If a riser, battery or pipe burst, the neighbors were flooded: who is to blame, what to do. The first tap from the riser Flooded us and the neighbors - the valve was torn off, the thread was rotten

There was a utility accident in one apartment building. Due to a broken tap on the cold water riser in one of the apartments, a pipe burst and a flood occurred. The owner of the apartment demanded that the management company compensate for the damage. To the costs of eliminating the consequences of the flood, she added non-pecuniary damage and the cost of expertise. In the lawsuit, the woman pointed out that the management company "improperly performed the duties of maintaining the common property of the apartment building."

What did the courts decide?

The city court, where the plaintiff filed a claim, satisfied the claim. But the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the regional court overturned the decision of the lower instance.

Then the woman appealed to the Supreme Court.

What did the Supreme Court decide?

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation pointed out the following facts:

1. Judges of the appellate instance should have established "the presence of fault of the parties in the accident".

2. Appeal did not take into account the effective court decision on another claim the affected resident of the same house, in the same flood. Meanwhile, according to Art. 61 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the circumstances established by the court decision that has entered into force are mandatory, they are not proven again and are not disputed.

What was the decision about? A neighbor who suffered from a flood sued the management company and a neighbor who had this faucet on a cold water riser. The court decided the dispute in favor of the plaintiff, however, the money was awarded to pay only to the management company, from the neighbor - he did not take anything.

3. The appeal had to consider what equipment the stopcock that caused the flood belongs to and who is responsible for its proper operation. To do this, the judges had to refer to the following documents:

  • Housing Code, which lists the equipment for which the management company is responsible.
  • Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building(approved by government decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006). The document discloses what is included in the common property. So, it also includes "general house engineering systems of hot and cold water supply, consisting of risers, branches from risers to the first disconnecting device." MKD management companies are responsible for the proper maintenance of common property and are liable to the owners for violation of obligations.
  • "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" No. 384 dated December 30, 2009. According to the regulation, first disconnect devices and shut-off and control valves on the taps of intra-apartment wiring are elements of intra-house engineering networks. This equipment cannot be classified as common property in an apartment building, since the Housing Code provides for its location both inside and outside the premises.
If the equipment is located in an apartment, this does not mean that it is used only to service this apartment.

What did the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation decide and what should be remembered?

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation found the management company guilty. The owner of the apartment was compensated for the damage.

  • The first disconnecting devices and shut-off and control valves on the outlets of the intra-apartment wiring are elements of intra-house engineering networks.
  • Shutoff and control valves located on pipes and passing through private apartments are designed to serve several residential premises at once. Thus, they belong to common house property and management companies are responsible for them.
  • If an accident occurred, the taps were torn off and the neighbors flooded, the management company, and not the owner of the apartment, should reimburse the material costs.
  • The replacement of a shut-off valve by the owner of the apartment does not relieve the management company of its obligations to maintain the common property of an apartment building.

The desire to save money, alas, cannot be strangled or killed. And even the fact that the miser pays twice does not sober consumers. Although, what can we hide, even an expensive product may turn out to be of poor quality - or the result of careless production.

When changing plumbing in an apartment, there is a great temptation to buy such a “trifle” as cheaper. At the time of purchase, hardly anyone thinks that this saving will cause a flood, big expenses and headaches.

Why is the mixer leaking?

If we talk about old plumbing, then there are several reasons:

Wear of rubber and O-ring
Bad - as an option, a swollen linen strand
Wear of the stuffing box
Breakage of the conical box
Wrong installation

Because according to the law, the mixer belongs to the intra-apartment property, then the owner of the home is responsible for its technical condition and breakdown. As for incorrect installation, it is possible, but difficult, to prove it. Therefore, when replacing a mixer (and any other equipment), contact the specialists of your management company or a third-party organization, but with the obligatory conclusion of a work contract.

If a new mixer drips or is torn off, then with a probability of 99% this is a factory defect. The remaining one percent can be given to the strongest hydraulic shock. In this case, the a / heating system as a whole will suffer. And not only in one apartment, but throughout the house.

