your sleeves" and clear the path to your Soul!

Igor Mikhailovich Danilov answered the questions.

Reincarnation is an amazing phenomenon that has long been marginalized in scientific research. Fortunately, this issue has recently begun to attract more and more attention from scientists. Several decades ago, the American astronomer Carl Sagan made a rather curious proposition. According to him, there are only three things in parapsychology that deserve serious study.

Among others, the phenomenon was named when young children sometimes report such details of a past life that it was impossible to learn without reincarnation. In fact, all the data turns out to be completely accurate. To date, some amazing scientific discoveries have already been made. Numerous studies are able to lift the veil of secrecy over this intriguing and inexplicable phenomenon from the point of view of the material world.

Intangible sciences have a right to exist

Such a phenomenon as the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into the body of a newborn is sacred to the Eastern religions. But if modern specialists begin to deeply study non-material sciences, they will advance far in matters of cognition of being as a whole. According to experts, in the near future, science can step far ahead in just one decade.

Lead researcher of the issue

University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker is considered to be the most well-known specialist in reincarnation. In 2008, in one scientific publication, he published an overview of the unique cases that he managed to face in the professional field. The typical transmigration case described by Tucker includes accurately described items from the past lives of deceased relatives. It is curious, but children remember everything to the smallest detail and can boast of one hundred percent memory for things from the distant past.

On average, each unique child begins to vividly recall his past life at the age of about three years. At this time, children can already describe events and even past experiences. Their stories are often extensive and surprisingly detailed. Such a young age suggests that these children really know what the past life is like. All of these little ones have amazing emotional involvement in conversations about previous experiences. Some of them tearfully plead with their parents to believe them.

However, by the age of 6-7, stories about a past life usually stop. According to Dr. Tucker, most of his charges do lose touch with their memories. The grown-up child's attention completely switches to the present, he begins to go to school, gains more experience and more emotions. Next, we will tell you the stories of six unique children who experienced reincarnation.

Sam Taylor

This boy is one of Jim Tucker's charges. The baby was born a year and a half after the death of his own paternal grandfather. Surprisingly, the boy showed his first memory of his past life at the age of just over a year. The kid began to speak early, and at the age of one and a half he dropped a phrase addressed to his father.

While the man was changing Sam's diaper, the boy said: "When I was the same age as you are now, I also changed your diapers." Then the child began to give out more and more information about his grandfather. In the end, he told his parents details that they had never told him about. For example, about the fact that my grandfather's sister was killed at one time, and about the grandmother's signature cocktails that she made shortly before her death.

Ryan, boy from the Midwest

Memories began to haunt Ryan at the age of four. And they were terrible nightmares. And already at the age of five, the boy made a shocking statement for his mother. The kid frankly admitted that he thinks that he used to be someone else. He often talked about the fact that his real house was located in Hollywood and begged his mother to go there. He talked in detail about his meetings with movie stars, including Rita Hayward herself, about dancing in Broadway musicals, about working in an agency, and how stars often take on sonorous fictitious names. Ryan even remembered the name of the street he once lived on.

The boy's mother believed in all the stories, because they were detailed and believable. A small child couldn't fit so much information in his head. The family examined many archival materials, during which a photograph of a man was found. Ryan immediately pointed to her, but the identity was unknown. The woman decided to seek help from Dr. Tucker. The scientist began his independent research.

Ultimately, it turned out that the old picture was still from the movie Night After Night, and the man's name was Marty Martin. At the dawn of his career, the man was a dancer on Broadway, and then worked in an agency, where he created sonorous pseudonyms for clients. He traveled a lot and lived in Paris. Surprisingly, little Ryan could remember how many children Martin had and how many times he was married. He remembered the African-American maid and 55 other amazing facts from the life of his predecessor. Over time, the boy's memories became more and more hazy and hazy.

