The whole truth about plastic dishes. Plastic bottles are an environmental hazard. Harm of plastic bottles to the environment.

Garbage is filling the planet. Garbage heaps grow near cities, emitting a stench. In some countries the problem is becoming alarming. For example, in August 2015, riots occurred in the Lebanese capital Beirut due to garbage piles that had formed in the city. The seas and oceans are becoming more and more sensitive.

Plastic pollutes the environment

Plastic bottles that hold carbonated drinks are a disaster modern people. A discarded plastic bottle can cause a lot of harm. Once in a landfill, plastic mixed with other waste begins to slowly decompose.

Rain moisture reaches the lower layers of the landfill and mixes with water-soluble compounds found in these layers. Some compounds are poisonous. A toxic “broth” is formed – the filtrate. Leachate enters underground aquifers, poisoning the ecosystem and causing harm to the environment.

Trash islands in the ocean

Other plastic bottles have a bizarre journey. Once in a stream or river, they end up in the world's oceans. After drifting for a long time in the ocean, the plastic is drawn to an eddy where the debris collects in what is known as the Great Pacific.

This Pacific "garbage gyre" - one of at least five garbage patches discovered by researchers - is formed by waste that enters the ocean from the continents. The other part is dropped by people from ships.

Threat to the marine ecosystem

Under the influence of water, sunlight the plastic breaks into small pieces. This suspension of water and plastic is perceived by fish as food. As a result, plastic ends up inside sea creatures. Sea creatures die and pass the plastic they eat further up the food chain to the marine animals that eat their bodies.

A civilized way to dispose of used plastic containers is recycling at special plants. Here, plastic is formed into blocks, crushed, and melted into a homogeneous mass to become a raw material that will be used to make other products.

Scientists around the world are looking for ways to replace plastic with other materials. So, in recent years, products made from algae have been carried out.

Attitude to the problem of recycling household waste shows the real level of development of people. Man is proud of the achievements of scientific and technological progress and the taming of wild nature. But has a person tamed himself, curbed his passions, if he destroys the environment in which he lives?

Garbage is increasingly threatening the planet's biosphere. All people need to think about how they deal with waste and what they are doing to save the planet from the worsening environmental crisis.

There are a great variety of all kinds of elegant bags, jars and bottles in which food is now packaged. But, alas, sometimes danger lurks behind the beautiful packaging. Most of the horror stories are about plastics, since many varieties are produced using toxic chemicals that can leach into food. And toxicologists call bisphenol A and phthalates the most dangerous of them. Let's try to figure out which plastics can harm our health.

Environmental organizations in the US and Canada have released a report entitled "Toxic Bottles", which states that baby bottles major brands made from polycarbonate plastic, when heated, release potentially harmful levels of bisphenol, a synthetic estrogen that can cause serious consequences for the child's body.

Bisphenol A used in the lining of food and beverage packaging, including baby bottles and sippy cups, teethers and other products such as sunglasses and CDs.

The report by the Safe Markets Working Group, a coalition of American health and environmental NGOs, was based on a study of six major baby bottle brands and a review of more than 100 articles on BPA. It concluded that

Levels of bisphenol A released from polycarbonate bottles dangerous for children.

The baby bottles studied were sold under the brands Avent, Disney/First Years, Dr. Brown, Evenflo, Gerber, and Playtex.

All bottles contained bisphenol A

The following was found:

  • All baby bottles tested released bisphenol when heated.
  • The level of Bisphenol A released from bottles when heated ranges from 5 to 8 parts per billion.
  • A review of more than 150 scientific journal articles on bisphenol confirmed that amount of bisphenol released from heated bottles is dangerous for animals, not to mention children.
  • Heating increases the amount of bisphenol released.

The report states that laboratory studies have shown that levels of bisphenol A released from baby bottles have negative effects on animals.

Animal studies have shown that the effects of BPA include:

  • prostate and breast cancer,
  • early onset of puberty,
  • obesity,
  • hyperactivity,
  • reduces the amount of sperm produced,
  • increases the number of miscarriages,
  • diabetes,
  • immune system disorders.

To minimize exposure of their children to bisphenol A, parents are advised to:

  • Use glass or polypropylene bottles instead of polycarbonate (polycarbonate is a hard, shiny, clear or tinted plastic, usually with the number 5 or 7 or the letters PC on the bottom.)
  • Those using polycarbonate bottles should not use strong detergents or put them in the dishwasher. Wash them with warm soapy water and a sponge. Hard brushes can damage the surface and increase the release of BPA.
  • Do not heat food in polycarbonate containers; use glass or ceramic dishes.
  • Do not buy baby food those manufacturers who use BPA in their packaging.
  • Reduce consumption of high-fat canned foods, which contain higher levels of bisphenol A.

