On Knowledge Day, Vladimir Putin held an All-Russian open lesson “Russia Aiming for the Future. Lesson of Knowledge in the first class. Lesson script. lesson plan (Grade 1) on the topic The theme of the September 1 of the year

At the first lesson (class hour) for first-graders, the following tasks are solved: an emotional introduction to school life, creating conditions for the formation of a class team, educating patriots of their country. Knowledge is also formed about the rules of safe behavior in public places (preventive measures to combat terrorism).



Topic: "Russia, looking to the future"

Goals: introduction of children into a new social role of a schoolchild;

instilling in students a sense of patriotism based on the possibilities of their own participation in the development of Russia.


  • contribute to the formation of a class team through acquaintance and rules of respect for each other;
  • to acquaint children with the rules of conduct at school;
  • teach how to use textbooks;
  • instill in students a sense of pride and respect for Russia;
  • to form knowledge about the rules of conduct in connection with the threat of terrorist acts.

Equipment : posters for the holiday "Knowledge Day"; poster "Birthday 1a class"; drawings depicting fairy tale characters, including Carlson; posters with statements about the book and school; drawing paper with a "sun" blank, rays (according to the number of children), balloons, recordings of songs on school topics, a multimedia installation, a presentation.

Class hour progress

(Recordings of songs on a school theme sound. Children enter the classroom.)
1. Organizational moment.
2. “We are students!”
(Slide 1 ).- Dear Guys! You came to school, and school is a wonderful land of Knowledge. Today is a holiday in this country. Who knows what it's called?

(Slide 2 )-Right. 1 September is the day of knowledge. So you became students of our beautiful school No. _____! We will be together
(on the board) 4 winters 816 days
4 spring 32 thousand lessons
4 autumn 50 thousand hours. Do you think it is more interesting to travel around the Land of Knowledge alone or with friends?

Teacher: with friends.
- Agree with you. We will try to become real friends for each other. I propose to consider today the birthday of our friendship, our friendly 1a class. (
poster). Do you agree?

Teacher: yes!

(Slide 3.) Happy birthday, 1st grade! And these balloons are a gift to you. When you go home, everyone will take a balloon.(Applause)

Guys, in order for friendship in our class to be strong, I propose to get to know each other first. We will take turns to stand up and say our last name and first name. I'll start. My name is M.L.P.

(Children take turns getting up and calling F.I.)

- That's where we met. And now we will continue to learn to be friends. Turn to each other and smile! Well done! Shake hands! Goodies!

Guys! But today is the birthday of not only our class. Today is the birthday of _________!

(Congratulations, gift.)

(Slide 4) - My dear first-graders! School is a special country. At the entrance to the Land of Knowledge you are met by a bird in a hat. Who recognized her?

(Children's opinions)

Why do you think it is the owl that guards the entrance to our country?

(The owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.)

Wise Owl asks why did you come to school? What do you want to learn?

(Children's opinions)

I agree with you. At school, children discover new knowledge, learn to think, speak and act correctly. It's hard work, but interesting! In your opinion, what character traits should a student cultivate in himself in order to succeed? I'll name the quality, if it fits, clap your hands. If not, wag your finger. The student must be industrious, talkative, diligent, lazy, active, disobedient, disciplined, polite. Well done boys. You named important qualities that are needed in any job. The honorary title "student" is worn by all residents of the country of Knowledge and they need to be cherished. So, now the Wise Owl will check whether you are ready to become real students.
Well, guys, churn, shut up!
The lesson starts.
To become a student
Here's what you need to know.
You sit in class
Quiet, quiet, like a mouse,
Your back is right next to you
Do it like me.
We put our hands like this
And we are waiting for further assignments.
If you want to say
Either get out or get up
You have to hold your hand.
Let's check what you remember from the poem. What do you think, is it possible to shout from a place at school?

Teacher: no.

How to show the teacher that you want to ask something?

(The children silently raise their hands.)

And here is another rule of the student: when an adult enters the class, you need to silently stand up. Let's practice. Well done!

The next task from the Wise Owl. Solve her difficult riddle:

She speaks silently

It's understandable and not boring.

You talk more often with her -

You will become four times smarter.

