What awaits the perpetrator of the accident if he fled. The procedure for obtaining insurance for victims of an accident in a situation where the perpetrator of the accident fled the scene. Europrotocol solves the problem

A traffic accident is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon in itself, capable of throwing any person out of balance. And if the second participant in the accident fled the scene, then there is no need to speak at all - confusion, anger, a feeling of helplessness. Stop! The first thing to do is to calm down.

And start acting, observing certain rules - this will help you protect your interests. So, remember the order of your actions in case of an accident:

Designate the location of the accident.

Immediately turn on the hazard warning lights and put up the warning triangle that every driver should have in their car. If the accident occurred in a populated area, this sign must be located at least 15 meters from the car, and outside it - at least 30 meters. If you ignore these steps, don't be surprised if employees draw up a record of administrative responsibility.

Call the traffic police and an ambulance

If people are injured in an accident, call an ambulance immediately. And, of course, the traffic police, even if the accident was trifling - of course, if you want to receive the insurance payment due to you.

Do not confuse the tracks!

Neither the car, nor any other objects, even slightly related to the traffic accident, should in any case be moved from place to place - this will make it difficult to restore a complete and objective picture of what happened.

The only exception to this rule is when the car completely blocks the roadway and interferes with other road users. If possible, it is desirable to clear the roadway. But do not forget to indicate the location of the car after the accident, as well as all other items. And it is best to do this in the presence of witnesses - then the traffic police will have fewer questions.

Search for witnesses

While you are waiting for the traffic police, do not waste time in vain - try to find as many eyewitnesses of the incident as possible. If one of them cannot wait for the police, write down the contact details - last name, first name, patronymic, phone numbers. And the more witnesses you find, the greater the chance that the runaway driver will be found. Most likely, someone remembered the color of the car, the brand, and if you are very lucky, then the numbers of the car.

In addition, recently, many people have video recorders in their cars - and they very often become silent witnesses of many traffic accidents. By the way, you can search for witnesses even if you are very confused right away - give announcements to the media in your city. It may very well be that someone will remember your accident and respond.

Strictly speaking, the search for a driver who left the scene of an accident is a direct task of the traffic police - this is prescribed by law. However, in practice, the situation is quite different - the chances that all forces will be thrown in search of the driver - the "villain", tend to zero. Therefore, remember that the salvation of drowning people is primarily the work of the drowning people themselves.

Pay attention to the smallest details - the width of the wheels of the second car, pieces of headlights or glass, drops of oil, paint residue, which can often be found in scratches on your car. Be sure to ensure that all this evidence is included and recorded in the protocol from the scene. Very often, the examination allows you to find out a lot of details about the car that disappeared from the scene of an accident. Yes, and in court, these evidence with a conclusion will be very useful to you.

Legal aspect

The question that worries car owners the most is who will pay for the damage? After all, there is no hope for the insurance company - if in the end the culprit of the accident is not found, the insurance payment can not be expected. The reason is simple - the culprit of the accident is unknown. Is this entirely your fault?

And even if you find the owner of the car, you should not rejoice - it may very well be that he was not driving at all. This means that you can’t count on compensation for damage - you need to find exactly the driver who was driving during the accident. If suddenly, for some reason, the owner of the car had amnesia and he forgot who he transferred control to, you should not despair.

Go to the traffic police and file a petition - you are required to provide all the information they have about this car: traffic violations, scheduled document checks. The chances that the driver will be found sooner or later are very high. But only if you are persistent and periodically remind you of yourself! Otherwise, the case will be pushed to the far shelf, where it will be successfully covered with dust.

The worst option is that if the driver is still not found, we will not consider it. Everything is already very clear - the cost of restoring a damaged car will fall entirely on your shoulders. But let's not talk about sad things - if the culprit is found, we go to court with a lawsuit.

Compensation for damage

In order to demand monetary compensation, the court must present an examination evaluating the cost of restoration work. If the car has already been repaired at the time of the trial, present all receipts - in no case should you throw them away! If the court decides that the second driver is guilty, all your expenses will be compensated - this is required by law.

True, if the fugitive driver manages to prove that the accident was caused by force majeure circumstances, the court may decide to reduce the amount you demand. However, in practice, judges do not really believe drivers who have fled the scene - such an act does not have confidence.