Chanay Chumalavong

This boy is originally from Thailand. At the age of three, he began to tell that he was once a teacher named Kai Bua and that he was shot while riding his bicycle to school. He begged his parents to take him to Kai's parents. He clearly remembered the village in which he lived and, in the end, persuaded his own grandmother to go there. According to the stories of the surprised grandmother, as soon as he and Chanay got off the bus, the boy confidently walked along the familiar road. He brought her unmistakably to the house where Kai's elderly parents lived. The old men confirmed all the information.

Unknown boy

The boy's half-brother, whose name has not been disclosed, died 12 years before his birth from neuroblastoma. The terrible diagnosis was made immediately after the boy began to systematically limp. Then a new misfortune falls on the baby - a pathological fracture of the lower leg. Specialists made a biopsy of the nodule above the right ear. After confirming the diagnosis, the baby received chemotherapy. He died at the age of two, at the time of death the boy was completely blind in his left eye. 12 years later, his half-brother was born.

The newborn had three pronounced moles, located in the lesions of the half-brother. An identical swelling was found over the right ear, and subsequently a thorn in the cornea of ​​the left eye. As soon as our next hero began to walk, he walked with a limp. Subsequently, he spoke about the previous house and described it with amazing accuracy. At the age of 4.5, the boy recalled a surgical scalpel.

Kendra Carter

When the girl began taking swimming lessons at the age of four, she immediately developed an emotional bond with her mentor. Very soon, the girl told that in a past life she was the stillborn child of her coach. A woman 9 years ago actually experienced a miscarriage. Soon, the emotional bond between Kendra and her “old” mother grew even stronger. Their lessons became more frequent, and the couple remained alone for a long time.

In the end, a huge conflict occurred between the swimming instructor and the girl's real mother. After that, the baby fell into depression and did not speak for 4.5 months. Gradually, the previous contact was renewed, and Kendra began to participate in the activities again.

James Leininger

A 4-year-old Louisiana boy, James Leininger, suddenly began talking about being an aviation pilot during World War II. In 1945, he was shot down over the Japanese island of Iwo Jima. The mother immediately believed the boy, because at night he woke up in a cold sweat and screamed about the terrible plane crash. But most of all, the parents were impressed by the amazingly accurate knowledge about the structure of bombers. A 4-year-old boy simply could not have known all this information. For example, he knew where the bombs were on board and where the dropping compartments were.

Subsequently, the parents were convinced of the reliability of the information by watching a documentary about the American military aviation. James remembered the name of the aircraft carrier, his squadron, and the names of the other pilots. Ultimately, the father, who looked at the son's stories with skepticism, was forced to surrender.

