Is it necessary to install water meters? Installation of individual metering devices Who should install metering devices

The law on water meters was developed in accordance with the norms of the Federal Program for the Conservation of Energy Reserves adopted by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (the essence of the law on energy supply). The obligation to establish them is regulated by law in the RF PP No. 776, which specifies the process and conditions for the use of water resources, as well as wastewater. The system and conditions for installing water meters for cold and hot water are regulated. For those who did not deliver them on time, the law establishes separate tariffs for calculating the consumed resources specified in RF PP No. 306.

According to Order No. 178, consumers must, but are not required to, install means in their homes to calculate the consumption of supplies, including water supplies. At the same time, the service provider is obliged by law, if the consumer is not able to pay and install the meter for a period up to 12.01.2012, to defer payment for the installation of the device for five years.

The law on hot and cold water meters was adopted in 2015. It is aimed at ensuring that apartment owners must install water metering devices in their homes. This should save you a lot on rent. For those who have not done this, the calculation of consumption is carried out according to general norms, which annually increase by 20-25%. Therefore, to save money and water resources, many have already installed meters.

The obligation to install water meters lies with the organization managing the house or the HOA. If a specialist comes to the house, then by law he must provide the owner of the apartment with documents certifying his right to service devices for recording resource consumption. After mounting the devices, the master leaves the following package of documents:

  • Technical passport for counters;
  • The act of providing services for the installation of water meters, and further maintenance for the warranty period;
  • Document on putting the meter into operation for registering devices in the Criminal Code;
  • An act with a list of the manipulations performed, the identifier of the device for sealing, the price for installation;
  • Certificate of conformity to check in the management company whether the meter is installed correctly, whether there is a seal, entering the received data into the owner's LC.

According to the law, from the moment of making changes to the personal account, the calculation of water tariffs will be carried out according to the data of the meters.

Replacement of water meters in the apartment

Hot and cold water meters in an apartment need to be changed every 4-6 years, according to the law on the operation of resource meters. Old appliances will not correctly count the number of cubes consumed, you will have to overpay. By law, not everyone has to pay for the installation of water meters, there are benefits. Replacement of water meters is free of charge for certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • low-income;
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Disabled people of the first and second groups;
  • Families with a disabled child.

According to the law, for these persons, water meters are replaced and sealed free of charge. The remaining categories of persons not included in the list of those to whom services are provided free of charge pay for installation and sealing.

To replace hot and cold water meters, the owner must apply to the HOA with an application to replace the device. Conclude an agreement with the UK. After that, the master will come to the house to replace the old meters with new ones, he will also put a seal.

Checking water meters by law

The time for checking meters is regulated by the norms of the law of the Russian Federation. The timing depends on the type of meters. The check period for cold water is once every four years, for hot water - once every six years. You can check by handing over water meters to the maintenance department or by calling the master at home. As soon as the service life has expired, the municipal organization responsible for the water supply in the city sends a notice. If there is no notice, and the period of operation has expired, by law the owner must himself send a request for the replacement of water meters to the management company of the house. The procedure for checking water meters according to the law:

  • Send an appeal to the responsible organization (the list is provided by the Criminal Code of your house);
  • Indicate in the appeal - the address of the house, type of device, model type and manufacturer's data, state code of the device, personal information and telephone number;
  • Check that the water utility employee has a license to carry out work;
  • Receive documents from the master after verification - an act of certificate and a contract for the implementation of work on checking meters, with the appropriate stamps and signatures.

The acceptance certificate contains information about water meters, information about the owner and the organization that checked the devices. The inspection certificate must contain information about the date of the next control.

The term of the check depends on whether the water meters were sent for testing to Vodokanal or the specialist came to the owner's house. In Vodokanal, devices are checked for up to 14 days - this period is established by law. At home, the procedure lasts no more than 2 hours.

Questions often arise at whose expense installation of metering devices in residential premises. The question is not idle, so we decided to dwell on its explanation in detail. So.

Installation of metering devices - whose responsibility?

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 13 of the Law "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency ..." until July 1, 2012, the owners of residential buildings, with the exception of those specified in Part 6 of this article, the owners of premises in apartment buildings put into operation on the day this Federal Law enters into force, are obliged to ensure equipping such houses with metering devices for used water, thermal energy, electric energy, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation. At the same time, apartment buildings must be equipped with collective (common house) metering devices used water, heat energy, electric energy, as well as individual and common (for a communal apartment) metering devices for used water, electric energy.

