The Second All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography took place. All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography: applications for participation are open All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography

Senior lecturer of the department "Geography" of the Pedagogical Institute. V.G. Belinsky PSU and head of the Youth Club at the Penza branch of the Russian Geographical Society Alekseeva Natalya Sergeevna took part in the Second All-Russian Congress of Geography Teachers, which was held at Lomonosov Moscow State University on November 2-3, 2016. Geography teachers also took part in the Congress from the Penza region : Zhigulina Larisa Anatolyevna (FEL No. 29) and Kulikova Ekaterina Sergeevna (gymnasium No. 6) - members of the Russian Geographical Society.

The organizers of the Second All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography were Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Association of Teachers of Geography.

More than 550 geography teachers, methodologists, teachers of higher education, representatives of regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Association of Geography Teachers from all regions of our country took part in the congress. The main topic of the congress was the discussion of the Concept for the Development of Geographical Education in Russia. Rector of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Sadovnichiy, opening the congress, admitted: “Geography is under threat due to ill-conceived reforms in the school. At the same time, geography has been and remains a subject that forms the consciousness of a person and his attitude to life.

Geography as a science forms the consciousness and attitude of a person to life. Every second of our lives we are in this environment - in the environment of nature, in the human environment, and all this requires deep study, fundamental knowledge.

He also noted that teachers' congresses are a tradition in our country, and such events always took place "in the orbit of Moscow University." For the first time, a congress of teachers of geography of Russia was held at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in 1915.

At the plenary session of the congress on November 2, 2016, the following speakers spoke: First Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society, President of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University Academician N.S. Kasimov, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science S.S. Kravtsov and President of the Interregional Association of Teachers of Geography of Russia A.A. Lobzhanidze.

The work of the congress continued at round tables and sections. The main topic is the discussion of the draft Concept for the Development of Geographical Education in the Russian Federation. Alekseeva N.S. took part in the work of round tables: "The system of training and advanced training of teaching staff and networking of professional associations of teachers of geography" and "The role of universities in the organization of research activities of schoolchildren."

November 3, 2016 at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the second All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography continued its work. The day began with a meeting in which the President of the Russian Geographical Society S.K. Shoigu, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva, First Vice-President of the Society N.S. Kasimov and moderators of the round tables that took place the day before.

Sergei Shoigu recalled that the President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to develop the Concept, and the authors of the document were representatives of the Russian Geographical Society and the Ministry of Education and Science.

We worked quite closely and thoroughly with various structures that in one way or another seriously influence the development of geographical education. This is the Academy of Sciences, and the Academic Council of the Russian Geographical Society, which, in our opinion, really includes the flower of our geographical science, and, of course, the teaching community, which could get acquainted with the Concept on the site, - the President of the Russian Geographical Society emphasized<…>Olga Yurievna and I are committed to getting her into the Government as soon as possible. But we all need to understand that the Concept is only the beginning of the journey. There is a lot of work ahead, work on textbooks and curricula, and much, much more...

Let me express my deep gratitude to the Russian Geographical Society, the Interregional Association of Teachers of Geography, you, Sergey Kuzhugetovich, Moscow State University for the tremendous work that has been done in the preparation of new principles and approaches to modernizing the school geography course. The developed draft Concept, which is being submitted today for discussion by the Congress, in my opinion, should become the basis for systemic changes in school geographical education, which are long overdue, - said Olga Vasilyeva.

The draft Concept was widely discussed by the scientific community and educators. Nikolai Kasimov voiced the problems that teachers are especially concerned about:

Reducing geography hours at school. The resolution proposes to increase them, and I am very glad that Olga Yuryevna has already said this. Position of geography in the structure of test procedures. The fact that geography is an optional subject significantly reduces the flow of potential applicants for a geographical education. The absence of mandatory entrance examinations in geography for admission to universities.

Concluding the Congress, the President of the Russian Geographical Society awarded teachers of geography with certificates of honor of the Society for their great contribution to the development of geographical science.

We have listened to all the suggestions you have made. All of them, without exception, are interesting and important. We have a big but very interesting job ahead of us. I wish you new discoveries, expeditions and time to fulfill your dreams, - said Sergei Shoigu, concluding his speech.

November 2-3, 2016 in the Lomonosov building of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the second All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography will be held.
The organizers of the Congress are Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Association of Teachers of Geography.

The main topic of discussion will be the project Concepts for the development of geographical education in the Russian Federation, as well as plans to develop a standard for school geographical education, improve textbooks and educational and methodological complexes.

The first Congress of Teachers of Geography was held in Moscow, at Lomonosov Moscow State University on October 28–29, 2011. About 600 teachers of geography from all over Russia took part in the work of the Congress.

Geography teachers and methodologists from all regions of the Russian Federation, including laureates of regional teacher competitions, nominees for Presidential grants in the field of education, mentors of the winners of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren in geography and other specialists will take part in the event as delegates.

The following persons have the right to nominate delegates to the Congress:
. regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society;
regional branches of the Russian Association of Teachers of Geography;
regional executive authorities in the field of education.

All proposals for candidates for delegates are sent to the regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society until September 16, 2016. To consider the candidacy of a delegate, it is necessary to provide personal data, a sample questionnaire for a delegate of the Congress is attached.