Teacher: book.

(Slide 5). Right. You have study books on your desk. One fairy-tale hero will remind you of them. Guess who is he?

I wish you a gift
Huge cake, chocolate and cookies,
Marmalade and jam
Stanov and be thicker, higher.
Waiting for your answer on the roof.

- What did Carlson write? If you already know how to read, please read.

Teacher: who reads a lot, he knows a lot.

- Well done, read it right. Let's clap. Why is a book considered a student's best friend?

(Children's opinions)

There are many interesting tasks in our study books-textbooks. But before you get to know our new book friends, let's make some rules together to help keep your books safe.

  • (Slide 6) Don't pick up a book with dirty hands.
  • Don't fold the pages.
  • Use a bookmark.
  • Don't tear out the sheets.
  • Do not write or draw in the book.
  • Books need to be covered.

(Children look at textbooks.)

Guys, did you like our new friends - textbooks? Why should we protect them?

(Children's opinions. The teacher shows how to carefully put the books in the bag.)

You have a pencil case on the table. A wise owl will check if you have the right things in your pencil case. Do not open it, but guess the riddles.

Black Ivashka,

wooden shirt,

Where the nose will pass -

It leaves a trace there.


Who has a pencil in a pencil case?

I love directness

I am straight

Make a straight line

I help everyone.


Who has a ruler in their pencil case?

Look at me -

I have margins on the side

For tasks will be, children,

On my cage pages

And for different exercises,

I'm on the line, no doubt.

This is an easy riddle:

Everyone knows I am….


Who has a notebook in their pencil case? You are right, a notebook does not live in a pencil case. There will be a special folder for her in her briefcase. What else should you bring to school? Let's play! Get up. I will name the items. If they need to be taken to school, then you should clap your hands. If you don't need it, jump up. Let's play!
Textbooks, doll, car, album, pillow, pencil case, spoon, eraser, chewing gum, sharpener, iron, hammer, colored pencils, flashlight, pen, TV, paints, cat.

Well done! Know what to put in your briefcase. Let's take care of our school supplies! Sit down please.

Let's check your posture:

The back touches the back of the chair.

Between the chest and the desk - a fist.

Elbows - on the desk.

Eyes on the teacher.

Mouth - to the castle!

3. "Russia, looking to the future"

Guys! Today, not only students of our school sat down at their desks. All the girls and boys of our vast country came to study. What is the name of the country in which we all live?

Academician: Russia, R.F.

(Slide 7) -Yes, we all live in a country called Russia or the Russian Federation. We call our vast country Motherland.

(Slide 8)- What is the most important city in our country?

Teacher: Moscow.

Right. This is Moscow, the capital of our Motherland.

Who is the President of our country, that is, the most important person?

(Slide 9)- Right. The government of our country, headed by President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, makes sure that our country lives under a peaceful sky, that children can study in excellent schools, get a profession and work for the good of the Motherland. Both our president and every resident of the country love Russia very much and try to live in such a way that our country becomes even richer, stronger, more beautiful.

(Slide 10)- Today you are schoolchildren, but soon you will learn and become doctors, teachers, builders. I am sure that each of you, no matter who he is by profession, will benefit our Motherland.

(Slide 11 )-Every Russian is against the war. War is pain, grief, death. We don't want people to die.

(Slide 12)- But, unfortunately, bad people live on our planet Earth - terrorists. They, like monsters, are trying to bring evil to our country: they blow up trains, kill people. You must always be very careful so that trouble does not happen.

(Slide 13) - Do not communicate with strangers. Don't get into a car with a stranger. Never touch things left unattended. If you find a suspicious object in transport or even at school, such as a package, bag, bundle, do not touch it with your hands and tell adults about the find. The police will come and defuse the bomb.

(Slide 14)- Guys, our country is very big and beautiful! But in order for it to become even better, each person should try to live correctly. What do you think it means to "live right"?

Teacher: work well, don't steal, be kind, etc.

(Slide 15) - Agree with you. Every citizen of our Motherland must live honestly, work conscientiously, including at school. Then Russia will be even stronger. May the good sun always shine over our country!