And in accordance with clause 81 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354 “On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), equipping residential or non-residential premises with metering devices, commissioning of metering devices, their proper technical operation, safety and timely replacement must be ensured by the owner of a residential or non-residential premises.

Consequently, installation of metering devices(equipment) is the responsibility of the owner of the premises of the apartment building. Equipment by itself means: acquisition and installation (installation) at the expense of the owner, regardless of where it is installed: in an apartment or on a landing.

Who is responsible for commissioning an individual meter?

After the installation of metering devices, the commissioning of the installed metering device is carried out by the contractor, including on the basis of an application from the owner of a residential or non-residential premises submitted to the contractor.

The executor of the utility service is, with the direct method of managing an apartment building, a resource supplying organization, and when managing an apartment building, a managing organization - the input of the metering device is carried out by the managing organization.

Commissioning of the meter- this is a documentary registration of a metering device as a metering device, according to the indications of which the calculation of the amount of payment for utilities is carried out.

The installed metering device must be put into operation no later than the month following the date of its installation. At the same time, the contractor is obliged, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month when the metering device is put into operation, to calculate the amount of payment for the corresponding type of utility service based on the readings of the metering device put into operation.

During the commissioning of the meter, the following are subject to verification:

  • compliance of the serial number on the meter with the number indicated in his passport;
  • compliance of the metering device with the technical documentation of the device manufacturer, including the configuration and installation diagram of the metering device;
  • the presence of signs of the last verification (with the exception of new metering devices);
  • performance of the meter.

The commissioning of metering devices in the cases provided for by these Rules is carried out by the contractor without charging a fee. The installed metering device, including after verification, is sealed by the contractor without charging a fee from the consumer, except for cases when the sealing of the relevant metering devices is performed by the contractor again due to violation of the seal or verification marks by the consumer or a third party.

Verification of an individual meter

Metering devices of the approved type and verified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements are allowed for use. Information on the compliance of the metering device with the approved type, information on the date of the primary verification of the metering device and on the calibration interval established for the metering device, as well as the requirements for the operating conditions of the metering device must be indicated in the accompanying documents to the metering device.

According to p.p. "e" of clause 34 of the Rules, the consumer is obliged to ensure the verification of collective (general house), individual, common (apartment), room metering devices installed at the consumer's expense within the time limits established by the technical documentation for the metering device, having previously informed the contractor about the planned date of removal of the device accounting for its verification and the date of establishment of the metering device based on the results of its verification, except in cases where the contract containing the provisions on the provision of public services provides for the obligation of the contractor to carry out maintenance of such metering devices, as well as send the contractor a copy of the certificate of verification or another document certifying the results of verification of the meter, carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

The calibration interval is determined by the manufacturer of the individual meter and is reflected in the instruction manual or data sheet attached to the meter upon purchase.

As established by clause 81 (12) of the Rules, when the calibration interval has elapsed, the metering device is considered to be out of order, and in this case, if the device is not verified or replaced, charges for consumed utilities will occur using applicable standards.

Case No. 2-1319/2014


In the name of the Russian Federation

Konakovo city court of the Tver region as a part of the presiding judge Kirilina I.N.,

Under the secretary Ermakova I.O.,

With the participation of the representative of the plaintiff by proxy Vishnyakova N.V.,

Having considered in an open court session a civil case based on a statement of claim by Konakovskiy Housing Fund LLC against Vladmir Aleksandrovich Kochetkov, Natalya Alekseevna Korovina on the obligation to install individual cold and hot water meters, on the obligation to provide access to the apartment for the installation of individual cold and hot water meters, hot water, the obligation to pay for the installation of these devices, the recovery of court costs,


The plaintiff, having clarified the requirements on the claim, asks the court to oblige the defendant, within thirty days from the date the court decision enters into legal force, to install and put into operation in her residential premises individual cold and hot water meters in the number of pieces necessary for proper accounting, with the provision of authorized persons LLC "Konakovskiy Zhilfond" access to the places of installation of metering devices for the performance of these works in the premises owned by the defendant and pay the costs of installing these metering devices.

In support of the claim, they indicate that the defendant Kochetkov V.A. is the owner of the apartment at: , the defendant Korovina N.A. is the owner of the apartment at:. The plaintiff is the management company for an apartment building in which the defendant has ownership of the dwelling.

