What is the period of recalculation for water. Do they recalculate for water if you do not live in an apartment. Frequency of verification of water meters

Hello! I am the owner of a dorm room. At the moment, I applied to the Criminal Code with a statement on the recalculation of water (or rather, that no more charges for water and sanitation would be charged) in connection with temporary registration and ...

How can I recalculate for water if I do not live at the address?

Hello, I have filed a complaint with the police on the fact of fraud. I worked in a bank and issued a credit card to a client in 2015, a mobile bank was connected, the phone number was recorded from the client's words. But she just turned to...

Debt for housing and communal services

In April 2014, I purchased a two-room apartment in an apartment building. I did not live in the apartment, I was registered in another apartment. Utility bills were paid according to the receipt, charges for water were carried out at the rate of 1 ...

800 price

issue resolved

We were not notified about the delay in checking the meter and made a recalculation for water

Hello! We have such a situation. We got the apartment from our parents, we live in it for 3 years. It turned out that our water meter for cold water had already expired for 6 years. We did not know about this, for 3 years they did not come to us with a check. All 3 years...

October 18, 2019, 20:04, question #2555072 Olga, Belaya Kalitva

Is there a water charge in this case?

Hello! Please help me figure out my problem! I have water meters installed. Every month I regularly gave my testimony, the amounts on the receipts were in accordance with them. In September 2017, it took...

Refusal to recalculate for water

4 people are permanently registered in apartment No. 38. Three out of four have been temporarily registered in another place of residence, in another city since October 2017. In fact, nobody lives in apartment 38 at all since the same 2017, there are no water meters ...

September 12, 2019, 09:48, question #2507304 Irina, Nizhny Novgorod

Can I count on recalculation for water if meter readings have not been submitted for 3 years?

Hello. Did not transmit water meter readings for 3 years, because no one lived in the apartment, the meter readings are zero (new building). Who knew that zero readings must also be submitted. No concern on this issue from the UC...

Is it possible to achieve a recalculation for water in a year if there are documents confirming residence in another place?

Hello! If water meters are not installed and the tenants did not live from September 2016 to May 2018, is it legal to retroactively charge for water for this period, there are documents confirming that they lived in another city, and is it possible to apply now ...

Is it possible to recalculate for water if the meter readings have not been transmitted for 9 months?

Hello, is it possible to recalculate for water if the readings were not transmitted for 9 months.? In August 2018, the last reading was transmitted, then it was not transmitted. Until December, inclusive, it was calculated, as I understand it, according to the average annual readings, and from ...

UK refuses to recalculate for water

Good afternoon. Moscow apartment. Nobody is registered. Monthly paid utility bills without cold and hot water (cold and hot water). Cold water and hot water paid every 3 months. When paying, the "Purpose of payment" indicated the current ...

600 price

issue resolved

How to make a pre-trial claim in our case?

Good afternoon. I ask you to help me draw up a pre-trial claim against the Criminal Code, in connection with the refusal (in writing) to make a recalculation for water.

June 25, 2019, 11:31, question #2411717 Elena Melnikova, Moscow

Utility company refuses to recalculate water bills

Good afternoon! My husband and I were absent from home for a year and a half, we paid for water according to the standards. Now they are back. They filed readings on the meters to the utility company, the data arrived, they double-checked, they drew up an act on the serviceability of the meters and that all the seals ...

, rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users, article 157 housing code of the Russian Federation, meter readings, housing and communal services, meter

489 price

issue resolved


Lawyers Answers (2)

fee 100%

Hello Yuri!

In the event that the consumer does not provide readings of individual (apartment) water meters, the utility service provider in the first three months makes charges on average monthly volumes calculated for the last 6 months, and at the end of this three-month period - according to the standards, taking into account the multiplying factor of 1.5 (paragraphs 59 , 60 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354 (hereinafter - Rules No. 354)).
But if the meters are in good order, the seals are not damaged and the verification period has not expired, then you can recalculate for the period when the meter readings were not transmitted.
To do this, it is necessary to require the performer to check the status of an individual counter. Such an application shall be submitted either orally or in writing. The Contractor is obliged to conduct such an inspection within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the date of receipt of the relevant application (subparagraph "k (4)" of paragraph 33 and subparagraph "e (2)" of paragraph 31 of Rules No. 354).
Based on the results of checking the condition of the meters, the contractor, based on the readings of the checked meter taken during the check, must recalculate and set off the overpaid amounts against future periods (paragraph 61 of Rules No. 354).