Today we have to revive the sun so that each of you will always be warm from its light. And you will be the light. How many people in the class, so many rays will turn out. Look, in front of each of you on the desk lies a ray. On this ray you need to draw yourself. Or, if you can, write your name. (After the task is completed, we collect the sun).

(music plays)

Look what a radiant sun we got.

The radiant sun is not divided into parts.

And the eternal Earth cannot be divided.

But a spark of happiness - a ray of silver

You can, you are able to give to friends!

Our first day of school is coming to an end. I wish everyone to grow up strong and healthy, to be friends with each other, not to offend each other. And, of course, STUDY WELL! GOOD LUCK!


The classroom hour is a flexible form of communication between the teacher and students, when pupils are involved in a specially structured activity that helps them form the correct system of relations to the surrounding space.

The class hour implements the functions:

educational: the acquisition by students of new knowledge that is not included in the curriculum;

orienting: the formation of a position to various phenomena of the surrounding reality;

guideline: application of acquired knowledge in practical life;

formative: the development of the habit of thinking about one's life, behavior, actions, the skill of fruitful communication and argumentation of one's own opinion.

Thematic lesson will be held in all schools on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year. The theme of the lesson this year is: "Russia, looking to the future."

On September 1, on the Day of Knowledge in the 2017-2018 academic year, all schools in the country will host a thematic lesson "Russia, looking to the future."

In some schools, the principal or secretary gives the topic. If not, then the teacher must choose the appropriate topic for the lesson. It may be on the following topics:




The most popular patriotic theme. Especially in the lower grades. Usually, at the first lesson on September 1, they talk about the importance of the country's flag, the anthem. Such a lesson has elements of education, it became known to the portal rsute.ru. But it is not always interesting and understandable to students.

In recent years, the first day of September in Russian schools is not a training day. It is rather an exciting moment of meeting new teachers, old friends, the school yard, etc. On Knowledge Day, it is customary to hold a single Peace lesson, the single theme of which is traditionally set by the ministry for all schools and classes. Most often, this is one of the global world problems, the essence of which teachers must convey to the children. And since it is not easy for students of the 1st grade to explain important things at the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, they have to use a number of methodological techniques and age-specific features: interactive or game forms of the lesson, presentations and other multimedia, visual materials, etc.

The main goal of the Peace lesson is to instill patriotism and deep pride for their homeland in every student.

But the teachers of the youngest children set themselves other tasks:

to acquaint the kids with the concepts of "peace", "homeland", "native land", "patriotism";

explain the meaning of the "white dove" as a symbol;

interpret the colors of the national tricolor.

The class teacher is responsible for the organization, preparation, implementation and results of such lessons. The forms of activities are extensive and are determined by the age of the students, their individual psychological characteristics, experience and the choice of the teacher.

It can be:



creative forms,


fun start,


According to an old custom, Knowledge Day in Russian schools takes place in the form of a single classroom hour on September 1, 2017/2018, at which mutual congratulations are heard, school-wide news is reported, various creative teams and authoritative persons perform, and the necessary instructions are given.

Unified class hours are also held throughout the year with several classes of a similar age category on important topics: life safety;

significant events in the life of the school.

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Prepared by: class teacher 8-B class

Biktanova Rita Alfitovna



Lesson topic: "Lesson of Knowledge and Peace".

Lesson Objectives:

    Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinion;

    To teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;

    To educate, develop and increase the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one's Motherland, striving for peace.

Event progress.


First of September. On this day, all roads lead to school. Dressed up students, excited parents and teachers. This day in our country is a public holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Dear Guys! I congratulate you on this great holiday for each of us - the beginning of a new school year!

Foliage is still green everywhere
But your head is spinning.
About school, all your thoughts on this day,
Although, getting up in the morning is still too lazy.
But the long-awaited bell will ring again,
And the class will begin, as before, the lesson.
May everything come true in your school fate,
The Day of Knowledge! Good luck with your studies!

The topic of our class today "Lesson of Knowledge and Peace!"


1 September is the day of knowledge. This day in our country is a public holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Do you guys know that not all children in the world go to school on September 1st? In Holland, Norway and Sweden, the children have already been studying for a whole month - they went to school on August 1st. In India, the school year is in full swing. It started on April 1st. In Australia, students return to their desks on January 1st. And in the Republic of Costa Rica, on August 31, the last, not the first, bell rang in schools.


