The Great Arctic Expedition is the coolest educational project in Russia. Maou Novoseleznevskaya Sosh Large Arctic Expedition Project

Tell me, have you ever dreamed of visiting the North Pole? I think that in childhood everyone had such dreams. For these guys and girls, these dreams have become a reality. Now these students are in places where only the most courageous travelers used to go. And all this as part of the coolest educational project in Russia - the Great Arctic Expedition.
It's hard to believe, I would also think that it's all set up if I hadn't met these guys.
So, how do ordinary schoolchildren get to the North Pole?

There are really passionate people in the world. One of them is Matvey Shparo, a traveler, a polar explorer, the owner of several achievements included in the Guinness Book of Records. Matvey not only conquered hard-to-reach points himself many times, but also actively helps others in this. Matvey Shparo often takes people with disabilities on his expeditions, and another direction is work with youth. The Big Adventure camps have been running for several years now, but the coolest project is the Big Arctic Expedition.

The Great Arctic Expedition is a project that any Moscow schoolchildren who love tourism, geography and dream of the Arctic could become a part of. More than 7.5 thousand schoolchildren took part in the first stage of the project - the Arctic dictation.
And in order to get to the Arctic, it was necessary to go through a considerable competitive selection, and then preparatory fees - a ski trip in winter Karelia. After all the tests, 14 people were selected, of which two detachments were formed - "Barneo" and "Pole".

Both detachments flew to the Barneo drifting station in the Arctic Ocean. Then the members of the Barneo detachment conduct scientific research together with scientists, and the Polus detachment, together with Matvey Shparo, skis directly to the North Pole.

The project "Great Arctic Expedition" is supported by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow. The expedition members will learn much more than what is written in books and textbooks.

I was lucky to meet the guys and Matvey Shparo and see them off to Svalbard, from where they flew on to Barneo.

What I noticed: the guys are very open, inquisitive and lively. And their eyes are burning, it's very cool. I can say with confidence that none of the expedition members got there by chance, they are very worthy and independent guys.
One small moment: it was amazing to see so many teenagers reading paper books.

We spent a lot of time at the Zhukovsky airport waiting for the flight, then we flew together to the Svalbard airport. I talked a little with the guys, asked how they found out about the project, how the selection went, how classmates reacted to the fact that they were flying to the pole.

The stories are basically the same. The participants learned about the project at school, decided to try their hand, and teachers' support played a significant role. Then there was a difficult competition, fees and an invitation. In the end, here are these guys who have gone from the beginning and ... no, not yet to the end. The expedition is in full swing. Follow her and wish you all the best!

Our paths parted at night on Svalbard. We stayed on the island, and the guys flew to the Pole on another plane.

I did not make a reservation when I said about the night. See what Svalbard looks like at midnight on a polar day. Fiction! You can read it a hundred times, but seeing it in reality is much better.

The guys go to the An-74, which will land right on the ice floe at the Barneo drifting station.

Group photo before departure.

Time to say good-bye.

Friendly hugs.

I am very glad that in our country there are such guys and girls and those who organized and supported this expedition. Good luck to all of them and achieve all their goals!

Guys, I know that many of you will read this post. You are really cool! Continue to set the most ambitious goals in life and achieve them! No matter how pathetic it may sound, the future of the country lies with you. Your example is very important for many to believe in themselves and move forward, and this is not only for schoolchildren, but also for many adults.

You can follow the details of the expedition

The Great Arctic Expedition is the brightest geographical event of the year. Only pupils of Moscow schools will become its participants. For the first time, the Expedition will bring together thousands of boys and girls who are passionate about travel, love tourism, geography and dream of the Arctic. Under the leadership of Matvey Shparo, a famous polar traveler, two main expeditionary detachments will be formed for a trip to the North Pole - the BARNEO detachment, which will go to explore the Russian drifting station, and the POLYUS detachment, whose task will be to ski to the very extreme point of the earth.

Every Moscow schoolboy can become a member of the Great Arctic Expedition. You just need to answer the questions of the online quiz

Starting from the first stage of the Expedition, you become involved in great geographical discoveries, famous travelers, conquerors of the North Pole. The expedition will provide a unique opportunity to test your knowledge of the most unexplored territory on earth, announce your research projects and test your strength in extreme conditions.

To join the team of expeditionary detachments, the participants of the Great Arctic Expedition will have to pass difficult tests and prove that they are ready to accept the challenge of the Arctic ice.

