Is it possible to write names in red? Name and birthday color. Name Color Meaning

Be afraid!

Most signs and superstitions are associated with death and misfortune... (Still, a sign without misfortune and death is money down the drain ...)

You can’t sleep with your head to the north, otherwise you will die. This is due to the fact that in the Yayoi era (III century BC - III century) and Kofun (late III century - VII century), the dead were buried with their heads to the north. ( We can't sleep with our feet on the threshold. So if you fall asleep with your feet to the threshold and your head to the north, you will die twice).

It is forbidden to cut your nails at night, otherwise you will die early. (Because in the dark you will lose them around the room, and relatives will find and beat you. Out of disgust) This is due to the fact that earlier most Shinto holidays and rituals were held at night, so at this time it is impossible to anger the deities with any "impure" actions. And cutting nails was obligatory in the rite of pre-holiday cleansing and was carried out only on the holiday itself.
This is also due to the fact that the phrase "cut your nails" is similar in sound to the verb "cut", i.e. cutting your nails shortens your life.

If three of us take pictures, then the person standing in the middle will soon die. (T___T)
Old belief. Young people do not really believe in him, but older people still do not like to be photographed either in threes or alone. At the beginning of the last century, in a photo studio, if three of us had to shoot, they put a doll in the middle. The explanation is quite simple: old cameras focused worst of all on the center of the picture, so the image of a person standing in the middle turned out to be blurry. Also, the emergence of superstition is explained by the fact that the oldest member of the family usually sat in the middle (out of respect), who, in theory, should go to another world before everyone else.

If the hiccups last more than three days, you will die. (You stupidly can not eat and drink).

Numbers 4 and 9 are unlucky. Sounding 4 is similar to "death", and 9 - to "suffering, misfortune." Therefore, in Japanese hospitals, there are usually no 4th and 9th floors.

You can’t write a person’s name with a red pencil - you will call trouble on him. (This is what school teachers, who write in a diary, need to tell ...)
Letters should not be written in blue ink, this will lead to parting. (In blue ink - only to the tax office and the draft board!)

If you see a hearse passing by, you need to hide your thumb in a fist. The same should be done when passing by the cemetery. This is due to the fact that the word "thumb" consists of the hieroglyphs "parent" and "finger" and, accordingly, is associated with parents. Hiding your thumb in a fist, you save them from death.

Returning from the funeral, you need to throw a pinch of salt on yourself, and then wash your hands and rinse your mouth with saline to cleanse yourself of the bad.

You can’t leave a mirror unhung at night, and even more so if you look into it, you can see your own death.

You should not answer a person talking in a dream.

The lower back must always be kept warm, otherwise you will chill the soul, which, as you know, is in the stomach.

The lace on the boot is torn - be in trouble. (You will fall!)

A broken hairbrush is as dangerous as our broken mirror. (You can not look into a broken comb)

To always have money in your wallet, you need to carry in it money a piece of snake skin. The sign came from China, where they believed that the snake lives forever, only sheds its old skin. So the money will never run out in the wallet.

Girls should not go with their boyfriend to the flower greenhouse, they will part. (You traded me for lyuyuyuyutiki...)

No one wants to marry girls born in the year of the Horse, it is believed that they bring only troubles to the house and can even kill their husband. (Wow!)

Hina dolls for the girls' holiday must be exhibited in advance, but removed immediately after the holiday, otherwise the girls from this house will never get married.

After the wedding, the truck with the things of the newlyweds (furniture, etc.) should only drive on a straight road. If on the way you meet another car, which, well, you can’t pass on a narrow road, the driver of the “wedding” truck must “pay off” the driver of the oncoming car so that he drives off and gives way. The direct path of the truck symbolizes the happy life of the young, and the money is a ransom from possible disappointments and troubles in the future. True, this tradition is no longer observed anywhere.

If you are worried, you need to draw the hieroglyph "man" three times with your finger on the palm of your hand and put it to your mouth. It helps restore mental balance.

During a thunderstorm, if you have a black cat, you need to throw him out of the house, otherwise he will attract lightning. (Let the animal die from electrical discharges in the rain).

If you kill an ant, your heart will stop.

If you kill an ant, it will rain. (But you won't see it anymore! My heart stopped...)

The frogs croak for the rain. (That means there are ants somewhere nearby...)

You can’t whistle at home in the evenings, thieves will come. And if you whistle in the street, the snakes will crawl. (That's right. Don't whistle - there will be no money).