Officially, this holiday was established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984.


According to a good tradition, the first bell in the new academic year calls for a Knowledge lesson. He invites all the guys to a huge and mysterious world - the world of Knowledge. He recalls that everyone who crossed the threshold of the school today has become a year older.

On this day, I would like to wish you a festive mood, so that the next day it turns into a mood for study. And I suggest you take the lessons right away. Look at today's schedule.


schedule of lessons


2. Literature

3. Technology

Big change

4. Mathematics

5. Russian language

6. Physical education

As you can see, during this hour we have to do a lot - to spend six lessons and a big break. But the lessons today are unusual. For answers, instead of grades, you will receive tokens, which can then be exchanged for sweet prizes.

I suggest splitting into teams.

So, let's start the first lesson.OBJ lesson.


    Anyone who starts every morning with this action needs 2 times less time to get ready and tune in to a working mood and cheerfully sit through all the lessons at school. What is this action? (morning work-out )


    These substances are necessary for a person in negligible quantities. But without them, a person gets sick, gets tired quickly, impairs memory and attention, which leads to poor school performance. Their name comes from the Latin "life". What are these substances? (vitamins )


    Hardening is very important for human health. Tempering is important from childhood. A hardened child is rare and easily ill, does not miss classes, has a good mark in physical education. One of the types of hardening is swimming in the winter in the hole. What are these people called? (walruses ) And what are those who do it beyond the Arctic Circle called? (White bears )

And let's move on to the second lesson.Literature lesson.


Familiar lines. The first lines of poems that many know by heart are written on the board, and only the first letters of each word are written, and the rest are replaced by dashes. It is required to “restore” the first line, name the author and recite the poem (or part of it) by heart.

For example,

In d_ _ _ in _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ o _ _ _

(There are eight fractions in the house ... Sergey Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”)

In the house of eight fraction one
At the outpost of Ilyich
There lived a tall citizen
Nicknamed "Calancha"
By the name of Stepanov
And by the name of Stepan,
Of the regional giants
The most important giant.

1. U_ n_ _ _ o_ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _

(Already the sky was breathing in autumn ... A.S. Pushkin)

Already the autumn sky was breathing,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy
She stripped naked with a sad noise.

2. L_ _ _ _ g_ _ _ _ in n_ _ _ _ _ m_ _

(I love a thunderstorm in early May ... F. Tyutchev)

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.

3. B _ _ _ m_ _ _ _ n_ _ _ k_ _ _ _

(A storm covers the sky with darkness ... A.S. Pushkin “Winter Evening”)

A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting,
Like a beast, she will howl
He will cry like a child...
Who quickly…

And the next, third lesson.Lesson Technology.


Envelopes with identical parts made of colored paper are distributed. It is required to create an application from them. You have 2 minutes to complete the task.

Additional question - why an owl? (considered a symbol of wisdom, education)

The bell rings. Big change


Competition “Weak?!”

Each student presents his own action under the slogan “weak”. For each “weak” - 1 point, and for the most original - an additional point. You have 3 minutes to prepare for the competition.

The bell rings. The change is over.

And the next, the fourth lesson.Math lesson.


Task number 1. Who is faster ... The sawyer cuts the logs into meter-long pieces. Each cut takes 2 minutes. In how many minutes will he cut a 5-meter log?

(ANSWER: 4 2 = 8 minutes)


Task number 2. Who is faster ... Through four points, draw three segments so that you get a triangle.


Task number 3. Who is faster ... Do the calculations according to the scheme and write down the answer. For completing the task, you can get 2 tokens (quickness and correctness are taken into account).

The math lesson is over.

And the next, the fifth lesson. Russian language lesson.


How wonderful and friendly we all get! Perhaps it's because we are a very friendly class? What else is he??? Let's now compose his portrait using different adjectives. Your task is to name a few adjectives, the more interesting they are, the more meaningful and colorful the portrait will be. And so attention friends! - we call adjectives!

I substitute the named adjectives in the text.