In April of this year, Canada became the first country, which officially banned the sale of baby products containing bisphenol A (BPA or BPA, one of the ingredients in the plastic used to make baby bottles).

This happened after the Ministry of Health of Canada officially announced its harmful effects on the children's body. Removed from sale and money returned for bottles from well-known manufacturers.

In Japan, consumers have already announced a boycott of bottles containing this substance.

In the California State Legislature A bill is being discussed that would ban the sale of bottles containing Bisphenol A.

In other countries they still advise do not heat, sterilize or store milk and formula in bottles (as fatty liquids absorb BPA faster than water), and change bottles every 6 months.

By the way, large manufacturers of children's goods reacted very quickly to the situation and began to specially put special marks on products containing no bisphenol A: “BPA free”, “BPA free” or “0% BPA”.

In our country bisphenol And so far it is not controlled in any way. This means that all we can do is be wise when choosing a particular product, when purchasing, carefully study what is written on the packaging, try not to buy canned food for children metal cans, do not heat plastic bottles, and feed babies the old fashioned way - with mother’s breast milk. By the way, this is the best and healthiest food.

What lies behind the beautiful packaging?

The safest plastics are polyethylene and polypropylene. Pure polyethylene terephthalate is harmless, but if it contains monomeric phthalates, it is bad, especially for pregnant women. Polystyrene may contain monomeric styrene, which is highly toxic, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is destructive to the human liver. You can determine what the product packaging is made of using special markings. If it is not there, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.

We carefully study the labeling

The recyclable plastic sign (triangle with arrows) is placed on all types of polymer packaging.

In addition, plastic packaging is divided into 7 types of plastic, each of them has its own digital symbol located inside a triangle and an alphabetic abbreviation.

PET or PETE (PIT or PET) (polyethylene terephthalate)– usually used for storing water and soft drinks, vegetable oil, mouthwash. Suitable for one-time use only. Contact with hot water.

- used for garbage bags, juice packaging or household products such as shampoo, detergents or even machine oil containers. Intended for single use.

– also used to store shampoo and detergents. Can also be used to store glass and vegetable oil. Since PVC is a rigid material, it is widely used in the production of pipelines. PVC releases dioxins when heated, which are harmful to health, so heating this type of plastic should be avoided. Poisonous.

Used in the production of food containers such as bread, frozen foods. Ideal as a bag for dry cleaning. Plastic has strong flexibility and can be used repeatedly. Safe, easy to recycle and reuse.

PP (PP) (polypropylene) is the most suitable material for food containers and baby bottles. Due to its high melting point, this plastic is used for containers storing yogurt, syrup, ketchup, or for cold or hot food.

used in production disposable plates, plastic cups. We often encounter it when we buy coffee or fast food. This plastic is used in the production of trays, foam packaging, CD packaging, ice buckets, paint, and eggs. Polystyrene is used for thermal insulation of buildings. Polystyrene can release toxins when heated, so you should be careful when it comes into contact with bodies that have a high temperature.

Other. Plastics that do not belong to any of these six categories. Used in the production of water cylinders, sunglasses, iPods, DVDs. This type of plastic contains bisphenol-A, which is released when heated. According to research, bisphenol-A is a cause of cancer, hormonal disorders and abnormal development of children.

Which plastics should not be used for food containers?

Based on the above description, plastics 3 (PVC), 6 (PS) And 7 (Other) should be avoided in the production of food and drink containers because they contain hazardous substances like chlorine, styrene, and bisphenol, which are harmful to our health.

Plastics No. 1 And 2 Can be used for food and drinks only once.

Which plastics are safe?

Polypropylene (number 5), And low density polyethylene (LDPE) (number 4)best option, as they do not contain BPA nor PVC.

Containers No. 4 and 5 can be used repeatedly.

Do not heat or expose plastic containers to high temperatures, even if food should be reheated according to instructions. microwave oven or oven. Food should be cooled to room temperature for storage.

When disposing of containers It is strictly forbidden to burn them, since they will emit hazardous substances such as cadmium smoke and dioxins, benzene, etc.