The detachments will have to go to the very center of the Arctic Ocean. Where the North Pole is. Members of the BARNEO team will work with scientists and test their hypotheses put forward during the Save the Planet Together festival. The POLYUS detachment, led by Matvey Shparo, will have to travel 100 km to the very top of the earth.

It will be difficult! But the support of all members of the Great Arctic Expedition will help the teams achieve their goals.

The North Pole, like 200 years ago, remains a territory of challenge and uncertainty. Going to the very top of the earth, a person tempers his character, gains rich life experience. Without a doubt, the expedition of Moscow schoolchildren will be a part of the contribution to Russia's achievements in the Arctic.

The expedition is accompanied by the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

Regulations on the Great Arctic Expedition.pdf

On May 21, 1937, the world's first scientific station North Pole-1, drifting on an ice floe, began its work.

On the eve of this significant date, geography teachers conducted thematic lessons "Arctic" within the framework of the All-Russian educational project "The Great Arctic Expedition".
The purpose of the lesson was to increase students' awareness of nature, the history of research and development, and the tasks of modern development of the Arctic.
The children were shown a multimedia presentation "History of the Arctic Exploration", during which they got acquainted with the travelers and explorers of the North Pole, the history of the discovery and exploration of the Northern Sea Route, how the development of the Arctic Ocean went. Also at the lesson, students got acquainted with the flora and fauna of the Arctic. At the lesson, the children watched a film from the cycle of documentaries “Russia from edge to edge. Arctic. “There was also a quiz “Do you know the Arctic?”.
At the end of the lesson, students were recommended popular science films for home viewing.


about the Moscow competition of directors "Great Arctic Expedition"

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and holding the Moscow competition of directors "Great Arctic Expedition" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. The competition is held to implement the objectives of the educational project "Great Arctic Expedition", whose mission is to study and preserve the Arctic ecosystems, the formation of a culture of environmentally sound, healthy lifestyle in the Arctic.

1.3. The competition is aimed at improving the efficiency of managing an educational organization by the school principal in terms of developing cognitive, creative, research activities of children and youth in the capital region, the formation of ecological culture, and the physical health of schoolchildren in the city of Moscow.

1.4. The founder of the Competition is the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

1.5. An Organizing Committee is established to prepare and conduct the Competition.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1. Objectives: to increase the motivation and managerial culture of the heads of educational organizations in terms of environmental education and enlightenment of students, the acquisition of experience in environmentally oriented activities by students in the process of implementing educational projects and research on the study of the Arctic.

2.2. Tasks:

  • making management decisions to create conditions for increasing the creative activity of students in the field of design and research activities, readiness and ability to fully engage in real projects (research, social, business projects);
  • building a system of values ​​and ethical principles of the school management system as guidelines for the formation of an ecological worldview.

3. Participants of the Competition

3.1. Participants of the Competition are heads of educational organizations of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

4. Terms of the Competition

  • filling out and submitting forms in the interactive system on through your personal account, summing up the results of the Contest - from March 21 to April 12, 2018.

5. Summing up the Competition

When summing up the results of the competition, the organizing committee will determine 3 winners who will have the opportunity to travel to the islands of Svalbard to send off the Polyus and Barneo detachments in April 2018.

Additional information: a trip to Svalbard takes from 24 to 36 hours, subject to normal weather. The requirement is to have a valid passport. All expenses related to the trip are covered by extrabudgetary funds.

5.1. Selection criteria:

  • the activity of students of an educational organization in the passage of the "Arctic dictation";
  • the activity of students in the competition of educational projects and research "Arctic";
  • the activity of teachers in conducting lessons about the Arctic using MES scenarios and the anniversary lesson "Road to the Arctic";
  • activity of students and teachers of an educational organization in social networks to post materials about the "Great Arctic Expedition" with a hashtag #PoleCalling;
  • completeness and reliability of the information provided in the questionnaire.

6. Organizing Committee

Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Lebedeva Marianna Vladimirovna, Director of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee: Shparo Matvei Dmitrievich, director of the State Budgetary Institution "Center for Additional Education" Travel Laboratory ".

Members of the organizing committee:

    Gorlina Elena Ivanovna, Deputy Director of the State Budgetary Institution “Center for Additional Education “Laboratory of Travels”;

    Kuznetsov Nikita Sergeevich, teacher of additional education, GBOU School No. 498 of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;

    Mordvintsev Ilya Nikolaevich, Research Fellow, FGBUN "Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems named after A.I. A.N. Severtsov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPEE RAS);

    Smirnov Ivan Alekseevich, teacher of biology, GBOU School No. 171;

    Turkina Valentina Konstantinovna, methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.