Will kalita on what is written. Spiritual charter: the testament of Ivan Kalita The testament of Ivan Kalita was written on birch bark

In the name of father and son and holy spirit. I am a sinful, insignificant servant of God, Ivan, I write a spiritual letter, going to the Horde, we do not force anyone, in my right mind, in full health. In case God decides what about my life, I give my will to my sons and my princess.

I bequeath my fatherland to my sons, Moscow, and the partition caused them this. I gave my elder son Semyon: Mozhaisk with all the volosts, Kolomna with all the Kolomna volosts, Gorodenka, Mezynya, Pesochnaya and Seredokorotna, Pokhryana, Ust'mersk, Brosheva, Gvozdnu, Ivani villages, Makovets, Levichin, Skulnev, Kanev, Gzhel, Goretova, Gorki the village of Astafyevskoye, a village on Seversk in the Pokhryansky district, the village of Konstantinovskoye, the village of Orininskoye, the village of Ostrovskoye, the village of Kopoteskoye, the village of Mikulskoye, the village of Malakhovskoye, the village of Naprudskoye near the city. And during my life I gave to my son Semyon: 4 gold chains, 3 gold belts, 2 gold bowls with pearls, a gold saucer with pearls, with precious stones, 2 large gold ladles; and from a silver dish he gave him 3 dishes. silver.

I give to my son Ivan: Zvenigorod, Kremichna, Ruza, Fominskoe, Sukhodol, Velikaya Sloboda, Zamoshskaya Sloboda, Ugozh, Rostovtsy, Okat-Eva Sloboda, Skirminovskoe, Trostnu, Neguchu; and villages: Ryukhovskoye, Kamenetskoye village, Ruzskoye village, Belzhinskoye village, Maksimovskoye village, Andreevskoye village, Vyazemskoye village, Domontovskoye village, a village in Zamoshskaya Sloboda, Semchinskoye village. And from gold I gave to my son Ivan: 4 gold chains, a large gold belt with pearls, with precious stones, a gold belt with clasps, a belt decorated with carnelian, bound in gold, 2 gold ladles, 2 round gold cups, a silver dish of Ezdin, 2 small saucers.

I gave to my son Andrey: Lopasnya, Severskaya, Narunizhskoe, Serpukhov, Nivna, Temna, Golichikha, Shchitov, Przemysl, Rostovets, Tukhachev; and the villages: the village of Talezhskoye, the village of Serpukhovskoye, the village of Kolbasinskoye, the village of Narskoye, the village of Peremyshlskoye, the village of Bityagovskoye, the village of Trufonovskoye, the village of Yasinovskoye, the village of Kolomenskoye, the village of Nogatinskoye. And from gold I gave to my son Andrey: 4 gold chains, a gold fryazh belt with pearls, with precious stones, a gold belt with a hook on crimson silk, a golden Horde belt, 2 gold bowls, 2 small small golden ladles, and from the dishes - a silver dish and two small ones.

And I give my princess with smaller children: Surozhik, Mushkin Gora, Radonezhskoe, Beli, Voryu, Chernogolovl, Sofronovskoy settlement on Vorya, Vokhna, Deikovo, Ramenye, Danilishchev settlement, Mashev, Selna, Guslitsa, Ramenye, what was the princess; and the villages: the village of Mikhailovskoye, the village of Lutsinskoye, a village near the lake, the village of Radonezhskoye, the village of Deiguninskoye, the village of Tylovskoye, Rogozh, the village of Protasyevskoye, the village of Aristovskoye, the village of Topastenskoye, the village of Mikhailovskoye on the Yauza, 2 Kolomensky villages. And from the city revenues I give my princess to the master, and my sons will share the tamga and other city revenues; also the travel trade duties, which are in the district, then - to that, and my sons will share the dues of the city of Vasiltsev's knowledge.

And as for my bee-keepers and obrochniks bought, then who are in the list (appear), then — to that one.