Read carefully!! Please read the letter carefully! We had a normal and ordinary family like. Once, about 3 years ago, we hired a housekeeper because we couldn't do the housework ourselves. But life was still not sweet. My elder sister raised me and my brother alone, it was hard, but everything was fine, they did not need anything. At first everything was fine, after 2 weeks the housekeeper became a little strange, she became afraid of any rustle in our house, over time, when she was cleaning, she felt even worse and worse (let's call her Lyudmila, I don't remember her name anymore). I found an explanation for myself - I thought that I was drinking 100%, or was sick with something. And then the day came when she came .. but .. after 35 minutes she asked me to come back home, because she felt terrible ... The next day, she comes ... no longer comes to our house, she stands at the threshold. Crying, even sobbing, he says: that's it .. I can’t take it anymore, I don’t know what they want from me (says to my sister) they ask me to convey that the time has come .. (my sister asks who is asking ??? what time is it?) But she sobbing, screaming something .. it means trying to give our money back - for the work that we gave her - the sister does not take of course. She takes, throws this money and runs away. I said something else, but I don't remember what anymore. They seem to have forgotten this strange lady and everything is calm. But ... after a couple of days, my sister wakes up at night ... wakes me up, shakes ... I don't understand what happened at all. At that moment, when I was already completely awake, I saw her crazy eyes .. I felt sick ... she chokingly walks from corner to corner and constantly repeated: I remembered ... I remembered ... I was sitting in a chair, I was it terribly scary, what was happening to her? what does she say? in general some kind of nonsense! And at that time the phone rang ... I wanted to pick up the receiver, I stretch out my hand, and suddenly ... my sister almost rushes at me and says in a trembling voice: Don't pick it up !! Don't pick it up !! it's them!! I sat down in my seat again. She began to say: I remembered a past life ... I saw it with my own eyes .. I remembered how I was dying .. I was lying on the bed ... the railing of the bed was made of an iron pattern .. I was alone in the room .. I was dying. I was very very old .. I was dying of death .. no one was around. Suddenly my whole life passed before my eyes in seconds .. I died ... then I walked along the corridor, the corridor was very dark, but at the end there was light. I walked, walked for a very long time. Soon everything was getting brighter and brighter ... I entered ... I was in paradise ... I saw paradise .. I saw God. .. ´´ she says chokingly, and sometimes inserting - I have to tell you quickly, so as not to forget ... ´ We live on this planet more than once! I just remembered that! If we live our lives wrong, then we die and are born again. God gives everyone such an opportunity, everyone should go to heaven, hell, one might say, turns out to be on earth, because we will die and be born again and again until we change our lives. When we die, God takes away the whole memory. If in a previous life you grew up in a rich and well-to-do family, you had everything and you did not believe in God and did not live by his laws, then in your next life you can be born in a poor family, where poverty is where there is hunger. Anything can happen. When you die, God gives you some advantages in life - for example, beauty, intelligence, talent, and can take away your happiness, for example, it all depends on how long you lived correctly. My sister says that God gave her strength and intelligence (she is a pretty girl and a very interesting person, I want to say a lot she always had fans, but in general she is a little ugly - but after 5 minutes of communication with her, anyone will be delighted - because she smart from God and a very interesting girl, here) but also took something - probably part of beauty, I don't remember anymore - maybe I'm mistaken about beauty, so let's skip it. Then she says: And then I remembered everything, all my lives. And God gave me a chance to change again .. because if you lived your life as God wants, that is, the right life, you do not stay on the planet, God simply takes you away. And ... I remember being born again ... when a child is born he remembers everything ... but every day he forgets more and more .. that's why I am born again ... Because how can God just take and to let the person go to hell? It's impossible! He created us, we are a part of him, his likeness .. That is why Jesus was born, he opened this door with a key ... Light - she addresses me (my pseudonym) Do you believe me? I look at her with stunned eyes, myself in complete shock .. what to say .. nothing came to my mind ... ´´ I don’t know ´´ - I say. In general, she was very strange the next day (this is understandable) The next day the conversation took place again. She says: Sveta .. sometimes I hear voices in my head, I know they say that you are in another time. I’m all messed up .. sometimes I really don’t know what time I’m in now. Our soul can live in several bodies at once, you do not know this, but it is so. Sometimes my sister asked me what age is it now? what year? I was terrified and desperate. ... I was scared for her .. after all, this is a dear and beloved man ... everyone can understand me. On that day, she left to visit a certain religious family. I called her boyfriend, told what was happening, he went to her. Voobsekhm letter and so delayed. I'll tell you about the main thing. Her boyfriend took her to a doctor she knew .. she was in the hospital for 2 weeks on pills and almost all the time she just slept. After she came to her senses for half a year. Then she told me ´´ Sveta, that day I looked out the window ... you know what I saw ?? everything was normal and suddenly ... all the people ... all the cars ... all the moving ones stopped. Like a pause in a movie ... I heard a voice .. God spoke ... you see, he said that life is a moment, it was and it is not. Look at everyone, everyone is in a hurry somewhere .. everyone is always in a hurry somewhere .. why ?? if one problem is solved, there will always be another .. each of them does not remember what they need ... why is there always something missing, they run after something in this life and fuss ... Then I heard voices that speak steel me - you are at the wrong time, you cannot be here, your time has not come yet .. you must return .. come back, you have a lot of things to do there! Come back! And I came back .. I remembered all the Light. Everything.
My sister says that the pills with which she was given only worsened the situation, all the spices locked up in her everything that she lived with this .. Seikhas, she is doing well ... her own family, baby and loving husband .. eat everything. But she says that she will not live long on this planet ... she is confident, because she knows that there is another life, she saw it, she remembered everything ..
Girls, this is absolutely true. Not a drop of thoughtful .. I probably even forgot to add something. She is not sick, she is a normal person, loving wife and mother. It was a little hard in life, but I’m sure it’s nothing to do with it. I can add that some of my friends, I don't understand why at all, for no reason at all, are completely different people who have never even met each other - they told me that when they mess with me or my family, it is very strange oshushenie, completely incomprehensible, frightening off a little .. don’t know how to explain. I want to note that these people are quite different people - who are completely unfamiliar with each other. There were other strange incidents in my life ... but more on that later, too many things at once. Thank you for reading, I hope you understand.