Our _________ class has __________ g Hair, ______________ face, look a little _________. The clothes of students ________ ______ class are always ______, gait _____________, hairstyle _________. All _______________ students of ___________ class have __________________ backpacks, they contain _______________ textbooks and ______________ notebooks. Each ____________ student bought _____________________ diaries for himself in the new _______________ academic year.

Let's wish our ___________ class ____________ health, ____________ joy, _____________ days of success and _______________ solidarity!

Long live our eighth __________ class!

The Russian language lesson is over.

And the next, sixth and last lesson. PHYSICAL CULTURE lesson.


Pupils come out from behind their desks to line up. They are built by their teams.

    Line up by hair color from dark to lightest.

    Line up according to the size of the shoes from small to large.

    Line up alphabetically, according to the first letters of the names.

    Relay "Calculation in order": each team is calculated in order and the last one, having named the number, runs and stands forward, starting again the calculation. And the team makes the calculation until the guide becomes the first. He raises his hand up - the relay is over.


Motto: A world under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!

SLIDE 18-23. (flip through the slides while reading the poem)

Dedicated to the children of Beslan...” – Shmyreva N.G.

On the first fine day in September
The children of Beslan went to school,
After holidays and summer worries
Meet friends and see you again.
Many children came for the first time
School to learn to read and write
They were accompanied by relatives and friends,
Everyone was happy, everything was sincere.
Everything started well and beautifully -
Everywhere flowers and bursting laughter,
Children are dressed in uniform, everything is cute ...
Joy and happiness in the eyes of everyone ...(click)
But, like a black, gloomy cloud,
Covered everything, closed the whole world -
Gang of terrible evil terrorists
Suddenly interrupted children's joyful laughter.
The earth sobbed from impotence and grief
And the blood of children was filled with everything.
The bandits were hiding behind the kids,
They put them on the windows like barriers.
Terrible were the hours and minutes,
Horror in the eyes of children, mothers...
Stop! Are you not people?
You've taken CHILDREN hostage!
How dare you, vile creatures,
Raise your hand to the holy country!
No, terrorists are the devil's children.
You are hated by all the people of the Earth!
We will not forget those who are not with us,
Those who died at the hands of the executioner.
Let's strive to live only in the world,
And we will not allow violence and evil!


And now, guys, let's remember all those who died 12 years ago (09/01/2004) in Beslan and honor their memory with a moment of silence.


A moment of silence.


Peace policy is the law of our country.

The question of peace is particularly acute now, when wars are going on.

So that the shadow of war does not eclipse the sun for us,
And so that for the happiness of all, to end it, -
Unite together, people of the world,
Even tighter, tighter and tighter.
People of good will are unanimous
We stand up against the forces of war as a wall, -
And we won't let anyone in the world
Plunge the globe into the abyss of disasters.

Peace in every home, in every country!
The world is life on the planet!
The world is the sun on our Earth!
The world is for adults and children!


Today, guys, we will make pigeons with you. The dove is a symbol of peace, a symbol of the struggle against war, violence, anxiety and tears.

Making pigeons. A stand is drawn up, which depicts a blue sky. Children attach their pigeons to the stand.

Guys! The tragic events in our lives are connected not only with the war. In peacetime, when you do not expect, trouble also happens.

    Showing the presentation "Rules of conduct in emergency situations"

    Showing the presentation "Personal safety rules in case of fire"

    Showing the presentation "Rules of the road"


Summing up the classroom:

Dear Guys! For 7 years that you have studied at school, you have become one family, one small country. Let's try all together to do everything possible so that in our team there are more successes and joys than sorrows. We must take care of others, help our comrades, respect their opinion. Live according to the laws of goodness and justice, correlate your interests with the interests of your comrades. Much depends on our friendship. Even, to some extent, peace on our planet.


Dear children, let me once again congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, on the Day of Knowledge!

I want to wish you good health, so that our meetings are not interrupted due to someone's illness, lateness and absenteeism, and wish you success in your studies.

