Municipal waste: all about the new rules for garbage collection. XV(1). Provision of utility services on appeal

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 07/13/2019) "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of public services ...

XV(1). Provision of utility services on request

with municipal solid waste

148(1). The provision of communal services for the treatment of solid municipal waste to the consumer is carried out on the basis of a paid agreement containing provisions on the provision of communal services for the treatment of solid municipal waste, from among the contracts specified in paragraphs 148 (4) - of these Rules.

An agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste may be concluded with the contractor in writing or by performing implicit actions.

The owner of a non-residential premises in an apartment building, in order to ensure the management of municipal solid waste, concludes an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste directly with the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste. The specified contract is concluded in the manner and in accordance with the requirements established by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of production and consumption waste management.

The owner of a non-residential premises in an apartment building is obliged to provide the managing organization, partnership or cooperative of the apartment building in which the owner's non-residential premises are located, with data on the volumes of utility services for the management of solid municipal waste consumed during the billing period under the specified agreement, within 3 working days from day of receipt of their request.

The managing organization, partnership, cooperative provide the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, which provides the municipal service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, with information about the owners of non-residential premises in an apartment building, and also send notifications to the owners of non-residential premises in an apartment building about the need to conclude contracts for provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste directly with the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste.

The managing organization, partnership or cooperative that manages the apartment building provides the regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste, which starts providing the municipal solid waste management service to the owners and users of premises in the apartment building, in the cases provided for in subparagraphs "e" and "e" of paragraph 148 (11) of these Rules, the information necessary for calculating the fee for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, no later than 5 working days before the day the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste begins to provide the utility service for the treatment with municipal solid waste in the specified cases. Such information should include:

last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date and place of birth, details of an identity document, contact phone number and e-mail address (if any) of each owner and user of residential premises in an apartment building, name (company name) and place of state registration legal entity, contact phone number, if the owner of the residential premises in an apartment building is a legal entity;

addresses of residential premises in an apartment building, the owners or users of which are provided with a utility service for the management of municipal solid waste, indicating the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe residential premises, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises that are part of the common property in the apartment building, as well as the number of persons permanently residing in the residential premises, and other information necessary for the calculation of utility bills in accordance with these Rules;

information on the application of measures of social support for payment of utility services in relation to the owner or user of residential premises in an apartment building in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

information on the cases, periods and grounds for recalculating the amount of the fee for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste provided to the consumer, copies of documents confirming the consumer's right to recalculate the fee in accordance with these Rules for the previous 12 months;

details of documents confirming the ownership of each dwelling in an apartment building and (or) their copies (if any).

In the event that the specified information is not provided and (or) the managing organization, partnership or cooperative that manages the apartment building provides false information, the losses of the regional operator for the treatment of solid municipal waste incurred in connection with the payment by the regional operator for the treatment of solid municipal waste of a fine for an unreasonable increase in the amount of the fee for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, provided for in paragraph 155 (1) of these Rules, calculated in the absence of the specified information or on the basis of inaccurate information, shall be reimbursed by the managing organization, partnership or cooperative that manages the apartment building and has not provided information and (or) provided false information.

The provision of the specified information does not require the consent of the consumer to the transfer of personal data by virtue of clause 5 of part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data".

148(1-1). The managing organization, the board of the partnership or cooperative shall provide the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste with information from the register of owners of premises in an apartment building, allowing to identify the owners of premises in this apartment building (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the owner of the premises in an apartment building, full the name and main state registration number of the legal entity, if the owner of the premises in the apartment building is a legal entity, the number of the premises in the apartment building, the owner of which is an individual or legal entity), as well as information on the size of their shares in the right of common ownership of the common property of the owners premises in an apartment building in the event of a change in the specified information no later than 10 working days from the date of such a change.

The provision of the specified information is carried out simultaneously on paper, signed by the sole executive body of the managing organization, partnership or cooperative, and on electronic media.

148(2). An agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by the consumer performing implicit actions, is considered concluded on the terms provided for by these Rules.

An agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste in a residential building in an apartment building or residential building (household), concluded in writing, must comply with these Rules. In case of non-compliance of the specified agreement with these Rules, it is considered concluded on the terms provided for by these Rules.

A consumer in a residential building cannot be denied the provision of a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste if the consumer does not have a written contract containing provisions on the provision of such a utility service.

148(3). A person from among the persons specified in paragraphs 148(4) and these Rules may act as a utility service provider for the treatment of municipal solid waste. At the same time, the period of time during which the specified person is obliged to provide a utility service to consumers and has the right to require consumers to pay for the provided utility service is to be determined in accordance with paragraphs 148 (8) - of these Rules.

148(4). The conditions for the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste to owners and users of premises in an apartment building, depending on the chosen method of managing an apartment building, are determined by:

a) in an apartment building management agreement concluded by the owners of premises in an apartment building or by the management body of a partnership, cooperative with a managing organization chosen in accordance with the procedure established by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation to manage an apartment building, except for the cases specified in subparagraphs "d" - "e "Clause 148(11) of these Rules. At the same time, the managing organization is not entitled to refuse to include in the said agreement the conditions for the provision of a utility service for the management of municipal solid waste, the provision of which is possible taking into account the degree of improvement of the apartment building, and is also not entitled to refuse to provide such a utility service;

(see text in previous edition)

b) in an agreement on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by a partnership or cooperative with the owners of residential premises in an apartment building in which a partnership or cooperative is established. At the same time, the partnership or cooperative is not entitled to refuse the owner of the premises in the apartment building, who is or is not a member of it, to conclude an agreement on the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste, the provision of which is possible taking into account the degree of improvement of the apartment building, and is also not entitled to refuse in the provision of such public service;

c) in contracts for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by the owners of residential premises in an apartment building with the relevant regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste.

148(5). The conditions for the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste to the owner and user of a residential building (household) of his choice are determined by:

A) in an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by the owner of a residential building (household) with the relevant regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste;

(see text in previous edition)

b) in an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by the owner of a residential building (household) with an organization (including a horticultural or horticultural non-profit partnership), which, on its own behalf and in the interests of the owner, concludes an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste with the relevant regional municipal solid waste management operator.

(see text in previous edition)

148(6). The conditions for the provision of public services to the tenant, the borrower under the contract for the gratuitous use of the premises, the tenant of the residential premises are determined in accordance with paragraph 11 of these Rules.