You can’t swim in the sea after the Obon festival (the day of remembrance of the dead, when lanterns are lowered into the water, on which the names of the dead are written), the dead can be dragged under water. In fact, in early August, the sea is flooded with jellyfish, but this is naturally considered a warning.

To stop the prolonged rain under the roof of the house, you need to hang a home-made teru-teru bo:zu doll (a piece of paper crumpled into a ball (this will be the head) is covered with a cloth and tied with a thread (along the throat line). Eyes and a mouth are drawn on the face. If this helps, and the rain stops, the doll must be thrown into the river.

Children should not play alone on the shore of reservoirs, a kappa (a Japanese monster, itself no taller than a child) can drag them into the water.

Children should not look at the swaying susuki grass, it lures into the world of spirits.

If the lower milk tooth fell out, you need to throw it on the roof, if the upper one - under the threshold, then the teeth will grow healthy. (I wonder why the bottom tooth is up and the top tooth is down? Oh, those mysterious Japanese...)

Children are scared that if they play with fire, they will piss themselves, and if they go home in a hat, they will go bald. ( And if they play at home in a hat with fire, they will piss and go bald. That's a tough life.)

Do not stick chopsticks into rice. ( And why is not clear. Just DON'T)

A patient should not be given a flower in a pot (with a root), as it is believed that then his illness will “take root”.

If you eat the Japanese plant myoga from the ginger family, you will become forgetful, if not a blockhead. (It seems that we have this myo:ga growing and being eaten on every corner)

If you drink too many drinks with ice in the summer, your hair will begin to fall out.

If you go to bed immediately after eating, you will turn into a bull or a cow. (Surely - devoured, slept, here not only into a cow, here you can turn into a hippopotamus). The sign comes from an old legend, according to which a young monk, who fell asleep at the table immediately after eating, turned into a bull and threw himself into a pond, where he drowned. In Ibaraki Prefecture, tourists are still shown the same pond.

Numerology is an exact and rather interesting science, with its help you can find out both the future and the present, as well as the nature of your partner and the number of children, opportunities and your potential, and much more. But the most interesting thing is that this science makes it possible to find out what color your name is, thanks to this knowledge you can find out your positive and negative character traits, as well as correct what is necessary to achieve your life goals.

In addition, if you know the meaning of names, you will be able to choose your ideal business partner, and also learn what to expect from your loved one and how to respond to his behavior in life situations, since usually the owners of a certain name behave almost always equally, although, of course, upbringing, and the time and place of birth, the environment, as well as other factors, have an influence, however, you can always find something in common with namesakes.

To calculate the color of the name, you need to make certain calculations by referring to the table below.

Write the name by which a person is constantly called, so Sofia can be called Sophia, Natasha - Tasha, Elena - Alena, Oksana - Ksyusha, etc. For example, you want to know the meaning of a name:

T A T b I H A
2 1 2 3 6 6 1

We consider: 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 6 + 1 \u003d 21 \u003d 2 + 1 \u003d 3. The number of the name Tatyana is Troika. This is yellow.

Find out the color of the name and what it means in terms of numerology.

Enter your name:

You can calculate the color of the name yourself according to the scheme shown above and read its description below:

Name color red. People who have this color are very kind and sympathetic, they will always come to the rescue, but they will wait for a response, and if it does not follow, then they may be seriously offended, but they will not show it, they will simply move away from the person for a while. There are many leaders among them, leading to the end to the goal, demanding full dedication from the followers, which is why they often dislike them. They are true friends, but, alas, they do not have so many friends.

Positive character traits - kindness, responsiveness, leadership.

Negative character traits - selfishness, intolerance to the vices of others.

Name orange. People with this color are charming and charming, they are bright both externally and internally. They can be seen by their original clothing and appearance. They are smart and funny, however, they say about them that there are too many of them, so they have a lot of acquaintances, but there is only one real friend, because he must have angelic patience and the ability to listen and correct the orange comrade gushing with stupid ideas.

Positive character traits - sociability, eccentricity.

Negative character traits - lack of culture and even some rudeness.

Name in yellow. People who have this color, as numerology shows, are sunny and positive, energetic and logical, you always feel comfortable and cozy with them, because you know for sure that they will never set you up. They have a strong character and practicality, which brings some discomfort to family relationships, since they are not used to leading a wasteful lifestyle and require the same from their loved ones.

Positive character traits - sociable, open and active.