Plastics under numbers 1, 2 and 3, usually used for drinking water in bottles, juices and other soft drinks and are intended strictly for single use.

Avoid use of plastic containers numbered 6 and 7 for food storage. They use polystyrene, and it is mainly used to make foam. The accumulation of styrene in the body can lead to serious problems with health.

Avoid using plastic containers that do not have a number or symbol. Most likely, these containers are not food containers.

Should dispose of the container, if it is broken, has various scratches or has changed in color.

Determine which plastic is harmful and which is not? Very simple! According to the marking on the plastic product. The manufacturer is required to provide information about what type of plastic the product was made from. On some packages in Russia you may not find this, which may indicate not only the use of low-quality plastic, but also calls into question the compliance of the products themselves with standards.

The marking should be located on the bottom of the product and is a graphic symbol - a triangle consisting of three arrows, in the middle of which there is a number from 1-7, corresponding to the type of plastic from which the product is made. The abbreviated name of the plastic is usually written under the triangle, but it may not be there.

PETE (1)

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET, PET) is a very common thermoplastic, from which most disposable drink containers are produced in Russia. It has increased transmission properties, which means that ultraviolet rays and oxygen can penetrate the container.

This plastic should not be reused by heating, storing food, washing in hot water or in the dishwasher because this plastic may release toxic chemicals.

HDPE (2)

High density/low pressure polyethylene (HDPE) is a thermoplastic polymer of ethylene. Used for the production of semi-rigid containers. Easy to recycle and can be reused.

It is considered one of the safest plastics.

PCV (3)

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a colorless plastic, thermoplastic polymer of vinyl chloride. Very strong and durable. Lead is most often used in its production, but it is not dangerous to humans because it is in bound state and is not released into the environment. Separately about this plastic in our article - in detail about PVC.

This plastic can only be dangerous when burned: it is very toxic. Under normal operating conditions, PVC cannot cause any harm.

This plastic is very often used for production building materials, in particular windows and doors. More detailed information about this polymer can be obtained in our article “What is PVC”.

LDPE (4)

Low-density/high-pressure polyethylene (LDPE) is a thermoplastic ethylene polymer that differs from HDPE (2) in its production method and characteristics. It is denser and less elastic.

It is considered a fairly safe plastic, but not like HDPE (2) or PP (5). Can be reused.

PP (5)

Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic polymer of propylene, a safe and commonly found plastic. Used in particular for the production of plastic food containers.

The safest plastic. Can be used repeatedly and repeatedly.


Polystyrene (PS) is a thermoplastic polymer. Widely used in the food industry and production household appliances. It is very toxic when burned and if the integrity of a product made from this plastic is damaged.

Not considered safe plastic. Toxic.


A large group of plastics that includes all other plastics that are less common than the previous 6. The most harmful plastic This group is considered BPA, bisphenol A. But it is often used in the production of low-quality children's toys, pacifiers, bottles, and dishes.

Very toxic, very harmful. It is better to avoid the use of bisphenol, since its harm has been proven and is banned for use in many countries.

Simple rules that will help reduce the harm of plastic to a minimum:

Read food packaging carefully. Never buy products packaged in PETE (1), PCV (3), LDPE (4), PS (6), OTHER (7) plastic.

Only plastics 2 (HDPE) and 5 (PP) can be used for storage.

Do not heat food in plastic containers. Do not cook semi-finished products in the disposable packaging in which they are packaged. Plastic can release toxic substances into food.

Do not leave plastic water bottles in the sun or heat PETE (1). Toxic substances may enter the water when heated.

Read carefully what kind of plastic dishes and toys for children are made of; manufacturers often save money and produce them from cheap OTHER plastic (7). The same applies to disposable tableware for adults.

If possible, use natural materials: glass, ceramics, wood, cardboard. Products packaged in this way are more expensive, but then there will be a guarantee of no contamination. harmful substances in food products.

Unfortunately, very often manufacturers save on packaging materials, using toxic plastic products that are not at all safe for our health. The above classification will help you choose plastic products that are safe for children and adults.

PLA is a biodegradable plastic and is completely safe to work with.
Polycarbonate (PC) is not as safe, and there are studies that suggest it can release bisphenol A.