At the same time, the owner of the dwelling, acting as a landlord, lender or landlord of the dwelling, in order to ensure the provision to tenants, borrowers, tenants of a utility service for the management of solid municipal waste, the provision of which is possible taking into account the degree of improvement of the dwelling, concludes an agreement with the contractor containing the provisions on the provision of such a utility service, from among the contracts specified in paragraphs 148(4) and these Rules.

148(7). The provision of communal services for the treatment of solid municipal waste is provided by the managing organization, partnership or cooperative, or the organization specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 148 (5) of these Rules, by concluding an agreement with the regional operator for the treatment of solid municipal waste for the provision of services for the treatment with municipal solid waste in order to ensure the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste to consumers.

148(8). The managing organization, selected in accordance with the procedure established by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation for managing an apartment building, begins to provide public services for the management of solid municipal waste to consumers in an apartment building, with the exception of cases provided for in subparagraphs "d" - "e" of paragraph 148 (11) of these Rules, from the date specified in the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the choice of a managing organization, or from the date of conclusion of an agreement on the management of an apartment building, including with a managing organization selected by a local government on the basis of an open tender, but not earlier the date of commencement of the export of municipal solid waste under an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by the managing organization with the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste. The managing organization terminates the provision of communal services for the treatment of solid municipal waste from the date of termination of the contract for managing an apartment building on the grounds established by the housing or civil legislation of the Russian Federation, or from the date of termination of the contract for the provision of services for the treatment of solid municipal waste, concluded by the managing organization with the regional municipal solid waste management operator.

(see text in previous edition)

148(9). A partnership or cooperative, if the owners of the premises in an apartment building choose the management of a partnership or cooperative as a method of managing an apartment building, proceeds to provide a public service for handling solid municipal waste to consumers in an apartment building, with the exception of cases provided for in subparagraphs "d" - "e "paragraph 148 (11) of these Rules, from the date of its state registration, but not earlier than the date of commencement of the export of municipal solid waste under an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by a partnership or cooperative with a regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste. The partnership or cooperative terminates the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste from the date of its liquidation or from the date specified in paragraph 148(8) of these Rules for the start of the provision of public services by the managing organization with which the management body of the partnership or cooperative has concluded an agreement on the management of an apartment building, or from the date of termination of the agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by a partnership or cooperative with a regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste.

(see text in previous edition)

148(10). The organization specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 148(5) of these Rules begins to provide a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste to consumers in a residential building (household) from the date of commencement of the provision of the utility service specified in the agreement concluded with the owner of the residential building (household ) in a written contract for the provision of public services. The organization specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 148(5) of these Rules shall terminate the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste from the date of termination of the contract for the provision of the specified public service on the grounds established by the housing, civil legislation of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation on production and consumption waste.

148(11). The regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste begins to provide a public service for the treatment of municipal solid waste:

a) owners and users of premises in an apartment building in which direct control is chosen as the method of management - from the date indicated in the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises on the choice of such a method of control, until the date when the provision of public services by the management organization or partnership or cooperative begins, referred to in paragraph 148(8) or these Rules;

b) owners and users of premises in an apartment building in which a management method has not been selected or a management method has been selected, but the events specified in paragraph 148 (8) or these Rules have not occurred - from the date of the emergence of ownership of the premises, from the date of provision of residential premises by a housing cooperative, from the date of conclusion of a lease agreement, from the date of conclusion of a lease agreement, unless another period is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of production and consumption waste management, or from the date of termination of the previously chosen method of managing an apartment building until the day the manager begins providing utility services an organization or partnership or cooperative referred to in paragraph 148(8) or these Rules;

c) owners and users of residential buildings (households) - from the date of the emergence of ownership of a residential building (household) or other legal right to use a residential building, unless another period is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of production and consumption waste management, except for the period the time during which the owner of the residential building (household) and the organization specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 148(5) of these Rules, has concluded and is executing an agreement in writing for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste and such an agreement has not been terminated;

d) owners and users of premises in an apartment building in the event that the general meeting of owners of premises in such an apartment building decided to maintain the procedure for the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste and payments for such a public service, which was in effect before the decision was made to change the method of management an apartment building or on the choice of a managing organization when the owners of premises in an apartment building make a decision to change the method of managing an apartment building or to choose a managing organization - from the date of such a decision;

(see text in previous edition)

e) owners and users of premises in an apartment building, in respect of which the contract for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by the managing organization, partnership or cooperative with the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, is considered terminated - after 30 calendar days from the date of sending the notification provided for by Part 3 of Article 157.2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

(see text in previous edition)

f) when a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building makes a decision provided for in clause 4.4 of part 2 of article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - from the date specified in such a decision, and in the event that a regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste makes a decision to postpone from which the contract for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste is considered concluded, for no more than 3 calendar months in accordance with the provisions of clause 1 of part 7 of article 157.2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, - from the date determined by the specified decision of the regional operator for handling municipal solid waste.

148(11-1). In the case specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 148(11) of these Rules, the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste begins to provide public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste from the date specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 148(11) of these Rules, subject to the receipt of a copy of the decisions and minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the issue specified in paragraph 4.4 of Part 2 of Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Not later than 10 calendar days before the date of commencement of the provision by the regional operator for the treatment of solid municipal waste of the municipal service for the treatment of solid municipal waste in the cases specified in subparagraphs "e" and "e" of paragraph 148 (11) of these Rules, the regional operator for the treatment with municipal solid waste brings to the attention of owners and users of residential premises in an apartment building by posting on its official website on the Internet and in the state information system of housing and communal services the following information:

the date of conclusion and commencement of execution by the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste of the contract for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste;

a list of information from among those specified in paragraphs eight to twelve of clause 148(1) of these Rules, which owners of residential premises in an apartment building must provide to the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste in order to calculate the amount of payment for the utility service;

information on the terms and methods of paying for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, including directly to the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste without paying a commission (for citizens);

payment details of the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste;

information about the address (location) of the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, as well as the addresses (location) of its branches (if any), contact numbers and e-mail addresses (if any).

If the regional solid waste management operator decides to postpone the period after which the contract for the provision of municipal solid waste management services is considered concluded, the regional solid waste management operator within the period specified in clause 1 of part 7 of Article 157.2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, notifies, by posting this decision on its official website on the Internet and in the state information system of housing and communal services, the person on whose initiative a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building was convened on the issue specified in paragraph 4.4 of part 2 of article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, with bringing to this person the information provided for in paragraphs three to seven of this paragraph. The specified information shall be placed within the same period by the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste in the state information system of housing and communal services.

