The battery temperature is too high or too low. Charging paused. Battery temperature is too high or too low What does low battery temperature mean?

I have a Samsung Galaxy player that gave me the message "Charging paused. The battery temperature is too high or too low." I left it disabled and turned it off all night and it still gave me the message as soon as I turned it on. The battery must be at room temperature. I turned it off and on a few times. I tried to remove the battery and put it back. I have no idea what happened. It has been working great for the last 9 months. Can anyone help?

4 answers

AFAIK the temperature sensor that measures the battery is built in (into the battery). In your case, the battery is faulty because it immediately heats up when charging or when the sensor is faulty. In any case, I think you should replace the battery with a new one.

Before replacing the battery, you should eliminate the software error by performing a factory reset to see if the problem persists.

I know this is an old post, but I had this problem and found a good solution, so I thought I'd post an answer here if anyone is looking for the same help.

Turn off your phone. Turn off the battery for 20 seconds. Insert the charger. Insert the battery back. Turn on your phone.

I left my phone in the car on a cold night and it said it couldn't charge because the temperature was either too hot or too cold. All I did was let it warm up in my house for 15 minutes. Then I turned it on and everything was fine.

For those who have tried several batteries,

I have several Samsung phones, I use a wall charger so I don't have to charge my phone. It was $15 on ebay and this might be a viable solution and/or a solution outside of motherboard replacement.

These wall chargers will charge your battery no matter what, you can confirm this by looking at the pins below. If there is no third contact, the charger does not check the battery status before charging.

View Full Version: Xiaomi mi5s plus not charging Temperature too low. Your phone can turn off at any time. Save all important data" Was in the room with a humidifier. The phone did not fall, no traces of moisture were found.

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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: How to Calibrate Your Tablet or Smartphone Battery

Why does my phone say "Warning! Low battery temperature"?

Register Login. Mail answers. Questions - leaders Problem in physics 1 rate. KSPV wire, a question for electricians 1 rate. Power dissipation of the transistor? Why does an electric drill need a gearbox, or rather a large gear? Category leaders Anton Vladimirovich Artificial Intelligence. Sour Supreme Intelligence. Low battery temperature Alenka Pupil, closed 6 years ago I have a fly phone, my own battery does not work, I purchased a Nokia battery.

I approached, the phone turned on, I decided to put it on charge, it takes seconds for my phone to give me an error "Attention Low battery temperature" and stop getting infected. Tell me what to do? I really want to walk around with this phone.

And I can’t find a native battery anywhere, and most refuse to order. Vladimir, I don’t have such familiar specialists. I would like to know what can be done at home. KERK I took the battery that came with my phone. And do not say that everything else Ggg KERK I mean, not only climbed into the hole as you put it. My phone is such that I can only order batteries to order, but I don’t have time to wait for it. So I took which more or less. The best answer. Vladimir Artificial Intelligence 6 years ago The battery controller is apparently chipped The rest of the answers.

Everything else is shit! With a passport, with a manufacturer's guarantee! Kindergarten.! Avotara Oracle 6 years ago Charge with Nokia or manually with homemade charging It's normal that the phone does not recognize someone else's battery. Red Joker Connoisseur 3 years ago A similar situation, but it stops "swearing" if the phone is put on charge in the off state. Victor Anichkin Pupil 2 years ago The same garbage, shows the temperature of the battery and does not charge, tried 5 different batteries, even from a tablet, it still shows what to do?

Lech Profi 1 year ago I deceive the phone and seal the central T contact of the battery. Now I control the temperature myself and so you can see when it's hot, when it's cold. Charging is on now. Similar questions. Also ask.

10 ways to make your phone charge

I left it disabled and turned it off all night and it still gave me the message as soon as I turned it on. The battery must be at room temperature. I turned it off and on a few times. I tried to remove the battery and put it back. I have no idea what happened. It has been working great for the last 9 months. Can anyone help?

Huawei G writes low battery temperature: turn on charging writes low battery temperature phone is not charging - 14 subscribers.