According to parts 1, 2, 5 of Art. 13 Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2013) "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" produced, transmitted, consumed energy resources are subject to mandatory accounting using metering devices used energy resources. The requirements of this article regarding the organization of accounting for the used energy resources apply to facilities connected to the electric networks of centralized power supply, and (or) centralized heat supply systems, and (or) centralized water supply systems, and (or) centralized gas supply systems, and (or) other systems of centralized supply of energy resources.

Calculations for energy resources should be carried out on the basis of data on the quantitative value of energy resources produced, transferred, consumed, determined using metering devices for energy resources used.

Until July 01, 2012, the owners of residential buildings, with the exception of those specified in Part 6 of this article, the owners of premises in apartment buildings put into operation on the day this Federal Law enters into force, are required to ensure that such houses are equipped with metering devices used for water, heat, electricity energy, as well as the commissioning of installed metering devices. At the same time, apartment buildings within the specified period must be equipped with collective (common house) metering devices for used water, heat energy, electric energy, as well as individual and common (for a communal apartment) metering devices for used water, electric energy. (Further 261-FZ).

In pursuance of these norms, the plaintiff until June 01, 2011 carried out the work of general house metering devices, repeatedly conducted explanatory work among the owners of residential premises about the need to install individual metering devices (hereinafter referred to as IPU). He organized the work on the installation of the IPU for all those who applied, while he did not interfere with the installation of devices by other organizations, at the discretion of the owner of the residential premises.

The defendants did not establish IPU in their living quarters. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not allow forced entry into a dwelling to install an IPU without the consent of the owners of the dwelling, the possibility of installation is provided on the basis of a court decision.

The inaction of the owner of the residential premises to install the IPU (uncontrolled consumption of utilities) does not comply with the norms of the current legislation, as well as the principles of reasonableness and good faith, and prevents the fair distribution of the volume of utilities for general house needs between all owners of an apartment building. The unlawful inaction of the defendant may result in negative sanctions for the plaintiff as a management company in the form of penalties for the untimely equipping of the ISP in residential premises located in a managed multi-apartment residential building.

The plaintiff has repeatedly sent warnings to the defendant about the need to install an IPC, but so far no IPC has been installed in the defendant's apartment. According to the plaintiff, the defendant abuses his right, prevents the plaintiff in the performance of his direct duties, to carry out the proper management of the residential building.

The representative of OOO "Konakovskiy Zhilfond" by proxy Vishnyakova N.V. supported the claim, asked him to satisfy, indicating that the IPU in the defendant's apartment has not yet been installed. Enough time was given by the court to resolve the issue during the trial, the defendant does not receive correspondence. In support of the requirements for the obligation to provide access to the apartment for the performance of work by the plaintiff, she indicated that Konakovskiy Zhilfond LLC is the management company in relation to the house in which the plaintiff owns property. The management company supplies water, natural gas, thermal energy, the organization's engineering and technical support networks are directly connected to the networks that are part of the engineering and technical equipment of facilities that are to be equipped with metering devices for the energy resources used. According to Part 12 of Art. 13 261-FZ, in relation to the owners of residential premises in the MKD, the organizations specified in part 9 of this article, until July 1, 2013, are required to take actions to equip with metering devices used energy resources, the supply of which and the transfer of which these organizations carry out, objects, the engineering and technical equipment of which is directly connected to their engineering and technical support networks and which, in violation of the requirements of parts 3-6.1 of this article, were not equipped with metering devices for the energy resources used in the prescribed period. A person who has not fulfilled the obligation to equip metering devices for used energy resources within the prescribed period is obliged to ensure the admission of these organizations to the installation sites of metering devices and pay the costs of the specified organization for their installation. After July 1, 2013, the provisions of the said norms of the law must be complied with in all cases when the said organizations reveal facts of violations. It is believed that it is the managing organization that, by virtue of the law, is endowed with the indicated powers. She did not object to the decision in absentia.

defendant Korovina H.A. at the hearing did not come, the time, date, place of the hearing duly notified.

defendant Kochetkov The.A. he did not appear at the hearing, he was duly notified of the date, time and place of the hearing, in the case there is an envelope returned by the post office with the mark “The storage period has expired”.

After hearing the representative of the plaintiff, examining the materials of the case, the court considers the claim to be partially satisfied.