A few months ago I came across an article on one of the information portals that collected some rather unusual children's sayings. It was also interesting to read the reaction of readers to these statements. In short, the reaction can be roughly divided into two types.

  1. Those who believe in reincarnation and past lives. Such users reacted rather calmly to these children's statements, realizing that all this was related to past lives.
  2. Those who do not believe in reincarnation. From such readers one could hear something like: "Children's fantasy is good."

Let's talk a little about this. And I will start with an excerpt from the AllatRa book, where it is written very well about all this.

« What is a human being? During life, a human being is a multidimensional spatial object that is built around the Soul and has its own intelligent Personality. The familiar form and structure of the physical body visible to the eye, together with its physicochemical processes and control system (including the material brain), is just a part of the general human structure, which belongs to the three-dimensional dimension. That is, a person consists of a Soul along with its informational shells, a Personality and a structure, shall we say, consisting of various fields of other dimensions (including the physical body, which is in a three-dimensional dimension).

What is an intelligent person? In a new structure, in a new body, a new Personality is also formed - this is who any person feels during his life, the one who chooses between the Spiritual and Animal principles, analyzes, draws conclusions, accumulates personal baggage of sensual and emotional dominants. If during life a person develops spiritually to such an extent that his Personality merges with the Soul, then a qualitatively new, mature Being, different from the human being, is formed, which goes into the spiritual world. This is, in fact, what is called "liberation of the Soul from the captivity of the material world", "going into Nirvana", "achieving holiness" and so on. If during the life of a human such a merger did not occur, then after the death of the physical body and the destruction of the energy structure, this intelligent Personality leaves together with the Soul for rebirth (reincarnation), turning, say conditionally, into a subpersonality for understanding the essence. When the physical body dies, the human being continues to exist. In the transitional state, it has a spherical shape with spiral structures. This formation contains the Soul along with its informational shells - subpersonalities from previous incarnations, including the Personality from recent life.

In the photo of the Soul, the edge shell is clearly traced. It consists (as it deepens towards the ball) of red (the remainder of vital energy - prana), as well as yellow and white-yellow colors of other energies. The spherical shape itself is sky blue with shades of light green; has a characteristic spiral structure, twisted towards the center, with shades of rainbow and white blotches.

Information shells located around the Soul are sensory-emotional clots, more precisely, a reasonable information structure, which can be associatively compared with a kind of nebula. Simply put, these are former Personalities from past incarnations. There can be many such subpersonalities near the Soul, depending on how many reincarnations a person has.

Anastasia: It turns out that the subpersonality is a Personality, like you, which was active in the past incarnations of your Soul.

Rigden: Yes. In other words, this is a former Personality from a past life with all the baggage of sensual and emotional dominants (positive or negative) that she has accumulated in her time during her life, that is, with the result of her lifetime choice.