Negative character traits are stinginess and stubbornness.

Name color green. People who have this color are kind and cordial, ready to give the last. They are not afraid of changes in life, they easily take risks for the sake of material well-being, however, money rarely lingers in their pocket - "green" people like to have fun with a large and noisy crowd, treating everyone. They are very vulnerable and sensual, therefore they are often offended by family members, feeling misunderstood and unloved, however, they forgive as quickly as they are offended.

Positive character traits are kindness and optimism.

Negative character traits are vulnerability and resentment.

Name in blue. People with this color are trusting and talented. They do not like conflicts, so they bypass them - they are even ready to ask for forgiveness from the offender, only so that no one harbors anger at them in their souls. It is very easy to make friends and work with them, but in the family they often have disagreements, as they are ready to give up everything for the sake of friends who are supposedly in trouble. But once the friend is saved, the apology to the family will be so sincere that it is impossible not to forgive them.

Positive character traits - creativity and creativity, conflict-free.

Negative character traits - some irresponsibility and dependence on the opinions of others.

Name color blue. People who have this color are true friends, they will always come to the rescue, sympathizing and listening, but you won’t be able to wait for real actions and money from them. The fact is that the meaning of the name of the blue color is such that its owner cannot do otherwise - this is inherent in nature, and you cannot argue with it. By the way, very often, due to their inaction, these people cannot find a tolerant employer, therefore they do not stay in one workplace for a long time, although they are loved and respected in the team - they have many friends among former colleagues.

Positive character traits are sociability and loyalty.

Negative character traits are laziness and irresponsibility.

Name purple. People with this color are idealists and very amorous persons. They have a big soul, they are ready to warm everyone with their warmth, they have many like-minded people. However, it is very difficult for them in the family, as they will always feel unhappy, therefore, having lived with their spouse for many years, they part in old age and live the rest of their lives alone. But, surprisingly, this does not upset them, on the contrary, they close in their shell, where they are comfortable.

Positive character traits are sensual and sympathetic.

Negative character traits - closeness and despondency.

Name color pink. People with this color are reserved and good listeners, they never argue, although they always have their own opinion, which they strictly follow. It is impossible to hear criticism of others from them, but they always evaluate themselves critically, which is why there are frequent emotional gains and depressive states. They are wonderful family men, because it is impossible not to love them.

Positive character traits are philanthropy and sincerity.

Negative character traits - depression and criticality.

Golden color of the name. People who have this color are stubborn and unshakable, they are intolerant of the shortcomings of others, since they themselves consider themselves ideal, in principle, it is impossible to find fault with them outwardly - a carefully selected wardrobe and a well-groomed appearance. But, if you look under the golden shell, you can see a domineering and insensitive person. They are often disliked at work, as they are tough and domineering, and at home they are dictators.

Positive character traits are fortitude and steadfastness.

Negative character traits are dominance and rigidity.

You should not give three flowers to anyone, since one of the readings of the hieroglyph “three” is mi, which can also mean “body”. By cutting three flowers, you thus, as it were, “inflict a wound” on the person for whom they are intended, and you can aggravate his illness.

Four flowers cannot be given as the word for "four" in Japanese has the sound of si, which is consonant with the word for "death".

A patient should not be given a flower in a pot (with a root), as it is believed that then his illness will “take root”.

Death, disaster.
You can't sleep with your head to the north. This is due to the fact that in the Yayoi era (III century BC - III century) and Kofun (late III century - VII century), the dead were buried with their heads to the north. (We are not allowed to sleep with our feet to the threshold).

It is forbidden to cut nails at night. This is due to the fact that earlier most Shinto holidays and rituals were held at night, so at this time it is impossible to anger the deities with any "impure" actions.

If three of us take pictures, then the person standing in the middle will soon die.
Old belief. Young people do not really believe in him, but older people still do not like to be photographed either in threes or alone. At the beginning of the last century, in a photo studio, if three of us had to shoot, they put a doll in the middle. The explanation is quite simple: old cameras focused worst of all on the center of the picture, so the image of a person standing in the middle turned out to be blurry. Also, the emergence of superstition is explained by the fact that the oldest member of the family usually sat in the middle (out of respect), who, in theory, should go to another world before everyone else.

If the hiccups last more than three days, you will die.

The car with number 094 is unlucky, since the fused reading of these numbers sounds the same as the word "hearse" (reikyu:sha).