As follows from the case file, defendant Korovina H.A. is the owner of the apartment located at: (case sheet 11). According to an extract from the house book, the defendant is registered at the above address (case sheet 117).

defendant Kochetkov The.A. is the owner of the apartment located at: (case sheet 15). According to an extract from the house book, the defendant is registered at the above address (case sheet 116).

Plaintiff LLC Konakovskiy Zhilfond is a management company in relation to an apartment building in accordance with a management agreement dated DD.MM.YYYY (case sheet 7).

At the hearing, it was established that the defendants did not establish IPI in the apartment and charges are made according to consumption standards.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On Energy Supply and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" until July 01, 2012, the owners of residential buildings, with the exception of those specified in part 6 of this article, owners of premises in multi-apartment buildings put into operation on the day this Federal Law enters into force are required to ensure that such houses are equipped with metering devices for used water, heat energy, electric energy, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation.

Article 81 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 09/19/2013) "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings") provides that the equipment of residential or non-residential premises with metering devices, the commissioning of installed metering devices, their proper technical operation, safety and timely replacement must be ensured by the owner of the residential or non-residential premises.

The claim of LLC "Konakovskiy Zhilfond" is satisfied in part.

Oblige Vladimir Alexandrovich Kochetkov, DD.MM.YYYY year of birth, native, registered at: , to install and put into operation individual cold and hot water meters in the quantity necessary for proper accounting in the apartment owned by him by right of ownership at the address for a month from date of entry into force of the court decision.

In case of non-execution of the court decision on a voluntary basis, oblige Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kochetkov, DD.MM.YYYY of the year of birth, a native registered at the address: to provide access to the places of installation of metering devices to authorized persons of Konakovskiy Housing Fund LLC for the installation of metering devices.

To oblige Korovina Natalya Alekseevna, DD.MM.YYYY of the year of birth, a native registered at the address:, to install and put into operation individual cold and hot water meters in the quantity necessary for proper accounting in the apartment owned by her by right of ownership at the address for a month from date of entry into force of the court decision.

In case of non-execution of the court decision on a voluntary basis, oblige Korovina Natalya Alekseevna, DD.MM.YYYY of the year of birth, a native registered at the address: to provide access to the places of installation of metering devices to authorized persons of LLC "Konakovskiy Zhilfond" for the installation of metering devices.

Collect from Kochetkov Vladimir Alexandrovich, DD.MM.YYYY year of birth, native, registered at the address: state duty to the local budget in the amount of a penny.

Collect from Korovina Natalya Alekseevna, DD.MM.YYYY of the year of birth, native, registered at the address: state duty to the local budget in the amount of a penny.

Deny the rest of the claims.

The defendant has the right to file an application with the court for the cancellation of a court decision in absentia within seven days from the date of delivery of a copy of this decision to him.

The decision of the court in absentia may also be appealed by the parties on appeal within a month after the expiration of the term for the defendant to file an application to cancel this court decision, and if such an application has been filed, within a month from the date of issuance of a court ruling to refuse to satisfy this application .

Chairperson I.N. Kirilina


Konakovo city court (Tver region)


LLC "Konakovskiy Housing Fund"


Bykov S. A., Danilina N. A., Kozhevnikova L. I., Korovina N. A., Kochetkov V. A., Lataeva N. V., Malevannaya L. V., Polezhaev N. F., Nekrasova N. . BUT.

Judges of the case:

Kirilina I.N. (referee)

Litigation on:

Recognition of the right to use residential premises

Judicial practice on the application of the norms of Art. 30, 31 LCD RF

Russians will no longer have to install meters for gas, water and electricity at their own expense. The State Duma Committees on Natural Resources and Economic Policy proposed to shift this responsibility from residents to suppliers.

