Continuing education program survival school. The program "School of Survival" work program (grade 4) on the topic Additional education under the program of the school of survival


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Full title


The program of the military-sports camp with a day stay for children and adolescents "School of Survival"

Program (project) manager

Lomova Elena Yurievna, Acting Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 17" of the city of Nizhnevartovsk


municipality city of county value city Nizhnevartovsk

Legal address of the institution

628621, Nizhnevartovsk, Teplichny settlement, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Tyumen region, st. Zavodskaya, house 9

Phone, email

reception: 8-3466-210408

accounting: 8-3466-210410

director: 8-3466-210643

fax: 8-3466 - 210408

website: www.

Terms of the program implementation

1 shift - 30.05.- 22.06.2016

3rd shift - 01.08. - 24.08.2016

Summary of the program

The program contains: activities implementing the Program; expected results and conditions of implementation; applications.

Purpose of the program

Organization of recreation and employment of children and adolescents

Program objectives


target group

Children and adolescents from 11 to 18 years old, including those from socially unprotected categories (low-income, large, single-parent families, cadets).

Number of program participants: 25 people (per shift)

View of the program of the day camp for children and adolescents

Civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral development of children and adolescents by means of inclusion in activities, creative, labor, knowledge of military affairs.

Form of conducting

Day camp for children and adolescents


Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary School No. 17"

Target groups

students aged 11 to 18

The required amount of funds for the implementation of the program

150,000 rubles.


Education for citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, homeland, family is one of the fundamental principles of state policy in the field of education, enshrined in the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

In accordance with the strategic goals of the state to ensure stable and sustainable social development, strengthening the country's defense capability, civil-patriotic education is now becoming a priority area of ​​educational work with children, which is aimed at shaping the civil-patriotic consciousness of young citizens of Russia as the most important value, one of the foundations of spiritual and moral unity of society.

Patriotism is the most important spiritual and moral factor in maintaining social stability, independence and security of the state. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of education. But also a powerful pedagogical tool: "As there is no man without pride, so there is no man without love for the Fatherland, and this love gives education the right key to a man's heart and a powerful support for the fight against his bad natural, personal, family and ancestral inclinations."

Time has proved that the military-patriotic education of young people does not lose its relevance and exacerbation, but on the contrary, its absence affects extremely negatively, both on the formation of patriotic and civic duty, and on the physical development of the younger generation.

Military-patriotic education is a dual-use educational technology, since it equips a young citizen with the most important moral and psychological qualities necessary both for a future defender of the Motherland and for a completely peaceful person with all available forms. After all, courage, firmness of character, physical endurance are necessary for both a warrior and a doctor, engineer, etc. In the military-sports camp, children receive their first career guidance, get acquainted with military affairs, weapons, military-technical skills. Hikes, competitions, paramilitary games strengthen willpower, develop patience and self-confidence in children and adolescents.

In modern conditions, in the content of the military-patriotic education of young people, spiritual and moral values ​​are a priority.

Among the values, patriotism and readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland are also distinguished, which is the core of the content of the military-patriotic education of young people.

The Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 17" has developed a program for a military-sports camp for daytime stay of children "School of Survival". The program represents a modern understanding of military-patriotic education as one of the priority areas of activity of state institutions in the context of reforming society, the armed forces of the Russian Federation, military formations and bodies. The program is aimed at the formation of civic-patriotic qualities in the growing youth, who are personally oriented towards fulfilling their duty in defending the Fatherland.

The development of this program "School of Survival" in MBOU "Secondary School No. 17" was caused by:

The opening of the cadet class;

Increasing the demand of parents and children;

Raising the level of education in the framework of patriotic education of students.


When using pedagogically expedient forms of work in practice, a direct impact on the formation of life ideals is carried out. The most relevant are the methods and technologies that allow children and adolescents to play various social roles, to model the images of their own behavior. In the process of such activities, an active civic position is formed.

The "School of Survival" program runs through 2 shifts in the summer and an autumn shift, and is dedicated to the upbringing of a modern new person, what he needs to know, be able to, appreciate in order to create his own bright and successful world. Also, a "new person" must have certain qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities, the presence of which is dictated by the present, the level of development of society. So, based on the combination of past experience and modern development, that set of qualities and skills was determined that can be educated and developed in the conditions of a change in summer and autumn camps.

On the basis of an integrated and systematic approach to the educational process, the use of innovative approaches, forms, methods in our camp, all conditions have been created for organizing an active life of a team of children and teachers full of interesting and useful things, bringing up a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality capable of self-realization.

The novelty and originality of the program lies in the harmonious combination of military-sports, labor, environmental activities of students.

During the camp shift, the pupils acquire the experience of survival in extreme conditions, the initial level of skills in the field of fire, tactical, and combat training; improve their physical condition; gain knowledge about service in the ranks of the Russian army.

This program has a social focus and will be in demand.

The program is short-term in duration.


Adaptation - the level of an individual's actual adaptation, the level of his social status and self-awareness; the success of the adaptation of the individual in society.

Creativity - the creativity of an individual, characterized by

a willingness to accept and create new ideas.

Self-improvement is the conscious development of worthy ones

(necessary for life and ethical) skills and qualities, and on their basis - the development of

new roles.

Self-realization - disclosing your capabilities; implementation of their

existing desires, their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Self-worth is a psychological factor that determines everything that

happens invisibly to others, inside one's own spiritual world,

manifested through communication with other people, through actions.

Social experience is the accumulated result of active interaction with

the surrounding world.

Cooperation is a joint activity, as a result of which all parties receive one or another benefit.

Co-creation is a joint creation with someone.


The program is implemented over two summer camp shifts, 21 days (1 shift - from May 30 to June 22, 2016, III shift - from August 01 to August 24, 2016). The main composition of the camp - this is children from 11 to 18 years old inclusive, studying in educational institutions. When recruiting, special attention is paid to children from large, low-income, single-parent families, from families with pensioners, disabled parents, as well as children in difficult life situations, children of the “risk group” from the cadet class. The activity of pupils during the camp shift is carried out in groups of 25 people.


Practice shows that the success of pedagogical interaction also depends on the creation of conditions in which children become equal “partners”. The "School of Survival" program was developed on the basis of an original game model, with set goals and objectives, on the principles of consistency and unity of pedagogical requirements, continuity, continuity and consistency in the implementation of content, taking into account age and individual characteristics, contribute to the development of students' creative abilities, their inclusion in various types socially significant activities and military affairs.

Analysis of pedagogical experience allows us to conclude that the inclusion of children in play activities and participation in socially significant affairs creates conditions for interaction and cooperation of teachers, parents and children, allows students to feel socially and morally protected. Designing a game model is a means of social and intellectual creative, military-sports self-development of all subjects of education - both children and adults.


Purpose of the program: organization of rest and employmentadolescentsthrough inclusion in activities that contribute to physical and spiritual development, the formation of civil-patriotic consciousness of the individual.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement the following tasks:

  1. To create an educational environment favorable for the formation of morality and patriotism of the child, his civic position and spiritual development.

    To form in adolescents patriotic feelings, an active civic position through their participation in cognitive, military-sports, collective and creative events.

    To educate the younger generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland, for their small Motherland, pride in their Fatherland, their native land, readiness to contribute to its prosperity and to protect it if necessary.

    To form the military-professional orientation of adolescents for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    To instill skills of behavior and survival in extreme emergency situations.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the program of the autumn military - sports camp "School of survival" is determined by monitoring the implementation of the program. Achievement of the expected results will allow assessing the social effect of this program:

    an increase in the proportion of adolescents and young people involved in socially significant patriotic projects;

    an increase in the number of pre-conscription youth involved in military-applied sports;

    the formation of a civil-patriotic attitude towards the Motherland in the youth environment, respect for its history, culture, traditions; respect for the statehood of Russia, readiness to defend their Fatherland.

    Pupils gaining certain knowledge, skills and abilities in military, sports activities

    Improvement of indicators of physical development of children and adolescents

The social effect of the implementation of the program will be a modern teenager who:

    owns the basics of military affairs, military applied sports;

    physically developed, leads a healthy lifestyle;

    does not succumb to the negative temptations of the manifestations of society;

    organized, disciplined, responsible;

    shows love and respect for the history, traditions of his Motherland, the Russian army, positivity in relations with peers, teachers, people of the older generation;

    has an active civic position: he is proactive in organizing and carrying out socially useful affairs, provides assistance to those in need, has a steady motive for serving in the army.

Activities of different orientation of shifts allow to form an independent personality, focused on a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits. Elements of army life, knowledge of the history of Russia will help many young men in preparation for service in the armed forces of the Russian Army.

It is assumed that the time spent in the camp will not pass without a trace neither for adults, nor for children, and next year they will gladly participate in the work of the military - sports camp.

An increase in the number of adolescents who want to engage in military-applied sports, the education of patriots of their Fatherland, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.


In order for the program to work, it is necessary to create such conditions so that each participant in the process (adults and children) finds his place, has motivation for responsibilities and assignments, and also gladly participates in events. To meet these conditions, the following performance criteria have been developed:

    Setting realistic goals and planning the results of the program;

    The interest of teachers and children in the implementation of the program, a favorable psychological climate;

    Satisfaction of children and adults with the forms of work;

    Creative collaboration between adults and children.

With the active participation of children and adults in the implementation of the program, it is expected that everyone will have a sense of belonging to a large group of like-minded people.

The success of children in various activities will increase social activity, give confidence in their strengths and talents.

With good organization of nutrition, medical supervision and properly organized sports and labor events, it is supposed to improve the health of children and pay attention to health problems, if any, in a timely manner.

Excursions, trips will help children gain new knowledge about their native land, patriotism for the Fatherland, teach them to treat their small homeland with care and love. It is assumed that children will acquire communication skills, which is also required by the social order of society. Children should also feel their social significance.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of program implementation:

1. The quality of the organization of recreation for children and adolescents;

2. The use of new methods and technologies for instilling skills in children

healthy lifestyle, military affairs;

3. Involvement of parents and social partners in the implementation of the program


4. Adequacy and effectiveness of the content, forms and methods of working with children of different age categories, taking into account the interests and needs of children and adolescents;

5. Combination of traditional and innovative technologies of the upbringing and educational process;

6. Use of various forms of organization of children's self-government;

7. Satisfaction of children and parents with the results of the camp with the daytime stay of children.


During the holidays, on the basis of MBOU "Secondary School No. 17", a military-sports camp for daytime stay of children "School of Survival" is organized for children and adolescents aged 11-18 years.

