Social protection and social assistance. Job description of a social work specialist. Social protection and social assistance Social work specialist his duties

1.1. In the absence of medical contraindications, a person who has a higher (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree) or secondary vocational education or has undergone professional retraining in accordance with the profile of activity is accepted for the position of a social work specialist in the absence of medical contraindications.

1.2. The social worker should know:

1) regulatory legal acts in the field of social protection of the population;

2) national standards of the Russian Federation in the field of social services;

3) the main directions of the policy of social protection of the population at the federal, regional, municipal levels;

4) goals, tasks and functions of bodies and institutions of social services;

5) types and characteristics of citizens - recipients of social services;

6) a typology of problems of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation, of various etiologies (social, socio-medical, socio-psychological, socio-legal, etc.);

7) national and regional features of life and family education, folk traditions;

8) socio-cultural, socio-psychological, psychological and pedagogical foundations of interpersonal interaction, features of personality psychology;

9) types, structure and content of documents required for the provision of social services;

10) theory and technology of social work and conditions for their application;

11) the basics of integrated approaches to assessing the needs of citizens in the provision of social services and measures of social support;

12) methods for diagnosing a difficult life situation;

13) features of social work with different individuals and groups of the population;

14) the basics of document management, modern standard requirements for reporting, the frequency and quality of the provision of documentation, the maintenance of which belongs to the terms of reference of a social work specialist;

15) the basics of self-organization and self-education of social work specialists;

16) requirements for the confidentiality of personal information, storage and handling of personal data of citizens who have applied for social services and social support;

17) Russian and foreign experience of practical social work;

18) basics of design, forecasting and modeling in social work;

19) the basis for drawing up an individual program for the provision of social services;

20) the main types of problems arising from citizens - recipients of social services;

21) main forms and types of social services;

22) ways to activate personal resources and resources of the social environment;

23) the infrastructure for the implementation of social services in the municipality, the resources of the local community;

24) the composition of the documents required for the provision of social services to citizens who applied to social services and institutions;

25) regulations for maintaining documentation;

26) the system of social services and social service institutions at the regional and municipal level, their goals, objectives and functions;

27) goals, principles and foundations of administrative and organizational activities for the implementation of social services for the population;

28) goals, principles and foundations of the organization of social mediation between the recipient of social services and various social institutions to represent the interests of citizens - recipients of social services and solve their social problems;

29) regulations for interdepartmental interaction;

30) the scope of professional responsibility of specialists in related professions (psychologist, social pedagogue, lawyer, defectologist, rehabilitation specialist, etc.);

31) methods and technology of self-actualization of citizens - recipients of social services;

32) basics of valeology, social medicine;

33) economic bases of social work;

34) legal bases of social work;

35) psychological and socio-pedagogical foundations of social work;

36) personality psychology;

37) developmental psychology;

38) functions and technology of activity of the employment service;

39) features of the use of social technologies in the Russian Federation and abroad;

40) the basics of self-organization and self-education of social work specialists;

41) Internal labor regulations;

42) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

43) ……… (other requirements for the necessary knowledge)

1.3. The social worker must be able to:

1) conduct an individual survey of citizens in order to identify their difficult life situation;

2) carry out social counseling;

3) analyze oral and written appeals of citizens to the organization of social protection of the population;

4) record the information received from the citizen;

5) store and process personal data;

6) ensure verification of the information received from the citizen;

7) enter the received information into databases in accordance with the requirements of the software;

8) establish contacts with the social environment of the citizen;

9) generalize and systematize information concerning a difficult life situation and methods of overcoming it;

10) ensure effective interaction with citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

11) show sensitivity, courtesy, attention, restraint, foresight, patience towards citizens and take into account their physical and psychological condition;

12) use the basic methods, ways and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, skills in working with a computer as a means of managing information, including in global networks;

13) work with documents, draw up reports on the results of activities;

14) improve their professional qualifications in the field of implementation of the labor function;

15) predict the results of the provision of social services and social support to a citizen in need of their receipt;

16) specify the purpose of providing social services and social support to a citizen on the basis of the diagnostics carried out and taking into account his life plans;

17) justify the use of specific social work technologies, types and forms of social services and social support measures in relation to a specific case;

18) apply methods for diagnosing a person, abilities and inclinations that allow updating the position of a citizen who has applied for services and ensure the implementation of self-help and mutual assistance;

19) interact with other professionals, institutions, organizations and communities in the provision of social services and social support measures;

20) take into account the individual characteristics of a citizen who has applied for social services;

21) correlate the individual social service program with his social expectations and needs;

22) improve their professional qualifications in the field of implementation of the labor function;

23) identify the problem of a citizen who is in a difficult life situation, evaluate the possibilities of solving it by attracting relevant specialists (institutions);

24) draw up the documents necessary for the acceptance of needy citizens for social services (permanent or temporary), or the provision of social support measures;