Corresponding amendments to the Housing Code may be considered as early as November. Now about 30% of residents who do not have metering devices are required to pay at an increased rate. With the adoption of the amendments, they will be exempted from such expenses until their apartments are equipped with metering devices. The Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Energy conceptually support the initiative of the deputies.
Now the consumer has virtually no obligation to install meters for heat, electricity and gas. At the same time, if the device is not available, the citizen pays a surcharge. Since July 1 last year, it has been set at 50% of the base rate.
This is unfair to the consumer, according to a group of State Duma deputies headed by First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations Yuri Afonin and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship Nikolai Arefiev. They prepared amendments to the Housing Code (Part 1, Article 157) and the Federal Law "On Energy Saving ..." ("Izvestia" got acquainted with the document). These proposals are also supported by Pavel Zavalny, head of the relevant State Duma energy committee. The proposed amendments will save residents' money not only for installation, but also for utility bills. According to the law "On Energy Saving ..." since 2014, for Russians who do not have meters, a multiplying coefficient was introduced to the tariff for services. From January 1, 2015, it was 1.1, but from July 1, 2016 - already 1.5. According to the proposals of the deputies, the multiplying factor will not be applied until the consumer himself refuses to install the equipment at the expense of the supplier. According to the Ministry of Construction and Housing, about 70% of the country's households now have meters.
“This draft law imposes the obligation to install, control and replace metering devices on organizations providing utility services. This corresponds to the canons of a market economy, metering devices are installed by those who are interested in this,” the deputies noted in an explanatory note.
A similar initiative at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Legislators on October 31 was made by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya. During the discussion of the issue, her proposal was supported by representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) and the Ministry of Construction.
The Ministry of Energy also spoke in favor of transferring responsibility for meters to suppliers. This will give impetus to the development of intelligent metering of electrical energy in the country, Izvestia was told in the press service of the department.
- With the introduction of smart metering of electric energy, the main benefits for energy companies will be the reduction of theft, reduction of costs and the formation of a transparent mechanism for the interaction of networks with energy sales organizations. The consumer will not have to submit meter readings every month, this will be done automatically, the department noted. - By replacing old devices with new ones within 15 years, we will be able to completely renew the fleet of metering devices. Power engineers, however, do not agree to move so quickly to a new model of work. The amendments will require the inclusion of the cost of meters in the tariff, which, in turn, will lead to cross-subsidization: residents who have already installed meters will pay for those who have yet to do so, the press service of the large heat and electricity supplier Kvadra noted. In addition, it is not clear what is considered the owner's refusal to allow the installation of metering devices, the company added.
Metering devices require special conditions for installation and normal operation, which can only be provided by the owner. If the device fails, it is not clear who will be responsible for it, says a representative of the generating company Fortum.
It is necessary to move in stages, starting with the transfer of common house metering devices to resource-supplying organizations, and only then move on to individual ones, moreover, with the parallel installation of smart metering systems, a representative of the T Plus company believes.
Representatives of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz and Enel, as well as the FAS, declined to comment.
The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities is not yet familiar with the amendments, but supports the transition to the installation of metering systems at the expense of suppliers. These should be modern meters equipped with online transmission of information directly to the supplier, Andrei Chibis, deputy head of the department, told Izvestia. He also noted that simply “by shifting the installation of individual metering devices to resource supply companies, we will not make the system more transparent and efficient, while online metering systems with remote data transmission are capable of this.”
Energy By shifting the obligation to equip apartments with metering devices to suppliers, the state will solve another problem. Often, third-party organizations deceive residents by offering to reinstall supposedly outdated meters. For example, in Moscow, citizens receive monthly ominous warnings about the reinstallation of water meters, although their service life is far from expired, the deputies point out in their initiative. Often this becomes the reason for litigation between residents and resource companies, confirmed the managing partner of the Starinsky, Korchago and Partners Bar Association, Vladimir Starinsky.
According to him, from a legal point of view, there are no obstacles to making the installation of meters the responsibility of resource providers. In addition, this will significantly increase the growth rate of the share of houses equipped with meters - the installation of equipment will be in the interests of the supplier, the expert believes.
If the multiplying factor for tenants who do not have meters is canceled, the payment will decrease by 30-40%, Dmitry Kumanovsky, head of the analytical department of the LMS investment company, predicts.
According to Pavel Zavalny, head of the relevant State Duma energy committee, the amendments can be adopted simultaneously with other amendments, thanks to which suppliers will collect utility bills themselves, bypassing management companies. As Izvestia wrote, the Ministry of Construction is currently working on the corresponding initiative.

All residents of the Russian Federation are required to install in their homes special water control devices.

In order to make people take this decision of the government seriously, penalties are provided - in the first year they will be increased by 10%, in a year and a half - by 60%.

Is the installation of metering devices mandatory in 2019?

According to the law water meters must be installed!

Talk about canceling the installation comes up regularly, and at the end of 2014 even an act was issued abolition of mandatory installation of gas meters, however, this did not affect the water. The situation remains the same.