All the “plastic negativity” can make itself felt at any moment. And then in old age you will wonder where all these sores came from. It’s even worse if toxic substances affect the health of your offspring. So do your best to minimize contact with plastic.
Throw away all the plastic utensils you have in your kitchen.
Under no circumstances leave plastic ice cream or jam jars around the house.
Pay special attention to the labeling of baby feeding bottles. Try to change the containers in which you take the brake to work as often as possible.
Even the best quality boxes should not last longer than one month. When buying any plastic product, be sure to smell it. Even the slightest unpleasant odor should make you question the quality of the product.

Many substances artificially created by man harm himself. This applies not only to harmful industrial enterprises, but also the simplest things: food additives, water with various chemicals, packaging containers, etc. But few average users think that a bottle of water purchased in a supermarket can somehow harm their health. Although scientists say completely the opposite. Ordinary plastic bottles are harmful to the body, and they also claim that plastic bottles are harmful to nature.

Harm plastic bottles for humans

Kazakh oncologists have come to the conclusion that popular plastic containers can be harmful to humans. Doctor of Medical Sciences Dilyara Kaidarova, who is the chief oncologist of Almaty, claims that when heated, plastic containers can actively produce carcinogenic particles in their contents.

Similar information was heard earlier from the mouths of some foreign researchers. There is evidence that one of the reasons for the development of breast cancer lies in the consumption of water from plastic bottles. When such a container is heated, it produces the aggressive substance bisphenol-A inside its contents. And as practice shows, a huge number of people leave unfinished liquid in cars or simply in the sun, which causes the bottles to heat up, which activates the process of such harmful release.

Dilyara Kaidarova claims that glass containers are much safer for health. And it was previously actively used in production. However, the pursuit of cheaper production process brought its negative results. In many Western countries, where the use of plastic containers has been practiced much longer than ours, there is now a real boom in cancer. Therefore, the theory about the connection between cancer and plastic drink bottles has a right to exist.

But at the same time, Dilyara Kaidarova admits that the prevalence of cancer is also explained by other factors: consumption of GMO products, unfavorable ecology and an insufficiently healthy lifestyle.

Research on the safety of plastic bottles has been conducted in many countries around the world. So Australian scientists studied quite a lot of people (including children and pregnant women) and in 95% of them the already mentioned bisphenol-A was found in the body (in the urine). This aggressive substance most likely entered the body from bottled water.

When a significant amount of this chemical enters the body, not only the likelihood of developing cancer increases, but also the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. However, British scientists have conducted a number of studies that somewhat reassure the consumer: bisphenol-A is unable to accumulate in the body and is successfully eliminated from it in the urine.

Thus, the consumption of bottled water has a place in the life of every person. But if you're concerned about your health, don't heat plastic bottles, leave them in extreme heat or sunlight, or reuse them.

Harm of plastic bottles to the environment

Plastic bottles were invented by mankind more than fifty years ago. And today, a huge amount of such packaging is produced and thrown away in the world. Because of this, more and more landfills are constantly being formed on the planet, and real islands of plastic waste are being formed in the seas and oceans. Such pollution harms animals, birds, fish, and, of course, people, because they are closely related to each other. Plastic cannot decompose quickly; this process takes at least four hundred to five hundred years.

A closed plastic bottle is lighter than water, and over time, under the influence of floods, it ends up from landfills into rivers, from where there is a direct route to the world's oceans. Sea currents carry garbage into floating “Garbage Continents.” Decomposition of plastic in sea ​​water goes faster and the bottle breaks up into pieces the size of plankton. In this state, it is swallowed by fish and various birds. Some sea inhabitants die, while others are eaten by larger predators. Further along the food chain, the remaining plastic ends up on the human table in the form of seafood...

But what to do with plastic bottles? As you know, you can’t burn them. After all, when burned, plastic releases corrosive phosgene gas, which is a highly toxic substance that can cause cancer, asthma, allergies, etc.

Therefore, plastic products are recyclable. One kilogram of such waste produces eight hundred grams of secondary raw materials. And it is already used to create a variety of things: fabrics, artificial wool, carpets, insulation and filling for soft toys, etc.

Folk recipes

Specialists traditional medicine They offer quite a lot of recipes based on herbs and improvised means that will help cleanse the body of various aggressive substances, including those that have entered it due to the use of plastic containers.

Thus, taking flax seeds gives a wonderful cleansing effect. Brew a glass of this raw material with three liters of boiling water and keep in a water bath for two hours. Do not strain the resulting medicine and take a tablespoon three times a day for two to three weeks.

You can also achieve a good cleansing result by taking an infusion based on bird knotweed. Brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed raw materials with half a liter of boiling water and leave for two hours. Strain the finished medicine and take half a glass three times a day.