25) choose the best ways to solve the problem of a citizen through the formation and coordination with the citizen of an individual program for the provision of social services and the provision of social support measures;

26) refer recipients of social services to specialized social institutions (divisions) and / or to specialized specialists;

27) use the optimal combination of various forms and types of social services, technologies of social rehabilitation, adaptation, correction, etc.;

28) choose the most effective social work technologies applicable to the individual characteristics of the recipients of social services and their life situations;

29) ensure the coordination of the activities of specialists in solving urgent problems of social services for citizens;

30) provide an integrated approach to the implementation of an individual program for the provision of social services and the provision of measures of social support to citizens by specialists in related professions (psychologist, rehabilitation specialist, social pedagogue, lawyer, speech pathologist, etc.);

31) ensure the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations in the implementation of an individual program for the provision of social services and the provision of social support measures;

32) ensure representation of the interests of recipients of social services;

33) motivate citizens - recipients of social services to actively participate in the implementation of an individual program for the provision of social services and the provision of social support measures, use the methods and technologies of self-actualization;

34) provide services for social support of citizens in the process of implementing the implementation of an individual program for the provision of social services and the provision of social support measures;

35) draw up a social passport of a family and a citizen to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the process and results of the implementation of an individual program for the provision of social services and the provision of social support measures;

36) organize individual preventive measures with citizens at the place of residence (actual stay) in the form of consultations, assistance in organizing employment, health improvement, recreation, provision of social, legal, medical, educational, psychological, rehabilitation and other necessary services;

37) use the basics of legal knowledge in the field of providing social services and social support measures;

38) improve their professional qualifications in the field of implementation of the labor function;

39) be ready to participate in pilot projects and use innovative technologies of social services for the population, taking into account the individual characteristics of recipients of social services;

40) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.4. Social work specialist in his field

guided by:

1) ……… (name of constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations governing

job functions by position)

1.5. The social work specialist reports directly to ……… (title of the position of the head)

1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Activities for the implementation of social services and measures of social support for the population:

1) identification of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

2) determination of the volume, types and forms of social services and measures of social support that a citizen needs to overcome a difficult life situation or prevent its occurrence;

3) organization of social services and social support for citizens, taking into account their individual needs.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The social worker has the following responsibilities:

3.1.1. As part of the labor function specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.1 of this job description:

1) organizes the primary reception of citizens;

2) carries out primary verification and analysis of documents that testify to the problems of citizens who have applied for social services and social support measures;

3) identifies missing information and (or) information requiring additional verification;

4) collects and processes additional information indicating the problems of a citizen who has applied for the provision of social services or measures of social support;

5) carry out diagnostics of a difficult life situation of a citizen, establish its causes and nature;

6) identifies and evaluates the individual need of a citizen for various types and forms of social services and social support;

7) advises citizens who have applied to the system of social protection of the population on the possibilities of providing them with social services and measures of social support;

8) advises citizens who have applied to the social protection authorities on the documents required to receive a certain type of social services and social support measures;

9) keeps records of citizens who are in a difficult life situation and need to provide them with various types of social services and social support;

10) reveals the circumstances of the occurrence of a difficult life situation by organizing surveys, monitoring the living conditions of citizens at the place of residence (actual stay), determining the reasons that can lead them to a situation that poses a danger to life and (or) health, analyzing statistical reporting data, conducting, if necessary, selective sociological surveys of the population;

11) maintains the necessary documentation in accordance with modern standard requirements for reporting, frequency and quality of documentation.

3.1.2. As part of the labor function specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2.1 of this job description:

1) select technologies, types and forms of social services, measures of social support necessary to achieve a specific goal;

2) coordinates with the citizen the goals of providing social services and providing measures of social support;

3) reveals the potential of a citizen and his immediate environment in solving problems associated with a difficult life situation;

4) carries out the development and coordination with the citizen of an individual program for the provision of social services and measures of social support;

5) plans actions to achieve the goals of providing social services and social support to a citizen;

6) determine the required scope of services for the implementation of an individual program for the provision of social services and social support measures;

7) establishes the terms and frequency of the provision of social services (permanent, periodic, one-time) for the implementation of an individual program for the provision of social services;

8) provides comprehensive interaction with other specialists, institutions, organizations and communities to provide assistance in overcoming a difficult life situation of a citizen and measures to prevent its deterioration.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2.1 of this job description:

1) organizes assistance in preparing the documents necessary for admission to social services or the provision of social support measures;

2) organizes the provision of social, social, medical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, socio-legal, socio-economic, social and rehabilitation services, social support services for citizens, as well as social support measures;

3) provides mediation between a citizen in need of the provision of social services or measures of social support, and various specialists (institutions) in order to represent the interests of the citizen and solve his social problems;

4) organizes interdepartmental interaction in order to meet the needs of citizens in various types of social services;

5) advises on various issues related to the provision of social services and the provision of social support measures;

6) identify and evaluate the personal resources of citizens - recipients of social services and the resources of their social environment;

7) promotes the activation of the potential and own capabilities of citizens - recipients of social services, the expansion of opportunities for self-help and mutual assistance;

8) promotes the mobilization of citizens' own resources and the resources of their social environment to overcome a difficult life situation and prevent its deterioration;

9) organizes work to involve civil society institutions in social work;

10) organize preventive work to prevent the emergence and (or) development of a difficult life situation.