The military-sports day camp "School of Survival" implements its activities during the summer shifts of 21 days (I and III shifts). Students of general educational institutions of the city of Nizhnevartovsk at the age of 11-18 can become participants in the camp.

The camp will carry out its activities according to the program of the military-sports camp for the daytime stay of children "School of Survival", approved by the director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 17"

This program is civil-patriotic in its direction. In terms of duration, the program is short-term and is implemented within one year.

The activities of the pupils of the military sports camp are carried out in the departments. Each department has its own commander (from among teachers of additional education and trainers - teachers).

The program of the military - sports camp for the daytime stay of children "School of Survival" provides for a set of activities that can be combined into the following blocks:

    training (combat and physical training);

    educational (cultural and educational work);

    sports and recreation (sports and mass work and physical education).

Study block

    Fire training

Learning objectives:

Know the combat properties and the material part of the Kalashnikov assault rifle;

To be able to follow the techniques and rules of firing from a machine gun, to know the characteristic delays when firing;

Study the rules for the care and storage of the machine;

Complete the preparatory and initial shooting exercise with a machine gun.

Assembly - disassembly of the machine


Learning objectives:

Know and be able to fulfill the duties of a soldier before the formation and in the ranks;

Train pupils in the correct execution of commands in formation and drill techniques;

To bring up organization, discipline, smartness, neatness, quick reaction, a sense of collectivism.

    Military topography

Learning objectives:

Be able to determine the sides of the horizon, azimuth and its direction, their location relative to local objects and report on it;

To foster in pupils initiative, resourcefulness, readiness for independent actions.

Educational block

    Camp opening

    Acquaintance with the camp

    Holiday "Day of Russia", "Day of the Flag"

    Decoration of offices, stands

    Watching videos about the exploits of the heroes of Russia, about the Great Patriotic War

    Presentation of "business cards" of squads

    Issue of war leaflets

    familiarization with the history of the Armed Forces

    visit to the Museum of Military and Labor Glory

    Watching songs and tuning

    Closing ceremony of the camp

Sports and recreation block

    Tactical Paintball game

    Sports games (football)

    Military sports relay

    Obstacle courses


Working with parents

    Demonstration performances for parents

    Guided tours

A meeting is held with the parents of the inmates of the day camp, at which the specifics of organizing the camp are brought to their attention, the relevant regulatory documentation is drawn up: a parent's statement, insurance policies, a medical card.

Daily regime

The daily routine in the day camp for children is designed in accordance with the hygienic requirements for the regimes for children, and provides for maximum exposure to the fresh air, physical culture, cultural events, the organization of games, and regular two meals a day. The mode of life of the camp meets the requirements of SanPiN -10.

Time interval

Planned activities

08.45 – 09.00

Collection of children

09.00 – 09.15

Exercise, morning ruler

09.30 – 10.30


10.30 – 12.00

Work according to the plan of the detachments, conducting theoretical and practical classes


Conducting military sports, cultural events

13.00 – 14.00



Building, setting the task for the next day


Going home

Conditions of stay of pupils:

    the stay of pupils in the military-sports camp of the daytime stay of children "School of Survival" from 09-00 to 15-00 hours;

    for passing the camp, the pupil is issued: a camouflage suit, ankle boots, special uniforms;

    two meals a day in the dining room MBOU "Secondary school No. 17";

    the presence of a medical worker is mandatory on a daily basis;

    special training - every day, is carried out by trainers-teachers, teachers of additional education, who have the necessary special training and instructor clearance for its implementation.

    the work of a security company, the daily presence of a security guard during camp shifts;

    the work of teachers of additional education and trainers-teachers in all areas of activity;

    drinking regime;

    fortification of pupils;

    organized, themed general camp events outside the city.


The upbringing of children depends on the knowledge, skills and preparedness for the work of those adults who organize the life of the camp. Experienced teachers of the institution are involved in the implementation of the program.

The composition of the camp team is determined by the staffing table.

The camp staff is staffed with workers with professional skills and qualifications, confirmed by relevant documents, as well as experience in day camps for children. Each camp worker has a personal medical book of the established form, in which the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about the transferred infectious diseases, preventive vaccinations, marks on the passage of professional hygienic training and certification are entered.

Camp staff are responsible for the tasks and functions assigned to them. The degree of responsibility of employees is determined in accordance with the employment contract.

Head of the military-sports day camp "Survival School":

    carries out day-to-day management of the camp.

    adjusts the camp work plan,

    bears full responsibility:

    for the organization and state of educational and educational work, discipline, the moral and psychological state of the camp personnel;

    catering, economic and financial work, adherence to the daily routine, labor legislation;

    safety, condition and use of educational material base, training weapons, health status of adolescents;

    fire safety.

Squad leaders:

    are responsible for the quality of the lessons, discipline and the moral and psychological state of the pupils, for the maintenance of equipment and property belonging to the unit, for maintaining internal order, conduct classes and educational work in the departments.

    monitors the pupils' compliance with the appearance

Physical education instructors:

- conducts morning exercises for the inmates and camp commanders every day;

Organizes physical training and sports events in the divisions and monitors physical development;

Develops a sports work plan;

Organizes and conducts sports events;

Keeps track of the results of physical training;

Conducts physical training classes, mass sports competitions and sports days;

Together with the commanders of the subunits, he prepares pupils for the delivery of standards and means of communication in military affairs.

Medical worker:

- carries out a permanent control over the health of pupils;

Organizes medical support for units in combat training classes, as well as during sports events;

Carries out propaganda of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle among pupils;

Monitor the sanitary condition of the camp.


The program was developed taking into account the following regulatory and legal documents:

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 22, 1989);

Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on 12.12.1993);

- Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 13.07.2001 N 2688 (as amended on 28.06.2002) "On approval of the Procedure for carrying out changes in specialized camps, camps with a day stay, camps for work and rest"

Federal Law "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated 24.07.1998. No. 124-ФЗ;

- "Labor Code of the Russian Federation" dated 30.12.2001 No. 197-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 21.12.2001) (as amended on 29.12.2010) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 07.01.2011).

- Federal Law of December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 4, 1996, as amended on November 28, 2015)

Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra dated 10.02.2012. “On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra from January 2010. No. 21-p "On the procedure for organizing and improving the health of children living in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra"

- SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the regime in health institutions with a day stay for children during the holidays ", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor RRussian F leration April 19, 2010 № 25

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016 - 2020
(approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2015 N 497)

- Resolution of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated June 19, 2012 N 708 "On Amending the Resolution of the City Administration of 13.05.2010 N 576" On the Organization of Recreation and Recreation of Children during the Vacation Period in the City of Nizhnevartovsk "(as amended on 09.06.2011 N 631)"

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2015 N 1493 "On the state program" Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2020 "

Recommendations on the example of the content of educational programs implemented in organizations providing recreation and health improvement of children (Letter of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Education of Children and Youth No. 09-613 of 08.04.2014)

Charter MBOU "Secondary School No. 17"

Regulations on the organization of recreation for children and adolescents in the day camp at MBOU "Secondary School No. 17" during the holidays.


Carried out through:

    monitoring of the educational process;

    the use of innovative forms and methods in order to form citizenship and patriotism of pupils;

    cooperation with various organizations of the city of Nizhnevartovsk;

    activities of the halls of the school museum "Yugorskaya Zvezda", the exposition exhibition hall "We are forever in the memory of the people", the Museum of Combat and Labor Glory of the Center for Children's and Youth Technical Creativity "Patriot", the Museum of the Internal Affairs Directorate in Nizhnevartovsk.

The Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Nizhnevartovsk coordinates the activities for the implementation of the Program.

The main executor of the Program activities is the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary School No. 17"

The programs of the military-sports camp for the daytime stay of children "School of Survival" includes four main stages:

Stage I "Preparatory"

    Training of department commanders from among teachers of additional education, trainers - teachers;

    Creation of a staffing table;

    conclusion of contracts with:

    OJSC State Insurance Company Yugoria on voluntary insurance of children and adolescents against accidents and illnesses for the period of organized recreation,

    OJSC "Combine of School Nutrition" for the provision of services for organizing meals for children in day camps,

    formation of the regulatory framework for the day camp for children;

    development of documentation for the work of the camp,

    preparation of documents on safety and labor protection for workers and inmates of the camp,

    provision of a package of documents necessary for opening childcare facilities during the holidays in,

    adjustment of the action plan within the Program;

    preparation of premises for the work of the camp;

    acquisition of material equipment (special equipment, technical equipment, diplomas, certificates) according to the presented cost estimate.

II stage "Organizational"

    arrival of children at the camp,

    acquaintance of pupils with the camp staff,

    familiarization of pupils with the internal regulations of the camp,

    acquaintance with the camp (excursion to the classrooms),

    conducting diagnostics with pupils aimed at studying satisfaction at the beginning of the camp shift,

    conducting briefings with signatures in magazines,

    opening of the camp shift.

Stage III "Main"

    achievement of the goal and objectives of the Program,

    organization of camp activities according to the plan of activities within the camp,

    conducting a course of theoretical and practical training, which includes educational blocks:

    sports and wellness- includes sports training, the implementation of complexes of physical exercises of a general strengthening warm-up nature, the implementation of a set of exercises on sports simulators, military sports competitions, sports games, sports driving on the map;

    civil - patriotic- includes training in various specials. disciplines of the militarized profile: drill, rifle, tactical, topographic training, as well as a short course of the school of survival in extreme conditions, mastering the techniques of hand-to-hand combat;

    introductory- includes an introduction to the auto business, acquaintance with the types and means of communication in military affairs;

    local history- includes a system of events,

aimed at cognition of historical and cultural roots, awareness of the originality of the Fatherland, inseparability with it: excursions to the Museum of Military and Labor Glory, an exhibition hall, a school museum, conversations on the topic "Familiarization with the history of the Armed Forces", watching films;

    enlightening- activities of the press center; publication of a newspaper;

    exponential- Including demonstration of acquired skills and abilities, knowledge of the semaphore and Morse code, mastery of hand-to-hand fighting techniques, shooting, card management;

    psychological- defining your life concept.

    presentation of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by the pupils during the work of the camp.

