Official exam dates. Exam schedule. The minimum number of points in the Russian language

The principle of building a schedule this year has changed a bit. As in previous years, the schedule for passing the exam in 2016 provides for the main dates for passing tests and a reserve period when the Unified State Exam is taken by those who, for good reason, could not do it on the main dates. At the same time, a fairly large proportion of "reservists" are usually schoolchildren who did not have time to pass the certification in the main terms due to the coincidence of exam dates.

However, the latter in 2016 will be less than usual: the schedulers analyzed the statistics and came to the conclusion that the social studies exam is very popular among graduates. Therefore, this subject was given a separate day in the schedule.

As a result, four pairs of “coincident” exam dates remained in the USE-2016 schedule:

  • physics and chemistry;

  • history and informatics;

  • geography and literature;

  • biology and foreign language (written part).

Most of the "parallel" subjects belong to different profiles and are rarely required for admission at the same time (except perhaps physics and chemistry). It is expected that this innovation will help the majority of eleventh-graders to complete the exam epic by June 20 and come to the school graduation party already saying goodbye to textbooks.

Schedule of the early period for passing the exam in 2016

Far from all eleventh graders can take the exam in March-April - the school course in most subjects by March is considered not yet completed, and there are good reasons to participate in the early period. The exceptions are subjects that are no longer taught in grade 11 (for example, geography, which is completed in grade 10) - all students can take them as part of the early period, and this can be a good way to “unload” the main examination period.

Among those who can apply for participation in the “spring wave” in other subjects are boys and girls who will take part in all-Russian and international competitions or competitions in June; graduates of evening schools going to serve on conscription; as well as schoolchildren who will be in sanatoriums or other medical institutions at the beginning of the summer. They will be joined by those who will soon go to live and study in other countries. In addition, graduates of previous years can take the exam in March-April; students of technical schools and lyceums; school graduates from other countries.

The exam marathon will begin on March 21, the first in the USE-2016 schedule will be an exam in mathematics at the basic level.

The main stage of passing the exam-2016: exam schedule

Most of the eleventh-graders pass the exam in the main period. Compulsory for all graduates, as in the past year, are exams in the Russian language and in mathematics (basic or profile level, if desired, an eleventh grader can take both options at once).

In order to be admitted to the exams, students need to get a "pass" by writing. His eleventh-graders wrote on December 2, and for those who did not cope with this task the first time, two days are provided for a retake - February 3 or May 4. There are not so many graduates who will have to write an essay again - according to statistics in different regions of Russia, the number of students who received a "failure" varies from 1 to 3%.

Schoolchildren who have chosen geography or literature as additional subjects will be the first to pass the USE-2016 - they will take them on May 27. From June 30 to June 6, the period for passing the mandatory USE, from 8 to 20, exams in other disciplines will be held. From the 20th to the 28th are reserve days, and for Russian and mathematics they are “dedicated” (June 27 and 28, respectively).

In addition, the USE-2016 schedule provides for a “single reserve day”, on which it will be possible to finish any of the subjects - June 30th.

Dates of the additional period of the Unified State Exam-2016

Students who have not passed the threshold in Russian or mathematics can now retake the exam without waiting for the next school year. In addition to them, those who missed the main deadlines or could not finish the work for good reasons will also be able to take the exam in September.

In September, exams are held only in compulsory subjects:

  • basic or specialized mathematics can be retaken on September 10;

  • an additional exam in the Russian language will be held on September 17;

  • September 24 will be the single reserve day of the “autumn wave”.

All autumn exams will be held on Saturdays. This can be regarded as a "trial balloon". Indeed, in the future it is planned to organize the passing of the Unified State Examination for "losers" and graduates of previous years throughout the academic year, while it is planned that the exams will be held on weekends.

The schedule for the state final certification in 2016 was approved (the deadlines for passing the USE and GIA 2016 for 11th graders and ninth graders). Signed the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2016 N 34

Rosobrnadzor published approved schedule conducting a unified state exam (USE), the main state exam (OGE) and the state final exam (GVE) in 2016. The document was published on the official website of the department. In which terms will take USE and OGE (GIA) in 2016 graduates and ninth-graders of a secondary educational school? Complete schedule(calendar) for the unified state exam has already been submitted.

1. USE for 11th grade

Examinations are planned to be held in two stages: early and main. In addition, this academic year provides for the retake of state exams, it will be held in the fall. As in previous years, there are reserve days for passing state exams, both for graduates of the 11th grade and for the ninth graders.

On reserve days, participants take the Unified State Examination or the OGE in the event of:

  • Coincidence of exams in different academic subjects on the same day (for example, a graduate chose exams in physics and a foreign language that are scheduled for the same day for passing the Unified State Examination);
  • Failure to complete one of the exams for a good reason;
  • Absence from one of the exams for a good reason;
  • The presence of an unsatisfactory result in the subject of the exam (one at a time);
  • Removal of a graduate from the exam, if, at the same time, the state examination commission has decided to admit the graduate to retake the exam on a reserve day.