And if, due to my sins, the Tatars seek out what volosts and take away from you, my sons and my princess, you will share these volosts again instead of those.

And let my sons know the number of people together, and my sons, bought in a large bundle, let my sons share.

And I gave my princess Elena's gold to my daughter Fetinya — 14 hoops and her mother's necklace, a monostable new one, that I forged, and the brow (headdress) and gryvna (hoop around the neck) I gave with me.

And what I got gold, what God gave me, and the gold box, I gave it to my princess with smaller children.

And from my clothes for my son Semyon, a red pearl casing, a golden hat; and to my son Ivan — a casing of yellow silk with pearls, a big cape with shoulders; to my son Andrey — a buhai (outerwear) sable with shoulder pads, with large pearls, with precious stones, woolen clothes with shoulder pads.

And 2 casing with breastplates, with pearls, which I have now made, I gave to my younger children Maria and Fedosya with a necklace.

And let my silver belts distribute them to the priests.

And let Eska give my 100 rubles to the churches.

And what remains of my silver dishes, let my sons and my princess share.

And what remains of my clothes, then let them distribute to the priests in Moscow. I give a large dish with 4 rings to the Holy Mother of God of Vladimir. I gave a flock to my son Semyon, and another to Ivan, let my sons and my princess share my other flocks. In addition to the Moscow villages, I give my son Semyon my own villages: the village of Avakovskoye in Novgorod on Ulal, and the other in Vladimir - Borisovskoye.

And the villages that I bought, Petrovskoye, Aleksinskoye, Vsedobrich and Pavlovskoye on Mas (I bought half, and exchanged half with the Metropolitan) and the village on Mas that I bought from Athenaeus, I give to my son Ivan.

And what I bought the villages of Varvarskoye and Melovskoye from Yuryev, what I exchanged for Matveishchevskoye, I give to my son Andrey.

And the village of Pavlovskoe (the purchase of our grandmother) and the new village that I bought, and Saint Alexander that I bought in Kostroma, I give to my princess.

And the village that I bought in Rostov, Bogoroditskoe, I gave it to Boris Vorkov, if he serves any of my son, the village will be his, and if he does not serve my children, let them take away (from him) the village.

And the small village on Kerzhach, which I bought from Abbot Prokofy, the other, Leont'evskoe, the third Sharapovskoe, I give to Saint Alexander for my commemoration.

And I will bequeath to you, my son Semyon, your younger brothers and my princess with younger children: after God you will take care of them.

And whoever breaks this letter of mine, let God judge him.

And there are witnesses: my spiritual father Ephraim, my spiritual father Theodosia, my spiritual priest David.

The second "Spiritual Charter" by Ivan Kalita was written in 1328, published in the "Collection of State Charters and Treaties", vol. I, No. 22.
The translation was published in the anthology on the history of the USSR. T. I / Comp. V. Lebedev et al. M., 1940

Photo for the announcement on the main page: wikipedia.org
Photo of Lida: Kremlin under Ivan Kalita, painting by A.M. Vasnetsov, source -wikipedia.org

The history of the people is its main treasure and memory, which will not be forgotten after many centuries. Interested in facts about the life of our ancestors, we often notice that information is shrouded in secrets and deep meaning. Many are trying to find out what spiritual literacy is, how to understand and decipher it. Some researchers give the concept the following definition: spiritual literacy is one of the most important sources of Russian medieval history, a kind of testament addressed not only to specific individuals, but also to the whole people and descendants.

In ancient times, in order to understand what an appanage prince owned, it was enough just to look at his spiritual literacy. She gave detailed information about the owner's property, about the reasons and ways of acquiring it. Thanks to the recorded information, in an extraordinary will we can trace the dynamics of the collection or fragmentation of princely lands and wealth. In the Middle Ages, almost everyone knew what spiritual literacy was. The manuscripts were kept carefully and for a long time, because the documents used to be treated very reverently. A collection of wills of the great Moscow princes has survived to this day.