Usually on Knowledge Day, students, together with class teachers, discuss plans for the next academic year. But not only the topic of education should be considered at such events. An interesting and useful peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will help children become wise adults in the future who will never allow hostilities or state conflicts in their native land. That is why students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 should be asked to prepare stories about how important world peace is. But high school students on the Day of Knowledge can make up stories about the military, soldiers and nurses, whose exploits should not be forgotten. Such informative stories can be supplemented with video presentations, corresponding photo collections of past years.

An interesting lesson in the world September 1, 2017 for grade 1 - examples of presentations and topics for class hours

For kids who have just come to school, you can spend a class hour in which it will briefly and concisely talk about how important it is to maintain world peace. This will help to have a very interesting first Knowledge Day for first graders, which they will remember well for many years to come.

What topics should be considered in the peace lesson in grade 1 on September 1, 2017?

Conducting a peace lesson in grade 1 describing the horrors of war is not worth it. Children who first visited the walls of the school should receive maximum positive emotions from the classroom. Therefore, it will be better if the topic of the first lesson is about saving the world. You can conduct a survey among first-graders about what peace means to them, and what needs to be done so that all people live together.

Examples of presentations for first graders for an interesting peace lesson on September 1, 2017

Properly selected presentations will help to make the first class hour really useful and interesting for students in grade 1. They will allow you to consolidate the material covered and convey to children how important peace on earth is. In your work, you can use the videos below or use them to create no less informative presentations.

How to conduct a peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in elementary school in grades 2, 3, 4 - topics for the first lesson

If at the classroom hour for Knowledge Day for first graders, simple and understandable topics for discussion should be selected, then more serious issues can be considered with children from grades 2-4. Therefore, most of the first lesson on September 1 should be devoted to stories about the war and its consequences.

What topics can be considered on Knowledge Day at a peace lesson in grades 2, 3, 4 of elementary school?

Class teachers of grades 2-4 are recommended to dedicate the first lesson not only to considering military topics, but also to discussing important issues with children. The opinion of each student will help the teacher in the future to correctly build the subsequent lessons of the world and, if necessary, help to slightly change the reasoning of the students. After all, the patriotism laid down in elementary school, love for the native people and native land will help children grow up as sincere and kind people who will never allow war. Therefore, during the peace lesson, it is recommended to pay sufficient attention to such topics:

  1. Military exploits of soldiers, nurses.
  2. Possible solutions to conflicts without military action.
  3. Dangers, fears and consequences of war.

By choosing one or covering several topics at once in the knowledge lesson on September 1, the class teacher of elementary school students will be able to convey to them the most important idea: the preservation of peace is the main task of modern society. Such discussions will help instill in little patriots a desire to work for the good of the country, to try to avoid conflicts in any field of activity.

Cognitive lesson of the world on September 1, 2017 for students of grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - what to devote to Knowledge Day?

You also need to start the new school year with middle school students with a peace lesson. During it, you can discuss various topics related to military operations, conflicts between states and between residents of one country. Such a first lesson on September 1 will help to convey to teenagers the importance of the ability to maintain peace in their native land.

Rules for conducting a peace lesson on Knowledge Day 2017 for grades 5, 6, 7, 8

It will be much more interesting for secondary school students to participate not only in discussions, but also in preparation for the classroom. It is necessary to offer teenagers different topics that they can consecrate on their own behalf, expressing their opinion. Such a task can be quite divided into parts, which will be gradually considered in the first and subsequent lessons of the world.

What to devote a peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in high school - topic ideas and presentation examples

Senior class leaders who want to conduct an informative class hour need to choose a very serious topic for the first lesson. If during such an event he manages to interest teenagers, then he will not have to doubt their ability to correctly and soberly assess the situation, appreciate their loved ones, their country.

Interesting and useful topics for a lesson in the world held for high school students on Knowledge Day 2017

If with kids and middle school students serious burning topics should be considered without delving into social problems, then in grade 11 teenagers are already ready to discuss "adult" military topics. For example, on Knowledge Day, you can tell about the Second World War, which began on September 1st. But also the class teacher can discuss with the students military operations in modern countries of the world and the dangers of such incidents. It is important to determine exactly what Knowledge Day 2017 is dedicated to (military actions in a general or specific war) and stick to the chosen direction throughout the lesson.

Examples of presentations for September 1, 2017 - how to make the peace lesson interesting for high school students?