Stage IV "Final"

    conducting diagnostics with the inmates of the camp, aimed at studying satisfaction at the end of the camp shift,

    analysis of the achievements of camp pupils in activities,

    analysis of the acquired skills and abilities of the camp pupils,

    analysis and summing up of the work of the autumn military - sports camp for the daytime stay of children,

    adjusting the organization of the camp for the next academic year,

    rewarding all camp participants with diplomas, diplomas, gratitude, prizes,

    solemn closing of the camp.




The military - sports camp for the daytime stay of children "School of Survival" is held on the basis of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary School No. 17"

Material and technical support assumes the most effective use of the entire school base.

For the implementation of the program of the military-sports camp "School of Survival" there are the following premises:

    detachment rooms

    Assembly Hall


    drill hall

    meeting room

    medical office

    shooting training hall

    office "School of Security"

    fire prevention cabinet

    hand-to-hand combat cabinet

    hall with the exhibition "We are forever in the memory of the people", dedicated to the participants of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers

    a hall with an exhibition exposition "Yugorskaya Star"

    study room "History of weapons"

    school library, city library number 16

    training ground (territory for the tactical game "Paintball", obstacle course "School of Survival", practical exercises on the maps)


    multimedia installation




    sound equipment

    a computer


    chess computer programs

    program presentations





    electronic shooting range

    related materials for shooting training

    Companion materials for the Survival School obstacle course;

    paintball equipment



expenses for the implementation of the military sports camp program

day stay for children "School of Survival"

p / p

Name of expense items


Type of expenses



other expenses

8 000

Diplomas, certificates

Other services

5 000

Making photos in photo frames

30 000

Making paraphernalia

30 000

Rewarding based on the results of the shift

Increase in inventory value


15 000



6 000

Pneumatic bullets

10 000

Tactical paintball balls

10 000

Spare parts for paintball equipment

2 500

Marking tape

10 000

Camping equipment (ropes, carabiners, gloves)

Transport service

18 000

Transport services,

passenger transportation services


150 000


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    Bartenyeva V.A. patriotic club "Memory": educational program for students in grades 7-11. - Volgograd, 2009

    Vezhevich T. School of the leader - school of the patriot // Public education, 3-2009.

    Voronova E.A. Raise a patriot: programs, events, games. - Rostov - on - Don, 2008.

    Kaygorodtseva M.V. Methodical work in the system of additional education: materials, analysis, generalization of experience. - Volgograd, 2009.

    Kumitskaya T.M. Fatherland: civil and patriotic education. - M., 2009.

    O.S. Kuznetsova Russia, I sing glory to you! Collection of scenarios for thematic evenings, matinees, literary and musical compositions dedicated to Russia, state symbols of the Russian Federation, historical events and memorable dates.- Moscow, 2005.

    Mazykina N.V., Monakhov A.L. Equalization for victory. Methodical recommendations to organizers of work on patriotic education of children and adolescents. - Moscow, 2004.

    Filimonova N.N. The role of school museums in the patriotic education of young people // Additional education and upbringing. - Moscow, 2009.


« Survival School"

(1 shift May 30, 2016-22 June 2016)



1 Week

7. Organization of the press center

8. Summing up the results of the week.

2 week

2. Solemn holiday "Military Glory of Russia", dedicated to the Day of Russia, with the invitation of the parents of the pupils.

6. Activities of the press center: publishing of the newspaper "We are proud".

7. Summing up the results of the week.

3 week

1. General physical training (morning warm-up), the initial elements of army hand-to-hand combat.

2. Sports and tourism training

2. Excursion to the Museum of Military and Labor Glory

3. Viewing modern military films.

4. Quiz dedicated to the Day of Russia.

5. Conducting complex final military-sports competitions among pupils. Personal credit.

4 week

2. Combat training.

5. Solemn closing of the military-sports camp with the invitation of guests and parents of pupils. Guided tours for parents. Rewarding pupils.

6. Activities of the press center of the newspaper "Patriots of Russia".

4. Reflection in the departments about the expectations and results of the military-sports camp for the daytime stay of children "School of Survival".



« Survival School"

(III shift 01.08.2016-24.08.2016)



1 Week

1. Breakdown into platoons. Familiarization with the internal regulations, the content of training camps, the conditions for undergoing training, briefing on safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety.

2. General physical training (morning exercises), the study of the initial elements of hand-to-hand combat.

3. Solemn opening of the military-sports day camp "School of Survival".

4. Lesson on firepower training, assembly and disassembly of the machine gun, acquaintance and acquisition of skills in handling tourist equipment.

5. Lesson on the theoretical course of topographic training (studying the map of the area, laying routes), the study of navigation devices and characteristic landmarks (theoretical and practical lesson).

6. Lesson on drill.

7. Organization of the press center "Patriots of Russia"

8. Summing up the results of the week.

2 week

1. General physical training (morning exercises), training and paramilitary relay race.

2. Lesson in firepower training.

3.Military-sports relay races with the inclusion of an obstacle course

4. Theoretical lessons in civil defense.

5. Practical training in civil defense.

6. Activities of the press center: the publication of the newspaper "We are patriots of Russia".

7. Summing up the results of the week.

3 week

1.General physical training (morning exercises), training-paramilitary relay race

2. Sports and tourist training

3. Excursion to the Museum of Military and Labor Glory

4. Viewing war films.

5. Conducting complex final military sports competitions among pupils. Personal credit.

6. Combat training.

7. Quiz "Russia is a great power"

8. Summing up the results of the week.

4 week

1. General physical training (morning warm-up), study of the initial elements of army hand-to-hand combat.

2. Holiday "Flag Day" dedicated to the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation

3. Types and means of communication in military affairs.

4. Practical lesson on the types and means of communication in military affairs.

5. Activities of the press center of the newspaper "Young Patriot".

6. Solemn closing of the military-sports camp "School of Survival" with the invitation of guests and parents of pupils.



Dear friend!

We invite you to answer the questionnaire.

I. What more do you expect from your stay in our camp? (choose no more than 3 answers and circle the corresponding numbers):

1. Make friends with the guys, find friends.

2. Acquire new knowledge, skills in the area of ​​your interests.

3. Learn to influence people, independently organize various affairs.

4. Strengthen your health, improve your physical fitness.

5. Identify your capabilities, get to know and understand yourself better.

7. Just relax, have fun.

II. Please mark those qualities that, in your opinion, are very important for people (no more than 6):

1 curiosity

2. Honesty

3. Entrepreneurship

4. Kindness

5. Courage

6 discipline

7. Diligence

8 initiative

9 justice

10. Ambition

11. Mercy

12. Demanding yourself

III. How do you feel about sports (circle the number corresponding to the answer)

1. I constantly train, participate in competitions (write down the types of sports)

2. I do it at my leisure, but I don’t train all the time (write down the types of sports)

3. I am interested in sports only as a spectator, a fan

4. Sport does not interest me

I V. How do you assess your health (circle the number corresponding to the answer)

1. I feel completely healthy

2. Overall health is good, but I would like to be stronger

3. Health sometimes "lame", although I do not feel sick

4. Unfortunately, I cannot boast of my health, I get sick quite often

V. Which of the following do you manage without much difficulty (mark the corresponding number with a circle, several answers are possible)

    Meet new people, engage in conversation with them

    Find an interesting business for yourself without the help of others

    Organize other guys to do some business, classes

    Cope with life's complexities

    Bring the business to the end

    Come to help others if needed

    Refuse pleasure if it is harmful to my health and worries my parents and loved ones

    Make any proposal

    Solve independently an issue that is relevant for the class, school, organization.

Vi. Have you ever taken the initiative in these areas:

A. In the work of the children's organization

B. In employment

1. Yes, quite often 2. Yes, but rarely 3. I can't remember

IN. In helping others: comrades, kids, disabled people, the elderly

1. Yes, quite often 2. Yes, but rarely 3. I can't remember

D. In hobby classes

1. Yes, quite often 2. Yes, but rarely 3. I can't remember

E. In relationships with parents, in the family

1. Yes, quite often 2. Yes, but rarely 3. I can't remember

Vii. The name of the children's organization (association) that you represent in our camp:

VII I. Your age (write in the number of full years), date of birth (day, month, year), zodiac sign

I X. The place where you live (address) _________________________________________________________

XI. Surname, first name __________________________________________________



    The most vivid impression these days I have

    Of all the things I did, I liked it the most. because

    What makes me happy the most

    Most of all I am disappointed in

    About those people who surround me, I can say

    I will protest and resent if _________________________________

    I will be glad if

    For my squad, I want to offer

    If I were a counselor, then I

well, and if the shift supervisor, then



Children are given the task: to write what, in their opinion, is good and what is bad in the children's camp, or what makes them happy and sad. At the same time, orienting questions are not posed.

Analysis of the information obtained using this methodology allows you to see successful and unsuccessful cases, the nature of communication, relationships in the camp, mood, which is an indicator of the life of the children's camp.

In our children's camp

I like it

I did not like







Final questionnaire.

    What did you expect from the camp?

    What did you like about the camp?

    What didn't you like?

    Which of the guys did you make friends with?

    Which of the camp activities did you like the most? Why?

    What activities are you looking forward to seeing at camp next year?

    Was it boring in the camp?

    Were you scared?

    Do you regret anything that happened during your stay in the camp? About what?

    What of what you got in the camp that you can use in your daily life right now?

    What would you like to wish for yourself?

    What would you like to wish other guys?

    What would you like to wish teachers ?.

    What is the most important camp event? Was it or was it?

    Can we say that you learned something in the camp?

Complete sentences:

I am glad that ……………………………..

I am sorry that……………………………………………………...

I hope that……………………………………………………..

Your name, surname and autograph as a keepsake ______________________________________________________________

RECOMMENDED by the decision of the Pedagogical Council

MBOU "Secondary School No. 90"

Protocol No. _____

from "____" ___________ 2015.

Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 90"

I.E. Kharlamova

"____" ________________ 2015

"____" _____________________ _____________________ M.V. Tomilova "____" ____________________



"Survival School"

(1 year of study)

(children age 11-16 years old)

physical education teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 90"

Guznyaev D.Yu.



1.Explanatory note

The program "School of survival in extreme conditions" of tourist and sportsdirections, focused on the organization of the educational environment and activities of children increative mode that provides moral, aesthetic, physical andpsychological development, as well as creating conditions for choosing a future profession. Programallows you to prepare students for independent actions when they ariseemergency situations, both in nature and in the conditions of the modern world.

The program provides for a broad approach to the study of the nature of the Tomsk region, Russia and the world, and also helps to develop the skills of autonomous existence in nature.

One of the main forms is tourism and local history work in the area. Inwhile hiking, children learn to independently rationalize the use of giftsnature as a means of survival.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that the OBZH course in a general education school is mainly designed to study theory, without applying the knowledge gained in practice, which does not give a sufficient idea of ​​how to behave a person in the event of an emergency of a natural or anthropogenic nature. This program will teach the student about autonomous existence and the use of the gifts of nature for survival.

The program includes inyourself a few blocks:

1. Tourism as a means of knowing the world around.

    Knowledge about natural factors and resources.

    Medical, psychological and physical training.

4. The system of knowledge necessary for survival in various conditions in nature and in anthropogenic landscapes.

The success of the program depends on the number of lessons conducted on the ground,related to the object of study, in the work it is necessary to use all forms of activetypes of tourism: walks, excursions, hiking trips, expeditions.

The relevance of this program is due to its practical importance.

Purpose of the program: creation of a holistic environment for the formation and development of a socially active person with a number of skills, knowledge and skills necessary for an autonomousexistence in the event of emergencies, a culture of behavior in nature,responsible attitude to the environment and, as a consequence, to their health.


1. Educational :

Formation in students of a system of knowledge about laws and patterns,acting in animate and inanimate nature;

- training in the skills of autonomous existence in nature and in anthropogenic

Generalization and deepening of knowledge on history, geography, biology of the Tomsk region, Russia andthe world;

- consolidation of knowledge on cartography, ecology.

2. Educational :

- education of norms (motives, motives) of behavior and activities aimed
to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve the state of the environment;

- formation of organizational skills of work in a team.

3 . Developing :

- development of intellectual abilities aimed at target, causal and
probable analysis that trainees can carry out in the event of emergency andlife situations: emotional, volitional and psychological spheres (beliefs inthe possibility of solving situations), the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge andpersonal participation in practical matters for the protection of the environment.

A distinctive feature of the program is that the assimilation of the program material helps schoolchildren from an early age to do without the benefits of civilization and, in the event of an emergency, it makes it possible not only to avoid disastrous consequences for their own health, and sometimes even life, but also help their "environment" to organize events on the way out of this situation. The program combines material on various school subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, geography, life safety and physical education, and this arouses interest in a more in-depth study of the above subjects.

The program is designed for students 9-15 years old.

The implementation period is 1 year, with the prospect of expanding knowledge on the topics studied and the accumulated experience of working in the field.

Methods and forms work.

Study of the accumulated material about the area (conversations, sections, seminars).

Search and research work (independent work with the implementationvarious tasks),

Intellectual games ("Brain-ring", various quizzes).

Classes are held 2 times a week for 2 hours.

Number of teaching hours: 144.

Expected Result.

As a result of passing the program material, the students of the "Schoolsurvival "must,


- what is tourism, the concept of "map" (physical-geographical, topographic,orienteering, tourist);

Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the region, factors that strengthen and weaken human health;

Your body: how it works; about tourist hygiene; disinfection rules andpurification of drinking water during the hike; diseases characteristic of the natural conditions of their area;

The concept of natural zones and landscapes, features of survival in theregularities of the nature of various areas.

Be able to:

Select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather conditions,follow the rules for walking on flat areas in the forest (coniferous,mixed), in a meadow and a swamp, properly equip a fireplace, work withplan and topographic map, perform basic techniques of working with the maporienteering;

Identify typical plant and animal species of an area by appearance, identifyside of the horizon, the state of the weather using plants and local signs, leadexamples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms in connection with the environmenthabitat;

- follow the rules of personal hygiene, first aid rules
with injuries, bleeding and burns in the field (on a hike, rest in the forest and man-made settlements);

- correctly choose and collect fuel for a fire at different times of the year, correctly
take drinking water and purify it in the field, on a hike (during an excursion) be able to
dispose of different types of household waste, collect and use medicinal,
fruit and berry plants, explain the appropriateness of their behavior in a specific
natural surroundings.

Ways to check the results of mastering the program:

Participation in tourist competitions (search and rescue operations).

Conducting contests and quizzes based on the studied material.

Conducting parenting meetings.

Preparation of reports on the conduct of campaigns, expeditions.

Control of the administration of the educational institution.

2. Educational-thematic plan.

p / p




Initial tourist training




Tourist is a friend of nature

Movement technique

Camping in regular andextreme conditions

Methods for finding water and food

Physical, medical andpsychological preparation

Special tourist training

Autonomous survival in extreme situations




What is "survival"?

Survival in polar conditions

Survival in the mountains

Survival in the tropics

Survival in moderate conditionsclimate

Desert survival

Survival at sea

natural character

Emergency survivalanthropogenic nature


Safety in the city and home environment

3. Content of the studied course

1st section: Initial tourist training (72 hours).


Formation of knowledge about nature as an interconnected system, formation of tourism knowledge andskills of nature management (tourist, recreational nature management),to interest children in search and cognitive activities and develop their creative activity.


1. To develop knowledge about man and his place in nature as a special object.

2. To form skills and abilities of autonomous work in nature.To form an understanding of the dependence of the degree of environmental impactfrom the types of tourism and the type of tourist nature management, the inculcation of ecologicaltourist skills and abilities, behavioral skills (life-supporting,reclamation and side use of natural resources).

3. Formation of skills and abilities to work with a plan and a map, focus on

4. Physical, medical and psychological training and preparation of the tourist
technique to carry out taking into account the program requirements for physical education and inoz-plant features.

Methods and forms of conducting classes:

Theoretical : Conversation with demonstration of illustrative material and models.

Practical exercises indoors and on the ground : observations, work withmeasuring instruments, excursions-workshops on the description of natural objects.Game forms (games with ready-made rules; competition games, competition games,contests and role-playing games).

Brief description of topics and theoretical and practical lessons

    1. Tourist is a friend of nature

Tourism is a mass form of active recreation and health improvement as a kind of sport. Viewstourism. The impact of hiking on the environment. How tourists learnthe world. What tourist and local history positions and assignments are.

What is "ecology"? What is the environment. Why should a tourist study ecology.How different types of tourism affect the environment. Participation of tourists in the protection businessnature.

Practical work: selection of illustrative material about plants and animalsarea (for an album, an abstract), the organization of an exhibition of books, the distribution of tourist andlocal history posts and assignments. Organization of observations of nature.

    1. Movement technique

Development of movement techniques in various terrain conditions, movement inalone and group.

Concepts: tempo, rhythm, special commands in groupmovement.

Practical work: a hike with overcoming various obstacles.

Observation of nature and design of observation material.Album design "For a tourist's note" (page "Plants and animals from" Redbooks "Tomsk region"). Excursion-workshop to study the habitat of plants and animals(or hike).

    1. Camping in normal and extreme conditions

What to take with you on a hike. Equipment for tourists. The tent is a tourist's house: its arrangement,installation rules and site selection (so as not to harm nature). Choosing a place for a bivouac andarrangement of the place. Shelters and their types. How to choose the right place for a fire andequip a fireplace. Rules for using a campfire in a hiking trip. rules"burial" of household waste: after us - cleaner than before us. Rules of communication with the wildanimals.

Practical work: selection of material and design of the album "To the tourist's note" (about medicinal plants, you need to know them - they are poisonous).

    1. Basics of Terrain Orientation

School plan, school on the city plan. What are the cards.Area plan, topographic map, tourist maps. Sports cardorientation (first acquaintance). In the world of landmarks. Compass. Topographic signs andtheir purpose. Orientation in the terrain on the map and local features.

Practical work: topographic dictation, work with a class and school plan,determination of the sides of the horizon by compass, game on the ground on the map.

    1. Methods for finding food and water.

Finding water is a priority for autonomous existence.conditions. Sources of water, types of water landscapes. Methods for extracting water from the atmosphere.

Hunting, fishing, cooking and preparing food in extreme conditions. Plants- enemies and friends: medicinal, fruit and berry (edible) wild plants, edible mushrooms. "Red signal" - be careful, poisonous! Universal test foredibility.

Practical work: excursion-workshop on the study and collection of herbariummedicinal plants "Green Pharmacy". Observation of nature, decoration of materialsobservation.

1.6. Physical, medical and psychological training.

Human adaptation to the climate of the temperate zone. Measures to prevent coldsdiseases, flu, vitamin deficiency. Seasonality of diseases. Health and diseaseschoolchildren. Factors strengthening and weakening human health in naturalconditions of their area. Impact (indirect and direct) of polluted air, water, soil onhuman organism. Prevention of modern diseases. Special physicalexercises. Survival psychology.

Practical work: providing first aid in natural conditions.

1.7. Special tourist training

Preparation for competitions in tourism equipment and search and rescuework.

Practical work: training in the gym and natural conditions.

2nd section: Autonomous survival in extreme situations (72 hours).


To form the concept of human adaptation to the conditions of autonomous existence innature, teach children to apply practical survival skills in variouslandscapes and urban cycle, preservation and improvement of human health.


Develop knowledge about a person and his adaptation to the climate of the temperate zone, role
recreational (tourist and local history) activities in strengthening the health of youngturi-hundred.

Further development of natural choice skills in different climates
conditions, the application of rules and skills for the implementation of the rules and regulations of recreationalnature management.

Develop the skill of survival in any conditions, as well as instill a goal not only
survive, but also help others survive.

Show the role of sports tourism, orienteering in development
personality, in health improvement.

Brief description of topics, theoretical and practical lessons

2.1. What is "survival"?

Give the concept of "survival", as well as tell what activities are neededperform for successful survival.