Battery temperature when charging

According to gizmodo. Your smartphone is a real miracle of technology, a powerful computer in a small body that can handle a huge number of tasks. But all his power at once is reduced to zero when the charge of his battery is running out. Replacable batteries are becoming less and less common, and therefore the question of how best to take care of the battery in your smartphone is becoming more and more relevant. Fortunately, it is not so difficult to successfully preserve its resource - it is only important to follow a few simple rules. But the recommendations below are quite capable of helping you keep the battery workaholic healthy. Forget about it in relation to your smartphone. More specifically, recharge when you have the opportunity.

The battery in your smartphone: a little about proper operation

Forum Rules File Archive Members Calendar All topics have been read. UA - Ukrainian forum of mobile masters Mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs Lenovo Lenovo for beginners lenovo s battery temperature is too low. Profile Private message Find all posts. When charging is connected, it charges for a couple of seconds, then the window pops up too low battery temperature and charging stops. Suggest a solution.

They brought the apparatus with a request to look.

writes low battery temperature

Modern lithium-based batteries are very sensitive to hypothermia and lose capacity. So the phone swears at a low temperature, it froze. The message "low battery temperature" is due to the fact that modern phone models have a special sensor controller that monitors the temperature of the battery. If the temperature is below a certain range, the device will not charge. It is clear that when your device was in severe frost, the temperature could really drop. If your phone is in quite comfortable temperature conditions, then, hypothetically, rebooting and or resetting to factory settings can help.

Account Options Login. For all. Add to wishlist. Every time you charge your device, the battery wears out, reducing its overall capacity accordingly. The battery usage level of an individual application is determined by combining these measurements with information about which application was active. Android calculates battery usage using preset profiles provided by the device's manufacturer, which are based on information about processor power consumption. However, in practice the accuracy of these figures is extremely low.

When the phone is turned on, the following text is immediately written In the on state: when charging is connected, there is a sound

Charging paused. Battery temperature too high or too low

Many people wonder - at what temperature to charge the battery? After all, many of you have probably heard stories about. Below we will look at the features of battery charging, as well as consider a few recommendations, adhering to which your device will last a long time.

Register Login. Mail answers. Questions - leaders Problem in physics 1 rate. KSPV wire, a question for electricians 1 rate. Power dissipation of the transistor? Why does an electric drill need a gearbox, or rather a large gear?

Battery charging problem is one of the most common tablet computer problems.

A week after buying the phone, I can not charge it. After connecting the charger, after a minute, the phone gives a notification - "battery temperature is too high" and turns off the charging process, and this does not go away even after resetting to factory settings. At the same time, the phone itself is even a little cool, it is impossible to notice overheating. Lenovo is committed to environmental leadership from basic operations to product design and waste management. See our Global Sustainability Report. This website uses cookies.

The situation when the battery on a smartphone runs out and there is no way to charge it is critical for many. That is why it is very important to find out why the phone is not charging and choose the best option to fix the problem. Several things are involved in the charging process at once: the charger, consisting of a plug, tip and cord, as well as the battery itself. We recommend that you first exclude the reasons why charging is not in progress, the smartphone does not see the charger or the charge indicator does not light up:

The problem of too fast discharge of the battery (battery) is faced by almost all users of mobile gadgets. The problem occurs gradually and goes unnoticed for some time, but one day the owner notices that the battery life of a smartphone or tablet has almost halved. If you do nothing, it will decrease further - until it becomes impossible to use the device. And one day the device will not turn on at all.

Let's talk about why the battery on Android devices runs out quickly and how to extend its life.

Reasons for fast battery drain

  • The actual battery capacity of the smartphone or tablet is lower than specified in the specifications.
  • Battery capacity has decreased due to normal wear and tear.
  • The ambient temperature is below +5 ⁰C or above +30 ⁰C.
  • Screen brightness set too high.
  • Resource-intensive features included: GPS, NFC, Bluetooth, etc.
  • Long distance to the base station of the mobile operator.
  • Power is consumed by apps and widgets running in the background.
  • Frequent switching on and off of the device.
  • Mobile virus infection.
  • A malfunction of the operating system or hardware, as a result of which individual resource-intensive functions or the device itself are not turned off.