A personality, as a rule, does not have a direct connection with subpersonalities, therefore a person does not remember about past lives and, accordingly, the experience, acquired knowledge of these subpersonalities. But in rare cases, with the imposition of certain circumstances, a vague sensation of déjà vu is possible, or short-term spontaneous manifestations of the activity of the last (previous current incarnation) subpersonality. This is especially characteristic of a person in early childhood.

There are cases, recorded in works on psychiatry, when children who do not have any abnormalities, with healthy parents, show short-term unnatural behavior akin to borderline personality disorder. Let me give you one example. A four-year-old girl began to have the same dream: against the background of the light, a boy who calls her to him, but does not let her into the light either. She began to complain to her parents about this depressing dream, and in the evenings she showed unpredictable, previously unusual aggressive behavior and unusual strength. A four-year-old girl in anger turned tables, chairs, a heavy curbstone, did not recognize her mother, threw a tantrum at her in an accusatory manner that “you are not my mother,” “you will die anyway,” and so on. That is, the girl's words and behavior were unnatural for her, but very characteristic of a subpersonality that has experienced reincarnation and is in a state of "hell", experiencing torment and animal pain. And the next day, the child again became normal, behaved as usual. This is a typical case of a short-term manifestation of the negativism of the previous subpersonality. The best thing that can be done in this case is to actively develop the child's intellect, expand his horizons of knowledge of the world and wait for the initial surge to occur, a new Personality is formed.

The primary surge occurs, as a rule, by the age of 5-7 years of a person's life. The fact is that in early childhood, before the initial surge, a similar short-term activation of the previous Personality (subpersonality) can occur. The latter, while a new Personality is being formed, is trying to break through to consciousness and seize power over a person.

But much more often there are other cases of manifestation of subpersonality. This is when children aged 3-5 (in the period when a new Personality has not yet been formed) begin to reason from the perspective of an adult, experienced person. In rare cases, it may be detailed details of their previous adult life, which, in fact, are impossible to know at that age. And most often it happens that a child unexpectedly wisely speaks out on some occasion, expressing clearly not childish thoughts, and this sometimes mystically frightens adults. Parents should not be afraid of such manifestations, but should simply understand their nature. When the personality of the child is formed, they will pass.

So, each subpersonality retains the individuality of its past consciousness in the form of desires, aspirations that dominated during its active life. Personality, as I already said, has no direct connection with subpersonalities, that is, a person does not consciously remember his past lives. However, at the subconscious level, such a connection between the Personality and subpersonalities remains. Indirectly, the latter can influence the Personality and "push" it to certain actions, inclining to make certain decisions. This happens at an unconscious level. In addition, subpersonalities, figuratively speaking, are like "foggy filters", due to which the direct connection between the Soul and the new Personality is significantly hampered, so to speak, between the source of Light and the one who needs it. " (pp. 83-89)

Well, now, I will give examples of interesting children's sayings, of which there are enough on the Internet.

I am not giving the full story, because it is big, but in short, Maksim's mother had an older brother, 14 years older than her. He loved and cared for his sister very much, their dad died early. My brother was a civil aviation pilot and died in a car accident while returning home from a flight. The story ends with the words of little Maxim: “Do you remember, I promised to take you on a plane? So, when I grow up, I will definitely become a pilot and fulfill my promise, mom! "

“A boy with a long red mark on his head was born in the Druze community on the border between Syria and Israel.

When the child was 3 years old, he told his parents that he was killed in a previous life. He also remembered that his death came from a blow to the head with an ax.

When the boy was brought to the village from his memories, he was able to give his name in a past life. Local residents said that such a person actually lived here, but disappeared about 4 years ago.

The boy remembered not only his home, but also gave the name of his killer.

When he met the child, this man seemed frightened, but he never confessed to the crime. Then the boy pointed out the place where the murder took place.

And to the surprise of everyone, a human skeleton and an ax were found at this very place, which turned out to be a murder weapon.