What to do?

If you find a leak from below, do not panic. Fix the place of the leak, and then go down to the neighbors - take a photo, shoot a video from the "accident scene".

Neighbors should contact the management company, call specialists to inspect the premises, draw up an act and assess the damage. Your presence is required. You participate in the procedure, and then, in agreement with the actions and conclusions of the commission, sign the inspection report. It will indicate the date of flooding, the area of ​​the affected property, a list of things that were damaged. This document will become the basis for calculating damages and compensation in the framework of a settlement agreement or litigation.

If you were not invited to the procedure for inspecting the premises, this is the basis for refusing to compensate for damage to neighbors. You have the right to disagree with the act of inspection and the amount. In this case, the decision of the commission will have to be challenged in court.

After assessing the damage, it is possible and even necessary to negotiate amicably with the neighbors. Provided that the amount of compensation suits you, it is not too high and corresponds to the condition of the premises at the time. If the issue is not resolved peacefully, then it will have to be dealt with in court. During the trial, a forensic examination will be appointed, and another independent assessment will be carried out. All these legal costs will be compensated by the perpetrator. Plus moral damage. Yes, it is possible that the court will knock off the initial amount of damage, but a new one will come running.

Initially, the owner will have to compensate for damage to property - due to a leaking or torn mixer - one way or another. And then the moment will come when the owner can demand compensation for his damage from the seller or manufacturer of low-quality equipment.

To do this, you must file a claim with the seller/manufacturer of the mixer and give the equipment for examination to a certified center. According to the Consumer Rights Protection Law, art. 22, the examination is carried out within 10 days. This period is relevant if you require a refund of the amount paid for the goods and damage from its operation.

When the examination establishes and confirms the presence of a manufacturing defect, excluding incorrect operation of the equipment or transportation, you apply for full compensation for damage to the mixer manufacturer/manufacturer. The legitimacy of actions is confirmed by the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", Art. 14, and Art. 1095 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The seller/manufacturer is obliged to reimburse:

Cost of goods
The amount of damage that you compensated neighbors
Legal costs, if any
Examination costs
Moral damage

Those. reimburse all losses incurred by the consumer as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality to him.

How to avoid such situations?

We live in a time when it is better to record and document our every step. Therefore, when buying / installing plumbing and other equipment, keep all receipts, warranties, acts of work performed. Purchase plumbing, tools and materials at retail outlets where you will be given a guarantee and a cash receipt. Invite for the installation of faucets, toilets, bathtubs specialists of the Criminal Code or locksmiths from specialized organizations. Not forgetting, again, to conclude an agreement with everyone.

How to identify a low-quality mixer?

According to the manufacturer's catalog. If the purchased model is not in the official catalog, it is definitely a fake.

By weight. Solid metal mixer - heavy. Chinese consumer goods are very light, even a child will hold them.

By appearance. The chrome coating of the mixer is even, smooth, uniform. Scratches, cracks, chips are unacceptable.

By packaging. Quality starts with wrapping paper, boxes, inserts.

Under warranty. The service life of a good mixer is from 2-5 years.

By price. The more expensive the plumbing, the longer it will last. The quality of this product directly depends on the cost. Cheap faucets, faucets, watering cans often break down and bring a lot of problems to their owners.

One of the reasons for the leakage of the mixer may be poor-quality sealant. To avoid unpleasant consequences, use only high-quality sealing compounds that you can now directly from the manufacturer.

The new owner of the apartment does not always think about what problems he may face. One of them is risers and their replacement.

The property, along with the living area, now includes communications, including common house ones. So who is responsible for the risers in an apartment building, and for whose funds the replacement should be made, we learn from the article.


Communications located inside the apartment and which can only be used by the owner and residents are private property. Actions in relation to them may be different. Of course, if it does not harm the property of neighbors and does not violate their rights and interests. The owner has the right:

  • replace old pipes with more modern ones;
  • change mixers and counters;
  • increase or decrease the number of plumbing;
  • change batteries, etc.