The life and work of Ivan Kalita

One of the most remarkable and valuable is the spiritual certificate of Ivan Kalita. He was truly the Grand Duke, who was born in 1283 and went through a difficult path before becoming a famous and revered person during his lifetime. At the very beginning of his reign, the prince achieved tremendous results. He was respected for his ability to find a common language with people, as well as for his perseverance and determination. Thanks to Great Ivan, the economic and political life of the union of the Moscow principality and the Golden Horde came into harmony. Kalita was merciless with traitors and strict with his people, any confrontation was always suppressed by them with ease.

Spiritual certificates of Ivan Kalita

The spiritual charter of Kalita was drawn up for a long time, in a very difficult historical period for Russia. At the beginning of the will there is an indication of the state of health of the prince. He assured that everything was in order with him mentally and that there were no physical abnormalities either. During his life, Kalita accumulated sufficient capital, which he bequeathed to his sons and wife, Princess Ulyana. In the document, Ivan listed all his savings that he inherited from his father, grandfather, and those that he earned on his own. By the way, there were a lot of them. At that time, the Grand Duke was the owner of several cities, including Ruza, Zvenigorod, Mozhaisk, Serpukhov, Kolomna. Ivan Kalita owned dozens of villages and volosts.

Thus, to the question of what a spiritual letter is, one can give a simple answer - the most real will, drawn up during the reign. For the first time, Kalita disregarded the rules of inheritance division. He distributed it to all his sons equally, not paying attention to the "staircase ascent", according to which a significant share went to the eldest son. It is worth noting that Ivan Kalita did not take care of anyone else but his family. The entire inheritance was divided into a close family circle. An interesting fact is that the prince did not allocate a "widow's share" to his wife. The money, rightfully belonging to her, he gave to his eldest son and ordered him to take care of his mother and younger brothers.

Kalita's testament today

Unfortunately, few people know what spiritual literacy is, but it is never too late to read it and be imbued with the events of a thousand years ago. For example, Ivan Kalita's will is now available to everyone. There are two versions of the spiritual charter of the Grand Duke, each of which deserves attention.

And he gave this to his son Andrey8): Lopastnu, Seversk, Narunizhskoe, Serpohov, Nivna, Temnu, Golicichi, Shchitov, Przemysl, Rastovets, Tukhachev. And all the villages: the village of Talezhskoe, the village of Serpokhovskoe, the village of Kolbasinskoe, the village of Narskoe, the village of Peremyshl, the village of Bityagovskoe, the village of Trufonovskoe, the village of Yasinovskoe, the village of Kolomninskoe, the village of Nogatinskoe. And from gold I gave to my son Andrey: 4 chaps of gold, a gold belt from Fryaz9) with a gold belt with a stone, a belt of gold with a hook on a chrvchat10) silk, a belt of Tsarev's gold11), 2 chchara gold, 2 a small plague of gold; and of the dishes - a silver dish, and two small ones. And I give princesses12) my own with my younger children: Surozhik, Mushkov Gora, Radonezhskoe, Beli, Vorya, Chernogolovl, on Vori svobodka Sofronovskaya, Vohna, Deikovo ramenie, Danilishov svobodka, Mashev, Selna, Guslitsya, Rameneya, what was behind the princess.

Virtual exhibition dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood

I-1_2 / 0003.jpg (RGADA website, the first version is not posted in the archive) .4. For the numerical values ​​of letters, see Wikipedia, articles and "Cyrillic", "Greek alphabet".

In texts of mystification origin, letters function as carriers of numbers, but a number of letters of the Old Russian and modern Russian alphabets have no numerical value. The sum of the numerical values ​​of the letters of the word involved in the encoding field is the primary numerical value of this word (for example, 5, 2 and 1 together will make 8, in the name Eve, in particular).

Sequential summing of numbers is carried out, in most cases, until an indicator of one number is obtained.

What was the will of Ivan Kalita written on?