The skull of the found skeleton was damaged, and it is exactly the same the mark was on the child's head

“At the age of three, the boy impressed his parents by declaring that he was not their son and that his name was Chen Mingdao before!

The boy described in detail the place where he lived before, and even gave the names of his parents.

He also remembered that he died during the revolutionary actions from saber blows and shots. Moreover, on the belly of the child there were actually birthmarks that look like saber marks.

It turned out that Tang Jiangshan's former birthplace is not so far away. And when the boy was 6 years old, he and his parents went to his former native village.

Despite his childhood, Tang Jiangshan was able to find his home without difficulty. To the surprise of everyone, the boy spoke fluently in the dialect of the place where they arrived.

Entering the house, he recognized his former father and introduced himself as Chen Mingdao. Sande - the boy's former father could hardly believe the child's story, but the details that the boy told about his past life forced him to admit his son.

Since then, Tang Jiangshan has had another family. His past life father and sisters accepted him as the former Chen Mingdao. "

(English Ian Pretyman Stevenson) (October 31, 1918 - February 8, 2007) - Canadian-American biochemist and psychiatrist. The object of his study was the presence in children of information about the lives of people who lived before them (which, according to Stevenson, proved reincarnation, or reincarnation).

Over the course of 40 years, Stevenson has investigated over 3,000 child reports of past events. Each time, the researcher documented the child's stories and compared them with actual events.

Stevenson tried to find explanations for the phenomenon not only in terms of the possibility of transmigration of souls, he tried to exclude both deliberate deception and cases where children could accidentally receive information in the usual way, or if there is a high probability of false memories of both the subject himself and members of his current or supposed past family ... Stevenson rejected several cases. Stevenson did not claim that his research proved the existence of reincarnation, cautiously calling these facts "supposed reincarnation," and considered reincarnation not the only, but still the best explanation for most of the cases he studied.

After spending many years researching reincarnation, Stevenson wrote:

“Orthodox theory in psychiatry and psychology presents the human personality as a product of the genetic material of a person (inherited from ancestors through parents), which changes under the influence of the environment in the prenatal and postnatal periods. But I have found that there are cases that we cannot satisfactorily explain by genetics, environmental influences, or a combination of both. "(Family Circle, June 14, 1978)

Stevenson had his own learning system, his own set of techniques. In his work, the doctor was based on the following principles:

  • families in which there was a child who possessed information about the lives of people who had already died were never paid a monetary reward,
  • studies were carried out mainly with children from two to four years old,
  • a proven case was considered only one for which it was possible to obtain documentary evidence of the events being recalled.

Jan loved working with children. They usually remember "their" previous life and start talking about it from the age of two or three. The most typical age is from two to four years, less often memories of a past life appear in older children. Often a child begins to talk about his previous life as soon as he has learned to speak. Sometimes he has to use gestures to supplement what he cannot yet clearly express in words (Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, p. 637.)

By the age of five or six (and almost certainly by eight), these memories fade and disappear. This is the very age at which the child's social circle expands, he begins to go to school, etc. Presumably, this new experience is superimposed in the child's memory on those layers that contain memories of a previous life, and over time the latter become inaccessible.

(Stevenson. Explanatory Value of the Idea of ​​Reincarnation. - Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, May 1977, p. 317.)

In many cases, the first words spoken by children are the names of the places where they lived or the names of people they knew before, which completely discourages their parents.

When talking about a past life, the child may behave somewhat strange. His behavior may seem unusual for members of his family, but it is consistent with what he says about his previous life (and in most cases his full correspondence with the description given by the relatives of the deceased person is found) ... Another feature: the child often shows " adult "attitude to the world and behaves beyond his years seriously, wisely, and sometimes with patronizing condescension towards other children. This is typical when the subject is convinced that he is still an adult and not a child.

(Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, pp. 637-38.)

Subjects often talk about the strangeness of their sensations in physical bodies. They express dissatisfaction with the fact that they were small children.