3.1.4. As part of the performance of his labor functions, he performs the instructions of his immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. ……… (other duties)

3.2. In the performance of his duties, a social worker

observes the principles of humanity, fairness, objectivity and

goodwill, professional and ethical requirements for activities

social work specialist.

3.3. ……… (other job descriptions)

4. Rights

The social worker has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Ask the immediate supervisor for clarifications and clarifications on these instructions, issued assignments.

4.3. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information, documents necessary for the execution of the assignment.

4.4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding the function performed by him, with documents defining his rights and obligations in his position, criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals on the organization of labor within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.6. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The Social Worker is responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, accounting legislation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This instruction was developed on the basis of the Professional Standard "", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 22, 2013 N 571n, taking into account ... ... ... (details of the organization's local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out upon employment (before signing the employment contract).

The fact that the employee is familiarized with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; otherwise)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions).


A social work specialist provides and organizes material and domestic assistance and moral and legal support to disabled people, lonely elderly people, mothers of many children, orphans, people suffering from serious illnesses, alcoholics and drug addicts, as well as other distressed citizens who are in a state of mental depression in connection with environmental disasters, interethnic conflicts and wars, the loss of loved ones, family, housing, work, faith in one's own strength and future.

Identifies citizens in need of social services, determines the nature and extent of the necessary assistance (housing repairs, provision of fuel, clothing, food, etc.), and also facilitates hospitalization in medical institutions, acceptance for service by non-stationary and stationary institutions of social protection of the population, advises on obtaining additional benefits and benefits. Works with disadvantaged families. Develops a program of rehabilitation measures. Participates in the preparation of the necessary documents, seeks the adoption of decisions that meet the law in official instances. Coordinates the efforts of various state and public structures.

He strives to bring the lifestyle of his wards as close as possible to the conditions and norms that are usual for healthy and prosperous people. To this end, it pays special attention to clarifying the desires and opportunities for a person to participate in feasible work in an existing profession or readiness for professional retraining, advanced training.

The social worker, at the direction of the social work specialist, performs technical functions: the purchase and delivery of food, medicines, the delivery of things to the laundry, dry cleaning, the provision of first aid (temperature measurement, the application of mustard plasters, etc.), as well as assistance in cleaning the premises, eating, processing a personal plot, etc. If necessary, takes over some of these functions.

He works with people, conducts conversations, observes the life and life of his wards.

The work of a social work specialist is charged for grades 7-11, and for a social worker - for grades 3-5. A social work specialist may be appointed (elected) to the senior position of the director or deputy director of a nursing home for the elderly and disabled with a rating of 15-18 categories.

The work of these workers can be specialized according to age, social, medical criteria (servicing children and adolescents, the elderly, the unemployed, the homeless, the blind, the deaf, etc.).

It is possible to organize non-governmental structures of social rehabilitation and labor orientation, functioning on a self-supporting and sponsored basis.


It is necessary to be aware of social, humanitarian and moral issues, to show interest in ethics, law, sociology, medicine, economics, vocational counseling, employment.


· Integrity, honesty and disinterestedness;

· high level of empathy;

· purposefulness;

strong will;

hard work;

· observation,

· emotional and volitional stability;

· calm and pleasant tone of voice.


· diseases of the cardiovascular system,

· neuropsychiatric diseases;

· other ailments that reduce overall performance and balance in communication, actions, etc.

5. RELATED PROFESSIONS (specialties)

Educator in a hostel, boarding school, attendants in hospitals, teaching work.

6. Education

The training of specialists in social work is carried out in universities, social workers - in secondary specialized educational institutions.

Diagnostic function. Based on the principle of targeting social work, the specialist determines the degree of need and sufficiency of social assistance for a particular client, identifies social and personal resources that can be used to improve his life situation.

In a holistic diagnostic procedure, two interrelated and interdependent blocks can be conditionally distinguished: diagnostics of the client's social environment and diagnostics of the client's personality. At the same time, the first block is aimed primarily at identifying social resources that optimize the situation, and destructive factors, “problem points” of the environment that cause the situation to worsen; the second block is aimed at identifying the client's personal resources.