This is done voluntarily and at your own expense. With the right of ownership, you can make such changes.

In addition to the right, the owner of the housing also bears the burden that obliges him to keep the property in good condition and pay for:

  1. water;
  2. sewerage, etc.

Here the question arises of who owns the pipes connecting each apartment with utilities. It turns out that this is the common property of all owners. Consequently, the pipes located inside the apartment are private property, and the risers are common.

Repair and replacement of water pipes, sewer pipes and heating pipes are regulated by:

  • rules and regulations for the technical use of housing stock;
  • rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building;
  • manual for the repair and maintenance of MDK 2-04.2004.

Owner Responsibilities

According to the regulatory documentation, the decision on the need to carry out current repairs or major repairs is made by the apartment owners. The responsibilities of owners of housing and common property include:

  1. maintain the technical condition of common house communications;
  2. if necessary, decide on repairs.

The owners themselves are allowed to make repairs regarding equipment that serves only their apartment. Management companies are engaged in the repair of common property. This is a non-refundable contract that provides for monthly payments that tenants are required to pay. In return, general maintenance services are provided.


Carry out the repair work necessary to ensure that the risers of heating, water supply, sewerage are in good condition, the housing office or other companies with which the corresponding agreement has been signed are obliged. To start work you will need:

  • plan for their implementation;
  • an act stating the need for repair of a
  • or parts of the riser;
  • leaks and other problems.

You can also contact the Housing Office with a statement, after consideration of which an answer should be given.

First tap

Who is responsible for the condition of the first from the riser of the crane, the owners of the living space or the management company?

Over time, almost every owner is faced with this issue. If the faucet leaks, who should pay for the damage?

The supply of hot water and cold occurs through the so-called "risers". From them, thanks to the "bends", there is an intra-apartment wiring at the points of use (bath, sink, toilet, etc.).

As it turned out, the risers are common house property, for which the managing organization is responsible. The landlords are responsible for the withdrawals. The first crane from the riser is the boundary of responsibility. But who is responsible for it?

ATTENTION! According to the legislation, namely clause 5 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property, the first taps from the riser are not private property, but are included in the common property.


Actions aimed at collecting additional funds from residents for the repair of risers are considered illegal. After all, repair work is already carried out at the expense of apartment owners.

ATTENTION! The payment of utility bills includes the column "maintenance and repair of housing." The size of the amount is affected by the footage of the room and the number of residents.

According to the norms of MDK 2-04.2004, the list of services included in the rent includes:

  • emergency work;
  • maintenance of common property;
  • Maintenance;
  • communications service.

Therefore, the replacement of the riser in the apartment is free of charge, since payment has already been made. In the case when a major replacement of risers on each floor is required, funds are taken from payments for major repairs.

However, there are exceptions when the owner of the apartment, at his own request, made structural changes, as a result of which repairs are required. In this case, all costs for replacing the riser are borne by the owner, the work is carried out by him independently. If neighbors also suffered damage, they also need to compensate for the damage.


In case of sudden malfunctions, you should immediately contact the Housing Office or the management company. To do this, a corresponding application is drawn up in free form addressed to the head, at least 2 photographs of communications must be attached. Signed and dated.

There should be two copies of the document, one remains in the housing office, the second should be taken with you, a mark of acceptance is put on the application. In order for the application to be accepted without problems and questions, it is important that the owner of the apartment does not have any debts for utilities.

Before writing an application to the Criminal Code, you can call a plumber at home, who, after inspecting the sewer riser, draws up an act, also fixes the existing damage and the need to replace the riser. The event can develop as follows:

  1. The repair team responds in a short time and replaces the emergency riser. The owner must provide access to the bathroom for repair work.
  2. The managing organization does not agree to replace the vertical line, referring to the fact that the pipeline is located in the owner's apartment and it is the owner who is responsible for it. In this case, a written refusal is issued. This document is the basis for going to court, although the process itself can take several months.