(Stevenson. The Possible Nature of Post-Mortem States. - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, October 1980, p. 417.)

The events that children remember best relate to the death of their former personality and the circumstances that led to it. If a person says that in a previous life he did not die by his own death, then traces in the form of moles, birthmarks, scars, scars may remain on the body. About 35% of children who talked about their past life had birthmarks or birth defects, the location of which corresponds to wounds (usually fatal) on the body of a person whose life the child remembers.

(Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, p. 654.)

The information from Stevenson's research, which I briefly cited in small fragments, in my opinion, correlates very well with what is written in AllatRa. At what age do unusual children's statements begin and end, what is their character and child's behavior.

Well, one more thing that I will leave without comment. In some cases, children talk about how they chose their own parents. I will give several examples of such statements. How true these statements are, I cannot judge.

Several decades ago, the American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan said that “there are three concepts in parapsychology that deserve serious research,” one of them is related to the fact that “young children sometimes tell the details of their“ past lives, which, after checking, are accurate and which they probably didn’t know. ”

Many researchers became interested in studying this intriguing and inexplicable phenomenon, as a result of which a number of surprising discoveries were made. The study of reincarnation belongs to the non-material sciences, this area deserves a lot of attention.

University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker is perhaps the leading researcher of the phenomenon of reincarnation today. In 2008, he published an article where he spoke about cases that are suggestive of reincarnation.

Tucker describes typical cases of reincarnation. An interesting fact - 100 percent of those who report a past life are children. The average age of children talking about their past life is 1.5 years, and their descriptions are often extensive and surprisingly detailed. The author notes that these children are very emotional when they talk about the events of the past, some cry and ask to be entangled with "past families".

According to Tucker: “Children usually stop talking about their past life by the age of 6-7, for most of them these memories are simply erased. At this age, children begin to go to school, they have more events in their lives, and, accordingly, they begin to lose their early memories. "

Sam Taylor

Sam Taylor is one of the children Tucker studied. The boy was born 1.5 years after the death of his paternal grandfather. Sam, in a little over a year, first mentioned a past life. Tucker writes: "Once, 1.5-year-old Sam told his father when he was changing his diaper:" When I was your age, I usually changed your diapers. " From that moment on, the boy began to tell many facts from the life of his grandfather, it is noteworthy that he spoke about what he could not know and understand at all. For example, that the grandfather's sister was killed, that his grandmother made him milkshakes every day until his grandfather's death. Amazing, isn't it?

Ryan is a Midwest boy

Ryan's story begins at the age of 4, when he began to suffer from frequent nightmares. At the age of five, he told his mother: "I'm used to being someone else." Ryan often talked about going home to Hollywood and asked his mother to take him there. He talked about meeting such stars as Rita Hayworth, about participating in productions on Broadway and about working in an agency where people often change their names. He even remembered the name of the street where he lived "in a past life."

Ryan's mother, Cindy, said that "his stories were incredibly detailed and so full of events that the child could not just make them up."

Cindy decided to research the Hollywood books in her home library, hoping to find something that captured her son's attention. And she found a photo of the person Ryan thought he was in a past life.

The woman decided to turn to Tucker for help. The psychiatrist decided to get down to business and began his research. After 2 weeks, Tucker revealed who the man in the photo was. The photo is from a movie called Night After Night, and the man is Marty Martin, who was an extra and later became an influential Hollywood agent until his death in 1964. Martin did perform on Broadway, worked for an agency that gave clients pseudonyms, and lived at 825 North Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills. Ryan knew all these facts. For example, that the address contains the word "rox". The boy could also tell how many children Martin had, how many times he was married. It is even more amazing that he knew about Martin's sisters, although he knew nothing about Martin's daughter. Ryan also "remembered" the African American housekeeper. Martin and his wife had several. In total, the boy brought 55 facts from the life of this person. But as he got older, Ryan gradually began to forget everything.