The information obtained at the same time as a whole allows us to answer the question about the relationship between the activity of the client and the specialist in joint activities aimed at helping (self-help) in a difficult life situation. When organizing interaction with a client, the specialist seeks not to take on the solution of his problems, but to mobilize the client's personal resources, making the stimulation of the self-help process the main focus of work. However, for this it is necessary to answer the question: what are the real possibilities of the client? Unreasonably relying on the missing or insufficiently developed personal resources of the client, the specialist can provoke the development of a situation in which the client will not be able to overcome difficulties on his own, which will lead to uncertainty, anxiety, and even negative tendencies in the perception of working with a specialist.

predictive function is implemented at the level of practical work with the client (clients) and at the administrative and managerial level. In both cases, when implementing the prognostic function, the specialist uses the results of the social diagnostics. In the technological algorithm, these levels are connected in series. On the basis of the “social diagnosis”, the specialist determines the potential for optimizing the current situation, the degree of probability of a positive resolution of problems, as well as the qualitative level of the expected result.

The specialist participates in forecasting and programming the process of social development of a particular micro-society, which is the object of his professional activity. Prognostic activity at the administrative and managerial level can be aimed at developing the system of a specific institution of social services for the population, as well as at the system of bodies and institutions of social protection of the city, district, subject of the Russian Federation. Based on a probing and information survey, information-targeted analysis of various documentation, social mapping and other methods of social diagnostics, shortcomings in the activities of various institutions involved in social work are identified, alternative trajectories for improving their activities are determined, as well as the optimal ratio of possible costs and results in the context every alternative.

Physical, mental, social, spiritual capabilities that help to overcome a difficult life situation and its consequences, to restore or form one's personal or social qualities that contribute to an increase in social status, are different for different people. If in one case a social worker expects a good result of working with a client, then in another case, the effectiveness can be objectively reduced by insurmountable circumstances. As an example, consider social work with two categories of clients: the unemployed and people with disabilities. In the situation of a person who has lost his job, a significant resource of the individual has been lost - participation in production activities, which entails a number of problems of a different nature. However, the restoration of this resource makes it possible to eliminate almost all adverse consequences for humans. In this case, we can assume high performance.

In a situation of social assistance to a person with disabilities, the loss of such a resource as “health” is in many cases irreversible. Then we are talking about compensation for the lost resource, i.e. about the most complete replacement of it with another resource. It is important here to determine what ideal result, i.e. achievable under the most favorable set of circumstances (in this case, “ideal” is determined not in relation to the results of working with other people, but in relation to the position in which the client is at the moment of predicting the development of his situation), and optimal the result, which is understood as the most harmonious ratio of costs and achievements in solving the client's social problems. Based on the forecast, the direction, stages and effectiveness of a possible intervention are determined.

Organizing function. A social work specialist organizes activities to provide social assistance to a client or group of people. At the same time, in the process of organizing activities, a specialist can occupy a number of positions: an executor of clearly defined tasks (assignments), an organizer of a separate area of ​​activity, a coordinator of the efforts of various persons to organize specific activities.

The types of activities organized by social work professionals vary significantly depending on the specifics of the institution, the categories of services served and the basic needs of the client group. The specialist determines first of all its target component. It is important that the goals of the activity are adequate to the social issues that are relevant for a particular urban microdistrict, township, village or other type of settlement.

Having determined the goal of the activity (for example, organizing leisure activities for children from low-income families of the microdistrict), the specialist selects the optimal forms for achieving this goal (mass holiday, organizing the work of sports sections, hobby groups, etc.), the choice of goal and form of activity largely determines its content.

The organizational function allows you to change the life situation of a client (or a group of clients) at the activity level; in this case, feedback arises in relation to the implementation of diagnostic and prognostic functions. The activity is built on the basis of the “social diagnosis” and the forecast of the development of the situation.

In the process of activity, social changes occur, which are fixed with the help of the second round of social diagnostics, and the effectiveness of the activity and the adequacy of the forecast depend on the degree of changes and their compliance with the set goal. In this case, the process develops in a spiral, i.e. on the basis of new diagnostic data, a new forecast is made and activities are organized to achieve socially significant goals.

intermediary function often referred to as the core function of the social worker. Society is a complex multi-component self-organizing system. Each member of the society is involved in many social ties, dependencies, which together make up the microsociety of the individual. The successful functioning of a person in a microsociety is due to a number of subjective and objective factors, the violation of any social connection entails tangible consequences for a person in the form of a variety of life problems.

So, for example, loss of health (disability) gives rise to many problems: socio-economic- deprivation of the usual level of security, imbalance in the sphere of consumption (most of the income is spent on maintaining the level of health, paid medical procedures, medicines, etc.), forced withdrawal from the production sector; socio-psychological- reduction of the circle of communication, a sense of one's own uselessness, a decrease in self-esteem, the formation of a negatively colored I AM- concepts, etc.; socio-pedagogical- difficulties in raising children, interpersonal conflicts in the family and other life circumstances.

To solve the difficulties and problems that have arisen, the help of specialists in various fields is necessary, however, the state of a person who is in a difficult life situation does not allow a person to make several “starting efforts”, i.e. look for the coordinates of a specialist, make an appointment, talk about your problems.

