How to reset a forgotten password from Avast and AVG antivirus. Solving the problem with Avast antivirus blocking pages Resetting the Avast and AVG antivirus password using the Avast Password Reset Tool

In this age of new technologies, an antivirus for a computer can be compared to a virus vaccine for a person. If your antivirus does not work well, then most likely the PC will not live long. But it also happens that after installing the antivirus, you cannot access the Internet. This situation is often encountered in the operation of Avast antivirus.

Avast is blocking the internet

Users may have encountered a situation where Avast blocks access to the Internet. It does not allow you to open any page in any browser. Avast Antivirus is blocking all network connections.

This situation can be caused by many reasons. Therefore, each of them will have to fix the problem, respectively.

Important! Most often, blocking occurs on a PC with Windows XP.

Looking for a way out

You can do like most users and just with. You can say goodbye to Avast at any time, so let's first figure out how to solve the problem and leave the antivirus (read about removing Avast antivirus).

First of all, you need to understand two things - why Avast blocks all sites and why Avast blocks the Internet. If the program blocks only one site, then it is probably really infected with a virus (you can read how to add a site to Avast exceptions).

But if when you launch all browsers you get a notification about the blocking of malicious screens, then you should proceed differently:

After you do everything according to the instructions, the problem with accessing the Internet will be fixed. Now you can solve the problem "Why is Avast blocking the browser?"

It happens differently

In cases where even these steps did not help fix the problem, it suggests that your computer did catch a virus. In this case, it is better to show it to a specialist and not puzzle over how to fix the situation. Why? Because if you are not an expert, you can do even worse (for example, delete important system files). Therefore, do not immediately believe everything that you find on the global network.

Be attentive to notifications on the computer screen, listen to advice.

I hope this information was useful to you. All good luck!

This article is intended most likely for parents, grandparents. It's no secret that today's children spend hours on the Internet every day. And in order for your child not to become a victim of some forbidden religious, propaganda organization or information, not to visit dubious sites, as well as gambling sites, you need constant supervision by adults. Control can be maintained by viewing the Browser History, where links to visited pages from your device are saved. If you find some dubious sites there that provide poor-quality information, then access to such sites can be closed. This can be done in various ways, but today we will look at how to block a site with Avast antivirus.

In one of the previous articles () we already talked about how to install this antivirus.

So, in order to block a specific site, in the tray (next to the clock), right-click on the Avast antivirus icon and select "Open Avast user interface"

In the window that opens, click Settings in the form of a gear.

In the settings window, select the Active Protection tab on the left (1) and then click on Web Shield Settings (2)

In the web screen settings window, select the “Website blocking” tab. And here we will close access to unwanted or dubious sites. To do this, enter the site address in the input field.. Enter and click on the Add button. Similarly, you can add multiple sites. We press OK.

Let's look at the result of our actions. Open a browser and enter the address of our website.

As you can see, Avast has blocked access to the site. So we did everything right.

But over time, we may need to restore access to the blocked site. How to do it?

How to unblock access to the site

In order for the site to become available again, again go to the web screen settings (see screenshots 3, 4), select the address of the desired site and click Delete.

That's it, our site is back in the public domain. Now you know how to block a website in Avast. That's all for today. Leave your questions and suggestions in the comments. Good luck to all!

If password protection is enabled in avast antivirus, then when you try to disable protection or change the antivirus settings, an authorization window will appear with the text "An attempt was made to enter the avast protected area":

The action will be canceled if an incorrect password is entered:

Also, without knowing the password, it will be impossible to remove the antivirus. If you have forgotten your program password, you can reset your Avast Antivirus password by following the instructions below.

Resetting your Avast and AVG antivirus password using the Avast Password Reset Tool

The Avast Password Reset Tool is designed to automatically reset the password in the following products developed by :

  • 5 - 18
  • 5 - 18
  • (all versions)
  • 5 - 18
  • 2017 and 2018
  • 2017 and 2018

Note. Please note that this is not an official Avast password disable tool. The utility was developed by the administration of our site to automate the actions described later in the article. The utility is provided "as is" and has been tested on many antivirus versions and operating systems. If the utility does not work correctly, please write about it in the comments to the article.

Then, turn on the display of hidden folders and files. Open Control Panel and open "Folder Options" or "Folder Options". Go to the "View" tab and at the bottom of the list, check the box "Show hidden files, folders and drives." Also, uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" and confirm the action by clicking "OK".

For Windows 2000/XP, delete the file aswResp.dat from the following folders:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AVAST Software\Avast\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Avg\Antivirus\

On Windows Vista/7/8/10, delete the file aswResp.dat from the following folders:

  • C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\
  • C:\ProgramData\Alwil Software\Avast\
  • C:\ProgramData\Alwil Software\Avast5\
  • C:\ProgramData\Avg\Antivirus\

After deleting the file, restart your computer. After the reboot, the antivirus password will be disabled. Don't forget to turn off the display of hidden files as described above.

Reset your Avast and AVG antivirus password using the Avast Uninstall Utility.

If the above methods did not help to disable the password, then use the Avast Uninstall Utility - Avast Uninstall Utility.

This utility will completely remove all Avast antivirus components from the system, even if the antivirus is password protected.