There are a lot of problems when it comes to recovering damages caused by an accident. One of them concerns payments under OSAGO if the culprit of the accident fled. What the owner of the damaged car should do in this situation, we will tell further.

What to do when the perpetrator of the accident managed to escape

Compulsory liability insurance for motorists provides them with the opportunity to cover their costs of restoring a damaged car. However, in practice, there are often difficulties with paying for damages under insurance.

If the perpetrator of the accident fled the scene of the accident, the question arises of how to get insurance. And what should one do in such a situation?

First of all, it is important not to lose your head and not to start chasing the intruder. The probability of catching up with him is low, and leaving the scene of a traffic accident, the car owner will only aggravate his situation. After all, even if the offender fled, it is important for the other side to stay where they are, wait for the police and complete all the required documents about the accident. It’s good if the driver managed to see and remember the number of the violator’s car. Many drivers today have a DVR in their car, which helps to record what is happening around them. Then by this number it will be possible to find the car owner himself.

Most often, the car disappears quickly, so it is not possible to make out its number. In the absence of records of the departed car, it remains to look for eyewitnesses to the accident. But this does not always help to identify the offender. What should the owner of the damaged car do in such a situation?

Since the driver is unknown, it is impossible to find out the company in which he insured. Therefore, the question arises of who will compensate the victim for the damage suffered.

What you should not do is to leave the place of collision, rearrange the car, arrange an independent pursuit of the offender. These actions can make it difficult for police officers to work.

Communication with traffic police

If the culprit fled the scene of an accident, then the paperwork will be carried out only with the participation of the injured party. After an accident, the owner of the affected car should act as follows:

  1. The traffic police must be called to the scene. They will inspect, hear explanations from the driver and passengers, witnesses (if any), draw up a protocol on what happened.
  2. Police officers draw up an accident scheme, a protocol on violations committed by drivers. Car owners who are on site are invited to sign these documents. Before doing this, you should carefully read them and make comments on the protocol.
  3. After completing all the documents on the spot, the driver goes to the police office. There he can write a statement about the search for the disappeared car owner.

Prior to the arrival of the traffic police, the car owner himself can take the following actions:

  • try to remember or record the number of the leaving car;
  • photograph the damage caused to the car, the scene of the accident;
  • find eyewitnesses of the incident and ask them to testify.

Based on the information received from the injured driver, the testimony of eyewitnesses, and other available materials, the police begin to search for the offender. If it can be found, then the victim applies to the insurance company for compensation. In other cases, you should not count on payments from the insurer of the offender.

UK Notification

If the culprit of the accident is established, then the algorithm of the actions of the second driver is clear. Another thing is when he is hiding and his policy data is unknown. Without this information, it will be difficult to find the company that insures it. Regardless of the situation, you should notify your insurer of the incident. For this you need to provide:

  • incident statement;
  • protocol and certificates from the traffic police;
  • notice of an accident;
  • applicant's passport.

You should not count on OSAGO payments from your insurance company or on repairs. Without information about the person responsible for the accident, payment for insurance is not carried out.

Getting an insurance payment if the perpetrator left

It is possible to receive insurance payments if the offender left the scene of an accident. They can be carried out by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (hereinafter - RAMI). All organizations that carry out insurance of car owners under OSAGO are necessarily its members.

If the injured driver cannot receive payment from the insurer, he has the right to apply to the PCA for compensation.

Articles 18-19 of the Federal Law "On OSAGO" dated April 25, 2002 establish the procedure for calculating compensation payments from the RSA.

Compensation from the PCA can be paid both in case of damage to property and health (life) of a person. If the person who caused harm to the second driver is unknown, then only damage to the health (life) of the victim is compensated. In this case, no compensation for damages incurred by the car is made by the company of car insurers. To receive compensation, you need to submit an application to the RSA, documents from the traffic police, documents for a car, a copy of the applicant's passport. The submitted application is considered within twenty days.

What if the culprit was later found

If the second driver returned to the scene of the collision before the paperwork was completed by the police, he participates in the preparation of all documents about the accident and resolves issues with the injured about paying for damages. Payment can be made by agreement between the parties or through the insurance company. If the offender showed up later, then he will have to answer for his actions. The insurer has the right to recover from the guilty driver who fled the scene of an accident, the paid amounts in the order of recourse.