Below is an example of a written application:

on checking the status of individual meters
and recalculation

In accordance with subparagraph "k (4)" of paragraph 33 and subparagraph "e (2)" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354, I demand in a period not exceeding 10 working days from the date of receipt of this application, check the condition of individual cold and hot water meters installed at: ____________________, and also, in accordance with paragraph 61 of the above rules, recalculate the accrued fee for the period from "_____" _____________ 20___ by "_____" _____________ 20___, based on the readings of these metering devices taken during the audit, and set off the overpaid amounts against future periods.

Oleg Ryabinin.


Free assessment of your situation

lawyer, Syktyvkar


0 0

Hello Yuri! In accordance with clause 82 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 09/09/2017) "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings") executor, i.e. in your case UK, must:

a) check the condition of installed and commissioned individual, common (apartment), room metering devices and distributors, the fact of their presence or absence;
b) conduct verification of the reliability of information provided by consumers about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room metering devices and distributors by checking them with the readings of the relevant metering device at the time of the check (in cases where the reading of such metering devices and distributors is carried out by consumers).

At the same time, according to clause 83 of this Resolution, such checks should be carried out by the contractor at least once a year, and if the metering devices being checked are located in the consumer's living quarters, then no more than 1 time in 3 months.
In that case if you, as a consumer, do not submit meter readings in the apartment for 6 consecutive months performer represented by UK no later than 15 days from the date of expiration of the specified 6-month period, another period established by the agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services, and (or) decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, must check and take meter readings (paragraph 84 of the Resolution)

Based on the results of the audit, the contractor is obliged to immediately draw up checking act.

At the same time, paragraph 61 of the said Resolution establishes that:

If during the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, common (apartment), room meters and (or) verification of their condition by the contractor, it is established that the meter is in good condition, including the seals on it are not damaged , but there are discrepancies between the readings of the checked meter (distributors) and the volume of the communal resource that was presented by the consumer to the contractor and used by the contractor when calculating the amount of payment for the utility service for the billing period preceding the audit, then the contractor is obliged to recalculate the amount of payment for utility services and send to the consumer within the time limits established for payment of utility services for the billing period in which the contractor conducted the audit, the requirement to make additional charges for utility services provided to the consumer, or notification of the amount of utility bills overcharged to the consumer.Excessive amounts paid by the consumer are subject to offset when paying for future billing periods.

In this way, refusal to recalculate utility bills illegal. Overpaid utility bills based on the latest readings of water and energy meters must be offset when paying for future billing months (i.e., overpaid amounts must be deducted from future utility bills).

The supply of utilities to any apartment is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded by the tenant with the resource supply company.

The same agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation provide for cases in which it is possible to recalculate payment for.

What could be the reasons?

In order to apply for the recalculation of utilities, it is necessary to have weighty grounds specified in the resolution.

The basis for the recalculation may be a long-term absence of the tenant in the apartment for a period of 5 or more days. But such a basis will apply only if there is no metering device (meter).

Recalculation in this case does not apply to:

  • heating;
  • gas supply;
  • community needs.

Recalculation due to absence is made in proportion to the number of days of absence, except for the day of departure and arrival.

The basis for the recalculation can serve as poor quality public services. Also service interruption may be the basis for recalculation.

There is no definite figure, it turns out that each service has its own limits on the duration of breaks, for which there is no recalculation.

Established duration for utilities:

Reasons for reducing or increasing the amount of payment

In the direction of increasing the payment for housing and communal services, recalculation occurs only if it is established that consumer metering devices are faulty and he thereby violated the terms of the contract.

An additional fee will be charged depending on the violation.

If, for example, the seal on the cold water meter was broken, then the water supply will be recalculated not according to the meter readings, but according to the norm of the regulations for each living person.

It also happens that some consumers manage to cut a pipe in front of the meter to save money, thereby deceiving the service provider. If such interference is detected by the executor-controller, then the fine will be calculated according to the pipe section.

This means that the water supply will be as if it was constantly flowing at a speed of 1.2 m / s through a pipe into which an unauthorized cut was made. Such a recalculation is highly unprofitable for the consumer, since multiply the fee by at least 10 times.