During the first lesson, short films about the war can be shown in the senior classes. Or you can use informative videos to work with students. For example, prepare social presentations for the peace lesson. The following collection can serve as examples:

It is interesting and informative to spend the Day of Knowledge for elementary and high school students, first-graders with a correctly composed scenario of the peace lesson. In it, depending on the age of the students, one can consider problematic issues of maintaining peace, discuss the possibility of preventing or eliminating wars. It is recommended to conduct a peace lesson on September 1, 2017, supplementing the stories with presentations and videos. You should also discuss acute social problems with children in grades 2, 3, 4 and teenagers from grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, to convey to them the importance of patriotism in the modern world.

The first lesson on this topic should contribute to the formation of citizenship and patriotism among students, the upbringing of a sense of pride in the younger generation for the country and its heroes, respect for its achievements, the development of social and creative activity, the disclosure of creative potential, the formation of an active citizenship, familiarization with the spiritual moral culture.

for conducting in institutions of general secondary education

dedicated to the Day of Knowledge

In his speech on July 1, 2017 at the solemn meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of Belarus, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko emphasized that “having gone through trials, Belarusians have earned the right to live on a free land, in peace and prosperity, to be full participants in world processes. The history of Belarusian statehood has always been difficult. But the desire of our people to live in their own home was the core that gave strength and strengthened their spirit.

When conducting the first lesson, it is important to rely on the knowledge gained by students in the lessons of literature, history, geography, etc. It is advisable to use regional material on the history and modern development of the region (district, city, village) in the lesson. Based on interdisciplinary connections, the teacher has the opportunity to make an excursion into the history of their native city (villages, schools, streets, etc.) together with schoolchildren.

Emotional-valuable perception of information by students will be more effective if musical works, illustrations, slides, photographs, multimedia presentations are included in the lesson, the works of Belarusian poets and prose writers, artists, local history material, children's author's works, reference materials, etc. are widely used.

In conducting the first lesson, as well as in events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and the Day of Belarusian Literature, together with the public association "Union of Writers of Belarus", the participation of Belarusian writers and poets should be organized.

Important to pay attention for office decoration in which the following elements can be presented: state symbols; Constitution of the Republic of Belarus; illustrated map of Belarus; exhibition of books about Belarus; photographs (slides) of historical places and nature of Belarus; albums, stands, reproductions of paintings on the Belarusian theme; CDs with songs about Belarus, etc.; creative works of students (abstracts, projects, essays, poems, drawings, posters, newspapers, reviews of excursions, layouts, etc.) about Belarus; portraits of famous figures in the history and culture of Belarus (Evfrosinia of Polotsk, Francysk Skaryna, Yanka Kupala, etc.), who glorified our country in their works and activities.

AT during the first lesson it is recommended to turn to the origins of the national culture of the Belarusian people, to emphasize the role and importance of Francysk Skaryna in the development of Belarusian book printing, the close relationship and organic unity of Slavic cultural traditions, which will contribute to the formation of love and respect for the history and culture of the Belarusian people, patriotism, and interest in the younger generation. reading.

During the years 1517-1519 in Prague, Francysk Skaryna published over 20 illustrated biblical books, translated by him into a language understandable to the general reader. The books of Francysk Skaryna influenced the development of the spiritual culture of Belarus and stimulated the emergence of book printing in the Muscovite state, and were distributed in numerous handwritten copies.

The date of the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian book printing is of world significance and is included in the calendar of memorable dates of UNESCO. On September 14-15, 2017, under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Congress "500 Years of Belarusian Book Printing" will be held in Minsk. The highest awards of Belarus are named in honor of Skaryna: the Order of Francysk Skaryna and the medal of Francysk Skaryna.

As part of the jubilee events on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Belarusian book printing, RUE "Belarusian Telegraph Agency" has prepared a thematic animation media project. in modern Belarus. When holding events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, the Day of Belarusian Literature, you can demonstrate a video.

During the first lesson, it is necessary to pay attention to the issues of the socio-economic development of our country, focused on the steady growth of well-being and improving the quality of life of citizens, the satisfaction of their material, social and cultural interests. AT Year of Science It is important to emphasize that the creation of an innovative economy is a strategic direction for the development of our country.