To cleanse the blood, traditional medicine experts recommend using black elderberry leaves. Grind them well. Brew a tablespoon of the resulting raw material with a glass of boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Strain the finished medicine and take it one glass about an hour before meals.

Also, to remove aggressive substances from the body, you can mix equal parts of St. John's wort, knotweed, bearberry and corn silk. Brew four tablespoons of this raw material with two liters of boiling water and simmer for ten minutes. Wrap the medicine well and leave for half an hour to infuse. Take one glass of the strained product about half an hour before your meal.

Bottled water actually cannot cause much harm to the body, but it should be taken in moderation and wisely.

Plastic has rapidly entered into life modern man. Now plastic products surround us everywhere. This synthetic material is widely used for storing and consuming food and water. Let's find out more about the composition of plastic bottles.

What's the harm? plastic dishes?

We will not escalate the situation: just read and draw your own conclusions.

The human body is under chemical attack from all sides, but the worst thing is that we don’t even notice it. But then we are surprised at the illnesses and ailments that come from no one knows where.

And all because we are accustomed to unconditionally trust the opinion of the crowd. A typical manifestation of the herd instinct. In the system, it is considered right to be like everyone else and unfailingly accept what is given, and not to reflect, and certainly not to show awareness.

« Don't think, just consume! " - this is the motto of our time. The system does not care about our health, the system is only busy with self-preservation and absorbing everything it can reach.

Now is the time when the health of the buyer means nothing to the manufacturer. Only business, nothing personal. Profit comes first, nothing else matters. I don’t care if the buyer dies a couple of decades earlier, and irreparable damage is caused to the environment. The main thing is to have time to cook now, and then, as they say, there’s a flood. This is the true face of capitalism, when money comes first.

If in the Stone Age people had to defend themselves from animal predators, now we are forced to fight the same predators in the form of corporations with animal habits. The purpose of which is simple and clear - to satisfy the lower instincts, that is, money, money, money, and everything else does not matter.

Yes, it’s not easy to maintain your health modern world! Even little things like plastic dishes and bottles also contribute to the destruction of human health. Let's find out more about the harm of plastic and, of course, figure out how to avoid this harm.

The harm of plastic bottles

Why are plastic bottles dangerous?

It turns out that such containers may contain the chemical substance bisphenol-A.

This is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone.

And this harmful substance from the plastic bottle can penetrate into water or liquid, and then into the human body.

If you drink water from plastic bottles, you are increasing the amount of bisphenol in your body. And high concentrations of this substance are very harmful to humans. Let's find out what exactly the danger is.

  • Bisphenol has harmful effects on boys and young men. Even a slight increase in the concentration of this substance can lead to a malfunction of the hormonal glands. Due to the poisoning of the body with bisphenol-A upon reaching puberty, there is a high probability of disruption of the process of sperm creation.
  • For men, water from plastic bottles is no less harmful. First, increased concentrations of bisphenol increase the likelihood of prostate cancer. Secondly, bisphenol has a negative effect on man's health, as hormonal levels are disrupted.
  • Girls and women are also susceptible to the negative effects of bisphenol. This harmful chemical promotes early puberty in girls and can also cause breast cancer in women. Female reproductive functions are also affected.
  • Pregnant women are generally contraindicated to drink water from plastic bottles, since due to bisphenol poisoning, the child may be born with birth defects, for example, problems with the cardiovascular system. Problems with hormonal levels are no less likely. Scientists suggest that bisphenol-A can even have a negative effect on the structure of DNA.

So, the harm of plastic bottles lies in the contamination of the human body with a foreign chemical - bisphenol-A. Which, in turn, leads to general intoxication of the body and the consequences listed above.

« But everyone drinks water from plastic and nothing... - you say. Let's figure out why plastic bottles are dangerous.

1⃣ Firstly, it all depends on the regularity of drinking water from plastic bottles. Scientists at Harvard University conducted a study and found that drinking cold plastic liquids for just one week increases the level of bisphenol in urine by 69%.

2⃣ Secondly, the release of bisphenol depends on temperature. The higher the temperature, the more active water pollution occurs with bisphenol from plastic. That is, ordinary summer heat can increase the concentration of harmful substances in water tenfold. Well, if you fill plastic bottles with hot liquid or specially heat them, the release of bisphenol will increase up to 55 times! This fact should be known to parents who heat milk in plastic bottles for their children.