148(11-2). The person who initiated the convening of a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the issue specified in clause 4.4 of Part 2 of Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation brings to the attention of the owners and users of premises in an apartment building information received from a regional operator for handling solid municipal waste in accordance with paragraph 148 (11-1) of these Rules, by posting in public places (on bulletin boards located in all entrances of an apartment building or within the land plot on which an apartment building is located) within 5 calendar days from the day receiving it.

148(11-3). In the case specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 148(11) of these Rules, the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, simultaneously with the notification provided for by part 3 of article 157.2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, brings to the attention of the owners and users of premises in an apartment building information specified in paragraph 148 (11-1) of these Rules, by posting in the state information system of housing and communal services, on its official website on the Internet, in public places (on bulletin boards located in all entrances of an apartment building or within the land the site on which the apartment building is located), as well as by publishing in printed publications in which acts of local governments are published.

148(12). The regional municipal solid waste management operator is responsible for the management of municipal solid waste from the moment such waste is loaded onto the garbage truck. Loading of solid municipal waste includes cleaning of the places of loading of solid municipal waste.

(see text in previous edition)

148(13). An agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of municipal solid waste, concluded, among other things, with the owner or user of a residential building (household), must include the conditions specified in subparagraphs "a" - "e" and "l" - "c "Clause 19 of these Rules, as well as the procedure for determining the amount of utility services provided and the amount of payment for the utility service, including information on the number of units of account approved when determining the standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government bodies of settlements or urban districts (if they are empowered by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation) for this category of object and information in graphical form on the location of places (sites) for the accumulation of solid municipal waste and access roads.

(see text in previous edition)

Contracts for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste are concluded in the cases provided for in parts 1 and 9 of Article 157.2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, between the owners of premises in an apartment building and the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste in accordance with the form of a standard service agreement on the treatment of municipal solid waste, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2016 N 1156 "On the treatment of municipal solid waste and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2008 N 641".

148(14). To conclude in writing an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, from among the agreements specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 148(4) of these Rules, the contractor represented by the managing organization, partnership or The cooperative is obliged, no later than 20 working days from the day specified, respectively, in paragraph 148(8) or these Rules, to transfer the draft agreement signed by it in 2 copies to the owner of the premises in the apartment building at the location of the contractor, by mail or in another way agreed with the owner. The owner of the premises in an apartment building, who has received a draft agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, in the absence of disagreements on such a project, is obliged to transfer it to the contractor at the location of the contractor, by mail or 1 copy of the contract signed by him in another way agreed with the contractor, indicating in it the information provided for in subparagraphs "c", "d", "e" and "l" of paragraph 19 of these Rules, as well as information on the number of units of account approved when determining the standards accumulation of solid municipal waste by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government bodies of settlements or urban districts (if they are empowered by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) for this category of object, and attaching copies of the following documents to it:

a) a document confirming the right of ownership (use) of the premises in an apartment building (residential building);

b) an identity document of an individual - the owner of the premises, or a certificate of state registration of a legal entity - the owner of the premises.

148(15). The owner of the premises in an apartment building and the owner of a residential building (home ownership) has the right to initiate the conclusion in writing of an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste, from among the agreements specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 148 ( 4) and subparagraph "b" of paragraph 148(5) of these Rules, by submitting to the contractor at its location, by mail or in another way agreed with the contractor, an application signed by the owner (one of the co-owners) to conclude an agreement in 2 copies, containing the information specified in subparagraphs "c", "d", "e" and "l" of paragraph 19 of these Rules, as well as information on the number of units of account approved when determining the standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government bodies of settlements or city ​​districts (if they are empowered by law, the subject ct of the Russian Federation) for this category of object, and copies of the documents specified in paragraph 148(14) of these Rules.

Submission of documents at the location of the contractor can be carried out by one of the co-owners upon presentation of an identity document, or an authorized representative of any of the co-owners upon presentation of a duly executed power of attorney.

The contractor who has received the application and the documents attached to it is obliged to register them on the day of receipt, make a note on the second copy of the application about the date of acceptance of the application and the documents attached to it and transfer it to the applicant.

The contractor, no later than 10 working days from the date of acceptance of the application and the documents attached to it, is obliged to issue to the applicant at the location of the contractor, by mail or in another way agreed with the applicant, a draft agreement signed by the contractor containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste, in 2 copies.

If there are disagreements on the draft agreement received from the contractor, containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, their consideration is carried out in accordance with paragraph 24 of these Rules.

148(16). In order to conclude a written agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste with a regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, the owner of a dwelling in an apartment building or the owner of a residential building (household) submits to the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, in the area of ​​activity of which solid municipal waste is generated, at its location, by mail or in another way agreed with the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, signed by the owner (one of the co-owners) an application for concluding an agreement in 2 copies, containing the information specified in subparagraphs "c" , "g", "e" and "l" of clause 19 of these Rules, as well as information on the number of units of account approved when determining the standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments of settlements and or urban districts (if they are empowered by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) for this category of object, and copies of the documents specified in clause 148(14) of these Rules.

148(17). If the owners of premises in an apartment building, directly managing such a building, have decided at a general meeting to issue one of the owners or another person with the authority to act in relations with third parties on behalf of the owners in such a building, this authorized person has the right to apply to the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste to conclude a written agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste in relation to all owners with the following documents:

a) an application for the conclusion of an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, signed by such a person;

b) a copy of the decision of the general meeting on issuing the authority to the authorized person to act in relations with third parties on behalf of the owners in such a house;

c) a copy of the power of attorney issued to the authorized person in writing by all or the majority of the owners;

d) the information specified in subparagraphs "c", "d", "e" and "l" of paragraph 19 of these Rules, as well as information on the number of units of account approved when determining the standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or local self-government bodies of settlements or urban districts (in case they are empowered by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) for this category of object.

148(18). The conclusion of an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste with a regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste is carried out in the manner specified in paragraph 148(15) of these Rules.

148(19). The grounds for refusing to conclude an agreement containing provisions on the provision of a utility service for the management of solid municipal waste can only be that the degree of improvement of an apartment building or residential building does not allow providing the consumer with a utility service for the management of solid municipal waste, the provision of which the applicant indicated in the application for the conclusion of an agreement containing provisions for the provision of the specified utility service, or that the organization contacted by the consumer to conclude this agreement is unable to provide the utility service to the consumer due to the non-occurrence of the events specified in paragraphs 148(8) - of these Rules. In case of refusal to conclude an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, on the grounds provided for in this paragraph, the contractor is obliged, within 5 days from the date of the applicant's request for the conclusion of an agreement, to notify him in writing of the refusal to conclude agreement indicating the reasons for such refusal.