You can’t write a person’s name with a red pencil - you will call trouble on him. Letters must not be written in blue ink, this will lead to parting.

If you see a hearse passing by, you need to hide your thumb in a fist. The same should be done when passing by the cemetery. This is due to the fact that the word "thumb" consists of the hieroglyphs "parent" and "finger" and, accordingly, is associated with parents. Hiding your thumb in a fist, you save them from death.

Returning from the funeral, you need to throw a pinch of salt on yourself, and then wash your hands and rinse your mouth with saline to cleanse yourself of the bad.

You can’t leave a mirror unhung at night, and even more so if you look into it, you can see trouble.

You should not answer a person talking in a dream.

The lower back must always be kept warm, otherwise you will chill the soul, which, as you know, is in the stomach.

A broken hairbrush is as dangerous as our broken mirror.

You can’t swim in the sea after the Obon festival (the day of remembrance of the dead, when lanterns are lowered into the water, on which the names of the dead are written), the dead can be dragged under water. In fact, in early August, the sea is flooded with jellyfish, but this is naturally considered a warning.

In order for the prolonged rain to stop, under the eaves of the house it is necessary to hang a small homemade doll - teru-teru bo:zu. A round ball of paper is covered with a small piece of cloth and tied with a string or thread along the throat line. Two eyes and a mouth are drawn on the face - and it turns out a little man. Teru-teru in translation into Russian means "sparkling", bo: zu - "Buddhist monk". The name is likely later than the ritual itself. If the wish comes true, and the rain stops pouring, the pupae must be taken to the river and lowered into the water.

When walking in nature, you can’t whistle, especially at night, otherwise the snakes will think that they are frogs and crawl out to the surface of the earth, and then you can’t avoid trouble. And in the city you can’t whistle in the evenings, otherwise thieves will come. This is similar to the Russian sign, according to which if you whistle, there will be no money.

According to legend, a huge fish namazu (catfish), which lives under the Japanese islands, causes earthquakes with its movements. Real catfish, due to their ability to receive electrical signals, feel the approach of earthquakes. They are very worried, and their behavior can predict the coming of this natural disaster.

To stop the thunder, you need to shout out twice: "Kuwabara." Kuwabara means "field of mulberry bushes". Legend has it that one day thunder struck the well near a peasant's house by mistake. The owner of the house, noticing this, quickly closed the well with a lid and did not want to let the thunder deity go home to heaven until he revealed his secret to him, saying that he did not like mulberries and, if you say kuvabara twice, he would not strike a second time. Then the peasant let him go.

In order to always have money in your wallet, you need to carry money and a piece of snake skin in it. The sign came from China, where they believed that the snake lives forever, only sheds its old skin. So the money will never run out in the wallet. Accordingly, money, in contact with snake skin, will not know the end and the edge. In Japan, the snake has also been revered as a divine being since ancient times.

During a thunderstorm, if you have a black cat, you need to throw him out of the house, otherwise he will attract lightning. (Let the animal die from electrical discharges in the rain).

If you kill an ant, your heart will stop.

If you kill an ant, it will rain.

The frogs croak for the rain. The frog and the toad are considered messengers of the heavenly deities. There is even a myth about this in the Kojiki, a Japanese collection of myths and historical chronicles. They also cannot be killed.

Do not mix unagi eel and Japanese ume-boshi plum together. It caused indigestion in the ancient Japanese, and although modern Japanese have stronger stomachs, old people still warn against eating eel and ume boshi together.

In the heat of summer, you have to eat eel. It contains many vitamins that promote health and help overcome the so-called summer natsubate disease. In fact, this is all the machinations of eel sellers. Nobody bought them in the summer, so they came up with the idea that on hot days they are the most delicious.

If you go to bed immediately after eating, you will turn into a bull or a cow. The sign comes from an old legend, according to which a young monk, who fell asleep at the table immediately after eating, turned into a bull and threw himself into a pond, where he drowned. In Ibaraki Prefecture, tourists are still shown the same pond.

On the night of December 31, be sure to eat buckwheat soba noodles, as it brings wealth. During the Edo period, a monk who was cleaning his dwelling on New Year's Eve managed to pull out a tiny piece of gold from under the tatami mat, which had been hiding there for a whole year, with the help of a mochi (cake) made from buckwheat flour. Since then, they began to say that buckwheat collects gold. Merchants who went before the New Year to the homes of their customers to collect debts so as not to leave them for the next year made it a rule to eat buckwheat noodles before going out. By doing so, they hoped to multiply their profits. Thus, the custom of eating buckwheat noodles - tosikoshisoba - before the New Year was strengthened.