Before doing such fraud, you should think carefully about the consequences.

Downward recalculation occurs only in 3 cases:

  • absence of a tenant for a long time;
  • interruptions in the supply of services beyond the stipulated time;
  • services of poor quality.

Poor quality or interruption of services

The quality of the services provided will be measured by experts, because it is not possible to make such measurements on your own.

Indicators by which water quality is determined:

For hot water, the temperature also matters, which, according to the norms, should be 60-75 degrees.

If you have doubts about the quality of water, then order an examination at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station or from independent experts who will help restore justice in this matter.

There are also standards for energy supply, which are measured by the indicator:

  • current strength;
  • voltage.

If you feel that the devices do not work at full capacity or do not turn on at all, then it makes sense to order an examination for.

For heating heating quality, the following indicators are evaluated:

  • system pressure;
  • temperature in the rooms;
  • impurities in the water.

Of all the indicators, the consumer is only interested in the heat in the apartment. To understand whether the heating supply norms are violated, you just need to compare the temperature in the rooms with the allowed minimum. In a residential area from 18-20 degrees, in the kitchen - 18 degrees, bathroom / bathroom - 25 degrees, in the pantry - 12 degrees.

Indicators for gas:

  • system pressure;
  • chemical composition.

The consumer can notice the quality only by the speed of boiling water.

Where to go for recalculation?

If necessary, recalculation for utilities you should contact the company that provides you with such services. Her details are easy to find out, because they are on the receipt, which comes every month.

The following scheme should be followed:

How to write an application for the recalculation of a communal apartment?

After arrival within 30 days an application is submitted for the recalculation of utility bills during the absence of tenants. It must indicate the full name of all residents, the exact period of their absence (date of departure date of arrival), the reason for the recalculation, address.

Documents that prove the absence of citizens are also submitted to the application.

An application without documents can be submitted if you do this in advance, before leaving, and upon arrival you bring the necessary information.

The application itself is drawn up in writing, signed and dated in duplicate, in free form, indicating the reason.

Documents required for recalculation

Documents for the recalculation of utilities are provided in copies certified by the authority that issued them (with the exception of tickets).

To confirm the absence of a tenant, you will need:

In the event of poor service delivery, the consumer contact the dispatcher where the complaint is filed. After that, the company makes an examination and establishes the fact of non-compliance of the services provided.

After all procedures, the user is required to issue an act of work performed. This document is attached to the application.

If an examination was made by independent experts on their own, then they are supported by quality conclusion.

With, just an application is submitted.

Procedure for consideration of the application and its terms

After submitting an application due to absence, it is registered, a stamp of acceptance is placed on your copy.

Within 10 days the service provider is obliged to give a written answer in person or by mail to the address.

Claims and complaints regarding quality and interruptions in supply are recorded in the fact log, after which this fact is subject to verification. After that, a written answer is given with a solution to this issue.

Immediately, after receiving a complaint about the poor quality of services, the dispatcher agrees on the time and date. The act must be issued to the consumer no later than 3 days from the date of receipt of the expert opinion.

Receipt of overpaid funds in kind or transfer them to the following months.
Of course, the easiest way is for this plus to be transferred to the next months. This should be automatically taken into account by the supplier in the following month after the recalculation.

To get the money back, you will have to submit applications to both, and, if necessary, to the bank. Such a return will take a long time and it would be more profitable to leave the overpayment on the personal account.

Video: How to recalculate utility bills?

The video tells how to be citizens with utility bills in the summer, when many people leave their apartments on vacation to the country or abroad.

It explains how in this case it is possible to make a recalculation for the provided utilities and how you can confirm your absence from the place of residence.

There are situations when the verification of the water meter has already been completed, and the management company refuses to recalculate. In this article, we will tell you what to do in this case and what is the procedure for recalculating payments for water after checking the water meter.

What to do if the recalculation is denied?

If we thoroughly analyze this issue, it turns out that the refusal of the management company to recalculate after verification is a legitimate action on its part. After all, the water meter has been verified and is now in proper condition. It follows from this that there is no need to change the meter readings, to coordinate them with the standards, to calculate the time between calibration intervals before further verification will be carried out.