148(21). An agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded in writing, enters into force and is binding on the parties from the date of its signing by both parties. The terms of such an agreement may provide that the rights and obligations of the parties arise from a later date after the date of entry into force of this agreement.

An agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded by the consumer performing implicit actions, is considered concluded by the consumer with the relevant contractor from the date the utility services are provided by such a contractor, specified in paragraphs 148 (8) - of these Rules.

An agreement containing provisions on the provision of a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste is valid until the date (inclusive) of the termination of the provision of the specified utility service by the relevant contractor specified in paragraphs 148(8) - of these Rules.

An agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste may be terminated ahead of schedule on the grounds provided for by the civil, housing legislation of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation on production and consumption waste.

148(22). The provider of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste is obliged to:

a) provide the consumer with a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste in the volumes necessary for him and of proper quality in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, these Rules and an agreement containing provisions on the provision of this utility service;

b) conclude with a regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, contracts for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, except for the cases specified in paragraph 148(11) of these Rules;

(see text in previous edition)

c) independently or with the involvement of other persons, carry out maintenance of in-house engineering systems, with the use of which the consumer is provided with a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, with the exception of cases provided for in subparagraphs "b", "d" - "e" of paragraph 148 (11 ) of these Rules;

(see text in previous edition)

d) in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules, calculate the amount of the fee for the provided utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste and, if there are grounds, recalculate the amount of the fee for the specified utility service, including in connection with the provision of the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste of improper quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the permissible duration, for the period of temporary absence of the consumer in the occupied residential premises;

e) to check, directly at the consumer’s request, the correctness of the calculation of the amount of the payment for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, the consumer’s debt or overpayment for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, the correctness of the calculation of penalties (fines, penalties) presented to the consumer for payment and immediately, following the results of the check, issue to the consumer documents containing correctly calculated payments. The documents issued to the consumer at his request must be certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the contractor (if any). If it is impossible to conduct such an inspection directly at the consumer's request, the verification can be carried out within a period determined by agreement between the consumer and the contractor, but not exceeding 1 month from the date of the consumer's application. Documents based on the results of the verification are provided to the consumer in a manner agreed by the consumer and the contractor, no later than 5 working days after the completion of such verification;

(see text in previous edition)

f) accept, in the manner and within the time limits established by these Rules, consumer reports about the fact of providing public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, organize and conduct verification of such a fact with the preparation of an appropriate act checks, and in the presence of harm caused by a violation of the quality of public services, also an act fixing the harm caused to the life, health or property of the consumer;

g) keep a record of complaints (applications, appeals, demands, claims) of consumers on the quality of the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, records of the timing and results of their consideration and execution, as well as within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the complaint (application, appeals, demands, claims) send the consumer a response about its satisfaction or refusal to satisfy it, indicating the reasons for the refusal;

h) inform consumers in the manner and within the time limits established by these Rules about the reasons for and the expected duration of the provision of public services for the treatment of solid municipal waste of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration;

i) inform the consumer about the start date of the scheduled break in the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste no later than 10 working days before the start of the break;

j) provide the consumer (by specifying in the contract containing provisions for the provision of public services for the management of municipal solid waste, placing on bulletin boards located in all entrances of an apartment building or within the land plot on which an apartment building is located (residential building or complex residential buildings), in the state information system of housing and communal services, on the contractor's official website on the Internet, as well as on bulletin boards located in the contractor's premises in a place accessible to all consumers, and in the cases provided for in paragraph 148(11) of these of the Rules, by posting in the state information system of housing and communal services, on the official website of the contractor on the Internet, as well as on bulletin boards located in the premises of the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste in a place accessible to all consumers) the following information:

(see text in previous edition)

information about the performer - the name, location (address of its permanent executive body), information on state registration, mode of operation, address of the performer's website on the Internet, as well as addresses of sites on the Internet, on which the performer, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation , is obliged to post information about the performer, surname, name and patronymic of the head;

addresses and telephone numbers of the dispatcher's, emergency dispatch service of the contractor;

the size of tariffs (prices) for the communal service for the treatment of municipal solid waste and the details of the regulatory legal acts by which they are established;

the procedure and form of payment for utility services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, information on the consequences of late and (or) incomplete payment for utility services;

indicators of the quality of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, deadlines for eliminating accidents and other violations of the procedure for providing public services established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including these Rules, as well as information about these Rules;

names, addresses and phone numbers of executive authorities (their territorial bodies and subdivisions) authorized to exercise control over compliance with these Rules;

information about the obligation of the consumer to inform the utility service provider for the treatment of municipal solid waste about a change in the number of registered citizens in a residential building;

information about the need for the owner of a non-residential premises in an apartment building to conclude in writing an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste directly with the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste and the consequences of not concluding such an agreement;

k) provide any consumer, within 3 working days from the date of receipt of an application from him, information in writing for the billing periods requested by the consumer on the monthly volumes and (or) mass of solid municipal waste generated indoors in an apartment building, and the total volume and (or ) the mass of solid municipal waste generated in residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, calculated using the standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste or the number and volume of containers for the accumulation of solid municipal waste installed in places (sites) of accumulation;

(see text in previous edition)

l) bear other obligations stipulated by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, including these Rules and an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of municipal solid waste.

a) independently or with the involvement of other persons, carry out maintenance of in-house engineering systems, with the use of which a utility service for the treatment of solid household waste is provided to the consumer;

b) accept, in the manner and within the time limits established by these Rules, consumer reports on the fact of the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, organize and conduct together with the regional operator for the management of solid municipal waste to verify such a fact with the preparation of an appropriate inspection report, and if there is harm caused by a violation of the quality of utilities, also an act fixing the harm caused to the life, health or property of the consumer;

c) keep a record of complaints (applications, appeals, demands, claims) of consumers on the quality of the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, records of the timing and results of their consideration and execution, as well as within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the complaint (application, appeals, demands, claims) send the consumer a response about its satisfaction or refusal to satisfy it, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

148(23). The executor of the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste has the right to:

a) demand payment for the consumed communal service for the treatment of solid municipal waste, as well as in cases established by federal laws and an agreement containing provisions on the provision of a communal service for the treatment of solid municipal waste, payment of penalties (fines, penalties);

b) engage, on the basis of an appropriate agreement containing a condition on ensuring the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data, an organization or an individual entrepreneur:

for delivery of payment documents to consumers;

for charging fees for communal services for the treatment of municipal solid waste and preparing the delivery of payment documents to consumers;

c) establish, in the manner prescribed by paragraph 148 (35) of these Rules, the number of citizens living (including temporarily) in the residential premises occupied by the consumer, and draw up an act on establishing the number of such citizens to calculate the amount of payment for the provided communal service for handling municipal solid waste;

d) notify the consumer about the existence of arrears in payment for utility services for the treatment of solid municipal waste or arrears in payment of penalties (fines, penalties) by sending an SMS message via a mobile radiotelephone network to the consumer's user equipment, a telephone call with a conversation recording, an electronic message mail or through the consumer's personal account in the state information system of housing and communal services, by posting on the official page of the contractor on the Internet or by transmitting voice information to the consumer over a fixed telephone network;

e) exercise other rights provided for by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, including these Rules and an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of municipal solid waste.

