In the morning the car won't start. The car does not start: possible causes and methods for their elimination. Does not turn the starter or turns but very slowly

For example, a colleague of mine just the other day left her little Suzuki overnight with her headlights on. In the morning, at first, I couldn’t understand why the alarm suddenly didn’t work, the lights on the panel didn’t light up, and in general the car clicked something there, but the engine didn’t want to start. I sat down, as you understand, the battery, I had to “light it up”. And then drive in circles around the editorial office instead of charging. A lesson for all of us: if when closing the car and setting it on the alarm, all electrical appliances do not automatically turn off, we make sure that everything is turned off before leaving, even a harmless salon light bulb.

Again, do not forget to pay attention to the wheels. We monitor the pressure in the tires, we look at the integrity of the studding. By the way, the middle of winter has passed, it would be possible to call in for balancing. And it would be nice to pump up the wheels in general every couple of weeks, in the cold air leaks faster, and unevenly inflated wheels affect handling and braking quality. No electronic system will straighten your car if the tire is flat.

Visibility is another issue. Outside, the car will be powdered with snow, it will fog up from the inside, so people drive on a whim, hoping for the prudence of the surrounding drivers and for the miraculous plastic images that are pasted on the front panel. This is not possible, colleagues. We clean the glass thoroughly, with a scraper and a brush. We use sprays that help to quickly remove frost, if you don’t mind the money. "Nezzamerzayka" we buy only proven, so that it does not stand up like a stake in the tank one fine morning. Experienced people say that it is easiest to buy blue liquid on the highway for a steward, and you can also see how it behaves in the cold.

Bad wipers are also a problem. In the evening, in the light of street lamps, a thin layer of dirt on the windshield glares very strongly and distorts the image. Sometimes replacing gum with silicone does not help, it's better to throw away the old metal brushes and buy newfangled frameless ones. You will spend about a thousand if you don’t buy at a car dealership, but they will be perfect to clean.

Further: in the morning you do not want to run around a frozen car, performing shamanic dances. That is, you want to get inside freely. And therefore, at a car wash, if you decide to do water procedures in the cold, ask to blow the locks with compressed air and wipe the rubber seals dry. For lubrication, you can use special sprays, there are plenty of auto chemicals now. And in general, you need to have a duty can of WD-40 with you, if the lock does not open, sprinkle it inside and wait. Then he will give in. True, such products are washed out of the locks along with moisture and grease, so it will need to be restored.

Start your car correctly. First, turn the key in the ignition not completely and turn on the headlights for a few seconds, let the electrolyte in the battery warm up. Do not touch the gas pedal if the box is mechanical - depress the clutch so that the motor does not turn the box shaft. Then start the engine. The motor does not grab - do not rotate for a long time, release the key, let it rest for two minutes. Then again. If the battery is obviously weak, and the car has stood in the cold for several days, it is better to remove it in advance and bring it into heat. It will warm up, start your engine, like a nice little one.

Solar is a separate issue. Modern diesel cars are devoid of childhood diseases and start up in the cold no worse than gasoline ones. But they are still very sensitive to fuel quality. Therefore, do not try to refuel at nameless or dubious gas stations, choose exclusively premium fuel from branded chains, then there will be no problems.

In general, in cold weather, the main problem for a diesel engine is paraffins, which are always present in the fuel and turn into a solid state when cooled. Antigel additives, which are now abundant in car dealerships, prevent freezing of fuel in the fuel line and prevent clogging of fine filters. In addition, additives "disperse" water from the fuel. Experts recommend Mannol, CRC, Ravenol, Hi-Gear, Wynn's brands. Just add additives before frost. When the fuel is already cloudy, and even more so it becomes viscous like a gel, it is too late to add additives. The additive acts only on dissolved paraffins, that is, the fuel must warm up. It turns out that if the fuel is not filtered, and the engine does not start for this reason, we take the car to a warm garage to warm up on a cable or a tow truck. Then add the additive to the tank in the ratio indicated in the instructions.

A car in our time is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Every driver faced a problem when his "iron horse" refused to go. This is the most unpleasant situation, because of which you can be late for work, miss a vacation with friends or another important event. So what if the car won't start? To begin with, do not panic, many problems can be solved independently and without visiting a car service. So, if the car does not start, the reasons must be looked for under the hood.