Carrying out the procedure

Before starting work, you should discuss the current situation with your neighbors, otherwise the cutting will be carried out from ceiling to floor. Sections of the damaged riser will remain in the ceiling, which can cause leakage.

The presence of representatives of the management company is mandatory, it is they who block the riser and drain the water. Next, the pipeline is replaced in the following sequence:

  • using a grinder, damaged pipes are removed from the floor slabs;
  • make markings for tapping branches;
  • install new pipes and wiring;
  • connect water, while checking all connections.

The selection of pipes for hot water and heating systems is carried out taking into account the fact that they are not subject to deformation under the influence of heat. Preference is given to polypropylene pipes, which have certain advantages:

  1. do not deteriorate under the influence of corrosion;
  2. easy to install;
  3. economical;
  4. environmentally friendly;
  5. do not have internal limestone deposits.

Installation of the central highway according to the legislation should be carried out every 25-30 years. This applies to house networks, heating pipes inside apartments, water supply in non-privatized apartments.

IMPORTANT! Over time, any pipes can fail, this often leads to pipe splitting, leakage and, as a result, damage to property.

Since not everyone has information that the replacement of the riser should be carried out at the expense of the management company, owners sometimes change the riser in their apartment on their own. Knowing the responsibilities of the managing organization, you can avoid unnecessary costs.

Useful in all respects, an explanation for residents of multi-storey buildings was made by the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The high court spoke about which pipes in the house the management company is responsible for.

And the reason for such interpretations was a utility accident in one of the apartments. The injured owner, who had a flood due to a broken tap on the cold water riser, demanded compensation from the management company for its own costs to eliminate the consequences of the leak. The amount came out rather big, as the citizen added moral damage to the repair costs, a fine for the fact that public utilities voluntarily did not reimburse the amount, as well as the costs of the examination.

Already in court, the plaintiff said that she was the owner of the apartment. And as a result of an accident at the first shut-off and control valve of the cold water riser, her apartment was flooded. According to the victim, the management company is to blame for the accident, which "improperly performed the duties of maintaining the common property of an apartment building." Voluntarily communal workers did not admit guilt. I had to go to court.

The city court agreed with the plaintiff's demand and satisfied her claim. But the next instance - the judicial board for civil cases of the regional court - did not agree with their colleagues. She canceled the decision and adopted a new one - to refuse the citizen's claim. The plaintiff had to go to the Supreme Court, where the decision of the regional court was canceled.

Here are the arguments of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The court stated that in order to correctly resolve this dispute, it is necessary to establish "the presence of guilt of the parties in the accident." And in the materials of the court of appeal there were copies of the decision of another court that entered into force on the claim of another victim in this flood. A certain man presented financial claims to a neighbor who had this tap on a cold water riser, as well as to the management company. The court decided the dispute in favor of the injured neighbor, but awarded the money only to the management company to pay him, and did not take anything from the neighbor whose tap broke. In this decision it is said that communal services are guilty of the accident that happened in the apartment of a neighbor. These conclusions of the court, which no one disputed, the appeal did not take into account. The law (CPC, Article 61) states that the circumstances established by a court decision that has entered into force are mandatory. And they are not proven again and are not disputed.

The Housing Code lists which equipment the management company is responsible for. And then there are the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building. They were approved by the government (Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006). The rules state that the common property, among other things, includes "common house engineering systems for hot and cold water supply, consisting of risers, branches from risers to the first disconnecting device." And managing apartment buildings companies are responsible to the owners for violation of obligations and are responsible for the proper maintenance of common property.

There is another law that is useful for citizens who find themselves in a similar situation - "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (No. 384 of December 30, 2009). The Supreme Court said that from this law, as well as existing standards and codes of practice, it follows that the first disconnecting devices and shut-off and control valves on the outlets of the intra-apartment wiring are elements of intra-house engineering networks. These first shut-off devices and stopcocks meet the basic hallmark of a common property as being designed to service some or all of the rooms in a house.