When the identity of the culprit is established, the victim will be able to contact his insurer. This is possible if the driver in question is properly insured. Otherwise, it will not be possible to compensate for the damage at the expense of insurance.

When there is no insurance or the driver does not have the right to drive a car, then the issue will have to be resolved through the courts. The victim will need to assess the damage, prepare a claim, pay the state fee, present all available evidence to the court. After accepting the claim for proceedings, the court will consider the dispute at the appointed time. In the process of consideration, the positions of all parties are heard, if necessary, an examination can be appointed to determine the amount of damage suffered.

Of course, the return of the guilty person to the place of the accident is desirable, as it will greatly simplify the procedure for obtaining compensation, but you should not count on the consciousness of your “opponent”. It is better to immediately take all the necessary actions so that in the course of the proceedings, partial blame for the accident is not imposed on the person who suffered in it.

Traffic rules require that in the event of an accident, all its participants remain in place until the arrival of the traffic police or until registration according to the "Europrotocol". However, there are cases when, despite these requirements, the perpetrator fled the scene of the accident. What will happen to him for this - and how, in this case, will he receive a refund from his insurance company and from him personally? This problem is quite serious, but there are no hopeless situations. Let's see how to deal with this situation.

○ What is the threat and what is the penalty for leaving the scene of an accident?

Paragraph 2.5 of the SDA clearly requires that the driver immediately stop and not move his car after an accident. There are only two exceptions to this rule:

  • If people were injured, and there is no way to call an ambulance or involve other drivers, it is allowed to use your own transport to deliver the injured to the hospital (clause 2.6 of the SDA).
  • If there are no victims, but the car interferes with the passage of other road users, it can be shifted to the side by freeing the passage and fixing (including using photo or video filming) its position after the accident (clause 2.6.1 of the SDA).

But if one of the participants arbitrarily decided that there was no need to stay in place, he would be in trouble. Part 2 Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in this regard is unambiguous:

  • Leaving by a driver, in violation of the Rules of the Road, the scene of a traffic accident, in which he was a participant, -
  • entails deprivation of the right to drive transport vehicles for a term of one to one and a half years or administrative arrest for a term of up to fifteen days.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether the perpetrator left in his transport, or left the broken car and fled on foot - deprivation of rights or 15 days are waiting for him in any case.

○ Statute of limitations for leaving the scene of an accident.

However, there is a small loophole for the guilty, which can be found in three codes at once - administrative, criminal and civil.

First of all, it is necessary to say about the deprivation of rights. It is quite easy to avoid this - you just need to remember about Art. 4. 5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It establishes that if a certain time has passed since the offense was committed, the person, even the guilty one, cannot be punished for it. In our case, the period is 3 months.

At the same time, according to Art. 25.1 of the same code, the presence of the culprit at the hearing of the case is mandatory. Therefore, it is enough for the guilty person not to appear in court for more than three months. However, each time you need to come up with justified reasons for this: if you simply ignore the summons, the judge can, in the end, according to Art. 29.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, simply issue a decision to bring him in - and then the culprit will be dragged to court by force by a police squad.

In the same case, if people were injured as a result of an accident, the perpetrator must hide longer. In accordance with Art. 78 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the statute of limitations for actions punishable under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the one that punishes for traffic violations with injuries or deaths of people) ranges from 2 (if no one died) to 10 years (if two or more people died). At the same time, it is necessary that the authorities themselves do not bring the perpetrator to justice: if a person hides from the investigation, changes his place of residence, evades appearance on the agenda, this time does not count towards the deadline.

In a word, so as not to be imprisoned under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - it is necessary that the perpetrator simply not be found for a certain, but quite a long time.

As for compensation for damage caused by an accident, there are certain terms. As a general rule, it is possible to file a lawsuit and demand compensation within 3 years from the moment the harm was caused. However, under certain circumstances and valid reasons for the pass, the court may restore the pass, and then the recovery will take place even after more than three years.

○ Unintentionally leaving the scene of an accident.