2.2. Survival in polar conditions.

Polar areas, movement in polar conditions, types of shelters, featureslighting fire and cooking, obtaining water and food in cold conditionsclimate.

Practical work: one day winter hike.

2.3. Survival in the mountains.

Mountain hikes: climate and terrain. Orienteering methods in the mountains. Movement in mountainous terrain. Risk of glaciers and avalanches. Special climbing techniques. Nodesand special equipment.

2.4. Survival in the tropics.

Tropical nature, jungle walking, clothing tips for hiking intropics. Camp and shelter, search for water and food in tropical conditions. Dangerous plantsand animals.

Practical work: one day hike.

2.5. Survival in a temperate climate.

Temperate climate. Features of the geography of the Tomsk region.In this section, the main place is given to hiking in the territory of the district (practice).

2.6. Survival in the desert.

High temperatures and insufficient rainfall, water in the desert and methods of its extraction. Travel clothing. Plant and animal food. Dangers. Ways to build a shelter in the desert.

Practical work: water extraction in difficult conditions.

2.7. Survival at sea.

How to avoid panic in a water accident? Survival in the water. Life-saving appliances andtheir contents. Distress signals. Extraction of water and food.

Practical work: drawing up a reminder of rescue on water and ice.

2.8. Survival in natural emergencies and measures to salvation .

Tornadoes, hurricanes, storms. Heavy snowfall and glaciation. Storm.Forest fires. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Drought.

Practical work: training in rescue work (use of fundscommunications, signs and signals of rescue, actions of the search party).

2.9. Survival in emergencies of an anthropogenic nature, accidents at chemical and other hazardous enterprises.

Explosive and fire hazardous enterprises. Radiation and chemical hazardous enterprises. Engineering protection of the population. Population actions based on warning signals.

Practical work: the use of improvised means to protect the skin and respiratory organs from damaging factors in accidents at radiation and chemically hazardous enterprises.

2.10. Safety in the city and home environment.

Road safety, public transport, home environment,terrorist acts.

Practical work: drawing up memos for survival in different environments.

As a result of mastering the program, students must:

1. Tourism as a means of knowing the world around


    what is a hike, a country trip;

    tourist equipment (weekend hike);

    the composition of the medical kit;

    environmentally "clean" bivouac, rules of its equipment;

    homemade camping equipment that helps protect the natural environment;

    rules for making a fire and various methods of making fire on a camping trip;

    rules for walking on flat areas;

    rules and techniques for descending and ascending the slopes;

    concepts: the plan of the school, the city and its surroundings, the area, the scale;

    the concept of "map" (physical-geographical, topographic, orienteering, tourist);

    conventional signs of the plan, topographic map, orienteering (individual signs);

    local orientation rules;

- compass device and methods of working with it.

The impact of tourist equipment (campfire and camp equipment) and equipment on nature;

- that the incorrect (i.e., ecologically illiterate) movement of tourists, having a rest in the area, is the reason for the destruction of natural landscapes;

That the right personal equipment and a first aid kit are a guaranteea successful hike, rest and excellent health;

- the appointment of a plan of the area and various maps for the tourist, the role of the plan, maps in businessnature protection;

- the influence of orienteering classes on health improvement, the development of observation and outlook.

Be able to:

- select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weatherconditions;

- properly equip a fireplaceand use fire on a camping trip;

- choose the right place for descent and ascent on slopes of different types, descend and ascend the slope;

Follow the rules for walking on flat forest areas (coniferous, deciduous,mixed), in the meadow and swamp;

- work with a plan and topographic map;

- perform elementary techniques of working with orienteering map;

Work with a compass: determine the sides of the horizon, navigate the terrain.

2. Knowledge of natural factors and resources


- variety of plants and animals in forests, meadows;

Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the area;

Rare and endangered plants of the area;

- factors that strengthen and weaken human health (on the example of theirnatural zone).


- the importance of forests, meadows, reservoirs in human life, in strengthening his health, in recreation and tourism;

- the influence of the habitat on living organisms (adaptability);

- the impact of environmental pollution on human health.

Be able to:

- determine the typical plant and animal species of the area by their appearance;

- determine the sides of the horizon, the state of the weather using plants and local signs;

- give examples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms in connection with the habitat.

3. Medical and psychological and physical training


Your body - how it works;

About tourist hygiene;

Rules for disinfection and purification of drinking water during a hike;

Diseases characteristic of the natural conditions of their area and measures for their prevention;

- diseases associated with environmental pollution;

- features of medical and physical training of a young tourist;

- poisonous and inedible plants and mushrooms of their region.

The impact of environmental conditions on human health;

- the need to preserve the "purity" of the human environment to preserve ithealth.

Be able to:

- follow the rules of personal hygiene, first aid rulesfor wounds, bleeding and burns in natural conditions (on a hike, while resting in nature);

- identify poisonous, inedible plants and mushrooms;

- to disinfect and purify drinking water in natural conditions.

4. The system of knowledge necessary for survival in various conditions in nature and in anthropogenic landscapes


    the concept of natural zones and landscapes;

    features of survival in autonomous conditions;

    laws of the nature of various areas.

    that a correctly chosen norm of behavior will reduce the burden on nature;

    the duration of the period of "wound healing" inflicted on nature by tourists (campfire).
    Be able to:

    choose and collect fire fuel correctly at different times of the year;

    choose the right drinking water and purify it in the field;

On a hike (during an excursion), be able to dispose of different types of household waste;

Collect and use medicinal, fruit and berry plants;

Explain the appropriateness of their behavior in a specific natural environment.

Children's literature list

1. Bagaundinova F.G. Tourist and local history activities of students. - M .: TsDYuTur, 1996.

144 p.

2. The planet is our home: textbook - Reader for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. /
Compiled by I.G. Belavina, N.G. Naydenskaya. - M .: Laida, 1995 .-- 228 p.

3. Velek I. What a young environmentalist should know and be able to do. - M: Progress, 1983 .-- 273 p.

4. Koroleva A.E., Kucheneva G.G. Ecological path (author's program) / Vestnik AsEKO-1994-issue. 3-4-C. 3-7.

    Kuprin A.M. Know how to navigate the terrain. - M .: 1998.

    Kuprin A.M. Interesting about orientation. - M .: "Education", 1980. - 108 p.

    Mindelevich S. It's time to hike! - M .: "Young Guard", 1985. - 180 p.

List of literature for the teacher

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST-Astrel, edited by T. Timoshin

Barysheva Yu.A.

2. Formation of ecological and regional knowledge in the school - M .: TsDYuT RF,1997 .-- 104 p.

3. Pleshakov A. A. The program of the optional course "Ecology for primary schoolchildren"
Education Bulletin - 1993. - No. 6 - P. 72-80.

4. Pleshakov A.A. The program "Nature and We" (Grade 4).
5. Pleshakov A.A. Ecology for primary schoolchildren - M .: Education, 1995 .-- 45 p.

6. Pleshakov A. A. From Earth to Sky: Atlas - Keys to Natural History and Ecology
for students beginning. cl. - M .: Education, 1998 .-- 224 p.

7. Polomis K. Children in the pioneer camp. -M .: "Profizdat", 1989. - 143 p.

8. Simonova L.P. Keys to nature. Study guide. - M .: Agar, 1997 .-- 144 p.

Keep in mind the exile torture, war, disease and shipwreck. Chance can rob you of your homeland and you from your homeland, can throw you into the desert can make a place a desert where the crowd suffocates now.
Seneca. Letter to Lucilius (XCI).

Clothes and footwear

Outerwear should be discreet, inexpensive in appearance, durable, well-covering the body. It is also desirable that it is impervious to water and has a large number of well-closed pockets. Casual clothing and footwear should be selected so that they are suitable for evacuation: then, if necessary, to quickly leave the home, it will be enough to dress in the usual way and take an additional emergency kit with you. Household clothing and footwear should be such that, if necessary, it is possible to move around without undue inconvenience outside the home - at least in summer. As for the preferred colors of clothing, this is a difficult question. You can distinguish between four types of colors: camouflage, catchy, neutral, reflective.

Catchy is very useful for a person who needs to be noticed as soon as possible and come to his aid, or who really does not want to be accidentally hit by a car on the road. Neutral is needed when it is desirable not to attract too much attention, but at the same time, not to appear striving for secrecy. Reflective makes it much easier to stay in the sun's rays and, moreover, can be very useful in such an unlikely incident as a not too close, but not too distant nuclear explosion, and such, somewhat more likely, as a strong fire. The ability of a garment to absorb the heat of the sun's rays in cold weather is less significant than its light reflection in summer. The camouflage color is determined by the prevailing environmental colors and may even be white for winter. The difficulty of choosing colors is compounded by the need to avoid unnecessary similarities: pure white makes a person look too much like a medic, khaki - like a military man, orange - like a road worker, etc.

The problem of choosing colors is somewhat facilitated by the fact that there are clothes that are adapted to be worn inside out, and its inside and top differ in color. With that said, a strategy for clothing colors might be as follows:

  • Light should be very light, bright - very bright, protective - very protective, neutral - very neutral;
  • It is best that the outer side of the garment and the lining belong to different color classes, even if it is not possible to wear the garment upside down;
  • The prevailing colors should be determined by the living conditions and the state of your body: to provide the greatest protection against the most significant threats (for example, if you see and / or hear poorly, then in the city you better dress in bright, and if you have many fierce enemies, then in protective ; if a fire is quite likely at the enterprise where you work, then in a light one, and if interethnic clashes began in your places, then in a neutral one; etc.).