Voltage problems

A common problem when starting an engine is low voltage or no voltage at all. First of all, you need to check the fuses. Not every car depends on the safety system to start the engine, but it's still worth doing.

Over time, any wire connections to the battery can become oxidized or dirty. This will cause no current to flow. Clean the battery terminals and wire connections with a dry cloth or sandpaper. Then try to start the car again.

If the terminals and wires are in order, then it is worth checking the battery. A dead battery is a common problem. You can check the battery charge with a tester or by external signs. To test the battery, insert the key into the ignition and try to start the engine. A “weak” starter is a clear sign that the battery is dead.

There are several ways to fix a dead battery problem. Light a cigarette from another car or try to start a car from a tow. The second method is only suitable for cars with a manual transmission. If the car does not start, you will have to remove the battery and charge it. Do not forget that the battery life is no more than 5 years.

Problem with starter and ignition switch

The battery may be charged and the high voltage wires are fine, but you still won't be able to start the engine. Then the cause of the malfunction should be looked for already at the ignition switch or starter.

To check the serviceability of the ignition switch, you need to insert the key into the ignition lock and turn it to the second position. If the red lights on the dashboard do not light up, then the ignition switch may be in a faulty condition. You can check in another way. At the time of trying to start the engine, turn on the headlights, if they begin to dim, then the ignition is in working condition. A faulty ignition switch is corrected in most cases by replacing the switch.

Corrosion and dirt damage not only the wires on the battery, but also the starter. To check the performance of the starter, you will need a tester and an assistant. The electrical tester is connected to the wire that feeds the starter of the machine. At this point, the assistant should try to start the engine. If the tester shows that there is an electric current on the wire, but the starter does not scroll, then this problem can be solved by replacing the starter. Attention! Do not forget about precautions, do not touch wires and other parts of the engine with bare hands. It is best to carry out this procedure in dielectric gloves.

There are times when the starter turns, the car does not start. What to do in this situation? To answer the complex and banal question of why the car does not start, you need to check other components of the car. Lack of spark is another option for why the engine refuses to start. Checking the spark plugs should be the last thing you worry about, first you need to deal with the ignition coil.


So, if all of the above is in good condition, check the ignition. First you need to test the ignition coil. It is checked with a multimeter. If such a device is not available, then you can call in the nearest car service.

It happens that moisture accumulates in the ignition distribution cover, this can cause the engine to not start. The cover must be removed and checked for moisture. Moisture or condensation must be removed with a dry cloth. Once you had to remove the cover, you should check it for cracks. A cracked cover should be replaced with a new one.

The wires on the ignition coil may be damaged or leak electrical current. Bring the tester to the insulation of the wires. Healthy wires will not conduct current through the insulation. If the tester showed that the wires are faulty, you will have to buy new ones.

Spark plug

Spark plugs are designed to ignite fuel-air mixtures. They are found in different types: spark, incandescent, semiconductor and others. If your car does not start, then a long rotation of the starter will fill the candles. After which they will need to be changed. Otherwise, working with flooded candles will harm other parts of your car.

Problems in the fuel system

Car won't start? Does the starter turn at full power, but the engine still won't start? Then the problem should be sought in the fuel supply. Modern cars often use electronic fuel supply. The problem is that it will be difficult to diagnose on your own. Diagnostic equipment is expensive, and you need to go to a car service. But there are signs by which you can understand what kind of malfunction is in the fuel system, thereby saving you money on diagnostics.

The very first thing you should do is check all the electrical wires under the hood. It will take a lot of time, but it is better than paying a lot of money for diagnostics. Each injector that supplies fuel to the system has its own separate wire. Check all wires with a tester, and also pay attention to the insulation.

Car won't start? The causes of a malfunction when starting the engine may be in the operation of the fuel pump. You can check its performance only on special equipment, which not every driver has. You can try to find out the cause by checking the voltage on the positive wire of the fuel pump. It may be missing due to a faulty fuse. If the fuse is good and there is no voltage in the wire, then this problem can be solved by replacing the fuel pump motor relay.