The social work specialist, being, by definition of many authors, a "conduit for social change", ensures the client's connection with all the services he needs. To implement the intermediary function, the specialist accumulates information about the entire range of services provided in institutions, conditions, forms, methods of working with clients. The social worker communicates with the right specialist, can characterize the client's life situation (with his consent), i.e. Facilitates the process of providing professional assistance to representatives of other profiles and, consequently, the process of obtaining assistance by the client.

Innovative feature. A specialist in social work in activities aimed at transforming society strives to use the most effective methods and technologies of work.

In order to improve the system of social support for the population, the activity of a specialist must be innovative, i.e. include new methodological and technological components.

The innovative function of a specialist is realized in a creative approach to the accepted technologies of social work (constant analysis of their use, identification of strengths and weaknesses, introduction of new technological components), integration into the practice of social assistance of existing innovative experience (including the experience of institutions with the status of experimental sites). , experience of other regions of the Russian Federation, foreign countries, etc.).

Motivational function social worker is expressed in the creation of motivating conditions for the inclusion of the client in the activity of overcoming a difficult life situation, and not in solving his problem for him. The presence of one-sided activity in the system of interaction "specialist-client" is fraught, firstly, with the development of a dependent position of the client, the emergence of social expectations for meeting needs without one's own efforts, and, secondly, with low efficiency.

A difficult life situation that has arisen in a person can be overcome only as a result of his own efforts, a social work specialist in this case supports, directs, corrects the actions of the individual, ensures the availability of the necessary information, removes or reduces the opposition of various social barriers, but does not “solve the problem for client."

Among the main obstacles that impede the adoption and implementation of an active, active position regarding the existing problem, one can name: the client's lack of confidence in his abilities, fear of failure; lack or lack of information that ensures the effectiveness of activities; lack of social skills and implementation skills needed to solve the behavioral trajectory problem.

To overcome the difficulties identified by the client, the specialist uses the following methods and techniques of work:

  • - counseling aimed at increasing the client's self-esteem;
  • - inclusion of the client in activities that contribute to the achievement of a positive result (creation of a situation of success);
  • - social learning of the client, including informative and behavioral blocks, etc.

Protective function a social work specialist is implemented in cases where a difficult life situation is caused by unauthorized actions of third parties that violate the rights and freedoms of the client. A specialist can act as an initiator of legal proceedings on the established fact of violation of the rights and freedoms of a client, a witness at a court session, and, if necessary, as a public defender.

preventive function. The current social situation in the Russian Federation is characterized by the intensive dynamics of the development of social pathologies: the spread of drug addiction, alcoholism, and prostitution among minors. Social pathologies move, as a rule, from larger settlements to smaller ones.

An analysis of the situation in large cities makes it possible to predict the development of unfavorable social phenomena in other types of settlements.

Elimination of the negative consequences of the formation of stereotypes of deviant behavior requires large financial costs. In addition, the effectiveness of such activities in the presence of stable behavioral deviations does not always correlate with indicators of resource costs. Therefore, the implementation of the preventive function is one of the main areas of social work.

Social protection, social assistance to the population are institutions that characterize a humane and conscious civil society. In this area, the role of a professional providing such support - a social worker - is very important. It is worth familiarizing yourself more thoroughly with the features of his work, as well as the documents regulating his work.

Social protection

In general, social protection of the population is a set of measures aimed at observing the rights of a citizen and meeting his social needs. The high level of such protection of the population is a sign of a strong and prosperous state.

Social protection is mainly provided in three forms - social security, social assistance and social insurance. In the Russian Federation, its guarantor is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, whose head today is M.A. Topilin. It is provided by state Russian extra-budgetary funds:

  • compulsory medical insurance;
  • social insurance of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian pension fund.

These organizations operate at the local, subject and all-Russian levels.

Types and measures of social protection

Social protection of the population consists of a number of measures:

  1. Protecting the rights of children and monitoring compliance with this.
  2. Help in overcoming unemployment.
  3. Material and moral support for families with many children.
  4. Payment of benefits to low-income families.
  5. Determination of the minimum wage, the smallest amount of scholarships, allowances, pensions.

Social protection is divided into state and non-state. The first one is:

  • free education;
  • payment of pensions;
  • privileges;
  • free healthcare;
  • social services for the population, social services.

Non-state social protection is represented by:

  • charity;
  • voluntary social insurance programs;
  • affordable private programs for the protection and restoration of health, etc.

Today, there are two models of state social support in the world:

  1. Beveridge (English). Minimum social assistance to every citizen, regardless of his social status.
  2. Bismarckian (German). A citizen receives support from the state according to the amount of social contributions that he deducts to the treasury during his life. For socially unprotected categories, other rules and state protection programs apply.

Social help

Social assistance is either monetary support or in-kind (in particular, it is provided by the social assistance center) to citizens in difficult financial situations. Such payments are financed either from the state treasury or from a fund of voluntary donations from those who are not indifferent.

Social assistance is provided both as a result of checking the sources of income for those in need, and without these measures. Usually, assistance to people in especially difficult living conditions exceeds support to other citizens living more or less tolerably.