The rules for the provision of utility services to homeowners are regulated by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 354 of 05/06/2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules):

item 61. If during the verification of the reliability of information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room meters and (or) verification of their condition by the contractor, it is established by the contractor that the meter is in good condition, including the seals on it are not damaged, but there are discrepancies between the readings of the metering device (distributors) being checked and the volume of the communal resource that was presented by the consumer to the contractor and used by the contractor when calculating the amount of the utility service fee for the billing period preceding the check, then the contractor is obliged to recalculate the amount of the utility service fee and send it to the consumer within the time limits established for payment of utility services for the billing period in which the contractor conducted the audit, the requirement to pay additional charges for utility services provided to the consumer or a notification of the amount of utility bills, unnecessarily begins to the consumer. Excessive amounts paid by the consumer are subject to offset when paying for future billing periods.
The recalculation of the amount of the fee must be made on the basis of the readings of the meter being checked taken by the contractor during the verification.
At the same time, unless the consumer proves otherwise, the volume (quantity) of the communal resource in the amount of the identified difference in the readings is considered to be consumed by the consumer during the billing period in which the contractor conducted the check.

Clause 81 (12) of these Rules clearly stipulates that a meter whose calibration interval has ended is recognized as out of order. It follows from this that the data for calculating the payment for water, which are submitted on the basis of the readings of such a water meter, will not be accepted.


VI. The procedure for calculating and paying utility bills

81(12). The meter is considered out of order in the following cases:

a) non-display of measurement results by metering devices;

b) violation of control seals and (or) verification marks;

c) mechanical damage to the meter;

d) exceeding the permissible error of meter readings;

e) expiration of the calibration interval for verification of metering devices.

During the first 3 months after the occurrence of such a situation, the subscriber will pay for water according to average monthly readings, and after the expiration of this period - according to consumption standards (paragraphs 59.60 of the Rules).


VI. The procedure for calculating and paying utility bills

59 b) in the event that the consumer fails to provide the readings of an individual, general (apartment), room meter for the billing period within the time limits established by these Rules, or by an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services, or by a decision of a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building - starting from the billing period for which the consumer did not submit meter readings to the billing period (inclusive) for which the consumer provided the contractor with meter readings, but not more than 3 billing periods in a row;

60. After the expiration of the maximum number of settlement periods specified in paragraph 59 of these Rules, for which the payment for the utility service is determined according to the data provided for in the specified paragraph, the payment for the utility service provided to the dwelling is calculated in accordance with paragraph 42 of these Rules in cases provided for in subparagraphs "a" and "c" of paragraph 59 of these Rules, based on the standards for the consumption of utilities using a multiplying factor, the value of which is assumed to be 1.5, and in the cases provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 59 of these Rules, based on utility consumption standards.

After the expiration of the maximum number of settlement periods specified in clause 59 of these Rules, for which the utility service fee is determined according to the data provided for in the specified clause, the fee for the utility service provided to non-residential premises is calculated in accordance with clause 43 of these Rules.

When calculating the payment for a utility service in accordance with this paragraph, differentiation of tariffs by day zones and other criteria is not applied.

Only after the end of the verification of the water meter and the official confirmation of its performance (Verification Certificate), payment is resumed based on the readings of the water meter. However, before that, it is necessary that the subscriber's water meter that has passed the verification be officially put into operation. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a water meter commissioning report, after which the device is sealed (such a procedure is described in detail in paragraph 81 (6) of the Rules).


VII. The procedure for accounting for utilities using metering devices, the grounds and procedure for checking the status of metering devices and the correctness of taking their readings

81(6). Based on the results of checking the metering device, the contractor draws up an act of commissioning the metering device, which indicates:

a) date, time and address of commissioning of the meter;

b) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of persons who took part in the procedure for putting the meter into operation;

c) type and serial number of the installed metering device, as well as the place of its installation;

d) a decision to put or refuse to put the metering device into operation, indicating the reasons for such a refusal;

e) in the case of putting the metering device into operation, the readings of the metering device at the time of completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation and an indication of the places on the metering device where control one-time numbered seals (control seals) are installed;

f) date of the next verification.

Refusal to recalculate: possible reasons

Based on the water meter data specified in the act of putting it into operation, the calculation for water begins after the meter is verified. This is carried out according to the same procedure that is provided for installing a new water meter (when the calculation of payments for water starts from zero), and not by checking the old one.