If the equipment is located in an apartment, this does not mean that it is used only to service this apartment.

And the fact that this equipment is located in an apartment does not mean that it is used exclusively for servicing this apartment, and cannot be attributed to common property in an apartment building, since the Housing Code provides for its location both inside and outside the premises.

The Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Armed Forces emphasized: the circumstances indicating that the emergency plumbing equipment belongs to the property of the plaintiff or to the common property of the residents of the house are significant for resolving the dispute and must be proven. When the appeal reviewed the decision on this dispute, she stated that the plaintiff, along with the replacement of the internal engineering networks in the apartment, which are her property, also replaced the shut-off valve, due to which there was an accident. But the lady categorically disagreed with this statement, and the court of second instance did not check this and "did not reliably establish it."

Legal advice:

1. Should the first faucet from the riser, inside the apartment, be replaced free of charge?

1.1. In accordance with the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 risers, specified disconnecting devices[/quote]. The current repair of the specified device is part of the maintenance of the common property and is carried out depending on the method of managing the apartment building.

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2. Who is responsible for the first tap from the central riser?

2.1. The management company is responsible for the maintenance of the crane, in accordance with clause 5 of Decree 491 of 08/13/2006.

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3. Whose responsibility is it for the first faucet at the outlet from the riser in a private house?

3.1. In residential buildings, in-house engineering systems include those located within the land plot on which the residential building is located, as well as engineering communications (networks) located in the residential building, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment, using which utility services are consumed.

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4. At whose expense is the repair of the first tap from the common water supply riser carried out?

4.1. by the apartment owner.

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5. Who should pay for the replacement of the first riser faucet?

5.1. Management Company.

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5.2. The managing organization (UO, HOA, ZhSK), since in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (PP RF No. 491 of 08/13/2006), the FIRST tap on the OUTLET of the intra-apartment distribution of cold water, hot water and heating systems refers to the COMMON property of an apartment building.
Therefore, the maintenance and repair of such a crane should be carried out at the expense of the funds that the owners of the premises pay monthly just for the maintenance and flow. repair of the common property of MKD.

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6. They flooded the neighbors two floors down, tore off the first tap from the riser. That is, it is public property. What is the best thing to do at the moment - to compensate the neighbors for losses immediately or to do an examination? If reimbursed immediately, will it be possible to return this money from uk?

6.1. If you can prove in court that the flood was the fault of ex. company, then let the neighbors sue. But you will need the services of a lawyer, as the company will heavily shift the blame on you. It's up to you, good luck!

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6.2. Contact the Criminal Code to draw up an estimate and an act on the flooding of the apartment. Submit a written claim (Post. Pr-va 470 apply). In case of refusal, apply to the court with a claim. I do not advise you to pay for the damage at this stage.

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7. This morning they flooded the neighbors two floors down. The first faucet was torn off from the riser, that is, it must belong to the house. What should I do in such a situation?

7.1. Egor, call the Criminal Code, neighbors and draw up an act on flooding and establishing the fact of a leak - a broken tap.

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8. I live in an apartment building. I own the apartment. In my apartment, the first tap from the riser does not hold water. I called the housing and communal services, they told me that I should buy a new faucet and pay for repairs. Is it legal? After all, the first tap from the riser is the common property of an apartment building, and they must change it at their own expense. I pay monthly. services in housing and communal services.

8.1. according to the law, this is the responsibility of the housing department, write a claim to them, it can help. In the event of disputes, they will claim that you installed the faucet and therefore you are also responsible. In the case of courts, the chances are 50/50. Therefore, if you do not agree, it is easier to buy a crane at your own expense, the nerves will be safer.

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9. There was a flooding of the lower apartment. The reason is the wear of the pipe thread, which is included in the first stopcock in the apartment. Next comes a piece of pipe, a counter and further to the mixer. Who is responsible for the damage? I read judicial practice: the court recognized the first shut-off valve from the riser as apartment property, because it affects the water supply of one apartment. There is a chance to win in court if the defendant of the housing cooperative, and the chairman of the housing cooperative claims that there is a meeting of members of the housing cooperative, which approved that the apartment is yours and answer yourself.