The Moscow prince lists both inherited from his father and acquired property - "estates and purchases", from which a collective picture of the Moscow principality is gradually formed almost at the very beginning of its formation. Kalita already owned such cities as Mozhaisk, Kolomna, Ruza, Zvenigorod, Serpukhov, not counting a huge number of villages and volosts.

All this was distributed precisely to his sons, that is, Ivan Danilovich for the first time neglected the rules of the so-called ladder ascent, when the eldest in the family was not the eldest son, but the elder brother. Shares for other relatives, except for their own children, the collector of Moscow did not foresee.

The widow's part was not allocated for his wife either - Ivan appointed his eldest son Simeon as executor and entrusted him with taking care of the princess and younger brothers ("by the Bose, you will be a sadden for them").

Spiritual charter: the testament of ivan kalita

In turn, Archimandrite Leonid Kavelin (1822-1891), on whose works we also rely in our studies of local lore, in the book "Moscow Zvenigorod and its district in church-archaeological terms", published by the synodal printing house in 1878, on the first page writes that the spiritual letter of Ivan Kalita "is usually attributed to the years 1328-1331." Of course, it may seem strange why Mikhail Nikolaevich Tikhomirov, in his work on ancient Moscow, did not refer to him as the most authoritative historian of his time.

Undoubtedly, Tikhomirov himself could not have been unfamiliar with the book by Leonid Kavelin, published 15 years before his birth. But the explanation for this is given, apparently, by the very time of the struggle and opposition to Soviet power during the period of Stalinist repressions with the church.

Find M.T.
Historians still do not know whether this is one document in duplicate or two completely independent ones, dated at different times. But, in any case, the letter was drawn up in advance, before Kalita's trip in 1339 to the Horde to the Khan Uzbek, who was distinguished by his special ruthlessness towards the Russian princes.
Foreseeing the possibility of his death, Ivan Kalita took care of writing a will that would sum up the results of princely power in the 14th century. The main purpose of creating this document was to consolidate the advantages of the Moscow grand ducal house, which required the preservation of the integrity of the inherited lands.

Ivan kalita's testament of the olympic games

Se dal (ye) smm s (s) well svo (ye) to my bigger Semyon Mozha (ye) sk, Kolom | well with all Kolomensky volosts, Gorodenka, M (e) zynyu, P (e) juicy, Pokhryane, Oust- Merska, Brosheva, Gvozdnu, Ivani, De | jevnya, Makovets, L (e) vicin, Skulnev, Kanev, Gzhelya, [Go] r (e) tovu, [Gor] ki, se [lysts] ev'evsko (ye), a village on S (e) versts (e) in Pokhryan | skom ou (e) bld (e), the village of Kostyantinovskoe, the village of Orininskoe, the village of Ostrovskoe, the village of Kopotenskoe, the village of Mikulsko (ye), the village of Malakhovskoe, the village of Naprudskoe oh city. And with your belly (e) dal (ye) | see with (s) well for Semyon 4 chepi of gold, 3 belts of gold, 2 cups of gold from zhenchugi, a saucer of gold with zhenchugom from a stone (ye) me. | And besides, still (e) gave (ye) sm (ye) mu 2 the plague of gold is greater. And is soudov | is silver *** gave (ye) sm (ye) mu 3 dishes of serbrna.
* In parentheses are substitutions for letters of the ancient Russian alphabet that do not have a numerical value.

History lessons: what is spiritual literacy?

When the author calls it golden and big, he recalls the great migration of peoples, one of the acts of which was the powerful movement of the Huns. The "plague" form is a reminder of the perception of "immigrants" in Europe, primarily by the Romans and Greeks.
V. Kuchkin writes about the damage to the parchment on which the wills are written: “The given examples make two conclusions clear. Firstly, if you simply reproduce only the surviving text of the princely wills of the XIV century, then it will not be read. Instead of words linked into sentences, in many cases there will be parts of words and even individual letters, and sometimes not even them. The text will lose its meaning. Therefore, and this is secondly, when the letters are published, the lost text must be restored.