Superstitious Japanese believe that by eating a plant called myoga (genus of ginger), you can become forgetful or, much worse, even a fool.

Chopsticks and utensils.
Do not pour tea from a teapot unless the lid is closed.

Chopsticks - hashi - should not be stuck vertically into the rice. The fact is that this is how sticks are stuck into rice, which serves as food for the dead and the spirits of ancestors, presented to them by Buddhist monks.

At the table you can not pass pieces of food to each other with chopsticks. This prohibition is related to the rite of burial, namely cremation. After cremation, the remaining bones of the deceased are collected, and then placed in a vase using a pair of sticks (one stick is bamboo, the other is wooden), which are simultaneously held by two people. If at the table you help each other with chopsticks, you can construct the space of the Japanese funeral rite, which will lead to a new death.

When you put on the new wooden geta (Japanese traditional platform shoes) for the first time, you should spit on the soles - pay tribute to the deities of the earth.

If a worn-out lace breaks on the boots, then trouble will happen. You can just fall.

A truck with wedding gifts to the bride from her parents (for example, with furniture) heading to the newlyweds' house should only drive in a straight line. So, if on the way you meet another car that you can’t part with, the driver of the wedding truck must pay the driver of the oncoming car, asking him to reverse and drive off. The direct path of the truck symbolizes the happy life of the young, and the money is a ransom for possible disappointments and troubles in the future. True, the tradition is observed only in the Chubu region (for example, in the city of Nagoya).

Hina dolls for the girls' holiday (March 3) must be set up in advance, but removed immediately after the holiday, otherwise the girl from this house will not marry for a long time.

No one wants to marry girls born in the year of the Fire Horse, as it is believed that they bring trouble to the house and can even encroach on the life of their husband. (Because it is believed that girls born this year will become girls of easy virtue, therefore such girls are unhappy in life and because of this sign (which, by the way, often comes true) in the year of the Horse, many women have an abortion if it is known that they will be born girl.)

Luck and wealth.
If before a speech or an exam you are overcome by strong excitement, it is considered that you need to draw the hieroglyph “man” three times with your finger in the palm of your hand and then put your hand to your mouth. Such actions help restore peace of mind and take control of the situation.

If you carry a piece of snake skin in your wallet, then there will always be money. It is said that the sign came from China, where it was believed that since a snake can repeatedly change its skin, it has endless life. (It already happened, but oh well...)

It is considered a good sign if some bird poops on you from above.

They say that in no case should a girl go to a flower greenhouse with her boyfriend, otherwise parting will inevitably follow.

If you write a letter to someone in blue ink, then this will lead to parting, because it is customary to write farewell letters with a blue pen.

The numbers 4 and 9 are unlucky. Since 4 is homonymous with the word si meaning "death", and 9 is unlucky, since it sounds the same as the word ku - "trouble, suffering, misfortune." In some houses there are no apartments with number 4, and in restaurants there are tables under this number, in hospitals there are wards.

If the first person you meet today is a woman, then the rest of the day should go well. If this is a Buddhist monk, then prepare for the worst.

When a child hurts, they will certainly tell him, stroking the sore spot: “Titin puipuy, sick, sick, fly away!” (“Chitin puipui, itai no, itai no, tondeike!”). According to legend, the words chitin puipui are a corruption of chijinbui: "wisdom, virtue, and courage." To the Japanese ear, the sound of chitin puipui is very pleasant. Often the beginning of the titin puipui is omitted.

When Japanese children agree on something, they cross their little fingers and say: “Fingers crossed, if you cheat, I will make you swallow a thousand needles” (“Yubikiri genman, uso tsuitara hari senbon nomasu”). In England, there is also a similar custom, which came from children's folklore and is called "pinkie swear", that is, "swearing with the little finger." In Russia, children cross their little fingers when they make up and agree on friendship: “Make up, make up, make up and don’t fight anymore…”.

Children should not play alone on the shore of reservoirs, otherwise they may be dragged away by the water one - kappa. The Japanese water kappa is the size of a 4-5 year old child. His face is tiger-like, but with a beak, and his body is covered with scales. On the head of the kappa there is a hollow filled with miraculous water. It is in it that his magical power lies. If the water spills, the kappa will be powerless. Legend has it that the kappa drags children and animals into the water and drinks their blood.