One of the valid reasons for non-attendance at the unified state exam is a pass due to illness. A graduate who missed the exam due to illness must provide a medical certificate to the school where he registered for the exam. After that, the school will transfer the information to the state examination commission, which will assign the graduate a reserve day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

On reserve days, the unified state exam is passed in the same way as in the main period.

State exams for 11th graders in 2016

On the first Wednesday of December December 2, 2015, as in previous years, there will be an exam for graduates - write final essay(exposition). It will only be possible to transfer February 3rd And May 4, 2016. To successfully pass the exam, a graduate must write an essay of at least 350 words, using references and examples from literary works to support his arguments, follow the logic of presentation and avoid grammatical errors. Students were given 3 hours and 55 minutes to prepare the text.

USE Calendar 2016

This year, students of the eleventh grade and all those who wish to pass the unified state exam will begin on March 21. This will be the start of the early period.

Early delivery period

For persons entitled to an early examination, incl. graduates of previous years who expressed a desire to take exams ahead of schedule:

March 21 (Monday) - ;
March 23 (Wednesday)
March 25 (Friday)- Russian language;
March 28 (Friday)
- mathematics (profile);
March 30 (Wednesday)- social science;
April 1 (Friday)- geography, literature;
April 2 (Saturday)- chemistry, physics;
April 8 (Friday)
April 9 (Saturday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), biology.
15 and 16 April- reserve days for the Russian language and mathematics, respectively.

The following persons have the right to pass the exam ahead of schedule:

  • graduates of evening (shift) schools called up for military service;
  • traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, reviews, olympiads and training camps;
  • traveling abroad for permanent residence or to continue their studies;
  • sent for medical reasons to medical and preventive and other institutions for medical and recreational and rehabilitation activities during the state (final) certification;
  • graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

The main period for passing the exam 2016

According to the approved schedule for the main delivery period USE 2016 will start with subjects such as Geography and Literature on May 27th.

G State Graduation Examinations (GVE) handed over by students of special educational institutions of a closed type, MLS, institutions of the secondary vocational education system, persons with disabilities, as well as students Crimean educational institutions.

The following days of the main period of the exam in 2016 were approved:

May 27 (Friday)- geography, literature;
May 30 (Monday)- Russian language;
June 2 (Thursday)- (mandatory subject);
June 6 (Monday)- mathematics profile
June 8 (Wednesday)- social science;
June 10 and June 11 (Friday and Saturday)- foreign languages ​​(oral part)
June 14 (Tuesday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), biology;
June 16 (Thursday)- computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), history;
June 20 (Monday)- chemistry, physics.

In the main stage, six days are additionally reserved for passing exams in certain subjects. It is emphasized that it is not planned to hold the "July wave" and the autumn retake of the Unified State Exam for graduates of the 11th grade is not provided. In the fall, only ninth graders will be able to retake their exams.

At the same time, for the first time for Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2016 has a separate day- It's June 8th. It is expected that this will allow a significant number of students to complete the examination period on time.

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Extra days

Extra days (for persons re-admitted to the exams, and graduates of previous years):

April 15 (Friday)- Russian language;
April 16 (Saturday)- mathematics;
April 21 (Thursday)- literature, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), physics, biology;
April 22 (Friday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), history, social studies, geography;
April 23 (Saturday) - foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology
June 22 (Wednesday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), chemistry, social studies, geography, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT);
June 24 (Friday)- literature, physics, history, biology;
June 27 (Monday)- Russian language;
June 28 (Tuesday)- mathematics;
June 30 (Thursday)- in all subjects.

Minimum scores in Russian language and mathematics at the Unified State Examination in 2016

In order to receive a school certificate, a graduate must pass two mandatory exams in the form of the Unified State Examination - Russian language and mathematics.

The results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are required for admission to universities for each area of ​​training (specialty).

The minimum number of points in the Russian language:

  • to obtain a certificate - 24 points;
  • for admission to a university - 36 points.

Minimum points in mathematics:

The results of the USE in mathematics at the profile level allow you to enter universities that have the subject "Mathematics" in the list of entrance tests for admission to higher education programs - undergraduate and specialist programs.

  • profile level mathematics - 27 points;
  • basic level mathematics - 3 points.

The minimum number of points in a foreign language:

The graduate himself decides whether to take the oral part, but this choice affects the maximum mark for the exam.

100 points can be obtained if the graduate passes both the written and oral parts.

  • The maximum score for the written part is 80, the oral part is 20.
  • The minimum number of points is 22.

Exams in 2016 for ninth graders

The main state exam (OGE) is taken by students of the 9th grade.

What is OGE and GVE?

For ninth graders, exams are provided in the form of the OGE ().

Recall that GIA- State final certification, the main type of exam for graduates of the 9th grade in a secondary school in Russia. Passing the GIA is necessary to move to grade 10 or enter institutions of secondary vocational education (colleges and technical schools).

Graduates of 9 classes of educational institutions take at least 4 final exams:

  • 2 compulsory (Russian and mathematics);
  • 2 optional (from the list of items).

OGE or the main state exam, which most ninth graders will take, is a kind of USE using. Since 2014 ninth graders take exams only in the form of the OGE. In 2016 OGE 9th grade students will also take the form of passing tests (KIMs). The only exception is GVE.