You can leave the scene of an accident not only with direct intent, but also by accident. This usually happens if:

  • The accident is minor (for example, the paint is just scratched or the mirror on someone else's car is slightly touched).
  • There is poor visibility on the road - and the driver simply did not notice the accident.
  • The cabin has good sound insulation and loud music plays - and therefore the motorist did not hear a knock or rattle.
  • The accident was serious, but there was no traffic police for a very long time - and the driver simply went to warm himself in the nearest room, and in the meantime an inspector arrived.

Other cases are possible, but they are united by one thing: a person did not want to violate traffic rules - but accidentally violated them. What to do in such a situation?

It must be remembered that Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not require direct intent. Even if he did not want to leave the scene of an accident, but accidentally left it, he will still face the same punishment. Therefore, you can only protect yourself in the following ways:

  1. Prove that the offense is minor. This is possible if there was no serious damage to property, and no one was hurt from people. In this case, according to Art. 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the guilty person can be released from punishment.
  2. Prove that there was an urgent need to leave the scene of the accident. This is possible under Art. 2.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For example, if there is a severe frost on the street, the driver is lightly dressed, the cabin heating is no longer working, and the traffic police does not arrive for a long time, you can try to refer to the fact that there was a threat to health, and it was urgently necessary to get to a warm room. This tactic does not always work - but sometimes you can get the punishment canceled.
  3. If the driver walked away or left, but managed to return before the traffic police crew arrived at the scene and completed the registration, we can refer to the fact that there was no violation at all. Judicial practice (and a similar case was even considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) is unambiguous: if the driver voluntarily returned, impute Part 2 of Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is impossible. One can only talk about part 1 of the same article (after all, the driver did not put up a sign, did not turn on the alarm, etc.) - but there the punishment is much milder, just a fine of 1,000 rubles.
  4. Art. 27.5 says that the period of detention should not be more than 3 hours. If during this time the traffic police inspector did not arrive, you need to call again (and all calls are recorded) and report this. After 3 hours, you can leave - and the court practice here is on the side of the driver: he fulfilled his duties, and he cannot be punished.

○ Leaving the scene of an accident in a parking lot is unintentional.

A separate case is the situation when there was an unintentional leaving the scene of an accident in the parking lot. Quite often it happens that the driver, leaving the parking lot, inadvertently touches a neighboring car - and, without noticing this, leaves. Or he notices, tries to find the owner - but he is not there. What to do in this situation, if there was an unintentional leaving the scene of an accident?

Unfortunately, the law does not distinguish between parking accidents and traffic accidents. If one car was moving, then this is already enough for punishment under the relevant article.

However, there are opportunities to avoid punishment here:

  1. If the damage to someone else's car was not related to the movement - this is not a reason to deprive the rights. For example, if, while opening the door, a person touched someone else's car, this is a civil law dispute, not an accident.
  2. There are chances to prove the insignificance of the act.
  3. If there is no damage on the car of the culprit, it is possible to prove that he did not know and could not know that the accident occurred. The chances are slim, but they exist.
  4. No papers can be signed before the court. Otherwise, it will not work to avoid deprivation of rights.

It is important to remember: leaving the parking lot, leaving a note under the janitor for the second participant - in no case!

○ In what situations is it possible to leave the scene of an accident without being punished?

However, there are circumstances for which Art. 12.27 does not apply. Let's deal with them. Partially, they are listed above (delivery of the victim to the hospital, European protocol, etc.) - but there are some nuances.

✔ Situations of emergency.

For extreme necessity, it is necessary that the harm caused be less than the prevented. As a result, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Prevention of harm to human health and life is always higher than compliance with traffic rules. Therefore, for example, a driver carrying a woman in labor is not obliged to stay at the scene of an accident: he is responsible for the life of the mother and child - and not just for material damage.
  • Daily necessities are not an absolute necessity. Being late for work is not a reason to leave the scene of an accident.
  • An attempt to catch up with the second participant in the accident, who left the scene of the accident, is not considered an emergency.

✔ Drivers sorted out on the spot.

In the event that both parties have concluded an agreement on compensation for damage, it would seem that it is possible to disperse. But not everything is so simple. The agreement does not abolish the rules on OSAGO and traffic rules. Therefore, if later one of the participants decides to apply, the second one will have a hard time.