148(23-1). The rights of the performer provided for in paragraph 148 (23) of these Rules in the cases provided for in subparagraphs "d" - "e" of paragraph 148 (11) of these Rules may be transferred to a management organization, partnership or cooperative that manages an apartment building, on the basis of an agreement for the provision services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded between the managing organization, partnership or cooperative that manages the apartment building, and the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste, by agreement of the parties to such an agreement. Information on the transfer of the specified rights of the executor to the managing organization, partnership or cooperative managing the apartment building is provided by the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste to consumers in the ways provided for in subparagraph "k" of paragraph 148 (22) of these Rules.

148(24). The consumer of the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste has the right to:

a) receive in the required volumes a public service for the management of municipal solid waste of proper quality;

b) receive from the contractor information about the correctness of the calculation presented to the consumer for payment of the amount of the fee for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, as well as the presence (or absence) of debt or overpayment by the consumer for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, the existence of grounds and the correctness of the calculation by the contractor to the consumer of penalties (fines, penalties);

c) require the contractor to conduct quality checks of the provided communal services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, draw up and submit an inspection report, an act on the elimination of identified deficiencies;

d) receive from the contractor information that he is obliged to provide to the consumer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of the contract containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste;

e) demand, in the cases and in the manner established by these Rules, a change in the amount of the fee for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste when the specified utility service is provided of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as for the period of temporary absence of the consumer in the occupied premises;

f) demand from the contractor compensation for losses and harm caused to the life, health or property of the consumer as a result of the provision of public services for the treatment of solid municipal waste of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as moral damage in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation ;

g) require the contractor to conduct quality checks of the provided communal services for the treatment of municipal solid waste in the manner prescribed by these Rules, draw up and send to consumers an inspection report and an act to eliminate the identified deficiencies;

h) exercise other rights provided for by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, including these Rules and an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of municipal solid waste.

148(25). The consumer of the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste is obliged to:

a) upon detection of malfunctions, fire and accidents in the garbage chute and waste collection chambers, as well as upon detection of violations in the quality of the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, immediately report them to the emergency dispatch service of the contractor or to another service specified by the contractor, and if availability - to take measures to eliminate such malfunctions, fire and accidents;

b) inform the contractor about an increase or decrease in the number of citizens living (including temporarily) in the residential premises occupied by him, no later than 5 working days from the date of the occurrence of such changes, if the amount of payment for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, provided to the consumer in a residential area, is determined based on the number of living citizens;

c) timely and in full pay for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste;

d) bear other obligations stipulated by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, including these Rules and an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of municipal solid waste.

148(26). The consumer of the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste is not entitled to store solid municipal waste outside containers, bunkers, other containers and special sites for bulky waste intended for their accumulation in accordance with the contract for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, fill containers for solid municipal waste intended for the accumulation of waste of other persons and not specified in the contract for the provision of services for the treatment of municipal solid waste, or containers not intended for such types of waste.

148(27). The settlement period for payment of utility services for the treatment of municipal solid waste is set equal to a calendar month.

148(28). The amount of payment for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste is calculated based on the price determined within the approved single tariff for the regional operator's service, established by the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste in the manner determined by the Federal Law "On production and consumption waste".

In the case of establishing tariffs (prices) differentiated by groups of consumers, the amount of payment for the communal service for the treatment of municipal solid waste is calculated using the tariffs (prices) established for the relevant consumer group.

When calculating the amount of payment for a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste provided by a regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste to the contractor in order to provide a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste to consumers, the tariffs (prices) of the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste are applied used in calculating the amount of utility bills for consumers. formula 9(2) formula 9(7) of Annex No. 2 to these Rules.

In the event that a public authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision on the implementation by consumers of payment for a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste based on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe residential premises, the amount of payment for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste provided to a consumer living in a room (rooms) in residential premises, which is a communal apartment, is carried out in accordance with formula 9 (8) of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules.

148(32). The calculation of the amount of the fee for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, provided to consumers in residential premises in corridor, hotel and sectional dormitories (with the presence of shared kitchens, toilets or shower units on the floors), is made in the manner established for calculating the amount of payment for such a utility service for consumers living in a communal apartment. paragraphs 57 formula 9(6) of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules.

(see text in previous edition)

148(39). Consumers are obliged to timely pay for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste.

The payment for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste is paid by consumers to the contractor or to the paying agent or bank paying agent acting on his behalf.

148(40). Consumers have the right, in the presence of an agreement containing provisions on the provision of a utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste, concluded with a contractor represented by a managing organization, partnership or cooperative, to pay a fee for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste directly to the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste. waste, which provides such a service to the contractor, or through the payment agents or bank payment agents specified by such a regional operator, if the decision to switch to this method of payment and the date of the transition is taken by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, members of a partnership or cooperative. In this case, the performer is obliged, no later than 5 working days from the date of the adoption of the said decision, to provide the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste with information about the decision made.

The payment by the consumer for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste directly to the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste is considered as the fulfillment of the obligation to pay for the specified utility service to the contractor. At the same time, the contractor is responsible for the proper provision of utility services for the treatment of solid municipal waste to consumers and is not entitled to prevent consumers from making payments directly to the regional operator for the treatment of solid municipal waste or to a paying agent or bank paying agent acting on his behalf.

148(42). Information on changes in the marginal tariffs and standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste is communicated by the contractor to the consumer in writing no later than 30 days before the date of issuance of payment documents, unless another period is established by an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the management of solid municipal waste.

148(43). The amount of forfeits (fines, penalties) determined by law or an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services for the treatment of solid municipal waste for violation by the consumer of the terms of such an agreement is indicated by the contractor in the payment document for making payments for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste.

148(44). In case of temporary, that is, more than 5 full calendar days in a row, the absence of the consumer in the residential premises, the amount of the fee for the utility service for the treatment of municipal solid waste is recalculated in the manner prescribed by Section VIII of these Rules.