Social work with family

One of the most priority and necessary areas of social protection is work with the family. Its key tasks are:

  • support for cells of society that find themselves in difficult conditions;
  • help them overcome intractable problems;
  • prevention of the emergence of new difficulties;
  • carrying out work, as a result of which "difficult" families learn on their own to overcome such difficulties on their way.

The Social Assistance Center mainly works with the following types of families:

  • whose members are supported by the state (disabled people, pensioners);
  • created by minor parents (parent);
  • with a high risk of depriving the mother and / and father of parental rights;
  • found themselves in a difficult situation: a parent’s disability, alcohol or drug addiction of a family member, forced migration, HIV infection, a parent in prison, faced with unemployment, cruel treatment, violence, orphanhood, homelessness.

Functions of the social center for working with families

Social work with the family is multifunctional:

  1. Coordination of work on social support of "difficult" families.
  2. Preparation of personal files of such families.
  3. Social inspection.
  4. Development of a family support plan, taking into account the wishes of the latter.
  5. Providing targeted support and assistance.
  6. Prevention of domestic violence.
  7. Notification of the relevant services and authorities about the fact in the ward families.
  8. Protecting the interests of families in court when such a need arises.
  9. Providing other government agencies interested in assistance with information about wards families.
  10. Distribution of social advertising.

Requirements for a social worker

A professional social worker may not have work experience, but must have a secondary or higher education in social, legal or pedagogical areas. The requirements for a professional II and I (highest) qualification are much stricter: higher narrow-profile education, work experience in the previous categories.

The job description of a social work specialist assumes knowledge in the following areas:

  • relevant legal regulations relating to social protection and assistance, support for families and socially vulnerable citizens, protection of motherhood and childhood, state policy in relation to these categories of citizens;
  • effective ways to improve the quality of social assistance;
  • the basics of psychology: a child, a pensioner, a disabled person, people in a difficult situation, etc.;
  • fundamentals of the Labor Code, labor protection;
  • sanitary and hygienic rules and the disabled.

Also, the job description of a social work specialist says that knowledge in philosophy, political science, cultural studies, history, pedagogy, social medicine is actively used in his professional activities. It is important to know the stages of development of a social institution and its current state in the Russian Federation and in the world, forms, principles, methods of helping people of different ages and social status, general tools, key concepts, methods of analysis and monitoring in social work.

Necessary human qualities of a professional:

  • unselfishness;
  • purposefulness;
  • sociability;
  • goodwill;
  • tolerance;
  • social intuition;
  • diligence;
  • stress resistance;
  • analytical type of thinking;
  • observation;
  • performance.

Functions of a social worker

The current job description of a social work specialist assumes the assignment of the following functions to the employee:

  1. Formation of a database of "difficult" families (social card) in need of help from single pensioners, disabled people.
  2. Determination of the sources of trouble, the size and nature of the assistance provided, the provision of it itself.
  3. The implementation of guardianship of dysfunctional cells of society, especially those that include children with developmental disabilities or disabilities, families of internally displaced persons, participants and victims of military conflicts, with orphans, as well as disabled (including due to disability), elderly people.
  4. Assistance in the employment of wards and other ways to overcome their financial difficulties.
  5. Conducting joint work with the internal affairs bodies for the prevention of illegal activities and antisocial lifestyle of the wards.
  6. Analysis of the work done, forecasting the results of social assistance.
  7. Implementation of federal and regional social programs, preparation of their projects and proposals.
  8. Participation in methodological unions to improve the quality of social assistance provided.
  9. Coordination of the activities of non-profit charitable associations that also provide assistance to the wards.
  10. Consultation of interested citizens on the subject of their activities.
  11. Documentation of the work done.

Rights and social work

Social worker's rights:

  • propose and implement projects to improve the quality of social services provided;
  • contact management for assistance in the performance of their functions;
  • demand for familiarization the documentation and information necessary for their work;
  • improve your qualifications.

The job description of a social work specialist ascribes to him the following responsibilities:

  • liability under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance of their official functions:
  • liability under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses for offenses in the course of work;
  • liability under the Criminal Code, Civil Code, Labor Code of the Russian Federation for causing material damage.

A social worker is a responsible and necessary profession in any developed society. Social protection itself and have a lot of areas of activity, ways to improve and update them.

Social work places high demands on those who have chosen it as their profession. We have already seen what complex complex problems it is aimed at solving, what principles should be observed in this activity, what versatile training a social worker should have. The set of general typical requirements for a social worker constitutes his professional portrait. This systemic description of social, psychological and other requirements for a carrier of a profession is sometimes referred to as a professiogram, in some cases it is specified as a list of requirements in relation to a particular area of ​​social work.

The professional portrait of a social worker is described in some detail in the scientific and educational literature and includes such basic components as theoretical training, practical skills and certain personal qualities. Theoretical knowledge forms the basis of a professional portrait of a social work specialist. As we know, social work has a multidisciplinary nature and therefore the theoretical training of a social worker should include knowledge of such basic disciplines for social work as sociology, psychology, social pedagogy, legal cycle disciplines, conflictology, etc.