9.1. Under the circumstances described - no, although the decision of the cooperative cannot change the ratio of common and personal property in the house - the first statement (the court recognized the first stopcock from the riser as apartment property) is enough to admit the guilt of the owner of the apartment.

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9.2. It is advisable for you to contact a lawyer in person with this question; you need to look at all the documents in the case and it is not a fact that it will be possible to decide in your favor.

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10. At home, the faucet is out of order, which is the first from the riser and shuts off the water to the apartment.

10.1. good day to you
Dear Andrey, in this case, this is not a repair of common property, but a repair in your apartment. Therefore, the requirements of the Criminal Code are legal, by the way, they are also not required to change it for free.

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10.2. This is your area of ​​responsibility and your property, so everything is correct. Good luck to you and all the best to your loved ones.

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11. As a result of the detachment of the first faucet from the mud filter (no repairs are carried out, it did not touch pipes, taps, etc. at all), 4 floors were flooded. The question is who is responsible for the crane and who pays for the damage. Thank you!

11.1. Hello,
In this situation, the owner of the apartment where the breakthrough and initial flooding occurred will compensate for the damage.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

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11.2. We take an agreement with the Criminal Code and read / look at the page where the zones of delimitation of responsibility are schematically indicated.
In accordance with sub. 5-9 p. 2 of the "Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building ..", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491, the common property includes in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, consisting of risers, branches from risers to the first disconnecting device (including it) located on the branches from the risers, the indicated disconnecting devices, collective (common house) cold and hot water meters, the first shut-off and control valves on the outlets of the intra-apartment wiring from the risers, as well as mechanical, electrical, sanitary -technical and other equipment located on these networks.
Study these acts carefully, it may turn out that the fault will lie with the Criminal Code.
In general, there are a lot of nuances in this matter, it is better for you to seek personal advice from a lawyer.

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12. The first cold water tap from the riser burst. (next to the stand). Whose fault, who is responsible for the crane?

"Taking into account these technical features, the first shut-off devices and shut-off and control valves correspond to the main feature of common property as intended to serve several or all premises in the house. The fact that the specified equipment is located in the apartment does not mean that it is used to serve this premises exclusively and cannot be attributed to common property in an apartment building, since subparagraph 3 of part 1 of Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides for its location both inside and outside the premises.In this regard, the applicant's argument that the first shut-off and control valves on the branches of risers located inside the apartment and therefore intended to serve this apartment is unreasonable.”

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13. My apartment is on the ground floor. In an apartment on the 3rd floor, a riser tap burst, flooding all 3 floors. The act of flooding from the Criminal Code indicates that a mistake was made during the construction of the house (the house was put into operation 1 year ago). Conducted an assessment, wrote a claim to the Criminal Code, they replied: "they sent a claim to resolve the issue to the developer." And now it's taking a very long time again. How long do I have to wait for a response? And who to sue?

13.1. The interested person has the right, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation on civil proceedings, to apply to the court for the protection of violated or disputed rights, freedoms or legitimate interests.

Must respond within a reasonable time. General 30 days.

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13.2. A claim for damages is filed against the person who caused the harm. If the flooding occurred through no fault of the owner of the apartment, then the claim is filed against the Criminal Code.

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Consultation on your question

call from landlines and mobiles is free throughout Russia

14. At the outlet from the hot water riser, the tap that shuts off the water broke. The faucet was changed 3 months ago when installing a water meter. Due to the accident, apartments on 3 floors were flooded. Who will be responsible and compensate for material damage? The management company says that their property is up to the first disconnecting device from the riser, and the crane is already our property. Are they right?

14.1. Yes, Elena. They are right. The crane is obliged to repair the owner of the apartment.
For a more accurate answer, it is better to visit a lawyer in person with all available documents
Thank you for visiting our site.
Good luck to you.