Note. The password reset instructions described in the article are for personal use only, on your personal devices. Hacking other people's passwords is illegal and threatens with criminal liability (Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

If Avast antivirus detects an infected or suspicious file, then, depending on the settings, the file will be automatically deleted or moved to the antivirus quarantine - a blocked storage from which the file cannot be launched and will not harm the computer:

If you need to restore a file from Avast Quarantine, do the following:

In antivirus versions 5 - 8, in the main window of the antivirus, in the " Service", select " Quarantine". On the right side of the window, a list of files isolated in Avast quarantine will appear. To restore a file, right-click on it and select " Reestablish":

In version 9, to view the list of quarantined files, on the " Scanning", click on the link " Quarantine" at the bottom of the window:

In versions 10-17, in the main Avast window, on the " Protection", select " Antivirus"and press the button" Quarantine":

To restore a quarantined file from Avast versions 9-17, in the Quarantine window, right-click on the file and select " Reestablish" or " Restore and add to exclusions":

IMPORTANT! Restore from quarantine only those files that are obtained from reliable sources and that you are sure are safe.

How to add a file or program to Avast antivirus exclusions

If you are confident in the safety of certain files, programs or games, but are identified by Avast antivirus as unsafe, then you need to add them to the antivirus exclusions. Files added to exclusions are not checked or blocked by antivirus during their launch and scheduled computer scans.

In Avast versions 5-8, to add a folder to exclusions, open settings antivirus and go to the tab " Exceptions". Click " Add" and " Review":

Mark the folder you want to exclude from antivirus scanning and click "OK":

The specified folder is added to the list. Click "OK" to close the settings window:

In Avast versions 9 - 17, exceptions are found in the antivirus settings on the Antivirus tab (version 9) or the General tab (starting from version 10). Also, folders can be added to the "DeepScreen" and "Powerful Mode" exclusions:

Confirm adding the file to the exclusion list:

The added files and folders will appear in the list:

Avast is a popular antivirus thanks to its functional free version. However, any programs are not without sin, and Avast sometimes makes mistakes by deleting or adding “clean” files that are not infected with a virus to its blacklist. Just for such cases, the developers came up with a list of exceptions. Users can add some files to it if they are sure that they definitely do not contain virus components. In this case, Avast ignores files and programs from the list when checking, without deleting them in vain. Let's see how users can add files to the exclusion list.

Why add files to Avast exclusions

Sometimes an antivirus unreasonably deletes files or adds them to a "sandbox" - an internal isolated environment in which the program runs with significant restrictions. Most often, this problem happens to fans of pirated video games. Avast considers files that hack the game's security system to be viruses. Also, the antivirus can also delete some files of programs that work directly with the system (utilities such as cleaning and optimizing the Windows registry, for example). Accordingly, the antivirus interferes with the operation of a number of programs by deleting harmless files. In such cases, you should add files to Avast exclusions.

Be careful! If you add a really infected program to the exclusions, then nothing good will come of it. The computer will become vulnerable to virus attacks, and the antivirus will stop paying attention to the file. It is worth adding to the exclusion only a file from a reliable source that you can trust implicitly, and only if it is really necessary.

Step-by-step instructions for adding a file to the exclusion list

How to make antivirus ignore a folder or site

You can add to exclusions not only a single file, but also a whole folder. For example, if you want to add a program or game to the exception (although the antivirus rarely sandboxes all files at once), you need to write the address of the folder, and after the name add a backslash and an asterisk - "*", that is, you should get something like " C:UsersAdminProgram1*".

You can also add the URL of a site to the exception if Avast stubbornly prevents you from downloading something from it.

  1. To do this, go to the "URLs" tab.
  2. We write the URL.
  3. If a specific file is needed, then we write its full address (
  4. If this is a whole site or a category of a site, then the logic is the same as with folders: add an asterisk. Only with a regular slash - for example,*.

Advanced settings

The settings window contains tabs in which you can add files to the exceptions for the DeepScreen and Powerful modes. This can be useful, especially for novice programmers. DeepScreen almost always blocks the launch of programs written in the Visual Studio programming environment. Therefore, it is worth disassembling these two modes:

  • DeepScreen is an intelligent system that allows Avast to recognize viruses in a timely manner. If this mode is enabled, then the antivirus at the system level scans running processes. And if one of the processes starts to perform suspicious operations, then DeepScreen places the files of the process in the sandbox. A very useful and necessary function, but sometimes it makes mistakes. If DeepScreen blocks the programs you need, just add them to the DeepScreen exception.
  • Enhanced mode is a very strict blocking scenario. Any suspicious programs that want to perform any actions with system files and settings get into the sandbox. Since this mode is unreasonably strict, only novice and inexperienced users should enable it. However, the mode has its own list of exclusions to which you can add the desired programs or files.

Video instruction for working with the program

It is important to be able to use the antivirus exclusion list, because any program is imperfect, and antivirus even more so. Trying to secure your computer, Avast, like a good mother, sometimes goes too far and considers completely harmless files as a virus. But use the exclusion list with caution. If the file suddenly turns out to be a virus program, you will open the way for it. So think twice before adding something to your antivirus exclusions.