What to do? It is necessary to reduce the intake of bisphenol into the body. That is, use plastic bottles less often. Replacing them, for example, with glass ones, will have a positive effect on your health.

You can also look for plastic bottles without bisphenol-A: some manufacturers, sensing increased demand and, accordingly, the smell of money, began to produce safer containers for liquids. This is indicated on the packaging. Of course, in addition to bisphenol, there may be other harmful substances, but at least you will get rid of the most harmful ones. That is, all we need is to show a little more awareness in everyday life.

Disposable plastic tableware has become equally widespread over the past decades. There are several types of plastic tableware depending on the composition, and each material has certain disadvantages. The composition of the plastic is indicated on the dishes themselves in the form of a triangle with a number, so you can always find out what your plastic dishes are made of.

1. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) . These are disposable cups, plates, cans, boxes, bottles. Dangerous if reused or heated. Even ordinary heat (28°C) increases the rate of release of harmful substances into water or food stored in pet dishes by 10 times.

2. High pressure polyethylene (HDPE). Bags, mugs, jars, and bottles are made from this material. Cannot be exposed high temperature. Otherwise, such plastic dishes release a carcinogen - formaldehyde, which is very harmful to the human body.

3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Plastic bottles and cling film are made from polyvinyl chloride. If operating conditions are not observed, harmful toxic substances are released - phthalates, dioxide, bisphenol-A, heavy metals and vinyl chloride. Attention! Do not heat or cool (including in the refrigerator), contact with fatty foods is prohibited.

4. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Used for making flexible plastic packaging, bottles (for vegetable oil), bags, containers for storing detergents. When heated, it releases a carcinogenic poison - formaldehyde. Please note: fast food establishments often microwave food directly in plastic bags. You can't do that!

5. Polypropylene (PP). It is used in the manufacture of food packaging film, yogurt cups, plates, spoons, forks, caps, baby bottles, hot food containers. Withstands temperatures up to 100°C. However, you cannot drink alcohol from this plastic or eat fatty foods. Well, it is not recommended to heat it above 100° Celsius. If you use polypropylene incorrectly, you can cause a crushing blow to your kidneys and eyesight.

6. Polystyrene (PS). These are trays and containers for storing food, spoons and forks, glasses. Do not heat polystyrene dishes, including drinking hot drinks from them. Polystyrene cannot be used for storing/consuming alcohol. The dishes are intended exclusively for cold food. If operating conditions are violated, it releases styrene into food or water, which is a carcinogen and a chemical estrogen that negatively affects reproductive functions.

7. A mixture of different plastics (OTHER). These are plastic utensils made from various materials. The composition can be different: for example, water coolers, common in offices, are most often made of polycarbonate. Polycarbonate, when used for a long time or heated, releases the toxic element bisphenol-a, which disrupts physiological processes in the body and leads to hormonal imbalance.

So, we have looked at all the materials from which plastic tableware is made. The conclusion is simple - any plastic utensils are harmful in one way or another.

How often do you look at what plastic is made of? Probably not very much. But you don’t want to poison yourself... Therefore, you need to either carefully look at the composition of the plastic and use it without violating the rules of use. Or (which is preferable) try to limit the use of plastic utensils in everyday life as much as possible. This way you will definitely save yourself from the harm of plastic utensils. And you won’t have to remember whether this material can or cannot be used in certain conditions.


Plastic is everywhere. By reducing its use, you will free up your body's resources. Previously, these resources were used mainly to eliminate the consequences of constant synthetic intoxication. Now you can direct your freed forces to something really necessary!

Yes, giving up plastic dishes and bottles is not so easy. The system is to blame for everything - it is beneficial for it that you are constantly busy, snack on synthetic fast food on the go and work, work, work. No free energy, no self-improvement. Your body should only function more or less for the benefit of the system. You must be obedient to the cogs in the mechanism; you should not have any strength or energy left for everything else. Your resources should only be enough to crawl home and hang out in front of the TV or computer.

Plastic dishes play a role in our enslavement - being in constant intoxication, we will never leave the general order. Because all your energy will be spent on the most important thing - cleansing the body and maintaining life.

Perhaps I exaggerated my colors a little. But only to convey one simple idea: only you yourself can take care of your health, no one else needs it.

It is worth paying more attention to the operating conditions of each plastic product. And if you have the opportunity to completely eliminate plastic utensils from your diet or simply use them less often, then do this, and your body will definitely accept such changes with gratitude.

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