Spiritual charter: the testament of Ivan Kalita

Spiritual letters are one of the most important sources of ancient Russian history. The peculiar wills of the princes make it possible to track the process of acquiring, owning and collecting or crushing certain lands. These documents were kept very carefully and carefully, so today they are carefully studied.
The great Moscow prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita, who compiled his "Spiritual Charter", was no exception. Two versions of it have survived to this day, which differ from each other by mentioning a different number of villages and volosts. Historians still do not know whether this is one document in duplicate or two completely independent ones, dated at different times. But, in any case, the letter was drawn up in advance, before Kalita's trip in 1339 to the Horde to the Khan Uzbek, who was distinguished by his special ruthlessness towards the Russian princes. Foreseeing the possibility of his death, Ivan Kalita took care of writing a will, which would sum up the results of princely power in the 14th century.
The main purpose of creating this document was to consolidate the advantages of the Moscow grand ducal house, which required the preservation of the integrity of the inherited lands. The main mechanism for regulating this process was the new order of succession to the throne, introduced by Ivan Danilovich.
According to the "Spiritual Charter", the younger sons of Kalita, Ivan and Andrei, had to obey in everything their elder brother Semyon, who remained the only commander of the military forces of the Moscow principality. In order to preserve and strengthen the political and economic unity, Moscow and the lands closest to it in the district of 40 km were to be jointly managed by all the heirs of Kalita, each of whom had his share of possessions in the city - "counties". This combination of individual and princely possessions made it possible to preserve and develop the statehood of the Moscow principality.
All valuables (gold and silver dishes, jewelry, church vessels, weapons) were divided equally by the prince among his sons, his second wife and daughters. Such a division was intended to ensure the property interests of all parties, while eliminating possible disputes, and to initiate the creation of the great treasury of the Moscow princes. A significant amount of property was bequeathed to the clergy.
Land holdings were unevenly distributed: most of them were given to the eldest son, while all others got about the same number of villages and volosts. Surprisingly, such a testament did not serve as the beginning of internecine strife, but, on the contrary, rallied the members of the princely house. Subsequently, the following Grand Dukes adhered to the principles of Ivan Kalita in relation to the division of inheritance.
Many historians, speaking about the significance of the reign of Ivan Kalita in general and his creation of the "Spiritual Charter" in particular, rightly note that at this time the foundation was laid for the further might of Moscow.
Reader on the history of the USSR. Volume1. author unknown


The second "Spiritual Charter" by Ivan Kalita was written in 1328. It was published in the "Collection of State Charters and Treaties", vol. I, no. 22.