Therefore, if you decide to sort it out on the spot, you need to draw up a receipt, which will detail the procedure for compensating for damage, acknowledging the guilt of one of the drivers - and most importantly, the fact that the second one has no claims is recorded.

Nevertheless, even in this case it is better to draw up a European protocol than a receipt.

Almost every driver at least once in his life was a participant in a traffic accident. This often causes quite a lot of problems, both for the victim and the perpetrator of the accident.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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However, at the same time, all drivers who have become participants in the incident must necessarily adhere to the standards prescribed in. Those. Under no circumstances should you leave the place.

However, some car owners who are responsible for the accident violate this requirement, as a result of which the injured driver finds himself in a rather difficult situation.

And such cases happen quite often, especially when the accident did not lead to serious consequences. So, what to do if an accident occurs, and the culprit fled?

First steps after the accident

After an accident, you must immediately stop the car, turn on the emergency stop and set the emergency stop sign.

This procedure is strictly regulated by traffic rules and is necessary to prevent subsequent emergencies. Such a scheme is envisaged during all car accidents.

On road

In the event that he fled the scene of an accident, he should not be pursued, as this would be a significant violation. The most important thing in this case is to keep calm and adhere to certain rules.

First of all, the driver of the affected vehicle must do the following:

  • call the employees of the State traffic inspectorate to the scene;
  • if possible, they must be given first aid if there are injured people as a result of the accident;

    In this case, you should call an ambulance, or take them to a medical facility yourself. However, after that, you must definitely return to the scene of the accident.

  • it is necessary to mark the place of the accident with special signs. It should be borne in mind that they must be installed in accordance with existing rules. In the event that a traffic accident occurred within the boundaries of a populated area, they should be installed no closer than within 15 meters from the accident site;

    If the accident occurred outside the settlement, then the placement of signs should be carried out no closer than 30 meters from the scene. In case of non-compliance with these standards, the traffic police inspectors who arrived at the scene of the incident may issue a fine.

  • you can not move the vehicle, as well as other items that are involved in a traffic accident to other places;
  • you should try to find eyewitnesses to the accident before the arrival of traffic police inspectors.

This will make it much easier to prove the guilt of the driver who fled the scene. It is recommended to take contact details from these witnesses, because later they will be able to testify in favor of the injured driver, if the case goes to court.

You need to look around, because it is possible that video cameras are located near the accident site, which could record the moment of the traffic accident.

In some cases, DVRs of cars that passed by the scene of an accident can also record an accident.

You need to know that employees of the State traffic inspectorate should also search for the driver who became the culprit of the accident.

However, in this case, it is advisable not to count on them much and make your own efforts to find the second participant in the incident.

in the parking lot

If the driver of the vehicle saw that his car was damaged as a result of an accident in the parking lot, but the culprit fled the scene of the accident, then the victim should take all the necessary actions that are clearly regulated in the traffic rules.

First of all, you need to call the inspectors of the State traffic inspectorate to the scene.

Before the traffic police arrive at the scene of an accident, it is recommended, as in other similar cases, and if possible, to interview drivers.

But this, as a rule, these actions do not bring any positive results.

It is possible to identify the offender who fled the scene of an accident using video cameras that are installed in many parking lots.

If such a place where the incident occurred is located near shopping centers and shops, then there is a high probability that the accident was recorded by one of the video devices.

However, it should be remembered that records made in such places are stored for a limited time - a maximum of ten days.

If one of the cameras recorded an accident, then it will be very easy to find the culprit of the accident.

In the courtyard

A very common type of accident is a car collision in the yard. In such a situation, it will be quite difficult for the injured car owner to find the culprit of the incident if he disappeared, since there are practically no video cameras in the yards.

If the injured driver has, then in case of minor damage, it may not even be necessary to call the employees of the State traffic inspectorate, since the insurance company will compensate for the damage.

If the victim has a CASCO policy, it is advisable to call traffic police inspectors to the scene of the accident.

But it should be borne in mind that if the damage is small (for example, a scratch), then it is better to act on your own to save time, look for cameras, witnesses, or not do this at all, but simply repair the car yourself.

This is due to the fact that with minor damage, the owner will not receive insurance compensation.