Lingerie is preferable to black: not so much because dirt is less noticeable on it, but because it makes its wearer less noticeable when he is not completely dressed in the natural environment. For socks and a scarf, darker masking colors are better. As for handkerchiefs, bright (for signaling), dark (for making dressings that do not attract attention), white (for demonstrating peaceful intentions) can find additional use. Since you should have several shawls with you, it is better to have white, orange and dark green among them. Long, unbuttoned clothing, a long scarf with loose ends can cause accidents. Fluttering clothing can catch on a passing car or train and drag it under the wheels. The famous dancer of the early XX century. Isidora Duncan was strangled by her own scarf, caught in the spokes of the wheel of the car in which she was traveling. In general, it is advisable to have on clothes fewer different decorating folds, overlays, loops, straps, decorative buttons - everything that can accidentally catch on to something at the wrong moment. In clothes with long wide sleeves, do not work with mechanisms that have open rotating parts (lathe, etc.), since the moving part can catch on the sleeve and tighten it into the mechanism. The ability of various materials from which clothes are made to withstand fire can be listed from the most resistant:

  • Leather
  • Wool
  • Cotton
  • Synthetic materials

Clothing made of synthetic fabric can cause significant burns in case of contact with fire in a fire, therefore, although synthetics are more durable and easier to wash, preference should be given to fabrics made from natural fibers. All pockets on clothing must be securely closed. If they do not have fasteners for this, they must be sewn on. Wear gloves whenever possible without drawing too much attention to yourself. This is necessary primarily to protect against injury. In addition, the skin on the hands will age less, which is also significant. If you go without gloves, especially in the cold, the skin of your hands will be thicker and more resistant to damage, but for a person who wants to look young, its appearance will be distressing. With regard to protection from dirt, then inside the gloves themselves, if they are not washed, it accumulates over time. The trouser belt should be worn even if the trousers do not fall off: firstly, the button on the trousers can come off, and secondly, the belt has, in addition to its main function, several other potential uses.

Shoes with thick, soft soles, with laces or fasteners, with higher sides, without ventilation openings are preferable. The cushioned outsole allows you to walk with less noise. Better yet, shoes that have a hard layer above the soft layer that will protect the foot if you step on a protruding nail. The ends of the laces to be tied should not be too long. For laces, a material with a high coefficient of friction is desirable - so that the knots do not spontaneously unravel. A lace that comes loose at the wrong time can cost you your life. If the laces are too long or come loose by themselves, you should at least tie them with an additional knot. High sides will protect against sand getting inside, as well as from injury. The absence of ventilation holes will have a positive effect in rain, cold weather, and when driving on a dusty road.


Enamelled metal dishes are preferable: firstly, it does not break, secondly, it has a relatively low weight, thirdly, it can be placed on fire, and fourthly, it can be used, as a last resort, c. Unenamelled aluminum cookware weighs little, but is undesirable for the reason that aluminum enters into chemical reactions with acids contained in food, as a result of which compounds harmful to the human body enter the food. Its occasional use for storing water and not too acidic food, apparently, is quite acceptable.

Home insulation

The less favorable the environment, the more the inner space of the dwelling should be isolated from it. The harmful factors that a home must protect against can be classified as follows:

  1. by sources: natural; anthropogenic;
  2. by the regularity of the manifestation: constant (for example, street noise); periodic (e.g. winter cold); episodic (e.g. hurricane); unlikely (for example, a meteorite fall);
  3. in physical essence: dust; gases; insects; rodents; criminals; violation of communications; shaking; radiation; high or low temperature; etc.

All exits from the dwelling used to ventilate it must be protected with at least a fine insect net. Better yet, pass the air entering the dwelling through a dust filter. As such, a moistened cloth can be used. Tap water used for drinking, cooking, and rinsing body cavities should be filtered or boiled. Shoes and outerwear worn outside the home should be put on, removed, stored so that dirt and dust from them less stain the home. To do this, in the hallway, you can distinguish between two zones - dirty and clean - and do not step barefoot or in slippers in a dirty area, and in street shoes - in a clean one. Under normal conditions, this makes it easier to maintain cleanliness in the home and reduces the likelihood of infection by helminths (eggs and larvae of which fall on shoes with animal feces residues and are brought into the house on shoes). In conditions of small radioactive, chemical, bacterial contamination of the area (which may be caused by some kind of accident), the well-established technology of protection from street dirt and dust will significantly reduce the harm caused to the body.

Self-sufficiency in food

Start your own vegetable garden - at least in a box on the window. Grow at least onions and garlic on the window to ward off colds. The onion and garlic heads stored in the fall from the fall have already largely lost their bactericidal substances by spring, which means they become of little use in this regard, while the fresh leaves of these plants allow you to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. You can make a vertical garden in the room, which almost does not take up space: fix a dozen V-shaped boxes with earth near the wall between two vertical supports. The better the soil is used, the richer and more nutritious the crop will be. Plant residues should not be thrown away, but buried in the ground. It is not profitable to feed animals to be eaten: it is easier and healthier to live without meat. Leftover food, even in a large family, is usually hardly enough to feed at least one chicken. Instead of growing plants for animal feed, it is several times more profitable to cultivate peas and beans and eat them yourself, since they contain high-grade protein and in large quantities. The so-called dacha (a suburban area with a vegetable garden and a garden in addition to a city dwelling) as a means of feeding is profitable only if they live on it permanently in the summer, and do not run over every week, incurring significant transport costs.

Vital news

Carry a pocket radio with you. In the event of a revolution, it can become the only source of essential information. Follow the news (broadcast via TV, radio, newspapers). You must in time to discern a dangerous tendency in society or in nature. Of course, listening on the radio and watching on TV whatever and in large quantities under the pretext of analysis is not recommended, since most programs leave much to be desired and have a destructive effect on the psyche.

Vital data

You should have at hand geographic maps, city plans, addresses of various institutions, transport timetables. In the event of a war, natural disaster, a clash with criminals or a misunderstanding with state law enforcement agencies, you may be left without your address book. In this case, you should know the addresses and phone numbers of your relatives and friends as a keepsake. Some data of this kind should not be recorded at all - so that it would be impossible to establish possible places of your stay using your papers. Appoint your friends as guardians of "alternate airfields" about whom none of the other people who know you are aware.

Data protection

Develop a simple personal cipher for writing: replacing letters with some symbols, replacing words with some hieroglyphs. This will prevent peeping over your shoulder and may even speed up your writing. Protect your personal files on your computer from the curiosity of strangers with at least a package with a password. When entering or correcting data, make a record of the modified file at least every 10 minutes. At the end of the working day, copy all the files that were updated from the hard drive to floppy disks. At the very least, this should be done if the changes were time consuming or if they were improvised rather than transferred from a piece of paper. It should be borne in mind that a computer breakdown most often occurs when it is turned on or off. Dangers to Computer Data:

  • theft of a computer, floppy disks;
  • computer breakdown, floppy disk wear;
  • damage to the computer, floppy disks
  • in case of fire, breakthrough of water heating, etc .;
  • damage to a computer, floppy disks, programs, data by intruders;
  • accidental deletion of files;
  • data corruption during power outage;
  • damage to programs and data by computer viruses.

MOU "Bolsheyanikovskaya secondary school"

" Survival School"

the leader

Teacher - organizer of life safety

Torch Survival School Program

In the context of additional education, it became necessary to build such a life safety course that would fill the gaps in the school life safety program, and at the same time, would significantly expand this course. I would supplement it with practical skills not only of safety in specific cases and situations, but also contributing to the comprehensive development of key competencies of the individual.

Purpose of the program:

creating conditions for the integrated development of the individual's potential and increasing the possibilities of an adequate response in extreme situations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, patriotic education

to achieve this goal, the following tasks are being solved

the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual;

to promote the development of students' skills of independent technical and biological research work;

provide an opportunity for the development of self-regulation of their own behavior based on the development of variability and tolerance of thinking and behavior;

create conditions for students to master practical knowledge on the conditions and parameters of successful life in various conditions, which are reduced to some basic types;

organization of children's leisure;

teach adolescents to conduct basic scientific research and field work;

physical development of students, the formation of their need for a healthy lifestyle

to educate students to be ready to defend the Fatherland. Correctly act in extreme situations.

The survival school unification program is designed for students in grades 6-8 and 9-11 and provides for the acquisition of the necessary skills to acquire knowledge of life safety, sports categories in tourism, tourist all-around, orienteering. The program is intended for teachers of additional education, teachers of life safety, physical education teachers.

The program is designed for 2 years of study, but it can also be used for a longer period. The program of the first year of study (initial training) can be used for two years, and after completing a two-year cycle, the teacher can supplement it, based on his experience, specialization, interests of students. The time allotted for training is 136 hours per year, with practical exercises making up the majority of the program.

The first and second years of study involve teaching the basics of tourism, orientation, acquaintance with the holding of tourism competitions as participants (walking, skiing, cycling)

In connection with the specifics of the work of tourist associations, the time payable for conducting practical exercises on the ground, excursions in your village is set at 4 hours, for one day of hiking, out-of-town excursions, tourist activities -8 hours. A practical lesson can be carried out both on the ground and indoors, depending on the topic of the lesson, the time of year. Particular attention should be paid to general physical and special training. The recommended minimum group size for the first year of study is 15 people, in subsequent years at least 12 people. When recruiting students of the first year, a group with an excess of the number of students should be completed, since there is an essentially natural dropout of members of the circle during the period of study and, in addition, not all children, for one reason or another, can participate in educational and credit events. Classes can be conducted with the full composition of the circle, but as the experience of the students grows, place great emphasis on group (2-3 people) and individual lessons, especially at the stage of training when specialization begins.

Theoretical and practical classes should be conducted with the use of visual materials, using the latest methods, the teacher must educate students in the ability to make decisions on their own, strictly follow the rules of the competition, and be an objective judge. A prerequisite is participation in the preparation of tourist events held in their educational institution, region, republic. For theoretical and practical training, it is recommended to involve experienced judges, tourists, athletes. After each year, outside the school hours, a multi-day tourist event is held - a hike, a rally, competitions, training camps, a tourist camp.


(first year of study)

Number of hours




Practical lessons

Tourist training basics

Tourist travel, history of tourism development

Educational role of tourism

Compass. Working with a compass

Distance measurement

Orientation methods

Orientation in local subjects. Actions in case of loss of orientation.