148(45). When providing in the billing period to the consumer in a residential or non-residential premises a utility service for handling municipal solid waste of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of the specified utility service for repair and maintenance work within the established the duration of breaks, the amount of payment for such a utility service for the billing period is subject to reduction until the consumer is completely exempted from paying for such a service.

Requirements for the quality of the municipal service for the management of solid municipal waste, permissible deviations from these requirements and the permissible duration of interruptions in the provision of the specified utility service, as well as the conditions and procedure for changing the amount of the fee for the communal service for the treatment of solid municipal waste when such a utility service is provided of inadequate quality and (or) with breaks exceeding the established duration are given in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

If, in accordance with these Rules, the amount of the fee for the specified utility service for the billing period is formed incompletely and is subject to adjustment in the future, the amount of the reduction in the fee for this utility service for such a billing period cannot exceed the final amount of the fee for the corresponding utility service for such a billing period. period.

148(46). In case of interruptions in the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of public services for the treatment of municipal solid waste for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of breaks, the amount of payment for such a utility service is reduced by the amount of payment for the volume of utility services not provided.

148(47). The volume (quantity) of the municipal service for the treatment of solid municipal waste not provided during the billing period to the consumer in residential or non-residential premises is calculated based on the duration of the non-provision of the utility service and the standard for the accumulation of solid municipal waste for the billing period or the estimated value of consumption of the utility service, determined in accordance with paragraphs 148(30)

Open the full text of the document

Good afternoon, dear fellow environmentalists, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the latest information on waste related to MSW.

For these types of waste, no payment is made if the agreement is concluded with the regional operator for the treatment of MSW.

Recall that if the payer enters into a contract for the removal of garbage, this fee does not include payment for environmental pollution, even if the ownership of the waste is transferred to the recycling company. This conclusion follows from paragraph 1 of Art. 16.1 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ. This is also spelled out in the letter of Rosprirodnadzor dated January 29, 2016 No. AA-06-01-36 / 5099. At the same time, if economic and (or) other activities are carried out exclusively at objects of category IV, no payment is made, even if the waste is not MSW.

If your object does not belong to the objects of negative impact, then the fee for NVOS is not charged according to the letter of the Ministry of Natural Resources of October 31, 2016 No. AC-09-00-36 / 22354.

PS. Clarifications: Paragraph 6 of the clarifications clearly states that if a legal the person does not carry out the household. activities using the objects of the NVOS, then his activity does not apply to the activity providing the NVOS, and thus, such persons have no obligation to pay for the NVOS.

Environmental Safety Training (Waste)

We have in our arsenal a course on the 112-hour program "Environmental safety of enterprises in the field of hazardous waste management of I-IV hazard class" - training is provided to managers and specialists of organizations directly involved in the management of waste of I-IV hazard class. This training is regulated by Article 15 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” and is mandatory. View additional information on training, as well as form and submit an online application, .

The note was prepared by my assistant for the development of the “Environmental Safety” column, Ksenia Raldugina.

To be continued …

When utility bills arrive, each person has a completely legitimate desire to figure out what exactly is being charged for. One of the expense items on the receipt is garbage collection. From January 1, 2019, an item for the treatment of MSW (municipal solid waste) will appear in the accounts of Russian subscribers. This is due to the fact that the payment scheme for the removal and disposal of household waste will be slightly different.

Types of waste

Until recently, all tenants paid for the removal of solid household waste (MSW) and no one had any questions about this: everyone has garbage, it needs to be taken out and disposed of somewhere. But with the adoption of amendments to Federal Law No. 89 “On Production and Consumption Waste”, confusion arose: the concept of MSW (decoding: municipal solid waste) appeared, and work on their removal and disposal began to relate to the tasks of public utilities.

These changes have been in effect since 2016. However, they should not fully enter into force until January 2019. Therefore, now it is not uncommon for such situations when residents of one region pay their bills, where there is a line about MSW waste, and residents of another still receive receipts in which everything remains the same. For example, for residents of the Krasnodar Territory, Astrakhan Region, Ivanovo Region, the payment scheme has already been changed. Therefore, at the moment there are two types of this concept:

  1. Solid household.
  2. Communal household.

The concept of MSW

This is an integral part of the life of megacities, small towns. This is the same garbage that accumulates in the evening in every apartment. Municipal solid waste includes:

  1. : leftover food, plant components, bones.
  2. Synthetic: plastic, cellulose, textiles, glass, metals and more.

Biological (organic) are subject to disposal, because in the process of their decomposition they cause significant harm to the environment: in the process of decay, they can infect water and soil with the products of their decay. And this can lead to a number of dangerous diseases.

The decomposition of synthetic residues takes much longer (some substances decompose for more than 100 years). In addition, they often contain quite toxic substances in their composition: a variety of dyes, oils, which eventually enter the environment.

Communal household

Waste of this type is still the same garbage that appears in the process of human activity and accumulates in the premises. But this also includes general consumption goods, which over time have lost their value in terms of usefulness. That is, now the official name of household waste is municipal waste, and the concept of "MSW" now remains only in colloquial speech. It will no longer be used in official documents.

Refers to MSW: garbage that is generated as a result of their activities by legal entities, private entrepreneurs, when in its component composition it is identical to ordinary household waste. At the same time, only waste that does not appear as a result of the implementation of production activities or the performance of works, services will be considered for MSW organizations:

A more detailed list of what is included in MSW is presented in the Federal Waste Classification Catalog (FKKO), where each type of pollution has its own code, according to which you can see its belonging to a particular waste group.

Law changes

Prior to the adoption of this law, as well as before its entry into force, the fee for the removal and disposal of household waste directly depended on the purpose of the premises, its size. That is, earlier the tariff was calculated based on the type of premises: residential or non-residential, what area it occupied.

Now the cost of the service will depend on the status of the consumer: whether he is a private person, an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. Depending on this, certain standards for the accumulation of garbage are established. In turn, the standards by which the calculation will be made, now depend on certain types of consumers:

  1. For residents of apartment buildings.
  2. Residents of private houses.
  3. Owners of offices and industrial buildings.

Why this was done: it is assumed that residents of apartment buildings can accumulate much less garbage than owners of an office in which a large number of employees are daily. Therefore, the tariff for them will be different.

After the changes that came into force, the removal of household waste from the jurisdiction of management companies, which previously set the tariff for residents and owners of premises, became the responsibility of regional operators. A garbage disposal scheme was also approved: it is taken to the nearest MSW landfill for subsequent disposal.