Actions after the arrival of the traffic police

After the traffic police inspectors arrive at the scene of the accident, the driver needs to tell as much as possible about the incident. It must be reported that the other participant in the accident left the scene.

If there are witnesses to the accident, then the traffic police officer must record this. In accordance with these testimonies, the traffic police inspector must draw up a protocol.

However, the injured driver, in this case, is recommended to carefully read the document, only after which, if he agrees with it, and put his signature.

After completing the protocol, you will have to go with the traffic police inspectors to the department of the State traffic inspectorate to fill out an application to search for the car owner who left the scene. The search for this driver will be dealt with later by the police.

Actions when the culprit of the accident is found

Many are interested in the question of what to do when the culprit of a traffic accident was found after the car was repaired at their own expense.

In this case, the injured driver must file a claim in court in order to receive compensation for damage.

In such a situation, you need:

  • draw up an appropriate statement of claim;
  • collect a certain package of documents;
  • pay the state fee.

A properly drafted statement of claim must contain the following information:

  • the amount of loss;
  • the place of the traffic accident;
  • all circumstances under which the accident occurred.

The following documents must also be attached to the application:

  • protocol, which was drawn up by traffic police inspectors at the scene of an accident. In this protocol, in accordance with all standards, the damage caused to the vehicle as a result of the accident, the definition by which the perpetrator of the accident was identified, as well as all the circumstances as a result of which the accident occurred, must be indicated;
  • a document that determines the culprit of the accident in accordance with the conclusions of the traffic police inspectors or other authorized persons (for example, investigating authorities);

    As soon as, as a result of search actions, the culprit of the accident was found, the relevant authorities need to draw up a document that indicates the degree of guilt of the participant in the incident, who is the culprit of the accident.

  • conclusions of specialists who conducted an examination aimed at determining the amount of damage. As a rule, such examinations are carried out with the participation of employees of insurance companies, however, in accordance with the law, the injured driver may also involve an independent expert;
  • receipts that indicate the payment of funds for the repairs carried out. Such checks are presented in the case when the owner of the vehicle carried out repairs at his own expense.

After providing all the necessary documentation, you need to appear in court at a meeting, where you should tell in detail about all the circumstances of the accident.

How to find witnesses

But what if the perpetrator of the accident fled and there are no witnesses? You can search for them.

If there were no witnesses at the time of the accident, there are several ways to find them:

  1. The search for eyewitnesses, carried out by the investigating authorities and the traffic police. This method is effective if a rather serious accident has occurred, which led to serious consequences, that is, in the event of a criminal case.

    If there are no victims during an accident, then the search is likely to be purely formal and you should not count on the efficiency of the police in this case.

  2. Place ads in local newspapers, where to place a note about the search for eyewitnesses who saw how the car collision occurred.
  3. Personally communicate with residents of nearby houses and store employees. After all, they might notice something. At the same time, it is not even necessary that their windows go exactly to the place where the accident occurred.
  4. Notices should be posted near the scene of the accident.
  5. Involve a private detective to search for eyewitnesses. When using this method of searching for witnesses to an accident, it should be borne in mind that these services are not cheap.
  6. All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee the solution of your specific problems.
  7. Many drivers do not know what to do if the perpetrator of the accident fled the scene, and how to get insurance. The resulting damage can be significant, and without an insurance company it cannot be covered.

    Actions after an accident

    There are thousands of road accidents in Russia every day, so you need to know what to do if the accident was carried out by a fugitive driver. There are two options for the development of the situation:

    • the victim managed to write down the brand and number of the car of the culprit;
    • The identity of the culprit has not been identified.

    If you know what vehicle the culprit used in the accident, you can contact the traffic police. In the second case, it is impossible to find it, as well as to receive a refund, because the culprit will not be able to provide his OSAGO policy.

    Regardless of how the initiator of the accident behaves, the injured party needs to do the following:

    • stop the car if the accident occurred while driving;
    • turn on the "emergency gang" and install the appropriate emergency sign;
    • record the data of the violator of traffic rules and witnesses of the accident;
    • call the traffic police;
    • travel with employees to the branch and write a statement.

    Help: do not try to catch up with the culprit on your own, as this can lead to a worsening of the situation. In addition, you will have to be responsible for leaving the scene of an accident.