Who takes exams in the form of GVE

Final certification in the form GVE or the state final exam in the 9th and 11th grades is provided for certain categories of students:

    children with disabilities and children with disabilities,

    pupils of special educational institutions of a closed type,

    as well as for those who receive education in places of deprivation of liberty.

Children who have mastered the full school course as part of their secondary vocational education are also taking the GVE instead of a single exam.

Calendar for the delivery of the OGE 2016 (formerly GIA)

The ninth-graders also have a difficult time to pass the final exams. They are also divided into early and main periods. In addition, there is an additional period in August and September.

early period

April 20 (Wed)- Russian language
April 22 (Fri)- physics
April 25 (Mon)- mathematics
April 27 (Wed)- foreign languages
April 28 (Thu) -

Reserve days for passing state exams are provided on the following days:

May 4 (Wed)- geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages
May 5 (Thu)- Russian language and mathematics
May 6 (Fri)- reserve: in all subjects

The main stage of the OGE in 2016

May 26 (Thu)
May 28 (Sat)- foreign languages
May 31 (Tue)- mathematics
June 3 (Fri)- Russian language
June 7 (Tue)- foreign languages
June 9 (Thu)

June 15 (Wed)- reserve days:, foreign languages
June 17 (Fri) - reserve: Russian language, mathematics
June 21 (Tue) - reserve: in all subjects

Additional period for GIA-9 (July dates)

July 1 (Fri)- mathematics
July 2 (Sat)- foreign languages
July 4 (Mon)- geography, history, biology, physics
July 6 (Wed)- Russian language
July 8 (Fri)- social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

July 13 (Wed) - reserve:

Additional period for GIA -9 classes (September terms)

September 5 (Mon)- mathematics
September 7 (Wed)- geography, history, biology, physics
September 9 (Fri)- foreign languages
September 12 (Mon) - Russian language
September 14 (Wed) - social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

September 16 (Fri) - reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

Table of the full schedule of the unified state exam (USE 2016), the main state exam and the state final exam in 2016

The schedule of the Unified State Examination and the OGE in 2016 was approved.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2016 N 34 "On approval of a unified schedule and duration of the state final exam in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education for each academic subject, a list of teaching and upbringing tools used in its conduct in 2016".
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2016 Registration N 41113


early period

math B


informatics and ICT, history

informatics and ICT, history

Russian language

Russian language

mathematics P

social science

social science

geography, literature

geography, literature

physics chemistry

physics chemistry

foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages, biology

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

Russian language

Russian language

reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and ICT

reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and ICT, physics, biology

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies, geography

geography, history, biology,

geography, history, biology,

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology



foreign languages

foreign languages

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

main stage

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

Geography, literature

Geography, literature

foreign languages

foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language



Math B


Russian language

Russian language

Math P

foreign languages

foreign languages

Social science

Social science

geography, history, biology,

geography, history, biology,

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages, biology

Foreign languages, biology

reserve: social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature, geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages

Informatics and ICT, history

Informatics and ICT, history

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Chemistry, physics

Chemistry, physics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, informatics and ICT

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)

reserve: literature, physics, history, biology

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects



foreign languages

foreign languages

geography, history, biology, physics

geography, history, biology, physics

Russian language

Russian language

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

Additional period (September terms)



geography, history, biology, physics

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages

foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science has prepared a draft schedule for the unified state exam (USE), the main state exam (OGE) and the state final exam (GVE) for 2016.

Exams will be held in two stages: early and main.

The early stage of the exam starts on March 21, 2016. The main stage of the Unified State Examination will traditionally begin with elective subjects: geography and literature, from May 27, 2016.

As in 2015, the draft schedule for the USE does not provide for the "July wave".

For the first time, the project provides for a separate day for the USE in social studies, which will allow a significant number of USE participants to complete the examination period on time.

In addition, along with reserve periods for conducting the Unified State Exam, OGE and GVE in individual academic subjects, an additional reserve day is provided for exams in all academic subjects.

Students who did not pass or received unsatisfactory results in March-June will be able to retake the Russian language and (or) mathematics in September 2016.

Until September 24 of the current year, Rosobrnadzor accepts proposals and comments on the draft schedule at the email address: [email protected].



early period

math B


informatics and ICT, history

informatics and ICT, history

Russian language

Russian language

mathematics P

social science

social science

geography, literature

geography, literature

physics chemistry

physics chemistry

foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages, biology

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

Russian language

reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and ICT

reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and ICT, physics, biology

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies, geography

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology


foreign languages

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages

reserve: in all subjects

main stage

foreign languages

Geography, literature

Geography, literature

foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language


Math B


Russian language

Math P

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

Social science

Social science

geography, history, biology, physics

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages, biology

Foreign languages, biology

reserve: geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages

Informatics and ICT, history

Informatics and ICT, history

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Chemistry, physics

Chemistry, physics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, informatics and ICT

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)

reserve: literature, physics, history, biology

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

Additional period for GIA-9 (August dates)

Russian language

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages


social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

Additional period (September terms)

Russian language

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages

math B, P



social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P

reserve: Russian language, mathematics