This is a legal entity that deals with issues related to the collection and disposal of household waste in a certain area. The operator is selected on a tender basis.

Conclusion of an agreement

In order to fix the provision of services by this particular operator, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with him . Who has the right to conclude such an agreement:

The contract for the provision of garbage collection services is concluded for a period of 10 years.

Subsequent disposal

In practice, several types of household waste processing are used: collection, sorting and direct disinfection of waste (utilization or recycling). Sorting is needed to extract from the total number of waste those that will be suitable for use in secondary production (for example, for the same pulp and paper industry).

Disposal methods:

  1. Burial.
  2. Burning.
  3. Composting.
  4. Use as a secondary raw material.

Burial at landfills

Using landfill as a disposal method is the most cost-effective. But this method has a number of disadvantages:

  1. The landfill where garbage is stored occupies large areas of land.
  2. The sites where garbage will be dumped should be far outside the residential area, protected area, and recreational areas.
  3. Waste contained at these sites should have a low hazard class.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that even low-toxic waste in the process of its decomposition will have a negative impact on the soil and groundwater. And the land itself, on which the landfill was located, cannot later be used for any economic needs.

Burning household waste

Incineration is not the most harmless method, because in the process of combustion many harmful gases will be released that can poison nature. Special afterburning furnaces will also be required, in which the release of toxic substances from burning garbage will be neutralized as much as possible.

The benefits of incineration include:

  1. Ash, which is formed by the disposal of garbage, will take up much less space.
  2. Relatively low cost of disposal.
  3. Possibility to use heat energy for electricity generation or heating.

More benign for the environment is pyrolysis, in which the combustion process is carried out without access to oxygen.

Composting method

It is only suitable for organic waste. This method is based on the decomposition of substances under the action of microorganisms. Of the advantages of this method - simplicity, affordability, the possibility of using compost as a fertilizer (used in agriculture). Among the shortcomings is an unpleasant smell, which inevitably accompanies the process of decay.

Approximately one third of all organic waste is disposed of in this way. But in order for it to be used safely, the garbage must first be sorted. To do this, many yards began to install separate containers for plastic bottles, glass, and paper waste. In some places, separate containers are installed for waste that may contain hazardous substances (batteries, incandescent lamps, old thermometers). All this helps to avoid possible contamination of the environment with hazardous substances.

Secondary raw materials

The use of municipal (domestic) waste as a secondary raw material allows the production of some of the products without wasting natural resources. It also reduces the amount of waste to be disposed of. As a secondary raw material can serve:

Each type of recyclable material has its own processing technology. Fines are provided for non-compliance with the rules regarding the sanitary and hygienic condition.

All these changes, adopted in the legislation and relating to the normal functioning of society, are designed to reduce environmental tension in the country. After all, the dirt that remains after a person and his activities is evil. And everyone will agree with this - both adults and children. Clean streets and yards are not only beautiful, from an aesthetic point of view, they are also a sign of the well-being of society.

MSW waste is an abbreviation that has emerged relatively recently. Somewhat earlier in the conversation, as well as in documents, this type of waste was referred to as MSW (solid biological waste).

In addition to changing the abbreviation and list of MSW waste, the Federal Law introduced changes to the methods of waste disposal. We will talk about everything in more detail in the article.

What it is?

Solid municipal waste - decoding of MSW waste. The concept was officially established by the Law of the Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ.

Based on the content of this Federal Law, MSW is all those wastes that are generated and accumulated in residential premises as a result of human activity, as well as consumer goods that have lost their shelf life. Also, the legislation classified municipal solid waste as garbage, which is formed as a result of the activities of persons of legal specificity, individual entrepreneurs.

Thus, we can conclude that MSW is the garbage that is generated as a result of human activities, enterprises and organizations.

Varieties of MSW

Waste related to MSW is divided into 2 categories:

  • biological - those that are also called garbage;
  • non-biological - ordinary household waste.

Consequently, municipal solid waste includes most of the urban waste. Biological MSW is food and plant waste, bones, etc. Non-biological waste is synthetic waste (glass, plastic, cellulose, textiles, polyethylene, etc.)

Differences between MSW and MSW

MSW - municipal solid waste. MSW - solid biological waste. The first concept officially, according to the established law, supplanted the second. Therefore, MSW remained only in colloquial speech, it no longer appears in the documentation.

MSW waste is a broader concept than household waste. The thing is that MSW includes not only waste that is regularly taken out of residential buildings and apartments, but also garbage that accumulates in offices and enterprises during the working day.

MSW and MSW carry the same meaning, so there is nothing terrible for an ordinary person to confuse these 2 concepts. These abbreviations are of great importance for enterprises and organizations involved in the collection and disposal of garbage near residential buildings and industrial buildings. After all, these enterprises work with documentation in which only the reduction of MSW appears.

Prior to the actions of Federal Law No. 438, payment for garbage collection consisted of the status of the premises - residential or non-residential, as well as the number of square meters. After the entry into force of this law, the payment for the garbage collection service depends on the status of the consumer - an individual or a legal entity.

The fact is that ordinary residents of apartments and houses accumulate and take out much less garbage than that obtained from enterprises and offices. Of course, the payment of the first will be much less than the second.

Thus, MSW and MSW are practically equivalent concepts. Only the first remained colloquial, while the second appears in documents and reports.

What kind of waste is classified as MSW according to FKKO?

A whole section is devoted to MSW waste in the Federal Classification Catalogue. In block number 7, you can find the categories to which this or that type of garbage belongs.

7 (30 000 00 00 0) - catalog number dedicated to municipal solid waste. The following is an "extract" from the FKKO, which reflects the lists of the main types of garbage:

7 31 110 01 72 4 unsorted waste from apartments
7 31 110 02 21 5 bulky waste from apartments
7 31 200 01 72 4 garbage and swept dirt collected from the streets
7 31 200 02 72 5 garbage collected after cleaning park areas
7 31 200 03 72 5 estimates and garbage collected from public flower beds and cemeteries
7 31 205 11 72 4 estimates collected near curbs near traffic roads
7 31 211 01 72 4 waste from snow retention gratings
7 31 211 11 39 4 plaque removal from snow melting equipment with a higher proportion of SiO 2
7 31 300 01 20 5 plant remains from lawns and flower beds
7 31 300 02 20 5 remnants of plant nature after cutting trees, cutting bushes
7 33 100 01 72 4 rubbish from office premises, small-sized
7 22 100 02 72 5 rubbish from office and household premises, which is practically not dangerous
7 33 151 01 72 4 garbage from floating vehicles not intended for the transport of people

This is not a complete list of MSW waste from FKKO. But already looking at a short excerpt from the catalog, you can see a lot of repetition with minor clarifications. There is no significant difference in this, except for differences in hazard categories.