In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Behold, sinful, thin servant of God, Ivan, I am writing a spiritual letter, I go to the Horde, not a kim is needed with my whole mind, in my health. And even God, what roses, wonders about my belly, I give a number to my son and my princess. I command my fatherland, Moscow, as my son; and behold, I have divided them between them. Behold, I gave my son to his big Semyon: Mozhaesk with all the volosts, Kolomna with all the Kolomensk volosts, Gorodenka, Mezynya, Pesochna and Seredokorotn, Pokhryana, Ust'mersk, Brosheva, Gvozdnu, Ivani villages, Ma-kovets, Levichin, Gkulnelyuzhnelyu Goretova, Gorki, the village of Astafyevskoye, a village on Seversets in the Pokhryansky district, the village of Ko-steyantinovskoye, the village of Orininskoye, the village of Ostrovskoye, the village of Kopo-tenskoye, the village of Mikulskoye, the village of Malakhovskoye, the village of Naprudskoye near the city And with my belly I gave to my son Semyon: 4 chaps of gold, 3 belts of gold, 2 cups of gold from a zhenchyugi, a saucer of gold with zhenchyugi, with a stone, 2 a plague of gold; And from the judgments of 2 and of silver I gave him 3 dishes of silver. And I give this to my son Ivan: Zvenigorod, Kremichnu, Ruza, Fominskoe, Sukhodol, Great freedom, Zamoshskaya freedom, Ugozh, Rostovtsi, Okatyev freedom, Skirminovskoe, Trostnu, Neguchyu; and villages: Ryukhovskoye village, Kamenichskoye village, Ruzskoye village, Belzhinskoye village, Maksimovskoye village, Andreevskoye village, Vyazemskoye village, Domontovskoye village, Zamoshskaya svoboda village, Semtsinskoye village. And from gold I gave to my son Ivan: 4 chaps of gold, a big gold belt with 3 zhenchyugom with a stone, a gold belt with captors 4, a sardonic belt 5, bound with gold, 2 ovkach 6 gold, 2 round gold cups, a silver dish from Izdnin 7; 2 menshi saucers. And I gave this to my son Andrey: Lopastnu, Seversk, Narunizhskoe, Serpohov, Nivnu, Temnu, Golichikha, Shchitov, Przemysl, Rastovets, Tukhachev; and all villages: the village of Talezhskoe, the village of Serpokhovskoe, the village of Kalbasinskoe, the village of Narskoe, the village of Peremyshlskoe, the village of Bitagovskoe, the village of Trufonovskoe, the village of Yasinovskoe, the village of Kolomninskoe, the village of Nogatinskoe. And from gold I gave it to my son Andrey: 4 chains of gold, a Fryazsky gold belt 8 with a zenchyugom with a stone, a gold belt with a hook on a worm-like silk 9, a Tsarevsky gold belt 10, 2 pairs of gold, 2 smaller plague of gold; and of the dishes: the dish is silver, and two are small. And I give my princess with my younger children: Surozhik, Mushkin Gora, Radonezhskoe, Beli, Vorya, Chernogolovl, on Vori svobodka Sofronovskaya, Vokhna, Deikovo Ramenye, Danilishova svobodka, Mashev, Selna, Guslitsa, Ramenye, what was the princess; and the villages: the village of Mikhailovskoye, the village of Lutsinskoye, a village by the lake, the village of Radonezhskoye, the village of Deiguninskoye, the village of Tylovskoye, Rogozh, the village of Protasyevskoye, the village of Aristovskoye, the village of Lopastenskoye, the village of Mikhailovskoye on the Yauza, 2 the village of Kolomenskii. And from the city volosts I give my princess an octopus 11; and my sons shall settle in tamgoy 12 and other townships of the city: so are my sons 13 which is in which district, then to that: but the rent of the city and Vasiltse's knowledge shall be shared by my sons. And that my beekeepers 14 and obrochnik bought, which in which the painting, then that. And according to my sin, it’s a sin to seek out the Tartars who are the volosts, but to clean you up with my son and my princess, divide you into these volosts again for that place. And the numerical people 15 know my sons sobcha, and observe everything from one: and what my people are buying in a great bundle, and that my sons will share. And what is the gold of my princess Olenino, otherwise I have given to my daughter Fetinya, 14 the hoops and necklace of her mother are mono-new, which I have bound; but a brow and a grivna 16, then I gave it with me. And what I got gold, what God gave me, and a gold box, otherwise I gave my princess with younger children. And from port 17 of mine to my son Semyon, a blackened casing 18 is female, a golden hat; and to Ivan my son a casing of yellow obir 19 with zhenchyugom, kots 20 great with brms 21; Andrei synumyou bugay 22 sable off the shoulder with a great woman with a stone, spoil the scallate 23 with barmas And what am I now dressed up 2 shrouds from Alama 24 with zhenchyugom, that is, gave my younger child Marya Fedosya a necklace? And what about my silver belts? And what my 100 rubles from Eski, and then distribute to the churches. And what is left of my ships of silver, and that will be shared by my sons and my princess. And what should I leave my port, and then distribute to all the priests and in Moscow. And the dish is great about 4 rings, otherwise I give to the Holy Mother of God of Volodymer. And what I gave to my son, Semyon, the herd, and the other to Ivan; but my sons and my princesses will share my flocks. And to get ahead of the Moscow villages, I give my son Semyon a village of his own: the village of Avakovskoye in Novgorod on Ulal, the other in Volodimeri Borisovskoye. And what I bought the village of Petrovskoye and Oleksinskoye, Vsetobrich and Pavlovskoye on Mas, I bought half, and I exchanged half with the Metropolitan ... and the village on Mas that I bought from Athenaeus, I give to my son Ivan. And what I bought the village of Varvarskoye and Melovskoye from Yuryev, what I changed to the Matfeishovskoye village, I give to my son Andrey. And that the village of Pavlovskoe is our purchase of women, and the new village that I have bought, and Saint Oleksandr that I have bought in Kostroma, I give to my princess. And that I bought the village in Rostov, Bogorodichskoe, and I gave it to Boris Vorkov, even to have my son to serve, the village will be behind him; whether not to have. Serve my child, the village will be cleaned. And what I have bought a village on Kerzhachi from Prokofy from the abbot, another Leontievskoe, the third Sharapovskoe, otherwise I give Saint Oleksandr so in commemoration. And I order you to my son, Semyon, your young brothers and my princess with younger children, by Bose you will be a sorrowful person to them. And who is to destroy this letter, God will judge him. And on this post 25 father, my spiritual Ephraim, my spiritual father Fedosy, my spiritual priest David.