In this case, it is worth writing an official claim to the settlement center, in which you express your agreement with the requirements of the Rules for the procedure for putting the water meter into operation after its verification. This document must indicate that the possibility of recalculating the payment for water “backdated”, based on the readings of a water meter, recognized as correct following the results of the verification, is not provided for by the current Rules. On this basis, it is worth demanding that the accrual of additional amounts of payment for water be canceled.

If there is no response to your appeal, then you can send another one - to the housing inspectorate in your area or to the prosecutor's office (as a rule, they respond to requests related to housing and communal services).

Please note that such an appeal is only appropriate if you have all the required documents on hand, namely:

  • Act on the verification of a water meter;
  • Act on the commissioning of a specific water meter.

What is the purpose of water recalculation?

Consider the points that are associated with the general house consumption of cold water in Moscow. These include:

  • Water consumption (cold) for cleaning entrances;
  • The use of water for watering plants that grow in the local area;
  • Water consumption for washing network-type wires;
  • The presence of losses during transportation.

For hot water, recalculation is carried out even if the subscriber has a water meter installed:

  • Recalculation for the amount of water that is discharged into the sewer during repair work;
  • Hot water is classified as consumed by residents during the pressing process in the house (when test pressure is created);
  • When significant losses of hot water are detected in water supply networks.

Frequency of verification of water meters

As a rule, the calibration interval of a water meter depends on the specific manufacturer of water meters.

At the moment, on average, such an interval is 4-5 years for hot water supply systems and up to 6 years for cold water supply systems.

Zealous owners try to check the water meter in advance. In this case, any hitches and delays will not lead to the appearance of extra amounts in payments for water.

We recommend that you monitor the health of your meters and do not miss the dates of the next verifications.

If there are disputes regarding payment for water consumption services, do not hesitate to defend your own interests, referring to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation that regulate the rules for the provision of utility services to the population.

Only in this way is it possible to pay not some ephemeral amounts set by the management company, but only pay for the amount of water (cold / hot) that you and your family actually consumed during the reporting period (according to meter readings).

Legal advice:

1. I paid for hot water for my deceased father for 3 years. There are no counters. Can they recalculate?

1.1. Submit a copy of the father's death certificate with an application for recalculation to the settlement center. Refuse to contact the housing inspectorate.

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2. You can make a recalculation for water if a person has not been discharged on time, three years have passed.

2.1. Not since its release.

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3. According to the recalculation of payment for water according to the act.

3.1. You can ask a specific question to a lawyer.

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4. For what period is the recalculation of water if we do not live.

4.1. In accordance with section 8 of the Rules for the provision of public services, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354, if you are absent from the residential premises for more than 5 days (in the absence of metering devices) in proportion to the number of days of absence, except for the day of departure and the day of arrival.
You must contact the management company with a written application for recalculation before your departure or no later than 30 days after your arrival.
Thank you for your feedback.

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4.2. Recalculation is made for the entire period of your non-residence. More precisely, since the last meter reading was provided. You are required to provide such readings on a monthly basis. If not, then accruals are automatically made according to general indications. There are no problems here, because when recalculating from general readings and comparing the amounts paid in accordance with the readings of your counters, the excess paid difference is counted towards repayment for the next month. If not enough, then you just pay extra. The owner or main tenant bears the burden of maintaining the dwelling, whether or not he or she is a permanent resident. You are required to pay utility bills on time. The recalculation is done for the period of your absence, but you first inform the housing department about the period of your absence, you can in writing. Upon arrival, write an application for recalculation for this period.

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5. What do the numbers of recalculation codes mean? Specifically, the number 4 in the line for hot water?

5.1. look carefully at the receipt there should be a transcript either at the very bottom of the page in small print or on the reverse side.

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6. How to force the recalculation of TGK for hot water according to the meters after checking them?

6.1. Depending on what you mean. By itself - the current legislation does not provide for recalculation if the meter was checked.

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7. Can address back water recalculation waiver. I would like to understand.

7.1. Application - "Recalculation for water" Submitted to the Criminal Code. It is written in two copies, the second copy, with a mark of receipt, is left with you. Refusals must be made in writing. Depending on what grounds they refer to (justifiably or not, depending on the situation), the tactics of action should be chosen in the future. In any case, you have the right to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office and lawsuits to the court.

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8. We have not submitted a reading for hot water for 5 months, can they make a recalculation?

8.1. No, if this is not the fault of the recipient of the information - non-transfer of data is an independent basis for calculating the cost of the resource not by counters, but in a different order.