Battery capacity is lower than in the passport

The discrepancy between the actual battery capacity and the indicator indicated in the passport of a smartphone or tablet is more common than you think. It's just that very few users dare to double-check it. Most people trust documents, as well as program indicators, which also do not always display reliable data.

The reason for the discrepancy between the actual information and the nominal information does not always lie in the deception on the part of the manufacturer or seller (although this also occurs), it is just that lithium power supplies lose their capacity during long-term storage. If you bought a device released a year ago, even with proper storage, its battery has become less capacious by 2-6%, and with incorrect storage (that is, with a charge of up to 100%), by as much as 15-30%.

To calculate the actual capacity of the battery, chargers and dischargers, like iMAX, or home-made arresters complete with a multimeter or USB tester are used. Accurate indicators are determined during the discharge of a fully charged battery.

If your phone's battery capacity is less than advertised, it means that it will drain in a shorter time than expected. And, alas, it is impossible to influence this.

Capacity decreased over time

Battery wear becomes noticeable after 1.5-2 years of using a smartphone or tablet. But it can come earlier if:

  • often and for a long time use the device at low and very high air temperatures (the most favorable for the operation of lithium batteries is room temperature);
  • allow a discharge close to 0%.
  • charge the device near heat sources;
  • store an unused battery in a state of charge of 100% at a high ambient temperature (for storage, the optimal charge level is 40-50% and refrigerator temperature);
  • charge the battery with a higher voltage and current than the manufacturer provided (the required level of current and voltage is indicated on the charger that was sold with the gadget).

Frequent short-term recharging, contrary to popular belief, does not harm the battery. A much greater influence is exerted by the current with which it is charged. Lithium batteries are preferable to charge with low currents, although this takes longer.

If the battery capacity of your device has decreased due to wear and tear, the only solution is to replace the battery with a new one.

Using the gadget in the cold or heat

When using a mobile device in adverse temperature conditions (up to +5 ⁰C and above +30 ⁰C), the battery discharges much faster, but at a temperature close to room temperature, its capacity is immediately restored to its original level.

If you do not do this too often, the battery will not wear out soon, but for calls in the cold it is still better to use a headset and keep the phone in a warm pocket.

High screen brightness

The screen of a mobile device on Android is the main consumer of energy. The brighter it is illuminated, the faster the battery drains.

The use of adaptive backlighting, which changes depending on the ambient light, helps to reduce battery consumption (only available on devices equipped with a light sensor). To turn it on, check the "Auto" box in the screen brightness settings. And so that the screen does not remain on when you are not using the gadget, set it to go to sleep after 30-60 seconds of inactivity.

Resource intensive features

The following active energy consumers after the screen are:

  • geolocation;
  • live (animated) wallpapers;
  • NFC and Bluetooth;
  • mobile Internet (3G, 4G).
  • WiFi.

If they are all used at the same time, even the most capacious battery will run out very quickly, so if possible, turn off what you do not use.

Unstable cellular connection

You may have noticed that when you stay for a long time in places where the phone does not pick up the signal of the operator's base station, for example, outside the city, the battery is discharged faster than usual. This is because it takes more energy to maintain an unstable, dropping connection.

The battery will drain faster even if the problem is only with one of the two SIM cards. To save the charge, it is better to turn off such a SIM card for a while.

Apps and widgets running in the background

Many Android applications and widgets, after installation, prescribe themselves to autorun and work in the background all the time while the device is turned on. When there are a lot of such applications, the device not only discharges very quickly, but also noticeably slows down, so autoloading should be kept under control and allowed only for those programs that need it (antivirus, optimization tool, utility utilities, instant messengers, etc.).