In the name of father and son and holy spirit. I, a sinful, insignificant servant of God, Ivan, write a spiritual letter, going to the Horde, I do not force anyone, in my right mind, in full health. In case God decides what about my life, I give a will to my sons and my princess.

I bequeath my fatherland to my sons, Moscow, and the partition caused them this. I gave my elder son Semyon: Mozhaisk with all the volosts, Kolomna with all the Kolomna volosts, Gorodenka, Mezynya, Pesochnaya and Seredokorotna, Pokhryana, Ust'mersk, Broshevaya, Gvozdnu, Ivani villages, Makovets, Levichin, Skulnev, Kanev, Gzhel, Goretova, Gorki the village of Astafyevskoye, a village on Seversk in the Pokhryansky district, the village of Konstantinovskoye, the village of Orininskoye, the village of Ostrovskoye, the village of Kopotenskoye, the village of Mikulskoye, the village of Malakhovskoye, the village of Naprudskoye near the city. And during my life I gave to my son Semyon: 4 gold chains, 3 gold belts, 2 gold bowls with pearls, a gold saucer with pearls, with precious stones, 2 large gold ladles; and from a silver dish I gave him 3 silver dishes.

I give to my son Ivan: Zvenigorod, Kremichna, Ruza, Fominskoe, Sukhodol, Velikaya Sloboda, Zamoshskaya Sloboda, Ugozh, Rostovtsy, Okatieva Sloboda, Skirminovskoe, Trostnu, Neguchu; and villages: Ryukhovskoye, Kamenetskoye village, Ruzskoye village, Belzhinskoye village, Maksimovskoye village, Andreevskoye village, Vyazemskoye village, Domontovskoye village, a village in Zamoshskaya Sloboda, Semchinskoye village. And from gold I gave to my son Ivan: 4 gold chains, a large gold belt with pearls, with precious stones, a gold belt with clasps, a belt decorated with carnelian, forged in gold, 2 gold ladles, 2 round gold cups, a silver Ezdinsky dish, 2 small saucers.

I gave to my son Andrey: Lopasnya, Severskaya, Narunizhskoe, Serpukhov, Nivna, Temna, Golichikha, Shchitov, Przemysl, Rostovets, Tukhachev; and the villages: the village of Talezhskoye, the village of Serpukhovskoye, the village of Kolbasinskoye, the village of Narskoye, the village of Peremyshlskoye, the village of Bityagovskoye, the village of Trufonovskoye, the village of Yasinovskoye, the village of Kolomenskoye, the village of Nogatinskoye. And from gold I gave to my son Andrey: 4 gold chains, a gold fryazh belt with pearls, with precious stones, a gold belt with a hook on crimson silk, a golden Horde belt, 2 gold bowls, 2 small small golden ladles, and from the dishes - a silver dish and two small ones.