You can’t look at the susuki grass swayed by the wind - it lures children into the world of spirits.

If the lower tooth falls out, it must be thrown onto the roof, and if the upper one, under the threshold or under the table. Then healthy teeth will grow.

Children are told that if they play with fire they will wet themselves, and if they sit in a hat indoors they will go bald.

Blood type
According to a common Japanese belief, a person's character is largely determined by their blood type. about 100 years ago, a certain doctor deduced that people with the 4th blood group are good soldiers. since then, many scientists and psychiatrists have repeatedly refuted his statements, but the majority still believe in them, believing that citizens with the first group are methodical, diligent and constant, with the second - superficial, but original, with the third - sociable and sensitive, and on the fourth - hardy and resolute.

Japanese ghosts are different from ours, which look like vague, incorporeal figures. their ghosts are individual - each has its own character and terrorizes the living in its own way. usually such creatures are collectively referred to as "obake" or "bakemono". monsters, goblins and vampires are referred to as "youkai" and western-style spirits as "yuurei" (usually the ghosts of the dead who for some reason continue to live on earth) One of these, named rokurokubi, is a woman with a long and flexible neck, who pretends to be an ordinary person during the day, and at night comes to sleeping women and takes away their energy, which often leads to death.

In the East, a lot of attention is paid to choosing a name for a child. The entire human body responds to color vibrations. If a name is given in someone's th...

The work of the famous American healer LILIAN BONDES is devoted to the connection of letters, sounds, words and colors. Using her method, you can calculate your name and date of birth and find out the missing color for the harmonious functioning of the body.



From this table, you can determine the color of your name and number. It contains nine colors and their corresponding numbers and letters. So, write your name on a piece of paper (first and last name, full name, nickname, nickname, diminutive, then put down the corresponding numbers and sum them up. If the number is more than 10, add the numbers until you get a number less than 10. For example , if you got the number 123, then sum it up as follows: 1-2 + 3 = 6. We get the number 6, corresponding to the blue color.

Let's look at an example of determining the color of a name
Lillian = 4+1+4+1+1+6 = 17 = 1+7 = 8
So, the number of the name is 8, which corresponds to the color pink.
The next step is to determine which colors are missing from the name.
L = green; I = red; L = green; I = red; A = red; H = blue.
Now let's see how much each color is represented in the name.
Red - 3 Orange - 0
Yellow - 0 Green - 2
Blue - 0 Blue -1
Purple - 0 Pink - 0
Golden - 0

So, Lilian lacks orange, yellow, blue, purple, pink, gold. The lack of energy of these colors negatively affects everyday life. The lack of certain colors in the name helps to understand why it is not always possible to get what you want from life. This influence extends to all levels of the organism's existence: physical, emotional and conscious.

Date of birth color

Date of birth is another fixed moment of life. She also has her own special color, often matching the color of her name. If this is not the case in your case, consider whether the colors of the name and date of birth can be brought into line.
To determine the color of the date of birth, sum up the digits of its constituent numbers, remembering to sum each time up to a single number. Don't forget to add thousands to the year.
Suppose that the date of birth is January 1, 2004, i.e. 01/01/2004.
We get: 0+1+0+1+2+0+0+4 = 8, which corresponds to pink.
In a particular case, the combination of the color of the name and date of birth is ideal.

We can also find out the color energy for each current day.

This information will help us choose the right colors for clothes, shoes, decide on the choice of jewelry, and even make a menu for the day.
The color of our clothes reveals more about us than we would like. When choosing clothes of different colors and shades, we are most often guided by the criteria "like - do not like" and "suitable - not suitable". It happens that a person has “his own” color for a long time, with which he tries to surround himself, preferring it in clothes and furnishings of his home to all other colors. Such love for only one color can speak of internal problems and contradictions.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

From the point of view of esotericism, all our names are “painted” in one color or another. People with red names are energetic and decisive, yellow - romantic and jealous, green - balanced and harmonious. What color is your name?


The names associated with red are Arkady, Vladislav, Artem, Makar, Semyon, Stanislav, Alexandra, Alina, Elizabeth, Zhanna, Oksana, Praskovya, Tatyana, Emma.

Red is the color of energy, passion, desire, physical activity and strength, determination and firmness of character. People whose names are associated with the color red are sociable, love noisy companies, but are easily irritated and turn any dispute into a verbal skirmish. They are unpredictable, domineering, often dictators in the house.