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15. My apartment was flooded, as a neighbor's ball valve was "torn" in half from above, blocking the mountains. water to the apartment. That is, he is in his kitchen, and the tap is the first from the riser. To whom to make claims if the Criminal Code and the neighbor blame each other? Maybe, in general, to the developer company? The house is new, the apartment has been owned for 2 years (from the date of construction). And this, it turns out, is not the first case in the new buildings of this company.

15.1. The management company had to draw up an act on the bay, which should reflect the location of the technical damage that caused the bay, and also indicate in whose area of ​​responsibility the damage site is located. You can apply with a separate application to the Criminal Code for clarifications in whose area of ​​responsibility the place of damage was located

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15.2. Make claims against both the management company and the owner. The court will determine the guilty person in the process of considering the case.

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15.3. it has nothing to do with it .. pull the neighbor .. let him attract whoever he wants .. he is the culprit now by default

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16. The first shut-off valve from the riser in the threaded connection above the valve that shuts off the water broke through in the apartment. ZhEK said that if the thread is higher, then the tenant is to blame. In general, this faucet is a one-piece part, and as far as I understand, it is all this shut-off valve.

16.1. No, the fault of the housing office in this case is obvious

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17. After the first tap, a metal-ceramic hose was torn off from the riser and the lower floors were flooded with water. For 10 years, the management company has never done an inspection. Who is guilty? And what should I do next. Downstairs neighbors are demanding compensation for the bay.

17.1. The Criminal Code is guilty, file a complaint with the GZHI

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18. Please help with advice. I just fixed a hot water leak, the first faucet from the riser burst. I did not change the faucet, it was already installed at the time of buying an apartment, tomorrow morning I go to the management company. Who will be right in this situation, me or the management company?

18.1. Well, since you have eliminated the leak, then you will be right that you still had to do something

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19. As far as I know, the replacement of the inlet water tap in the apartment should be free of charge, since this is the first locking device from the cold water riser. But the master of the housing department requires payment for both the work and the cost of the crane. Which one of us is right?

19.1. Nobody. According to the text, this is really common property, replacement and work is carried out at the expense of all owners, and not just you specifically.

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20. Please explain to me on the fingers whose first faucet is on the outlet from the riser in my apartment, or I read the decision of the homeowners association.

20.1. up to the locking device - property for which the Criminal Code is responsible.
afterwards is your responsibility.

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21. A pipe with hot water broke through at the junction of the riser with the tap (the thread from the riser to the first screw into the apartment rotted) who is to blame: the management company or the tenant of the apartment?

21.1. Before the first disconnecting device, the management company is responsible - this is the common property of the MKD

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22. My name is Ruslan, in my apartment a lamb flew off from a ball valve, extending from a common riser. They flooded the neighbors, the HOA says that I am to blame, but I have a different opinion. Now I have no clarity on who should be responsible and check the first tap leaving the riser.

22.1. Up to the first tap, including himself, is the responsibility of the HOA. The rest is you

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23. Our tap broke - the first from the riser (the locking device pulled out). The management company admits that it belongs to the common property of the house, but since we changed it when moving in (the crane installed by the developer was leaking), then we must answer to our neighbors. The faucets have not been checked by plumbers at home for 5 years, the plumber changed the faucet during repairs, there are no checks for the faucet and replacement services. How to act in such a situation?

23.1. Anton!
If they admit that the faucet belongs to the common property of the house, then it was they who had to monitor it, check it, repair it, etc.
So, let them compensate the material and moral damage to the affected residents.
Thank you for visiting the site with your question. Good luck in resolving your problem!

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24. The first tap from the riser dripped in the apartment and flooded the neighbor. The crane has been standing for more than five years, the apartment is Brezhnevka, we bought the apartment four years ago. The apartment is privatized. In the housing office they told me that it was our fault, if there was an old wing faucet, then the fault was the Management Company. Tell me, please, whose fault is it?

24.1. file a complaint with the prosecutor

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