A good fuel pump doesn't mean the fuel system is good. The filter may become clogged and not supply fuel. To prevent this from happening, it should be changed every 20,000 km. You can replace all these parts yourself. Why does the car not start if the entire fuel system is in good condition? Do not despair and look for a problem further.

No compression

Does the car start and stall or not start at all? Perhaps this happens if there is no compression in the engine. Compression in an engine is the ability to hold the pressure that is created in the combustion chamber when the piston rises to the highest dead center. Compression is measured with a special device - a compression gauge. Whether you need such a diagnosis can be determined by external signs. Blue smoke from the exhaust pipe, unstable engine operation or idling does not stand still - these are all reasons for poor compression. Such an engine will consume more oil and fuel. If you put your hand on the exhaust pipe and small drops of oil remain on your hand, then this is another symptom of an engine malfunction. It is best to contact the experts. After all, a burnt piston can serve as a cause.

Timing problems

The timing is responsible for the operation of the engine in the car. Sometimes a metal chain is installed instead of a belt. Both are responsible for the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft.

As you drive your car, every part wears out over time. The timing belt is no exception. Under constant load, it is erased and can break. Such a violation will lead to damage to the engine valves, and in the future to its breakdown. And here the problem arises: the starter turns, the car does not start. What to do? A complete timing belt repair or valve belt replacement can be quite expensive. Therefore, in order to prevent such a problem, it is advisable to change the belt every 2 years (this is approximately 60,000 km).

It is not worth pulling with a replacement if you do not want to harm your beloved car. Leave the belt replacement to the professionals so as not to stretch it.

Engine won't start in cold weather

Starting a car in severe frost is a difficult task, but not hopeless. If the temperature outside is -15 ° C and below, then any battery loses 50% of its power, this is another problem why the car does not start well. To "wake up" the car, you need to turn on the high beam for 10-15 seconds. This will allow the electrolyte in the battery to warm up for additional energy.

Attention! In no case do not turn the starter for more than 5 seconds. Otherwise, there is a chance to land the battery completely or fill in candles, which is unacceptable at low temperatures. If the car is in good condition, then everything will work out on the 2nd or 3rd attempt, and your car will start.

It happens that the battery is completely dead. This can be understood if the car has stalled and will not start. In this case, you will need a cigarette lighter. If an injection engine is installed in the car, then it will be more difficult to “light up” due to the large amount of electronics. You can “light up” from another car even when its engine is running. The main thing is not to confuse polarity and order. However, if you make a mistake and mix up the signs, run quickly for a new battery.

After connecting to the “donor car”, you need to wait 10-15 minutes for your battery to charge. After - we disconnect from the car and try to start. If the engine is running, give it a couple of minutes, otherwise it will stall.

Remember that starting the engine in sub-zero temperatures is equal to 500 km of run. Take care of your car.

Can't find the cause?

Your car won't start, and you decide to find out the reason yourself, but it doesn't work out. In this case, you do not need to "torture" your car. Ask for help in specialized car services. The services have highly specialized diagnostic equipment, with the help of which all malfunctions and breakdowns of the car will be quickly found. After a complete diagnosis, they will tell you why your car will not start.

With modern computers installed on cars, failure to start the engine occurs to a much lesser extent than before. But it does happen, and when it does, if you know some basic tests and procedures, it will allow you to determine the cause of the car not starting and often even be able to fix the problem yourself without relying on repair shops.

car start process

To narrow down the reasons why the engine will not start, consider the process of starting a car. You should better understand what happens when you turn the ignition key.

What happens on a properly running car:

  • You sit behind the wheel and insert the ignition key into the ignition lock.
  • Turn the key to the first position - turn on the ignition, the lights on the instrument panel light up, an internal test takes place.
  • Turn the key further - the electric starter starts to work, which in turn spins the engine. It is well audible.
  • The next moment you hear the engine start, you must release the key, which will automatically return to its original position. The engine is running and you are ready to move.

A number of things can go wrong during the engine start process and we need to help you distinguish exactly where the problem occurs in order to determine what needs to be done to resolve the situation.