Pink names include: Valentin, Anatoly, Rodion, Maxim, Rostislav, Venus, Valentina, Zinaida, Barbara, Karina, Nina.

Pink is the color of optimism. People with pink names are calm, restrained, correct. These people are self-sufficient and independent, do not expect anything from others and themselves try not to be indebted to someone. You rarely hear harsh words from them, although with close people they can afford such a liberty. Women are capable of compassion, love and nobility. Men do not tolerate injustice, protest against hypocrisy and lies, but often do not complete the work they have begun.


Names "painted" in orange: Nazar, Pavel, Prokhor, Angelica, Svetlana, Rimma, Galina.

Orange color reflects creative activity, nobility of thoughts, self-confidence. Such people are responsible, firm in their decisions. These are strong personalities who attract others with their positive approach to life. But sometimes they are too emotional and not always restrained.


Yellow names: Vadim, Denis, Robert, Fedor, Akulina, Anna, Nadezhda, Nelly.

It is the color of intelligence, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with a yellow name are firm in character, practical, gravitate towards the exact sciences and natural sciences. Even if they receive a liberal arts education, they often find their calling in economics, mathematics, physics, and medicine.


Names correspond to green color: Evgeny, Igor, Felix, Evgeniya, Natalya, Zoya, Julia, Inna.

It is the color of harmony, stability and fortitude. The owners of "green names" are cordial, sympathetic, kind, love nature. They try to help everyone. They have a lot of envious people whom the "greens" manage to ignore. They are not afraid of difficulties, they easily take risks, they know how to adapt to any circumstances. They are incredibly witty, next to them it is always interesting, although not easy. Such people are sensitive and vulnerable - they can be offended even by simple indifference.


The following names are associated with blue: Arsen, Georgy, Gennady, Peter, Vitaly, Vasilisa, Evdokia, Nonna, Uliana, Maria.

Blue is the color of calmness, wisdom, contemplation. People whose name corresponds to this color are sensitive, sincere, calm and balanced, devoted to friends and their principles. Talented, stable, solid, practical, but secretive and restrained in the manifestation of feelings. Sometimes it is difficult to converge with people because of distrust, excessive severity and exactingness. Often they have the ability to divination, telepathy and healing.


The names associated with purple are: Alexander, Valery, Nikita, Timofey, Philip, Veronica, Victoria, Lydia, Maya, Regina, Taisiya, Faina.

These people are sensitive, amorous, extravagant. They have great opportunities for spiritual growth, they are able to penetrate the essence of human nature. Women are devoted wives, able to take a miserable, rejected man as their husband and instill in him faith in himself. Men are very vulnerable, somewhat selfish, narcissistic.


The names associated with this esoteric color are: Svyatoslav, Victor, Vyacheslav, Edward, Elvira, Alice, Antonina, Margarita.

Such people are very secretive, distrustful, laconic, patient. On their way of life there are many difficulties, but this does not harden them. They are responsive and sympathetic, happy to help anyone who deserves their trust. They are disposed to depression, but they know how to get out of them, do not grumble at fate, do not lose optimism.


These names include: Grigory, Taras, Konstantin, Boris, Gordey, Timur, Yakov, Leo, Kira, Claudia, Raisa, Lyudmila, Arina.

The nature of these people is not easy. They are contradictory and unbalanced. Hardworking, good-natured, love animals. However, they are wayward and proud, do not listen to the opinions of others, often act in their own way. In a fit of anger, they can sweep away everything that stands in their way. Often they are cruel. In fact, these people simply need human warmth, increased attention, and participation.


Gray names include: German, Demyan, Sergey, Tikhon, Gleb, Xenia, Larisa, Tamara, Lina.

This is the color of incredulity, insecurity. The owners of "gray" names are contradictory, stubborn, not amenable to influence, it is difficult to convince them of anything. They do not put up with injustice, they do not tolerate lies. Relatives are betrayed to self-forgetfulness.


They are difficult to get along in a team, picky, petty, trust few people. Often unsure of themselves, tormented by doubts. At first glance, they seem spineless, but this is far from the case.


The following names are associated with white: Gabriel, Jan, Yuri, Ivan, Anton, Alevtina, Lilia, Anastasia, Olga.

A symbol of purity and innocence, truthfulness and clarity, white color gives people wisdom, sincerity, selflessness. The owners of such names are persistent in achieving the goal, talented, intelligent, tactful.