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9. From what date should the recalculation for water be carried out after checking the meters.

9.1. In theory, they should recalculate From the date when the readings of this meter were last taken, or information about them was provided to the management company.

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10. Can they make a recalculation for water if the meter readings have not been transmitted for a long time.

10.1. Yes, in this case they will recalculate, and it will be charged according to the established standards in the receipt for payment for utility services.

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11. Is the management company obliged to recalculate for water after checking the meters?

11.1. The management company is not obliged to recalculate the consumed water for the period before checking and sealing the meter. If verification and sealing are done out of time, then services for the consumed water are calculated according to the standards. The only way to successfully resolve your issue is with legal assistance. Always glad to help you!

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12. Can the management company issue recalculations for heating and water for 2014 in 2016?

12.1. Do not write them yourself a statement and ask for a recalculation if there is reason.

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13. My father, registered in the apartment, was treated in the hospital for 5 months, all this time utility bills were paid by meters (meters for hot water, cold water). Will we recalculate utilities if we provide a certificate signed by the head physician for this period?

13.1. Olga, write a statement to the Criminal Code.

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Consultation on your question

call from landlines and mobiles is free throughout Russia

14. For what period can I get a recalculation for hot water if the service is of poor quality for 10 years?

14.1. For the last three years, you can make a recalculation. But it is unlikely that this will be realized without a trial.

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14.2. --- Hello, dear visitor of the site, if you have evidence of poor quality of the service, only in 6 months, you will be able to recalculate for hot water, see below.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 07/13/2019) "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of public services ...
VIII. The procedure for recalculating the amount of the fee
for certain types of utilities for the period of temporary
absence of consumers in the occupied premises,
not equipped with individual and (or) common
(apartment) metering device
If an application for recalculation is submitted before the start of the period of temporary absence of the consumer, the recalculation of the amount of payment for utilities is carried out by the contractor for the period of temporary absence of the consumer indicated in the application, but not more than 6 months. If after 6 months, for which the contractor has recalculated the amount of payment for utilities, the period of temporary absence of the consumer continues and the consumer has submitted an application for recalculation for subsequent billing periods in connection with the extension of the period of temporary absence, then the recalculation of the amount of payment for utilities is carried out by the contractor for the period specified in the application for the extension of the period of temporary absence of the consumer, but not more than 6 months following the period for which the contractor recalculated the amount of utility bills.
Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

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15. I own 1/3 of the apartment, I am not registered in it and do not live, my personal accounts are separated with the co-owner, I am charged for water consumption according to the standards, although I pay it where I live and am registered. The management company refused to recalculate. I wrote an application and provided a certificate from the place of residence that I pay for these resources there.

15.1. The management company can only distribute ODN for you, and not issue invoices for cold water. Only the resource supplying organization can insert invoices. I ask you to clarify the question, can I send you a private message?

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16. How to force the housing department to recalculate for water? I wrote an application for recalculation, they refused me, they said that there are meters, therefore recalculation is not carried out according to the law. Personal accounts are separated, the ex-wife uses the water. Provided all documents. I only ask that all the water be counted at the expense of the ex-wife.

16.1. A claim with a requirement to fulfill the requirements within 10 days of the deadline, as they ignore, then a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

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17. The management company put up a very large amount of ODN per hall. and mountains. water Recalculation for a year is made. During the year I paid monthly according to the standard. They explain that there is a large overspending on the house (debtors, "magnitchiki", apartments without meters, transmit readings incorrectly ..) The entire difference was scattered among the residents of the house. IS THIS RIGHT? What can be done, what are my actions with the management of the company. Thank you.

17.1. Tatiana.
Since you pay for services through the management company, and not directly to the resource supplying organization, the distribution of ODN for non-payers, etc. persons is unlawful.
The Criminal Code has the right to scatter these debts only within the limits of the standard.
Accordingly, it is illegal to charge you for ODN in excess of the standard. The UK is obliged to pay for them from its own funds.
In addition, in order to reduce its losses for these expenses, it has the right to collect debts from non-payers through the courts.
With regard to magnets, it can install anti-magnetic seals and then check their integrity.

To check the legality of the accrual, contact the Criminal Code with an application for the provision of the procedure for calculating the payment for ODN for hot and cold water. After receiving the answer (within 5 days), check their correctness.
If there is a violation, write a request for a recount.
If they refuse, you need to write a complaint to the Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office.