The first lesson should help students comprehend the idea that in ensuring the dynamically sustainable development of the economy, the primary role belongs to innovations, innovation activities that can ensure continuous updating of the technological base of production, development and production of new competitive products, effective penetration into the world markets for goods and services.

In a conversation with students, it should be emphasized that in our country much attention is paid to physical culture and sports. The policy of the state is aimed at providing everyone with the opportunity to play sports. High achievements in sports and the presence of world-class sports facilities testify to the successful implementation of the tasks set by the state.

“Minsk has rightfully become the sports capital of Europe. Today, our country is increasingly hosting prestigious competitions of the highest level. In 2019 we will host the Second European Games, and in 2021 - the Ice Hockey World Championship"

The first lesson should be bright and memorable. lesson organization it is necessary to abandon the template, and in conducting - from formalism. It is necessary to involve students in the class as actively as possible. The basis of the emotional tone in the lesson should not be entertainment, but entertainment and enthusiasm.

A good result is shown by such an organization of the lesson, when the teacher supports the plurality of students' opinions, alternativeness. To this end, it is recommended to diversify traditional approaches active methods and techniques.

The first lesson can be held in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, business game, quiz, brainstorming, interview, reportage, etc. You can build a lesson based on non-traditional forms of organization of the educational process: a lesson of wisdom, a revelation or a lesson that resembles public forms of communication: a press conference, a briefing, an auction, a benefit performance, a regulated discussion, a panorama, a teleconference, a reportage, a dialogue, a live newspaper, an oral journal, etc. Lessons such as a correspondence excursion, an excursion into the past, a lesson-journey, a walk, the use of such forms of work as a brain ring, a philosophical table, a photo exhibition, a presentation of projects, etc. You can also invite students to demonstrate their creative and labor achievements in a fun way in the summer (amateur videos, photo expositions , literary sketches, completed works on the improvement of the territory, historical, cultural, natural and social objects, etc. ).

AT museums of educational institutions by the first lesson, it is possible to organize thematic exhibitions, arrange expositions created from materials and material exhibits collected during summer hiking trips, hold meetings with participants in events, materials about which are presented in museums, and provide for the training of student guides.

On the first day of the new academic year, you can make excursions to the National Historical Museum and the National Library of the Republic of Belarus, to regional museums.

A significant event for students can be a visit to the branch of the National Historical Museum "Museum of Modern Belarusian Statehood". The exposition of the museum covers the period of modern history of the Republic of Belarus and is dedicated to the political, economic, scientific, cultural and sports life of the country. The museum's collection is about 4 thousand items, 800 of which are on display.

In Minsk, the museum of miniatures of Belarusian sights “Mini Country” is open for visiting by schoolchildren of all age groups, the exposition of which is currently represented by 15 miniature exhibits (National Library of the Republic of Belarus, Nesvizh and Gomel palace and park complexes, Kamenets Tower, Kossovsky Castle, Kolozhskaya church, Krevo Castle, etc.), and in the future will reach 70 miniatures. Tours are conducted in an interactive format in Russian, Belarusian, English.

In the process of preparing and conducting the first lesson, teachers should choose the form and methods of conducting the lesson. taking into account the age of students, focusing, first of all, on the maximum involvement in its organization and conduct of the students themselves.

At the first lesson, each first-grader of the country will receive as a gift the book “Belarus is our Radzima.PadarunakEtcuhhі duhnta Ruhspublі toі Belarus A.R.Lukashenkilaneshacoolі ku". The publication is issued with an electronic DVD-application. The textbook with the help of vivid illustrations tells first-graders about Belarus. The DVD contains additional information for viewing and listening, organized into 25 multimedia presentations, as well as 75 interactive games and tasks - quizzes, puzzles, electronic coloring, etc. achievement of educational and educational goals. The content of the lesson is recommended to build using the material in this book.

The first lesson and other events held in institutions of general secondary education on the first day of the new academic year should become an impetus for all ideological and educational work aimed at the formation of civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral qualities of the personality of students, based on state and universal values, respectful and careful attitude to the national culture, state ideology, historical traditions of the Belarusian people.