Contacts of the regional branches of the Society can be found on the website of the Russian Geographical Society at the link
The regional branches of the Society form a list of candidates for delegates to the Congress on the basis of received and their own proposals and approve the delegates of the Congress within the quotas established on the basis of the population in the respective regions.
Decisions on the composition of the delegates of the Congress are drawn up in the form of minutes of meetings of the Councils of the regional branches of the Society.
Regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society provide the final minutes of the meetings of the Councils with the attachment of the delegates to the Organizing Committee of the Congress until September 23, 2016 at:.

The delegates of the Congress need to prepare and send proposals to the draft Concept for the Development of Geographical Education in the Russian Federation by September 30, 2016 to the address.

The contact person for all matters related to the holding of the Second All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography is Kositsky Alexei Grigorievich (phone: +7 926 6677639, e-mail: ).

Delegates are provided with accommodation in the hostel of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov during the Congress from November 1 to November 4, 2016. Payment for the travel of delegates at the expense of the organizers of the Congress is not carried out.

About the Second All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography

November 2-3, 2016 in the Lomonosov building of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the Second All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography worked. More than 500 teachers and methodologists from all subjects of the Russian Federation took part in the congress. The organizers of the congress are Moscow State University, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Association of Teachers of Geography.

The rector of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Academician Viktor Sadovnichy, First Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society Academician Nikolai Kasimov, Head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov and President of the Russian Association of Teachers of Geography Alexander Lobzhanidze.

The main topic of the congress was draft concept for the development of geographical education in the Russian Federation, which had previously been widely discussed by the geographic community.

As delegates from the Volgograd region the congress was attended by Bolotnikova Natalya Viktorovna (methodologist of the Volgograd State Academy of Postgraduate Education), Kulikov Roman Nikolaevich (geography teacher of the highest category of MBOU secondary school No. 18, Volzhsky, organizer and head of the Volga city children's and youth association "YUNNA"), Detochenko Liliya Valeryanovna (Chairman of the VO RGS, Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography, Geoecology and Methods of Teaching Geography of the VGSPU); as a participant of the congress - Natalia Ivanovna Bazilyuk (geography teacher of the highest category of MBOU secondary school No. 2, Volzhsky).

To discuss the main provisions of the Concept, round tables worked, at which delegates from the Volgograd region attended and spoke: “Modernization of the content of geographical education” (Bolotnikova N.V., Detochenko L.V., Kulikov R.N.); "Development of a new standard for geographical education" (Bolotnikova N.V.); "Geographical education and popularization of geography" (Detochenko L.V.); "Modernization of methods of teaching geography" (Bolotnikova N.V.); "Organization of field research in geographical education" (Kulikov R.N.); "The role of universities and the Russian Geographical Society in the research activities of schoolchildren" (Detochenko L.V.).

Following the results of the congress, the final version of the Concept for the development of geographical education in the Russian Federation will be ready on December 5, 2016 and will be sent for approval to the Government of the Russian Federation.

At the Closing Ceremony of the All-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography, President of the Russian Geographical Society, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation spoke Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vorobieva, Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy.

The congress ended with the performance of the "Hymn of the Geographers" by the delegates and participants.

Detailed and detailed information about the work of the congress will be presented to the members of the VO RGS at the November meeting of the Volgograd branch of the RGS.

Chairman of the All-Russian Geographical Society Lilia Detochenko

November 2-3, 2016 in the Lomonosov building of Moscow State University IIAll-Russian Congress of Teachers of Geography.

The organizers of the congress were: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Association of Teachers of Geography.

The congress was attended by teachers of geography, methodologists, teachers of higher education, representatives of regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society, an interregional association of geography teachers from all regions of our country. Among the members of the Russian Geographical Society from the Saratov region were: a methodologist of the department of humanitarian and aesthetic education of the Saratov Regional Institute for the Development of Education, the head of the regional branch of the interregional association of teachers of geography A.V. Grishechko, geography teacher of MAOU "Gymnasium No. 3" M.V. Bakhtarova, Saratov and a teacher of geography, MBOU "Secondary School No. 33", Engels.

The main topic of the congress was the discussion of the draft Concept for the development of geographical education in the Russian Federation. Rector of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Sadovnichiy, opening the congress, admitted: “Geography is under threat due to ill-conceived reforms in the school. At the same time, geography has been and remains a subject that forms the consciousness of a person and his attitude to life. Every second of our lives we are in this environment - in the environment of nature, in the human environment, and all this requires deep study, fundamental knowledge. "He also noted that teachers' congresses are a tradition in our country, and such events have always occurred Moscow University". The first congress of teachers of geography in Russia was held at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in 1915.

At the plenary session of the congress on November 2, 2016, the following speakers spoke: First Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society, President of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University Academician N.S. Kasimov, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science S.S. Kravtsov and President of the Interregional Association of Teachers of Geography of Russia A.A. Lobzhanidze.

The work of the congress continued at round tables and sections.

On November 3, 2016, the congress was attended by: President of the Russian Geographical Society, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S.K. Shoigu, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva, First Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society N.S. Kasimov and moderators of the round tables that took place the day before.

Sergei Shoigu recalled that the President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to develop the Concept, and the authors of the document were representatives of the Russian Geographical Society and the Ministry of Education and Science, and its adoption is only the beginning of the journey: and many many others". The draft Concept was widely discussed by the scientific community and educators and revealed problems that are of particular concern to teachers. The developed draft Concept, according to O.Yu.Vasilyeva, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, "should become the basis for systemic changes in school geographical education, which are long overdue."

At the end of the Congress, the President of the Russian Geographical Society awarded the teachers of geography with certificates of honor for their great contribution to the development of geographical science and wished everyone new discoveries, expeditions and time to fulfill their dreams.