The key does not fit into the ignition

Yes, the very first, simplest and most banal problem. This can happen for several reasons: the most obvious is that you are not using the key for this vehicle, or you already have worn out key. If you have spare keys, then try them.

Very often, the problem can occur when you try to turn the key to turn on the ignition, but it does not turn for a reason. steering wheel lock. To fix this, you need to turn the steering wheel first in one direction, then in the other, while trying to turn the key. This should relieve pressure on the steering column, unlock it and allow you to turn the key and turn on the ignition.

Also, in modern cars, the key is built chip that protects the car from theft and it can fail. Try another key from the kit.

Does not turn the starter or turns but very slowly

When you turn the ignition key to start the engine, you should hear a quick series of clicks, bad if you hear the sound of a slow cranking engine or even nothing at all. The most common reason for any of these cases is weak or dead battery, or dirty or oxidized (white coating) battery terminals.

Before going any further in troubleshooting, turn on the headlights and then try to start the car. If there is insufficient or dim lighting when you turn the key, then the battery is to blame. If the light is bright and does not change when you turn the key to start the engine, then the battery is good.

In this case, the following reasons are possible:

  • The gear selector is not in park or neutral, or there is a problem with the neutral safety switch. Try again to put the gear selector in the neutral position.
  • You have not pressed the clutch pedal all the way down on a standard car (if this is in gear), or there is a problem with the clutch. And in the case of an automatic transmission, do not press the brakes.
  • Exists starter problem.
  • Wire connection problem.

Starter spins but car won't start

You turn the key and hear the starter motor but the engine does not start. This means that the battery and starter are working properly.

If you continue cranking the engine for a long time, then the battery will eventually be discharged and will need to be recharged.

There are several reasons for this type of non-start condition. The most common of which is no fuel supply from the fuel tank. Assuming there is fuel in the tank, you will need to go through a series of tests to determine what is causing the problem.

The testing procedure requires the use of specialized equipment in order to determine the problem area. There are three main tests in order to determine the correct direction to troubleshoot. You will need check spark plugs, fuel delivery and compression, in that order.

Spark plug:

The easiest way to check for a spark is to remove the spark plug from the engine block, insert it into the tip of the ignition wire and touch the threaded part of the spark plug to a metal part of the car, while someone else cranks the engine with the starter, you look at the side electrode of the spark plug if a spark is visible, then the candle is working.

This procedure must be carried out with extreme caution! Take only the rubber part of the wire with your hand, but in no case hold on to the metal parts of the candle, so as not to get a powerful current discharge!

You can also determine the health of the spark plug with an inexpensive spark tester. This is a device that is available at most auto shops. You can use it by simply holding the candles near the electrode.

If there is no spark, or a very weak spark, you will need to do a series of tests that depend on the type of vehicle. In this case, you cannot do without a specialized service station to get the correct diagnostic procedure.

If there is a spark, then you should move on to checking the fuel supply.

Fuel is not getting to the engine:

First of all, you need to listen to the operation of the fuel pump inside the gas tank. When you turn the ignition key to the first position, you should hear the pump running: a noise is made for a few seconds to build fuel pressure, then the noise disappears. If you don't hear it, it may mean the fuel pump or circuit is not working.

Fuel pump failure is a common problem on modern vehicles..

Cars are very sensitive to certain fuel pressures. If the pressure does not meet the required parameters, then this causes noticeable problems in operation or the engine does not start at all. To check the fuel pressure, you need special equipment. Since you are working with flammable liquids, this kind of work can be quite dangerous, so if you don't know what you are doing, you should leave this step and go to an auto repair shop.

Engine Compression:

If you know you have spark and fuel, the next step is to compression test. To do this, you need to unscrew the spark plugs and, using a compression gauge, test the compression ratio on each cylinder. If the compression is very low, then this is a sure sign that the engine is in need of repair.

Conclusions or what to do?

As you can see, of all the possible options, you can even get to the service yourself only in the first cases considered. If you turn the starter, but the car does not start, then most likely (unless you are a mechanic) you will have to call for help.

In case you have the starter does not work or the battery just “sat down”, and the car is on a manual transmission, you can start it from the “pusher”. To do this, you need the help of passers-by or another car.

Never try to start the car with a pusher on an automatic transmission! This will only break it.