Since a social work specialist often deals with antisocial personalities, in particular, with adolescents prone to deviant behavior, he must have knowledge of the sociology and psychology of deviant behavior, psychodiagnostics, criminology, developmental psychology and pedagogy. The diversity of social work clients obliges its representatives to possess a number of competencies that allow them to provide services to different clients - the homeless and unemployed, the lonely and the elderly, "difficult teenagers" and people with disabilities. This, in turn, imposes a requirement to have a stock of knowledge that allows one to understand and analyze the causes of difficult life situations in different types of clients, to know their specifics.

Living in a society and dealing with representatives of different social groups, a social work specialist must have a clear understanding of the social structure of society, the economic, social, political and cultural processes taking place in it, about different areas of public life, about needs, interests, norms various strata and subcultures. Consequently, he must be prepared in the field of social and human sciences, providing the general cultural level of a person and the level of his social education. This is facilitated by the study in the process of professional training of philosophy, history, economic theory, political science, cultural studies, disciplines of the aesthetic cycle.

A professional portrait of a social worker requires knowledge sufficient to be able to understand a representative of any social group, his needs and interests, doubts and worries, tastes and preferences in different areas of life. In order to be able to understand the inner world and thoughts of another individual, a social worker must have a fair amount of his own potential in the field of humanitarian knowledge, as well as be oriented in such areas as art, religion. A social work specialist needs basic knowledge from the field of medicine, gerontology, psychiatry, since the clients of social work are often people with health problems, some deviations from the mental norm, requiring elementary care.

Another important component of the professional portrait of a social worker is the practical skills that he acquires in the course of his professional activities, as well as while studying at a professional educational institution - a university or college (school, technical school). They represent a whole complex of skills of a different nature - from the simplest skills to provide basic household services and first aid to more complex ones, such as socio-psychological and socio-legal counseling.

Most professional competencies are associated with the process of interaction between a specialist and a client. This includes the ability to establish contact with your ward, trusting relationships, organize cooperation in finding solutions to the problems facing him. Among the specific techniques that a specialist should master, such as active listening, centering on the client, empathic understanding, protection from the effect of one's own "emotional burnout", etc. These skills and abilities are studied in more detail in the course "methods and technologies of social work", and also within some special disciplines and disciplines of specialization.

Currently, the training program for social work specialists includes various types of practice, which are designed to help acquire practical skills while still in the process of studying at a university or college. However, the amount of time devoted to these types of training and the level of its organization cannot yet be considered sufficient. In order to rectify the situation, it is necessary to develop closer links between vocational education institutions and social services.

Personal qualities are also of fundamental importance in the structure of the portrait of a social worker, since such a responsible humanitarian activity as social work dealing with people who are in a vulnerable, dependent position cannot be carried out formally, only for the sake of accountability and remuneration. In this case, it is doomed to failure. Unfortunately, at present, from the media, we know many examples of a formal and sometimes dishonest attitude of social workers to their duties. In this case, first of all, their wards suffer, of course.

Thus, a case is known that took place in the Leninsky district of Krasnoyarsk, when social workers came to a very elderly lonely and practically non-walking woman living in a hostel extremely irregularly and did not follow all the required procedures. As a result, the elderly citizen nearly died of exhaustion. She was saved by worried neighbors who opened the door and fed the unfortunate old woman, helped her with hygiene procedures, and also invited television to publicize this situation. This example shows that in the absence of appropriate personal qualities, a social worker may treat his duties formally, even commit obvious violations, taking advantage of the fact that their results are not always and immediately noticeable, and his wards may not always demand the services they are due and stand up. for myself.

Social services should take all measures to avoid such manifestations. And this is possible if ordinary social workers, specialists, administrators-managers properly treat their work, and hence their clients, realize the importance and social responsibility that they bear to society. There are different points of view as to whether personal qualities should be included in the professional portrait of a social work specialist, or whether they already constitute his spiritual and moral portrait. On this occasion, it can be noted that the absence of these qualities leads to the inefficiency of all his activities and makes it impossible to achieve the intended results, therefore, makes the employee unprofessional. This proves that the presence of appropriate qualities is a condition for the professionalism of a social worker, and therefore is also an element of his professional portrait.

Among the measures that ensure the proper level of professionalism of social workers may be the creation of a system of continuous education - professional orientation in schools so that random people do not come to the faculties of social work, then selection for admission to vocational education institutions. This requires appropriate methods that allow you to determine not only the level of knowledge, but also the personal orientation, communication skills of the applicant. Finally, when applying for a job in social services, an appropriate professional selection is necessary, which should include procedures to determine how the applicant for a particular vacancy meets the requirements, whether he has the proper general professional and social and personal competencies.