And I give my princess with smaller children: Surozhik, Mushkin Gora, Radonezhskoe, Beli, Voryu, Chernogolovl, Sofronovskaya Slobodka, Vohna, Deikovo, Ramenye, Danilishchev Slobodka, Mashev, Selna, Guslitsa, Ramenye, what was the Princess; and the villages: the village of Mikhailovskoye, the village of Lutsinskoye, a village by the lake, the village of Radonezhskoye, the village of Deiguninskoye, the village of Tylovskoye, Rogozh, the village of Protasyevskoye, the village of Aristovskoye, the village of Lopastenskoye, the village of Mikhailovskoye on the Yauza, 2 Kolomensky villages. And from the city revenues I give my princess to the master, and my sons will share the tamga and other city revenues; also the travel trade duties, which are in the district, then - to that, and my sons will share the dues of the city of Vasiltsev's knowledge. And as for my bee keepers and obrochniks bought, then who are in the list (appear), then - to that one. And if, due to my sins, the Tatars will seek out what volosts and take away from you, my sons and my princess, you will share these volosts again instead of those. And let my sons know the number of people together, and my sons, bought in a large bundle, let my sons share. And I gave the gold of my princess Elena to my daughter Fetinya - 14 hoops and her mother's necklace, a mono-new one that I forged, and I gave my brow (headdress) and gryvna (hoop around my neck) with me. And what I got gold, what God gave me, and the gold box, I gave it to my princess with smaller children.

And from my clothes for my son Semyon, a red pearl casing, a golden hat; and to my son Ivan - a casing of yellow silk with pearls, a big cape with shoulders; to my son Andrey - a buhai (outerwear) sable with shoulder pads, with large pearls, with precious stones, woolen clothes with shoulder pads.

And 2 casing with breastplates, with pearls, which I have now made, I gave to my younger children Maria and Fedosya with a necklace. And let my silver belts distribute them to the priests. And let Eska give my 100 rubles to the churches. And what remains of my silver dishes, let my sons and my princess share. And what remains of my clothes, then let them distribute to the priests in Moscow. I give a large dish with 4 rings to the Holy Mother of God of Vladimir.

I gave a flock to my son Semyon, and another to Ivan, let my sons and my princess share my other flocks.

In addition to the Moscow villages, I give my son Semyon my own villages: the village of Avakovskoye in Novgorod on Ulal, and the other in Vladimir - Borisovskoye. And the villages that I bought, Petrovskoye, Aleksinskoye, Vsedobrich and Pavlovskoye on Mas (I bought half, and exchanged half with the Metropolitan) and the village on Mas that I bought from Athenaeus, I give to my son Ivan. And what I bought the villages of Varvarskoye and Melovskoye from Yuryev, what I exchanged for Matveishchevskoye, I give to my son Andrey. And the village of Pavlovskoe (the purchase of our grandmother) and the new village that I bought, and Saint Alexander that I bought in Kostroma, I give to my princess.

And the village that I bought in Rostov is Bogoroditskoye, then I gave it to Boris Vorkov, if he serves any of my son, the village will be behind him, and if he does not serve my children, let them take away (from him) the village.

And the village on Kerzhach, which I bought from Abbot Prokofy, the other - Leontievskoe, the third Sharapovskoe, I give to Saint Alexander for my commemoration.

And I will bequeath to you, my son Semyon, your younger brothers and my princess with younger children: after God you will take care of them.

And whoever breaks this letter of mine, let God judge him. And there are witnesses: my spiritual father Ephraim, my spiritual father Theodosia, my spiritual priest David.

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§ 3. Political relations of the Russian lands during the reign of Ivan Kalita The Tatar army, led by five temniks, brought from the Golden Horde by Prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita, cruelly dealt with the inhabitants of Tver, Kashin and other cities, villages and volosts. Great

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