How to start a car with a pusher

You need to: turn on the ignition, squeeze the clutch and start towing or pushing the car (it is desirable to gain at least a speed of 10 km / h). Engage second gear and release the clutch. The car will jerk and start. Depress the clutch again and put the gearbox in neutral. Thank your rescuers and DO NOT turn off the car!

If the reason is a dead battery due to forgotten electrical appliances, then driving for 15-20 minutes will be enough for the battery to charge again and it is enough for the next engine start.

And if you couldn’t start because of the starter, then we advise you to go to the service station and not turn off the car, otherwise you will have to start again with outside help.

Good luck on the roads and keep an eye on the technical condition of your friend.

It happens that you urgently need to go to work, and the car, after standing all night, will not start. So why suddenly quite serviceable after the last trip transport suddenly refuses to start? Or stalls, barely having time to scroll the engine? Let's analyze the reasons why a car can start badly on a cold one.

First of all, you need to make a reservation - your car starts up fine if the engine has not had time to cool down, but in the case when the vehicle stands until the engine has completely cooled down, starting is difficult or completely impossible. In such a situation, even modern systems for heating and maintaining engine temperature do not always help. It is the situation when a cold engine does not start well and we will consider in more detail.

Causes of trouble starting a cold engine

When determining the reasons why the car began to start badly on a cold one, first of all, you will need to make sure that the battery is not discharged, the starter is in good condition (it turns the engine calmly and evenly). A separate reason that requires an exception is refueling a car with low-grade gasoline. The quality of the fuel being poured greatly affects the trouble-free start of the vehicle. If the battery discharge is excluded, the starter is in good condition and the fuel is of adequate quality, the following main problems can be suspected if the vehicle is difficult to start when it is cold:

  • the fuel pump is out of order;
  • the fuel filter is clogged (due to low-quality fuel);
  • nozzles clogged (due to fuel);
  • the fuel pressure regulator has malfunctioned;
  • air suction;
  • exhausted spark plugs, ignition coils, high-voltage wires;
  • clogged idle valve;
  • the mass air flow sensor is defective;
  • malfunction of the temperature sensor;
  • violations of valve clearances;
  • the oil is out of season.

Having considered the possible malfunctions, due to which the car can be difficult to start on a cold one, let's move on to studying ways to detect and eliminate them.

Troubleshooting and troubleshooting in different types of engines

Spark plug problem is a common cause of poor cold start

Different types of engines are characterized by their own malfunction indicators. It happens that a gasoline engine does not start well when it is cold, and one of the main ways to find out the cause of the problem is a spark plug. It can also be the reason that a diesel engine does not start well in cold weather.
Indications for checking the candles, testing the battery, monitoring the BB wires and the ignition coil are jumping speed, engine tripping and poor cold starting, but only when the problems disappear after warming up.

If the plug is dry, the problem is in the fuel line, as it indicates that no fuel is being supplied to the system.

Explore spark plugs. Having unscrewed the candle, we carefully study it. If the candle is wet, then this indicates a fuel overflow. Then suspicions fall on a failure in the electrician. We check the high-voltage wires, then we diagnose the ignition coil and battery.

We check the performance of the candle itself: in serviceable candles - a good spark. In case of failure of candles, it is better to replace them with new ones. High-voltage wires can be checked using a dark room - if a glow is seen in the blackout, the wires have broken through and they must also be replaced.

Diagnosis of the causes of difficult starting

When a car does not start well with a cold engine on a cold one, the reasons may be different.
If the indicator is a dry candle, this is a sign of a problematic fuel supply. This can happen due to clogged filters - fine and coarse cleaning. If the engine still does not start well when cold, pay attention to the injectors.

Injector malfunction may be indicated by a spark plug filled with gasoline after a failed start.

Another characteristic feature of this malfunction is poor starting in the heat with a warm engine, and in winter problems arise with starting an already cooled down device. You can check whether the problem is correctly detected by reducing the pressure in the fuel line system before turning off the engine for a long time. Nozzles may be misadjusted or misfiring.
Additionally, we examine the fuel system for the presence of streaks, kinks or creases. Through damage, air leakage can occur inside and prevent the engine from starting on a cold one.
It happens that the starter is in order, the candles, wires are normal, but the engine does not start. Then you need to look for the cause in the sensor that regulates the coolant or check the pressure in the fuel line system.