Within the framework of the social institutions themselves, control over the performance of their duties by all employees should be carried out and measures of encouragement and, if necessary, penalties should be applied, depending on the quality of the performance by employees of their own. An important way to maintain and grow the professionalism of social workers is systematic professional development. A similar form of retraining currently exists in the system of higher professional education. To promote the growth of professional motivation, the maintenance of a system of professional values ​​should be public organizations of social workers and social institutions that focus on innovative forms and methods of work, professionally oriented media.

All the personal qualities of a social worker, necessary for him in the process of activity, are usually divided into three groups. The first group consists of individual psychophysiological characteristics that characterize mental processes and states - perception, memory, thinking, level of anxiety, impulsivity, restraint, stress resistance. The second group is formed by the socio-psychological qualities of a specialist as a person - the ability to self-control, self-criticism, responsibility, honesty and openness. The third group includes psychological and pedagogical qualities that ensure the effectiveness of direct interaction with the client - sociability, empathy, attractiveness (neatness in clothes, external attractiveness).

Along with the general portrait of a social work specialist, one can also distinguish its more specific types, depending on the specialization. Specialization in social work deserves special consideration, since the social worker in a sense must be universally trained. However, a number of situations and problems require special knowledge and skills. How to resolve this dilemma and avoid narrow reductionism on the one hand, and scholastic universalism on the other? The way out of this situation is seen in the formation of a new type of specialization in social work - specialization not on any particular problem, but on a real object, in our case, the client as a carrier of a complex of certain problems.

In this way, the integrity of the consideration of the difficult life situation of the client can be ensured. Without dividing it into economic, socio-psychological, medical problems and without dividing their solution into different institutions and departments, social work is able to provide their comprehensive solution. With this approach, multidisciplinarity and multifunctionality are not lost, and, along with this, it is possible to fill this wide range of activities with specific content.

An integrated approach to solving social problems and the multifunctionality of social work make it possible to single out a number of professional functions of a social work specialist. Among them:

Diagnostic, meaning the desire of a social worker to establish the causes of the client's problems;

Advocacy, consisting in the representation and protection of the interests of their clients;

Socio-therapeutic, or compensatory, implemented through the provision of support in difficult life situations, the provision of various types of assistance, social services;

Social and preventive, involving the use by a social worker in his activities of methods that prevent the occurrence of social problems;

Prognostic, consisting in the analysis of possible changes in the behavior of the client in the future;

Projective, manifested in the planning of the immediate and long-term results of the intervention;

The function of social control, which provides for the monitoring of deviant behavior and the application of social sanctions;

Organizational and administrative, manifested in management activities and interaction with other social institutions.

The professional roles of a social worker can be classified in a more differentiated way. Foreign authors distinguish the professional roles of a social worker depending on his “working” functionality:

A broker is a social worker who directs people to appropriate services that may be useful to them, in order to enable people to use the social service system and link these services.

A mediator, a "buffer" is a social worker who stands between two people, a person and a group or two groups, in order to help people overcome differences and work productively together.

Lawyer, defender - a social worker who fights for the rights and dignity of people who need this help. Its activities include fighting for service, helping individuals, groups, communities, fighting for change in laws or practices from the standpoint of a whole class of people.

Evaluator - a social worker who collects information, evaluates the problems of people, groups; helps to make a decision for action.

A mobilizer is a social worker who gathers, sets in motion, launches, activates, organizes the actions of already existing or new groups to solve problems. Mobilization can also be carried out at the individual level.

A teacher is a social worker who imparts information and knowledge and helps people develop skills.

A Behavior Corrector is a social worker who works to make changes in the behavioral stereotypes, skills, and perceptions of people or groups.

A counselor is a social worker who works with other workers to help them improve their problem-solving skills.

A community designer is a social worker who plans the development of activity programs.

An information manager is a social worker who collects, categorizes and analyzes data about the social environment.

An administrator is a social worker who manages an institution, program, project or social service.

Practitioner - a social worker who provides specific assistance, care (financial, domestic, physical).

The formation of a professional portrait of a social worker begins long before he enters the service of a social institution. We have seen how important it is which applicants come to universities for the specialty of social work and the quality of training they receive at universities. The development of a multi-level system of social education is called upon to promote better training of future social workers.

The concept of social education includes two aspects: in a broad sense, social education refers to the study of social and humanitarian disciplines in all educational institutions, from schools to universities. The result of it should be greater competence of the entire population in matters of public life, its correct and deeper understanding and better preparedness for it. In a narrow sense, social education is understood as the training of specialists for the social sphere - social workers and social educators, psychologists, social animators, sociologists, etc. In other words, social education aims at high-quality training of socionomists - specialists in the social sphere.

Both of these aspects of social education are important. The second is insofar as the staffing of social services depends on it. But the first aspect is no less important, since it makes it possible to make society more enlightened in various issues of public life, people - more prepared for various social situations, more tolerant and law-abiding, raise the level of general and legal culture, reduce the number of anti-social manifestations and social tension in society.