    Consequences for the driver

    If the perpetrator of the accident fled the scene, he is responsible for this. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, the legislation establishes two types of punishment:

    • deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 1 year or 18 months;
    • arrest for 15 days.

    Most often, drivers are deprived of their rights. If both participants fled the scene of a road accident, then administrative sanctions will be applied to both of them. The period for which the document is taken depends on a number of factors. For example, the driver does not hide from the scene of an accident, but simply leaves without noticing the damage caused to another car.

    Now car owners can prove the circumstances of the accident using the recording from the DVR. Such evidence is accepted in court.

    Another thing is if the culprit fled the scene of the accident deliberately, trying to avoid responsibility. Then the injured party will have to go through the procedure of applying to the insurance company for compensation.

    From the initiator of the accident, only contact information and information about his insurance company are required. Without a policy, it is almost impossible to receive OSAGO payments. But there are cases when the culprit of the accident can leave without waiting for the arrival of the traffic police.

    1. If the participants in the accident go together to the nearest department of the state traffic inspectorate, having previously drawn up a diagram of the incident. At the same time, the drivers have no disagreements about the collision.
    2. In case of minor damage to the vehicle, the parties may draw up a European protocol.
    3. There is a need to transport the injured to the hospital. Then you need to fix the place of the accident with the help of photos and videos, and then go back and call the traffic police.
    4. You can move the vehicle if it interferes with the movement of other drivers. In this case, the position of the car and damage should be fixed.

    All other cases will be regarded as a conscious flight from the scene of the accident. The missing driver will be searched for according to the signs indicated by the witnesses of the road accident.

    Getting insurance

    Every car owner has an insurance policy. OSAGO is most often used, since this insurance implies liability to third parties. Everything related to OSAGO is regulated at the state level, therefore it is forbidden to drive without this policy.

    There is also CASCO - a type of voluntary insurance (except when buying a vehicle on credit). A little more expensive than OSAGO, but with large insurance payments. There is DSAGO insurance, the maximum payment for which is 30 million rubles. Most often used by owners of expensive cars, the repair of which will cost a tidy sum.

    If the culprit is found, he will pay for the damage caused during the accident. But his insurance company will do this, and subject to the availability of an appropriate policy. Then the driver who fled the scene of the accident will have to pay everything on his own.

    If the driver did not have a license or policy with him during the accident, sometimes insurance companies compensate for the damage, but then they may demand that the person responsible for the accident return the amount paid.

    To receive money under the OSAGO policy, you will need the following documents:

    • protocol;
    • certificate of an accident;
    • policy of the culprit (copy);
    • driving licenses of both participants.

    A prerequisite for recovering funds from the culprit without a SAGO policy is going to court. Naturally, if the parties failed to agree on compensation peacefully. The court requires the following papers:

    • statement of claim;
    • protocol;
    • an act of an independent examination of the vehicle.

    Compensation is paid on the basis of a court decision. In addition to compensation for material damage, the victim has the right to demand in court the provision of moral compensation.

    If the driver is not found

    If the second participant managed to escape unnoticed, then the insurance company will refuse to pay the damage. But the victim has several options for receiving payment. To begin with, you can try to get money from your insurer, and in case of refusal, go to court.

    A number of necessary examinations will be carried out to identify the culprit of the accident. If the results of the examination prove that the second participant in the accident is the culprit, you can apply for payment to your insurance company. If both drivers are at fault, compensation can be split.

    Another way to receive funds is to contact the PCA. Insurers by law list a certain percentage of this organization:

    • that compensation be paid if the company goes bankrupt;
    • to make payments if the driver left the scene of the accident.

    He can receive money from the PCA if the damage was caused not only to the vehicle, but also to the health of the victim.

    The following documents must be provided:

    • statement;
    • documents from the state traffic inspectorate;
    • confirmation that the driver fled the scene;
    • examination results;
    • passport;
    • driver's license;
    • certificates confirming the infliction of harm to health;
    • Bank details.

    If necessary, you should seek to receive payments from the RSA through the courts.

    If the culprit of the accident fled the scene, then you should know how to get insurance. Of course, it is better when the data of the culprit remains with the injured party - then it is easy to find him by the car number. To do this, many car owners use DVRs to record all the details of an accident.