Shanai Shumalaiwong

Shanai is a Thai boy who, at the age of 3, began to say that he was a teacher named Bua Kai, who was shot while cycling to school. He asked and begged to take him to Bua Kai's parents, whom he felt to be his parents. He knew the name of the village where they lived and eventually convinced his mother to take him there. According to Tucker: “His grandmother said that after getting off the bus, Shanai took her to the house where an elderly couple lived. Shanai recognized them, they were indeed the parents of Bua Kai, a teacher who was killed on his way to school 5 years before the boy was born.

It is striking that Kai and Shanai had something in common. Kai was shot from behind: on the back of his head there was a small round entrance wound from a bullet wound, and on his forehead there was a larger and uneven one. Shanai, on the other hand, was born with two birthmarks, a small round mole on the back of the head and a larger, irregularly outlined one in the front.

The case with P.M.

A boy, let's call him P.M., died 12 years before his birth from a malignant tumor - neuroblastoma - a half-brother. The tumor was discovered after the brother began to limp, and then constantly broke his left tibia. He had a biopsy taken from a nodule on his head just above his right ear and received chemotherapy through a catheter placed in the external jugular vein. The child died at the age of 2, being already blind in his left eye.

P.M. was born with 3 birthmarks, which seemed to remind of the problems of his stepbrother. One of them was in the form of a tumor 1 cm in size above the right ear, the other was a black almond-shaped mark in the lower part of the anterior surface of the neck, i.e. where the catheter was placed for his brother. He also had a so-called "corneal lesion" due to which he was virtually blind in his left eye. When P.M. began to walk, he did it, limping on his left leg. And at the age of 4.5, the boy began to ask his mother to return to their former home, which he described with incredible accuracy.

Kendra Carter

At 4 years old, Kendra started taking swimming lessons and instantly became emotionally attached to the coach. Soon after the start of classes, the girl began to say that the coach's child had died, that the coach was ill, and she had a miscarriage. Kendra's mother was always present at the classes, and when she asked her daughter how she knew all this, the girl replied that she was that child from the trainer's belly. The girl's mother soon learned that the coach actually had a miscarriage 9 years before Kendra was born.

The girl became happy and cheerful when she was in class, and, on the contrary, withdrawn the rest of the time. The mother began to allow her daughter to spend more and more time with the coach, even to stay 3 times a week at night.

Subsequently, the coach quarreled with Kendra's mother and stopped all contact with the family. After that, the girl fell into depression and did not speak to anyone for 4.5 months. The coach resumed the relationship, but already more limited, and Kendra slowly began to talk and take part in competitions.

James Leininger

James was a 4 year old boy from Louisiana. He believed he was once a pilot who was shot down over Iwo Jima during World War II. For the first time, the boy's parents learned about this, when he began to suffer from nightmares, James stood up and shouted: “The plane crashed! The plane is on fire! " He knew the characteristics of the aircraft, which was impossible for his age. For example, once he corrected his mother in a conversation, she called the outboard fuel tank a bomb. James and his parents watched a documentary in which the author named the Japanese plane Zero, and the boy claimed it was Tony. In both cases, the boy was right.

James also mentioned a ship called Natoma Bay. As the Leiningers later learned, during the First World War it was an American aircraft carrier.

How does a little Louisiana boy remember himself as a pilot during World War II, you ask?

The main skeptic in this story was the boy's father, who claimed to be very skeptical about the situation, but the information that James gave out was so startling and unusual.

Reincarnation in numbers:

Tucker's study found interesting patterns in cases of children reporting past life memories:

The average age at the time of death of a person “relocated to a new body” is 28 years
Most of the children reporting past life memories are between the ages of 2 and 6.
60% of children reporting past life memories are boys.
Approximately 70% of these children claim to have died a violent or unnatural death.
90% of children reporting past life memories say they had the same gender in a past life.
The average time interval between their reported date of death and new birth is 16 months.
20% of these children report having memories of the period between death and rebirth.