Local history

Native land, its natural features, history, famous fellow countrymen

Tourist opportunities of the native land, an overview of excursion objects, museums

Exploring the travel area

Community service and travel, nature and cultural heritage conservation

Basics of hygiene and first aid

Personal hygiene of tourists, disease prevention

Travel medical kit, the use of medicinal plants

Basic techniques for providing first aid

Transportation of the victim

General and special physical training

Brief information about the structure and functions of the body and the effect of exercise

Medical supervision, self-control, prevention of sports injuries in training

general physical preparation

Special physical training

TOTAL for the period of study

Critical power-law hike off-grid


Tourist travel, history of tourism development

Tourism is a means of knowing one's land, physical and spiritual development, health improvement, education of independence, acquisition of labor and applied skills. Famous Russian travelers, their role in the development of our country. The history of the development of tourism in Russia. Organization of tourism development in Russia. The role of the state and educational authorities in the development of youth tourism. Types of tourism. Hiking, skiing, water, cycling. Characteristics of each species. The concept of sports tourism. Excursion and foreign tourism. Bit standards for sports tourism, orienteering, tourist all-around.

Local history. Tourist - local history movement of students "Fatherland", the main directions of movement.

1.2 Educational role of tourism.

The importance of tourism and local history activities in the development of personality. Her role in preparing the defense of the Motherland. In choosing a profession and preparing for the upcoming labor activity. Spiritual and physical capabilities of the natural and social environment in the development of personality. Socially useful work. The role of tourist work in the formation of a general culture of the individual, correct behavior in nature and in society.

Strong-willed efforts and their importance in hiking and training. Education of strong-willed qualities: determination, perseverance and perseverance, independence and initiative, decisiveness and courage, endurance and self-control. Laws, rules, norms and traditions of tourism, traditions of their team.

1.3 personal and group travel equipment.

The concept of personal and group travel equipment. List of personal equipment for one, three-day hike, requirements for it. Types of backpacks, sleeping bags, advantages and disadvantages. Rules for placing items in a backpack. Clothes and footwear for summer and winter hikes. Winter hiking equipment, types of skis. Preparing personal equipment for the hike.

Group equipment, requirements for it. Types of tents, their purpose, advantages and disadvantages. Travel utensils for cooking. Saw axes. The composition and purpose of the repair kit. Household set: equipment, mittens, knives, and other features of equipment for a winter trip.

Practical lesson packing backpacks, adjusting equipment, working with equipment, caring for it and repairing it.


To create conditions in the "School of Survival" for the formation of the pupil's need for a healthy lifestyle, who knows how to navigate in modern social conditions.


Promotion of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle; Development of physical qualities and social and communication skills and abilities; To reveal the personal potential of the child, to develop his natural inclinations and creative abilities.

Organizational and pedagogical foundations of education.

The implementation of this program assumes that the main task facing the pupils of the School of Survival is the formation of social needs, motives of interests associated with a healthy lifestyle, readiness to use sports achievements to maintain health and high performance. survival "are designed for 4 years of study. The program provides for the study of theoretical and mastering of practical knowledge in the following areas of sports activity:

The direction "Tourism" is intended to form students' ideas about tourism sports and its development, vital motor skills and abilities, instilling love for their native land, collectivism. The last stage in mastering is a multi-day hike to the places of the native land.

In the lessons of the School of Survival, when studying new material and consolidating practical skills and abilities, various forms and methods are used that correspond to the goals and objectives, as well as the content of educational activities. (These are methods of verbal perception, visualization method, practical method, competitive and game form.) The greatest effect and result is given by game and competitive forms, which are mainly used by teachers in the classroom. Pedagogical techniques are skillfully applied in the work: convictions, explanations, encouragements, censures, vivid convincing examples from the life of outstanding athletes are used as an example to follow.


Consists of the following sections:

Walking tourism;

Classes in "Tourism" are aimed at developing strength, endurance, dexterity, courage, perseverance, discipline, fostering a sense of collectivism, love for nature, broadening one's horizons. Before starting the route, special trainings are held, during which the pupils of the "School of Survival" practice elements of sports and tourist equipment: they set up a tent, light fires, and pack their backpacks.

As a result of the study of "Tourism", the pupil of the "School of Survival" must:

Have an idea:

About the history of tourism,

On the types and forms of tourism,

About the basic elements of topography,

About conventional topographic signs,

On the hygienic provision of tourist travel,

About the types of self-massage,

About the rules of honey. preparation,

About the rules of behavior in extreme situations,

About safety rules during shooting,

About passing obstacles

About judging at competitions.

The program of the circle "school of survival"

Number of hours



Safety in the classroom

Extreme situations in nature and their causes

Survival factors and stressors in natural conditions

Psychological foundations of survival in natural conditions

How to avoid getting into an extreme situation

Reliable clothing, footwear necessary for safety

Basic rules of behavior in an emergency

Determining the exit direction


Exit to the settlement (on local subjects)

Construction of a temporary dwelling

Methods for making fire

Providing food and water

Finding and preparing food

Distress signals

Change in climatographic conditions

International Visual Signals Code

Orientation to the cardinal points

Orientation by the stars

Determination of cardinal points using local objects

Campfire rules

Types of bonfires

Eating in nature

water supply

Wild edible plants

Cooking food

tourist hubs

Straight knot

Counter node

Weaving knot

Grapevine knot

Winter tourism

Safety during ski trips

Trail trail

Azimuthal course

Descent and ascent from the mountain on skis

Description of the tourist route (winter route)

Repair of equipment in nature

First aid

Semaphore alphabet

Knitting sea knots

Nautical triathlon

Setting up tents


Expected result of the program implementation:

development of all components of socio-cultural competencies in the course of the implementation of a practical-activity approach to classes;

increasing self-esteem in the absence of unfavorable (asymmetric) relationships in the socionic model of the group;

a change in personal attitudes - compensation for at least some "minuses" in the structure of the sociogen, the development of tolerance and tolerance for others' opinions, an increase in the possibilities of self-regulation of one's own behavior;

increasing resistance to aggressive environmental factors;

acquiring skills in environmental design and research.

The need for the organization of the "School of Survival" was in the development of social adaptation of adolescents in the modern world, which is impossible without the organization of continuous upbringing and education, which creates optimal conditions for the disclosure of personal potential and all-round development. Survival School includes a huge variety and choice of sports and physical fitness.

Survival School is aimed at developing the necessary physical qualities of future defenders of the Fatherland. In order to perfectly master combat skills, to quickly solve problems, you need to be a strong, courageous, enduring person.

Tourism is a journey, fascinating hikes, where pupils study their land, a love of nature is brought up, and their horizons are broadened. Tourism is the most complex type of upbringing of a healthy and tempered person; it teaches collectivism, camaraderie, discipline, initiative, hard work, and mutual assistance. Tourism broadens one's horizons, enriches spiritual life, is a means of cognizing beauty. Rousseau saw in tourist trips a means of patriotic education of youth.

All the listed variety of sports activities included in the "School of Survival" is the best social adaptation for adolescents, one of the means of all-round harmonious physical development of children. Being engaged in such a variety of sports activities, the pupils of the "School of Survival" develop and correspond to such physical qualities as strength, agility, speed, endurance, the ability to find a way out of any non-standard life situation.

Be able to:

Navigate the terrain on the map, by heavenly bodies, by local

objects, distribute personal equipment, set up tents, raise

bonfires, cook food.

Elements of hand-to-hand combat

1) Protection against direct and side impacts of the fist 1

2) Grab the opponent's attacking arm and leg 1 1

3) Safe position of the enemy 1 1

4) Knife strikes and their reflection

5) Knocking out a knife at the time of the attack

6) grabbing a hand with a knife and neutralizing the enemy


A tourist trip is a journey with an active method of movement in areas remote from the place of residence, carried out with an educational, recreational, sports, research purpose.

A walk is movement on the ground with a cognitive, health-improving purpose, with the aim of hardening the body.

An excursion is a collective visit to certain objects for an educational purpose.

A tourist expedition is an organized multi-day trip to a little-explored area, which is carried out for special research purposes.

Terrain - means a certain space on the earth's surface, on which it is customary to distinguish between relief and local objects.

Relief - the totality of all the irregularities that form the earth's surface. The ridge is a hill elongated in one direction.

A saddle is a lowered part of a ridge or elongated mountain located between two adjacent peaks.

Dunes are loose sandy hillocks of a crescent shape, not fixed by vegetation, with a bulge against the wind.

The hill is a small rounded hill less than 200 m high and with gentle slopes and an indistinctly pronounced foot.

Uval is a gently sloping elongated hill less than 200 m high with rounded slopes and a not sharply pronounced bottom.

A valley is an elongated hollow landform that slopes in one direction.

Floodplain - part of the valley flooded during floods.

A ravine is a narrow, elongated depression of terrain with steep or steep


Gully - similar to a ravine, but has gentle, often soddy slopes.

A hollow is an elongated depression that descends in one direction. The spillway is a line connecting low points along the bottom of the ravine.

Basin - a depression of the terrain, closed on all sides.

A map is an image that shows a significant portion of the earth's surface and takes into account the curvature of the earth.

Plan - a reduced image of any area on paper, made with conventional symbols on a certain scale.

Bergstrich - the direction of the slope lowering indicated by this sign.

Scale - the ratio of the length of the line on the map to the length of the corresponding line on the ground, expressed in equal measures of length.

Coordinates are angular and linear values ​​that characterize the position of points on a surface or in space.

Orientation - determining its location relative to the sides of the horizon of surrounding local objects and terrain.

Tandem - double tent layout

UPU (military applied sport)

for teachers

1. "On a paramilitary obstacle course" Military Publishing

1995 year.

2. "Paramilitary obstacle course" 1988

3. "We need a school of preparation for life" 1999

4. Ripa preparation for military service "1988

for students

1. Evdokimov B. C. "Come on, guys!" 1998

2. Evdokimov B. C. "One day in the army" 1998

3. "Hour of pre-conscription training" 1987

4. M "Military sports festival at school" 1983

5. "Come on, boys", 1988

6. "Come on boys" 1988

7. "Come on guys" 1988.


for teachers

1., "Tourist Topography" Moscow 1985.