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18. I am the owner of a dorm room. Not registered, not living. The management company switched to direct contracts with resource suppliers. The management company returned utility bills (water, electricity) if there was an act of tenants stating that no one lives in the room. Now resource-supplying organizations refuse to recalculate for services that I do not consume. How to be?

18.1. You have to pay for light according to the meter, and the owner is obliged to pay for common areas, regardless of the fact that he does not live. It is this law that justifies the actions of the RSO.

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19. Good day One is registered to the apartment, although I don’t live at the place of registration, I paid for one person for the whole of 2019 without a receipt electronically. In December, it turned out that the receipt was charged for the whole year for 4 people. For four years the apartment has been empty, no one lives, as evidenced by receipts for e-energy and water. When I took a certificate that one person was registered and asked for a recalculation, they said that the recalculation is done only for 6 months. Is it legal if the reg operator made a mistake?

19.1. Contact the prosecutor's office and Rospotrebnadzor. the tenant is a consumer of services and therefore violated the rights of a consumer of services. And then you need to check and maybe someone really registered someone in your apartment. know you don't live there. Now there are a lot of frauds in the housing and communal services sector.

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20. If I do not live in an apartment but live in a country house and I want to receive a recalculation of receipts for the garbage collection service. How can I prove that I live in the country?
Is it possible to generally refuse to pay HOA receipts for cold water, which is charged without a meter, since it is not installed. What if I don't live in an apartment?

20.1. Get a certificate signed and stamped by the chairman of your society that you permanently live in the country, as well as an appeal to the Criminal Code for recalculation.
For the treatment of MSW, you are obliged, in accordance with Article 30 of the Housing Code, to pay for it, either in the country or in the city.
Cold water must be recalculated due to your constant absence.

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21. I was in the hospital for 20 days, the hospital issued a certificate stating that I was in the hospital for recalculation of utility bills. I have water meters at home. Will the housing department recalculate for garbage collection, overhaul, etc.?

21.1. Why guess, hand over the Documents and find out everything.

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22. My brother was arrested and imprisoned for 6 years. He is the only owner in the dorm room and one is registered there. Is it possible to make a recalculation of utility services for the entire period? Because he does not use them at all (electricity, water, garbage disposal, etc.) during this period.

22.1. If your brother does not live in the apartment, you can apply to the Criminal Code, provide a document, in your case it can be a verdict or a certificate from the court stating that your brother has been convicted and write an application for recalculation. Recalculation can be made for water supply and sanitation, electricity. Recalculation can be done only for three years. However, you will have to pay for heating if there is no autonomous boiler, but centralized heating, general house needs, house maintenance
Yours faithfully, lawyer Mukovnina Natalia Fedorovna e-mail address [email protected]

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23. The situation is as follows: in December 2019, the service life of the hot water meter expired. In the receipt for January, accruals were made according to the meter readings, in February (21.02.) The meter was verified (it was recognized as fit for use) and the documents were transferred to the management company. In the receipt for February, accruals were made according to the standard using a multiplying factor. Is it legal? And should they recalculate? Thank you.

23.1. If the verification was carried out in due time, i.e. before issuing a receipt, then charging according to the standard is unlawful, in any case it is worth contacting the energy supply organization for recalculation, provide a metering device passport with a mark on the verification carried out, or they themselves must find an act from the master. As a rule, accrual in excess is not made if the verification period is not overdue.

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23.2. Must recalculate!

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24. I am the owner of an apartment in which one son is registered, he has been in the service under a contract in another region for a year now. I am registered and live at a different address. Do I have to recalculate for water and sewerage.

24.1. Yes, they should, if you pay for water in an apartment at a different address, at the place of actual residence.

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24.2. You had to provide a document for your son to the UK or ZhEU then you did.

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24.3. General house needs (electricity, cold, hot water, drainage, heating) and the cost of major repairs, the maintenance of common property, garbage disposal, any owner is obliged to pay, even if he does not live in a residential building. And so you probably submit zero meter readings.

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25. I applied to the management company to make a recalculation for water in the period from April 2018 to September 2018. I was given the answer that this is already impossible in 2020. is it legal?

25.1. Write an official statement and leave a copy for yourself for 10 days and a lawsuit in court.

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