Unfortunately, there is no autorun control function for user and system applications in Android. But it becomes available after obtaining root (superuser) rights and installing special utilities on the device, such as:

  • SystemCleanup and some others

There are utilities that allow you to manage autoload without root rights, but they do not work on every gadget and not always correctly.

Applications that the user himself launched, but after they were no longer needed, he forgot to close, can also consume battery resources. The accumulation of such programs not only loads, but also heats up the processor, and from it, in turn, the battery heats up. And when heated, as we know, the phone's battery runs down very quickly.

Control over processes that actively consume energy is also best entrusted to special utilities. For example, the following:

  • Clean Master, etc.

By the way, the capabilities of most of them include cleaning the system of unnecessary files, cooling the processor, optimizing charging, and a number of other tasks. To keep the device in order, it is advisable to use one of these utilities constantly.

Frequent reboots and turning on/off the device

Wanting to conserve battery power, some users regularly turn off their mobile gadget. Sometimes even several times a day. This is another reason why the battery drains too quickly, since when the device is started and the operating system is loaded, the energy consumption is close to the maximum.

While you are not using an Android smartphone or tablet, you should not turn it off completely - just turn off the screen, complete resource-intensive tasks, disable communication functions (Wi-Fi, GPRS, 3G-4G Internet, GPS, NFC and Bluetooth), background data transfer, sensors and vibration motor. To do this, most mobile gadgets have a power saving mode, the power button of which can be located in different sections of the settings (parameters) menu.

Mobile virus infection

Malware that attacks Android devices does not always operate openly. Often they carry out activities that are invisible to the user, and the only signs of their presence are empty accounts and very fast battery discharge, including in standby mode.

Hidden virus infection should be excluded for any non-standard behavior of the gadget, for example:

  • The phone or tablet wakes up without any action from you.
  • The device is warm when it is in sleep mode.
  • Wi-Fi, geolocation, mobile Internet and other modules are enabled on the device without your participation. Or they can't be turned off.
  • Unknown numbers appeared in the list of outgoing calls and SMS, and views of sites that you did not visit appeared in the browser history.
  • An application has appointed itself as a device administrator without your knowledge.
  • For unknown reasons, Google Play antivirus and other security applications have stopped running.
  • Some system functions have stopped working.
  • The volume of network traffic of the device has increased for no reason.

Read more about how to find and remove a mobile virus on our website. The instruction is relevant for Android phones and tablets of various brands: Samsung, LG, Xiaomi, Philips, Lenovo and others.

System or hardware failure

Some PC and laptop users have encountered such a problem as incomplete shutdown of the computer, when the screen goes blank when the operating system is shut down, but some of the devices remain active - the cooler continues to rotate, indicators are lit, etc. The exact same problem occurs on mobile devices, it's just not so easy to notice, because there is no cooler on smartphones and tablets, and the indicator only shows the charging stage. With such malfunctions, the device essentially remains on all the time and, accordingly, even in the “as if off” state, it actively consumes battery power.

The causes of such problems can be crashing applications, viruses, operating system errors and a malfunction in the hardware of the device (including connected devices - memory cards, SIM cards, etc.).

The only symptom that allows you to suspect an incomplete shutdown of the device is too much battery consumption at a time when it should be minimal. And to make sure if this is really your case, just remove the phone (tablet) cover and check the processor temperature with your fingers. If the device continues to work after turning it off, its processor will remain warm. Sometimes in this state, the case of the device heats up slightly, but sometimes it does not - it depends on its design.

What in such cases can the user do without contacting the wizards:

  • Remove applications installed before the problem appeared (if you managed to fix the time it started).
  • Run an antivirus scan.
  • Disconnect all connected devices.
  • Reset the system to factory settings.
  • Remove the battery (if it is removable), hold down the power button for 20-30 seconds and replace the battery.
  • Flash the device with a known working firmware.

After each manipulation, check the gadget by turning it off. If the problem persists, you will have to take it to a service for repair, since the malfunction will not disappear on its own, and the battery will run out of its resource much faster than during normal operation.