2. "Tourism" Moscow Education 1988

3. "Pedagogy of tourist and local history work at school" Moscow





elective course "Survival in extreme situations"

Teacher: _________________________________

11 class

Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council

Etc. No. 1 dated 30.08.2016


2016-2017 academic year

I... Explanatory note

This work program is designed in accordance with the requirements:

    Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation" (as amended by Federal Law No. 68-FZ of April 06, 2015, as amended on December 19, 2016);

    National educational initiative "Our new school" (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2010 No. Pr-271);

    Federal basic curriculum and sample curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 No. 1312 (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 01, 2012 No. 74 with amendments that entered into effective from 01 September 2012);

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. 189 "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions "(as amended on November 24, 2015);

    Letters of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2015 No. 08-1786 "On the work programs of academic subjects";

    Letters from the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region dated July 04, 2016 No. 01-26 / 4543 "On the list of programs of elective subjects for specialized training recommended in the 2016-2017 academic year, elective courses for pre-profile training of students and a model of psychological and pedagogical support of the processes of personal and professional self-determination of students in the conditions of pre-profile training and profile training ";

    The curriculum of the MOU "Secondary School No. 24" of the Kirovsky District of Saratov;

    An approximate program of secondary general education on the basics of life safety, ed. Vorobyova Yu.L. - M .: AST, Astrel, 2011 .;

The program is designed in accordance with the amount of study time allocated for the study of an elective course according to the curriculum of an educational institution and is designed to study the course on the basics of survival in extreme situations during 16 hours of study time. The number of teaching hours per week is 0.5.

The relevance of the development of this program of the elective course "Survival in extreme situations" is dictated by the fact that nowadays almost every person, by chance, due to his inexperience, and sometimes even consciously, can get into a difficult extreme situation and be left alone with nature. Depending on the climatic conditions, the same situation has different consequences. In a deserted area, even the most ordinary necessities of life turn into an intractable problem. A person's life becomes dependent not on the usual criteria: education, professional skills, financial situation, but completely on others - solar radiation, wind strength, air temperature. Also from the presence or absence of reservoirs, animals, edible plants. People are dying of heat and thirst, not suspecting that there is a rescue water source three steps away; freeze, failing to build a shelter from the snow, and failing to get fire; die of hunger in a forest teeming with game; become victims of poisonous animals, not knowing how to provide first aid.

In the conditions of our region, everyone can meet these unforeseen situations, since hot steppes, forests, Volga mountains and swampy places are located on the territory of the Saratov region. High temperature ranges are characteristic: hot summers and severe winters.

The curriculum, occupying a prominent place in the general education system, puts target- formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of human survival in extreme situations.

Continue the formation of schoolchildren's perception of extreme situations;

To teach skills, skills how to behave in difficult situations;

Prepare to overcome various difficulties;

Study, research and practice human behavior during desperate situations.

Terms of implementation of this program: 2016-2017 academic year

The number of hours allotted for the study of the subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety": The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation as a whole allocates 34 hours for the study of the basics of life safety in grade 11. In accordance with the calendar schedule, 16 hours are allocated for the study of an elective in grade 1.

Results evaluation toolkit: oral answers, testing, tests, monitoring, independent work, creative work, practical work, participation in competitions, conferences, etc.

Used pedagogical technologies: ICT, health-preserving, design, game, research, problem, test control, compliance with standards.

II... Content of the subject

1. Maintaining. Survival psychology. Acquaintance with the course, what the course is studying, goal setting, objectives. The program touches upon the issues of the psychology of survival, what clothes to wear during an extreme situation, what to take with you, drawing up a survival plan and rules on how to behave in an extreme situation. Risk factors forming a survival plan.

Survival factors, survival tactics.

2. Golden rules.

Food. Improvised tools, clothes, shoes, weapons.

You need to know where to look for food, how to know what to eat and what not, how to collect edible plants and catch animals, and also know which plants and animals are poisonous and dangerous. Know how to prepare food in an emergency. Acquaintance with non-traditional food products. Acquaintance with snares and traps for catching wild animals, with fishing and with the unusual use of ordinary things. Also making homemade equipment and primitive clothing, shoes. Creation of artificial extreme situations for practical training and the acquisition of survival skills for the extraction of food.

Water. Everyone should know where to look for water, how you can get it if you have to survive far from civilization, know the methods of obtaining, purifying and filtering water, how to transport it, know the rules for minimizing water losses and be able to deal with dehydration, consolidating your knowledge with practical exercises , experiments, experiments.

The fire. It is imperative to know how to make fire using the surrounding natural materials with and without a match. Acquaintance with the methods of making fire and with the basic principles of kindling and maintaining a fire, with the types of fires that are most acceptable in the conditions of our region. To consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice.

Shelters. It is very important to be able to find a shelter or build it yourself to protect from wind, cold and moisture, to study the principles of shelter construction, what types of shelter to build, taking into account the natural conditions, relief, season of your area, your area and practice all this during outings ...

Final control in the section "Golden Rules". To check and consolidate knowledge and to gain experience, an exit to the area is organized for the production of fire and the construction of winter shelters

3. Signaling and navigation. Acquaintance with maps, use with maps, be able to read them, navigate by them and without them, using natural landmarks, apply maps in practice and be able to draw up a topographic map, a schematic map. Development of the ability to find the cardinal directions by constellations. Practice all of this during the day and at night. Know the distress signals.

4. Provision of first aid. Acquaintance with first aid in an emergency, with general principles, with a first-aid kit and with the rules for its use. Be able to use natural medicines, familiarity with about new effective actions in the provision of first aid.

Know the definition of signs of clinical death and practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation. To be able to provide first aid in case of loss of consciousness, coma and with various wounds, injuries, fractures, burns and frostbite. To be able to deliver childbirth in an emergency, to know the simple rules for carrying the victim and to consolidate knowledge with the help of practical exercises.

5. Overcoming obstacles, possible dangers on the way and measures to prevent them. Deepen knowledge of obstacle-crossing techniques. Acquaintance with the types of knots, with the use of knots, practice knitting knots, the technique of overcoming obstacles. Acquaintance with the post-accident crossing and improvised rafts.

Ability to behave when meeting with predatory animals. After that, a practical lesson on the technique of overcoming obstacles is held. Going out into nature.

6. Generalization. The course is summarized by the defense of creative projects and research papers. At the end of the academic year, a one or two-day trip is organized to consolidate and generalize knowledge, skills, and abilities.

To master basic knowledge, the following forms, teaching methods are used:

Forms of education students in the lesson:

classroom, group, steam room, individual.

Teaching methods:

    Verbal (story, conversation, lecture with conversation elements);

    Visual (demonstration of posters, training videos, electronic presentations, material base);

    Heuristic - (self-development of students, active cognitive activity);

Practical (working out standards, solving theoretical and practical problems).

Equipment: maps, atlases, drawings, photographs, ropes, cords, carabiners, saddles, chest harnesses, compasses, flashlights, watches, knives, matches, magnifiers, first aid kit, improvised tools, etc.

III.Planned results of mastering the subject

As a result of studying the course, the student must:

Knowledge requirements - the student must know:

Fundamentals of safety and life;

How to behave in desperate situations;

Know the theoretical foundations of the knowledge gained in order to apply it in practice.

Skill Requirements - The student must be able to:

Get out of extreme situations, overcome difficulties;

Live in field conditions in a group and alone;

Be able to choose a place to sleep, light a fire and cook food;

Provide first aid;

Conduct observations, experiments, experiments;

Overcome mental fear, be psychologically prepared for unforeseen situations;

Focus on your own strengths, on the reserves of your own body;

Use available means to save your life or the lives of others.

Skill Requirements - The student must to get skills:

Orientation in nature with a compass, without a compass, with a map, without a map, using the stars and using natural landmarks;

Extraction of food, extraction of fire, construction of shelters;

Making primitive clothes, shoes;

Cooperation and mutual assistance;


The result of studying an elective course:

Students will develop independence, tolerance, willpower;

Such qualities as collectivism and friendship, responsibility and mutual understanding, dexterity, perseverance and resourcefulness are developed;

Students become confident, resilient in overcoming difficulties;

A psychologically and physically comprehensively developed, healthy person, ready for life in the real world, is being formed;

Participant of scientific, practical and research conferences;

A professional in search and research activities, a future scientist-researcher is being formed.

IV... Calendar-thematic planning

by survival in extreme situations

Teacher ____________________________

Class 11

Number of hours per year:

Total 16 h; in Week 0,5 h

Planned control lessons 2, credits 2 hours, tests __________ hours.

Administrative control lessons ________ h.

The planning is based on:

An approximate program of secondary general education on the basics of life safety, ed. Vorobyova Yu.L. - M .: AST, Astrel, 2011.

Calendar-thematic plan

p / p

Lesson topic

Number of hours

the date of the



I ... Introduction (1 h.)

What is studying an elective course. Dangerous and extreme situations in nature.

Risk factors forming a survival plan. Survival factors, survival tactics.

II . Golden Rules (7 hours)

Food. Unconventional food

Use for food of wild-growing edible plants, poisonous plants and mushrooms

Catching wild animals. Traps and traps. Fishing

Unusual use of common things. Making homemade equipment and primitive clothes, shoes. Making tools and weapons

Water. Minimizing water loss. Transportation and search for water. Water extraction methods. Filtration of water

The fire. Hearths and bonfires. Types of bonfires.

Making fire without matches

Shelters. Choosing a place. Shelter types. Construction of shelters from scrap material

III ... Signaling and navigation (2 hours)

Distress signaling. Cards. Reading and navigating the map

Natural landmarks. Orientation by the sun and the clock. Night orientation

IV ... First aid (4 hours)

First aid in an emergency. General principles. Using natural medicines.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. First aid for loss of consciousness, coma

First aid for various wounds and injuries, fractures, burns and frostbite

Practical lesson at the first medical aid. Carrying the victim

V ... Overcoming obstacles, possible dangers on the way and measures to prevent them (2 hours)

Ropes and knots. Loops, straps and ties. Post-accident transition. Improvised rafts

How to behave when meeting with predatory animals

V. Educational-methodical and informational support

    Bubnov V.G., Bubnova N.V. Volunteer Rescuer Atlas: A Study Guide. -AST, Astrel, Moscow: 2004.

    Vorobyova Yu.L. Fundamentals of safety and life: Textbooks, grades 6-9. - M .: AST, Astrel, 2013.

    Maslov A.G. Preparing and conducting competitions for students "School of Security" - M .: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2000.

    Peter Darman Extreme Survival. M .; "Formula-Press", Russian edition, 1999.

    Salchak S.S. Search and rescue operations. - TsDYuT RT, Kyzyl: 2005.