The owners of apartments where these devices are not installed can be conditionally divided into two categories - those who have never thought about it, and citizens who cannot allocate funds for this. There is a third category of citizens who do not want to install them consciously.

It should be noted that although the law obliges to install water meters, it will not apply directly to residents!

Management companies and HOA will be responsible for the implementation of the innovation, which, in turn, will conduct a conversation with residents about the installation. Ultimately, installing meters will prove to be a profitable undertaking for homeowners. The fact is that the payment for used water is calculated according to a special standard rate, then multiplied by the number of registered residents.

Now, an additional coefficient will be applied to these figures, which will increase every year. Therefore, it is better to start installing devices, especially since:

  • the savings will be significant, which will positively affect the family budget;
  • the management company will leave you alone.

In 2019, as before, the current legislation imposes on citizens the obligation to have water meters in their own homes. To speed up the process of switching the population to meters, the Government decided to impose sanctions in the form of a 10% increase in the water tariff with a gradual increase to 60% if citizens refuse to install a meter for a year and a half after the law came into force on January 1, 2015.

To install a water meter in an apartment, it is enough to contact the management company, which will provide a list of licensed organizations involved in the installation of such metering devices.

How to install or change the meter: where to go

To install water control devices in your apartment, you need to contact the management company or the HOA, where they will issue a list of companies involved in these types of work that have corresponding license.

The service, of course, is paid - you will have to pay for the installation of a meter (two devices) using plastic pipes about 3000 rubles, and if copper was used, then almost twice as expensive.

In non-privatized apartments or houses, water meters must be installed is free.

Usually four of them are installed at once - 2 appliances in the bathroom and 2 in the kitchen. The wizard called for this, after it finishes its work, should leave several documents:

  • passport for the installed counter;
  • drawn up contract for the installation of the device and its maintenance;
  • an act of commissioning the device (it will be needed to provide it to the management company for registration);
  • a document on the work done (a list of work performed, the number of the sealer, the cost of the service);
  • certificate of conformity.

The package of documents should be taken to the management company, which will check the correct installation of the devices, the presence of seals, and then make the necessary changes in the personal account. From this day on, water will be charged directly according to the meter readings.

Scheduled verification of water meters

Usually, the management company is engaged in periodic verification of water meters. It must be produced once every four years.

But an extraordinary check may occur, especially if the regulatory authorities have suspicions about the incorrect operation of the meter, as well as in cases where the device has not been used for a long time, and then was put into operation.

It is carried out quite simply - with the help of special tests, the consumption of a certain amount of water is determined, the data obtained are compared with the meter readings.

You will have to pay about 1000 rubles for verification.

In what cases it may be necessary to replace the counter

Replacement may be required in two cases - when broken old meter or came scheduled verification time.

In the first case, you need to contact the organization that installed the meters and demand that you fulfill your obligations under the maintenance agreement. Such an agreement provides for a free replacement of the device with a new one.

The second reason is a little more difficult. installed on hot water is four years, and on the cold - six years.

After this time, it is imperative to carry out verification, which can sometimes drag on for few weeks, moreover, she paid, and there is no guarantee that the device is considered fit for use. Therefore, many simply replace old meters with new ones.

The hot water meter broke - what to do?

The procedure depends on the cause of the breakdown. All possible situations are discussed below:

  1. Device depressurization. This can be recognized by leaking or misted glass. You can check it like this: turn off all the taps and record the meter data. After an hour, check the readings - if the data has changed, then somewhere there is a pipe leak or a faucet cannot completely shut off the water supply. In this case, you can try to tighten the connecting couplings more tightly. If you observe fogged glass, then you can’t do anything here, just change it.
  2. Errors when installing the meter. Often, instead of a device for hot water, a device for cold water is installed, which is fraught with incorrect wrapping or water leakage.
  3. Clogged pipes and, as a result, the counter itself. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to install a filter in front of the instrument.
  4. Another reason is the strong water pressure.. Because of this, the device will make revolutions faster. Tip - never turn on the water at full power.
  5. Breakdown of the control mechanism of the counter, that is, the device does not record the passage of water.
  6. Too hot water. The device can work normally at a temperature of 90 degrees. If this indicator is higher, it may not withstand.

If any malfunctions are found, immediately notify the management company and take corrective action. If there is a warranty card for the maintenance of the meter, the replacement will be made is free.

Is it worth installing counters in 2019? Actual on video

The video below contains material that gives a clear answer to the question: is there an obligation to install meters?