The main reasons for a poor start of a carburetor engine after cooling down to a cold one are the failure of the ignition distributor. It is determined by turning the starter - it turns out that the engine does not "seize". The next reason is the ignition coil, the health of which is checked with a multimeter. The switch, distributor, or carburetor settings may also be faulty.
If a car with a carburetor is very difficult to start on a cold one, or after that it starts and stalls, this indicates a broken diaphragm in the starting device.

Injector and starting problems

Problems with starting a cold injection engine

When a car cannot be started on a cold (cooled engine), the injector installed on it requires a special approach to finding the causes. In this case, first of all, you can turn your attention to the sensors. As a result of their malfunction, incorrect signals are sent to the electronic control unit. Check the performance of the following sensors:

  • throttle valve;
  • fuel consumption;
  • coolant temperature;
  • mass air flow;
  • the fuel regulator often fails.

On cars with a mechanical injector, the starting injector is the root cause of poor starting.
Probably, after these actions, the question is, “Why does my car start badly in the morning on a cold one with an injector inside?” leave the owner of the car.

Diesel engines

In a gasoline engine, troubleshooting should begin with spark plugs, and when a diesel engine does not start well on a cold one, the reasons should be started with a loss of compression. It is possible to assume a loss of compression when the car starts after acceleration by manual forces, and after that it is observed from the exhaust pipe for some time. Low compression may be in case. Another reason is that the timing belt is not installed correctly.
If the compression is normal, you should pay more attention to the choice of high-quality fuel (its suitability for the season), fuel supply, and the next reason - glow plugs.

Cold start

Winter Starting Tips

If your car does not start well in cold weather, following a few simple rules can correct this situation.

  • Try to maintain a full tank of fuel - this will help to avoid condensation in it and mixing water with fuel. So the quality of the fuel will not deteriorate.
  • A car that runs on gas and may not start well when cold - never start without switching to gasoline! This is dangerous!

  • Before starting the engine, when it is cold outside, it is advisable to turn on the high beam, and turn it off after a couple of seconds. This procedure will help partially restore battery capacity and eliminate bad winding in cold weather.
  • Before starting a car with a carburetor, you need to pump up a little fuel (carefully so as not to fill the candles!).
  • Turning the key in the ignition, if the car is equipped with an injector, do not rush to start the engine. It is worth waiting for some time in order to have time to rise the necessary pressure in the fuel system.

Why won't the car start. How to start a car in cold weather.

Every winter, many car owners are faced with the problem of starting a frozen car. There are many reasons for this, and Hondas, unfortunately, are no exception. Among many motorists, a terrible bike is generally walking around, that Honda in the cold is generally naughty and will not start. It would seem that in the age of alarms with automatic engine start, with all sorts of possible pre-heaters, all these problems with morning dances around a frozen car should already be a thing of the past, but no. Every morning someone is sure to “not start”.

Most often, this happens when the temperature drops sharply at night (for example, in the evening it was still -5, and in the morning it was already -30 (hello to those who live in Siberia!). Sometimes, there are such owners who leave their car for several days stable frost at -15 (in general, not very critical for a car, unless it is frozen “through and through”), and then they sincerely wonder why the car does not want to start.

Today we will look at the main reasons “why a car may not start in cold weather” and describe several tricks that significantly increase the chance of starting the engine, and which you can do yourself without contacting car services.

So, “why does the car not start in severe frost”?

In fact, there is no single answer to this question. Even in the most generalized form, there can be two key reasons - either there is nothing to burn, or there is nothing to set fire to. But then, each of these two reasons is divided into many "sub-causes" sometimes not related (at first glance) to each other. We list only some of them.

When there is nothing to burn.

Under the “nothing to burn” situation, we mean the incorrect flow of gasoline into the combustion chamber. Note that the word "incorrect" implies both when there is too little gasoline and when there is too much gasoline (in this situation it extinguishes the spark instead of igniting). Causes of the situation when “there is nothing to burn”:

1. Poor quality gasoline.

4. Clogged fuel coarse filter (mesh on the fuel pump).

5. Lack of pressure in the fuel line (which can be divided into two reasons):

b. Fuel pressure regulator not working.