Some types of MSW also belong to some other sections of the classification catalog: section No. 4 "Production and non-production consumption waste".

Collection rules

MSW waste is garbage that is subject to certain handling rules. All these rules are spelled out in the official document "On the treatment of MSW" dated November 12, 2016 No. 1156.

MSW waste management: collection, removal, disposal is carried out by a specially appointed regional organization, which is fully responsible for the actions taken.

Places for collecting garbage from residential premises are declared in an agreement concluded with such a regional organization. Most often, waste collection is carried out:

  • in single-use containers or packages provided by the given regional organization;
  • in containers, bins or other large containers placed on a specially designed site on the street;
  • in waste collection chambers located in residential buildings.

This applies to small waste. Larger ones are collected in the following places:

  • in special bunkers located on the sites;
  • in a designated area.

The main thing, while observing the rules of handling, is the separation of waste of hazard classes 1 and 2 from safe ones.

Disposal methods

There are several ways to dispose of municipal solid waste:

  • burial;
  • burning;
  • composting;
  • recycling.


Disposal of MSW waste is the most financially advantageous way to get rid of garbage. Financially profitable, but harmful to the environment, since many types of MSW do not decompose at all or it will take several tens, and possibly hundreds of years. In addition, burial requires the use of vast areas of land. For this, a special landfill is allocated for burial.

Landfills must be located behind residential areas, as well as away from water protection, recreational, medical and preventive, park areas.

Some recycled and landfilled wastes can release dangerous gases that can harm the environment. Such landfill gas also needs to be collected and disposed of.

Thus, we can conclude that burial has only one advantage over other methods of MSW disposal - cheapness.


Incineration of MSW waste is the most common method of disposal. After burning garbage, only ash remains from it, which is easier to eliminate than the original form of municipal solid waste.

The disadvantage of incineration is that a large amount of harmful and even dangerous substances are released into the atmosphere during combustion. Therefore, it is forbidden to carry out the process of recycling a huge amount of garbage in this way in the open. To do this, use special furnaces that have the function of neutralizing the emitted gases.

The advantages of this method of MSW disposal include small financial costs, as well as the fact that after incineration, nothing remains from garbage but ash, which is easy to dispose of. If the process of waste incineration is rationally approached, then the generated heat can be used to produce heating and/or electricity.

One of the methods of safe waste incineration - pyrolysis - has been developed. Its essence lies in the thermal elimination of waste, but without the presence of air. Thus, no harmful gases and fumes are formed in the process and no harmful gases and fumes are emitted.


Composting is only applicable to vegetable or food waste, as composting is nothing but decomposition. Organic waste collected together is exposed to microorganisms, which, by their activity, turn the waste into compost.

Compost is considered the best type of fertilizer, since it consists exclusively of organic raw materials. This type of fertilizer is widely used in agriculture.

For MSW composting, a piece of land remote from residential areas is allocated, where there is a lot of moisture and shade, and there is also the possibility of removing excess moisture.

If we judge the advantages of this method, then there are several of them:

  • safety for the environment;
  • cheapness;
  • obtaining fertilizer useful for agriculture;
  • improving the condition of the land on which the composting process is carried out.

There are few disadvantages:

  • allocation of a large area of ​​land;
  • an unpleasant odor released during the decay process.

With the help of composting, it is possible to safely dispose of 35% of the total amount of MSW. But in order for this recycling process to go smoothly, it is required to sort organic waste from synthetic. To do this, some yards install separate containers for plastic, glass, etc. In European countries, this has been practiced for a long time.

In Russia, there is an active collection system for used batteries, old light bulbs, used mercury thermometers.


Some MSW waste can find a "second life". For this, a recycling method is used. This method allows not only several times to reduce the amount of waste, but also significantly save natural resources.

The following types of waste are subject to recycling:

  • ferrous and non-ferrous metals, which are sent under pressure and then for remelting;
  • wood, which helps reduce tree cutting;
  • plastic, but the recycling of this material is much more expensive than its primary production;
  • glass, which is recycled for use in construction;
  • oil products (oils, asphalt);
  • waste paper that goes to the manufacture of new paper;
  • used electronics.

Hazard Class

The vast majority of waste related to MSW have hazard classes 4 and 5. Class 5 includes the most environmentally friendly waste, class 4 - low-hazard.

When disposing of the 5th class of waste, no official confirmations and drawing up a passport for garbage are required. This type of MSW waste includes saw cuts and log cabins of trees, bush branches, leaves, garbage collected from park and alley areas. All this can be exported and liquidated without licenses and other documents.

Due to the risk of infection with the coronavirus COVID-19, mass events have been canceled in many cities of Russia. Stay tuned for news and changes in the dates of conferences and exhibitions.

    The meaning of classification of individual MSW components arises from their separate collection. The hazard class that the FKKO gives us for one or another component of municipal solid waste actually determines the need for a license when collecting them. So, for example, for the separate collection and disposal of clean PET bottles. (4 34 181 01 51 5 scrap and waste products made of polyethylene terephthalate uncontaminated) no license required.

    However, in reality, food packaging has the remains of drinks and food - food waste. Such plastic packaging falls under a different FCC code (4 38 196 42 52 4 packaging made of dissimilar polymeric materials contaminated with food products) and has IV hazard class. This applies to almost all plastic packaging containing food residues, such as 4 38 118 02 51 4 food-contaminated plastic packaging.

    It turns out that for the separate collection and disposal of plastic packaging, a license is still required.

    But a license is not required to collect waste paper, because. The main types of waste paper are classified as hazard class V waste:

  • 4 05 121 01 20 5 cardboard waste (except electrical insulating, roofing and shoe) with black and white and color printing
  • 4 05 122 01 60 5 used books, magazines, brochures, brochures, catalogs
  • 4 05 122 02 60 5 paper and cardboard waste from clerical activities and office work
  • 4 05 122 03 60 5 newspaper waste
  • 4 05 122 11 60 5 waste paper labels
  • 4 05 123 11 60 5 printed products with black and white printing that have lost their consumer properties

In view of the fact that the hazard class is determined by the one from whom the waste is generated, one should be guided by the general principle of minimizing the hazard class, i.e. it is necessary to choose the FKKO code with the lowest hazard class, with a similar description.

It is not required to confirm the hazard class of the waste included in the FKKO (clause 2 of article 14 of the 89-FZ "On production and consumption waste").

Alexey Maslennikov