Also, the situation when the fuel mixture is formed incorrectly can include:

3. Frozen dirt in the idle valve (in this situation, the car may even start, but it will immediately stall).

4. Very low temperature at which the start is made (-30 and below).

The original Honda fuel pump, which has not survived the quality of domestic gasoline.

In total, offhand, ten (!) Reasons, only on the point “there is nothing to burn”. The symptoms for all these items will be approximately the same - the starter turns the car well, but at the same time it does not start. The unscrewed spark plug (after starting attempts) is either completely dry (gasoline is not supplied or there is none at all), or filled with gasoline. Pay attention to the smell of gasoline. If it is not “gasoline” at all, then the problem is probably in the fuel, but if the candle is just wet and the smell is standard, then the reason must be looked for further.

When there is nothing to set fire to.

In this case, we will talk about the circumstances that prevent the engine from starting, even if everything is fine with the formation of the fuel mixture. So, “there is nothing to set fire to”, this is when:

1. The battery is very discharged, or old, or unable to produce a strong enough starting current. Symptoms - the starter almost does not turn the engine, or turns it unstable.

2. A problem with the cover or slider of the distributor (ignition distributor) (this applies only to Honda distributor cars, whose mass production was discontinued after 2001). Symptoms - the starter turns well, cheerfully, but the car cannot “grab” although it tries. Spark plugs are wet and smell like gasoline.

3. Problem with armored wires (breakdown). Applies to trailer vehicles only. Symptoms are identical to point 2. The problem of wires is well “caught” in the dark - when the starter is rotated, they literally begin to “glow”. This means it's time to change them.

4. Ignition coil(s) problem. The symptoms are the same as in the previous two paragraphs. If there is only one ignition coil, then it can be diagnosed with a tester (we wrote how to do this in a separate article). If there are more than one coils, it is almost impossible to diagnose, but in practice, the death of ALL ignition coils at once has never been met. The machine will start even on one coil and will work on one cylinder, provided that the remaining elements are in good order.

5. Problems with spark plugs. Symptoms - turns well, but does not start. Unscrewed spark plugs are dirty, coated, smell of gasoline, wet, and so on.

6. There is no compression in the cylinders. Symptoms are absolutely identical to all points from the 2nd to the 5th in this section. Measuring compression every day before starting is a thankless and stupid thing, but this very compression (more precisely, its lack) may well be the reason for the failure. There are also several reasons for this:

a. Engine wear. In many cars with high mileage, good compression rates are kept precisely due to the oil, which fills the space between the stuck rings and the cylinder wall. In the cold, when thick oil flows down, and is not pumped up in the most vigorous way by the oil pump when trying to start, gasoline is poured on top of this oil, which dissolves it and washes it off the cylinder walls. Thus, the compression drops sharply and the car refuses to start.

b. Incorrectly adjusted valve clearances. This situation is rare, but it is also quite likely when the “pinched” valve clearances in cold weather simply do not allow creating a normal situation for starting the engine.

v. Problems with the timing phases. Unfortunately, the most difficult to remove option in the “field conditions”. It is extremely rare and occurs as a result of untimely maintenance of the car.

In total, in the case of “nothing to set fire to,” we can add eight more points, which, in total with the first part, gives eighteen (!!!) reasons why the car may not start.

To this (for a round count, of course) it is worth adding such moments that are not directly related to the engine, for example, problems with the starter, or condensate frozen in the exhaust pipe. There are other options that are almost never found now - for example, frozen motor oil, or crystallized antifreeze. Still, both the oil and the antifreeze of the Hondavod have learned to change in time.

In fact, it makes no sense to deal with all the reasons at once, in the following parts of the article we will tell you what needs to be done to start the engine in almost any frost, if the problems with starting it are not very deep. Fortunately, such troubles as “gone” timing phases or a dead fuel pump itself are rare, so in the vast majority of cases it is possible to start the car. But it should be remembered that each such launch is about as useful for a car as a stun gun instead of an alarm clock for a person.